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You know what, Phyll....so many things have gotten out of hand. DS is taking my baby (100lb lab) to the vet this afternoon. He is going for his annual check, shots, toe nail clipping, flee/tick treatment and the vet to look at his toe that he broke over the weekend. I am sure this will add up to more than I will pay for medical bills this year on myself. But, he's our baby and we do it. :sleep:

Speaking of taking Tanker to the vet...I have not been able to do it for about 6 yrs. He has HATED that place since he had to leave his governors there when he was 2 (testicles). He will get out of the truck but has to be carried to the door. And, when you get him to the door of the clinic, DS has to back in with him cuz he spreads his legs out and puts them on the door jam and there's no moving him. It was quite the show the last time I tried it alone. Had to holler to have someone get the vet to carry him in. I was in tears because the poor 100lb baby was shaking like a leaf for an hour in the clinic. DS is a strapping young man and takes everything he has to get him in the door.

Our cat usually hides when she sees the cat carrier appear. But she didn't do that last week.. went willingly. I took her on my scooter.. she hollered all the way over and all the way back. But she was pretty good.. only tried to bite the vet once!!!


Arlene - Queen for the Day Congratulations, my friend.

Correction re: My doctors fees. I rechecked today and a fill is $130 (whether doc or assistant administers it) and appt w/o fill is $65.

We discussed my decision to move slowly and he advised (and added) .5cc. He is very happy with my progress (average 7 lbs a month) and I need not return for 5 weeks. yippee

P.S. I showed him my baggy underwear and he confirmed the scale does not always reflect all the success. Sure I gave him a laugh for the day.

Ah, ha!!!.... You flashed your underwear! NOW I see where you got that reputation you told me about!! LOL!! Nice chatting with you today!


Joyce...congrats on the 7lbs and your continued and steady loss. Brave girl showing your doc your undies:redface: Does your doc's office give treats if you show them?

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Phyl - My PT advised (regarding gym workouts) -- because of knee replacement on degenerative joint disease in hip -- low resistance and high repetition on bike and elliptical. She assured me weight loss will not be affected. But - even if it is affected - at 67 yrs young - I can't live with the pain of aggravated joints (new or old).

Congrats on getting back to the gym for both of us.

Ah.... good info! I will remember that! I had the resistance on the bike up to 5 today... probably better, then, to keep it down to about 3 and increase my time. I did have some pain in my hip joints and knee.... the good one, after my 12 minutes on the recumbent yesterday. So probably too much resistance. I really enjoyed the workout today.. just have to work out the bugs of using my iTouch, and build some appropriate workout playlists.

Apples and Joyce........I most humbly accept the crown. Thanks!

Oh, Joyce, WTG on the undie Flash!

Congrats, QUEEN!!


Joyce, yes, what your pt told you sounds about like what I read -- harder exercise does not equate to "better". If knees hurt I wouldn't use any resistance -- just getting your heart rate up aerobically should be beneficial to weight/fat loss.

Apples, your description of Tanker going to the vet is so funny - reminds me of my previous dog - just a 15 lb. daushound/terrior mix but she knew how to put the "brakes" on when we would take her to vet or groomer. Lucky for me she was easy to pick up -- poor Tanker. CBL Linda

Vet $$$$... ridiculous! $30 for the rabies shot, $48 for the exam!! DH has a fit every year when I take the cat in.. wants me to find a cheaper way to get her shots. I say, she's 13 yrs old... she needs a yearly vet check-up! Then they tried to sell me a bottle ... mouth wash, basically... put drops in her Water to help prevent calculus on her teeth! It was $23!!! And a lifetime supply for several cats!! I said NO THANK YOU!

Linda...Tanker just returned home with DS. Putting the brakes on is just how he described the trip in to the clinic. And, yes, he had to carry him in again...quivering the entire time. Vet says his toe is broken all the way around and just hanging on. He will most likely lose it but will be OK and can deal without a toe. Big, big day at our house. Would have put out a call for prayers but don't want to use them up. Have a kid (youngest DS) that is on the fence on going to Iraq or Afghanistan (he actually wants this) and might need those prayers through his 2 yr contract over there. Long story short...career wise...good move and exciting job. Mom wise...I think he's nuts but will support his decision.

YIKES!! That's a tough one! TWO YEARS???? Too long! Too dangerous! I'm with you, Mom! Nuts!

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Hi my name is Becca. Im 29 and am just waiting on insurance approval for the surgery. I have been to the seminar and consulted with my surgeon. I am soo nervous and sick about insurance approving me. I would love to have a buddy to talk to on here about their experiences.

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Well Gang...heading out by 6:30am. Have a dental appt, coffee with a friend and then off to the lake until Monday afternoon. Should find out tomorrow what the plan is for the teeth. I know whatever I do will cost a bit more than a bundle of $$$ but I consider this cosmetic stint what I would have spent on plastic surgery had I felt I needed it. Heck, as Janet just said the other day...we look good with our clothes on. I just want a nice smile.

DS's decision is strictly his and I will not try to influence him. Think this decision has to do with wanting this exciting job...more than for the $$$. It would be working for the mililtary as a civilian. If I were a young man (or woman) with his experience and had an opportunity to do what is offered, I would jump at it. His stint with the Air Guards is up in Oct and he has put 10 yrs in. I really am proud of him but the 2 yr contract thing seems like a mightly long comitment. Oh well, we have always been available if our sons needed or wanted our advice but they have always been left to make their own decisions. I live with a faith that it's out of my hands and out of his hands once he makes that decision. That higher power is the one in control. And, I can live with that and will.

You all have a wonderful week. Ours will be cold and rainy again. The weatherman will have to earn his way back into my good graces. It's been in the 50s most of the week, wet and windy. Not supposed to be above 53 all weekend. Snuggle time!


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A quick update before hitting the sack. Must get up early. Both Dassi and myself have been invited to be Boomers handlers tomorrow on the "Today" show for the adopt this pet of the week.

So, excited. Of course....this can all change in the AM but as of now its a go. So, turn on your tubes to channel 4. We will be on the 8:30 segment. If you dont end up seeing us youl def see our Boomer!!

We will be either on or behind but so excited. Cant wait!!

Hit pay dirt tonight. You know sometimes things happen for a reason and we never know why. Well....ive got to say that being nice to my step mother Sunday was a good thing...not only because it was the right thing to do for Dassi but apparently for me too!! We made a date to come to her house to visit this evening. Turns out when we arrived my SM tells me...listen I know that you lost 35 pounds in the last month you must be in need of some clothing....it just happens that Ive been looking to give all my corporate clothing away now that im retired for 6 months and will never wear any of these clothes again..so they are size 14. Would you want them??

Would I not???? Heck sure would!! So after dinner.. Dassi spent time with her dog and boomer and her new husband in yard and we went through her fabulous fabulous to die for closet!! Now, I remembered she dressed nicely..but haleluya she is a coldwater creek and Chico fan! Like me. Then there were some fabulous designor outfits that must have cost a small fortune. Every single thing I put on fit like a glove!!!

She was so happy to finially get all of it out of her house and I was so happy that she was giving it all to me.

Then she gave me three pair of shoes and two pairs of sandles. I swear they looked never even worn. Jewelry to match!

I was like holy toledo!! Pay dirt. Then she tells me this is just the stuff she went through...she just started with the summer stuff and when winter comes...shel have a whole wardrobe to give me for winter. I told her I was hoping to be a smaller size by then...and she said....Jodi youl take the clothes and get them made smaller they are worth a small fortune. hmmm she had a good point.

SO you all know what this means??? Now...I deff have to keep up this relationship now!! You know its not such a bad thing...Im glad that we went there and even if she didnt give me anything Im still glad we went. We made plans for next Wednesday for dinner and to come watch Dassi at Karate.

This is a good thing...complicated for sure but good. As you said Linda.....this was my mother too for 14 yrs. Ive missed her and tonight she showed me pictures of us and said...I never let your father take these as I wanted some memories of my favorite kid. Lol sure, every mom says this but was so touched and the sorry ass that I am.....started bawling like that kid and then her and Dassi was like yikes.....but it was all good. Healing for all of us.

In any case.....Must run. Long day. 7:30 on set in Manhattan and then back home drop off dog then drop off Dassi then to work then to support group at night.. wow long day.

well night all> have a great week.

Watch for me tomorrow wearing new clothes that fit!!!

Linda thanks for the info and I am so making that zuchini recipe next week for shavuot. We eat dairy foods traditionally on this holiday and boy oh boy that sounds so yummy!!

Any other dairy recpies like this or others..please feel free; lol I will try anything once. Notice the emphasis on try.

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Hi Becca - lots of fellow banders here and we will all be happy to be buddies. Hope your insurance approval will come thru quickly.

Joyce in KC

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Jodi - wow - karma is coming your way via new clothes and a renewed relationship with you SM. How exciting that you might be on Today show tomorrow - and, if not, will be there for the dog.

Wonderful to hear such good news.

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Apples, re: Benson...yes, ask your friends and let me know what they say. We had a nice visit with our friends....it was a kid explosion when we walked in...4 kids, 2 of the around 3 years old and 2 babies...I held the 7 month old for hours and actually enjoyed it. In case you can't tell, I'm not much of a kid person since I've never really been around them much. Sorry about Tanker...poor toe, is it his dew claw (sp?) Glimmer isn't thrilled with the vet either and shakes really bad, but I don't have to carry her through the door either. Keep my fingers cross about your youngest. I know you will support whatever decision he makes.

Janet, regarding yesterday's post....exfoliating, tanner, etc...you must be beautiful now!! I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. {{HUGS}}. I'm glad you have such fond memories of him, it's a good way to remember him.

Joyce, I didn't get stuck and PB until my 3rd fill....now I'm pretty familiar with the experience and don't like it much, but I still forget and eat too fast and don't chew enough. I think it doesn't matter how old we are we still need to learn stuff. Congrats on the 7lbs....great job!!

Laura, my fills are all self-pay and are $100 with fluoro. Of course that doesn't take into account the flight to San Diego, rental car, etc. Unless I loose another 60 pounds, I doubt I'll need another fill because I'm pretty right there most of the time....I'd be afraid to get any more fill because getting an unfill would be very difficult for me.

Arlene, I'm sorry that your Mom is having such a hard time. I bet those flowers will help a lot. Egg beaters aren't the worst thing you could eat...at least they are Protein. Congrats on the 2 pounds....you are doing amazing and I'm proud of you sticking to your program.

LauraK...glad you survived the encounter...it is amazing watching some people eat now isn't it? When do you leave? And who is telling you what you are doing?

Jessica, look how up beat you are especially encouraging your DH about working out. He is very good to you. You sound like you are in a better place than last week. Hang in there, school is almost out. It's cool you are close to the same weight as DH. I finally weigh less than my DH and that hasn't happened in decades.

Phyl, I can't do the recumbent bike because of my hips...it really aggravate them. I do the regular old up right bike and that works okay. Maybe you can give that one a try and see if it hurts your hip/knee. I think riding bikes is really hard on knees, it's what hurts the most when I'm riding a lot.

Hi Jodi, how's the dog sitting going?

Well DH is feeling better and I'm not. I only put 8 hours in today at work and I'm only going to do 8 hours tomorrow. I came home and made chicken veggie Soup with cayenne and I'm going to go to bed early tonight (I hope). I don't want to be sick and out of town.

I'm going to post my chicken soup recipe...some of you might like it. It's easy and pretty much home made.


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Jodi, must have been posting at the same time...wow what a windfall for you. Enjoy those clothes!!

chicken veggie Soup.< /p>

Take boneless, skinless chicken thighs or breast and cut up into bite size pieces. Coat with a mixture of spices such as, Mrs. Dash (what ever flavor you like) or I use the organic no salt mixture from costco, salt and pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, celery salt, paprika, cayenne (if you like it)...I use something different every time and fry it in a no stick skillet until browned. While it's cooking, I cut up celery, onions, carrots, mushrooms, fresh corn, or what ever veggie I have on hand or am in the mood for. When the chicken is done I add the veggies and either move the whole mess to a bigger pot or just use a large high sided skillet and cook the veggies a little bit. I add chicken broth or Water with "better than bouillon" stock base. Bring to a boil and simmer a few minutes and it's done. I've used boxed broth or home made broth or what ever works for you. It takes less than an hour and the soup is wonderful. The veggies are still crisp and the chicken has lots of flavor and really enhances the prepackaged broth. I usually add the cayenne for a bit of a bite.

I didn't give you quantities because you can tailor the ingredients to your own particular taste...it's more the method...brown the chicken until cooked through, add fresh veggies and broth. Yum.

Have a great night everyone.


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Arlene...forgot to mention this...what a nice daughter to take your mother a nice bouquet. That was so sweet.

Linda...Tanker just returned home with DS. Putting the brakes on is just how he described the trip in to the clinic. And, yes, he had to carry him in again...quivering the entire time. Vet says his toe is broken all the way around and just hanging on. He will most likely lose it but will be OK and can deal without a toe. Big, big day at our house. Would have put out a call for prayers but don't want to use them up. Have a kid (youngest DS) that is on the fence on going to Iraq or Afghanistan (he actually wants this) and might need those prayers through his 2 yr contract over there. Long story short...career wise...good move and exciting job. Mom wise...I think he's nuts but will support his decision.

Janet...sorry for your sad news. When someone special like that passes, what comes across my mind is "Life will just never be what it was without them". Not really negative thinking just a true fact of life. I'm sorry you lost him.

Karen - Hugs & Prayers !!!! I hope he doesn't take the job for your sake..

Mr. Williams - was a very nice man - haven't seen him in years - I see his wife every now and then - They were like 2nd set of parents to me.. He had a good life - I think funeral will be 5/15 -

All the dogs got fixed as soon as they could(like 3 months) - so they aren't too bad when going to the vet cant say they love it - but they aren't like tanker.. That's 2 funny - how did he break his toe..

Karen - my thoughts and prayers are with you regarding your son and his future.

Tanker story is delightful. Dogs don't forget negative experiences.

Janet - I know you will miss this very special person. So sorry to hear.

Charlene, I used to mix my carnation instant Breakfast (choc) with banana sf pudding, I even found pistascio, butterscotch in sf. Sometimes I would add pb to them also. The pudding would make it thicker like a milk shake.

Apples, I will keep your DS in my prayers and thoughts. He will make to right decision for him.

My Isaac, a mini dash, shakes like a baby anytime I take him some where. He acts like a killer beast and home and a big timid baby every where else.

Congrats Joyce and Charlene on the loses.

Laura K

Laura K Jello makes a white choc sf pudding - I think I am going to try that

Our cat usually hides when she sees the cat carrier appear. But she didn't do that last week.. went willingly. I took her on my scooter.. she hollered all the way over and all the way back. But she was pretty good.. only tried to bite the vet once!!!


Sheba - Didn't like the carrier at all - just ask Eva she was with me when we picked her up from getting fix..

Hi my name is Becca. Im 29 and am just waiting on insurance approval for the surgery. I have been to the seminar and consulted with my surgeon. I am soo nervous and sick about insurance approving me. I would love to have a buddy to talk to on here about their experiences.

Becca - Welcome - ask away - we are here for you

Well Gang...heading out by 6:30am. Have a dental appt, coffee with a friend and then off to the lake until Monday afternoon. Should find out tomorrow what the plan is for the teeth. I know whatever I do will cost a bit more than a bundle of $$$ but I consider this cosmetic stint what I would have spent on plastic surgery had I felt I needed it. Heck, as Janet just said the other day...we look good with our clothes on. I just want a nice smile.

DS's decision is strictly his and I will not try to influence him. Think this decision has to do with wanting this exciting job...more than for the $$$. It would be working for the mililtary as a civilian. If I were a young man (or woman) with his experience and had an opportunity to do what is offered, I would jump at it. His stint with the Air Guards is up in Oct and he has put 10 yrs in. I really am proud of him but the 2 yr contract thing seems like a mightly long comitment. Oh well, we have always been available if our sons needed or wanted our advice but they have always been left to make their own decisions. I live with a faith that it's out of my hands and out of his hands once he makes that decision. That higher power is the one in control. And, I can live with that and will.

You all have a wonderful week. Ours will be cold and rainy again. The weatherman will have to earn his way back into my good graces. It's been in the 50s most of the week, wet and windy. Not supposed to be above 53 all weekend. Snuggle time!


Have a great time Karen - Happy Mother's Day

A quick update before hitting the sack. Must get up early. Both Dassi and myself have been invited to be Boomers handlers tomorrow on the "Today" show for the adopt this pet of the week.

So, excited. Of course....this can all change in the AM but as of now its a go. So, turn on your tubes to channel 4. We will be on the 8:30 segment. If you dont end up seeing us youl def see our Boomer!!

We will be either on or behind but so excited. Cant wait!!

Hit pay dirt tonight. You know sometimes things happen for a reason and we never know why. Well....ive got to say that being nice to my step mother Sunday was a good thing...not only because it was the right thing to do for Dassi but apparently for me too!! We made a date to come to her house to visit this evening. Turns out when we arrived my SM tells me...listen I know that you lost 35 pounds in the last month you must be in need of some clothing....it just happens that Ive been looking to give all my corporate clothing away now that im retired for 6 months and will never wear any of these clothes again..so they are size 14. Would you want them??

Would I not???? Heck sure would!! So after dinner.. Dassi spent time with her dog and boomer and her new husband in yard and we went through her fabulous fabulous to die for closet!! Now, I remembered she dressed nicely..but haleluya she is a coldwater creek and Chico fan! Like me. Then there were some fabulous designor outfits that must have cost a small fortune. Every single thing I put on fit like a glove!!!

She was so happy to finially get all of it out of her house and I was so happy that she was giving it all to me.

Then she gave me three pair of shoes and two pairs of sandles. I swear they looked never even worn. Jewelry to match!

I was like holy toledo!! Pay dirt. Then she tells me this is just the stuff she went through...she just started with the summer stuff and when winter comes...shel have a whole wardrobe to give me for winter. I told her I was hoping to be a smaller size by then...and she said....Jodi youl take the clothes and get them made smaller they are worth a small fortune. hmmm she had a good point.

SO you all know what this means??? Now...I deff have to keep up this relationship now!! You know its not such a bad thing...Im glad that we went there and even if she didnt give me anything Im still glad we went. We made plans for next Wednesday for dinner and to come watch Dassi at Karate.

This is a good thing...complicated for sure but good. As you said Linda.....this was my mother too for 14 yrs. Ive missed her and tonight she showed me pictures of us and said...I never let your father take these as I wanted some memories of my favorite kid. Lol sure, every mom says this but was so touched and the sorry ass that I am.....started bawling like that kid and then her and Dassi was like yikes.....but it was all good. Healing for all of us.

In any case.....Must run. Long day. 7:30 on set in Manhattan and then back home drop off dog then drop off Dassi then to work then to support group at night.. wow long day.

well night all> have a great week.

Watch for me tomorrow wearing new clothes that fit!!!

Linda thanks for the info and I am so making that zuchini recipe next week for shavuot. We eat dairy foods traditionally on this holiday and boy oh boy that sounds so yummy!!

Any other dairy recpies like this or others..please feel free; lol I will try anything once. Notice the emphasis on try.

Jodi - DS just called so I was sitting in front of the t.v. and will be recording the today show - you gotta tell us what you are wearing..

WTG on the clothes - Yes being good brings good to you..

Jodi, must have been posting at the same time...wow what a windfall for you. Enjoy those clothes!!

chicken veggie Soup.< /p>

Take boneless, skinless chicken thighs or breast and cut up into bite size pieces. Coat with a mixture of spices such as, Mrs. Dash (what ever flavor you like) or I use the organic no salt mixture from costco, salt and pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, celery salt, paprika, cayenne (if you like it)...I use something different every time and fry it in a no stick skillet until browned. While it's cooking, I cut up celery, onions, carrots, mushrooms, fresh corn, or what ever veggie I have on hand or am in the mood for. When the chicken is done I add the veggies and either move the whole mess to a bigger pot or just use a large high sided skillet and cook the veggies a little bit. I add chicken broth or Water with "better than bouillon" stock base. Bring to a boil and simmer a few minutes and it's done. I've used boxed broth or home made broth or what ever works for you. It takes less than an hour and the soup is wonderful. The veggies are still crisp and the chicken has lots of flavor and really enhances the prepackaged broth. I usually add the cayenne for a bit of a bite.

I didn't give you quantities because you can tailor the ingredients to your own particular taste...it's more the method...brown the chicken until cooked through, add fresh veggies and broth. Yum.

Have a great night everyone.


Eva - Ya I'm gorgeous lol .. do like the color of my hair - I went to the beauty supply store - I love the color - so I guess I will be going back their in a few weeks..

Hugs hope you don't get sick - Wish I had some of your ck soup right now sounds good.

Well gang not much to report - tomorrow's my friday - (friday is my furlough friday) excited about having a girls weekend w/my gf candy - Going to leave friday morning and come home Sunday morning -- Going to Temecula - wine tasting - visit their Old town area - and go to pechanga (indian casino)

Well like I said DS called - and it 's 9 now - and I need to go eat...


Hugs & Love to all

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Janet, sorry to hear about your friend's dad, but it's so nice of you to have such great memories of him in your life.

Jodi, I'll be taping the Today show, do hope we get to see you there!!

Had a pedicure and nails done after work so home late -- feels like I've hardly had an evening.

DB still in hospital - has a bad infection -- his surgery was two weeks ago tomorrow -- but biopsies came back clean thank goodness.

Happy Mother's Day Apples. Have a great weekend -- sorry it's still cold up there. Sounds like you have a good attitude when it comes to your son's decisions -- it's hard but we gotta let them live their lives -- but I know it's hard to let them to do that when it comes to dangerous jobs like that.

Jodi, congrats on the clothes -- that's really fantastic.

Phyl, wtg on the gym -- you are rocking it girlfriend!!

Arlene, those shakes sound good - may have to try a few myself -- have some sf pudding in the cupboard.

Well, gotta get to bed, 11:30 here and must be up at 5 to go to gym.

Eva, hope you feel better, Soup sounded good.

Love to you all and have a great day tomorrow!


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Up eating my 1st breakfast...I am sure I will be up again at 3am for another. Just like a newborn.

Forgot about Mother's Day when I posted.

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to ALL..yes, Eva, that includes you. I know what a good mother you are to your babies!

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Julie...haven't seen a post for a bit. Hope you are doing OK.

Will talk to you all Monday!

Apples, we will miss your posts.....Happy Mother's Day to you too!

Janet, Hugs on your loss. I hope you have a great weekend with your girlfriend. Sounds like a great Mother's Day outing. Happy Mother's Day to you!

Laura K.....thanks for the shake tip. I might add some sf pudding to my Protein Shake.

Welcome Becca!

Eva.....Yum! on the recipe. I will have to try it when I can eat again.

Julie......are you okay?

Laura.....hope you had a safe trip to NC.

Thanks again to all of you for the props. You keep me going!

I am off the buy some sf syrups at an import place across the city. Also my DD and I are shopping for a double stroller being she will have a toddler and a newborn to haul around .

Have a great Day!

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Happy Mother's Day to all.

Dropping off my laptop for virus cleanup and maintainence, so won't be on-line much for a couple days. Then on to the gym for a workout.


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Hi guys~ Just finished reading the posts. I take one day off and I get so behind!

Jodi~ Wow! WTG on scoring the clothes and the rekindled relationship. They are both awesome.

Eva~ that Soup sounds great. Have never made a chicken soup with cooking chicken in skillet before (always cook whole chicken or chicken breasts on bone- boiled in the broth). Will try it. Have a good weekend- hope DH is feeling better.

Apples~ Safe trip to the lake!!! Give Tanker a hug from Auntie Laura and hope the toe feels better. Oh my! on DS going overseas. uh, my heart goes out to you! I know you are so proud and scared all at the same time. I know how strong you were when they were both over there. hugs.

Janet~ sorry too for the death of your old neighbor. Sounded like a great man- love the stories of him playing games with you guys and always inviting you on vacation.

Arlene~ WTG on the weight loss!!!!!!!!

Julie~ I second what apples said, hope you are ok. Haven't heard from you in a couple days.

Linda~ Have a great weekend and wtg on the gym so early! Are you feeling better after the PB at work from the Vitamin?

Was 219 this morning- that's 3 more lbs! NSV- I fit in a size 16 skirt/with shorts under it, that I have been saving since a month after surgery. I saw it in the store last spring and thought ONE day I will wear this. It didn't look GREAT, but I was so thrilled, I wore it anyway today. I am taking Protein Powder, some prot. bars and muscle milks with me to NC. I will not gain like i did last month when we went. I know my parents will not be offended if I don't eat- they understand. My sister gets upset with me though. She thinks I am trying to show that I have better "control" or something. I tried explaining that this has NOTHING to do with her.

This morning was Nelson's Mothers' Day tea at his school. OMW... what a cute cute morning! They sang "Everybody loves a Saturday night!" and then changed the lyrics to Mother stuff. And then they sang the I love you song. Nels made a handmade heart pin with crooked rhinestones on it. Just love it! I love the laughter of little kids- wish we could bottle it! (we'd cure everyone of everything!) oh, Nelson did his TKD testing last night and got his camo belt. I will post a pic. Sorry for lots of Nelson stuff. :bored:

Nelson's best friend, Nick, is having a horrible time. The kid is 6 years old and found his 10 year old golden retriever dead last night. He is devastated and really really not handling it well. You dog lovers- is there anything that helps? Is it too early to give him a pic of his pet? I took a great photo of him and the dog at Halloween. Just feel like doing something. Or just get a toy- and nothing dog related? His mom said he told her to do something- bring him back! He promised to be good for the rest of his life and said she could have all his toys! When she called me last night crying; I bawled for like an hour. So sad.

Hope everyone has a great mothers day!!! I am sure I will touch base some from NC. Thanks for the safe travel wishes!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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