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Good evening, went to a study group lead by my micro teacher today. Hopefully I caught something from it. Also working on a blog for film class. Struggling with the internet. I had it done but lost it when I clicked post. Very frustrating. It happened several times so I took a break from it. Thankfully I have it saved in word.

I didn't realize shrimp was an issue. I have been eating it all along until lunch today. I had 3 and it came back up. I have been drinking diet soda too. Haven't had any issues with it. I haven't had diet soda since my last fill either so we shall see. It is just a try and see thing. Everyone is different.

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Hi Gang! Well, I am so tired today. I think I am a little dehydrated so I gotta hit the Water this eve. It is in the 90's today and I love it!

My mom calls me all day complaining about the rehab place. I will be glad when she goes back to her apartment. I am a little concerned. She has bad sweats at night. I hope it is the infection coming out of her and not her heart. I am going to spend the morning with her before I go to nutrition class. I started crocheting a shawl to put on her shoulders. That gets my mind off of food. There are days like today I just want to EAT! I did eat a low fat cheese stick.

I am anxious to weigh in tomorrow. I hope I am down at least a LB.

Okay peeps, I will check in tomorrow.


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Arlene...hang in there on the food issues. You are doing so great. It's a pretty strict food plan and I am very proud of you for sticking to it the way you do. I also hope that your mother's night sweat issues is nothing serious.

I never heard a cross word out of my GM's mouth until she was put in a retirement home. She had her wits about her right up until the time she passed at 86. But, after going in the home she started swearing like a drunken sailor. She wanted to go home and that was it.

Jessica...shrimp was one of the first things I tried after going out to eat after banding. It always went well until one time last summer. I ate three and was miserable for about 4 hours. Have eaten it many times since then and no problems. Fickle, fickle band. Like someone was saying to Joyce...kind of a hit and miss thing. Ya just gotta try things to see what works. And, what works one day might just not work the next.

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I eat shrimp with no problems -- yes, it's known to cause problems so we need to chew it well, but so far so good (knocking on wood). I even had a mussel and clam the other night and no problems. Actually popcorn was listed as a food that might give us problems, but thankfully I can eat that (and do eat it almost every day). I haven't had a soda since being banded and don't really miss it. I've never had a problem using a straw either. I cannot eat any kind of bread any more -- I really miss that the most -- I love a good burger once in awhile but every time I've tried to eat the thin Buns it's a no go. I do really miss that. I can't eat much rice either -- a few bites and I'm stuffed if I try to eat it. But other people can eat it with no problem -- it's just all an education -- each person is very different. The basic rule is to chew well though.

Arlene, sorry to hear about your Mom being unhappy - some times those places are just not the best place to be - especially when you're used to being independent as I'm sure she is. Good going on being good with your food today.

Oh Apples, I've also done the shoe thing too -- in fact I did it one time during a power outage - cause I couldn't see they were different (so I had a good excuse). LOL.

Gotta run. CBL.


Edited by ljv52

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Ok Multi's not working !!! So Here I go by memory

Laura - Head Hunger - wanting to eat even when you are full - gf - that me mostly every night !!!! It was me at lunch today - like someone - Linda or was it Charlene - today they just wanted to eat everything - that was me - I was in a funk for some reason - I had my yogurt/granola - kept going in the kitchen hoping someone brought something (hell when I want the Cookies cake etc it's not there) we some one did bring in mini Bagels - 120 for the whole thing - I ate 1/2 plan - well it filled me up and truely wasn't hungry for lunch - but did that stop me - nope went and ate some of my turkey meat loaf and a couple of bites of my green Beans - was I physically hungry - nope - but oh it tasted good -

Then in this funk - I had myself talked out of going to the gym - oh your weight is good - you are tired - you don't really need to go - but on the drive home - the good angel on my right shoulder said - Janet - you didn't work out on Saturday - You won't be working out this coming Saturday - if you skip today - that's going to be the trigger that lets you tell yourself you don't have to go to the gym at all (Beckism - if you give yourself permission for unplanned treats - the more you do that - the more you have them (unplaned treats) - So I took my butt to the gym and did 3 miles - but guess what then my sunglasses just dissappeared - I looked everywhere for them - vanished..

Apples - Like you I am not a big medicine taker either - so I hear you and that cookie incident a month ago - got me in hot Water - But gosh bless it - pple wake up... I am a holy roller lapband girl - I'm all about the healthy (98% of the time)

Linda - hugs on the stuck - I had a pretty bad one a while back - infact think I had the stomach spasama that Apples was talking about..

OMG girl you get it don't you - (kid issues) Andrew tells me I a grumpy all the time - it's just that he is a kid and just cuz it can be fixed it's ok - I'm not grumpy - I just hate when things don't go smoothly - it shouldn't have to be fixed - then this afternoon he calls me and ask who should he call - I said I don't know figure it out - well don't you insure carpet pple - I said nope (I do but) so anyway he calls back said he found someone for $100 buck will try and streach it back - Friday his pay day..

I don't do much bread- but will every now and then - like Saturday nite ate the top off the garlic bread - I can't really eat it without getting too full too fast..

Like you sometimes I think I am just a tad too tight - but I guess that's more a mental thing cuz I am not wasting away so the amount of food I am eating is maintaning my weight

I have a place Island yogurt that has fat free/sugar free yogurt - Tart - 70 cal for 4 oz - I love it - the pineapple has like 80 - but still you can have a big bowl and not be worried that you are consuming 500 calories like you would if you ate a bowl of real ice cream..

Apples - I went to the gym a few weeks back w/2 diff tennis shoes on - my bedroom is dark - so I just grabbed my shoe threw them on and went - as I am doing leg presses I notice I have 2 diff shoes on - and one time at an Insurance Women Conference - I had 2 diff color white shoes on.. Lucky I could just go upstairs and change them :thumbup:

Jodi - I eat steak - but it has to be filet migon from costco - rib eye can be to string and ny steak too tough - tiny bites eat slowly and chew well you really should be able to eat everything - and like apples said - our bands can be fickle - you can eat something all the time then the next time you eat it you get stuck.. Avocados can give me a problem if I eat them too fast..

it's a trial and error situation - I want to be able to eat everything - and you are suppose to - you aren't suppose to be so thight that you can only eat mushies - this leads you to eat bad foods

Jodie - WTG on your 5 lbs !!!

Charlene - it was you who was hungry today - Girl I am proud of you I doubt I could do this shake thing like you - you are committed and may it's just what you needed to get your brain on the right track.. WTG

Jewel - I don't think they should tell pple that foods will be an issue - it's all over this board - just cuz one person can't eat something doesn't mean another cant..

Soda;s beer - can't do - it fills up my tummy - like I said about once every 6 months I may have a diet dr pepper that I have flatten ..

Well gang - with the stupid computer issues I went and colored my hair - then exfoliated and applied my self tanner - and posting - it's 8:33 - I need to go eat.. and watch Idol :0)

So I will cb in the morning

Hugs & love to all that I missed but I know you understand :0)



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Evening ladies I've been avoiding the thread because I've been distracted....AGAIN. I'm easily distracted in case you haven't noticed.

I ate too much for dinner. Now it wasn't all bad, broccoli and some salami, but it was too much. I really need to start loggin my food and paying attention, but of course, I'm distracted....AGAIN.

DH has been sick, really sick..he even stayed home from work yesterday. I think he's coming around now though, still coughing badly. Well, I'm not sure that I'm not catching it. I'm trying to stay away and keep myself healthy....keep your fingers crossed. I'm going to Oregon this weekend and Delaware next weekend and I don't want to be sick and traveling.

Sorry, this is just about me...I'll try and be better tomorrow. Love all of you guys and reading your posts are the best thing for me. Take care and I'll be back again.


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Linda - sorry for your stuck episode today. Can't imagine continuing to work and dealing with it. Sadly, I've experienced stuck, slime and vomiting since the band. Therapist advised me to consider these as learning experiences - getting to know my band and my new body. Mine only last about 15 minutes - but are miserable events.

Also thank you for encouragement to continue to fill. So scary when I've already been stuck to add more fill. But, I'm ready to move forward.

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Good morning y'all~

This is my last day to get things ready for NC. Tomorrow they are having a Mothers Day Tea & Show at Nelson's class. Awwww. Soooo cute when all these 4,5 and 6 year olds sing together!

I just got a bill for my last fill for $205. Question to you guys. I would do a poll but I am not sure how. Is there a different price if you have the RN or MD do your fill? Those of you whose insurance covered your bands- does it continue to cover fills as long as you have the insurance? What is your copay. Those without insurance- how much is your fill? How much are visits with your MD.

Sorry for the flyby. Need to get going- will CBL. peas/Laura

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Laura - my doc billed my insurance $1000 for a fill - I had a program fee - so I don't have to pay anything for 5 yrs no copay nada.. I gave them my new insurance when I was there last - but they billed my old insurance and I saw the amount on my eob.. Don't faint at the price cuz he's contracted w/my insurance and he will get paid like $250 and that's if..

Got some sad new this morning - my gf Kathy's (Joseph's godmother) Father passed away - the Williams had 8 kids we lived across the street from them - Mr. William owned a mens store - he was such a nice man - I remember him playing monopoly with us - even with 8 kids there was always room for one more - I was always at their house and would go on vacation w/them.. Lovely family....

Joyce - As you know I'm almost 3 yrs out and still haven't learned ;0) one more bite - eat too fast - don't chew - we forget about our bands some times.

well gotta hit the shower

cb tonite

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Good morning y'all~

This is my last day to get things ready for NC. Tomorrow they are having a Mothers Day Tea & Show at Nelson's class. Awwww. Soooo cute when all these 4,5 and 6 year olds sing together!

I just got a bill for my last fill for $205. Question to you guys. I would do a poll but I am not sure how. Is there a different price if you have the RN or MD do your fill? Those of you whose insurance covered your bands- does it continue to cover fills as long as you have the insurance? What is your copay. Those without insurance- how much is your fill? How much are visits with your MD.

Sorry for the flyby. Need to get going- will CBL. peas/Laura

I only paid my 35 dollar copay. I haven't had a fill in 2010 so I don't know what it will be when I really start using my band again.

I gave into my hunger last night, but I made a good choice. I ate 1/4c of eggbeaters. I am proud of myself. I didn't do carb loading.

I signed a contract saying I would stay on plan. I will probably tell them about the eggbeaters. I don't see why I can't have them for a snack.

Okay, I am off to my mother's to do her laundry. I bought a huge flower arrangement for Mother's Day. She will be thrilled. Maybe it will boost her spirits.

I will check in on the weight loss today.


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Linda, I posted last night but it didnt make it here. All went better than expected with the ex in laws. I survived, did feel like they were all watching me eat, but as my mom said they should have been watching how much they were eating. They are all big people and tend to really shovel it in. It was interesting to watch and know I used to participate in that feeding frenzy. yikes.

Last I knew we will be leaving June 21, should take us 3 days at 10 hrs @. I would love to meet you. I will keep you updated, (that's when I'm told what I'm doing) lol

Laura K

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Good morning y'all~

This is my last day to get things ready for NC. Tomorrow they are having a Mothers Day Tea & Show at Nelson's class. Awwww. Soooo cute when all these 4,5 and 6 year olds sing together!

I just got a bill for my last fill for $205. Question to you guys. I would do a poll but I am not sure how. Is there a different price if you have the RN or MD do your fill? Those of you whose insurance covered your bands- does it continue to cover fills as long as you have the insurance? What is your copay. Those without insurance- how much is your fill? How much are visits with your MD.

Sorry for the flyby. Need to get going- will CBL. peas/Laura

My son's school is doing the same thing. I am trying to decide if I am going to go. With the band issues I have been having lately it is a hit or miss on pbing or not. I would be so embarrassed if I didn't get to the bathroom in time. Have fun though.

CharleneK, I admire you sticking to your contract. It really seems to keep you accountable though.

Coloring my hair today then have therapy and lapband support group this afternoon. Hubby worked out with me today. He has a 26 bmi but feels way overweight. I tried to tell him he is pretty close to a healthy weight but he thinks he should weigh the same as when we got married. We were still kids then. 18 and 19. He is also a little unnerved that we are almost the same weight now. I guess it makes him feel over weight. Oh well, if he is working out he will gain confidence in his weight knowing he is doing his best.

Gotta go rinse and study. Have a great healthy day.

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Laura - I was self pay and my fills are covered for the first year (Feb. 2011). However, I saw a sign in office two weeks ago to notify price increase. $165 for a fill. It do not mention a difference if doctor or assistant gave fill.

There is another bariatric center in town that takes Medicare and I'm considering changing to it when my year ends.

Very little follow up thru current practice.

I'm always interested to see how prices differ in locations and in other practices.


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Good morning y'all~

This is my last day to get things ready for NC. Tomorrow they are having a Mothers Day Tea & Show at Nelson's class. Awwww. Soooo cute when all these 4,5 and 6 year olds sing together!

I just got a bill for my last fill for $205. Question to you guys. I would do a poll but I am not sure how. Is there a different price if you have the RN or MD do your fill? Those of you whose insurance covered your bands- does it continue to cover fills as long as you have the insurance? What is your copay. Those without insurance- how much is your fill? How much are visits with your MD.

Sorry for the flyby. Need to get going- will CBL. peas/Laura

My surgery was covered under Medicare/Tricare. Though I don't remember if Tricare picked up any of it. They started covering LapBand after my surgery but made it retroactive back about 6 mos. I think they made me pay $200 for something... but Tricare should have reimbursed me and didn't. I've never been charged for a fill.... Medicare has paid for them.

Going back to see personal trainer today. Monday he mostly interviewed me and told me what he'd like to include in my program. Hope to get him to show me how to set up treadmill and recumbent bike today. Used the bike yesterday for almost 15 minutes,but was a struggle setting the program I wanted to use. No sore muscles today, but hip joints hurting some, and my GOOD knee!! That sort of concerns me! Would have expected the right knee to hurt but not the left!!

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Laura...my insurance covered everything and I just pay a $10.46 out of pocket for each LB doc visit forever. I do not have any out of pocket fees with my policy ($2000 deductible annually) but with LB doc I have the fee because he is a visiting doc. I can handle $10.46. There is only an office visit (about $90) billed to my ins. whether there is a fill or not.

I have read so many threads and the fees for fills are all over the place. LB ppl sitting out there not being able to get there fills and maintain their band because of over-the-top fees. Kinda sad.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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