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Debra - I still want candy Cookies etc - but I know that eating them in the quantities and lack of exercise where what got me fat - it's a hard fact that we have to face - we can't eat what we want when we want it and be thin..

I'm thin now - but that's cuz I don't eat the junk all the time and I exercise - I still have treats - but they are planned.. or if they are unplanned (and it does happen sometime) then I just make sure - I hit the gym and eat a little liter for the next few days..

I can't eat candy in the quantities that I still want to - my band isn't going to stop me either... So it's my choice - what do I want - the quality of life I have now or the sweets - most of the time the quality of my life wins - but there have been days where I say "forget it" and eat more of something than I should - but now a days that's 6 cookies instead of the whole bag - and if I do eat those 6 - the rest of the bag usually ends up in the trash - cuz no matter how many times I tell myself - I am in control - if that choc or whatever keeps calling my name - it goes... Plan and simple - cuz I know now that the stupid little devil on my left shoulder telling me - awe go ahead it's ok it's not going to hurt you is freaking lying to me... It will hurt - it does matter what you eat..

Congrats on the smaller size and the weight loss - getting off your meds /

Laura - Hugs on not getting to the trash fast enough - I had trail mix from costco that I had to dump - but got a handful before it got dumped ;0)

Love the pic of Nelson & the girls - looks like a wonderful day..

Yep w/Apples being going - Great on vacation - Linda gambling - it's quite :0)

I went to Walmart - bought food - all good - was tempted a few times but going away next weekend - so will save my treats until then - awe I lied I got some sugar free angel cake (strawberry) but I won't chow down on it like I would a bag of reese peanutbutter cups - in fact in the ck out like - I was eyeing them reading the calories of all the candy in the shelfs - a king size super Peanut Butter cup was like 460 cal - !!!!

Made Andrew - chicken enchilldas for dinner - he's at work today - I'm having turkey meat loaf and green Beans - was going to have some mashed taters - but don't have any milk ....

Well back to catching up on Lost !!! - I am lost ;0) but I do think it does have something to do w/good vs evil and purgatory and changing your life path - it will be what it's suppose to be ...


Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hi Everyone, hope you all had a great weekend.

This weekend was a busy one! Had two friends of Dassi over and today went to the bris for my brothers new little boy..it just so happens that it is also my birthday and a holiday called Lag Baomer.

I just know someone is going to ask what this is..and to tell you the truth there are so many explanations that im really not sure which is the correct one. I will however use Janets wisdom and check her site..for the correct one and post it.

What I do know is its an extremely popular holiday for religious jews and for Israelis religious and secular. This always confused me as Israelis are notoriously secular and while they might not even go to synaguage on Yom kippur or fast they will Celebrate Lag baomer which is relgious in basis. Its not a holiday like shabbos or the high holy days but is filled with tradition and symbolism.

What I know of it is a time when you go to the parks and light barn fires and sit around and sing songs. Like a camp fire. Well this is what we did in Israel. Eat roasted onions and potatoes wrapped in foil and thrown in fire till olmost burned.

I never knew how good onions are when made like this.

The kids all play all day in outtings to parks and field trips and play archery. I dont know why archery however there is a reason for this... my daughter was telling me but I couldnt get the story straight. lol

So today....We went to the brit which was thankfully uneventful. Everyone was very cordial and even friendly. Im sorry my dad wasnt there but...as my daughter said when I told her he wasnt coming so she wouldnt be suprised he wasnt there after I explained that its "complicated" but tried to explain in the nicest of ways. That he didnt want anyone to feel bad and cause any disruptions to the celebration. well she turned to me and said so he is a coward. hmmm. wow. that was pretty big of her. She understood that he didnt want to see his ex wife and her kids. He couldnt face them so this was the excuse. She saw it for what it was. she was right. So, I answered her.."its just complicated" somethings just are and we have to accept them. The main thing is is that we will be there for uncle Jarett and his wife and baby. Turns out she really liked my step mother and they decided that if it was okay for me that they get to know one another as we live only 15 min away from her. hmmm So, I said of course that would be lovely. You cant have enough people in your life that care and want to get to know you so absolutely. So, they have set up a date for her coming to see Dassi in karate class and then take us to dinner. My step mother really isnt a bad person and bottom line was my father left her. She really wanted to keep that relationship going and my father wouldnt let it. Unfortunately he didnt forsee that the grandchildren will grow up wondering whos who and want to get to know all the players.

Im sure my dad isnt going to be happy about this but hes a big boy. He made his choices and those dont have to be mine. Its been long enough, and there is no need to for this...we will be seing each other at all my brothers childrens occassions and his as well. So, we might as well understand that get over it. My daughter needs people who will care about her...if my step mother is willing to dote on her then why not??? She deserves it.

After the bris we returned home and my other brother lol and his family (from my mothers second marriage) took me out for a birthday dinner. That was nice. I had grilled baby chicken, with mushrooms and onions, Israeli salad and chumus. I had about a 1/4 cup of all. They were happy that it was a cheap present I shared with my daughter. lol.

After dinner....we went to the park across from my apt complex and there they were having all sorts of Lag Baomer festivities and BBQs and Barn fires...(controlled by fire dept) Never seen this before. It was an interesting experience. Met alot of people who I havent seen in a while and they were like OMG you look great. yea me. It was good to see friends that I havent seen in a while. Now Im soooo zonked but still have to walk the dogs!

Janet.... thanks for kind words about family. I agree as you see from above.

BTW.....I see that you go to costco to.

I found some interesting healty crackers......have you seen them there?

They are called "Multigrain" made by "Food Should Taste good" They are a Tortilla chip thats a cracker too. Made with flax, sunflower, sesame, oat fiber, brown rice, quinoa and Soy.

140 cal for ten. total fat 6. carbs 18. and sugar 1. Protein 3 gr.

Im thinking this is good. carbs are hight but its multi grain? Has protein? no sugar. Am I not thinking right here? The carbs are throwing me off.

would this be a healthy snack? If so they are really good!!!

Have you tried them? or this brand? They make other stuff as well but this was the first thing I bought from them...Figured for Dassi this would be good. Then I tasted one and thought I like these!! lol

well, I must go walk the dogs....its like making the donuts....walk the dogs...walk the dogs. walk the dogs.

Have a good week all.


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good monday morning chickadees!

Jodi~ Weekend sounds great! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Woke up VERY sleepy. DH waltzed in around 2am and I woke up to say hi. Then couldn't fall back asleep. ugghhh. Today I am metting an attorney friend of mine for coffee after carline. (her daughter is in Nelson's class). Then, not sure what I was thinking a few weeks ago when I scheduled these... I am having lunch with the wife of one of the surgeons Nael works with. She's a nice gal and someone I could see being friends with for a long time.

Well, hope everyone is doing well. I will CBL and write more this afternoon... peasout.. Laura

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Good Morning Gang

Happy Belated Bday Jodi !!!!

On the family issues - Dassi's statement - out of the mouths of babes !!! How true... Glad things went well..

Laura - You are doing Dr wife thing - lunch !!! They should have housewives of Florida :0) !!! LOL !!!! JK you aren't like those housewives at all - but it would be fun to have you on t.v. you would tell it like it is ;0) without all the drama..

Well not much to report since last night - my turkey meat loaf was good - did end up eating 1/2 c mashed taters (as phyl calls them) Love the scale this a.m. 137.5... Even without the gym on Saturday - must have been all that walking at the mall and trying on clothes :0) - Exercise :0)

Today work (ugh) hope it's a good week - I am only there 4 days this week.. Gym tonite - trainer..

Jodi - I haven't send the crackers - I try not to get to many crackers cuz I like them and then you have to have something on them like cheese ;0) - I save my carb to have some rice/pasta or potatoes w/dinner.

Never heard of the latest Jewish Holiday - I just know the major one Yom Kipper - Passover etc..

lol using the site I gave to explain ;0)

Well time to hit the showers... CBtonite :0)

Have a great day gang...

Apples - welcome home you are missed when you aren't here junking up the thread :0) xoxoxo J

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Morning....sorry I was MIA this weekend...took a little time off. Shoveled shi$%% literally and we went to Benson to visit some friends. Except for the really awful wind, a pretty good weekend.

Cheri, ask your doctor about piroxicam (feldene?) for an anti-inflammatory. This is the one I'm on and it doesn't seem to have bad side affects like keeping me awake. In fact I slept very well last night, only woke up once. It seems to really help with those shoulder/back hip/back aches that are achy pains and keep me awake. As for the bone stuff, I think it keeps the bursitis at bay which helps with the arthritis pain.

Charlene, let us know how you like the cook book...that one sounds very interesting. You are doing so well and so determined now...it's nice to know we can get back to that place again.

Jessica....hugs to you girl...you are not a failure and never will be. Do what you have to, take your meds, but keep posting to us and we will try and help you through this slump. I am constantly fighting the negative mind set, but you can over come it. School is almost over and look how far you have come. You are doing well even if you don't believe it right now.

Joyce, glad to hear you are walking easier. It's one of those things we take for granted until it's painful to do so. You're lucky your daughters are close to you.

Julie, congrats on the lower weight and all my sympathy for the "unloading" issues. It's been an issue since banding, something I never guessed I would have a problem with. I think the anti-depressants are not supposed to give you "highs and lows" they're supposed to even you out so with your pain....it's probably having a much harder battle in regulating those brain chemicals.

Jodi....I haven't shopped for pre-packaged food in a very long time. My diet world has always been there are years ago I was told to shop around the outside of the store...fresh veggies, eggs, meats, etc. Stay away from the prepackaged pre-made food. It's served me well, especially once I started really reading the ingredient labels. Of course I don't have a 10 year old to feed. Congrats on the weight loss, bet you feel a lot better.

Janet, do you recycle your clothes? Meaning when you buy something new do you get rid of old stuff? Once again, I can't tell you how much of an inspiration you are to me and your ability to stay positive and practical.

Froggie...congrats on the smaller pants. That is so great! I just bought (mail order) 2 more pairs of smaller pants and shorts. I got rid of all my smaller shorts last year before I got banded and now I regret it. I don't have any shorts that aren't knit stretchy and too big. Don't buy too much though, because you'll just have to buy more as you lose more weight.

Laura, great pics as usual...glad Nels is a happy boy. I don't like donuts...they used to give me heartburn and I haven't had one since banding. However, there are many other things I do stick in my mouth that I regret. Bananas used to give me heartburn too but they don't now. I've been eating 1/2 of a banana every day or so and it seems to be helping with the leg cramps.

Okay, I'm running late for work. I'll try and check in tonight. Have a great day ladies and HI to everyone I've missed.


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Hi All,

I'm 4 days post-op and not very happy. Although I have lost 13 pounds, I am starving physically and psychologically I also have a lot of pain in the soloplex region. Don't know if it's gas from the surgery or what..... Please shed some light on my impending crackup ;-):thumbdown:

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Hi gals, I made it through the weekend in one piece I think!!! The benefit I was in charge of was last night and it went well..... other than one of my best friends didn't approve and thought a concert was a bad idea and we could have done so much better with a big feed of some kind.... I'm tired of her whining... I didn't see her out there organizing and putting herself out there... I'm angry at her right now, can you tell????

Anyway, now on with life again... no big plans looming for a while... Ice cream social and 40th class reunion in June , so have to get to organizing for that soon....... Maybe tomorrow or the next day......................... Today is paying bills, taking care of last night's money, and some other odd errands.... Physically, I'm still just the same.... so no need to go there....

Slimnole, you are in bandster hell..... they don't tighten your band during surgery because the swelling needs to go down and you need to heal.... That is why all the liquids and the gradual move to regular food... For most it is a few weeks, moving from one kind of food to the other .... Whatever your doctor says goes.... Sorry you are feeling so bad... I believe the pain is gas, so we recommend Gas-X...... in large dosses!!!! and walking....

Tell us more about yourself and be sure to come back and join in.. This is a great on-line support group. We have become friends and it is so good to have friends who understand what you are going through.... Janet is our fearless leader, but she works and won't be on most of the day... But she will get to you when she can... take care...

Apples, are you home and off and running already???

Eva, what kind of sh@# do you have to shovel.....dog??? That is never fun.... no more dog here and can't say I miss that job......

Janet, hope you have a good, productive week and a great long weekend..... Time for you to perk up rather than being so bogged down with work....

Jodi, happy birthday yesterday... Sorry we didn't know sooner... Sounds like you and Dassi had a fine day.....

Laura, great pics of the kids..... Yes, you are a fun mom, I wannna come too.......

Debra, congrats on all the good changes in your meds. It's a good feeling isn't it????? WTG

Well, gang, I know I missed lots of you... Hope you can get here to post sometime soon... Have a good day.. Julie

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Mornin' All. Missed you guys! Caught up on all the posts. Don't have a lot of time to respond as I have grain haulers for lunch today. Ugh....of all days. I have a stinking case of vertigo. Started yesterday. I do know it is allergy related (trees budding). Think I will have to submit to some bed rest today after I get rid of these guys. I am the worst for having to lay down and especially during the day. Been walking around here hanging onto things in order to get this lunch on the table. Bad.

Happy belated birthday, Jodi...love ya!

You guys made it work to catch up. I wouldn't say you were "junking up the thread" but mighty busy girls.

Janet....don't know how it missed it but what American Idol did you see? and where?

Had a pretty good weekend. Basically, just hung out with DH. Went out with friends Thursday for dinner for a couple of hours. Snuggled in and read a book. Read another book on Friday. DH came up Friday night. Rain, cold, more rain, wind and cold. That was our weather. But, so cozy and comfy just to spend that time with DH. Went to our wedding on Sat. (Think I forgot my camera at the lake but if I brought it back, will post a photo of DH and I with Goddaughter). Should have guessed my vertigo was going to hit. Thought it was the one drink I had at the wedding dance that was making me walk crooked. I asked the bartender for a really weak Grey Goose and Water. Nursed it for 1.5 hours. I am such a cheap date. Will never have to worry about a bad liver. LOL

OK...will talk to you all later. Gonna feed and get these guys out of my hair so I can lay down. I had so much planned for today and have a feeling that this will just run it's course like it ususally does....3-4 days but always one day that is worse and hoping today is that day and it will be downhill from here.

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Little NSV pick me up last night. I went to get some new underwear as mine are starting to be way too loose. They are hanging out the top of all my pants/capri's. I was an 11 skipped right over 10 and am currently a 9. Went through my old outgrown clothes bag and discovered somethings that use to be too tight now fit great. I did get some food down last night. Sloppy Joe without the bun. Not my fav but it went down.

I had a final exam in my anatomy and physiology class this morning. Not sure how I did on the physiology but I feel I did good on the anatomy. I am tettering between an a and b in that class. I got my grade for microbiology lab today. Only a B. I felt I had done better than that. I really enjoyed that class (lab part). I have another final in microbiology the lecture portion on thursday. My grade in there is a B unless I totally ace this last test. And get all the extra credit points. We shall see.

The therapist that works with my surgeon responded to my email. I am gonna start going to the support group on wedsnesdays. She just told me to write my feelings out in place of binging. I don't know that anyone really has any answers for me. I just gotta fiqure out what works best for me, I guess.

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Hi all.

Not usually on during the day...however lately during my little boys napping im sitting here twiddling my thumbs so might as well read daily posts and post myself.

So, I have a question about foods......

Besides carbonated soda are there any other foods that we cant eat? I havent been told any others but now that im really eating foods....well, I was wondering? Things like acidic foods. Tomatoes? Salsa? Bruscetta? These are all low calorie healthy foods..im thinking but they are acidic..is this problamatic for the band? Anything else?

As far as the crackers and tortilla chips...from costco I guess they are not such a good healthy choice? The thing is im not eating wheat and bread so its a little challenging. Chumus on what? I tried spelt this past week and starting gagging....lol that is not a good choice but tried it. Yea.

yes, having children around presents challenges of its own for this journey..for her its a great alternative to fried tortillas and chips which she never liked anyways.

Hi All,

I'm 4 days post-op and not very happy. Although I have lost 13 pounds, I am starving physically and psychologically I also have a lot of pain in the soloplex region. Don't know if it's gas from the surgery or what..... Please shed some light on my impending crackup ;-):thumbdown:

Hang in Slimnole....this too shall pass!!! I was just where you were in March and I know the first few days are the worst. You think....what the heck did I do? But...as you will here drink the pt shakes.....you must drink 40gr, if you are you should not feel hungry..unless you are feeling gas pains and think that is hunger?? I felt that way as well at first. Sip Sip and Sip some more. Walk walk and walk some more....I live in an apt and was walking the walls floor by floor all through the day and night! It helped alot.

Also...take those pain meds!!! If your doc prescribed them as he should have take them!!!! Dont be in pain no need!!

Take them every 4 hrs if needed. I took them for the first 3 days. Hell I hate pain! But the gas...listen the woman here they know best. Gas X...all day and night, lol

Sometimes the whey pt. powder can be a problem, if you are allergic to dairy. I needed to switch to Liquid Protein the kind they use in the hospital. The gas was less then. Now I can tolerate the powdered whey.< /span>

Do follow the instructions to the letter from your surgeon. I wanted to start reg liquids after a week and called him and he said no way.....lol but cant hurt to ask if you really want feel bad about something..the answer may not be what you want to hear but then it may!

In anycase keep us posted. and we will all try to give you suggestions and support. The best is to find a support group to go to phyiscally if possible this week in your town if possible and there can also answer any concerns and questions you may have possibly through your surgeons office?

Morning....sorry I was MIA this weekend...took a little time off. Shoveled shi$%% literally and we went to Benson to visit some friends. Except for the really awful wind, a pretty good weekend.

Um....well I hope you washed your hands thouroughly first before visiting your friends! lol Hope you had a good visit.

Jodi....I haven't shopped for pre-packaged food in a very long time. My diet world has always been there are years ago I was told to shop around the outside of the store...fresh veggies, eggs, meats, etc. Stay away from the prepackaged pre-made food. It's served me well, especially once I started really reading the ingredient labels. Of course I don't have a 10 year old to feed. Congrats on the weight loss, bet you feel a lot better.

yes, I have always tried to cook homemade and buy fresh organics..my problem.....addicted to fast food esp during the day. Fried chicken and burgers etc.and take out. Chinese and the premade stuff from the counters...esp for shabbos...fast and easy I never ate what I made even though it was pretty good stuff! lol No more. Not.. for me not for Dassi.

I do feel better now. I have more energy. sleeping better and have an overall feeling of happy. Havent been happy in such a long time with myself. Thanks for the suggestion..to stay away from pre-packaged and premade foods. I needed to hear that again..as im getting ready to go shopping today!!! keep reminding me please.....premade food no good no matter how little time I have before shabbos and dinners.....peanut butter sandwich on whole grain with bnanas and honey for Dassi will be better still then the pre-made...so if I have nothing that is what will be lol poor kid!

Hi gals, I made it through the weekend in one piece I think!!! The benefit I was in charge of was last night and it went well..... other than one of my best friends didn't approve and thought a concert was a bad idea and we could have done so much better with a big feed of some kind.... I'm tired of her whining... I didn't see her out there organizing and putting herself out there... I'm angry at her right now, can you tell????

And you should be!! The nurve of some people! You do all the work and they complain. Then when you offer them the position of taking charge...well they say oh no you are so much better and they continue to complain. Im sorry that she made you feel bad....I think that this was a great idea...I thought this when you mentioned the idea! I was like what a great difference and creative idea!!

Smack her silly for me please!!

Well...must go...hes a stirring and we got to get to work..enough sleep. lol

Have a great day all


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Welcome back, Karen - you were missed. Hope you made it thru lunch and can rest until the vertigo passes.

Jessica - those grades sound wonderful. Hold on this week and you can take a break. Congrats on NSV.

Julie - I'm also mad at the lady? who loves to criticize, but won't step up and take charge of a project. grrrrr.......

Jodi - happy belated b'day. What a bright daughter you have - to see the family drama exactly for what it is.

Slimnole - hang in there. The fills will help. And 13 lbs. is a nice beginning.

Janet - love how you "lay it on the line". We all want to think that once the weight is off, we can splurge. Sadly - not true. Moderation and minimal treats are the reality. I'm off to the gym.

Hi to all.


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Mornin' All. Missed you guys! Caught up on all the posts. Don't have a lot of time to respond as I have grain haulers for lunch today. Ugh....of all days. I have a stinking case of vertigo. Started yesterday. I do know it is allergy related (trees budding). Think I will have to submit to some bed rest today after I get rid of these guys. I am the worst for having to lay down and especially during the day. Been walking around here hanging onto things in order to get this lunch on the table. Bad.

Had a pretty good weekend. Basically, just hung out with DH. Went out with friends Thursday for dinner for a couple of hours. Snuggled in and read a book. Read another book on Friday. DH came up Friday night. Rain, cold, more rain, wind and cold. That was our weather. But, so cozy and comfy just to spend that time with DH. Went to our wedding on Sat. (Think I forgot my camera at the lake but if I brought it back, will post a photo of DH and I with Goddaughter). Should have guessed my vertigo was going to hit. Thought it was the one drink I had at the wedding dance that was making me walk crooked. I asked the bartender for a really weak Grey Goose and Water. Nursed it for 1.5 hours. I am such a cheap date. Will never have to worry about a bad liver. LOL

OK...will talk to you all later. Gonna feed and get these guys out of my hair so I can lay down. I had so much planned for today and have a feeling that this will just run it's course like it usually does....3-4 days but always one day that is worse and hoping today is that day and it will be downhill from here.

Grain-haulers for lunch?? I just had leftovers!:thumbdown:

Glad you had a pleasant weekend. Sorry about the vertigo!! We did miss you here! It was a little quiet and boring without you. HO HUM!! LOL! Sorry gals!!

Hi All,

I'm 4 days post-op and not very happy. Although I have lost 13 pounds, I am starving physically and psychologically I also have a lot of pain in the soloplex region. Don't know if it's gas from the surgery or what..... Please shed some light on my impending crackup ;-):crying:

Uh oh!! You sound kind of unhappy!! :blushing::biggrin::thumbup:

Like they said.... it will get better, but first it might get worse!! :smile2::biggrin::mellow::glare::eek::bored: Sorry! Yes... Gas-X, very definitely. And lots of walking. Both will help. Being hungry is a b-----, but... try to stay occupied with other things. It won't last. When you get on some real food, and start getting fills, things will be a whole lot better! We've all been there, so forgive us if we're smiling just a little bit. We promise, you aren't going to be sorry you did this and within a few weeks, all this misery will be a distant, vague memory!

Little NSV pick me up last night. I went to get some new underwear as mine are starting to be way too loose. They are hanging out the top of all my pants/capri's. I was an 11 skipped right over 10 and am currently a 9. Went through my old outgrown clothes bag and discovered somethings that use to be too tight now fit great. I did get some food down last night. Sloppy Joe without the bun. Not my fav but it went down.

I had a final exam in my anatomy and physiology class this morning. Not sure how I did on the physiology but I feel I did good on the anatomy. I am tettering between an a and b in that class. I got my grade for microbiology lab today. Only a B. I felt I had done better than that. I really enjoyed that class (lab part). I have another final in microbiology the lecture portion on thursday. My grade in there is a B unless I totally ace this last test. And get all the extra credit points. We shall see.

The therapist that works with my surgeon responded to my email. I am gonna start going to the support group on Wednesdays. She just told me to write my feelings out in place of binging. I don't know that anyone really has any answers for me. I just gotta fiqure out what works best for me, I guess.

Great grades, kiddo!! You're doing a wonderful job w/school!

Underwear.... I think I was about a 13 pre-surgery! And now down to 9! I wore a 7 in high school, so that's pretty good for me! Just bought about a dozen new ones!

I had an appt with a personal trainer at a nearby gym this morning. It was a bit of a disappointment because all we did was talk for 30 minutes and I thought he was going to get me started on machines. So, I think I'll go back tomorrow and do some time on a bike and treadmill for starters. He wanted me to come back Wed. to get started on a routine, but I can't do Wednesdays, and he only works Mondays and Wednesdays! So... I'll start on my own and I have another appt with him next Monday. I don't know what the deal is... they haven't talked to me about $$$ yet! I had a 1 week free pass from my DD, but.. when the owner showed me around last week he said I could have 3 free sessions with a personal trainer! Sr. rates are only $25 a month, so I'm more than willing to sign up! But so far no one has asked me to! Maybe when my 1 week is over, but kind of surprising that they'd give you free trainer sessions before you even commit!

7_5_141.gif 7_5_142.gif 10_8_8.gif

Julie... hope you're having a quiet, restful and pain free day... or at least, less pain! So sorry for all you are going through!

So... you are organizing your 40th HS reunion??? Want to do our 50th??? LOL!

Here I am on the other side of the country and they all keep asking ME what we're going to do for our 50th next year!! HELLO????? Most of you are in the area so why aren't YOU doing something about it!????

Edited by phyllser

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Phyl - Love your darling little animations to match all your comments. Very clever. Good for you starting at a new gym. Will you & DD be able to buddy up there?

I spent 30 min. on bike and 9 min. on elliptical for a total of 153 calories burned. Sure makes you take a hard look at calories in - when it takes so much to burn them off.

General question: Are banders to avoid drinking thru straws????


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Hi gang! I am just trying to hang in there. I started making my shakes real thick like runny ice cream so I can eat them with a spoon. I have to write down how long it takes to drink one. This seems to slow me down. I think I lost another lb. I won't know till Wednesday.

Jodi, Happy Birthday! Sorry I missed it.

Apples, we missed your posts!

Eva, I will let y'all know if the new cookbook is good. I mean.....just how many ways can you make these dang shakes????? I did see that DaVinci sf syrups has Toasted Marshmallow and pumpkin Pie. Anything sounds good to me now. I may have to invest in new syrups.

Hey Janet........I love crackers too.......my latest crackers were oyster. They are small and it makes you think you got a lot to eat.

Julie......glad you survived the weekend. With the warmer weather maybe you will have better days.

Hi Phyll!!!! These shakes give me bad gas. I tried Lactaid and Beano, but Gas-X is the only one that works for me I like the strips.

Hey, Laura, hope you had a great lunch.

Hi Joyce!

Newbies........welcome to the band journey. Just jump on the bandwagon and ride with us. Never a dull moment.

Jewel.......Yay! 9's!!!!!

Laura K....where are you?

Lori......I know you are having an awesome time.

Froggie....how is it going today? I am sorry if I missed you posts ......I only read this page. Tired eyes.

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Hi All, Just got thru reading all the posts. Even with Apples gone you sure were busy.

Well we made it thru grad/packing & moving, barely. I'm trying not to be a "Mother" but dang she needs to learn priorities. Deep breathe ok over that for the minute.

Jodi, Happy belated Birthday...

Can't remember much else so Hi to everyone and great job to the losers and new undies. Feels great to have new ones.

Laura K

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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