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Evening ladies,

Sorry I've been MIA again. Some days it's just too much effort to read and respond...even when I haven't done anything. Weird.

Apples, you asked if guys ever notice a new haircut...well my guy does, every time. It's weird because sometimes I forget and he always mentions it. He always has. There are other things he misses however....LOL. And you know we like it when you "junk" up the thread.

Phyl, you are one of the lucky ones...getting paid to do the ironing.

Julie, aren't you having fun helping with the wedding planning? The right dress will come to you...just wait and see. Glad you are getting into the doc sooner than later.

LauraK...have a safe trip and hope you have lots of fun. I can tell you are very excited...it make me smile. Congrats on your daughter's employment...that is great!!

Lori...at least you now know what the market is like in SLC. I'm not sure house prices are going to fall that much any more....so you might be at the best time to find what you want. I like the condo idea too...especially if you are going to downsize...however, since you won't be spending time with your GM you will have more time on your hands...you don't garden though do you? I think you said your DH does the yard work....so maybe you can find a patio home....tiny yard for him and smaller and nicer.

Joyce, nice to have clean windows and support the economy. Good for you and the gym, hope you had a productive workout.

Charlene, glad to hear your Mom is doing better. How does she feel about going to nursing care? Good for you and staying on plan...that is so hard, but you are doing great.

Linda...you are going to look great at that wedding. All those stairs must have been really hard on you with your hip. Aren't you glad that is better?

Melissa, hi...hope the fill goes well. The liquids before/after fills really helps too.

Debra...let me assure you...you may wake up one day and want to eat everything in sight and you may go over board and eat too much, but trust me when I say this....the band does keep that at bay. You can only stuff so much in there before it comes out and that isn't fun. So you learn to channel that urge in a different direction. I've only lost 45 lbs and am not anywhere near goal and haven't lost any in a couple of months, but I still have cut down what I eat by magnitudes and am very grateful for it. Just learn not to push the band because it can hurt you. It's a great tool. I haven't told everyone about the band....don't want to be "watched". But besides that I don't care.

Deb, I'm still catching up on past posts...so if you can't figure out where this comes from, it's from a few days ago. I wish you were closer to the desert too, you could come hang out with us. The weather has been wonderful lately (besides the allergies).

Laura...right now my eating is going pretty well. I've really cut out the carbs except fruit and the Protein Bars. When I stick to that, I seem to do very well. Haven't been on the scale. The goal is mine...148lbs, not 117 (I need to lose 117 pounds to get to goal)..I think I'll be ecstatic at 160 or 170, but I had to put a goal in there that I should strive for.

Jodi, they say I'm busy, but I think you have me beat. Take care of yourself. What a dilemma with the dog....glad I'm not there because that dog sounds wonderful. That's a lot of money for a gym...or is that for the trainer? I guess the $20 exercise video isn't really motivating enough is it? And as for that older profession.....well I bet someone would buy, but yuck, you probably wouldn't want them.


Yes,I well I got myself into this mess with this dog now I need to get out of it!

So, am trying everyone I know out to see if they would like to foster a him. So far I might actually have a taker for adopting him!!! A family with house and 4 kids and a fenced in yard. Hey ya never know. lol

as far as the training the cost is pretty reasonable compared to other places for a private session so I cant complain about that did the research NY is so expensive for everything! It doesnt help that I live with all the well to do people from the five towns who could care less how much things cost. Its very frustrating at times when I cant afford things or when I tell people I live in an rental apt. without doorman. There noses go up and thats them....I could care less what they think,,,,until theyve been in my shoes they shouldnt even ask. for the most part everyone is not like that but they are the ones that cause things to be so outrageously expensive. Thank you very much,.

The thing is about the trainer...see I joined the gym....and Ive been there once without the trainer. When I have that apt with him and he does coaches me for the 45 min twice day.....Im there., otherwize its always something to get, to do or to be somewhere so I never go... I plan it but something always happens and believe you me....if I didnt make an apt with him for those two times....I wouldnt be there..as it is now up till 10 min before im thinking this isnt going to happen today...but I get to that last chance to run and im like...cant cancel on him cant cant cant and I race there. SO, that is my delemna, Im commited to the coaching sessions but the ind program of cardio that I should be doing everyday well...that hasnt happened..but it will!!!

Today I am going. I dont care if the sky is falling Im going!!!!!

Im going going going!!!

...thought about the idea of the dog instead of the gym however,,,,that wont really give me more time or money just be more stressed as to walk that dog rain shine or whenever! No thank you. Tempted however at that thought though. lol

I started on my food jounal this week. I didnt think it would make a difference however I see it really does. I write it all...the item, how much, cal. and pt. I realized that If I have to write it down I cant just guess on the Cal. I need to know and this..means I find out and well....lets just say Im learning about things and how many cal, carbs pt etc something has in it/.

SHOPPING for food has never taken so long or been so challenging. Yesturday I ran to trader jpes....and I had 45 min. Now I was able to shop for a month in that amt of time. NOT NOW! You know what I got in that amt of time now after looking at everything I picked up and scrutinized?? Milk,cheese, Bananas, Strawberries, oatmeal and apples in the bag cut up..for Dassi lunch. This is it. Not only did I notice that pretty much there is nothing that I can eat but there are alot of cal and sugars in no fat, low fat stuff. hrumpgh so this too has taken alot of extra time that I dont have but must do this or my kid will shoot me for coming home with next to nothing each time I go shopping.

I did find something of interest however...to help with problem today.

"PICTURE PERFECT WEIGHT LOSS SHOPPERS GUIDE" Supermarket Choices for permanent weight loss....by Dr. Howard M. Shapiro. I will try to use this guide...it seems lapband friendly! If anyone is having a hard time with shopping as well....this might help.

It also comes with a book thats called the Picture Perfect weight loss. It has lots of recipes and ideas about the foods etc etc.. havent read it yet but Ill let you all know after the weekend what I think about it.

Apples....Pickled eggs? ?? hmm not sure about this one, but hey ill try anything once.

I have to tell you....reading your all your jobs as a kid....OMG, How?? You must have been some special amazing kid for being able to hold everyones lives together....thats what you did....without you nobody was probably able to function!

I by the way....knew nothing about kosher anything when I was a kid! As youve all heard I still know nothing. lol Actually the more I learn the less I know! so , nope didnt do anything of the sort...esp be anywhere the kitchen. My mom didnt even let me wash a darn glass.....I still cant do most household chores the right way..I do them but dont know the secrets! lol

Ironing never....the dry cleaners. I learned to cook when I moved out at 16 and into my own apt. I had a roomate and we well....cooked. Had a recipe book here and there and cooked. Thats how I learned. Over the years people gave me recipes and all but I still follow the recipes. Im good at that...and things come out yummy so why stop?

As far as my first job???

well....I made alot of money babysitting. Every sat night and Sunday day...a few days afterschool. I made $5 dollars an hour which paid for cigarettes and snacks....a few other things unmentionable. lol

My first real job...was at a group home with severely impaired children to be nice about their diagnosises. I went to camp one summer at 15 and I had this friend who during the following winter called me and said would you like to work with me this weekend with some children. I asked my mom and she said yes.....I took the train myself from Queens to Brooklyn and thats when my life changed!

I met my friend who took me into this home and there was this little girl,,,,not the prettiest but the cutest in her own way....standing in front of an opened refridgerator stuffing her face with everything and anything.....contents all over....and I remember my friend running like a lunatic to reach her and the girl was gigling at that site.....it made her stuff more and more....and fmy friend caught up and grabbed the refridge and slammed it....and she turned and said can you believe the bus dropped her here without anyone home??? I was like huh????

To this day I remember that scene like yesturday and knew at that moment that I found what I wanted to do with my life.....to help little kids like this little girl.

I worked at this group home for 5 yrs. Every weekend with 7 girls. ages 5-14. All challenged. I actually never got paid for the first year that i worked.....apparently the director imbezzeled money and I was only 16 and wasnt allowed to work legally uintil 17 but there was no one else to work exc me and my friend who also didnt get paid....we loved working with them and being parents for the weekends!

Well......after a year JBFCS took over and we started to get paid really good money each weekend and it paid my way through college.

Okay well must go now....

Have a great day all



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Hello everyone. Lori, have a great time on your cruise -- and relax, everything will fall into place - "what will be will be" you know. As far as the house goes, I'd rather be super happy with my house than where it is. Funny story when we bought our house here -- as I mentioned before, this is a little town and selection was not too great. Well, we finally decided to buy ours (really it was the ONLY one that would "work" at that time) and when we told my DIL "where" it was she gave us crap because our little subdivision was "the first" subdivision on the edge of town and the people who lived there thought of themselves as superior - -houses were a little pricier than in town, etc. I remember someone asking me where we lived when I first moved to town and I told them and they actually said, "well, we like our house in town just fine." I just thought it was the funniest thing cause our house is nothing "special" trust me. The only thing great about it is that it's on the edge of town and we have a field behind us. Other than that, it's just a regular house. Most of the people on our street are older now -- they've been in their houses just about 30 years -- and most of them do think they are better than the average -- I guess at the time they built there it was really special. It's just funny how over time that perspective changes. Anyway, I would go with the best house but that might also include location -- again, you don't want it to take an hour to get to your favorite mall or to meet your girlfriend's for lunch - how about your DH's commute -- will either side of town be good for him for his commute? I hated commuting - and traffic -- I was so happy to leave that behind when we left LA.

My first job? Well, of course living on a farm we started working at birth (or so it seemed). We had chores before school -- milking, feeding cows, pigs, gathering eggs, etc. etc. In the summer we gardened, weeded, picked, shelled, canned and froze veggies, fruit, made jelly, pickles, etc.. etc. I had to help with all those chores. I also had to dust my house and GM's house EVERY day -- to this day I detest dusting! I think I was 11 or 12 when I started babysitting for money. My parents divorced when I was 12 and mom went to work and worked as a waitress in a restaurant that served business lunches and dinners and she worked both and it was an hour away so didn't come home in between. My sister was 5 and DB 16 at the time - so I did all the cooking, washing, ironing, cleaning and babysitting. After we left the farm (age 15) I did tutoring and always found a job in the summer working as a nanny/housekeeper -- did that every summer. My junior-senior year of high school I also worked at fast food (anyone ever hear of a Red Barn? they sold chicken and burgers). My senior year I went to school until 1:00 and then worked in an insurance office from 1:30 to 6:00 as a receptionist. I married 3 days after graduation, moved to Duluth and got my first "real" job at U.S. Steel as a secretary in the accounting dept. That was a "big time" job. Made lots of money (for that time). LOL.

Having a good week food wise -- had a dental cleaning before work so didn't exercise this a.m. -- took a day off. I'm "enjoying" the elleptical machine at the gym - (if it's possible to "enjoy" a machine like that). I feel like I get a good work out for the time I spend on it. I did 3.5 miles in 40 mins. yesterday. Not bad for a 58 year old with a new hip! I like it better than the treadmill.

Julie, hope you get some relief soon - can't wait to hear what the neurosurgeon says - good luck with your appt.

Janet, I know what you mean about work -- I used to feel that way in lawfirms - just leave me alone and let me get my work done -- I know exactly what you mean. Plus, all the politics/drama. Try to hang in there. Sorry to hear about your co-worker - I feel bad for her. I heard from an old co-worker of mine recently - she's 76 and just retired - you'd never know it to look at her -- she used to run in marathons - last one she completed was in Des Moines 5 years ago -- I remember cause I had just moved here when she ran it -- her mom just died last year - was 99. And she didn't run "old people" marathons - regular marathons. She's amazing.

LauraK have fun at DD's graduation -- have safe travels.

Eva -- hope all is good with you -- nice you have some time to decide what kind of job you think you might want to do -- I really lucked out when I took this job -- great company, great benefits and low stress -- just what I needed.

Jessica -- sorry to hear about your memories causing you pain. As Apples said, talking with a therapist is the best thing. You've come a long way and done a lot for someone your age - you're one tough cookie and we're all proud of you. Great going on your test. Remember when you feel like eating everything in sight -- give yourself the "hunger vs. emotional eating test" am I really hungry or am I just eating because of emotions? If I'm truly hungry, it can wait another hour (or whenever the next meal is). Try to chew gum or drink Water to stave off the eating frenzy.

To all the rest, love you all -- gotta get back to work.


Edited by ljv52

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Jodi - what an interesting story about the little girl and what a beautiful heart you have. How exciting that after working without pay, good karma brought enough money to pay your way thru college. Good works always bring joy. Altho - sometimes delayed in in disguise.

I'm so proud of another day at the gym. Burned a whopping 153 calories in 45 minutes. Oh well........

Interesting to see how different costs are in other parts of the nation. My gym dues are $66/month and personal training is $80/hr. It is a first class gym with indoor/outdoor pools, child care, camps for children, yoga, all equipment, TV's, cycling, showers, spa, etc......towels furnished - I like that - and lockers.

Ladies, tell me about your gyms so we can compare.

Beautiful 80 degree, very windy day in KC. Have PT tomorrow and one more on Monday, then I'm on my own again to attend gym. yippee

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Well here I sit at McD's again enjoying their free wifi while someone else is looking at our home. We've had 3 more showings today all spaced apart so from 1030 to 1130 I was gone, from 1 to 2 I was gone and now 3 to 5. We are still going ahead with showings until everything is signed sealed and delivered on the first offer. The relo company is checking into the buyers loan qualifications to be sure they are qualified to buy our home, looking good so far they just need to verify the info they provided. She forwarded a contract for us to sign and fax before we get on our flight in the morning.

Joyce, I did not know that about cell phones, I do have T mobile. Will ask DH what he thinks. I know last year when we were over there, DH did get 2 phone calls so his worked at times. Regarding the wind, I had the 80 degree windy day in SLC on Tues. and then on Wed. they got rain and snow, yesterday we had the 80's and wind in Denver, this morning rain and snow, so it's coming your way!

Apples must've left for the lake place, no junking the thread today! LOL Just joking Apples, I love it when you do.

Linda, DH's commute will probably be a little shorter in the 'less desirable' part of town so that is a plus. The more I think of that house the more I am leaning that way. However, by the time we get back from our cruise that hosue could be gone, but there will be others.

Jody, nope I do not garden. Gets dirt under my nails. LOL Seriously I do not have a green thumb, I just enjoy DH's efforts. But then again he has to battle our lab mix dogs. Today I went out back and she dug up my tulips. GRRR Little stinker!

Oh I almost forgot. I know you guys think I am the shopper so have to tell you my latest 'deal'. ABout 2 weeks ago I took Grandma to Penneys and she got several new outfits and then the next day went with DH and he got a new sport coat and some dress shirts. They had some promotion called spring rewards or something and you'd get some reward certificates in your email depending on how much you spent during that promotion. Well I got $60 worth! And they can all be used together. So I went to JCP today to find $60 worth of stuff to get, of course, couldn't find a thing. LOL Think I just couldn't think and was in a rush, they are good til May 31st so will spend them when I get home. Did spend $10 of them on socks for DH. Exciting stuff!

Well not sure if I will post before we leave, so talk at you on teh other side of my cruise!

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Actually, Cheri...about half and half. I put a lot on myself to stay busy and not have to think of the "things" that were going on in that house. In a way, it saved me and made me strong. I don't know if I was born a "survivor" or if it was self-taught. Either way, work is something I have always used to keep the "demons" at bay. I guess in a way it was my way of molding myself and a form of self-validation. Was always told I was not worth the spit on the sidewalk. But, I proved them wrong.

You are an inspiration to all. As are all you hard working women. I, too, did babysitting for others and helped at home. My baby sister was born when I was just turning 15, but my mom was mostly a stay-at-home mom. My parents didn't really believe in moms going out to work. My dad never made much money but my mom made it stretch. We never felt deprived.

My best teen-age job was being a lifeguard. Loved it. I loved being outdoors, I loved to swim, and we all had a great time together. Music blasting through loud-speakers, horse-play in the pool, dancing around the decks, blowing our whistle and sitting kids down on the drains along the decks as a punishment for getting too rough or running too much. I'm still yelling "Walk!" to kids running down the halls at school. I came early every morning to voluntarily teach swimming lessons. Discovered I was very good at breaking down each motion separately, describing and demonstrating it. Kept on doing it into my 30's. All my kids came with me and learned how to swim. My daughter became a lifeguard there as well as did my babysister who came along with me. I took visiting neices and nephews with me during the summer and taught many of them to swim as well.

Fun in the sun.


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Good Evening Gang...

2 decent days !!!! Yea !!

Laura - I really don't like pple ;0) I am the introvert - pple drain me - I guess that's why I haven't been posting - I have been to drained from work - I just haven't had the energy to read and post - I have been skiming and barley posting ;0)

Ya that's the kind of waitress I would be - my 1st Job -working for my dad in the office - All my jobs have been office jobs..

Joyce - 24 hr fitness - costco 2 yrs $299 - I do my cardio there - they have a pool and all the classes you want - which I can join - my other gym $10 a month - Trainer w/a partner $20 per hr - I was paying $25 but when I got furloughed got it reduced to $20 - When I had my trainer by myself - it was $50 hr .

Lori - Have a great vacation !!! The house will work out - WTG on your deals - going w/gf Saturday out of town to do a little shopping - I don't need to but she has bday $$$ to spend.. You know me - I will find something I don't need

Karen - Yes girl we want pictures..

Linda - Ann the lady who has the blood clots - is a young 72 but since she lost her DH a couple months ago - she looks like she's aged.. She doesn't want to work full time and Van needs a full time Acct Mgr. I told my main boss - that I loved him yesterday - yes somedays he pisses me off - but he doesn't micro manage me -

Julie - Hugs gf - hope they get to the root of your problem soon

Well Andrew's hungry - gotta go start his dinner..


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I am all packed finally!! Got the papers to sign for the offer so it's sounding like it will be a go on that one.

Janet good to hear from you!! I am an introvert too, don't like customer service too much but did do it for several years with the airlines. Probably why I got stressed out. Though I always wanted to be a stewardess (that's what we called them in the day) when I grew up.

Well DH should be home soon, and we can go through our papers. thanks for all the support here!

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I am all packed finally!! Got the papers to sign for the offer so it's sounding like it will be a go on that one.

Janet good to hear from you!! I am an introvert too, don't like customer service too much but did do it for several years with the airlines. Probably why I got stressed out. Though I always wanted to be a stewardess (that's what we called them in the day) when I grew up.

Well DH should be home soon, and we can go through our papers. thanks for all the support here!

Lori - lol - I don't hate pple - but sometimes they can be just to damn demanding - I want it now - I don't care if you have a desk that's over flowing or are in the middle of a project - like I am sitting there waiting for their calls - emails or faxes - just twiddling my thumbs.. I have most of my insured trained - but these new ones aren't there yet..

I know I have only skimmed - saw you had an offer on this house - have you found one in SL yet?? Are you just going to buy one off the internet and not look at it?? Well I guess I bought my house off of paper plans - so never mind - I guess if i could do that I could buy one off the internet ;0)

Have a great time - I wish I was going on vacation - doing a 3 dayer w/gf next week - fri - sat come home sunday - so really just 2 days - but it will be fun to get out of town...

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Lori - lol - I don't hate pple - but sometimes they can be just to damn demanding - I want it now - I don't care if you have a desk that's over flowing or are in the middle of a project - like I am sitting there waiting for their calls - emails or faxes - just twiddling my thumbs.. I have most of my insured trained - but these new ones aren't there yet..

I know I have only skimmed - saw you had an offer on this house - have you found one in SL yet?? Are you just going to buy one off the internet and not look at it?? Well I guess I bought my house off of paper plans - so never mind - I guess if i could do that I could buy one off the internet ;0)

Have a great time - I wish I was going on vacation - doing a 3 dayer w/gf next week - fri - sat come home sunday - so really just 2 days - but it will be fun to get out of town...

I am looking at lots of photos on the internet but we've made a couple trips so far to SLC and plan one when we return from the cruise tolook at more houses. I know the right one is out there.

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I am looking at lots of photos on the internet but we've made a couple trips so far to SLC and plan one when we return from the cruise tolook at more houses. I know the right one is out there.

yep it is... Have a drink of the day for me :0) and some lobster and escargo..

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Joyce, yes, you will have to let me know when you come visit....we will meet.

Janet, we must be having sympathy work pains right now because I'm getting the same stuff you are. Drop everything you are doing and take care of me....it is all about me.....this one customer, not even mine, called me 5 times because the other engineer didn't call him back soon enough. Gee, it's not like we are twiddling our thumbs just waiting for your call....yep, know what that's all about.

So I just got a new Taco Bell and the Trolly Barn to work on besides the "I didn't plan this well and we need you to remove this working cable by tomorrow because we are pulling the building down" issue I've been working on.

Julie, so sorry your shoulder is still bothering you...are you going to the doctor this Friday or next Friday?

Lori, have lots of fun on the cruise.

That's giving me an idea....we've been talking about meeting here and there, etc....next year....why don't we plan on meeting on a cruise? There are all sorts of them out there. I've never done the cruise ship thing, only sail boats. What do you think?

Oh, buy the way, thanks for letting me whine about work. I'm so overwhelmed that I'm really just floundering around. Hopefully, I'll get focused and get stuff done.

Made home made chicken Soup tonight. DH is sick and has a really bad cough, so you know what they say....chicken soup is good for colds. I hope it helps him. Its also one of the few ways I can eat chicken. I really need the extra moisture with that stuff.

It's almost May and it's only 60 degrees right now. Hold on to your wigs Arlene, it's heading your way....wind and cold weather.

I'm going to go do something. Talk at you later.


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Cool...and I'm so excited.

My DH just booked flights to Baltimore and Arkansas. Now I'm not so excited about the Arkansas part, but we are going to Wilmington, DE for a concert...yipee!!!

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Eva - Hugs - we are both got crappy jobs right now - it's cold and we live in the desert ;0) - I'm all for a cruise - I love them.

chicken Soup sounds good - I'm not sick and it does work - but ate one tempura shrimp w/wasaba and got stuck then tried to drink a pure Protein Shake - well - no go - pb'd on it.. I'm hungry - 1 shrimp might have made me physically full - but my head isn't and I do need more nourishment - omg love that one ;0)

Oh back to work - my boss and one of the other bosses really think that we should be able to handle all this extra work - I don't know what planet they are from..

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Cool...and I'm so excited.

My DH just booked flights to Baltimore and Arkansas. Now I'm not so excited about the Arkansas part, but we are going to Wilmington, DE for a concert...yipee!!!

Cool, when are you going? I lived in Wilmington before Denver. No sales tax there! QVC outlet stores there and PA too!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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