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Jessica - I agree that your visit with your brother reopened some of the doors to painful past. Karen has the right idea - talk to someone about your feelings and you will find peace again. That is definitely what is triggering your hunger, but you already know that. Good luck and congrats on your test.

Lori - can't wait to hear about the offer on your house. Hope it is high and firms up.

Laura - love the idea of first job reflections. I was a swimming teacher in the morning, then rode my bike to the country club and life guarded all afternoon. Had a great tan and toned body.

Karen - can't believe how much work was placed on you in your childhood. Wow.

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Apples, building grain bins was down the line of jobs. Of course 1st was baby sitting, then picking pickles, hoeing Beans & baling hay. Now I sit my hinie at a desk all day & work in my flowers for fun. Your topics are always fun and get you thinking.

Oh and those pickled eggs are good. My kids have me boil them up and when they finish off the pickle bologna I throw them in the brine for a week.

Jessica, hugs sent your way.

Well I'm going MIA for a few days DD grads this weekend. I'm so excited I'm giddy and probably won't sleep tonight.

Take care all.

Laura K

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Apples, building grain bins was down the line of jobs. Of course 1st was baby sitting, then picking pickles, hoeing Beans & baling hay. Now I sit my hinie at a desk all day & work in my flowers for fun. Your topics are always fun and get you thinking.

Oh and those pickled eggs are good. My kids have me boil them up and when they finish off the pickle bologna I throw them in the brine for a week.

Jessica, hugs sent your way.

Well I'm going MIA for a few days DD grads this weekend. I'm so excited I'm giddy and probably won't sleep tonight.

Take care all.

Laura K

Have good trip, LauraK. Have fun and watch the crossroads! BTW...was Laura's idea to share our 1st jobs.

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LauraK....have a safe trip and best wishes to your DD!

Apples, what a great subject. I mowed lawns and cleaned houses before I was 16 and I also cleaned motel rooms. I always had chores to do in the morning (summer time when I was out of school) then I could do what I wanted in the PM. In the summer, I spent most of my days at the pool. I was not fit, but I must have been tanned, can't remember. I never really learned to swim well until I was an adult and had moved to Tucson. My first official job was in the hospital kitchen, washing pots and pan. After that there were a few different ones, like bookkeeper in a credit bureau, waitresss, engine stuffer at Estes Industries (model rockets) then the phone company where I've had many jobs.

Yes, Lori, it's Qwest and your sisters should worry. They will be getting rid of redundant people and the headquarters of the new company won't be in Denver. I don't think I'll be working for the new company, at least I won't be still working there when the merger happens. Can't say I wouldn't come back as start over with the new company. It would depend.

So I've been talking to the other half and I'm pretty sure I'll be leaving this employment either the end of this year or very early next year. I'm pushing for November because I would like to take a couple of months off. I think I might go to real estate school and try to get a license. I would like to try being an RE assistant...don't want to list and sell houses, but would like to be a gofer maybe. I could try it a while and if it doesn't work out, then I'll find another job. Guess I'm looking for a really radical change. Still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. We'll see.

Janet, I do know what you mean about let me work and leave me alone. I really don't have time to stand around and talk about how hard the job is. 10 1/2 hours today. Tomorrow will be better, it's sushi day.

Phyl, you were meant to be a nurse and a nurturer...all you butt cleaners, my hat's off to you because I can't do it. But our lives are so much better for the fact all of you can.

I didn't have any grandparents either. My Dad's Mom died when I was still in school and Mom was German and her parents had died years before. But I learned a deep respect for older people. I used to hang out with an old couple and loved to spend time with them. I also feel old people are neglected and ignored because they are old. Maybe when I retire I can volunteer to drive someone around like Lori does for her Grandma.

Okay, off to bed for me.....have a great night everyone.


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Good evening, here I sit and can't sleep. think my mind is too busy thinking of things. LOL Probably shouldn't have planned a vacation in the midst of house selling and all. Looks like we have a decent offer on the house anyway and DH & I are okay with accepting it, but it's now up to the relocation company. It was too late to call it in to them today so will be calling them in the morning. It's a full price offer, but they are asking for $3000 in closing costs. Plus it is contingent on their house closing, it is under contract however. Hopefully we can get all the T's crossed, and I's dotted on this tomorrow before we leave for vacation on Friday. And it's not like we can still be reached on our cell phones as we will be out of the country. We plan on paying for internet access on the ship so they can get messages to us. Now I am in panic mode about finding a place in Utah as well. DH says not to be as we have 2 mos of temporary living expenses the company will pay for and we can just rent for a bit, but I really would like to just find a place and move once. And now that we have this offer it just makes it seem all so real that I really ammoving and could have less than a month left here. That saddens me quite a bit, but I try not to say too much to DH as it makes him feel bad. I supported this move and still do, but it's just not going to be easy.

So opinions please on where you would buy a house. In the area that you wanted and where resale is easier but houses are more costly, or an area where the houses are a litle less and you could get the house you've always wanted but isn't in 'the' right part of town. it's still a nice area, it's jsut that in SLC there's a real west side vs east side mentality or was. All the new growth is on the otherside of town and I do really want a newer house. So is it 'location, location, location' or is it the perfect house???

Eva, I think my one sister thinks she is going to be okay as the company still has to have a presence in Denver (I'm not so sure about that) but the other has said she is going to keep her eyes out for something else. Good luck to you in your Quest. I always thought real estate would be fun, but wouldn't have the confidence or personality I don't think to be a sales person but maybe something behind the scenes.

Laura,have a safe trip and congrats to your DD!

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Lori, Lori, Lori~

I can FEEL your stress. Yes, what were you thinking when you planned a vacation?! You were soooo smart! It will be the best thing for you and DH to have time to reflect on the wedding and the upcoming changes. After DH and I bought our first house (signed papers) we didn't have to move right away b/c we were still in a rental apartment. That was the BEST, not having to move that day b/c of closing! We actually hired a contractor and renovated some. (he had a week to get it done- hardwood floors in master, paint all downstairs, some repairs, take off a wall tv, etc. When he was done he was to hire a cleaning company. I wanted it inspection ready (white glove) even if he had to pay them twice what they normally charged! LOL. What a nice thing... fixed and cleaned house. Moved on MY time. We were soooo happy. Oh, while they were doing the house, we went to PARIS! Memories.

So, my point is, take your time. Use the furnished rental fund. Even if you find the house, can use that time to get it spiffy and ready. Is the temp. housing money something you lose if you don't use?

When I lived in Atlanta, it was very important to not be GU -geographically undesirable. I lived in the middle of everything, right near school. If I lived out of the beltway, I wouldn't have done half the things I did. So, in some cities, if you don't live near the fun things- then you will never do them- b/c you don't want to drive in traffic.

On the other hand, if you stay at home a lot. Then let it be your sanctuary. This last move we bought a house a little farther out so we could have the house of our dreams. When you tuck yourself in at night, you will be glad you did. Especially if DH likes his yard. For me, that's a no brainer. Get the house in the not so cool side... i bet it will be cool soon enough. People that save money, will be cool people! And before you know it- the side that wasn't the side to be on- will be because YOU live there!!!

best of luck!!!!! will be thinking of you!!!

peasout.. Laura


Edited by peascorps

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Eva...was pretty close on the guess on your first job. I win!

Lots for you to think about but sounds exciting. DH has pushed me for years to get my real estate license. He thinks it would be something I would be good at. His saying is "You could sell the pants off of a monkey". It does not interest me at this point in my life. Kinda been there/done that with being in the insurance business for 15 yrs. I would find certain aspects of it interesting though. I admire you for thinking about switching gears...you would be really good at it (IMHO). I could see you doing "pre-inspections" and after the inspector had his job complete, I could see you doing post-inspections and calling him/her on things missed.

Lori...as Laura said...can read the stress between the lines. As far as your question goes...I guess I would go for the house I loved. You live within it's walls and property boundries. Yep, I'd want to look at my house and be happy with it. Just be damned sure that you have an Ann Taylor shop within a close driving distance. LOL

Not sure what day you are leaving on your trip. Have a wonderful time and good luck with the house sale. Try to just take a deep breath and take this time to relax and concentrate on you and DH. You are so lucky to have the traveling opportunities that you do. My dream.

Laura...I am like you. If I lived around the Atlanta area, I would want to be close to things. DS lives in that area but a ways out (Covington) with not much at his fingertips. Has to drive a ways for most anything. The housing development he lives in is nice but way to far out.

We are SHOT. DH has not been getting off the planter until after midnight and by the time we wind down and get in bed it's 1am. I tossed for about an hour after that and up at 4am. I need to go to the lake to catch up.

DH is out finishing the rest of the corn planting and should be done in a couple of hours. Rain coming our way and predicted for about a week. If he didn't finish this morning, who knows when he would get it done. It's always irritating to have a little left and not be able to finish it for awhile. Soybean planting will not start for a week or so. We ran our butts off this week but actually love this time of year and seeing the crop being put in the ground.

Meeting a friend tonight and going out for dinner. She's a friend of mind from here and our neighbor at the lake. Have a wedding on Sat for close friend's son. I LOVE the outfit I got for it. If I think of it I will take a few photos.

You all have a good weekend and will talk to you on Monday. Sending the love.

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Good Morning

Drive by - need to get in shower

I could never be a waitress - I don't like pple lol - I would tell them eat it :0) I am not a good customer service person ;0)

I wouldn't get any tips..

Jessica Hugs !!!

Lori hope all goes well w/house

Yesterday was a little better got some work done - hope today is productive too - I need a couple days of productive work so I can get caught up - if thats even possible..


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Haven't been on in a while. You ladies have always been a big help. Banded Feb 17, 2010..Lost 34 lbs so far. This week seems to be stuck, but I may be holding Water because I have been going to the gym alot. Hooked on the new Zumba dances....Lots of Fun

Thanks Aleah

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Haven't been on in a while. You ladies have always been a big help. Banded Feb 17, 2010..Lost 34 lbs so far. This week seems to be stuck, but I may be holding Water because I have been going to the gym alot. Hooked on the new Zumba dances....Lots of Fun

Thanks Aleah

Hey Aleah...nice to see you on the thread again. We can all guess as to why a person hits a plateau. Are you drinking enough water? Hitting a certain monthly cycle? Journaling what you eat to make sure of where you are sitting with it? Sometimes the body just stops losing for a bit. Hopefully it will move for you soon.

You are doing great on the weight loss. I wouldn't get too worried about a short plateau. We've all been there, been impatient with it and then all of a sudden we were at goal (not quite that easy but you get my drift?)

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Lori, I would probably go for the house as long as the neighborhood wasn't too bad. Neighborhood is important, but the "right" side of town....ug, it's not always so "right". I find the more affluent neighborhoods may have snootier people. Having good neighbors is certainly important. When you get to SLC, go spend some time in the neighborhood at night and see what it's like. Have fun on your trip....I'm all for traveling while you can.

Off to work...later....


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Thanks gals for the pep talk on my stressing out post last night. This vacation will be good (we leave in the morning) to just take a breath. Today I have to do laundry, pack and take Grandma to Walmart. About the less desirable side of town that we love the house, it's not a bad area at all, very nice and some very affluent houses etc. I guess it's more of the snob factor east vs west. So maybe I had or have a little snob in me, I think it came from years of living on the east as well and hearing that but then again that all came from folks on the east! LOL And if this house that we loved isn't still available (though it's been on the market for almost 3 most) there will be others. Poor DH not sure when he will be home again. He's in Atlanta today, will get in at 8 tonight. We leave in the morning for NYC and our connection to Spain. Gone til Mother's Day. ON the return he is flying from NYC to Daytona Beach for meetings first thing Monday morning. I will come home alone. then from Daytona he may meet me in SLC so we can find a house. But then from there he has to go to Vegas. He is anxious to get moved as things will be easier for him from SLC.

Well gotta go, another showing in an hour, they just called and I'm not dressed. I think however, we will be taking this offer that came in lat night. Just spoke to the relo company and it sounded good.

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Lori - Regarding communication while you are traveling, I do alot of international vacationing. My phone works worldwide. Just contact your provider & have them change your setting. I have T-mobile and can check on-line to verify cost per minute whereever I will be. My husband wants to be able to reach me when I'm gone. So he can call my phone anytime. The rate can be as much as $3.50 a minute, but it's worth it to be in touch.

Eva - My best friends daughter just accepted a job with a TV station in Tucson (sp?). I promised her I'd visit with her once her daughter is settled. So perhaps we can meet.

Karen - enjoy your lake weekend. Wish I was going.

Another trip to the gym for me today. scale is moving again and want to keep it going.

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Good afternoon everyone~

Great~ Glad to hear you got an offer and that the relo co. said it sounded good. What a nice thing to hear before you leave. Bon voyage. Be safe and have a happy & healthy vacation! We will miss you! Can't wait to see pics!

Apples~You are amazing! So many things you have done and survived! You are a hero, really. Have fun at the lake- you deserve it.

Eva~So glad to hear you positive about the job change (when/if it comes). I think it will be a well deserved and needed break in between careers. So lucky to have a supportive DH.

Aleah~ WTG on the 34 lbs! Sounds like you are doing great!!!

Janet~ you had me laughing! I can see you being a waitress.

This is a link to that old Geico commercial when the guy tells the waitress he didn't want mayo and she picks up the bread and wipes it on the end of the table and put it back! LOL. Ha, and you don't like ppl! funny.

LadyK~Wtg on the gym and the scale! you are doing awesome!!!

Julie~how are you doing today?

LauraK~ safe travels for you!!! Congrats on DD's grad!

oh, getting back to the jobs. Nursing assistant and then I worked as a cashier at Quincy's Steakhouse. The whole summer my drawer NEVER came out even! Usually I had $100 extra or so, meaning I didn't give people the right change back (not enough back). yikes. I waited tables the next summer at the beach for a seafood restaurant named "Big Daddy's". I had to wear a brown polyester sailor uniform, black hose and black reeboks. It was sooo cheesey! Had the best summer though. Kure Beach, NC. Memories. Those were the first few anyways. : )

ok~ busy afternoon. pick up the boy at school, errands, tutor, TKD, and then home. DH is on call this weekend- so have to think of some things to do with Nelson. I will CBL... peasout.. Laura

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Hi everyone, I'm here but not feeling very well today... Neck hurts most of the time now..... just falling completely apart I guess..... I read most all of the posts... So much fun........ Apples is on a roll.... I could handle the pickled eggs, but not the rest.... ugh.....

Yup, I worked on the farm..... cooking, cleaning, and taking care of my baby brother.... I was 12 when he was born..... didn't work "out" until college and then did babysitting and had a pt job at the art gallery at Student Union and UND................. I did work as a bar maid for a while after I turned 21..... was a cook a number of times.... Owned my own restaurant once... and lots of other things I guess..

Just too tired to comment on everyone's goings' on..... I thinking of you all and hoping you manage whatever is wrong and enjoy whatever is right... Hugs to all... Hope to feel better later... right now I need my ice pack and a nap.... Julie

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