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Hi gang! Thanks for all the well wishes for my mom. She is doing better. The pneumonia is in her right lung. For some reason her left elbow is hurting her. She probably bumped it and doesn't remember. Anyway, I am way off plan. I drank a shake at home, but then went down hill from there. I ate chicken nuggets....about 3, then I ate a Protein Bar. Now, I just ate some saltines. Okay, back to at least 2 shakes tomorrow. I go see Dr. Davis on Friday. Yikes! I better straighten up!

I will be gone all day tomorrow........sitting at the hospital. I hope to get my mother home by Thursday.

Arlene...that's whats nice about the program you are on. You have to be accountable to your doc every so often. Helps keep a person on track. You can do it. Just really try to stick to the plan the rest of the week. Will be so worth it when you see the #'s on the scale. Be prepared. If you need to go to the hospital with your mom, or are away from home, bring a shake or low carb Protein bar with you. There are ways to make things work if you are not at home.

You've had so much determination lately. I have the feeling that we will be hearing that you are completely back on track tomorrow. I'm proud of you for how hard you are working at this and fully aware of how and when you get off track. Keep plugging away!!!!!:thumbup:

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So glad I found you..Thank you! I was banded 2/23/10. had one fill so far and am struggling. I have been feeling depressed and frustrated. I have started exercising. I have only lost 12 lbs so far. I gain a lb then lose that same lb---thanks for your inspiration

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I discovered the laying down thing by accident. I seldom lay down during the day, but during spring break I was doing a lot of reading and I like to lay in the tub and read or curl up on the couch sometimes. I had sf Decaf lattes with me and could not drink them reclining or sitting up. I was that tight. I also find that wearing a snug belt around my waist under the port also increases restriction.

I discovered FB has groups for the various Myers-Briggs personality types. Interesting. They throw around initials like crazy and seem to have memorized all 16 personality types. But they're all just people trying to figure out who they are and what makes themselves and others tick.


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Julie - I'm so angry at the doctors for putting you off until May 14th. It's just not fair. Please feel free to complain - since that seems to be your only relief. grrrrrrr....... Sorry to hear Mimi is having difficulties also.

Karen - welcome back. Sounds like a lovely lake weekend.

Sending hugs to all other ladies.


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Good Evening Gang...

Julie - Ironing - sprinkle them roll them up put them in the freezer - yep I remember those days got 5 cent for everything I ironed - we ironed everything too Pillow Cases, my dad's boxers- and we had one of those rolling ironing things - We had a lady come in - she's like my Mom - Miss Charlene - when I was little (my mom had 3 kids born 55 56 & 58 (lost one in 57) so I guess she needed help for her mental stablity ;0) - but in like 64 I remember ironing - I don't do it often - I usually Iron as needed - I have to be in a mood to do it and I guess last night was one of those - but it's not all done ;0)..

Hugs on the pain - I would call the nuro doc and cry to them to see if you can get in sooner - Hugs & Prayers for you and Mimi

Laura - I'm a cannibal ;0) but like my veggies well done :0)..

Ya I guess they had a bad tornado in OK I think - I haven't watched the news - I didn't get to sleep til after midnite last night - even with the lack of sleep the night before - I hit the snooze 3 times this morning - I haven't hit the snooze in 15 yrs... it's 9 now and I really should be heading for bed.. I'm beat..

Apples - lol - my DS & GS are picky eaters - so it doesn't bug me - but they eat beef - DS doesn't eat fish -GS does - but they are both meat & starch pple - no veggies. We had lamb usually just on Easter - I remember lamb curry when I was real young..

Well gang - I gotta get to bed - Work - well the lady who works w/my #2 Producer Van - the one who broke her wrist a couple of weeks ago - Ann who's 72 - well she's in the hospital - blood clot - going to be out for some time - in fact they are going to look to replace her cuz Van need a full time account mgr - well in the mean time

I get her alphabet - A TO K.. Yea Janet - More work!!!

Well - can't keep the eyes open - ya right the minute I hit the bed they will open right up

will ck in tomorrow - God willing

Hugs & love to all..

ok Linda my next FF is 5/7 - going w/bff candy to Temecula - they have an old town area and the a casino we will hit - a girls weekend - leave friday come home sunday - looking forward to it..

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Good Morning! I am fixin ( southern slang) to go to the hospital.

Apples, here is the plan.....gonna drink a shake now.....I bought spring rolls for lunch (3-198calories).....got a Protein bar for a snack.....then a shake this evening. Oh and two bottles of Water.

Okay, I am off. Please keep my mom in your prayers. Her name is Norma Jene.

HUGS! to all!

Oh, Janet, I remember the ironing thing too. I think I was paid 5 cents. I wish I could pay my grandkids 5 cents to Iron. They would want at least a buck.

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Gotta get my two cents in on the ironing issue...I find it very relaxing. Spent many hours ironing as a kid. Not so sure if I liked it back then, but now I find it to be relaxing for some reason. But, I'm not one to Iron a pillow case these days or waste time getting the creases out of the boxer undies.

When my oldest was in basic training and AIT for six months, he made a lot of extra money ironing for the other soldiers that just didn't want to do it.

Arlene...wishing your mom the best. Hope she recovers quickly. Sounds like your lunch box is well-prepared for the day. Good going!

Busy day here. Been at it for a few hours already. Looks like it is going to be a nice and sunny day with not rain in the forecast. Rain kept the guys out of the field since Friday night and they are anxious to get the last 1/3 of the corn planted b/4 the next rain that should be coming by Thurs/Friday.

Hope everyone has a good day. I declare today "Janet and Eva's Sluff Day"! Yeah, right! By the sounds of what they have going on, that's not going to happen. Don't work too hard, girls!

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Good Morning! I am fixin ( southern slang) to go to the hospital.

Apples, here is the plan.....gonna drink a shake now.....I bought spring rolls for lunch (3-198calories).....got a Protein bar for a snack.....then a shake this evening. Oh and two bottles of Water.

Okay, I am off. Please keep my mom in your prayers. Her name is Norma Jene.

HUGS! to all!

Oh, Janet, I remember the ironing thing too. I think I was paid 5 cents. I wish I could pay my grandkids 5 cents to Iron. They would want at least a buck.

Charlene - Norma Jene in our prayers.. WTG on your plan

Good morning peeps

Went to bed 9:30 slept pretty good - wish I could get a few more hrs - but can't..

dinner - leftover lamb chop and little rice .

Have a good day everyone - cb tonite

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Hi everyone. Janet, glad you had a good night's rest, I did too - I slept in this morning as well. I've just been tired lately. Think it was episode with FM last week.

Arlene thinking and praying for your mom. Good job on planning your food for the day. WTG! You're doing great!

I ironed as a kid too -- and probably why I hate it so much now -- no pay for me - I was free help. LOL. My brother who is 4 years older than me (one who had surgery last week) used to hit me if I didn't get the creases on his jeans just right. LOL. Can you imagine ironing jeans today? By the way he doesn't hit girls anymore. I think it was a kid thing. LOL. That probably sounded really bad.

Sunny here today too Apples supposed to be nice again until Thursday. Hoping it is anyway. Step son had to go to ER last night for his diabetes. Honestly! When are these two kids ever going to learn. They truly were raised to be responsible people, I don't get it.

Hope everyone has a great day - I gotta run and get ready for work. Enjoy your day!


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Linda....just keep in mind that you cannot do it for your 2 stepchildren. It's kind of like us being obese. We had to have that "Ah-Huh" moment and Want to take control of our situation. What's sad about their situation though is that with every episode they have, it deteriorates their health a bit at a time. I know you feel it is dire that they get it now...I would feel the same way. I feel your frustration. I'm sure it is very difficult to sit and watch them time after time not "get it". Hang in there.

I have a friend that is 52 that has never really gotten it. She will do good for a couple of days and then right back to a diet filled with sugar and crap. A very self-destructive trait. It's almost like she has never gotten over her bitterness about getting diabetes. I feel for her but I am more frustrated with her than anything.

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Arlene, sent a prayer up for your mom, hope she continues to improve.

Janet, hugs on the work issues.

Well I can't say I remember ironing much as a kid, still don't. That's what the timer on the dryer is for. lol

DD will start her job on July 6th. I got all the paperwork in the mail yesterday. You certainly can tell it's government, huge envelope.

I'm getting so excited to leave on Thurs. I even spoke with her Father today and told him about the sm party I am planning for her. Invited him and his wife. Must be giddy or my mind is spinning with all her going ons. lol

Laura K

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Thanks for the lamb recipes, Janet and Laura! I think I'm going to try some chops on the grill this weekend. That is if it ever stops raining! (Shari Lewis and Lambchop just popped into my head---You young ones won't remember this, but it was a kid's show on TV when many of us here were kids.)

Please get out the wet noodle. I deserve it. Yesterday was a pretty good food day until I got home. Tried eating chicken thighs and artichokes and pb'ed about 4 times. Then ate ice cream to "soothe" my stomach (what a great excuse, right?) I know I ate too fast again. When will I ever learn? There's a guy at my support group who says he still eats too fast and he's over 2 years out!

My poor husband said he feels terrible when I have a bad episode like that. I tell him it's not a problem, and he doesn't need to worry but he still feels bad. He's a good guy.

Jessica, you look SO pretty in those pics. How great to see your progress like that!

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Arlene, sent a prayer up for your mom, hope she continues to improve.

Janet, hugs on the work issues.

Well I can't say I remember ironing much as a kid, still don't. That's what the timer on the dryer is for. lol

DD will start her job on July 6th. I got all the paperwork in the mail yesterday. You certainly can tell it's government, huge envelope.

I'm getting so excited to leave on Thurs. I even spoke with her Father today and told him about the sm party I am planning for her. Invited him and his wife. Must be giddy or my mind is spinning with all her going ons. lol

Laura K

LauraK...safe travels and congrats on getting your paperwork done. How far do you need to travel? By yourself? Also, congrats on getting the DD graduated and on her way to a "real life". Those college years do not come without a lot of work from mom and dad also, so pat yourself on the back.

Also...good going on including her dad and his wife in your celebrations. Something that most likely will be important to her to have both of you there.

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Thanks for the lamb recipes, Janet and Laura! I think I'm going to try some chops on the grill this weekend. That is if it ever stops raining! (Shari Lewis and Lambchop just popped into my head---You young ones won't remember this, but it was a kid's show on TV when many of us here were kids.)

Please get out the wet noodle. I deserve it. Yesterday was a pretty good food day until I got home. Tried eating chicken thighs and artichokes and pb'ed about 4 times. Then ate ice cream to "soothe" my stomach (what a great excuse, right?) I know I ate too fast again. When will I ever learn? There's a guy at my support group who says he still eats too fast and he's over 2 years out!

My poor husband said he feels terrible when I have a bad episode like that. I tell him it's not a problem, and he doesn't need to worry but he still feels bad. He's a good guy.

Jessica, you look SO pretty in those pics. How great to see your progress like that!

Deb...all out of wet noodles but I do have a nice size 9!:scared2: Just REALLY make a good effort to eat slow. It seems you know why you pb. They say it takes 18 days to form a habit. Force yourself for the next 18 days to pay attention to the size of your bites, the time in between bites, set your fork down, cut eraser sized bites and try to relax in between. We all do it and the only way to break it is to have a conscious effort to do so.

And, if that ice cream is a temptation...get rid of it. Make yourself a Protein smoothy or shake when you need something soothing.

Whew...it's hard work being the food police. Where's Janet when we need her. :unsure:

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So glad I found you..Thank you! I was banded 2/23/10. had one fill so far and am struggling. I have been feeling depressed and frustrated. I have started exercising. I have only lost 12 lbs so far. I gain a lb then lose that same lb---thanks for your inspiration

Hey Louise Marie...we missed responding to your post yesterday...sorry about that.

With only having one fill, you most likely do not have a lot of restriction yet. And, congrats on the 12lbs lost....much better than a 12lb gain. Also, good going on the exercise and on the decision to get moving. It's half the battle to stay active and realize how important it is to do so.

Without knowing what you are eating on a daily basis, how many calories, etc., the only advice I can give you is to really follow your dr's plan and stay in close contact with him regarding getting your fills and doing what he recommends.

Try to get out of your funk and focus on the end result. The weight did not go on over night and it certainly will not come off over night. Once you have the right amount of restriction, this lap band journey you are on will seem so much easier.

Fill us in a little about what you are eating and what kind of exercise you are doing. Maybe someone else here will have some good advice that you can follow.

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