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The house I grew up in was disgusting. Roaches everywhere. There were six of us and only 2 of us did house work. We were too young to be responsible for it all. Didn't know what we were doing. We just knew if we did it wrong there would be trouble. I still have nightmares of cleaning that house.

Then when I was 14 I moved in with my Dad and stepmother. She was a clean freak. We had to vaccum under the furniture every day. But there were no roaches.

I don't want to be either one of those extremes. I want a clean house that's not a museum. It is hard for me to find the right balance. If I can't be perfect at it I give up. I guess that is the same with my eatting habits. If I can't eat perfectly I will give up. I am working at it always room for change.

Went to a bbq at the Methodist church down the street. Jake and I had so much fun. He played in the moon walk, and with shaving cream and bubbles.

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Good afternoon. Well we had another house showing today and another one scheduled for tomorrow. All it takes is one!

I have an appt in a few minutes to 'get younger' I am going to a different gal as I had an appt on Monday with my regular person and have to change it and she hasn't called me back. I got impatient and want it done now, I am worried it won't be done before we leave on the cruise on Friday and I am going to SLC Monday & Tues.

OK I hope this isn't too controversial, but I just want to say, I was a little offended by the 'stupid white people' comments. I hope I just took them out of context and am giving it the benefit of the doubt, but just think we should be careful of generalizing any race like that. Off my soap box now. Different life experiences don't make one race smarter than another just different with different experiences and iget how that could come accross on those standarized tests. There's no one size fits all.

I got a new toy, an I-Touch, I love it, if I can ever figure out the new technology. My daughter is going to come over tomorrow and help me out.

Well better get to that hair appt. This place has been a little quiet lately.

Jewel, I think many of us with weight issues have just that same all or nothing mentality. I know if I couldn't be perfect on a 'diet' I would just say forget it and give up completely. Progress not perfection. We need to find balance in all areas of our life if we have that same mentality. I know I am finding that out and it's tough! What you have going for you is your young age, if you can get that now you are so far ahead of the game and I am proud of you for working on it instead of waiting til you are 50 like me!

Joyce, let me know how you like that movie. I thought it looked cute, but DH says no way so I might have to see if my daughter will go wtih me or something.

Arlene, congrats on another pound!

Apples, miss ya!

Janet, sure hope you get some relief at work soon. We miss ya too! But you sound like you od a great job of balancing it all. You have so much going on and yet still make your food choices and exercise a priority, you are my hero!

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Hi LBers! I'm having a lazy afternoon here watching The History Detectives. The rainy day seems to have made me less motivated! Today is Little 500 day (bicycle race) here in Bloomington, and it's probably been rained out. Ever see the movie "Breaking Away"? That's my town. (great movie, by the way)

Great, I hope one of those lookers decides to buy.

Eva, work work work! I hope your purse party went well. Wish I was closer to you gals in the desert, cause I'd love to hang out with you. And get to know your tortoises!

Cheri, wow on the weight loss! You're an inspiration that I can actually get to goal.

Janet, how do you cook your lamb chops? I've never been a big fan of lamb (mostly because I never had it while growing up), but lately I've been liking it. I'm going to have to try some on the grill.

Jessica, sounds like you have the right idea on where to be with the cleaning. I'm glad you're liking your new living situation too. You're doing great with all the stress in your life lately---moving AND school AND kid, etc.

Linda, sorry to hear you have fibromyalgia. I have a friend at work who really suffers with it at times. Healing thoughts are coming your way.

Apples, hope this weekend at the lake is a good one. We miss you though!

Ms bubba, hope this next treatment helps. You've been through so much; I'm sending healing thoughts your way, too.

Jodi, let's exchange info so maybe we can meet up in NYC. I'm only going to be there from May 6-10. I know my daughter has a lot planned for us but I hope there'll be a little time for us to meet.

Welcome, Battle Cat, let us know how you're doing. These ladies here have really helped keep me on track. (or get back on track!)

I'm terrible about remembering (CRS) so I apologize for leaving anyone out.

Had a fill appointment this week, but didn't get one. I just am still pb'ing too often, and want to see if me eating more slowly and carefully will stop this! I'm afraid of being too tight (heard too many bad stories). Saw my surgeon in the office, and he was SO complimentary... a total of 65 lbs lost in 7 months. it made me blush! He's a really nice man.

I'm frustrated because I wanted to upload some photos today (before & after). BUT my software is gone, and I can't download it from the Canon site! They want $25 for a new software CD, and I've been looking for my old one all day. Argh...I have no idea where I might have put it. So much for being disorganized!

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Good afternoon. Well we had another house showing today and another one scheduled for tomorrow. All it takes is one!

I have an appt in a few minutes to 'get younger' I am going to a different gal as I had an appt on Monday with my regular person and have to change it and she hasn't called me back. I got impatient and want it done now, I am worried it won't be done before we leave on the cruise on Friday and I am going to SLC Monday & Tues.

I got a new toy, an I-Touch, I love it, if I can ever figure out the new technology. My daughter is going to come over tomorrow and help me out.

Lots of showings.... that's good. Are you getting any feedback from the lookers??

I got an iTouch for Christmas and still learning to use all of it's functions. I bought an "iTouch For Dummies"! Now if I could just find where I put it... the book, that is!! We're still unpackng. I have one more basket of clothes to put away and a whole bunch of books to sort through! Now I've been thinking, maybe I should'nt have talked DH in to getting me one because maybe I want an iPhone when the new ones come out! I'm almost due for an upgrade on my cell phone. Salesman was trying to talk me into a Motorola Android the other day. It was pretty impressive but.... bottom line is.. I'm not sure I can give up my Blackberry!!

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Those were actually two stories some of the white teachers at my school tell on themselves. We are black and white teachers together and we've learned to gently poke fun of ourselves. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

The whole point, like Jodi said, is that there is no standardized test that can accurately measure what our capabilities and knowledge are because our environments and background are so different. Take us out of our familiar territory and we can appear pretty stupid no matter what our race or education level. What's genuinely stupid are the standardized tests that don't take those things into account and assume that African-American children who don't know the word tan are less smart than the white children who do.

Didn't mean to offend you.


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Thank you Cheri, I appreciate your explanation. I feel better about it.

We have another showing tomorrow! DH has to go to SLC on Monday to interview candidates for a position he has open in Phoenix. I am going with and we have are going to look at houses in SLC on Monday afternoon. Kindda anxious to see what's out there.

I had a kindda bad food day and tomorrow is looking difficult as well. We are taking G'ma to Outback for her 101st birthday. Also have plans to meet my kids for Breakfast before church in the morning. I can do this!!

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Well, the carpet is out and the wall is down..... Mess cleaned up as much as possible... tomorrow is Sunday and Mimi's 3rd birthday party ( actual day is 26th), so no work tomorrow... DH has a swing set to put together with DF...... Should be interesting to see them work together for the first time....

Was to a bridal shower today... they did so many cute things.. Bride's sister quizzed her on Cinderella......as it was always her favorite movie... She got all the answers right... Lots of cute ideas ....no stupid games.... It was nice, but I didn't stay a long time... The wedding is in Omaha, so won't be attending....

Waiting for my pain to subside... I can feel it starting so I should be able to sleep sometime soon... I hope... DH froze a batch of homemade ice cream a while ago for Mimi's birthday tomorrow... I had a taste and boy was it good... DD did the cake all by herself this year. She is making a conscious effert to quit depending on my for so much and I appreciate it.... especially now, when I'm not supposed to do much... But I feel a bit funny not helping... I always have.. It will be weird to just be a guest.....

I'm going to go try to sleep now... I wish you all a restful night's sleep and wonderful dreams... God bless and keep you................. Julie

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Lori - good luck with eating choices tomorrow. Very exciting that you will be looking at houses on Monday in SLC. And also wonderful that so many are looking at your current home. Fingers are crossed for you.

Phyl - I love my Blackberry too. But I hear such great things about the iphone. Maybe the next one.

Movie was a B-. Better take daughter and let husband miss it.

Had a tough Pbing episode tonight. Hope to master chewing better and eating more slowly. My husband doesn't know what to do for me when he sees me miserable. Guess he will have to learn, this is a part of banding.

sleep well, ladies.

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Hi everyone, Just a quick note to say I'm here. It was a busy day -- gym, stores, cooking, cleaning a bit. The big news is: The swingset is DONE. Sorry to say it started pouring rain about 5 mins. after he was done -- it sprinkled on and off all day but then it really started to storm. DGD came over and was so disappointed she couldn't use it. Hopefully the weather will clear tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday -- I'll try to post more tomorrow.


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Good morning girls! Wow...... a real real real quiet post this weekend! At least I didn't miss much with my self imposed sabbatical. We had a busy weekend. Went on a bike ride. 45 min walk. Had neighbors over to swim. Two birthday parties and a school picnic. His school had sprinklers set up on the playground- (what a mess!) They had two bounce houses, snow cones, face painting (doesn't go well with sprinklers), a rockwall brought in, food (hamburgers/hotdogs & every side there ever was). Nelson had a BLAST, but got a little too much sun. Not sure what we will do today. Love family weekends. (Glad DH isn't on call).

Linda~ soooo glad the swingset is done! sorry for the rain. : (

LadyKC~sorry to hear about the PB episode. It was a problem for me before this unfill. CHEW and eat slow.

Julie~Glad to hear DD is doing things for herself. It's a good thing. I know it feels strange to you, not to do EVERYTHING. You have to take care of yourself though. Sorry you still have pain. Bummer. It usually takes a series of 3 steroid epidurals to work. Your dr who did it should be able to write a very strong letter to the insurance company. Usually it's the 3 and it can take care of a lot of issues that would otherwise need surgery. Can guarantee it's cheaper for them (and easier for you) if neurosurgery is not necessary!

Great~ How did your hair come out with the new gal? That always makes me nervous having someone new. Any news with the latest house showings?? Good luck with the house hunting! I bet there are some good deals to be had with the economy like it is! Such a great time to buy a house. I wish we weren't locked in an upside down mortgage.

Cheri & arlene~Congrats on the weightloss.

i need to sign off but will finish my post later, still wanted to comment on a few! oops.


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Good morning peeps! Well, I think I blew my plan for the week. A friend brought potato salad and BBQ while I was gone. Potato salad is my weakness. I ate some. Back on track today, but the nutritionist said when you eat carbs it takes three days to get back ketosis. Oh well, it was good going down, but I might pay for it in the weigh in.

Lori, I hope you find your dream home in SLC

Julie.........SLOW DOWN! Take care of yourself!

Joyce, that "first bite syndrome" can get ya if you have gas on your tummy. Wait a few moments after your first bite and see if you burp.....then you are good to go. That is my experience with pbing.

Hi Deb!

Phyl, I love, love, love.....my Iphone. It is much easier than you think........I am tech challenged, but I can work it.

Jewel, we talked about perfectionism in our nutrition class. It can be a real plan killer. So if you slip at one meal re- group and get back on plan. Same for housework. Don't look at the big picture......one room, one closet, one drawer at a time. You will "git r done".

Off to church........I hope all of you have a great Sunday!

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Good Morning Peeps

Busy yesterday - gym - dogs - nails/toes - mashalls - target - cleaning- farming - drank coffee late - cat napped but have been up since 2 - going to crash soon..

But I can't cuz I need to finish cleaning out my bathroom drawer - got 5 cleaned 3 to go - need to buy some food and hit costco..

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Nothing much going on here today. It is a rainy day so we are just hanging out in the house. I posted another vlog on youtube and am doing my weekly check in on my vlog as I type. Eatting well today.

For those of you who are doing low carb, I bought a cookbook by Dana Carpender called 15-minute low carb recipes. There are alot of things in there that sound yummy. I have already tried the alfredo chicken and crockpot ribs. They were good. I think I am gonna try the library for more cookbooks and recipes.

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Jewel, the more I hear about your past, the more impressed I am with you for taking charge of your life. I think you're an up and coming Apples.

Hey Everyone, has anyone else found this to be true? If I lay down during the day, the stoma closes up just like when I get up in the morning and I have a lot of restriction. I've been thinking of taking advantage of this phenomenon if I'm having a wide open day or evening as a way of preventing or stopping a slider-slip. Nothing like a good pb or that too tight feeling to stop your cravings and give your body time to feel satiety.

I don't want to pb all the time but I have come to see pbing as my friend. It definitely creates mindfullness about eating rather than the old mindless eating.

Love my band.


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Thank you Cheri, Thats a wonderful compliment.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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