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Thanks gang for the props on the lb. As the weeks go by it is getting easier. I do have the option of 4oz of chicken and 2cups of lettuce for a replacement. I have been taking advantage of that perk.

I just got back from seeing my friend that had the PS. She had her arms, breasts , and tummy done. I was surprised to see how well she is doing after three days. Her tummy is so flat. I think if I got anything done it would be my stomach. Oh well, right now I just have to focus on my weight loss. By for now.......gotta go SHAKE!

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I was banded 8/20/2009 and started at a weight of 230lbs. I very quickly and successfully got to 185lbs, probably within 4-5 months, which seemed to be almost too thin...I know strange...huh? I have had 3 fills and have plenty of restriction for the first week after the fill. I guess I am just a bit frustrated because my weight is back at 197 :thumbup:????? I'm going the wrong way.:blushing:I work out in gym 3 times a week and walk for an hour every day while on lunch break at work. Weight is not moving!!!! I am getting really concerned.... any advice????? I am going to call my surgeons office today and get his input.... but if anyone has any suggestions please .... Im open to whatever ya'll can assist with....:)

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Hi BattleKat, you've come to the right place. These ladies will have some answers for you.

First thing someone will say is "Tell us what you are eating"

Give some more information & you will get help.

Keep posting.

Laura K

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Hello friends, I finally caught up reading all the posts I missed the last few days... Made some notes so I can comment on most everyone... Me, I'm doing okay, I guess.... Tuesday night after my big treatment I was sore and had a bad night, but yesterday was pretty good.. Had to go with Mimi to dentist and then just did a little light shopping... Big meeting last night for church... I hurt a little when I got home at 10:30, but took my pills and got the ice pack and went to sleep and slept all night... Taking it easy today... Wrapped Mimi's birthday gifts for Sunday.... did a few dishes, organized my refridgerator a bit... took down some things from the wall that is getting demolished soon... Now just sitting here by my desk... A little paperwork... I think I'm being good.....

Deb, congrats on your weight loss... You are doing very well....

Cheri, I think most of us have been there, with saying something that gets misinterpreted by others... It seems that is all that ever happens with my DIL & SIL.... They take everything I say and do wrong.... Just keep your chin up and you'll be okay... It's hard to get past these things sometimes, but you will.....

Jodi, thanks for all your kind words.... Good luck at the dco and I hope you get to have real food soon.... It will taste so good to you...

Janet, this job has just turned on you.... You aren't enjoying it at all anymore are you??? I wish you could find something else that would treat you the way you deserve to be treated... But after all these years, starting over would be the pits, too... Hugs

Lori, glad your test went well.... And you managed your anniversary alone... glad you found some shopping to help you through it.... Your nugget test worked well, too... good for you being where you are comfortable..

Phyll, I love JD Robb..... Have most of her books... Just got a new one a few days ago. Do you even read Patricia Cornwall??? I like here Scarpetta books...

Apples, I love the story about the boys branding cattle.... I'm sure you about swallowed your tongue.... Thanks for sharing all the pictures.. I'm with Lori, Now I understand the tilling thing better....We don't do that around here.... My farm is run with nothing but the rain.... We don't irrigate or anything... Lots around here do.... I've never heard of too much Water, so I learned something.... My family farm has always had cattle.......some horses........ Back in my childhood we had chichens, pigs, sheep......... good memories... But I wouldn't be good at it anymore either... My nephew rents the place now so don't get out there much... I own 1/4 of it with my 3 brothers...

Joyce, good luck with your fill.... going slow is just fine, especially if you want it that way... Slow and steady wins the race.....

Arlene, yup I think you put yourself into starvation mode... You need more food.... congrats on the loss... It will keep coming off.... good for you...

Laura K, sounds like the plan for your DD is coming together.... You have done a lot of things in your life... Building steel bins... who'd have thought.....

Laura, yesterday I saw my little 2 year old niece. Her new thing to say is "Peace out".... Learned it at daycare... so cute and made me think of you... Sorry you are feeling cruddy..... this too shall pass... Glad you can go to your parents for Mother's Day.... Funny you should mention Nelson growing... I told DD last night to throw Mimi's shoes out.....they are too small and hurt her feet.... They grow so fast you can't wear things out.....

Eva, yup, my little girls fight.... Laromi is the stronger personality... Bailey is timid and a sort of cry baby... Mimi just touched her last night and she started bawling like she'd been half killed..... I think there's a lot of emotions going on... They are both used to being the center of attention with their parents and everyone else and now everyone just wants them to get along and be happy to be sisters.... Ain't gonna happen that easy... No way, now how... We have some rough times ahead before they get used to each other... DD and DF started their pre-marital sessions last night... Pastor told them they need courting time.... 2 hours/twice a week.... just them, no girls, no parents, no friends... Sounds like good advice..... Anyway, you have a great purse part..... and relax a little, girl........

Linda........... Happy Birthday, dear girl.... Hope you are having a wonderful day with your family..... Let us know all about it later....

Jessica, hope you did well on that test.... I've got my fingers crossed for you...

Melissa, are you hanging in there???? Hope so....

Judy, Judy, Judy.................... whatcha up to, girl..... You and that golf cart out cruising?????

Well, I have some good news...... for me at least... While shopping the other day I found some new capris... I had to try them on as I was so unsure of size... I bought the 18/20................ this is a first for me..... and also a XL shirt.... Yesterday I stopped at the golf course to check on some details for my class reunion.. The gal looked at me so funny and said, "Oh, Julie, you are so skinny!" I about choked.... as skinny doesn't decribe me at all.... but she was sure complimentary about how good I looked... Happened about like that the day before in the store, too, with someone I hadn't seen for some time.... Those things make a person feel good... I'm still stuck at 275, but I'm happy with that for now... When this pain doesn't take up so much of my energy I will be able to concentrate on losing again.. Really want to lose some more before the wedding..... But what will be, will be....

Love you girls...... Hope you all are well and happy.... Hugs and prayers................ Julie

Edited by Mrs. Bubba

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Julie - congratulations on compliment. It means so much to have hard work recognized. You have a great attitude.

Question: my doctor advises 24 hr. liquid, then 24 hrs. mushies after a fill - before returning to normal food. What is the reason?

Has anyone seen Food, Inc.? I just watched it and found it very disturbing. Wonder how much is true.

Cold, rainy and dreary in KC today.

Good day for a nap.

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Julie - congratulations on compliment. It means so much to have hard work recognized. You have a great attitude.

Question: my doctor advises 24 hr. liquid, then 24 hrs. mushies after a fill - before returning to normal food. What is the reason?

Has anyone seen Food, Inc.? I just watched it and found it very disturbing. Wonder how much is true.

Cold, rainy and dreary in KC today.

Good day for a nap.

I think this is one of those areas like pre op diets that all docs differ. My rules are liquids for 4 to 5 hours then mushies the rest of the day. I loosely follow that, I did have nachos for my anniversary the night of a fill (had it early that morning). Some say the band or stoma could be irritated or swollen. My rule on this is follow the one's advice who would be the one you'd go to if something went wrong.

Raining lots here today too, thought it was over as the sky was crystal blue and now we have rain and tornado warnings.

Have a showing on teh house this evening!!! Cross your fingers and toes and pray!!

BattleKat, whattcha eating? Are you still following the rules 100%? or are you like me, after a while on the band you get to more eyeballing portions and they tend to grow, eating more mushies, etc? Do you need antoher fill? are you portions growing? sometimes everything you are doing is right but you've been doing the same thing for so long that the body needs a simple shake up. Vary your routine and calories some. Just a few suggestions but Janet, our resident guru will be the first to ask what you are eating, etc. she likes those details! LOL

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I am doing okay I am trying to do the shakes but it has been hard this week so I have only did shakes in the morning and still having lunch and dinner since it has been catered all this week.

I will keep plugging along

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Hello everyone. Thank you all so very much for the birthday greetings! I appreciate it very much. Today is "the" actual b-day. Yesterday was DH's. We've been celebrating for a week! Remember, we went to dinner and Elton John concert last Friday, then I made homemade dinner last night for DH and the kids, including a chocolate turtle cheesecake (yum, but it is gone now thanks to the people at work). I had a teeny tiny piece, and oh goodness, so rich. Almost too rich if you know what I mean.

Then tonight I get a footrub from step son (he promised - my favorite thing). DGD delivered beautiful peach roses at my office today, so it's been a lovely day. Nice weather, rain will hold off until tomorrow so that's good.

Sorry I haven't been around - had GD for two nights, Monday and Tuesday and was busy Tues. preparing for dinner last night, then had a house full of company last night. Work has been busy, so not much time to be on computer at work either until today -- it's quiet at the moment.

Julie, I had to give up heavy housecleaning ten years ago when I had back surgery -- and gee, I don't miss it at all! I can still do lots of things, but NOT heavy things (especially now after hip replacement as well) -- I cannot vaccuum (DH does that), canNOT scrub walls. I can clean windows, but I can't get on a ladder or step stool either. Can't scrub the tub, but can clean the rest of the bathroom, can do our shower stall in our bathroom. You'll have to learn what you can and cannot do. It's a process. If it makes you hurt, stop. One of the things I do still do and it really is hard on me is cooking -- I love to cook and bake, but truly, after a few hours in the kitchen I have terrible pain, get spasms in my back, etc. Thank goodness the kids are grown. I do cook on Sundays and I can cook my food, but the rest of the time I usually have DH do his own thing - I still make his favorites for him though. You know what I mean I'm sure. So I do what I can and DH helps. I've had cleaning people over the years, but we alwyas end up firing them cause they stop doing a good job after awhile. Then we do it all awhile and then when we get tired of it we hire new people. LOL. Right now Step Son is doing it as he's living with us -- free rent equals cleaning my house. Except he doesn't always do a great job so I have to end up doing things too.

DH has still not finished the swing set. I get frustrated with him -- he's such a procrastinator -- I've been waiting 6 weeks to have him help me put up a couple of Uppercase Living things too -- need his help in centering and leveling them. Since he stopped working (over 10 years now) he just puts things off till it drives me insane. I'm still waiting for him to get my bathroom done so I can paint it - it's been 6 years. He's good about lots of things like the yard work, snow removal, taking out garbage, etc. so I hate to nag or complain.

Anyway, Arlene, congrats on your one pound -- I'm so happy you are losing -- I'm still stuck and stuck good -- I have great restriction and eat exactly what I did through all the months I lost well, but still can't get much off -- I've only lost 3 lbs. since December. I'm not really too worried -- I could call it goal if I wanted to, but I want to get to my actual goal my doctor set and it's tough. I exercise all the time - so I just hope someday I will just start losing again - at least one pound a week -- or even 1/2 a week I'd take, so congratulations to you.

Apples, sorry I missed you, but hope you are having a wonderful time at the lake -- the pics were great -- have lots of big farms like yours here in Iowa -- I grew up on a small farm in Ohio -- we raised wheat and corn and had pigs, chickens, beef -- and did our own butchering, had big gardens did lots of canning and freezing - a really wonderful way to grow up, but had to work hard. We had a milk cow until I was about 10 -- my grandma churned butter everyday with an old wooden churner -- can still remember the wonderful smell of that sweet butter.

Janet, hope work gets better soon -- I know how you feel -- felt that way for many years in lawfirms -- and there's really nothing you can do except endure it as you have to work, have to have insurance, etc. I was a single mom for a long time too and know how it feels. Retirement seems a long way off, I know. My little job here which I consider my fun 'retirement' job is so stress free compared to the 35 years I worked in the legal field. I feel like I goof off every day -- such an easy job for me. Of course, I don't make much anymore, but the benefits are great here.

Eva, your job sounds so physical -- I certainly give you credit for doing all that physical labor and in that heat -- wow, i can't imagine how you managed it before you had your lapband surgery. How's your hip doing?

Laurak, exciting news about your DD -- we'll have to plan to meet in Vegas some time - my DS lives in Henderson.

Cheri, hope all is well with you and you will be able to help your DGS. I know you must feel such frustration since you are such a dedicated educator.

Lori, good going on the sale!! I bought a few sale items the other day at JC Penneys and got great deals too.

Laura, glad you will have a little vacation over Mother's Day -- enjoy your trip. The mountains are so beautiful, I love driving up through there. Should be a nice trip. Loved the pic of Nelson in his undies doing the muscle man pose!! Reminded me of my "lttle" boy who is now all grown up!! Makes me a little sad how fast it all goes, so enjoy it as much as you can. Sorry about the TOM issues - I had a hysterectomy at age 32 but I suffered for so many years -- it was such a relief to finally get it over with - I've never regretted having it taken care of early on in my life. Hope your Dad is doing okay.

My DB had major surgery today -- waiting to hear. He's had a collapsed lung since Decmeber and had Fluid in the lining which they removed before but the lung never reinflated. So now they basically are doing the same surgery my friend had done last year - getting all the fluid out, doing biopsies and hopefully reinflating the lung. So say a quick prayer for him for me please. This is the DB who had cancer at age 25 and so he's been 36 years free of cancer, we just hope he still is. We were alll hoping that him having surgery on my b-day is a good omen.

Phyll, glad you're home safe and sound, loved the pics of you and the grand dogs on FB -- such sweet faces! Hope the weather gets better for you. We're supposed to have rain all weekend. :thumbup: But can't complain, it's been gorgeous for several weeks with lots of sunshine. It's been so nice having the patio furniture back on the deck.

Hi to Jodi, Melissa, Deb, Jessica and any others I missed. Can't remember what else is going on, but I did catch up on reading all the posts. Have a great night everyone.

Thanks again for all the b-day wishes, I feel so loved!! Couldn't live without all of you!


Edited by ljv52

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Laurak - I have a pool you would think I would lay out - but it's too boring - I gotta read when laying in the pool which is ok when you are on your back but not your stomach and plus in the middle of the summer the pool feels like a bath tub - heck for the last 2 days 68ish cloudy, windy - rain keep looming..

Self tanners easier - plus - I have already had some pre-cancer spots removed -

Julie - Bailey is a cutie - looks like her and Mimi are sisters.. Do they get along??

Deb I don't remember the letters I had when I took the test a long time ago - I am social but after a few days of it I need my recoup time - I don't mind being an introvert - I like my me time - I have been introverted lately - since I haven't been posting much - but I am just to pooped to type ;0) - I have been farming instead - mindless stuff..

Don't buy the damn sweets girl - come on you can do it - pick one day that you can have a treat - but the rest of the week say NO..

Andrew called last night telling me he was at the donut shop and did I want one - back and forth in my mine - have had other crap going on too w/my bro's estate - but guess what - I just said no..

If I can say No - you can say no...

Lori you a shopper - oh no not you - I think I give you a run for your $$$ in that dept ;0) - Went to get Avatar at Target after work - well came home w/2 capris & 2 tops and 3 dvd (avatar - heartbreak or whatever the name is w/Jeff Bridges and Dances w/wolves) Went in to spend $20 - well that turned in to 100 - got a roasted ck and ck strips for andrew.

Glad all is ok w/your band

Happy Anniversary and yes being alone was all the justification you needed to shop :0)

Apples - So the chocolate is good - I will have to try it - still have 3 cans of the vanilla cream.. Have fun at the lake...

Julie - Yes my bad - I guess either my contacts or glasses where off - I swear FB said it was ealier - and then I noticed this morning that today is Linda' bday

Charlene - WTG on your pound and yes you have to eat -

Good evening ladies~

Arlene~congrats on the 1 lb! You are doing great. Yeah, may need to bump up the calories just a bit- sounds a little low even for a physician supervised plan.

Apples~You made one little boy soooo happy with those pics today! He was asking me a million questions about each part..LOL. Thanks for posting them. Love the sun room too! Looks so warm and inviting.

Linda~Happy birthday!!!!!!!!

Phyl~Glad you are home safe and sound. : )

I have been having a tough week. TOM's visit has been anything but pleasant. ughhhh. I haven't been able to go to the gym or much of anything else. Even grocery shopping is risky. Unpredictable and frustrating. But still will take this over hysterectomy right now. Hoping the cravings and Fluid retention will let up in a few days. I purposely haven't stepped on the scale this week.

We decided to go to NC for Mother's Day. : ) We are going to drive instead of fly. We want to try and go to the NC mountains one night while we are there and will pop over to Orlando on the way back for a quick Disney fix. I don't really like the drive but DH wants to drive. He usually gives his annual "donation" to the SC highway patrol when we go through..LOL. We'll see what happens this trip!

Happy Earth Day! PEAS on earth! peasout.. Laura

Laura - lol on dh annual donation to SCHP - that's too funny - you should have Eva drive - she watches the speed limit - I'm like dh - the faster the better.. Glad you are going home for MD - your mom with be happy

Apples - I doubt I will go in this weekend - Dogs go to beauty parlor Sat - GF called wants to meet for coffee - so who knows - 5/7 my next furlough day going out of town w/my gf candy - I love hanging with her - she makes me laugh..


Thanks gang for the props on the lb. As the weeks go by it is getting easier. I do have the option of 4oz of chicken and 2cups of lettuce for a replacement. I have been taking advantage of that perk.

I just got back from seeing my friend that had the PS. She had her arms, breasts , and tummy done. I was surprised to see how well she is doing after three days. Her tummy is so flat. I think if I got anything done it would be my stomach. Oh well, right now I just have to focus on my weight loss. By for now.......gotta go SHAKE!

Charlene - If I was going to get plastic surgery - face 1st then arms - boobs lifted no implants - tummy and legs - hell the whole works - here I've lost all this weight feel 10 yrs younger - but sag - I know I am 55 but think I'm 40 ;0)


I was banded 8/20/2009 and started at a weight of 230lbs. I very quickly and successfully got to 185lbs, probably within 4-5 months, which seemed to be almost too thin...I know strange...huh? I have had 3 fills and have plenty of restriction for the first week after the fill. I guess I am just a bit frustrated because my weight is back at 197 :(????? I'm going the wrong way.:blushing:I work out in gym 3 times a week and walk for an hour every day while on lunch break at work. Weight is not moving!!!! I am getting really concerned.... any advice????? I am going to call my surgeons office today and get his input.... but if anyone has any suggestions please .... Im open to whatever ya'll can assist with....:(

Battlekat - Welcome -

What are you eating - are you keeping a food diary - how's your restirction


I haven't liked my job for quite a while - I think I am bored with it - we use to be the most automated agency - now we are behind the times - when it takes 30 seconds for a page to load - that's a lot of time - it doesn't sound like it but it is - I told my boss today that's part of my frustration ..

I gotta have a job - don't have enough $$ to retire - need insurance so off to work I go...

Melissa - You are making an effort - life gets in the way some times

Linda - Ya I would say attorney & insurance about the same stress level - I would love your retirement job - well maybe in 5 more yrs :0)

Beside's work I have been having to deal w/my Sister again - she's writing letters and sending copies to the judge - who knows - I'll get called into court ... Work is busy then have to deal w/attorney on Estate stuff - then got a call about the ranches - it's like - who else whats me to do what..

Well - I'm not eating my stress - so that's a plus (proof w/saying no to the donut last night)

Going out to dinner tomorrow - went out to lunch today so those are my treats

Well gotta go feed the dogs and catch up on some t.v.


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Lori - thank you for very logical and sensible advise about eating after a fill.

sleep well, ladies.

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Janet....Yeah, I get it when you say...what more can I do for other people....there's always something. 30 second download is too much, it's needs to go faster. Yep, work stress sure doesn't help anything. Good for you just saying NO. You really do have amazing control and are an inspiration with it. You look great Janet....you really don't need to change a thing.

Linda...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Glad you are having such a wonderful day. It really is nice to know you are loved. Healing thoughts to your DB, hope everything works out for him. I don't do the physical labor in the heat....usually. And I enjoy it even though it make me really tired and everything hurt...it feels good to get something done. I would so rather do concrete than go to a gym. My hips seem to be okay right now except when the weather changes like today. It's cold and windy (it's April, what's up with that?) and I'm achy. Anyway, you continue to have a great B-day week.

Melissa, work is rough and you can't let it get to you...you just keep plugging away and we'll be behind you.

Great...good luck on the showing. Do you have to vacate when they come over? It's really weird when people are home and you look at their house. I think I would feel weird with people looking in my closets while I was there. I can't imagine having to keep everything organized and clean all the time either.

Julie, if those little girls aren't getting along yet, it may be a while. I think the pastors advise with regards to "date" time is great. Yep, then they will get to know each other without distractions. Great advise. Glad you are feeling a little better. Hope it continues.

Charlene, the icky weather is coming your way, be prepared. It's 48 degrees here right now and I've been achy all day. We even got a little rain, very little but some. chicken and lettuce sounds good to me...that's what I had for lunch yesterday. Good for you in sticking to the diet.

So my company announced it's merging with another company today. Qwest is merging with CenturyLink. The last merger (say hostile take over) didn't go so well for the employees and our stock. I really hope this works out better. I fear for my retirement. The merger won't go through until next year, so there's some time to figure things out at least.

I just got involved with another project at work....it's kind of fun figuring it out, but oh it's going to take a lot of time and I have so much other stuff to do. Yikes. We are trying to put Fiber in a historic district and the homeowners are having a fit. So coming up with an alternate solution is very interesting. My job isn't really physical except when I have to get into manholes or walk miles to take measurements. That doesn't happen every day. Some days I don't leave the floor I work on...just trips down the hall.

Well DH just walked in. Guess I need to go catch up with him. Have a great night everyone.


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Hi all....well...Yesturday went to the surgeon...and got my first fill. It was really no big deal. Didnt hurt a bit! Drank some Water after and waited about 15 minuets and after feeling fine I left and been fine since. Just had to have mushy for the night and now on reg foods.

After the surgeon I saw my primary care phyisician who took my blood pressure and decided....no need to continue medication! Yea. now if I could stop the Cpap, previcid and crestor...il be a very happy camper!!

Met with nutritionist tonight and worked out a diet of real foods. lol

We figured that right now...I am eating about 600-900 cal. So we will try for about 900. Wondering if this is the typical now on reg foods.

Any ideas about how many cal...is typical for the first few months?

Good Morning Gang

MIA yesterday evening - just too pooped..

Melissa - lol yep I am the calorie counter

Not much to report day from hell yesterday - just seemed like I spun my wheels all day long trying to stay on top of stuff and nothing got completed..

Jodi - I have been self tanning for a while - my problem area is my feet/ankles - I still mess up there - but ya I always wash my hands afterwards - I use the med/dark shade - I'm fair completed - I do tan but it takes along time and have to do it slowly (the real way)

Deb -WTG

Cheri - It takes all kinds in this world - you are the exact oppisite of me - I'm the introvert - did that test too - don't remember the other part of it - but like I said we all have to have a variety of fruits not just one - we are all fruitcakes :0) just different verisions :0)..

Julie - how did you sleep..

Apple at least this yr you won't be doing tons of cooking

Eva - Doubt I make the party. sorry - I just don't have the energy to drive - I have been waiting to respond as I was seeing how work is going - and it's not easing up... I don't get paid ot so I usually don't work it but may just have to go in this weekend..

Well off to the shower.... CBL

Janet, I dont think any of these products are great..the best tan I got was going to a place and having them apply the tanning lotion to me....took about 1/2 hour but it was so much fun. It was like a a spa treatment. Music and massage table and everything. After finishing...I couldnt take a shower for about 6-8 hours. You look really look dirty until you take a shower but after......its wahlah....Caribean tan. lasted about two weeks at a time. I did it three times one summer...

when I had lots of money to waste..meaning before baby. Since then havent found anything comparable. I thought about a spray tanning machine but havent tried that one..maybe this summer...when I wear a bathing suit in public again. Thats if I can save up the money for it as well.

Morning, no time to read everyone's posts yet, but wanted to post some pictures that DF's mother mailed me yesterday... So you can see my new "granddaughter", Bailey.... One is Mimi of course, and the other is all four of them... the new little family.... Gotta run over to DD's to let the guy in to put in a new water meter.... The town is getting a new system so we don't have to read our own meters anymore..... Have to run to Bismarck after to help DD take Mimi to the dentist... Don't suppose that will be an easy job... Love you all.......... Julie

SO cute these pictures!! Sweet. Enjoy all the new little ones!

Haven't hit the road yet, LauraK. Waiting to hear which way I go today.

So funny on the farming thing, Jodi. I can just imagine the images you have in your head. Me on a little round stool under a cow pulling on teats. Separating cream, churning butter, feeding chickens, singeing and plucking the chicken, candling eggs, laying down bedding for the baby pigs, pitching manure. NO WAY IN HELL! Even though it was love at first sight with DH, I would have had to run as fast as I could the other way.

That LauraK is pretty smart. We farm just under 3000 acres of strictly corn and soybeans. We are conservations farms. We do not go out with big old plows and dig up the top soil. 31 yrs ago we became "ridge tillers". What that entails is...all those years ago (or when we pick up another peice of land) we built ridges 36" apart the length of the feild (usually 1 mile length). In the spring we go in with the corn or soybean planter and cut off a bit of the top of the ridge and planter drops the seed in and also covers it up at on the same pass. Doing it this way limits erosion and saves the top soil. We just let it grow.

At harvest time the corn gets picked and shelled out by the combine. It gets brought back to our farm, dried in the grain dryer and then transported underground to different grain bins for storage.

We usually "forward contract" which means we sell about 10,000 bushels at a time. Kind of a safety net not to sell all at once. Never want to have all your eggs in one basket...it actually all evens out nicely in the end.

Most farmers go in the feilds b/4 planting and deep plow the soil. Then again after harvest. We don't turn the soil at all.

DH has been farming since the late 60's, so been at it for a little over 40 yrs. It's a good life. We also have a custom agricultural tiling business which our 29 yr old son manages. We have very heavy rich soil in our area and it needs to be drained or it will drown out the crops. They have huge rolls of plastic pipe and dig about six foot deep trenches, lay the pipe, cover it up and do intakes every so often in order for the farmer to maintain the tile. They put in miles and miles of the tile every year. DH helps with the tiling when he is not farming.

As I explained yesterday, I am their "gopher". I run for loads of the tile, run wherever they need me to to get parts for repairs, etc. Our farms are up to 15 miles away from each other so I do a lot of running between. I will try to take some photos today of the bins and tile just so you can better see what I mean. Cannot take photos of equipment as it is all miles away out in the feilds being used.

As I said in a previous post, since hiring our son 4 yrs ago, a lot of my "farm wifey" duties have been taken away from me...OH NO!!!! Which I am fine with. The toughest part for me is going from the 24/7 thing to just what I do now. But, I take off for my lake place on Thursdays and come home Monday mornings. I just make up a bunch of food b/4 I leave. Guilt hotdishes, guilt sandwiches, guilt Cookies and I'm set to go!

WOW.... all the above is so interesting. Cash crops....intersting. So...when we talk about selling shares on Wall street on cash crops and busels and contracts...this is what is it about?

Soybeans hmm. I researched alot about soybeans when the news started talking about genetically enginered soybeans and learned all about the difference between soybeans, genetically engineered soybeans and seeds. While researching I aslo saw a movie about the food we eat and how the farming industry is being taking over by government and the farmers are being controlled and the seeds...are being restricted. Bottom line...is the farmers are having a rough time because of the taxes, genetically enginered products and the FDA.

Are you affected in anyway by the above?

Its funny how you described my idea of your farm...but as funny as how you described it....I dont have a clue as to how you described it in detail. lol

Me on a little round stool under a cow pulling on teats. Separating cream, churning butter, feeding chickens, singeing and plucking the chicken, candling eggs, laying down bedding for the baby pigs, pitching manure.

I have no idea what half these jobs you described above are!! Real city girl here...never been to a farm. Saw one from a far. Bought real milk from a bottle at the farmers market in the city on Wednesday in Washington square.

So its interesting to wonder why I think I would love that farm life? I guess the grass is always greener.

It also defines some more understanding of standardized tests. I know that there is not so much a connection directly..but as an evaluator it interests me...to see the test results of children who live in the cities or the country, rural, urban or suburban.

We test children using standardized tests. Meaning that the children are tested along with a sample of all children of that age group across a certain area...usually the US if the tests are made in the US.

I always have a problem with the above......Children from different environments will test differently. Afluent children living in mansions with lots of grass trees and land arent going to test the same as children living in a one or two bedroom apt in the projects or the child living in the country or on a farm or desert.

The pictures, words and phrases are different so when we are testing....the tests are biased on the children that it was standarized on and the peaple who made the test. Why do I tell you this?? Your description...just hit a bell.....as I said what are these words and desciptions...then I thought about testing..and how as an evaluator I would not give credit to a question because i wouldnt understand the answer...perhaps.

well.....it sure is interesting to hear all about this....It would be great to come vist and to see all this however...that isnt happening anytime soon...so yes pictures would be great to see it.

Have a great night all...and a nice weekend!!

Edited by NYSparklegirl

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Jodi, That's funny about the standardized testing. I can remember my Mom telling about my sis testing for Kindergarten. They showed her a pic of a mailbox attached to the side of the house. She didn't know what it was. Out in the country mailboxes are on a post and different shaped. lol

Julie, Wow does mimi look like her gma. So cute both girls.

Staying busy trying to help DD prepare for grad and her move. Not sure of the date yet as she asked for them to delay it a month. Won't have enough time to complete her classes, grad, & move her home. Then have everything ready for the moving co.


Laura K

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Eva I enjoy a project that makes me think - I hate pushing paper - there are parts of my job I like and others I hate - glad you understand 30 sec to wait - most pple think ok whats 30 seconds - it's alot when you are imputting info in a computer all day long - Thanks for saying I look fine - ;0) I'm ok - I am happy how I look truly (well except for eye - look tired)

Jodi - Yep fills are no biggie but we don't know this until we have had our 1st one - during my weight loss phase kept calories between 800-1200 varing them.

I have done the spray tans - the problem there is that my bottom of my feet get the stuff on them no matter how much lotion I put on them and didn't find it lasted that long.. I have never done the one where someone does it for you - in the past to embarssed about fat - just like getting a massage - but not I would do it..

Well just a quick ck in off to work I go..


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Good morning from soggy Colorado, they are actually saying it could turn to snow tonight. UGH!! This time of year I do not like snow, I am into spring and summer mode! can definitely tell my restriction is back, had a slice of ham for Breakfast and I can feel it sortta stuck and could only eat a little bit.

LauraK, one can actually move pretty quick. Will she have movers to do everythign or does she have to pack and move it? We actually only have to have a short notice and it gets done very quickly. The harder part is wrapping your head around the move and getting ready to go emotionally. Good luck to her in her new venture.

Janet, sure hope your job situation improves. How long til you retire?

We had 2 showings on the house last night. Hopefully that's a good sign.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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