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Hello Ladies, boy have I missed yall. Don't think I could ever catch up on all the post so I will have to jump in again.

My visit with my brother was awesome. I miss him so much. It is so neat to watch him and his wife with a baby. Also, I was able to buckle my belt on the plane. No extender for me. It was close though.

We are moved and unpacked. We are in love with our new place. We have been in the pool and hot tub everyday. I also used the fitness center today.

My weight has stalled but I know why. I have been eatting things I shouldn't. I am back on track the past few days so that spell should be over with.

School has been extremly busy because the semester is winding down. Teachers are trying to cram things into the schedule things that they are behind in. Started my pig dissection today and have lots of exams and finals.

I should be able to check in daily like I was before. You guys really motivate me.

Hey, Jessica...nice to hear from you. Been missing your posts. Happy to hear you had a nice trip and that you are settled in and happy with your new place. Sounds like life is good.

Also, way to go on getting back on track. Not easy but you did it. That's what counts.

A "high five" if you can handle that pig dissection. We had to do one in 10th grade biology class. A fetal pig. I made a few trips to the little girl's room and lost lunch over it.:sad:

Nice to have you back!:thumbup:

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Day 1 on my get back on track plan

So far today

I had a Starbucks Grande Skinny Latte with SF vanilla - 130c (next time I will order the tall only 90c

Atkins strawberry shake 150c

Okay cont.. from previous post

I had another Atkins shake chocolate 150c

3 bites of white chili I made but could not finish I ran errands at lunch so I only got 3 bites in

Dinner - 3 oz grilled chicken 90 cals with a Burger Side salad 70 cals with 1 pkt lite Italin dressing 120 cals with 6 french fries and 4 onion rings cal ??? Total cal for dinner approx 300 could be more I am guessing on the fries and onion ring sampling

So approx 750 cal today and approx 50 Protein cals

Hard day at work running everwhere have not really drank any Water maybe 4 cups so far today

To answer questions I am doing a modified version of Arlene's plan. My Dr said to eat between 800-1000 if I still want to lose. So I am trying to do shakes for Breakfast and lunch and a healthy dinner

Today was not really a planned day cause my pure Protein Shakes have more protein in them and I have some Ostrim beef Jerky that is low in cal and High in Protein. i also bought a cup that holds 57oz of water. And I walked out the door with none of it. So I ate or drank what I had in my desk. Which was not bad I think. I went to work at 8 and balls to the wall so to speak until I got home at 7:30pm tonight I am so tired and dehydrated so I will chat tomorrow I am going to drink some more and get ready to relax before bed.

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I couldn't function without NSAIDS. I couldn't wait to get back on them after surgery. I don't remember how long I had to wait but it wasn't long. They fixed my hiatal hernia when they did the band and I have not had more stomach problems, even on the NSAIDS. I am at goal and still can't function without the meds. I have severe osteoarthritis. Some of it was exacerbated by the extra weight, but it actually started when I was a skinny 16 yr old and my knees went out of joint from overly loose tendons and my shoulders started giving me trouble for the same reason. Swimming was the thing that did in my shoulders. I've had double knee replacement and major neck surgery and shoulder surgery all due to arthritis. For me getting a little R&R means going in the hospital for repairs and replacements.

I supplement my NSAIDS with extra-strength, long lasting Tylenol. I am able now to swallow pills. The liquid Tylenol made my stomach burn.

The IEP meeting went very well for my grandson. I like the people, and the special ed teacher and I think they'll try to provide their best for my GS. Didn't have time to question them about their materials and techniques. I know he's going to need a good multisensory phonics program and I know of no better multisensory math program than Touchmath.

The intensive sensory and auditory training of Interactive Metronome and intensive brain and auditory processing brain re-training of Fast Forword are probably not available but, hopefully, I can do that or find a way. I can also provide the phonics and math materials that my daughter can use at home with him. The school David is in is also a Title I school and as a special ed student he will automatically qualify for any supplementary programs provided by Title I. They diagnosed him with autism and Speech and Language Delays (think that was the secondary diagnosis. It was either SDL or SDI.) So he'll get half day kindergarted with two hours of special ed help a week as a minimum. If it becomes apparant that he needs more that time can be increased. He also had to take a kindergarten admission test that will determine if he qualifies for all day kindergarten. The lowest testing kids get the whole day. Not quite sure what to hope for there.

Anyway. Gotta go to bed. Gardened today. Played with grandkids yesterday. Read a couple of books over the weekend. Hopefully, I've recuperated enough to make it through another week of teaching.


wow...Cheri. If my child was in your district. I know shed be getting what she needs...as you would be the only teacher that I would have her have! Im surprised that all they gave was two hours of SEIT and half day kindergarten. NY is liberal so we give alot of services. Children with a diagnosis of Autism get two hours a day in a full day kindergarten. We dont have half day any longer. Pre-school special ed is all day as well. There are few half day classes any longer.

Where are you located again? Its sad that children are used as pawns and given what ever the whim of the political administration decides at the moment.

I again have to tell you...from the above you know what your grandson needs and I have no dought that you will get what ever that is for him!

Ive heard of the programs that you mentioned and you are right those sound perfect for children with auditory processing concerns.

Good Luck....and Im sure you are glad that meeting is over! No matter how educated you might be....when its your child or grandchild its still all new and very stressful.

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Melissa...about the same cals in onion rings and fries. If you google, McD fries has 290 cals for their small pkg of fries...about the same when you google onion rings. Probably the two together that you ate would be around 200 cals.

I know it's tough to get that Water in. But, try to never be without a container at your finger tips. It's the easiest way to make sure you get in your daily requirement. I have to put some flavor in mine. Not sure why but since LB I have a tough time with plain water.

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Jessica, I'm so glad to hear from you... I knew you were busy so was sure you would be in touch when you got a minute.... So glad things are going so well.... You'll be on your way losing again real soon......

Apples, your new deck at the lake sounds like a big playground for adults..... Sounds like fun and lots of work for you with 100 guests.... But you'll take it all in stride..... I sure understand about the farmers....... my dad was like that..... just grinning away on his way to the field......... real farmers......that's what they are.... God love em.................

Phyll, love the pics of your grandchildren..... you're almost home again.... Won't that be nice to be settled again for a bit???

Eva, someone else called it.... You are the queen of yard projects..... Hope you are resting some, too.....

Melissa, sounds like you are doing well...... Arlene's plan is working for both of you.... Yeah!!!

Joyce, way to go on the loss..... It's adding up nicely for you...

I have so many leftovers in my fridge I called some friends and said to come and eat.....she works and I said she wouldn't have to cook or do dishes..... She was happy and so was I...... I took some bars across the street the the !st District Health Unit who rents from us..... They were happy.... So, the food is manageable now... except those dang biscuits......

Anyway, I managed to get my entire china closet emptied and all the crystal and china packed up for our remodel job....... I took it easy, but we have so much... Took me about 8 big 20 gallon tubs to hold it all...... The thing is huge and is in two pieces.. It will take 3 guys to take the top off and move it so we can pull up the carpet...... I'm going to leave all that to DH...... But I'm glad to be started on the project... There won't be much I can do.... I did get permission from my doctor to have a chiropractor appt tomorrow so will go to Lowe's to pick up our laminate flooring.... It should be in..... I don't have to lift a finger..... Mostly I get to supervise, I guess..... I have to decide on some paint for the walls...... Will have to repaint the kitchen and then the wall that will become common to all three rooms will need repainting... Don't know if I'll stick to white or pick something else.... I will have to check into it.....

Well, everyone have a good night..... I'm praying for sleep.....Pain isn't too bad yet so I've got my fingers crossed for the night... Doctor said to give it more time.... Apples, you said it might take more shots.....trouble is I only got permission from insurance for 1 shot...... Don't know why they are such hardasses!!!! (Oops, sorry!!) Anyway, goodnight to all..... Talk to you tomorrow sometime.... Julie

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Julie...WTH is your insurance company thinking? You would think they would let your doc make the decision as to how many shots he feels you need. I just don't understand how someone sitting behind a desk can make a decision on the medical needs of a person.

Yep, deck will be playground for adults. We will be able to have campfires right on the deck with plenty of room for ppl to sit around it. I will have to take a photo...didn't have my camera this last weekend.

I don't envy you in your remodeling job. We did 90% of our main floor a few years ago. We were lucky enough to have a kitchen in the basement and just moved down there for 3 months (I spent one of those months in Australia while DH and contractors toiled away...princess). Another thing that makes me UGLY...living with the mess that contractors make. I walked around with a broom in my hand. But, it is all worth it in the end.

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THanks for the support. My daughter lives in NW Indiana in the Crown Point School District. I was extremely surprised that only offer full-day kindergarten to the lowest testing kids. I would think David's special ed and autistic status would guarantee full day, too. I was concerned a few years ago with his older step-sisters that they'd never had phonics, only whole language, and I could see the impact on their ability to decode multisyllabic words. They're both pretty bright, but I felt like their were gaps in their education. They had a principal who didn't believe in phonics even though a total whole language approach had been pretty much discredited by then.

I put almost all the kids who struggle with reading on Fast Forword, my computer program that works on auditory processing. It works on memory, attention, processing and sequencing and I've seen amazing results from most kids. Even if auditory processing is a strength for the kids, it strengthens the strength.

I know what will help David, its just the logistics of getting it to him. I have Fast Forward at work but I work 25 minutes North of my home on the South side of Chicago--bad neighborhood. My daughter lives 40 minutes South of me. We have one IM set-up so far that has to be shared between several Christian schools. One of those schools is close to David but he doesn't attend it. His brain is very plastic at his age so brain-re-training can really do a lot. Hopefully, I can work out the logistics over the next couple years. I just want to get him as much intensive help as soon as possible for the greatest impact but I'm going to have to be patient.

Just a question. Has anybody taken the Meyer-Briggs personality test? I'm an ENFP, extrovert, intuition, feeling, perception. And I'm ADHD. I'll maybe talk more about that tomorrow. If some of you know a little about it, I'd like to hear from you.

By the way, went to a Joan Baiez (sp?) concert when first married at 19. Didn't know why I was so sleepy. Remember very little of the concert. Lots of haze. LOL. My one departure from the straight and narrow and didn't even know it.


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Hi guys~

I feel like I haven't written in forever- but LOL, it's only been one day that I didn't post. I had a fill last week; only put 1cc back of the 2.6cc I had to had taken out b/c I had that stomach bug with nausea and vomiting and got too tight. Anywho, I do have some restriction- but not as much as I think I should/could have. I want to let it settle for a while and see how I do. I have this tremendous fear of getting too tight, so will go slow this time with the fills. Also, after 3 months of my period MIA, TOM finally appeared without warning! Goodness gracious.... I am a PMSing BIT@!!

Apples~ welcome back. Glad you had a good weekend. It was so darn quiet here without you!

Julie~ So sorry to hear you are having pain again. You may need another steroid epidural. Some times they give another one 2 weeks after the first. Did they say when the next one is? or when you are supposed to see the dr again? I would see them again and see what they suggest.

Melissa~WTG on the shakes. It's tough. You are doing great though.

Great~ Good luck with the house sell and the vacay sounds sooooo nice!

JeweI~ Congrats on moving! I remember the fetal pig dissection! I LOVED that! I even volunteered to be a teaching assistant in grad school in the A&P lab. Good luck getting back on track with eating. It's tough with all that stress.

Phyl~ Loved the pics of the Grandkids! SOOOO cute! Wishing you a safe trip home.

Janet~ Where are you?

ok, that's all I can remember. Pretty good i think. ; )

Talk to you tomorrow......... peasout.. Laura

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Hi all.

Julie, nice to see you back! So glad you are enjoying your new apartment and ammenities. Hot tub!! You lucky devil! You deserve it! Enjoy it.

Apples.....glad you enjoyed the weekend. Sounds lovely.

Great....You are going to have a marvelous time..maybe youl even get yourself a strand of pearls from Majorica. I once dated some guy whos was family was something special and so was he...not really sure what he was but was something something...lol His parents sent him a strand of pearls to give me that were pink. They were so beutiful. Until then I didnt know anything about where he was from or what he was.....I found out when he gave them to me...as I was like where in the world did you get these? We were in Israel and they didnt have pearls like this. I still have them...wonder where he is now. More important what was his name?? lol Yikes. Must be getting old. In any case....bring some back! Have a great trip.

Well.......Went to the gym again tonight for a training. Tonight was boot camp! lol It was fun. Yesturday we did reg strenght building. I like the fact that the Trainer...Marty does the exercizes with me to demonstrate..never laughs at the movements I make..as spastic as they might look! He makes me feel comfortable and at ease. I wish I can go everyday with him but dont have that kind of money....am going to try to continue twice weekly....for as long as I can. Maybe ill get some extra money somehow..Bday is coming up...perhaps I can get some sessions from each family member. that will be like 4 sessions...maybe.

I rearanged my room yesturday. I couldnt stand it anymore. I didnt really think about my room when we moved in here last year. Ive been thinking about what to do with it for a long time. After getting the living room furniture I decided it was time to focus on my room. So...I did and it looks great. I even put up the pictures that I never did before.

Havent heard anything about the interview. Im still thinking about the idea of working from home. That sure would be nice, but not forcing things. I have a great job with benefits. Today cant ask for more then that in Early Intervention in NYC.

Well.....I must be off to sleep. Have a great night all.

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Apples, your new deck at the lake sounds like a big playground for adults..... Sounds like fun and lots of work for you with 100 guests.... But you'll take it all in stride..... I sure understand about the farmers....... my dad was like that..... just grinning away on his way to the field......... real farmers......that's what they are.... God love em.................

100 people??

I think I'd make it a potluck!!! LOL!

Phyll, love the pics of your grandchildren..... you're almost home again.... Won't that be nice to be settled again for a bit???

Got home this morning. It's good to be home, but, OH MY, so much STUFF to put away!! Those kids are a KICK!! So much enjoy them! Charly asked Johannah if she was drinking wine! She said, "NO! That's a DRUG! I can't drink it until I'm 21!"

I have so many leftovers in my fridge I called some friends and said to come and eat.....she works and I said she wouldn't have to cook or do dishes..... She was happy and so was I...... I took some bars across the street the the !st District Health Unit who rents from us..... They were happy.... So, the food is manageable now... except those dang biscuits......

I'll be there in a minute!! HAHA!!

Anyway, I managed to get my entire china closet emptied and all the crystal and china packed up for our remodel job....... I took it easy, but we have so much... Took me about 8 big 20 gallon tubs to hold it all...... The thing is huge and is in two pieces.. It will take 3 guys to take the top off and move it so we can pull up the carpet...... I'm going to leave all that to DH...... But I'm glad to be started on the project... There won't be much I can do.... I did get permission from my doctor to have a chiropractor appt tomorrow so will go to Lowe's to pick up our laminate flooring.... It should be in..... I don't have to lift a finger..... Mostly I get to supervise, I guess..... I have to decide on some paint for the walls...... Will have to repaint the kitchen and then the wall that will become common to all three rooms will need repainting... Don't know if I'll stick to white or pick something else.... I will have to check into it.....

Well, everyone have a good night..... I'm praying for sleep.....Pain isn't too bad yet so I've got my fingers crossed for the night... Doctor said to give it more time.... Apples, you said it might take more shots.....trouble is I only got permission from insurance for 1 shot...... Don't know why they are such hardasses!!!! (Oops, sorry!!) Anyway, goodnight to all..... Talk to you tomorrow sometime.... Julie

You better take it easy with that remodeling going on!!

We're in a condo, and next door neighbor showed us all the remodeling she's done since we left. Made me jealous!! She had someone build in cabinets the entire length of her dining area! Looks great! I sure could put all those cupboards to good use! It's very tempting! And she had new kitchen sink and countertops put in. That would be nice, too. Her Mom just left her a nice inheritance, so she redid her kitchen, all her floors, master bath, fireplace, etc.

Don't understand insurance denying you another shot! Often takes a series of three before you get decent relief! I used to be a pre-cert nurse, but things have changed a LOT in 10 years! And, just wait.... it's going to get worse! Last 5 years I worked it was with insurance.

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Ok Ladies, got to share...... DD got offered the job. Yeah I'm moving her to NV. She has to respond to them then the ball gets rolling. Will move her home for about a month then they will move her out. I am going to ride out with her and fly back. I don't think either of our feet have touched the ground tonight.

Laura K

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Good Evening Gang

it's 7:30 - just got off skype's w/gf - and I am straving so this is going to be a drive by...

Laura - I just can't get online during the day just too busy - don't know if it will ever let up - so I try and post in the a.m. and p.m ;0) - I agree - take you time with the fill - being too tight is a B -

Apples - yes gf when you are gone it's very quite here ;0)

Jewel - Glad things are going well - I was wondering where you were ..

Charlene - a pound a week is good..

Melissa - WTG - but your calories were about 950 w/the fries & onion rings :0) - shakes for BF & lunch and lite dinner is the way to get back on track - I gotta say I have always eaten liter bf & lunch - My calories come from dinner and nightime Snacks - for me dinner is the most important meal ;0)

Julie - Becareful with moving all that stuff...

Everyone else Hi !!

Idrise cancelled on me today (he's filming a commercial for he new workout dvd) and I didn't know til I was driving home as my phone was dead (charging in the car) well - that would have been a great excuse to just to say F it - but I didn't - I came home and changed and did cardio instead of weights - Had a really good workout - really worked up a sweat.. Hell Idrise is canceling Wed too - so I guess I will be back to the treadmill - we are suppose to have a make up session on Friday -

Gang will cbl - I gotta go see what I am eating for dinner...


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Cheri..you work in the South Side of Chicago??? WOW I have even more respect for you now. Jonathon Kozol talked about the schools there in the book he wrote "savage Inaqualities" or something like that. S, Chcago, St, Louis and New Jersey the most difficult school districts in the US. Things have gotten better but not so much so I dont think. Kudos for you!!!

Im not really up on the programs you are using..as I work with EIP but have heard of them and yes...I think you are right these are the best programs that can help him your GS from how you described some of his concerns.

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LauraK....That is great!! I am so glad for you guys!!! What great news!!

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Busy place tonight.

Laura, congrats to DD on the job. Hey when you are driving to or from NV, you gotta go through UT, maybe we could meet up as I could be living there by then!

Jodi, I have been thinking of pricing those pearls.

Apples, I don't do well with things in flux either. The realtor is optimistic we will sell quickly but then again aren't they always when they are getting your listing? But we are priced very good. I am hoping to go with DH for a day next week to SLC to see some homes there, but not sure as he has to do some interviews for some positions he has open and may not have time. I think I've mentioned before if he had it to do all over again, he'd be a farmer or rancher. He never has as big a smile as when we are back in SD every fall. But he's also very happy with the job he has now. He is more of a visionary type person and likes to solve problems and sees thing in the big picture more or less and this position gives him lots of opportunities for that. The deck sounds wonderful. Oh and I wouldn't foot the bill for everyone else's internet either. We'll just have to go through Apples withdrawal for a few days each week.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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