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I couldn't function without NSAIDS. I couldn't wait to get back on them after surgery. I don't remember how long I had to wait but it wasn't long. They fixed my hiatal hernia when they did the band and I have not had more stomach problems, even on the NSAIDS. I am at goal and still can't function without the meds. I have severe osteoarthritis. Some of it was exacerbated by the extra weight, but it actually started when I was a skinny 16 yr old and my knees went out of joint from overly loose tendons and my shoulders started giving me trouble for the same reason. Swimming was the thing that did in my shoulders. I've had double knee replacement and major neck surgery and shoulder surgery all due to arthritis. For me getting a little R&R means going in the hospital for repairs and replacements.

I supplement my NSAIDS with extra-strength, long lasting Tylenol. I am able now to swallow pills. The liquid Tylenol made my stomach burn.

The IEP meeting went very well for my grandson. I like the people, and the special ed teacher and I think they'll try to provide their best for my GS. Didn't have time to question them about their materials and techniques. I know he's going to need a good multisensory phonics program and I know of no better multisensory math program than Touchmath.

The intensive sensory and auditory training of Interactive Metronome and intensive brain and auditory processing brain re-training of Fast Forword are probably not available but, hopefully, I can do that or find a way. I can also provide the phonics and math materials that my daughter can use at home with him. The school David is in is also a Title I school and as a special ed student he will automatically qualify for any supplementary programs provided by Title I. They diagnosed him with autism and Speech and Language Delays (think that was the secondary diagnosis. It was either SDL or SDI.) So he'll get half day kindergarted with two hours of special ed help a week as a minimum. If it becomes apparant that he needs more that time can be increased. He also had to take a kindergarten admission test that will determine if he qualifies for all day kindergarten. The lowest testing kids get the whole day. Not quite sure what to hope for there.

Anyway. Gotta go to bed. Gardened today. Played with grandkids yesterday. Read a couple of books over the weekend. Hopefully, I've recuperated enough to make it through another week of teaching.


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OMG Im so happy to hear that! I never know whether what I do is really helping. When your involved with those babies from the start of program with the kids and families for fulll three years and then they age out....when the connection is strong you keep in touch for several years but then you or the families get busy and "life" happens and they dont need the support any longer. You never really hear about the children you work with many years later. You wonder what ever happened to....(I always wonder). What ever happened to .....that adorable little boy/girl.

So, I really appreciate the thank you. I must tell you however, that it isnt the teachers or the program its the parents of the children that are with the children 24/7 and remember teachers and therapists are only there several times weekly for several hours. You the parent who follows through and work hard to do all the work after that short half hour or so....Yes, we teach you and give you the tools but its you who actually does the hard work day in and out. SO, let me take this oppurtunity to thank you..the parent for helping us do our job helping your children!

Your daughter is so lucky to have you and you must be so proud. Give yourself a hug you deserve it.

Thank you for the kind words.


Thank you Jodi, the old saying is true "It takes a Village"

Laura K

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Good Morning Gang

Jodi wtg 30 lbs and staying away from the junk - sorry sis trip got cancelled but I rather go to St Lucia than Ireland - well sort of I love the ocean.

Great - lol pb when I was a kid my dad would make up pbj sandwiches for lunch on the mornings my mom slept in

Well it's late gotta jump in the shower


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Hi there, sorry to have been gone so long... Just didn't have the energy to post.... Took me an hour to read all the posts I missed.... Glad all seem to be doing well....enjoyed reading about all your concerts... I'm a country western girl, but haven't done many concerts in my time... I hear Alan Jackson is going to be here in October and he's one of my favorties... Hope to swing that one....

Laura, you said to expect some little twinges of pain before everything settles down, but after those first 2 nights of good sleep without pain, I've been awful......Friday and Saturday nights were bad... cried with the pain.... nothing helped.... finally fell asleep from exhaustion about 4:00 Sunday morning.... And the pain has been coming during the day too.... It's like a kettle cooking on the stove.... I know it's there, cooking away.... I can feel it when I move certain ways, but sometimes it just boils over and is just incredible... It boiled over about 5:00 last night just when DD's in-laws to be showed up for supper.... If I didn't look fantastic with an ice pack on my shoulder all night... Managed to make it through and then it settled down about 9:00 and I slept... I don't know what to expect anymore.... I just called the clinic where I got the shot to ask advice and if there is anyway I could go see my chiropractor.... I just feel like I need an adjustment so badly...... I've been trying to take it very easy and not do any lifting or such, but I hate living like an invalid...Anyway, could only leave a message, so hope they will call back soon.....

Saturday my brother and his wife from Mitchell, SD surprised me with a little visit.. He was on business delivering seeds to customers so they popped in for a couple hours... Was nice to see them... Then last night we met DF's parents... That went very well... They seem very nice and seemed to like us... Of course I have way too many leftovers.... I'll have to manage them today somehow... It isn't the pie that bothers me..... it's those dang biscuits.......

Lori, WTG on your cruise.... sounds great..

gosh, I'm just drawing a blank on everyone else.... You all keep up the good work and being proud of yourselves for what you are accomplishing.... I'm still just maintaining again.... I'll catch a break one of these days..... Gotta go find my ice pack..... Hugs to all... Julie

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Good Morning!

Took a break and now I don't remember what anyone said! Read a couple of pages trying to catch up.

Julie... so sorry you are having such a time with the pain! Hope they figure out some relief for you SOON!!

Eva.... MORE cement!! Good grief!!

Lori, hope the house sells quickly! Sounds like you had a very successful shopping trip!! I LOVE when things come together like that!

We had a great visit with DD#2 and family yesterday. SIL went and bought steaks, corn on the cob and a bottle of Merlot when he heard we were coming! So he fixed us a really nice dinner. Kids are always a "gas"!! I'm going to upload a photo.. they're laughing at me because I yelled "smelly socks' to get a response from them! I want you to notice Johannah, the oldest. I often wear those "newsboy" style hats and I bought her that one several years ago. She went and put it on when she heard we were coming and wore it all afternoon! And.... notice she is sipping cranberry juice from a wine glass!! LOL!! She loves her grandma!! Those kids are such a blessing... One of these days I will tell you the whole story... Kids were married over 13 years before Johannah was born. Were told only a 30% chance of getting pregnant! Other photo is DS#1 and his family back east visiting family last week. Cute picture!!

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Phyl, glad you are having such a great time with your families on your trip home. Love the pics. Girl after your own heart.

Laura K

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Cheri - thanks for info about NSAIDS and you have faced so much with arthritis. So sorry.

Julie - so sorry for all your pain - hope relief will be with you soon.

I have great news - down another 3 lbs. What a surprise. I changed my tag to reflect it. yippee

Time to leave for PT.

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Hi to all....got home this morning about 10am. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful weekend. DH was able to spend a couple of nights with me and got the new deck moved in along with DS. They are just so talented and I am so proud of them for what they do. The new deck is 5x larger than the one we added onto. DH has a huge breaking in party planned and is including everyone at the resort..ummmm...I can handle it. True test of how many can fit on the deck. Didn't have the heart to tell him that if everyone invited shows up, we could have well over 100 ppl. I will have to be creative with the appetizer menu.

Got caught up on my reading posts but no time to talk. Have to get lunch on the table. Grilled hamburger and potatoes on the grill...peach pie.

Missed visiting with you all but it is what is to come every Wed or Thursday thru Mondays until the end of October. Later.

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Phyll - Love the pics

Day 1 on my get back on track plan

So far today

I had a Starbucks Grande Skinny Latte with SF vanilla - 130c (next time I will order the tall only 90c

Atkins strawberry shake 150c

It has been a hectic day so I am trying to get some Water in

I will chat later about the rest of the day

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Cheri - thanks for info about NSAIDS and you have faced so much with arthritis. So sorry.

Julie - so sorry for all your pain - hope relief will be with you soon.

I have great news - down another 3 lbs. What a surprise. I changed my tag to reflect it. yippee

Time to leave for PT.

AWESOME! Congrats on the weight loss!

Not much to tell about me. I think I lost a lb so far this week.

Great.....wow! a cruise........in my estimation that is the ultimate vacation.......and the price.......that is cheaper than a Cozumel cruise out of Galveston.

Julie, I am so sorry that your pain has returned. Hugs and prayers for you today.

Apples, glad you had a great time with DH. Sounds like a fun party. Wow, peach pie.....you made my mouth water.....memories......how they linger. lol

Melissa........YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

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Good afternoon, just got home from a morning of volunteering at church. The church sec'y is going on vacation and I am filling in for a week mid-May. I went in today to get trained. I really enjoyed it, that would be a perfect job for me, real laid back and stuff I could handle. In an hour and a half the realtor shows up to officially list the house. Seems word is spreading around church about our home and there a few folks interested. They know that we can take a lower offer since we have some price protection, plus since we have hosted this small group in our home for the almost 4 yrs we have attended this church people know the house and the shape it's in. So maybe it will sell quicker than I thought. Is that a good thing or bad thing? LOL

Apples, so what do we have to do to get your internet up at the lake? I just miss you so much when you are gone! LOL I am envious though.

Arlene, yep cruising is my ultimate vacation, as much as I love Hawaii, I'd have to rank it higher than that even. Unpack once, wake up in new ports, get pampered and waited on. Grand total it is costing us $100 a day total for room and food. Of course our excursion will be extra and I've been busy online looking at those. I am going to Palma Majorica, Spain, Monaco, and Rome, Livorno and Naples, Italy with a night pre cruise in Barcelona. Luckily so far all the flights to Barcelon have been unaffected by the volcano, I pray it remains that way.

JOyce, congrats on the loss!!

Melissa, are you doing the shake thing like Arlene? Are you getting enough Protein? ?

Julie, darn it all anyway, I thought the pain was gone for good. Hope the dr has some good news for you.

Phyl, enjoyed the pics, miss you on Sudoko though I noticed you've been playing the games I sent you. I am beating you once in a great while on one game but can't do it for all 5. You are just too good and I practice a lot! If you see me on Facebook that is what I am probably doing! LOL

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Welcome back, Karen. Lake house (and hugh deck) sound lovely. Glad it was a wonderful time.

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Whew....finally have a chance to sit for a bit and catch up. We are starting our corn planting today and there is so much prep work with it. DH just fired up the tractor and ,as we speak, he is turning out of the driveway to break ground. Here we go! Farming is so rewarding...even though I do my share of complaining about certain aspects of it. It's in DH and DS's blood and they are usually smiling while they work which makes me happy. And the old saying...When momma's happy? It's true.

On a dead run since I came home. But, I will run for 4 days straight in order to have my free time at the lake.

Great...sounds like a wonderful trip you have planned. We have never done a cruise. Always a little fearful with my vertigo (which all started with my first pregnancy). It's managable most days but when it's bad, it's really bad. Just don't know what affect it would have. Maybe I am just paranoid and cruising would have no affect.

Not sure about the possibility of internet up at the resort this year. All I know is that I am not going to take on all of the financial responsibility to get it done. It needs to be a group effort. Everyone wants the service but not wanting to put the $$$$ out for it. Nothing I would love more than to be able to keep up with you guys on a daily basis but I've got my feet stuck in the mud on this one and not budging. One family should not foot the bill.

And Great....Awwww...so nice what you said about missing me when I'm not here. I thought I was only contributing useless "chatter".

Hope your home sells soon and that you don't have continuous showings. Also, hope you get the $$$ you want for it. I am one to not like hanging in limbo on things like that. My furniture would be in the new home in SLC 2 days after I found out I was moving. I lose sleep over stuff like that and I am UGLY when I lose sleep. Just ask DH!

Melissa...as Great asked, are you following along with a similar plan that Arlene is on???? Good for you for making a plan for yourself. That's what it takes...planning. My friends always give me such grief on planning soooooooooooooooooooooo far ahead of time. I function so much better when I have a plan...no matter what it is.

Joyce...congrats on the 3lbs! Way to go!

Arlene...I had my FIRST Protein Shake today. When I had surgery, I found them sooooooooooooo disgusting. I tried but couldn't do it. Well, a new shake place opened in our little town a few months ago. DS's GF is working there as a 2nd job and she convinved me to give it a try. OMG...I had their 20 oz cappucino shake. So good and I was full for 4 hours. I am going to finally order some powder or premade shakes so I can add what I want to them. Not sure what brand Janet told me she got. Pure Protein? ????

Julie...try to be patient. So sorry you have not gotten total relief. I am thinking it might take shots close together for awhile in order for it to take. I wish so much that this works for you.

Hey Janet...we have a music festival (We Fest) which is just a couple of hours from here that is nationally known. Big named country stars for a 3 day festival. I have not gone...just didn't mesh with my schedule most years. Both DS's used to pull a camper up and party down for 3 days. (Mom had fingers and toes crossed all 3 days for many reasons). Not sure if I would want to fight the crowd and walk through other ppl's pee for 3 days but would like to go for a day of it. We can buy 1 day tickets. With camping for 3 days and the tickets, it's about $1200. The reallly get you on what they charge for campers.

Eva....the Queen of Yard Projects! I so admire all that you are capable of doing!

LauraK...LOVE your new avatar photo...So cute!

Phyl....great photos of the kids. They sure were smiling for GM. Have a good rest of your trip, and, as my GF always said...watch the crossroads!

Jodi...good going on the 30lbs! You are doing so great on this trip and staying strong. Good for you!

Hey Cheri...sounds like you had a nice weekend and had some time to relax after your stressful week. Hope all things in your job work in your favor. (Yeah, right, huh?)

OK...that's it for me. Gotta run to a feild 10 miles away and pick up DS. He is out surveying for a tiling job and took the tiling tractor over to leave there. Later.

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OOOPS...forgot to say "Hi" to Laura... cute photo with Nels in his tighty whities. It is true what someone said about males having to show off their muscles. I have a photo of both boys in their undies, doing the very same pose...but, peppered with chicken pox.

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Hello Ladies, boy have I missed yall. Don't think I could ever catch up on all the post so I will have to jump in again.

My visit with my brother was awesome. I miss him so much. It is so neat to watch him and his wife with a baby. Also, I was able to buckle my belt on the plane. No extender for me. It was close though.

We are moved and unpacked. We are in love with our new place. We have been in the pool and hot tub everyday. I also used the fitness center today.

My weight has stalled but I know why. I have been eatting things I shouldn't. I am back on track the past few days so that spell should be over with.

School has been extremly busy because the semester is winding down. Teachers are trying to cram things into the schedule things that they are behind in. Started my pig dissection today and have lots of exams and finals.

I should be able to check in daily like I was before. You guys really motivate me.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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