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IEP meeting this Friday on my grandson David who is entering K-garten next fall. His testing put him in the bordeline to mildly mentally impaired category for both ability and performance. However, autistic children are notoriously difficult to test, especially when young because they don't respond well or focus in on oral questions. His preschool thought he would test much higher. To them he appears to know a lot more and be much higher level than what he tested at. The school seems intent on providing him with a minimum of services no matter what his tests show.

Special education has headed in a direction that seems to mean provide as few services as possible and let the kids sink or swim in the regular classroom.

I went for all day training in something called interactive metronome last Saturday. It's supposed to be very effective for autistic children as well as all kinds of other disabilites. The equipment is very expensive and I've been beating my brains out trying to think how I can use it to help David. We have to share the equipment amongst several private schools. Unfortunately, David won't be attending one of these schools, too expensive, so he won't be able to get it free unless I can take it to him, maybe this summer. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to teach summer school the month of June because funding came in for it. I have a number of parents who inquired about private tutoring with me this summer also. Plus I promised my sister that this summer I'd try to work with her daughter who has seizure disorder and accompanying learning problems. The IM training would also help her. She does go to one of our group of schools and would qualify for free training but nobody at her school has yet been trained in it.

Anyway, the logistics of it all kept me awake most of the night last night. I'm going to the IEP meeting with my daughter. My daughter also works for a law firm part time and is not afraid to threaten the school system with a law suit. In addition, the preschool teacher has been secretly working with her to pre-explain the test results and to put together her requests (demands) for maximum support for David. Unfortunately, they're simply unable to provide the kind of intensive intervention that's most effective, especially at David's age. The younger the child, the more plastic the brain, the easier the remediation. If school systems poured more dollars into pre-school and early grammar school remediation, especially brain re-training like IM, followed by intensive multi-sensory phonics and math instruction, the cost later on would be so much less--to the educational system and to society as a whole.

That's why so many parents end up home-schooling these children. Our public school system is broken. It's sad that a collection of private Christian schools, where the teacher's are paid way less and the costs are way less per student than the public schools, is purchasing and providing the most research based proven technology and training currently available and is willing to provide it free of charge to its students, while the public schools spend money to find ways to refuse services to their kids.

Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight. Needed to get this off my chest.


Cheri....I hear your frustration loud and clear. I also am frustrated this week with the system. NYS has just lowered the rates of services for homebased Early Intervention services. As of this month all the agencies have cut salaries 10% for all homebased therapists and teachers. Agencies that have centerbased services they got an increase on the rates for services provided there.

It seems that what you are saying about cutting funds for the early years are getting earlier and earlier. Soon intervening early will be a thing of the past and unfortunately we will be back to the old days of providing services after the fact.

Regarding your grandson, when I went to my daughters IEP meetings and any other child I advocated for...I did as much research as possible with wrights law and talking to advocates about the maximum possible services that can be given in the state in which you live and then justify that for your grandson.

Functional level as opposed to IQ and test scores are what should be the focus as this is an advantage to your Quest to recieve as much services as possible. Dont let the school tell them he really can test higher...bottom line he didnt and therefore the tests that are in front of them should determine placement and services. Unless it doesnt benefit him. Then you use the schools reports and what they say is important.

In your case....you do have an edge...you and your daughter!!! Who can ask for a better team a lawyer whos the mom and the grandmother who is a special educator but dont let them know that...if they do....and I I was the the Ed administrator that will be leading your IEP meeting..Id be so prepared and when you both entered that id allready have what the plan would be and make sure that all the other administrators knew the plan to make sure that ever detail was set in place so there wouldnt be a chance for either of you to oppose or to ask for other services.....so you should be as well...and sounds like you are from your post!

Dont let them scare you...like you said...you could file a suit. That is if you think they arent providing the services that you want and know you should get but they arent providing it because of money or the school that he goes to now doesnt provide it...you can file....no questions ask...if district cannot provide services then you are entitled to have the BOE provide you those services at a private school of your choice and have them pay for it.

To prove that they cant provide is easy.....you just need to find one service that is provided at another school....such as the one you mentioned above that cost too much that does and the one where he goes now doesnt because of cost.

hmm sounds to me as an advocate...id say youve allready got a case.....so maybe this knowledge can be used to your advantage at this meeting.

Its a little late..for researching now...but If you get this post before morning...and you need some information or have some questions that you have..,id be happy to brainstorm with you before the meeting about the best approach etc etc....of course as I stated above....you seem ready...nurvous but ready!! I dont think I can help and give you more then what you have but.....hey you never know.

you can e-mail me at NYSparklegirl@aol.com.

otherwise good luck..and dont sign anything unless you agree and are happy with the services they are going to provide...you dont have to. Let them know at the end of the meeting if this is the case, you dont agree with the plan and you plan on consulting your advocate/lawyer to discuss your options. Dont feel bad if the meeting lasts more then an hour....ive been to some that have lasted about two hours..arguing back and forth.

Check out "Wrights Law" regarding the services that could be provided to children who are on the spectrum and those services that should be payed for by the BOE.

Again...good luck.


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Hello there everyone!

Its been one long week!! I cant even begin to tell you all what kind of week its been because it would be just too long to post. Lets just say...thank god its friday and it will be over.

Ive had three training sessions this week. The other two days I did the funny new cardio machines.

Im sooo tired but not sure if thats from the actual physical exercise or the taking the hour and half time extra each day for something extra to do when not having this extra time each day. Getting this new routine is hard. I just cant seem to figure out how to do this! Exercise in the AM or PM. Should I go in the AM and not waste Dassi time in the PM even though I really dont have time in the AM. So ill start work later which means running into Dassi time anyways?

Started going back to the nutritionist and chiropractor as well this week. pushed that in at about 7 PM.

All this and the preparing lunch and shakes and Water bottles etc etc. Its all so much extra stuff everday to do....I cant even get online till about 10 or 11 at night. Hence, why I havent posted lately...havent even posted a new status on Facebook in two weeks!! Im having withdrawel symptoms.

Im hoping to get it together by next week!

If not something is going to have to give...not sure what. All the above is important.

Ive been reading posts on blackberry....so have sort of kept up to now...but havent had time to post to all the posts that were posted...lol say that ten times!

SO.....I havent weighed in since Sunday but been eating the regular mushys! Getting tired of the mush. I want to chew. I need to chew..and getting a little frustrated not being able to eat normal? Next week I go to surgeon and hopefully Ill get to eat normal foods and maybe a first fill. Ill be happy with that as Im beginning to eat more and can eat more. Drink more, I feel like I dont have a band at all except I am not eating like before lol

Well....let me respond to some posts that Ive been thinking about all week.

Julie....I am so happy for you that you are somewhat better..and have been pain free for your first night!!!! Doing the happy dance for you.

Im so glad that you saw Mimi happy and playing in daycare!! Sometimes....its a good thing to have some socialization with other children and you to have some respite...Im so glad this seems to be working for you and you arent feeling so guilty now. Its so hard to know what the best thing is to do but..you made the right choice. Even nicer you are paying for the program as this would be such a hardship for your daughter now. Im sure she appreciates your help both taking care of Mimi at home and financially helping for the daycare. Your a great mom and grandmother!

I hope that the dinner with your daughter and fiances family goes well this weekend.

Eva...happy belated birthday! Thanks for the update on the whey protein..its been a question that ive had since before the surgery!!

Great...its always nice when you are shown appreciation for the good work we do, so rude..but perhaps they felt badly that you were leaving and didnt know how to tell you and they couldnt face you leaving!

bottom line however, what you do is between you and god. He knows what you do and did here volenteering and your reward will be either in the form that you might not see yet..or when you meet him ....sometime not soon at all.

Thats when the thank you will come and thats where it will count. It still feels badly...when not acknowledged so, Here you go....Im so thankful for all your wonderful help volenteering with hospital patients.....they for sure have appreciated your help!!

Laura...glad your dad had some enjoyment this week. When you feel so bad, even a little happiness like the dip in the Jacuzzi is such a nice thing. Thank you , Thank you. U and Eva both have finially put my mind to rest about the type of Protein ive been using. I had some questions about why everyone recommends "whey protein" as opposed to any other type and you guys finially answered why! Again thanks!

Apples....your pictures are great. thanks for posting them. I hope you enjoy the lake...my favorite time was opening up the bungallow each summer. Enjoy it.....our bungallow was 4 hours away in upstate NY. I wish it was closer like your 45 min. Id have surely been there in winter as well then!

I know there is so much more..I just cant remember all that I want to say..best at this point to say goodnight.

Must go to sleep.< /span>

Tomorrow I have an interview with an Early Intervention Program about ten minutes from my house..which would be so amazing as now I travel about 45 min to an hour everyday back and forth to work and I hate that!

Not really looking for a new job however, if the pay is good and the description matches what my dream job will be..(as Im ready for that who isnt?) Ill seriously think about it. Id feel very bad about leaving my two little ones....not sure if I will be able to in the end anyways! lol

But ya never know. I have to go and check it out. Pretty sure the pay wont match especially now with the states cuts on the reinbursement rates for services provided in the homes of babies 0-3 yrs. So with the cuts....just coming down this month and all the service providers are forced to take a 10% decrease per half hour session rate. Cant imagine thats going to affect the salary going to be offered.....another thing.....the insurance that they will have to offer is a way to decrease the yearly salary..as we the employees will be paying for ourselves regardless. SO, not too anxious....its not the time for getting a job with an EIP program...but as they have a centerbased setting as well....who knows...those reinbursements went up per child who goes centerbased...so who knows.

Will let you know how it goes!

Have a great night all and happy Friday!


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Evening ladies....had an 11 hour day today and I'm beat. Too tired to think and post, sorry.

Julie, I so glad you had a pain free day...it's about time!

Okay, I'm off to bed...will try and catch up this weekend.


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Jodi, You do such wonderful work with the kids. I'll tell you a story. A couple of weeks ago I ran into my DD 1st Consultant. She came to our home to work w/DD as we had just found out she was hearing impaired, DD was only 2 1/2. Worked with her for a yr & 1/2. Any ways I was telling her about DD graduating from college. We chatted for a bit and she told me she was having a moment in church that morning. Feeling down about her DD problems and life in general. She said she was thinking "I wonder if I have touched anyones life". OMG I couldn't get the words out fast enough to tell her my DD wouldn't be where she was today without her early intervention. So the moral of this story is Thank you for all the kids you help.

Laura K

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Morning gals,........ I had another pretty good night.. Just a bit of pain early on but it didn't move into anything and I slept well.... Mimi was even here for the night.. I'm strating to think this may work for a while at least.... Some say they get the shots every few weeks....

Laura K, love the new avatar picture... You look younger..... great story about your DD's helper.... It was nice you could make her feel she is important...

Joyce, you are too busy..... hope you figure it all out and get into a routine that makes you comfortable... Good luck with the interview..

Joyce, sounds like it is nice there... I'm hoping for a better day today.. Want to get out to do a few things on my deck so it looks presentable for Sunday....

Well, all you busy ladies, hope you enjoy your day and find time to visit here when you can... You all have a blessed day ............. Hugs......... Julie

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Good morning! The weather folk said I'd wake up to rain this morning. so far no rain, that's fine with me but it is much chillier out. I hope it holds off as I am taking Grandma out today.

We heard from the relo company and realtors and the house will be officially on the market on Monday. The realtor we chose is out of town this week, his partner could do it but we opted to wait for him.

DH just informed me he can take the first week of May off on vacation so we are trying to figure out where to go. I know, I know I was just in hawaii but he was working and it was so quick, I need some one on one time with just him and am looking for a relaxing vacation not a hustle bustly busy sightseeing one. I still need to wrap my head around this whole move and all as well.

Apples must be relaxing on that lounge chair on the sunporch at the lake. Hope she is enjoying herself, like there's any chance she's not!

Jodi, thanks for the kudos on the volunteering. You are right my reward is in heaven. Goodness you sound busy. Hope the gym isn't what has to go in your schedule, that will pay off in so many ways down the road, maybe the new job will work out and the time you save in your commute will make your day all the better.

LauraK, love the new avatar photo, my you look so my thinner and younger!

Julie, glad things are working well for you. I think you made the right decision by Mimi you are both going to be all the better for it. And you still see her a lot. And the pain being better, oh that is so wonderful!

Well better go 'get beautiful' ha ha, that just means I have no make up on yet and am leaving shortly to pick up Grandma. Can't take my new car as I don't think she could get in it, it's kindda high.

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hello chickies~

I just got back from my appt to "get younger". (read: hair cut/colored/highlighted). I feel so much better! Beautiful day here today... 75 and sunny. Cleaning and getting laundry caught up.

Julie~ So glad you had another ok night. Little twinges of pain will occur as things "settle". It should get better and better.

Great~ Hope you are having a good day with Grandma. Get that time in before you move. : )

Eva~That is one helluva day. hugs. No more PBing anymore?

Apples~Hope you are having a good time at the lake! We miss your chatter. : )

Exercise Cop Janet~ you are 100% right. I am going today. The pool is supposedly heated at the Y, but they keep it too cool for my liking. So if it is windy and not above 75, it's too chilly to be jumping up and down IMHO. I hear you on not wanting to have to work at 70. There was a guy bagging at the store that turns 82 this week. He said he couldn't afford to live on his retirement/SS. Good golly.

ok y'all. Have a terrific weekend!!! I will CBL I am sure. : )

peasout.. Laura

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Hi all, just a quick note before I leave work to go to my Elton John concert in Des Moines. Having an early b-day dinner before hand at Bone Fish Grill (haven't been before, but everyone says it's quite good). DH's b-day is day before mine, so we are celebrating together tonight.

Found out Step daughter's test was to see if she is allergic to fructose. Should be interesting.

I'll CBL. Have a great weekend everyone!


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Linda - have a blast @ Elton John concert. Bone Fish Grill has wonderful food - enjoy and Happy B'day.

LauraK - new avatar is very attractive.

Apples - we all miss you - but know you are enjoying those books and lounging on the porch at the lake.

Hubby volunteers as photographer for Kansas Special Olympics. I'm going tonight to watch some of the athletes play tennis.

Chilly here in KC again. About 50 -- but flowers are still blooming and I'm thankful for all my friends here.


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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know I am still around. My mom and I started walking at lunch. We walk mile in less than 30 mins. so at least I am getting my exerise back in. Yeah

food is going okay still struggles but trying to change it up.

I am going to by more of those pure Protein Shakes this weekend I like them especially with the ban and pb i put in it sometimes.

Also I think I am going to try the Protein joe from batric advantage. Some of you said you have put it in your coffee so I am going to try that.

Anyways all is well except my son is sick he has some kind virus thing the Dr said but no strap, mono or flu but they sent of his cultures and blood to make sure and then they tighten his braces yesterday so he is miserable. Well gotta run love you guys.

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Good Evening Gang....

Julie - Glad you had a good night again !!!

Laurak - Loved your story about the lady helping your DD

Jodi - It takes time - I didn't have a little one - Andrew was 16 when I got banded so there wasn't much I had to do w/him plus my gym was 3 blocks from my house - I come home change and go.. Preparing lunches etc - I usually do when I am putting food up at night if I am having left overs or I cook on Sunday (a one pot wonder) and that will be my lunch for the week at work..

Great - Decisions Decisions ;0) Go back to hawaii and enjoy w/dh.

Linda - That's interesting - I was thinking something along those lines but thought Protein or something like that...

Pre Happy B-day Enjoy your concert -

Eva - I hear you I didn't work 11 hrs - but I didn't go to sleep til after midnite and alarm goes off at 5..

Laura - if phyl can do it you can - but I think there pool is warmer and she has a wet suit ;0)

Melissa - Glad you are exercising !!! Never tried the protein Joe...

Joyce - That should be fun !! We don't have Bone Fish out here in the Desert

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Good morning.

Boy, it's quiet around here! I thought my computer wasn't updating or something. I am typing with just a couple fingers b/c I burned 3 fingers on the grill yesterday... tried to close the lid with the metal edge instead of the handle! (I was really hungry and wanted my grilled grouper!) Finger tip burns are the WORST! Held ice on it until bedtime. It feels worse than it looks.

Jodi~ I hear you on fitting exercise in when you have kids. It's tough. I have a very small window of opportunity in the morning. After 2- it's all but impossible. I don't have family near and it's tough. Sounds like you are doing a great job! And the schedule will start falling together.

Great~ yeah, go to hawaii! There is something to be said about going where you have been- b/c there isn't that sightseeing learning curve and figuring out where to eat, etc. You can relax b/c you have seen the islands before. Moving is so stressful- you guys need to take YOU time before and after. : )

Janet~ How was your friday? You responded to posts but didn't say what you were up to...

I need to go see what Nels is doing.. it's a little too quiet. Hmmm...

Oh, here is a photo I took one morning this week..LOL.

peasout.. Laura

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Good Morning Peeps

Laura - Work is work - it wasn't too bad both my producers were out of town - so it was quite and not too many interruptions and that's what I hate - when I am in the middle of something and gotta stop and do something else ..

Went to get my contact readjusted at lunch - they didn't have the one I need for the left eye (we think we have the right eye done) had a ok calorie lunch just not nutrition (yogurt island) Tart Frozen Yogurt 70 cal for 4 oz - had 10 oz :0) Came home farmed and that's about it..

Andrew went to the Coachella Fest last night got to see JayZ and Beyonce !!! Coachella Fest is a big 3 day concert here in the desert - pple come from all over the USA to attended.. All kinds of bands from alternative - rock - hip hop... I would love to go just once - but this yr they only sold 3 day passes $300. I just want to see what it's like - I read about it all the time in the paper and on the news - but the crowd - at my age I don't think I want to deal with them..

Today is Saturday - we all know what I am getting ready to do in a few - GYM !!!!

Laura - you have from the time you drop Nelson off to the time you pick him up to hit they gym - No excuses girl..

Love the pic of Nelson - too cute.

Well need to go wash face - brush teeth and hit the gym - cbl

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Good Morning! I just got finished with my walk.

Great.........yes,........Hawaii! Go to Maui and relax. Maui reminds me of Oahu forty years ago. It is not as commercial and crowded.

Okay, gang, gotta go do a shake. I am trying to come up with a new recipe. I started using more sf syrups. I wonder what orange-banana would taste like? Yep, gonna try it. Later!

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Good morning.

Boy, it's quiet around here! I thought my computer wasn't updating or something. I am typing with just a couple fingers b/c I burned 3 fingers on the grill yesterday... tried to close the lid with the metal edge instead of the handle! (I was really hungry and wanted my grilled grouper!) Finger tip burns are the WORST! Held ice on it until bedtime. It feels worse than it looks.

I need to go see what Nels is doing.. it's a little too quiet. Hmmm...

Oh, here is a photo I took one morning this week..LOL.

peasout.. Laura

Laura - burned finger tips are the worse hope you feel better soon. Nels pic is so cute men they are always checking there muscles out even at a young age.

Charlene "Okay, gang, gotta go do a shake. I am trying to come up with a new recipe. I started using more sf syrups. I wonder what orange-banana would taste like? Yep, gonna try it. Later!

Where do you order your syrups from?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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