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Janet.....thanks for the props....yes it is hard, but lifestyle change is hard.

Apples, have a great trip to the lake!

Eva, thanks! i took that lactaid pill before my shake and it worked, but the drawback was for some reason my gut was very tight. I am gonna try it again today. There may be something in it that doesn't agree with my weird system. I am getting used to the Protein Drinks. I think having a band helps a lot. My pouch is so small now when I do eat Protein it is only about 2-3ozs. I am sure sliders would still slide down.

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Apples, you are right. I don't know why I let my emotions/mind get away from me like that. I feel silly for even feeling that way or posting about it. It's never bothered me before, I got my rewards from the people I visited and helped on their journey to surgery etc. I was just having one of those days, DH is out of town, had lots to do at home but I still made sure I got down to the hospital, etc. I do notice when DH's is away, my mind will play! think it is the alone time and my thoughts go bonkers. That is the time I used to eat, at least I am not doing that too much anymore!!

We all want to be appreciated and validated. Don't feel silly. You brought a lot of support and joy to the patients. God is smiling!:thumbup:

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Apples, you are right. I don't know why I let my emotions/mind get away from me like that. I feel silly for even feeling that way or posting about it. It's never bothered me before, I got my rewards from the people I visited and helped on their journey to surgery etc. I was just having one of those days, DH is out of town, had lots to do at home but I still made sure I got down to the hospital, etc. I do notice when DH's is away, my mind will play! think it is the alone time and my thoughts go bonkers. That is the time I used to eat, at least I am not doing that too much anymore!!

This is a place that we can ALL post about our feelings, things that are bothering us, ppl that we just don't understand, etc. That's what is so nice about this thread that Janet started...our posts just don't have to be about food issues. We can vent. The more we stuff our feelings, the less free we are to deal with emotional eating, etc. So...vent, do whatever it takes.

I am sure there are things that I gripe about and you guys are thinking "Why would she complain about that?".

And, I know the lonely feeling that you have while your DH is gone and now you are also an empty nester again. I think the biggest reason for my weight gain was being lonesome. DH working 24/7, stuck out on this farm, not in the working world any longer. DH has done a wonderful job of now hiring a great percentage of the work done. He is seeing the light. He still works 12-13 hour days but he is finally now taking time to relax in the last 3 or so years. He made me a happy woman by seeing the light and dealing with his workaholism!:thumbup:

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Janet.....thanks for the props....yes it is hard, but lifestyle change is hard.

Apples, have a great trip to the lake!

Eva, thanks! i took that lactaid pill before my shake and it worked, but the drawback was for some reason my gut was very tight. I am gonna try it again today. There may be something in it that doesn't agree with my weird system. I am getting used to the Protein drinks. I think having a band helps a lot. My pouch is so small now when I do eat protein it is only about 2-3ozs. I am sure sliders would still slide down.

Arlene...thanks...it's ALWAYS a great trip to the lake! Can you feel my excitement?

I am sure your pouch has shrunk, Arlene. Ppl do the 5 day pouch test (Great does the 5 nugget pouch test) and their pouches shrink in just doing a couple of days of liquids. You are one tough lady to do 3 months of this. But, this will give you a different perspective when you finally start with solids again. Just always try to think back to the reason you are going through this and the hard work you are doing.

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We all want to be appreciated and validated. Don't feel silly. You brought a lot of support and joy to the patients. God is smiling!:thumbup:

Your one statement "God is smiling" says it all, Arlene

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Hi gang, I slept without pain last night....... Halleluia!!!!!!!! It was weird because I kept waiting for it to start and it didn't so I finally fell asleep... Nice... now to just have it last...

Laura K....... great job on the running.... that's reall accomplishment in my book..... I did walk uptown to the bank, post office and then to lunch with some friends.. Haven't done that in a while... Felt good..

Arlene, congrats on the loss.... 2 pounds here and 2 pounds there adds up pretty quickly.... way to go..

Great, sorry you didn't get proper accolades, but you know what was in your heart and you did good!!!! Good luck with the house business..

Cheri, sorry you have such a rough time getting help for your grandson..... Nothing ever seems completely fair in this world anymore...

Phyll, hope you guys are travelling well and having a ball.

Linda, we bought a swing set of Mimi's birthday on the 26th now.... But it is just the metal kind... We did a big one like you are for our grandsons in Ohio, and the next time we were there it was in the neighbors yard... DIL didn't like it so was going to tear it down and throw it and neighbor took it..... Last time we do anything like that for them!!!!!

Eva, you are always so busy.... On the go all the time... How you find the time is beyond me....

Laura, I thought your sister looked pretty good... How is she doing?? I would have loved to be in the pool with Nelson.... I'm like Lori and envy you guys with your pools....

Apples, loved your pictures... You have more greeen than we do yet..... And it's still cold and windy today... Yesterday was better and they say we get a nice weekend... Have fun at the lake.... The shoes are cute, but I can't do the thing between the toes anymore...

Janet, hugs on all the work... Hope you get to regroup this weekend...

Where are all the others...... Jessica is probably moving.... Hope they are all fine......

Take care and I'll be back later.... Hugs........ Julie

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WooHoo, Julie! No pain. When was the last night that happened????

We were not green at the beginning of the week. Got a thunderstorm with 1.5inces of rain on Monday night and it greened everything up. Had a dog in bed with us shaking also. He has only in the last year or so become afraid of thunder. It was like staying awake with a new baby. But, he is our baby and we will do what it takes to make his world wonderful. DH is as bad as I am for babying him.

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Howdy everyone,

Julie, so happy to hear you had a wonderful, pain-free night-- that's really great, but also makes me ANGRY that they made you wait so darn long -- wasn't fair to you -- you shouldn't have to suffer so much darn it anyway.

Lori, hugs on feeling unappreciated, I understand exactly how you feel (raising step kids is rather the same type of feeling most of the time). A simple "thank you" goes a long way to make someone feel good. I get weird some times too and actually get to the point where it's almost paranoia -- I'll convince myself I'm being intuitive and can get all wound up until I take a deep breath and tell myself it's not "intuition" but "paranoia" and to knock it off. (Usually has to do with work related issues.) It passes. LOL I hope no one thinks I'm really truly strange now, but I'm just being honest. Sometimes our emotions just get the best of us. That's why it's good to have our friends to vent to.

Good luck on the move -- it sounds like so much work -- thank goodness you got your second knee done when you did and didn't put it off - that would have been so much harder on you. Hope you find a lovely new house to buy. You won't have to worry about exercise with all the work you'll be doing the next few months.

Janet good going on the gym -- I did step aerobics at home today -- my knees feel less sore -- I'm sure you're right, I'm exercising different muscles around those knees. I will be careful, believe me. Hope work gets less busy for you - wow, I hope I'm still not working in my 70s like your coworker. I hope I can retire by age 66 at the latest, sooner if I can get health insurance without working.

Arlene, wtg on the loss - you are doing FANTASTIC - I'm so proud of you. I don't think I could do it now -- so I give you a lot of credit. I wouldn't even want to do the 5 day pounch test.

Step daugher is having some new test done at Iowa City today - something about breathing into a bag every 15 mins. for 3 hours? Laura, does this sound like anything to you? It makes me wonder. . .since we aren't privy to her medical issues, sounds like a weird test to me for someone who has gastro issues. Let me know what you think please.

Eva, hope work gets a ittle less stressful for you too. But at least the time goes by more quickly when it's busy. You have to work out in that heat -- I can't imagine how tough that was when you were heavier.

Deb, Joyce, Jodi, Jessica, Laurak, Melissa, Cheri, hope you're doing good today. Our weather is sure beautiful. In the 80s again today, but they're talking about only 60s for the weekend. Hope they're wrong!! Everything is quite green here too -- heck DH had to mow the yard last week already!

Have fun at the lake Apples! Thanks for the compliments on my exercise. I do hope someday I'll be able to lighten up on it -- but right now I still need to do as much as I can to get this last 10 lbs. off -- slowly but surely I'm getting there. My metabolism must be just horrific -- should get that test done some day.

Have a lovely afternoon -- cbl.



Edited by ljv52

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Well, I had a little nap, and that felt good.... I must be trying to catch up on all the sleep I've lost in the last few months..... Did a couple errands this morning and took cough medicine up to Mimi at daycare... She was busy playing and didn't even notice when I left... I guess this is good.... After my nap I did last night's dishes. I don't have a dishwasher and usually only do dishes once a day... Made lasagna last night and DD, DF, Mimi, and Bailey were invited to eat... My mother showed up about that time, too, so she stayed... I just wasn't up to doing them last night... One thing about things like that.......... they wait until you're ready.... don't do themselves.... I'm having DF's parents up for supper on Sunday so do need to do a little light housekeeping before... Not too much as we are going to start pulling carpet and taking down walls the next day.... Just a little dusting and organizing toys and etc.... Mimi will be here overnight tonight... but that's okay with us.... DH will take her to my mother in the morning until DD picks her up... It's their only night without kids, so they have a date.....

Linda, you don't sound strange... I talk myself into and out of things all the time... and yes, it helps to vent to someone who understands.... DH doesn't often understand these kinds of thoughts....

Apples, have fun at the lake... We need to plan a day at Fargo soon.... Does a Saturday work for you?? I'm hoping to bring DD and Mimi along for you to meet..... If they don't come I can do any day at all.... Enjoy your afternoon........ or weekend, whichever.. Our weekend is supposed to be nice... Have a baby shower on Sunday before my supper guests....

Everyone have a great rest of the day.... TTYL.. Julie

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Hi gang, I slept without pain last night....... Halleluia!!!!!!!! It was weird because I kept waiting for it to start and it didn't so I finally fell asleep... Nice... now to just have it last...

Laura, I thought your sister looked pretty good... How is she doing?? I would have loved to be in the pool with Nelson.... I'm like Lori and envy you guys with your pools....

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! JULIE~ That is sooooo awesome! Congrats dear friend! I hope it continues and continues.

My sister is in onederland. 196- but she says some days she hits 202 if she has had a lot of Water. I am happy for her. That's like 60lbs since June 2009 surgery. (80 since March when her surgery was scheduled). The only thing that concerns me is she has not changed one thing in her lifestyle. She isn't exercising (aerobic) but does taekwondo 4 times a month. She is still eating very large amounts of food and started sneaking diet pepsi a couple times a day. The malabsorption is pretty high for her. She told me some days she has 3500 cal and still loses. I worry that after a year she will start gaining again. I hope I am wrong about that. She still hasn't found a job- and doesn't really seem to be looking. I know my parents have gotten very used to her taking care of a lot of things around the house for them. Cleaning up after meals, dishwasher, errands, some laundry, garbage, turning sprinklers on, getting mail. She doesn't cook and she doesn't clean really (mom still has weekly maid service- though they don't do upstairs where my sis is staying in the guest room). i worry that another year will go by and then she will be almost unhireable. Again, I hope I am wrong.

My allergies have kicked in full force and fighting a head cold. ughhh. Confession is good for the soul... I didn't make it to the gym. I had good intentions, but it never got over 71 and too cold for the pool and I forgot my tennis shoes. I could have walked when I got home but DH is off today and I didn't. Don't tell Janet- she'll get out the wet noodle.

ok.. gotta explain whey Protein. Yes, it is from milk- but it is separated from milk- they use the curd to make cheese and other products and then dehydrate the "whey" and separate the biproducts. If you get whey protein isolate, it is a more "pure" form of the protein and is more readily available for absorption and has less side effects. A whey protein concentrate varies on the amount of protein/fat and lactose in it. Isolate has very little to no lactose in it. USUALLY, you will notice that the isolate is more expensive. The ones your dr's office sells, like Unjury, is more expensive b/c it is more pure protein. I cannot tolerate concentrate- it gives me gas and bloating. Is that clear as mud?

Whey Protein Institute - Whey Protein FAQ

This page might help.

cbl... peasout.. Laura

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Julie, I am so glad you are feeling better. Rest all you can, once you're caught up then you'll be out exercising like everyone else.

Quiet without Apples and Janet today.

Laura K

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Apples and Arlene, you have me in tears your kind words about venting etc. You are so right, I just needed to get it off my chest. I am unused to actually dealing with my feelings, I am more used to feeding them. That's what makes this place so special. Everyone here truly gets it and as we learn to deal with issues that we may have fed or stuffed down before we are here with a bunch of others who truly get it and can help us through it. So thank you!

Julie, I am also so happy you got a painfree night of sleep. Be careful in your remodeling not to over do it and flare up the shoulder. You sound so much happier today!

Laura, thanks for the whey education.

Linda, no you don't sound weird at all, if so then I am weird too.

Apples, that is one aspect I am looking forward to thsi move being over with. The lonliness. Like this week DH was in SLC well if I lived there, he'd be coming home at night and not a hotel room. Also, I plan on travelling around with him often as well. I have my kids and family here but it's not the same as having him come home. He is quite the workaholic too and even when home is usually working on something, but he's here. Speaking of I here him now, his plane has landed and he's home!!!

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Apples and Arlene, you have me in tears your kind words about venting etc. You are so right, I just needed to get it off my chest. I am unused to actually dealing with my feelings, I am more used to feeding them. That's what makes this place so special. Everyone here truly gets it and as we learn to deal with issues that we may have fed or stuffed down before we are here with a bunch of others who truly get it and can help us through it. So thank you!

Julie, I am also so happy you got a painfree night of sleep. Be careful in your remodeling not to over do it and flare up the shoulder. You sound so much happier today!

Laura, thanks for the whey education.

Linda, no you don't sound weird at all, if so then I am weird too.

Apples, that is one aspect I am looking forward to thsi move being over with. The lonliness. Like this week DH was in SLC well if I lived there, he'd be coming home at night and not a hotel room. Also, I plan on travelling around with him often as well. I have my kids and family here but it's not the same as having him come home. He is quite the workaholic too and even when home is usually working on something, but he's here. Speaking of I here him now, his plane has landed and he's home!!!

Great, look at all you have had on your plate this last year. My goodness, I would be a basket case. Knees replaced, trip to Israel, wedding, grandma, now having to move from a place where you planned to retire. You vent all you want! You earned it! I know what you mean about being lonesome. My DH is in New Orleans working this week. I can't believe I am saying this , but I miss him.

Laura, thanks for the whey Protein info. Bariatric Advantage is whey protein isolate. Duh! Right on the label it says ALLERGY INFORMATION......this product contains milk and soy. So, now I know why my gut is rumbling. I'll just deal with it. Hopefully, I will be on food in June.

My DH had bypass in July 2009 and he has lost 90lbs. He watches his intake, but not like I have to. My friend who had bypass in July 2008 lost 120lbs, eats junk, and has gained back about 10lbs. She eats fast food, candy, snack cakes, fried food......her diet never changed and neither did her attitude. She is still miserable......just skinny.

Okay, peeps.......gotta go SHAKE! .....again thanks for all the props!!

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Julie - so happy to hear you had a wonderful night of rest/sleep. OUr bodies respond to rest and need it so. Hope you continue to be able to sleep.< /p>

Karen - have a great time at the lake.

Lori - The ability to express and recognize our feelings is so important. We have all spent too many years stuffing those feelings and eating over our emotions - which solves - nothing and only punishes us.

Laura - I won't tell Janet that you missed exercise - and I understand, no shoes, pool too cold ....... it will be our little secret.

I'm still in physical therapy and can't really exercise yet. Soon, I hope.

Beautiful here today - 79 degrees - green and all the trees are becoming green.


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ok exercise cop is here .... Excuses Excuses Excuses are going to get you no where - ya it will that's how we all got fat in the first place (along with our unhealthy eating)

How was the pool too cold - I thought you said you heated it this time of year - or was that your parents. 71 is too cold but 83 is good - but really when we go to the beach in the summer time the Water temp is 68 - so after getting in - it's not bad..

Ok so that means you gotta do an extra mile tomorrow... You know what good intentions get you..

On your sis - well we all know where she will be in a couple of years - and that's sad.. I guess that's why imho band &/or sleeve are better options - it's up to you to make the good food choices cuz we still absorb our calories - Yes restriction does help but - it's about the lifestyle change (which includes exercise !!!)

Great - I agree we all want to be validated and it's something that we don't get much of - part of the reason we all got to be obese - food is what we did for us after doing for everyone else - it was our validation (reward).

Charlene - I really think that what you're doing is fantastic - it's showing real commitment - 3 months shake w/an occasional meal

Losing the weight is like having money it's doesn't fix all the problems in our lives. I am sorry about your friend - ya pple think losing the weight will end all their problems - it might help some physical ones - but they gotta work on the emotional ones..

Julie - glad you didn't have any pain last night - that's so good to hear... No dishwasher - OMG - I grew up doing dishes my whole life - when sis lived w/us she washed I dried - I got an dishwasher in my old house lost some drawers to have the space but it was worth it - the only thing I was is plastic container and pots/pans - oh hell no - they would never get done - in fact I turned on the dw last night - need to unload it - which is something else I hate to do..

Yep Julie mens are from mars and women from venus - we speak totally diff - we are feelers and they are doers- we allow our feeling to guide us - sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not - I know for me I can be afraid of doing something alone or going somewhere - I will just do it and not think about it cuz we make up all kind of scenarios on how things will play out - and 90% of the time - it's never as bad as with think it will be

Linda - test for you sdaughter - that's sound like a lung capacity test - Dr. Laura - what's up with that test when the girl has diabetics??? - I was lucky w/my stepkids - they were ok to me - infact I think they liked me better than their messed up parents - I was normal lol well more normal than their real parents..

Ya I don't want to be working at 70 - I'm not a type A personality - I wanted to be retired at 55 - goal now is 60 and like you it's all about the health insurance issue - so it might be 62. That's what I was talking with my broker about the other night - I need to start putting away more and spending less ... That's what I should be doing right now is making a spread sheet of my bills last yr. Gotta stop watching qvc and shopping.

Joyce - PT is exercising - moving is exercise - physical activity is exercising - cleaning house etc - trying on clothes is exercising - (right Great lol) it's doesn't mean you have to join a gym - but it's good to lift weights at our age it helps our bones.. core strenght is good for our balance -

I think we got to 80 today - thin clouds - I haven't even turned on the tv tonite - Andrew and Ryder are gone - enjoying the quietness

Well gotta go unload and load the dishwasher and see if my ground turkey is defrosted


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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