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I've tried on the Skechers and other brands of the same thing and have considered them, just haven't plunked down the $$$ for them. have you noticed a difference in your legs and derierre (SP) ???? Every time I ever had a pair of Skecher shoes they have hurt my knees, not sure the connection and now that I have had the knees replaced maybe that won't be an issue.

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Apples, my co-worker got a pair of the Fitflops last year. She said the same thing, very comfy right from the start. She could feel the difference in her legs.

Cheri, it is so frustrating to get your kids/grands the help they need with special needs. Been there.

Great, that sucks the way they treated you at your vol job.

thanks for the congrats!


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OK...here's my product promotion for today. When in FL, I picked up a couple of pair of Sketchers "Tone Up" thongs. Been wearing them the last couple of days. Did not even have to break them in. They are sooooo comfy and I notice that they do make me have better posture while wearing them. Just a thought for anyone looking for sandals for the summer. I LOVE them.:thumbup:

Got the black ones. Love them. Also got the shapeup walking shoes by Sketchers. So far, so good.


Aren't they great, Cheri?

I read your frustrations with your job, your daughter's troubles with getting what she needs for her child. It makes my blood boil. So many children fall through the cracks. So sad.:thumbup:

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I've tried on the Skechers and other brands of the same thing and have considered them, just haven't plunked down the $$$ for them. have you noticed a difference in your legs and derierre (SP) ???? Every time I ever had a pair of Skecher shoes they have hurt my knees, not sure the connection and now that I have had the knees replaced maybe that won't be an issue.

I would need to wear them every day for 20 yrs to notice a difference in these chicken legs that I have!:thumbup:

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Laura K.......WTG on the mile

Laura ........Nels is such a sweetheart. Was that your sister in the pic with him?

Julie.......glad you are back with the living......take it easy!

Cheri.....sorry your frustrated with helping GS. My two DDs are teachers and they get so frustrated not getting the extra help for their kids.

Hotmama.......I empathize with you. I need to lose a lot more weight too. That is why I am on a Protein Shake diet for the next 3 months. I am hoping to get a jump start with weight loss while learning how to eat right. You can do this. You might want to get the band checked out and see if you may be too tight.

Thanks gang for all the encouragement!

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Gotta watch Idol. Hope Krystal and Big Mike are safe.

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Hello Everyone

I had the band in Jan 09 and had lost 69 pounds by Sept of 09 and have not lost one pound since. I still need to lose at least 100 more. I have gone thought many things ~lost my job~had a family member have gastic by pass and now compares me to her daily~and my baby is graduating in June. Can anyone give me food ideas. And does your food come up daily? Thanks for being there for people like me. It seemed like a god sent that I logged on today and there was a thread I'm here to help Thanks so much 09Hot Mama

Hey Hotmama...

Welcome to our thread.

Hugs on your struggles...

#1 how is your restriction

#2 Congrats on baby graduating in June !!!

#3 Forget the bypass person and those who compare you you with them - tell them to jump in a lake.

#4 What do you eat now - portions size?? Do you keep a food diary - count calories??

#5 Are you exercising

#6 Attaching a sample menu

#7 - Suggestions - keep a food diary - keep your calories between 800-1200 a day - varying them daily and exercise at least 4-5 days a week - Don't focus on dieting focus on eating healthy - eat healthy 98% of the time and allow for treats 2%..

Hope you come back - We are all here to help you..



P.S. Eat slowly - tiny bites - chew well - no drinking w/meal

Edited by IndioGirl55

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ok gang back from the gym..

since I didn't quote lets see if I can remember who to respond to

LauraK - WTG on the jogging !!!

Laura - Love the Mom in the pool w/clothes !!! too funny - work was a bitch - 1 girl out w/jury duty - so had to bind her accounts plus the lady w/the broken wrist - I don't think I got much if anything done on my desk today..

Apples - Ya I saw my house out to the west - Love it !!! It's beautiful view - I like the green better than the snow :0) Love hearing about your menu - white choc made my mouth water..

Charlene = WTG on your 2 lbs !!!! You are doing great !!! I am so proud of you - I know this has to be very hard - but shows your dedication in getting the weight off and living a healthier lifestyle.

Great - Sorry the hospital such a butt head - you will find something better and Utah and if you don't - so be it - I would travel w/dh and enjoy ..

Cheri - Hugs GF -

Linda - lol on the swing set - I always wanted to get one for my son but couldn't afford it - I think my dad got him one for his bday one year - omg I can't really remember..

Well I think that's a sign I need to go start dinner - didn't sleep well last night

Oh ya taxes - it's been figured out - tenant paid late and then pre-paid - so we had more income deposited in 08 - not more income - just when it was paid - so that's what did it -

Stupid - I'm going to write our Pres - especially about taxing a dead person..

Well gotta feed the dogs andrew and me cbl..

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Janet, funny about taxing dead people....they'd do it too if they could. I get my dead parents mail still...why not their tax bill.

Cheri....sorry about the troubles with GS....too much bureaucracy sometimes....not always in the best interest of the kids.

Apples, cute shoes. I bought CROCS thongs when in FL and have tried wearing them, but they bother me. I haven't worn thongs in many years (used to wear them all the time). I'm going to keep trying and see if my feet won't adjust. Oh, I could just see my summer home out in the field with my garden right outside the patio/porch. Lovely trees and maybe even a Water feature...wow, you got me dreaming.

Arlene, good going on the 2 pounds....see, you are doing it. Sounds like a good idea on preventing the bloating, etc. whey Protein is milk based...I'm just not sure what chemical changes happen when they make it just whey as opposed to milk.

As a little aside to the whey protein thing...back in 2005 I went to a personal trainer/diet guy (spent lots of money there) and he would bad mouth milk and milk products constantly, but, he swore by ISOPUR which is a whey product. Whey from milk....cow's milk.....so I mentioned that one day and he hemmed and hawed and kind of blew me off with a "that's different" statement. That was sort of the beginning of the end with him. He would make things fit his perspective rather than admit to the facts.

Laura, great pictures. Guess mom didn't want to clean the pool neked with Nels sitting right there. It's a nice little pool. I could handle that especially if it was heated and had jets to swim against.

Julie, glad to see you back at the computer....hopefully you'll be feeling better soon. I like Laura's description of how it will help the nerve endings. Hope you get good sleep tonight.

LauraK...great job on the run/walk. When I walk there have been days when I wish I could run...I'm still too heavy and afraid to blow out a joint, but maybe one day I'll be jogging too. Garden envy.

Joyce, so I really like your Volvo. That's what I want too but probably the XC. But since they are planning on selling Volvo to China, I'm a little afraid to leap there. I just don't trust their manufacturing practices enough to trust a pricey car to them. I had a 70's vintage sedan and I loved that car, but it fell apart (previous owner kept it together with chewing gum and bailing wire). I couldn't afford to keep it anymore.

Phyl, sounds like you are having a great trip back to WA. It's nice to be able to travel slowly and do what you want.

Hey Jodi...I see you lurking there. Hope your day is going well.

Linda, your DH will get that swing set built eventually, especially if GD starts bugging him.

I had a particularly busy day at work. In the field before 8am, 2nd meeting at 11am, 3rd meeting at 1pm, then a drive by to see how to feed a potential job. Then I get back to the office and I'm not back for more than 30 minutes and my planner needs to go look at another job that's in trouble so we both went out and it's going to be a major pain to take field notes for tomorrow. I have an 8:30 am meeting a block from where I was today...and if he had called my cell phone (number given on my voice mail) I could have done that meeting today. I have to stop by another place and do a conduit inspection, then go take the field notes. All this stuff I knew was going to come up is....plus added stuff. I've done as much prep work as I can, but I can't issue jobs until the developers are ready...they are all going to be ready at once. Aaarggg. Maybe I'll do another concrete pour this weekend, that work out some frustration.

Okay, I need to sleep...hi to anyone I've missed. Hope everyone has a great night!


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Good morning sunshines~

Well, I didn't make the support group last night. Nels had a LARGE amount of energy and I just didn't see him sitting still in a room full of bariatric patients. So, I had him jump in our pool (we have it heated this time of year) and get out all the heebie jeebies. He went to bed by 8pm and slept like an angel. : )

I am off to have a coffee date with an attorney friend of mine and then to the gym. Might brave the ladies again and do Water aerobics. I will cbl... have a great day y'all!!! peas

Arlene asked if that was my sister, who had gastric bypass, in that last pic.. yes.

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Morning Gang..

Laura WTG on gym... Don't heat my pool but the family is coming in June - I know my Brooke will be in the pool 24/7 it should be warm by then - hell it can be cold and she's still in it..

I figured it was your sis - she looks good, how's she doing.

Eva - you are as busy as me.. My 2 producers are out of town til friday - that could be a good thing (not here to bug me) or a bad thing (get all their calls)

Not much to report since last night - had a lean cusine (alfreado) ans I added shrimp - then had some popcorn.< /p>

Was sleeping so well when the alarm went off ... Well since I don't have bosses looking over my shoulder all day - may be able to ck in - will depend on work ..

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Good Morning All...looks like another beautiful day. Sun keeps peeking out at us and hoping he will stay. I am thinking that the dog and I will hop in the pickup and head North to the lake sometime this afternoon. Second day of trucking corn to town so feeding a few at noon. Not even sure what it will be as I was not expecting them to truck today and did not take any meat out of the freezer. Thinking some potato salad and tuna melts. Have bars and Cookies I can take out of the freezer for dessert.

Eva...your job sounds as busy as Janet's. Do you see it slowing down at all. I don't know if I would go so far as doing cement work (it would look like crap) to work out my frustrations. Just not talented in cement work. I listen to you guys about everything you go through with your jobs and I think I am certifiable for ever thinking of getting back into anything like that again. Grass is always greener.

Funny about the grass is greener....you look at my prairie and see a summer home. I look at your mountains and desert and see a winter home. I guess we sometimes forget to look and see how beautiful our environment is. As soon as I am done posting, I'm going out to my sun porch and going to take it all in.

Mornin' Janet....wish you did not have so much responsibility and stress in your job right now. You can always rent a cement mixer for the weekend!

LauraK...I admire you for running. I used to be in track in college. Ran the mile. I just cannot do it though I love to walk at a good trot. Been putting mega miles on my bike lately.

Better get back after it. Need to pack the clothes I need for the spring and summer for up at the lake. Also, need to stock the freezer up there. Then I will be completely moved in. I have a stack of books (more like a pantry full) waiting to be read and a lounge chair that's lonsome.

You all have a good one. Will catch up with you on Monday (if I don't talk to you b/4 I leave today)

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Apples, got 2 lounge chairs on that porch? Sounds wonderful. :thumbup: Your photos of your views yesterday remind me of the landscape at DH's relatives farms in SD, but then again it's not that all that far apart. You have more trees. It looks so green there already. We really started greening up last week but have a ways to go yet. The trees are budding too. Supposed to be nice today and then stormy tomorrow and the weekend, at least as of now it is rain and not snow. Spring time in the Rockies! One never knows.

Well we got a call from the relo company yesterday and I can go ahead and list the house. The realtor we chose is out of town til Monday, his partner can do it now or we can wait. We chose to wait. Now I have to call and interview some appraisers, we select 2 and submit them to the relo company, then they order 2 appraisals and whatever they come up with the company will buy our house for in 60 days if it doesn't sell. So we could be moved in 60 days if we choose to or sooner if the house sells. We are putting it up at a good price I think anyway as it really doesn't matter to us because whatever we lose up to $50K the company will reimburse us. This is the price the relo company recommended so we went for it. Part of me is excited and anxious to get this all rolling and get moved, I hate living in limbo or transition. On the other hand the other part of me is dreading it and wanting to drag my feet. I love Colorado.

I am jealous of reading about pools. If I ever live in a hot climate again, I will have one! We lived in Las Vegas for 14 mos once and wanted one there so badly.

Hope our worker gals that are so busy at work get a break soon. Sometimes I think I want a job and others I think nah, not sure I could handle all that.

Still a little miffed at the hospital, the gal I volunteered for wasn't in yesterday til after I left, I guess I would've thought she'd have called or something, I left her a good bye note, etc. Then it bugs me that I am miffed as I wasn't doing it for any accolades but it does feel good to at least feel appreciated.

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Great...try not to think about you leaving your volunteer job and not getting a "thank you or goodbye, etc.". Try to think of it as it did not cross anyone's mind, they were very busy at the time, the supervisor you left the note for was having an extremely busy day...etc. I bet you were appreciated. Things ppl do just don't get acknowledged when they should sometimes. One of the reasons I read "The Please and Thank You" book to my 2 sons over and over when they were young. I wanted them to appreciate ppl and what is done for them. Maybe your supervisor's momma did not read that book to her? LOL

I learned at my last volunteer appreciation banquet that 1 hour of volunteer work at our hospital was worth $20/hour to the hospital. Just that statement made me see that I actually was contributing even though there were times I felt like I was spinning my wheels.

How ya doing today, Julie? Hope better.

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Great...try not to think about you leaving your volunteer job and not getting a "thank you or goodbye, etc.". Try to think of it as it did not cross anyone's mind, they were very busy at the time, the supervisor you left the note for was having an extremely busy day...etc. I bet you were appreciated. Things ppl do just don't get acknowledged when they should sometimes. One of the reasons I read "The Please and Thank You" book to my 2 sons over and over when they were young. I wanted them to appreciate ppl and what is done for them. Maybe your supervisor's momma did not read that book to her? LOL

I learned at my last volunteer appreciation banquet that 1 hour of volunteer work at our hospital was worth $20/hour to the hospital. Just that statement made me see that I actually was contributing even though there were times I felt like I was spinning my wheels.

How ya doing today, Julie? Hope better.

Apples, you are right. I don't know why I let my emotions/mind get away from me like that. I feel silly for even feeling that way or posting about it. It's never bothered me before, I got my rewards from the people I visited and helped on their journey to surgery etc. I was just having one of those days, DH is out of town, had lots to do at home but I still made sure I got down to the hospital, etc. I do notice when DH's is away, my mind will play! think it is the alone time and my thoughts go bonkers. That is the time I used to eat, at least I am not doing that too much anymore!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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