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Hello Everyone

I had the band in Jan 09 and had lost 69 pounds by Sept of 09 and have not lost one pound since. I still need to lose at least 100 more. I have gone thought many things ~lost my job~had a family member have gastic by pass and now compares me to her daily~and my baby is graduating in June. Can anyone give me food ideas. And does your food come up daily? Thanks for being there for people like me. It seemed like a god sent that I logged on today and there was a thread I'm here to help Thanks so much 09Hot Mama

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Hello Everyone

I had the band in Jan 09 and had lost 69 pounds by Sept of 09 and have not lost one pound since. I still need to lose at least 100 more. I have gone thought many things ~lost my job~had a family member have gastic by pass and now compares me to her daily~and my baby is graduating in June. Can anyone give me food ideas. And does your food come up daily? Thanks for being there for people like me. It seemed like a god sent that I logged on today and there was a thread I'm here to help Thanks so much 09Hot Mama

Hey HotMama...welcome. Sorry you are having some troubles in your life and with your band life.

First of all...you food should NOT be coming up on a daily basis. Sounds like you might have your band a little tight. IMO, the best restriction to have is where you get hungry every 3-4 hours after a meal. It's not good for you to be having food pop back out on you. Is it PBing or are you vomiting?

Do you mind sharing what you consume on a daily basis? That would help any of us that had advice on how to "tweak" your menu.

Sounds like you need just to get back on plan. We have a great support system here on this thread and you are welcome to stay and hang out with us for support and info.

You've lost the 60lbs...that's a plus. Hope you can get back on plan and into losing the next lbs you are hoping to lose:thumbup:

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Karen - love the pix of your property. How I would love it sit on that porch and rock away and pick your brain about the band and share girl time.

Welcome hotmoma09. You have come to the right place for guidance. Lots of informed, successful ladies here.

Julie - so happy to hear the injection was not difficult to bear. Here is praying that relief is on the way.

Laura - way to go girl - 3/3 at the gym - even when you hated to go.

I'm off to pt.



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Hi girlies~

Julie~ Yeah! SO nice to hear from you! Loved that Apples updated us too. You must have had your epidural by fluoro. Yes, usually a day or two and the steroids will start doing their job and calming down all the nerve endings and decreasing the swelling. Very often patients will start gradually feeling better (it doesn't happen all at once), and you will one day wake up and realize you don't have pain and it will be like that all day. I pray this is what happens for you. HUGS.

Apples~ Love the pics! I would also love to sit on that porch with you and watch Nelson riding up and down the road..LOL. You never know, this summer I might get a wild hair and fly out if you'll have us. : ) Your spring cleaning be done sounds nice! Love the menu.

Great~ yeah, sounds like the least they could do is give you a complimentary fill. Well, it will be nice to start fresh in UT and find a place that appreciates you. I will attach a pic of my parents' pool. It's really small- just big enough to bounce around in and do Water aerobics or hold on to the bar and kick. They built their house 25 years ago and they tore down their long back porch to put a sun room and the pool 5 years ago. They had considered downsizing and then decided this is where they wanted to stay. The house is a nice size and now when we all come to visit, there's space for us.

Eva and Janet~ hi! Hope work is going ok!

Hotmama~ welcome. It is frustrating when you reach a plateau. Are you exercising? I know for me, that as soon as I stopped exercising- I stopped losing. It's like you stop caring and don't pay attention to what or how you're eating. I recently had my band too tight and had a slew of problems. If you are PBing every day- then you are too tight. Might be the reason you aren't losing b/c you are choosing sliders instead of hard Protein. Let us know how we can help you.

One of the parents as Nelson's school is a photographer and for a modest fee offered a deal for an 8x10 for $50 and 10% went to our local orphanage. Well, I get to her studio and she took like 75 amazing photos of my son! How could I pick just one?! And then I heard that her husband got laid off at Christmas and they were having a tough time. (her son is in Nel's class and they are friends). So I bought two frames that have 3 photos in it- one for us and one for my parents. It was more than I had budgeted (here comes the rationalization), he has 3 loose teeth and this will likely be the last "real" photo before he starts being a toothless wonder! : ) I asked her to put a rush on mom's so I could get it to her before mother's day.

At the gym I walked 30 min on my ole torture machine the step thread. It really gets my HR up, since it's like an elliptical in a way. Then I went to the Water aerobics that is full of old ladies! LOL. I had gone 1-2 mo. after surgery and then stopped going (was using my trainer and cardio instead). Anyways, they were all FREAKING OUT at my weight loss! (a few pretending like they didn't recognize me, haha). What a workout!

DH is on call and my support group meeting is tonight. : ( I am toying with the idea of bringing Nelson and letting him color or watch a movie with headphones on. I am still mad at the nurse but won't let her get the best of me!

I am REALLY hungry today and having all kinds of cravings. ughhh. detox is a bitch.

pics: Nelson watching grandma clean the pool with her clothes on! Grandpa sitting in his favorite chair. Nelson bringing Grandpa flowers he cut himself from the garden. Grandma dying easer eggs with N. Auntie making easter Cookies with N.


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Karen - love the pix of your property. How I would love it sit on that porch and rock away and pick your brain about the band and share girl time.

Welcome hotmoma09. You have come to the right place for guidance. Lots of informed, successful ladies here.

Julie - so happy to hear the injection was not difficult to bear. Here is praying that relief is on the way.

Laura - way to go girl - 3/3 at the gym - even when you hated to go.

I'm off to pt.



Joyce...after PT appt, just hope in that shiney red car and we'll sit and visit over a glass of wine!

Julie...good to hear from you. Hope in the next 24 hours or so you get some relief! Take care.

Laura...good girl on the gym. Also, happy to hear your dad has some new-found freedom and can take a dip in the pool. That has to make him feel good and change the attitude some. He's dealing with a lot...as are all of you going through this with him. I feel for ya!

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Laura...you are welcome anytime. Have to warn you...you'd probably be bored stuck out here on the farm but you are welcome!

Your parent's place is so pretty. Cool photos. Your dad looks so happy about the flowers that Nels cut for him. A priceless photo.

Another "good going" on the gym. Ppl can be funny about responding to weight loss. Sometimes I think they think it is better not to respond when it comes to someone's weight. I know I've wanted to knock some ppl across the room or run them over with the grocery cart for not having the sense and making rude comments. I would say no comment is better than a rude one.

OK...off to town to run my errands. The meal was a hit and am surprised there weren't buttons popping off shirts for as much as they put away. The ribs turned out so nice and tender and tasty. That dessert tray was just about cleaned out. A couple of the truckers grabbed some of it to eat later on as an afternoon snack. I am so happy I cannot eat like that anymore.

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Hi All,

I wanted to share a ahh moment I've had this week. I can run/jog a whole mile now. It suprised the heck out of me that I made it. Have done it twice now. Our park has a paved path that is a mile around the park. I walk one lap then ran one and walked another.

I've been busy in my flower beds, when the weather is nice. Got them all in pretty good shape. Almost finished on my bedroom, just have to put up the trim work.

Julie, glad you are feeling a bit better.

Laura & Apples love the pics.

Hotmom, welcome aboard. These ladies will help you out.


Laura K

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Hi All,

I wanted to share a ahh moment I've had this week. I can run/jog a whole mile now. It suprised the heck out of me that I made it. Have done it twice now. Our park has a paved path that is a mile around the park. I walk one lap then ran one and walked another.

I've been busy in my flower beds, when the weather is nice. Got them all in pretty good shape. Almost finished on my bedroom, just have to put up the trim work.

Julie, glad you are feeling a bit better.

Laura & Apples love the pics.

Hotmom, welcome aboard. These ladies will help you out.


Laura K

Woohoo, LauraK!!!!!! :cool:

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Just got back. I haven't read the posts for today, but I am down 2lb. I'll take it! I was have a lot of bloating and gas. I am gonna start taking Lactaid tablets before I drink the shakes. I have always been lactose intolerant and I noticed the Protein Powder has Creamer in it. Hopefully, this will take care of the bloating and rumbling in my gut. Okay, check back later!

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Good afternoon, well my volunteering days at the hospital are behind me. I was a little hurt that they acted like no other day and didn't really say good bye or anything today. Weird. I didn't expect a big party or anything but a thankyou or something would've been nice, oh well, I didn't do it for that, I did it because I wanted to.

Apples, my volunteering sounds a lot like your's. One day when I was there a gal came in for a fill, the nurse practioner had me go see her in the exam room, weigh her, and talk to her about her weight gain, give her suggestions etc. she had me do everything but the actual needle part. I just felt the gal is paying to see a professional not a volunteer. And other times I'd get this list of things to do but wouldn't have a clue what it was etc. and would spend so much time trying to figure it out that it would be time to leave. It was so unorganized, she'd tell me to organize it, kindda hard when you don't know what many things even are. Today I organized all the preop class lists and cleared out 2007 and 2008's. I found mine for June 2008, seems like so long ago. It was dated 5/17/2008 which was my 50th birthday, that's the day I went to my first pre op class. Great way to spend my bday!! Getting educated for the rest of my life in my new lifestyle.

Are you still cooking for all the men then? I thought you 'retired'?? Do any of the schools need volunteers? You could read to the kids or something?

Laura, love the pool pic and the room your dad is sitting in all those windows, lovely! I bet the photographer friend really appreciated your order.

Other Laura, CONGRATS on the mile!! That's awesome.

Arlene, congrats on 2 more lbs!!

Julie, glad you got some rest, hope those shots kick in soon!

HotMama, welcome. Sounds like you could be too tight?? are you eating small bites, chewing slowly and still PBing?? I know we want great restriction but you can have too much restriction too.

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Great...no. I'm somewhat of a free bird this year except for the books and feeding my two and running for implement parts, etc. I will have days like this when they are trucking. I know the guys and do not mind at all. But, was putting a lot of $$$ out feeding (have done it for over 30 yrs) and the workers will change daily. They can pack there own lunch since they are not on our payroll. And, I end up in the house with ppl I do not even know...so they can just pack a lunch like normal ppl have to do. It's just something that is done in this part of the country when farmers hire, they feed the workers their meals. We will be paying someone to line all the workers up and they pay their own workers....hope that explains it. I'm relieved we made this decision.

You could have at least gotten a "Good Bye it's been good to know you" and a free cup of coffee for your volunteerism!

Arlene...good going on the weight loss. You are doing so well and sound so upbeat. Bet you feel like you've turned the corner on this?????

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Love your photos Apples. We've had gorgeous weather all week -- 85 today again. Loving wearing summer clothes and no jackets.

Lori, LOL on the 50s comment -- you got me on that one. Hugs on the volunteering - I feel guilty cause I don't do much around our community -- maybe if I ever quit working full time I will then. I just think I would hate to have to "check in" or ask permission to have the day off if I was volunteering. LOL.

The swing set is still in process - I should take photos -- DH is a true perfectionist -- he's already had to take some things apart and put back together - if it's ever done it might be a miracle.

Cheri, hugs on all the education and GS issues. You sounded frustrated. Sorry - wish I could be of help.

Julie, glad you're doing okay and I hope the week ends up being pain free. That would be great.

Laura, glad to hear your Dad is able to get in Water -- I know how much I'd miss it if I couldn't - water is always so soothing.

Joyce for sure we need to get together this summer -- I have a h.s. friend in Shawnee that I'd love to see also .

already time for me to go home, I'll CBL. Have a good afternoon/evening everyone.

Where's JOdi and Jessica been?


Edited by ljv52

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OK...here's my product promotion for today. When in FL, I picked up a couple of pair of Sketchers "Tone Up" thongs. Been wearing them the last couple of days. Did not even have to break them in. They are sooooo comfy and I notice that they do make me have better posture while wearing them. Just a thought for anyone looking for sandals for the summer. I LOVE them.:thumbup:

Linda...had to laugh. Your DH sounds like my DH and DS. They do a lot of building of implement trailers and farm implements in their shop. Both are perfectionists and "b" about each other taking too much time and being too picky. Of course, I'm the mediator when they come in and complain about each other.

When DH puts together a kit or whatever like your DH is doing with the swing, he always says. "How is it that a person ends up with a whole bag of important looking sh_t when they are done?" You talking about it reminded me of that.

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Hi guys,

I just wanted to kick some a$$ and take names with my frustration over not being able to do more to help my daughter get my grandson what he needs. Needed to vent. I very seldom am kept awake anymore by anything, but I really couldn't sleep over not being able to help my grandson and my neice more.

I was looking over children's test scores today at school and had the same reaction. 2/3rds of the kids in grades 1-7 need my help next year. Too many are testing below the 10th percentile, especially in the lowest grades. We are getting so many kids whose parents/guardians are removing them from Chicago Public Schools and sending them to us because CPS is not providing the special services they need.

I understand why people dream of having themselves cloned.


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OK...here's my product promotion for today. When in FL, I picked up a couple of pair of Sketchers "Tone Up" thongs. Been wearing them the last couple of days. Did not even have to break them in. They are sooooo comfy and I notice that they do make me have better posture while wearing them. Just a thought for anyone looking for sandals for the summer. I LOVE them.:thumbup:

Got the black ones. Love them. Also got the shapeup walking shoes by Sketchers. So far, so good.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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