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I think Janet is just working a lot isn't she?

LauraK...nothing fancy with the plantings....the javalina eat everything including some cactus. They don't eat the rosemary which are the big plants up front by the porch..then there is the octopus agave which has the big yellow stalk..it's blooming and then will die. There is a golden barrel cactus next to it and a trumpet vine on the other side. Desert plants.

Julie, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. It will probably take a day or two for those shots to work (I think that's what my sister says). Or it may be immediate. I really hope they help.

Melissa, its really hard to stop that kind of eating. I have that problem too sometimes. I just have to force myself to stop and it isn't easy...sometimes I can't do it. You might just have to ask DH not to bring it into the house at least for a while so you can break the cycle. I end up throwing stuff away...lots of good food in the garbage. You can do it...I know you can.

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3 pgs - I can't catch up - too many pages and not enough time.

No man in the picture - you all would be the 1st to know - and I don't want one - I don't have the time..

Saturday GF Deb came over - we stayed up till 1:30 - then Sunday - went to the street Fair - came home around 3 p.m. and vegged - in fact went to bed like at 9 and the wind blew bad last night but I didn't hear it..

Today work - went and got my contacts readjusted (on my lunch hour) and now am told that even w/them I am not going to have perfect vision - pisses me off but this last adjustment seems to work a little better - so far I can read most stuff but not the news paper - so I guess there are going to be times I will still need readers Work is work same old stuff just another day - Gym after work - got the dogs feed - lamb chops are done - butternut squash is done

Melissa - Talk to DH and ask him to keep that stuff out of your view - if he wants it - then have him hid it - explain that you are an addict and you can't see it - it's your drug of choice - cuz gf I'm with you if I see it I eat it... I ate snickers on Saturday - but I never ate dinner - so it was a wash ;0)..

I don't know what to tell you how to get a hold of it (choc addiction) cuz like I said if I see it I eat it - I have Andrew put stuff in his room that I am tempted to eat - and I have been known to go in there when he's not home.. I don't have that beat - I can say no at work - and at the store - but home is a whole nother issue.. I don't have it beat in any form - if there was choc in the house right now I would be eating it..

2Plus4 - Hugs !!! Kids can be cruel - You are on your way and girl I'm going to kick you butt 14 lbs in 2 weeks is great - come on now - you didn't put the weight on overnight - it's not going to come off over night - it took me a year to lose 100 lbs..

That averaged 8 lbs a month - but again I worked really really hard and I think my body responded to the exercise

Eva - you go girl - you have more energy to than me - I would pay someone to do it - not do it myself - I did all that stuff (well not the stuff you are doing) but painting - laying peal & stick floors - wiring - plumbing and installing light fixtures when I was in my 30's - those days are over for me

Hope you are enjoying your day..

Karen - I refinished once - I think it bubbled up - most likely didn't let something dry long enough - I go to fast I want it done.. Tell DH HAPPY BDAY !!!

Laura - WTG on Doc appt - I would have been pissed too about the fill - hell I would have said - my dh can do it :0)

Deb & Jodi - that would be great if you 2 could meet

Shopping is my hobby ;0) this weekend - Philosophy anti-aging crap &- apricot spritz from qvc

Macy's Philosophy Apricot cream lotion & body wash - 2 tops - capri leggings. PJ's from Penny's - Swap meet - sandals - top - mouse pad - self tanner - and 6 visors...

Linda have you gotten your flexi's yet..

Well the dog just chased the cat - knocked of a picture - broken glass - gotta go clean it up..

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Morning ladies,

It's almost time to leave for Bismarck and the injections in my neck... I can hardly wait for it to be over. No sleep last night... I tried everything, but nothing helped.... Maybe would have fallen asleep about 5:20, but DH had set the alarm and got up to get the trash out and get ready... I'm just exhausted.... They say I can do this straight or have an IV with a sedative... don't know which I'll need... I guess I'll wait until I'm there to decide... Maybe I'll sleep a little in the car...

Hope you all have a good day.... I'll be back later if I'm up to it.... Thanks for all your good wishes.... I so appreciate your patience with all my whining.... Take care and I'll talk to you later.......... Julie

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Good morning girls~

Julie~ Keeping you in my thoughts today. I am glad this day finally came and I hope you get some well deserved relief from pain. HUGS. I woke up with a crick in my neck; perhaps some sympathy pain?

LadyK~OMW... that is my dream car! I love volvos. Back in 2000 after DH and I got engaged, I spent 3 days at the volvo dealer picking out my car, and hemmed and hawed over every last detail. I finally decided on THE car at 7pm and was to pick it out the next morning. I had HUGE buyer's regret that night and canceled the purchase. The next week my old beat up Ford Taurus was totaled by a cement truck! (I was fine). I never got my Volvo. Maybe one day. : )

Eva~ Just love the photos of your house and work you have done! That reminds me of that show Curb Appeal. I love people that can see potential in a home and really make it look beautiful. WTG.

Karen~ Love the pic of DH on the bike! and wish him a HBD from me too. (a little late). My DH grew up in a city and never learned to ride a bike. Isn't that sad? Thanks for the words of encouragement. I need them.

Janet~ I hear you on the chocolate. I was at Walmart the other day and they had Easter choc on clearance. ugghhh. I thought, Oh Nels would love a couple of these and they are only .50 cents! Well, one solid choc bunny disappeared. <sigh> Sorry to hear about the animals breaking the frame. yikes.

Great~What a nice thing to have your wardrobe almost complete since you are at goal. That is one of my dreams. So proud of you!!! Is DD back from honeymoon? When's the grandbaby due? <smile>

OK.. I am off to the gym after I drop the boy at school. Gotta be in it- to win it!!! I WILL GET BACK ON THE DAMN HORSE!!! Hope everyone has a happy Tuesday!!!


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Good Morning..

Yep Eva work's a b and I don't know if it is ever going to slow down with the additional accounts - and then when I get home it's gym dinner animals etc - sometimes life gets in the way - it's funny the days I don't have anything to do and am sitting here everyone else is busy ;0).. Timing ??

Laura - Here's a little secert - Nelson doesn't really need the choc - hell he most likely doesn't even ask for it - it's a trap - it's your mind telling you they are for Nelson and really they are for you - if it was really for Nelson - you could have just bought one and given it to him - not 2 or 3 -

So just don't buy the crap - then you can't eat it.. I know we think Choc is food but it really isn't - Food is meat veggie etc - nutritional crap - not sugar & fat crap...

So don't let that little devil sitting on your left shoulder continue to kid you into buying them for Nelson (You) he's lying to you...

Well I gotta jump in the shower - see you all tonight - Taxes are done so gotta go p/u after work or at lunch...

Hugs Janet

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Good morning, I am dreading this morning as I have to go to the dentist. I've never outgrown my fear of the dentist. Today is just a cleaning though, but I am so afraid they'll find a cavity or something. This is also my first DDS appt since my knee surgeries, I had to wait at least 3 mos after to go and I have to take 4 amoxocillin capsules before my appt due to the risk of infecting my knees. That sounds odd to me, but I just downed those 4 pills hope I don't get a crampy stomach or yeast infection now from that much antibiotic. At least it's a beautiful sunny day again here, the weather folk said rain today but so far it's gorgeous out.

Julie, thinking of you this morning, I hope these work!

Janet, gosh I wish your workload would let up, we miss you around here. Is there any end in sight?

Laura, yes they are back from the honeymoon. I joke with DD that 9 mos post wedding is Christmas and that would be a great Christmas gift, to be Grandma! LOL She is having fun setting up her new kitchen with all her wedding gifts etc.

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Good morning gang! I had to babysit this morning while my DD got an ultrasound. It is another girl! Yippee! She is due Sept. 13th.

Karen today is my DH's birthday. He is 62. He is working in New Orleans this week so we will have to Celebrate this weekend.....no cake for us....maybe chicken fajitas. I'll take it.

Eva, love your home!

Well, tomorrow is weigh in. I have been so good, but I think I only lost 2lbs. Losing so slow is frustrating, but it is losing.

Julie, I said a prayer for you. Let us know how you are doing. You will feel better in a few days. Sometimes it takes that long for the shot to work. Don't LIFT!!!!!

Melissa, try chocolate shakes with banana......they are yummy!

Great, hope the dentist trip goes well. I hate going to the dentist.Yep, my DH has to take antibiotics even when he has his teeth cleaned. Better safe than sorry!

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It's quiet here today!

Yeah!! No cavities or issues at the dentist. Glad that is over. DH had to run up to town to pick up some stuff for work so we met at McDs for a quick lunch, of course I got my nuggets! Today was a 5 nugget day. It's how I tell my restriction, great restriction =4 nuggets, loose = 6 or more nuggets, 5 nuggets just right. LOL

It is a beautiful sunny day but oh so windy. One thing about the wind though, it makes the air seem so clear and the mountains so sharp and clear. I'll have even closer mountain views in Utah.

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It's quiet here today!

Yeah!! No cavities or issues at the dentist. Glad that is over. DH had to run up to town to pick up some stuff for work so we met at McDs for a quick lunch, of course I got my nuggets! Today was a 5 nugget day. It's how I tell my restriction, great restriction =4 nuggets, loose = 6 or more nuggets, 5 nuggets just right. LOL

It is a beautiful sunny day but oh so windy. One thing about the wind though, it makes the air seem so clear and the mountains so sharp and clear. I'll have even closer mountain views in Utah.

Great...I think you have made a LB research discovery! You will need to start a new thread titled "The 5 day/5 Nugget Pouch Test". That would get a lot of attention!!!!

We have extreme wind here today and also very cold. Just a typical MN spring day. Not out in it though. Setting up the books for another year for our agricultural tiling business today. We have two separate programs for it that tie together. The accounts receivable and payable are separate. The only way it works cuz it's also tied into the farm books because we are incorporated. So, been at it since 6 this morning and want to complete it all by tonight. Can't let this work take away from my lake time when I can finally spend some time up there.:)

I, too, have anxiety about dental visits. I'll correct that and admit I have EXTREME anxiety. It all stems from the rough treatment of my childhood dentist. He was the male version of a "B". He used no novacaine or gas and was very rough and stern. I have always forced myself to go for my checkups and whatever work I needed done but the days prior to my appts. are not good ones. It has been a tough decision for me to take that first step to do the work I want done cosmetically.

We were so careful to not have our boys have a fear of dentists or doctors. (Which they don't and so happy about that). We found a dentist that specialized in children's dentistry. He was so wonderful. So was their pediatrician.

Gotta get back at it...Hope you are all having a great day!:thumbup:

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Good morning gang! I had to babysit this morning while my DD got an ultrasound. It is another girl! Yippee! She is due Sept. 13th.

Karen today is my DH's birthday. He is 62. He is working in New Orleans this week so we will have to Celebrate this weekend.....no cake for us....maybe chicken fajitas. I'll take it.

Eva, love your home!

Well, tomorrow is weigh in. I have been so good, but I think I only lost 2lbs. Losing so slow is frustrating, but it is losing.

Julie, I said a prayer for you. Let us know how you are doing. You will feel better in a few days. Sometimes it takes that long for the shot to work. Don't LIFT!!!!!

Melissa, try chocolate shakes with banana......they are yummy!

Great, hope the dentist trip goes well. I hate going to the dentist.Yep, my DH has to take antibiotics even when he has his teeth cleaned. Better safe than sorry!

Arlene...you gotta take the only out of the above sentence. 2lbs is 2lbs. If that 2lbs was just lost in a week, that's the above normal. It's not a race!

Congrats of the baby girl. We have a few new neighbor babies at our lake resort this year. What's nice is that I do get my Granny time and can set time limits on how long I watch them. I usually let the mothers know they can always ask but I can always say no if I feel like it. I took care of one last year quite a bit. Big brother needed momma time (feeling left out) and I got to just sit and rock with her. She's an angel and just would rock and sing. I tend to limit time spent with the criers. :thumbup:

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Just another way we are alike, Apples. We must've had the same childhood dentist. He'd always say it wouldn't hurt. Yeah right, it didn't hurt him. And what was worse when I'd tell my mom about it she poo-pawed it that I was either being a baby or exaggerating as he wouldn't do that. To this day I have a hard time going to the DDS. I've narrowed my fear down to the drill mainly, when that noise starts I tense all up. DH was so sweet to meet me for lunch afterwards as he knows what I go through before going.

Dang my beautiful sunshine went away but that wind is still a howling out there. I have some tulips coming up and phlox trying to bloom so I know spring is trying to come.

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Just another way we are alike, Apples. We must've had the same childhood dentist. He'd always say it wouldn't hurt. Yeah right, it didn't hurt him. And what was worse when I'd tell my mom about it she poo-pawed it that I was either being a baby or exaggerating as he wouldn't do that. To this day I have a hard time going to the DDS. I've narrowed my fear down to the drill mainly, when that noise starts I tense all up. DH was so sweet to meet me for lunch afterwards as he knows what I go through before going.

Dang my beautiful sunshine went away but that wind is still a howling out there. I have some tulips coming up and phlox trying to bloom so I know spring is trying to come.

My childhood dentist had half of his face that was a blood red birthmark, which to a 5 yr old, is scary in itself. And, did we have the same mother? Mine (even in kindergarten) would have me walk all by myself to my appts. and sit in that waiting room alone and cry. I would go in to the examining room crying and that dentist will yell and tell me to quit crying. Truly tramatic. No wonder I am no where near "normal".

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Hello. I just had my pre-op visit and have a surgery date of May 6. I've been working at this about a year. Had to postpone a couple of times. Am anxious. I think I really need a mentor!

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Help! How do I get to a "thread"

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Okay all you chocolate lovers here's the bean brownies:

1 can black Beans

1/2 C. unsweetened cocoa powder

3/4 C. egg beaters

2 T. Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup

10 T. Splenda Granulated

2 T. fat free sour cream or Greek Yogurt (plain)

1 T. melted butter

1 t. vanilla

Rinse and drain black beans. Place in food processor. Add all other ingredients, blend until smooth. Spray an 8x8 square pan and pour mixture into pan. Bake at 350 about 25 mins. or until toothpick come out clean.

Refrigerate. Each brownie: 53 calories, 1.5 grams fat.

They aren't bad, really. I like them best cold, kinda fudgy, not really "cake like" but not bad.

I also think the Special K Pretzel bars (2.5 grams fat, 90 calories) are tasty for a chocolate fix. I also like Rice Krispie treats with chocolate drizzle (2.5 grams fat, 90 calories) once in awhile help me also. I think the worst thing to do is deprive ourselves completely - afterall this is lifestyle change and we can't live forever without some treats. Moderation ladies, moderation.

I can join the "I had a horrible dentist as a kid too" club. I don't understand why they were so mean in the 50s.

Janet, thanks for asking, have one of my flexies on right now -- love it, very comfy -- I have the one on that just looks like a tank top. May send the corset one back - not sure I really need that -- would be good under a dress but wear so few dresses. Still thinking about it.

Julie, hope it all went well and you get some relief. Thinking of you today.

Laura, so proud of you for exercising!!!! Keep it up. I know it's hard with your busy life and having a young one at home makes it more difficult so I do give you a lot of credit for making it there! I get to the gym every day about 5:30 a.m. - work out until 7:45 or so -- do the recumbant bike, treadmill, eliptical and then some weight lifting machines. I'd never go if I waited until after work. I'm definitely a morning person. I notice my knees have been sore since I started at the gym but I think it will pass (I certainly hope).

Well, I'll cbl -- not much else to report and need to get back to work.


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