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OK Janet...saw your post. Sounds like you are making a busy weekend for yourself. Have fun at the "street fair" or whatever one wants to call it. I love things like that.

Sorry for your tiff with Andrew. Kids cause those, ya know!

Arlene...sorry for your flare-up. Maybe because the weather is going to change????

Laura...thanks for sharing photos of the "happy-faced boys"!

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Hi ladies! It's a beautiful Sunday morning (well, afternoon, now) here. I lazed around a bit and listened to This American Life on the radio (we listen to a lot of radio), had my steel cut oats with strawberries cooked in it (yum!), and then put on my cleaning clothes and have begun to spring clean. Vacuumed all the draperies and shades (I have wooden wide slat blinds too, in the natural wood color). Scrubbed all the floors upstairs. Wiped down the steps. Now am getting ready to either A) tackle the huge mess in the sewing room, or :confused: get outdoors and weed and clean up the yard.

We're going to Menards to pick up a new patio set I saw yesterday. We like to eat outside on the deck and because our deck isn't very big, it's hard to find the right-sized set for it.

Peas, I hope I don't have to get an unfill. Yesterday was a very bad pb day. I really do think it's becuase I finally have a good restriction and I'm still not used to it. I eat so fast...and big bites. I'm frustrated with myself for not "getting" this yet. Anyway, today so far is good (but I just had oatmeal). Tonight is our potluck book club, so I hope I can eat slowly. It's harder when I'm around people.

Janet, I never said how great you looked in your pics. And you too, Linda...you are inspirations! I just have to get some new pics taken of me and put them on here. There's a horrible "fat" one of me on FB that someone posted. I should use that as my before pic.

Eva, sounds like you put in a good day's work yesterday!! Mixing concrete ain't easy!

Jodi, you are doing fantastic! It's nice, isn't it, when you get a surprise like that much weight loss?

Mmmm...my house is smelling so good from the Murphy's oil soap...I love the smell of clean!

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OK Janet...saw your post. Sounds like you are making a busy weekend for yourself. Have fun at the "street fair" or whatever one wants to call it. I love things like that.

Sorry for your tiff with Andrew. Kids cause those, ya know!

Apples - When I read the tiff thing I lost it cause Kids do cause those.

And yes Janet Xanax works wonders for that.

Hope you all have a great day. I am back to work tomorrow after my lovely Spring break with my son. Oh well back to make money to take more vacations.

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Hey Deb...sounds like you got the "spring cleaning bug". I had that the last couple of weeks and it feels so good to open up the house and get some of those things done. Good way to get the body moving also.

I'm with Laura on the too tight issue...gotta really watch it. Give yourself this week. Really make an effort to take pencil eraser sized bites and chew as good as you can. Then after a few days see how it is going. It should be a true test to whether you are too tight or just not watching the way you eat. It truly is not good for your esaphgous and PBing can cause irritation for days. Just saying cuz I care.

You can't have so much in your band that it does not allow for the times when the band just tightens up on it's own. Examples: stress, illness, etc. I have little or nothing in my band and when I am under stress, it's like it is filled to the max. If you feel that after a week you are still too tight, just have a bit taken out. OK?

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Apples - When I read the tiff thing I lost it cause Kids do cause those.

And yes Janet Xanax works wonders for that.

Hope you all have a great day. I am back to work tomorrow after my lovely Spring break with my son. Oh well back to make money to take more vacations.

I envy you Melissa. Getting to go back to work. I have been on one long vacation for 10 yrs. I miss going to work and seeing "real" ppl. OK...enough whining about that subject...you've all heard it b/4. Just not an option for me. It's been discussed and discussed with hubby and me and I make his life so much more stress free by "kinda" being here when the farm needs me. OHHHHHHHH, but to get in the car on Monday morning and go to work....whoever first said "The grass is always greener...." was a very smart woman!

Phyll...hope you are back home and enjoying the family again. If not....watch the crossroads and have a safe trip.:confused:

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Apples, I will do that (eat slowly this week with eraser-sized bites) and see if I'm just too tight. Good advice! I definitely don't want to risk anything bad happening. I sort of always have erosion and slippage in the back of my mind.

I forgot to tell you all that I had a funny sewing day yesterday. I decided to make a scarf and ended up sewing through my finger twice! Just the tip, so it wasn't anything terrible, but the worst part was having to cut the threads that went through my finger so I could detach myself from the scarf!! Yikes. I also started making a cool wrap top from a pretty lilac knit. It's the sort of thing that'll be good for cool spring and summer nights.

I don't know if I told you already, but I'm going to see my daughter in NYC for my birthday in early May. I'm very excited about going---we're going to go to this cool Korean spa and take in the Met (my favorite museum), and go specialty bra shopping in this little store that has expert bra ladies to fit you. How exciting is that?! hee I always love going to see her, and NYC is a lot of fun. Mucho walking, so I'm glad that I'm in better shape than the last time I was there. One of the reasons I'm making some clothes is for this trip. I don't want to buy a lot of new stuff, and I have the fabric already, so I just need to sew it up. I'll have to post a pic of the scarf.

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Deb...you are such a good girl at taking advice from others. As I stated in my last post...it's cuz we care. It's work learning how to slow down while eating. It's work finding out what foods work and which ones don't. It's work figuring out what it takes for your body to lose. It's work and takes scheduling to find time to get exercise and move the body. But, it all does eventually fall into place and seem like second nature after a bit.

I'm almost two years out and have to think hard to rember the early stages and what it was like for me pre-band. I feel as if I have had it forever and it is just part of me and my life. But, I will forever pre-plan and be prepared for situations and know there are times I have to accomodate my band life every day. With each day, it becomes less of a chore. You'll get there.

I would love to go to NYC...a place I have never been.

Lucky you did not put that needle through you nail. My mother owned a department store that had a fabric department. Ppl would come in and choose their fabric and us girls (six of us girls in the family) would sew their outfits or whatever and usually have them ready for them within a couple of days. Sewed since I was very young (about 7) and up until about 15 yrs ago. I think I burned out on it. Have a Bernina machine with huge oak sewing center just sitting in the basement. I really should pick it up again just to make things for special occasions. I used to make anything from swimsuits to winter coats. Someday...maybe.

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Good afternoon, it's a gorgeous springy day here in Colorado! Mid 70's, DH is out doing yard work and I am going to sit in the sun when I am done posting. Went for a ride in my new car this morning and I love it!! I couldn't decide between it yesterday and a used Hyndai Sante Fe, I think I am happy with my choice. They were both nice cars! DD was just here and moved out the last of her stuff so I am officially an empty nester again. She is having fun setting up her kitchen with all her new dishes etc. she got as wedding gifts. She had registered at Kohls and Crate & Barrel and got lots of nice stuff.

Deb, learning to eat slow is an art form! I am nearly 2 yrs post op and still catch myself at times eating too fast or too big of bites. I am reminded immediately when I have to excuse myself and go PB in the restroom. You'd think this far out it would be 2nd nature to me. It mostly happens when I am either too hungry or too busy socializing and not paying attention to my bites. I am debating about a tweak of a fill in 2 weeks when I see my surgeon and it's times like those that make me think maybe not. But other times I just can't seem to feel full. I am having a bigger struggle now than I did post op.

Jodi, Congrats on your loss! and on the joining your gym! I too would like to be in the sit on the sidelines and watch class. If you find one of those, that also burns a lot of calories let me know! LOL I admire you as well for staying so positive about your ex to your daughter. No matter what that is her father and for you to honor him like that to her will pay you back in so many ways. The Gmach sounds awesome for new clothes as you are losing weight as you are goign to change sizes so fast and now you can always have something new to wear that fits!

Apples, I will go to NYC with you any day! I've not been since before 9/11 and would love to go do some shopping!

Janet, sounds like you've been busy. I miss you when you aren't here but glad you are so busy enjoying your new thin life! Sorry about the tiff with Andrew though. not sure what Xanax is but hope it helped!

Arlene, hope the fibro eases up!!

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Good Sunday afternoon to you all.... Hope you are all enjoying the day... I'm alone as DH is out in his shop cleaning or something with his tractors..... His day off, so he like to putz around with things.... I had a little nap after church/breakfast, so am just taking it easy now.... Pain is there, but bearable right now...

DH and I made a big decision yesterday....... I'm not going to do daycare for Mimi anymore for the time being... She will be registerd at the daycare starting tomorrow and we will pay for now as DD can't afford it... I hate to do it and will miss my baby, but just think I need the break and if the shots are going to work I will have to take it easy for a while I'm sure... I know that will make you all happy to hear it, but it makes me sad..... I just want to be well again..

Apples, sorry you didn't make it to the lake, but you had a good day anyway... It's cool and windy today here and supposed to be windier tomorrow... It's 55 degrees, but the wind makes that cold... would like a nice 70 day with just a light breeze... That would be nice to sit in my swing on the deck and relax..

Janet, sorry about you and Andrew... Hope you both mend soon... Teenagers are some tough characters.... We've all been there...... Have a fun day..

Jodi, congrats on the weight loss and the new gym... You are just in real good shape and things are going very well for you... this is great.... I envy you the shopping thing too.... Nice to know you can get it and then give it back when it's too big for you..... Great perk!!!!

Laura K, I can never wear someone else's jeans.. They must take the form of the former body and don't look good on the new one!!!!!

Eva, sorry you had pain and were up so much... The concrete work must have got you good..... Is the job done now???? Have fun on the bike with DH... I love motorcycles, but I like to drive..... We have 4 wheelers that we use now... We go out with some friends sometimes and just ride.....

Lori, congrats on the new vehicle.. I hate the shopping and hoping you get a good deal.... We usually do the previously owned thing too because of the difference in price..... Way better deal..... Only a couple more payments and we will be without vehicle payments.. We plan to keep these for awhile and use that money on something fun.......... or maybe a wedding!!!!!

Deb, your trip to NY to see you daughter sounds great... and you will be in such good shape this time and it will be so fun for you....

Melissa, glad you enjoyed your vacation so much and that going back to work is a good thing... Some hate to go to their jobs and that is sad.... Glad you are doing so well......

Arlene, you take care.... hope you will be feeling better soon... That darn stuff just really takes a toll on you... I'm sorry for all your pain... I can relate...... Hugs...

Well, I should go check on DH and then see about something for supper... Haven't cooked for a while so need to think of something exciting... DH will be very happy with a steak... We just got our new side of beef and he is excited to see how it tastes... It's always good as we buy from a local friend who does a great job of feeding out his herd.... Yup, I think steak is it... It's easy and can fill in the rest easily, too.... salad and a baked potato....

Have a great rest of your day... Talk to you all again soon... Hugs............ Julie

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Rob and I went on Date night with another couple. We had so much fun. We went to the movies and saw Date Night with anoither couple. Attached is a picture of us and the resturant.

PS - Date Movie and Hot Tub time machine are very funny and worth seeing.

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Nice picture of you and DH, Melissa.......... Sounds like you had a great time..... good for you..... take care... Julie

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Hi everyone. Ocotillo, you have actually seen more of Scotland than I have. I have never been to Inverness or up north. I think it because the weather as you know is pretty poor so when holiday time comes around we tend to go abroad to somewhere sunny. My Dad always says you can tell when the summers here, the rain is slightly warmer.hahaha.

Apples I hope youi managed to get to the lakes with your puppy. What type of dog do you have? We have two cocker spaniels. We have taken them to the the beach before but there was no way that they where going into the Water. That really surprised me.

I was asked what my tag stood for. 2 for my hubby and me and 4 for our 4 kids.

I really enjoy catching up on all your news.

Bye for now.x

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2plus4...isn't that always the way it is...never the tourist in your own location. I loved Scotland and would love to go back again, but there so many other places to see.

Julie, it's probably a good decision to let Mimi go to daycare for a while. It's good for the kids to socialize I think (how would I know) but it may be just enough of a break for you to heal. You can always change your mind too and keep her later when you aren't in constant pain. My sister (the one in Phoenix) gets shots 3 to 4 times a year for her back and it makes a lot of difference to her. She'll never completely heal, but at least she feels better.

Apples, sounds like you had a good time with your friend anyway, even if you didn't make it up to the lake. My friend's son grew up too when he went to the Navy. He truly came back a man. I never thought about freezing egg foo young. That is a very interesting idea. It was also interesting to hear about your sewing. You are truly a woman with many talents. How's the youngest?

Janet, your weekend (minus the fighting with Andrew) sounds wonderful, relaxing, and just the ticket. Hope you can a good one.

Melissa, great picture. You look like you were having fun.

Deb, I'm jealous, I want to go to NYC too. Sounds like you have a very fun time planned. Hey, are you going to try and meet Jodi while you are there? I'd like to try that bra shop too...I'm so picky about those things.

Lori, glad you like the new to you car. I really don't mind buying used cars, they certainly are easier on the pocketbook. Sounds like you have a very nice day planned too. I bet the weather was wonderful there. A perfect day. When are you meeting with the realtors? Does the company hire people to move you?

Charlene, sorry about the fibro day....hope you feel better. At least I know what is causing my issues and it's mostly out of shape muscles.

DH let me sleep in this morning...if fact I slept so hard I didn't even hear him make coffee. We did go to Breakfast on the motorpickle. It's only 2 miles...so it's not like its a really long ride. I haven't been on a motorcycle with him in 20 years. We did figure out that the seat-saddlebag arrangement doesn't work too well for me. The bars hit my calves in a not so comfortable way so either the seat has to change or something. Besides that, it was a wonderful ride.

After we got back from breakfast, I went to my sister's house to Water plants and stuff. She went to Florida for an indefinite time and I have to do her plants. I pulled weeds and oh my, those muscles are talking to me. Then I went grocery shopping and came home a piddled around. I took a nap and now we are going to go do something else....

I'll post pictures of the concrete and the back yard later...guess I have to go get dressed again.



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Good evening. It was a beautiful day and I spent a lot of it sitting out back, didn't get much done but enjoyed it.

Eva, yes the company hires movers for us, they come in and pack the whole house in one day, load it the next and hit the road. Then bring it all in the next house they'd unpack too, but I usually opt to do that myself as I want to think about where to put things etc. and take my time. Gotta do the kitchen last so I can go out to eat as long as possible. LOL The bike ride sounds fun.

Julie, why do you think we would be happy if you weren't taking care of Mimi? Though I think it is good that you are going to take care of yourself first. We are much better caretakers of those we love if we take care of ourselves first. I hope these shots work for you!

Melissa, I've been wanting to see Date Night, Hot Tub looked funny but was concerned it wouldn't be good when I actually went to it, thanks for the reviews, might have to check them out!

2plus4, I have 2 dogs as well, they are lab mixes.

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Just say on Facebook that it's your birthday tomorrow. Hope you have a great day!!!! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birhtday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Eva, happy Birthday to you!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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