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Hi guys~

Just returned home. Boys are in the pool... AGAIN! This time of year they seem to live there. It's too cloudy for my liking.

Movies were so cute. There is nothing more heartwarming than two 6 year olds laughing at a movie! I found myself just watching them. Sometimes as a Mom I have to drag myself to playdates and such.. but once I get there and see the smile on Nelson's face I realize why we do what we do. Apples, just in the last year or so he started staying through the whole movie! We actually started bribing him if he stayed until the credits.

Femme, I can't help but cringe when I read your post about the PBing. I had such a time two weeks ago when I was so tight and needed two unfills. If it continues then get an unfill before you get reflux or esophogitis. I will never be that tight again. It was horrible. I need a slight fill, but am going to wait a few more days to make sure I am healed.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. We are having really beautiful weather this weekend. This is the time of year when Florida is great. In a month or so it gets so hot (like where Janet lives.)

Talk to you guys tomorrow! Peasout... Laura

PS. The 3D movie they went to see was HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, right? Well, they both kept saying "How to DRAIN your dragon!" LOL

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PS. The 3D movie they went to see was HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, right? Well, they both kept saying "How to DRAIN your dragon!" LOL

My whole family went to see that movie in 3D and my DH and DS loved it. I did as well.

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Hi everyone, hope you are all having a great Sat. We are -- nice day, sunny but cool with the north wind blowing. DH got all the patio furniture out, cleaned the pull out awning and all the furniture. Got up at 6 a.m. so I could go to the gym and get it over with. Then I had my reading at the bookstore and afterwards went shopping for some bling to wear to Elton John concert next week. Our little shop in town has some cute things, but oh, so expensive -- used my 20% off for my b-day month. I'll post some new pics for those of you not on FB from Easter and the two new topes I bought today. Also some pics of my GD Aylah.



Edited by ljv52

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Linda, beautiful pics. you look amazing & your GD is so cute.

Apples, I made your crab cakes tonight. Wow they are great. Very filling too. So now that I made them and I have 5 left, how do you reheat them? Do they get soggy if you micro them?

Laura k

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Linda - you look wonderful and love the new tops. Your GD is adorable and easy to see how much Easter fun you were having together.

Laura - Nelson and friend look so happy. Love the pictures you post. Let's us really get to know him and you.

Apples - hope you were able to make a trip to the lake with sweet doggie to start preparing for the summer.

Hello to everyone.

Spring has sprung here too. Need to bring furniture out of basement and prepare for outdoor living.

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Isn't Ibuprofin an anti-inflammatory? That's what makes it such an effective pain killer. It's still one of the best, most effective anti-inflammatories on the market.

I also don't wear perfume. I think my Shampoo must have a scent because people comment on my perfume. Either that or the Downy in my clothes. I don't like to add more smells than what toiletries already have. Frankly, most perfumes make me sneeze.


I read in my Idiot's guide to the Glycemic Index that people may eat more on vacation but they also relax more and may lose weight because they're not producing cortisol from stress. Wierd, huh?

Julie, glad Mimi's all right and back to herself. Hope you will be too. Epidurals are like magic if they can place them right. They didn't work before my surgery 10 years ago because they could not get the needle to squeeze between the bones.

About 4 or 5 years I needed the epidurals after a bad fall. That time they worked because they removed so much bone when they did my surgery. The pain relief was immediate and long lasting. I was afraid I'd need them again after this last fall but I think my neck is starting to heal from my fall and from my insane attempt to scrub tables.

Well, I was in a seminar all day today. Left the house at 6:30 a.m. and got home 12 hours later. So, time for bed.


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Hello friends,

It's been a long day... My pain seems to be more constant now that I'm not getting any therapy or massage or treatments.... I'm not sure why they all just quit, but so be it.... Can hardly wait until Tuesday to get the relief I need..... Did some odds and ends around here today... put my Easter stuff away.... Had leftovers for supper (DH is so good about that. He likes leftovers!!) and then met some friends at the local steakhouse/bar for a little bingo.... Was something to do and got me out of the house... DH was busy sweeping out the garage and getting the deck furninture out and cleaning up the lawn here and at DD's...... I should have cleaned the lawn furniture, but it will wait for another day or who knows, maybe it'll rain of snow...!!! I'm just too worn out to care much right now...

Linda, your pictures are wonderful... you look so nice... and GD is so cute... Looks like you were having fun....

Laura, Nelson and friend looked like they were enjoying themselves, too... Glad you had a good day....

Apples, our day was full of a strong wind so not that pleasant today.. Maybe tomorrow will feel like spring... did you get a load up to the lake..??

Well, I'm off to take my pills and try to relax and sleep some.... Had DH rub my entire back with BioFreeze a bit ago so I'm really tingling now.... Sweet dreams everyone.... tomorrow is a new day....

Hugs and prayers to all.......... Julie

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Good evening! Had a very fun (sortta) day today. I got my new car, SUV! It is new to me, it's a 2008 Durango. I really wanted new and DH really wanted used and this was half the price of the new ones, so we went with used, or shall I say 'previously owned'. LOL Interesting how used cars aren't called used any more. I hate dealing with car salesmen and the whole process but I like having my new vehicle.

And now tonight we were sitting out back (spring has sprung here too) and our friends/neighbors behind us had company, we know them too from church. Anyhow, got to talking over the fence and they are interested in our house and came to look at it. They now want to come back. That sounds encouraging anyway. We do have to sell via a realtor in order to get all our reimbursements back from the company and not get taxed a higher rate on them. They are aware of that.

Linda, cute photos of you and the granddaughter! I liked her princess shirt. LOL

Laura, cute photos of your little guy too.

apples, how was the lake?? I am anxious to get to do some camping this summer, especially now in my new vehicle we can load stuff up so much better.

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Julie, take care of yourself, fingers crossed that you will get some relief tonight.

Great, congrats on the new vehicle.

Laura k

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Hi all. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Well....its been an interesting week,

As I previously had posted about joining a gym,,,,I had my first intro on Friday...and when being weighed I found I lost another ten pounds! All together since surgery March 9th I lost 28 pounds!!! Is that crazy????? i cant believe that!! I lost 16 the first week and then another 11 since then.

so.....tomorrow I go for my first real training session at the gym....where we will figure out my a program for me. Sitting on the side watching everyone would be the one I would chose but I think the trainer has a different plan in mind, lol Back at work after two weeks, joined a gym its been a good week!

Yesturday I went to the mall near where I live....and bought a pair of cross training sneakers two pairs of workout pants and six t-shirts, (and a partridge in a pair tree ) Im now set for working out or at least look like it.

In additon to the above I bought a new hair straightener that seemed really good. Mine broke and havent found one since. While on the way out the mall a woman stopped me and convinced me to see this new straightener and demonstrated. It really did work!! Even better then my old one that I loved and used to death. literally...it died. In addition to the additon ....I also bought a watch at Macys..which ive need for the last 6 months.

So....did a little shopping, not a good thing for someone whithout money to go shopping...especially since I also bought Dassi some dress shirts to wear with some beutiful skirts that we recieved at the childrens clothing gmach...(organization that collects clothing and if you need..you just go and take) before even getting to the mall! Talk about over spending...this was it.

However....since we volenteer to collect the clothing and organize all and take it to where its housed and hang it all....we get first choice of everything that comes in first dibs that is. Which is one of the reasons we volenteer for this organization. Its so expensive to buy clothing now and here in this neighborhood everyone dressed to kill even on weekdays. Going to synaguage is like going to a wedding. I cant afford that kind of clothing and the kids are dressed the same. So we got involved when asking if there was any clothes in my daughters size and sure enough there was plenty....and was asked if wanting to help out...and said of course...now I help run it. lol

Last year someone donated some gorgeous designer skirts that were perfect on Dassi that she loved but had no tops to go...so I figure hey, if the skirts for free I could splurge a little and get some nice tops to match and she can have several outfits to wear it was worth it.

I cant wait to get to the womans clothing one this week...ive had someone else take over since the surgery as I couldnt life anything for a while...however the doctor said this week I can start again doing regular and all exercize so am back. So I will go and check out the clothes and get me a new wardrobe woo hoo. I cant wait to see what will fit as I never am able to take anything as the clothing always were too small. (people who give away clothing in the five towns in NY too small lol!) But.,soon enough I will have choice picks of the gorgeos clothes that Ive been drooling over since starting to volenteer.

I had my eye on a whole bunch of skirts that came in, in size 12. I want them all, lol. I dont want to be greedy but the woman whos in charge; (she is just a doll) has insisted if I buy a stich of clothing and do not take everything that fits shel fire me from volenteering lol.

So im real happy!! Every time I loose weight I can take and switch.

The clothes are all designer and practically new. People donate alot in this community and there is just more clothes then for people who need. If there isnt enough we post a message in the community bulletin and wallah in pour the clothing. So if Im going to need a size that is not available....I was told to post a message. lol Its a community of people that do many different things for charity and giving and doing for people in need so the clothing Gmach....which the word "Gmach" actually in yiddish meaning "to give". Now even happier knowing I dont have to buy new clothes every few months. lol yea. Ill only take if I can give as well...so glad to volenteer and exchange so other people will be able to take as well. Dont want to take and have others needing. So, will only take what I need and no more.

One day at a time....

Sometimes..we need to purge ourselves of our deepest feelings especially to those whom have hurt us. Psychologists would say this is very beneficial in terms of healing and moving on. You needed to do this...and that a good thing. You finially felt confident enough to do it and thats great!!!! Good for you! It doesnt always make you feel better right after but in time..all that pent up feeling that you had will start to disipate because you got it all out and now you can put it aside...Yes, having never say a bad word about your ex to your child is a smart thing....because if you do..it will come back one day and bite you in the butt. I agree. and of course....you never want what happened to me....we got divorced and then he passed away three months later so....if I had spoken bad about him to my daughter boy would that have not been a good thing then....so you never know whats going to happen and its best to not talk badly....its also not good for the child to ever do this the psychologist say,,,,so I dont.. now....he is an angel and is with god because he was a good man the best...this is what I say now to her and she really loves me for it. Even if I know he wasnt! She doesnt need to know that I think this. She deserves to think this about him so its a white lie...but her psyche is so much more important then me telling her the truth now. Who cares? Hes not here to hurt me or her any longer,,,,,let her put him on a pedastal she doesnt have a father any longer, Its okay with me. so...remember Karma can be a bitch, must be careful what we do, say and think!

That poem by the way had me ROTF! Thanks for the laugh~

I'm a cryer, too, Jodi. I had to step down as a lead with our local National Guard Family Readiness Group because I was crying with everything I was doing...in meetings, talking to families that were sending loved ones, etc. I handled things perfectly when my son was over in Iraq and I was in this group but not the second time around. I think it just brought back too much. I tried to stay SO strong when he was there and then the flood gates opened.


well, its always so much harder to do a job like that when it is close to you before your son left it wasnt about you...but then the year after it was it hit home. I dont know how you did this....it must be so emotional in general, You have to be a very special person to be able to handle the emotions of parents who are sending their children off not knowing if they will be coming home. Of course,,,,that must be very painful but im sure they were gratefull to have someone like you helping them sort all of it out with them.

Btw,.,,I loved those recipes you posted Thank you, thank you thank you!!!

I am making your Spicy CrockPot Thai chicken tomorrow night! T

White Bean & Ground Turkey Chipotle Chili tomorrow night for the next week.

The first few months of banded life tend to consume us so it does change the whole dynamics of the household. But, I feel it SHOULD consume you in order for a person to get it right and make it work. And, if your spouse or family understands and works with you on this, a person (IMHO) has a better chance of being successful.

I agree with you....its so darn all consuming! I hate things that are like this...as I dont have tine to think about taking a shower or even going to the bathroom sometimes! lol

If I didnt have my families support of my daughter being so wonderfully encouraging and so proud of me. She tells everyone about what ive done and how well im doing and how healthy im getting! I could never do this right if she was feeling slighted because time is being taken away or attention is being divided etc etc. and or with whining and complaining, I could do it but certainly not with the commitment and energy that im putting into this whole process. Its not just the surgery...its the change in mindset and if anyone isnt open to the enormous calibra of change this entails well somehthing would have to give somewhere,,,of course it wouldnt be my daughter and that would make my like miserable, Anyone else..well they wouldnt be such an issue unless they live with you. So, I owe my success so far to the people who support my decision to have embarked on this journey and they are doing it together with me....its not just us,....as you said,,,who ever you live with is part of this journey their support and help is imperative in order to be successful.

Laura....yes, the gym I joined does have zumba for beginners They also have pilates, yoga and dance. all for beginners. I will the zumba...and let you know...thanks for the recommendation!



Glad you are back safe and sound. Glad you had a restful vacation, After all the work for wedding it was a nice rest im sure!

Julie, Im so glad the surgery with Mimi went well. You should be able to sleep a little easier now Im sure..and after you hopefully will get your cortisone you should feel even better!! Good luck! Hope it helps!.

Yes, a child of 30 punds is pretty hard to lift when needing to....you should really be careful im sure it doesnt do you shoulder any good to be lifting her and carrying her....this must be extremely painful,,,and a child who is perhaps squirming andtrying to not have you handle them..dead weight can pull someones back shoulder and neck out! Please be careful.Ive done this several times dealing with the children I work with, IT HURTS. Dont want you to hurt any more then you do. Hopefully you will begin to see better communication and responses to requests as well as overall better behavior in the are of listening and following basic directives after about a month or so after tubes are in.,,until then try not to lift her so much. Teacher mode again,....tell me to shut up if ive overstepped.


Perfume?....I love perfume. My favorite is Tresor. I like several others like Eternity, White diamonds, Gerlaine, Poison, D'amarige, and Opium... "these are a few of my favorite things"!!! I like these all but Tresor is my favorite and I always seem to come back to it, I have alot of the newer perfumes...but its the oldies but goodies.......I awitch off between, Tresor and Eternity and Gerlaine now....

You said you like perfume with Roses???

My mother loves her Rose perfume......When ever I smell someone wearing that perfume..I think of ,my ,mother!! The house smelled of it when she put that on for hours.....I loved that smell.....but would never wear it myself. Way to strong! lol

but loved it on her.

well......I must go to sleep....got to go to gym at 12. lol

Have a great day all tomorrow..enjoy your Sunday!


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Good middle of the night to you all.

I was in Scotland in 1987. Wonderful trip...actually rented a car and drove...on the left side. That was weird. Stayed one night in the Balfour castle on the island of Shapinsay (spelling?). Saw Loch Ness and stayed in B&B's. We were there for the Edinburg festival and got to see some great theater and music too.

Friday night we went bowling...haven't done that in more than 20 years. It was fun, but painful...there are some muscles you use to bowl that you don't normally use. Then today I mixed and poured 320 pounds of cement. Then we went out tonight.

So I'm up because my foot is bothering me and I can't get to sleep.< /p>

Linda, great pictures...your tops are cute and so is that GD.

Cheri, yes ibuphrophen is an anti-inflammatory, however, I have to take so much of it when my arthritis is bothering me, that I feel horrible. I have a perscription anti-inflammatory (feldene) which is a once a day pill instead of 8-10 of the ibuphrophens. The prescription pill is not a pain reliever either which is why I have vicodin. So if I can only take a couple of ibuphrophens now and then instead of the daily stuff, that's where I'd rather be. Doesn't always work that way though.

I have a mouth full of crowns and fillings, root canals, etc. I've invested a fortune in my teeth but find it completely worth it. I want to keep these teeth as long as possible. Was told by a dentist when I was young that I'd have dentures by the time I was 30. Guess he was wrong.

Jodi, that pretty cool that you get your pick of the donated clothes first. Especially while you are losing weight. It can save you a ton of money.

Okay, guess I'll go wander around some more and see if I can get to sleep. DH is going to take me to Breakfast later today via the motor cycle. He put the double seat back on it and wants to see if I will actually ride with him. I haven't done that for years. Should be fun.

I'll try and check in later. Hope everyone has a really nice Sunday.


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Eva, you go girl. You and your honey on the bike. Sounds like a good time. What are you doing with all that cement?

Jodi, Way to go on losing those lbs. You are doing fantastic. Doesn't it feel so good. Boy I would love a Gmach (was that what you called it?) I have been cleaning out the ole closet/dresser and donating them. Last week alone I sent 4 garbage bags. I have been shopping the consignment shops for clothes. I tend to find the tops there mostly. Jeans just seem to fit oddly so I have bought a few new pairs. Mom or my co-worker receive the hand me ups. They are both losing weight also.

I tried Apples crabcakes yesterday. They are very good. Let me know how you like the other receipes when you make them.

Laura K

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Good morning gang! I didn't read the posts, but looked at the pics..........love em!

For some reason I am having a Fibromyalgia weekend. The weather here was cool, then warm, then rain, then sun, then cool. My body is in a turmoil. I took a muscle relaxer and I hope that will relax me.

I will read stuff later this eve. HUGS! to All!

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Good Morning Peeps

Love the pic's

Jodi wtg - it only gets better - I caution you as you lose the weight now to buy too many new clothes - When I got to 12 - bought tons thinking that was it - got to 10's same thing - then 8's - then 6 and I ended at 4... I had a lot of friends who got some previously owned clothes that hadn't been worn much

Great - Congrats on New car - I'm a Chrysler girl - 98 % of my cars have been Chrysler..

mustang - dodge dart - (3) dodge dusters - 1 mercury sable - jeep grand Cherokee - Chrysler 300 m - Chrysler 300c

Well since now one was around - Friday went to ck on bro's house and visited niece in hospital - went to the mall - shopped just a little - had Chinese food for dinner - then yesterday - gym - costco to p/u new contacts - can read some stuff - getting very frustrated - can't read the paper with them..

Fought w/Andrew - took a xanax - then Debbie came over and we visited till after mid nite

Think we are going to the street fair today (fancy name for swap meet in palm desert) but it's a nice one..

Well better jump in the shower - CBL

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Linda, beautiful pics. you look amazing & your GD is so cute.

Apples, I made your crab cakes tonight. Wow they are great. Very filling too. So now that I made them and I have 5 left, how do you reheat them? Do they get soggy if you micro them?

Laura k

LauraK....I am one to not really like things like crab cakes reheated in the microwave...they are kind of like EGG FOO Yong and better reheated in a pan. Just spray pan a bit and reheat on low-medium heat. BTW...I should include my Egg Foo recipe when I have time. I make it all the time and it is very band friendly and full of Protein. I make it when I have some leftover chicken to dice or some leftover pork. Easy to make and freeze.

OK...I read through the posts but going to be lazy and just "talk" from memory.

Did not make it up to the lake yesterday as planned. OK though. My friend called and wanted to get together for a drink. Her son just got back from a year mission in Iraq and wanted to see me. Oh my, has he matured. Nice young man b/4 he left for his second tour (he was 18 when he was there with my son the first time) but he has just grown into a man in that year. We had a very nice visit. So cute....I filled a rather large gift bag with baked goods. He sat at the bar and grill and ate about 1/2 of it with his beer. He was shoving it in as fast as he could pull it out of the bag. Guess he missed baked goods while he was gone.

Jodi...you really have a great attitude about this LB journey you are on. And, yes, it does help that your DD is on board with you and proud of you for what you are doing. And, this all helps her in the long run. To see you eating healthy and exercising, etc. is setting the tone for her.

You are so smart to not bring up the "not-so-good" things about her father. Letting her idolize him does not hurt a thing and makes her feel better, I'm sure. Good going, Mom! You need to borrow Melissa's MOM avatar.

Julie.. happy to hear Mimi is back to her spunky self. And, I'm with others...try not to lift her. You are only setting yourself back by doing it. She's old enough now to not have to be lifted. Let her know that GM just can't do it and that she has to be a big girl and help GM out.

Where have you been Janet? or maybe I just missed a post yesterday?

Linda...you look wonderful and love your new tops. That GD is the cutest little thing. Can I have her?????

Eva...sorry for your pain troubles. Isn't Ibuprophen hard on your stomach? Does your band doc say anything about you taking it? I am such a worry wart when it comes to my pouch. I have taken 3 Tylenol since banding. But, I am so lucky. Never have had headaches and I simply have no aches or pains....well...kidney stones but nothing touches that pain anyway. Hope you got some sleep. Motor bikes make me scream....you want to see a panic attack? Put me on one. I did ride to a party one time on one but felt safe cuz was riding with the owner of 2 Harley dealships. Thought it was the safest ride I could have. Wrong...we wiped out on gravel but he pulled it back b/4 losing it. Be safe but have fun today!

Great... congrats on the new vehicle. Not shame in letting someone else pay for the depreciation! Enjoy it.

OK...gotta go. "Hi" to everyone I missed. Not intentional....just being a flake and too lazy to go back to the posts to comment. Have a carrot cake about ready to take out of the oven. DH's 56th bday tomorrow and I always let him choose what kind of cake he wants. He surprised me with the carrot cake. He has been picking devils food cake with fudge frosting for about as long as I have known him.

You all have a great Sunday!

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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