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We made it home. : ) LONG flight! 3 hrs 50 min, b/c of head winds. Wow, glad I didn't drink but 3 sips of coffee this morning! We could have landed to pee if I needed to, but I wanted to get home- so I held it! DH was waiting at the little local airport for us. All is good in the world.

Julie~ Thinking of mimi and praying her surgery goes well. Speedy recovery.

Apples,phyl, LadyK~ Thanks for all your kind words and I know you are all right about my dad. He is really short fused since diagnosis and worse since chemo started. He can't help it. He's meanest with my mom, not so much me. I know he loves me. So glad we went to see them. Easter was priceless.

I am with Eva on the trip to Janet's town! Let me know when! ha!

Jewel~ Glad you are enjoying your visit. Love the sights and sounds of a new baby! Enjoy. : )

I have to go enjoy being home. I will CBL peasout.. Laura

PS some pics from my phone of our trip...

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Hi gang.

Am on spring break. Spent yesterday babysitting and playing with grandkids. Been cautiously walking and working in my garden. Shopping, of course. Reading or re-reading some of the best novels I've ever read about a character called Odd Thomas. So far there's 4 books in the series by Dean Koontz. Incredible writing. Philosophy and metaphysics combined in a supernatural thriller with one of the best heros I've ever encountered.

I'm also reading The Idiot's Guide to the Glycemic Index. I already knew a lot but I think this will help me fine tune my food choices a little more.

For example, did you know that including acidic things in you overall meal reduces the glycemic load of what you eat? Lemon on veggies, oil and vinegar on salads, Tomato sauce, etc.?

Basically, you eat a lot of low-starch veggies, 3-4 oz of Protein per meal, and some fruit. Occassional treats, preferably low-glycemic load. Whole grains, steel-cut oats, nuts and seeds, are OK. Just don't overeat--anything.

Some surprises in the glycemic load of certain foods.

A lot about stress and cortisol and the role it plays in preventing weight loss and causing weight storage around your mid-section. Go for those massages ladies.

A lot about how high glycemic foods produce food cravings and lower your metabolism making it very difficult to lose weight even if your calories are low.

Well, have to return some items to Kohls and then spend some Kohl's "cash."

Looks like rain has finally stopped and the sun may yet make an appearnance. Till today, the weather has been beautiful. Sun keeps breaking out, at least in the afternoons. Temp aroun 70. Perfect for me.

Laura, sorry about your dad's over-reaction. From some of the things you've said about him in the past this is not unusual behavior on his part but when life is short you'd like all the time you have left with him to be upbeat and not hurtful. Especially when you're really putting yourself out for him. Being this ill can bring out the worst side in people rather than their best. And you can't get mad at him because he's so sick. So you end up hurt when you should be mad and you internalize the pain. All I can say is, acknowledge your feelings, continue talking about them to us, and let go and let God with your dad's behaviour. With my exDH I got some good advice from Alanon. Remind yourself its the bottle talking and picture a bottle of booze or a can of beer saying those things and you'll realize how ridiculous and meaningless they are. So, that wasn't your dad talking, that was his disease combined with whatever life circumstances and ingrained way of thinking would make such a thought come into his mind. Disease can remove the filter most of us keep on our mouths.

Heck, when I had PMS, I would tell people what I really thought. It was the only time I had the courage to tell the truth. But then people would dismiss it as just PMS and not realize I had just told them what I really thought. They just thought I was temporarily insane. They didn't know that I was secretly insane all the time. It just showed once a month.

OK. Now I'm getting too wierd.



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I just got back from weigh loss nutrition class. Down 3lb. I'll take it. I need to increase my Water. I can do this! I will do this!

WOOHOO, ARLENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go! This plan is really working for you...or...I should say...YOU are really working for this plan:biggrin:

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WOOHOO, ARLENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go! This plan is really working for you...or...I should say...YOU are really working for this plan:biggrin:

Thanks! I think I could have lost more had I not substituted a shake for 4ozs of chicken and a cup of lettuce once a day. I am gonna cut that down this week. I also found out I can have 2 cups of broth a day. It is weird.......drinking shakes has made me think about triggers that get me off track and the times of day I get the munchies. I just want to start eating right and make it a habit for life.

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Thanks! I think I could have lost more had I not substituted a shake for 4ozs of chicken and a cup of lettuce once a day. I am gonna cut that down this week. I also found out I can have 2 cups of broth a day. It is weird.......drinking shakes has made me think about triggers that get me off track and the times of day I get the munchies. I just want to start eating right and make it a habit for life.

Yep, that's what our struggles are all about, Arlene....figuring out what sets us off into our downfalls. My time of day used to be when my blood sugar would drop about 4pm...or about the time of day I would get off of work. Continuous grazing until dinner and then grazing after dinner.

I would "diet" during the day. Well, figured out I had to fuel my body throughout the day to stave off my urge to stuff my face. :thumbup:

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Originally Posted by Charlene K viewpost.gif

I just got back from weigh loss nutrition class. Down 3lb. I'll take it. I need to increase my Water. I can do this! I will do this!

Thanks! I think I could have lost more had I not substituted a shake for 4ozs of chicken and a cup of lettuce once a day. I am gonna cut that down this week. I also found out I can have 2 cups of broth a day. It is weird.......drinking shakes has made me think about triggers that get me off track and the times of day I get the munchies. I just want to start eating right and make it a habit for life.

Awesome on the weight loss keep up the great work I think the shakes with lite meal at night is doing great

**I just want to start eating right and make it a habit for life** I agree with this I want this too.

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Way to go Arlene. You are really focused and it is paying off.

Laura - Love the pictures from the plane and seeing the hospital. Also your smiling face and sweet, handsome Nelson.

Cheri - Always enjoy learning from your messages. You feed me helpful information.

Julie - good luck to Mimi tomorrow and strength and prayers for DD and family as they watch her thru the surgery (and you).

Karen - nice to hear you so up-beat again. Some normal days to enjoy.

Today was the first fill - a NON event. Why is it human nature to worry about new procedures? Oh well...

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Go Arlene!

LadyK, you're right. Fills are no big deal usually but until you're past your first one they weigh on the mind.

Julie, hope all went well for Mimi.


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Julie...will be thinking of your family tomorrow as Mimi has her surgery. Hope momma can stay calm. It's always tough when it's your child.

Joyce....it's nice when that first fill is behind you. No big deal but I think most of us have gotten worried about it. The unknown.

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Terrible recall. Praying for tomorrow. We sure do love our grandkids.


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Hey Gang

Julie - Hugs & prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery for Mimi... Another thing I'm terrible at is cleaning the blinds - I have wood blind and I hate dusting them - another job that only gets done every few months :0) well really maybe every 6 months lol..

Joyce - Glad your fill was a non-event. Do you have to go on liquids for a while?? What's your doc's fill eating plan..

Laura - Glad you are home safely.. You and your private planes - I love it..

Jewel - Glad you had a good time w/bro - what did he have to say about your weight loss..

So sad about the drowning - Ya you have to be super careful w/kids and pools - watch them 24/7..

Charlene - WTG 3 lbs - and dear I doubt that the chicken/salad meal would have slowed your weight loss - it most likely helped.. How much longer on shakes - when do you get to start eating healthy - is your dh doing this too..

Melissa - How's your week off going - how is your planing going..

Apples - For me eating light during the day is how I do it - I don't care if I ate 6 mini meal - at night I want to eat - I guess for me I have changed what I eat - but I still have the same eating pattern - night eating..

Cheri - LOL love the pms story...

Well we haven't heard from Deb in a while or is she visiting family

- Laura K how are you doing

- Judy I guess we are going to have to hunt you down

- Eva how did work go

Well it's 8:30 got property taxes paid - gym - good workout for the arms - I think I am going to go change and eat my dinner (lean cuisine lasagna don't feel like cooking)

food today - bf - 2 oz of pork tenderloin - lunch 2 oz of pork tenderloin & salad - dinner Lasagna - today will be a good food day - going out to lunch tomorrow ugh can't beleive I am saying this but we are going to mexican - and I don't really feel like it - the last few times I have been out it's been mexican - chinese sounds better ;0)

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Hi all.....yes its over! Vacation is as well and not too happy...its been two weeks and well...I could use another week to recoup!

First....let me wish Mimmy a successful surgery Julie...I hope all turns out well. I have her on my list of names that I recite every day during a prayer that is said for people who are sick or are having surgery. Im sorry your daughter and you have to deal with all this in addition to your shoulder troubles right now..I hope tomorrow you will feel good and not have too much pain.

Im not sure what your dads name is Laura but I have him in mind everyday as well for a speedy recovery and that he should feel better soon.

Well passover has passed over...and now its back to the same ole same ole? NOOOO never doing that again.

This morning joined a gym. Yea. Its been a long time coming.

Turns out, this is a really nice gym! A friend recommended it and well..I was looking at several different gyms in the area and this was the nicest..and the closest to boot.

SO...I joined and in addition took a 6 private training session. The membership was not that expensive..I thought it would be much more. I was told that my daughter can also join if I really wanted even though she wasnt 13 yet. Its cheaper then the childrens gym she goes to now...that she isnt crazy about. I dont know why..I love it lol however, if she comes with me....we can share this experience..I dont have to have a babysitter and its cheaper then her gym...I think thats three good reasons for me...and the one big one for her that she doesnt want to go to hers anymore but rather prefers to come with me. hmm thinking about this. Must have her try it for a bit to see.

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day in NY!!! April?? no couldnt be....89 degrees?? Unbelievable! so....much so that I figured might as well head to the beach as this is really August not April. lol

Today was the last day of vacation for the kids and also me...so I figure we should do something fun. After taking Dassi and two friends to eat pizza....after all for a week they didnt have any....they were dying for it. Shame....not to have pizza for a whole week! lol So I took them to the pizza shop where there wasnt much I could have...so settled on red snapper.

Paid a fortune for a little piece of fish in a pizza shop; it um tasted like it was made in a pizza shop but it did its job. Four bites and I was good then threw the rest out..as we were headed to the BEACH! Couldnt exactly save it in the crazy heat today...no loss there....as stated; not so good.

Im proud of myself....I made it the whole passover with eating just one passover roll. I didnt eat the choc dipped macaroons, and all the candy and junk food around...in my house for everyone and in everyone elses whereever we visited. Didnt eat or even taste any of the food I made for the 13 people....for the Seder of shabbat and the last two days of passover. It wasnt easy seeing all that great food going around and around.

It was kind of strange.....usually after passover; its a big rush to eat something that is made from bread of not Kosher for passover...a starch or even ice cream....usually its bread with Peanut Butter and something...lol this year??? nothing doing...im eating the same thing I ate before passover and during passover...its a slight let down feeling....but see??? this is a trigger to what we call eat eat in yiddish......"FRESS". Just hearing people get all excited and talking about what they are going to eat after passover is a topic that can be made into several books! But..not me...not ever again will I be talking like that!!! NO NO NO.

and that makes me very happy....a little let down.....but thats okay....but on the upside..I know that for the first time in 10 yrs I didnt gain any weight this passover I lost.

Tomorrow I go back to work and Dassi goes back to school. I feel like Ive been away forever. I miss my little kiddies Cant wait to see them. Especially my guy who I spend five hours a day with!

I hope you all had a great Easter.

Hey! My goodness they should pay you! I am 6 days down the line, with gas pains, and restriction. I am feeling really down, and ALMOST wish I hadnt had this done. What scares me is that my belly is going to be this swollen, and the gas is going to be this bad for ever. I hear lots of people talk about gas on here, and it sounds grim. SO, if you can link me up to a buddy, I would be very grateful. I am in the UK, if that makes any difference.....

Jodi...Hi im Jodi as well. Nice to have you...Ive also just been banded...and I have to tell you.....the stomach does go down....it will not stay swollen forever. It takes about a month. As for the first week....it was bad...bad bad but I got through it...with walking walking and walking....and gas x and gas x and more gas x. After a week the gas pains or pain went away...and after two weeks..I felt so mich better....now...a month later I dont feel like I had surgery at all! It gets better....I promise. I also felt the same way.....what the heck did I do?? Im gonna kill myself lol but you will see it will be worth it..after that first post op visit and they weigh you and it shows....about 10-18pds or so. I lost 16 in the first week. Ive lost about 20 or so now not sure exactly. The other thing...besides walking and gas x?? This site, This thread!!! The people are wonderful and supportive and encouraging.....all my questions...fears and daily happenings are adressed and responded to...and that was the best help of all. So good luck and stick around....we will try and do our best to help you through the first weeks!

Good Morning Gang...

Janet.....OMG you look absolutely amazing...you are gorgeous and that guy....well he is so right and dont you forget it!! Like so many others have said..you deserve it, you worked hard and made it to goal....you take that compliment and hold it close. Closer!!

The pictures of you and your GS is great you look stunning and that dress really looks like you are on the runway!! and the dogs..they are just too cute!

You and your family including the dogs are all just too cute!!!

Enjoy them all.

I make cream cheese type cheese balls, or depending on the occasion other thing....the first picture is a cheese egg from a previous Easter...then there is the cheese "cake" it was a birthday cake made completely of different flavored cream cheese, then this years Easter "egg" (it has a curried flavored center to make it look like an egg) and then last Halloween I made "eyeballs". No real cakes for me.

Eve.....your so creative! How do you ever think of these things? They are terrific...you should enter them in some contest in some magazine or something!

Julie...im sorry you have to go to a funeral tomorrow. You have worked so hard over the this holiday...you sure need a regular day.....everyone Im sure appreciated what you did...especially with the generators and all. What a difficult job to do...under the circumstances....but from what you described it all worked out in the end and your Breakfast and after meal was successful. Im glad to hear....hope you enjoyed the breakfast as well.

Laura, Cheri could not have explained it to you any better about your dads behavior. Infortunately when we feel our worst we lash out at the people we love the most. Whom else could we be ourselves with especially at the most trying of times.

Let it go and think of the nice time you had for a lasting memory...he also was btw upset that maybe you were leaving and he couldnt express it.

Who knows...bottom line...think happy thoughts about the past week....and how nice it was together.

oh and the crying?? hah my daughter will tell you..my mom cries at the drop of a hat. Tell me a sad story...or have me watch a hallmark commercial or those animal rescue...feed the children...movies about animals etc etc.....im a gonner. Or best....seeing my daughter in a play.....or some thing in school special.....at parent school night praising my daughter...I cry....sad its true. lol at good and bad. Im a basket case. My daughter is always....MOOOM your embarrassing me.

my ex use to say "zoloft could help", (achum) its who we are thats all....and its good for our children to see we have feelings...that we are not disensitized like the world around us.

I used to go to the movies.when divorcing my ex while being so mad all the time then at him and everything pretty much...just to cry and make sure Im still feeling! Kids need to see that we have feelings and its okay for them as well...they are going to be god willing fathers one day....you want them to be able to show their feelings instead of internalizing all the time. Dads should be sensitive as well.

This is why we suggest boys to go and play in the house area in nursery and kindergarten ...its a good thing....go ahead and cry!! Its a sad situation...and you are sad and angry and frustrated and its okay to show your feelings!

Apples......dont you love us kids?? We can drive you moms crazy with worry about us....I know my mom worries like crazy for me......and I in turn worry like crazy for my daughter. Im so glad your son is feeling better and out the hospital. He should have a speedy recovery....I still have him in mind as well everyday!

I just had to come back here and post this. Was reading an email from a friend and came across this saying..."Family is like fudge...sweet but with a few nuts"....says it all!

oh, this is just so true!!

Jewel...this is such awful news is right! How terrible for everyone. Pools and young children are so risky...you have to watch them 24/7 around them. Was there a fence around the pool or was it enclosed? Is your dad responsible even though he isnt living there?? I hope this will not affect you in any way.....you have so much on your plate allready to deal with. You certainly dont need some other complcation.

Im so sorry to hear....never nice to hear anyone dying..but a child is such a horror...you are so right to have never left your son ever at the house....esp if the conditions werent safe with your step-mother and her family.

Im glad you are having a great time with your brother and niece!! Sounds like you are!! Enjoy the rest of the vacation.

Phyl. I hear you about leaving after a season is over....I used to go to a bungallow colony each summer ...the same one and at the end of the season....omg the tears that used to flow....it was just unbearable for me. It was like camp for adults. You ever see kids at the end of a season at camp??? so upset to leave their friends? well, picture adults but worse! Another season will come soon enough. Enjoy the time in between.

Cherri.....you can get as weird as you like....your posts are informative and entertaining.....they are funny and you are so knowlegable about so many things....I have learnt so much from you in the few months ive been reading and posting so please dont hold back lol keep em coming!

Joyce....im so glad the first fill went okay...I am starting to get nurvous as well. Thanks for letting us know..it wasnt bad! Hope you are feeling good.

well.......its taken so long to read all these posts since the weekend and equally longer to respond...I hope I didnt forget anyone! Its been a while so forgive me. I know "great" is in Hawaii; hope she is enjoying. To all the new posts..welcome!

Have a good night all. Jodi

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hi all i am doing well planning is going well and I got a new blender so I am super happy.

For those that knew after I talked to my ex husband for about an hour the other day this has been the first time in like 13 years. This cause all the terrible memories I had to come flooding back the controling, lying, stealing and emotional abuse.Today I emailed him a long letter he may or may not read it but it made me feel better in the sense he kept saying how much i hurt him like he forgot what he did.

Some of you might say I was wrong but I felt he was trying to control me in the conversation and I am not letting him do that to me anymore. I felt it was time I told him how I truly felt about him the best thing I ever received from him was Alex. I never talk bad about him to Alex but I will protect my son. Alex is 14 now and is very fragile when it comes to his bio dad but I am not going to let him bring me down anymore I worked to hard to get where I am and to find a man who loves me for me and cares so much for Alex he adopted him a year after we got married.

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Good Morning and hope everyone has a happy Thursday.

We were up VERY early around here. DS and DH headed to a machinery auction. You would have thought it was Christmas morning around here!

And, I designate this day "To hell with the spring cleaning today". Think I will take a drive to the lake with the dog.

Jodi...have a good first day back at work. You have done so well to get through your holidays and maintaining you detication to your new LB life. You did it! and now if you are tempted next year, you can look back on this one and KNOW you can make it through.

I'm a cryer, too, Jodi. I had to step down as a lead with our local National Guard Family Readiness Group because I was crying with everything I was doing...in meetings, talking to families that were sending loved ones, etc. I handled things perfectly when my son was over in Iraq and I was in this group but not the second time around. I think it just brought back too much. I tried to stay SO strong when he was there and then the flood gates opened.

And, Jodi, please, please do not let yourself worry about your first fill. Just not worth it. You heard what Joyce said about hers...uneventful. I got myself work into a tizzy b/4 mine and never should have...it was nothing.

Jessica...such a sad thing with the drowning. As Janet said, kids need to be watched 24/7. I never trusted my parents with my boys either. Gotta protect your cubs.

Melissa...I bet you feel a lot better after sending that letter. Get it off your chest and put it in his court. You are so lucky to have found a "real" father for Alex. Sounds like you are with a wonderful man.

Julie...thinking of Mimi and all of you today.

Great...hope your all night flight was a good one and you are now snuggled in your own bed.

Janet...I have never tried the Lean Cruisine lasagna. When you mentioned it, I went and put it on my "WalMart List" to eat when I am alone here and not cooking. I do have my own stash of lean cuisine in my basement freezer and it is FULL. I make meals ahead for when I am one the run or at the lake. Well, let me tell you, I am ready for the lake! The freezer is full! My two men actually like just grabbing from the freezer when I am gone. No agrument from me.

Hi Cheri, Deb, Laura (hope you had a good night in your own bed), LauraK, Meredith????, Sandy????? and everyone else I missed.

Phyll...how was the first leg of your journey? I love being on the road and especially in an RV. Be safe. Watch the crossroads (as my grandpa used to say).

OK...hitting the shower and then hitting the road. You all have a good one!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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