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OMG - I got this on fb

"I was looking for an old friend of mine and I saw your picture. Your absolutely gorgeous, hope you have an awesome tuesday. Fred " Fireman from OK - can't tell what he looks like but all his friends look young -

Shocked... But gotta say it's really nice for a total stranger to make a comment...

Well off to bed

Sweet Dreams !!!

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Good Morning...

I'm so far behind with the thread that I am just going to say good morning and try to remember. Anyone omitted....I'm sorry.

Eva....you're so creative. I would love to come to your house for a dinner sometime just to get some new ideas! Good going on the long walk. I have not been getting any exercise the last week or so because of too much going on...I hate not moving. It is such a huge stress reliever for me. Today I am going to be on my bike with the dog and everything else will have to wait.

Janet....LOVE the new photo. Heck I LOVED the last one too. No wonder "Fred" did a double-take. Your puppas are soooooo cute too. And, just so hard to comprehend flowers this time of year.

Great...hope you are having fun. Make sure to come home with photos!

Julie...hope you got a good night's rest. Do you think you should be doing that kind of work with the shape your neck is in right now???????????????

Laura...I know it's so difficult for you to watch your parents struggle with all this. Good girl for making things extra special for them. I bawl like a baby with goodbyes. Especially with my sons. And, it's OK for Nels to see you cry and it's OK if he is a cryer. It's emotions and feeling your emotions is a good thing. Especially if males can feel them when they are young.

My brain has been over-taxed the last couple of weeks and I cannot even think what to write (shush...I can hear you all "Apples doesn't know what to write?????")

Just going to say have a good day. Hope everyone is back on track after the Easter festivities. Had my first ham ball EVER. I do not like ham but these were really good. Had a pineapple sauce on them.

Gotta run...have a good one!

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Good Morning Gang

Apples I hear you on the brain issues - mine is sorta dead too - but I'm still working on my coffee.

Hugs you need some regular days - ones without issues - Praying that you get some - You have had tons on your plate lately..

Yep that's the thing about living in the Desert - we have flowers year round and green grass.. I bitch and complain about the summers - but I will take it any day over your snow :0)..

Well just a quick ck in - not much to report - dinner last night was big bag of popcorn & pt drink - didn't feel like real food but did get my pt in..

Well off to the showers - another busy day at work -

Happy Tuesday to all - hoping you all have a great day without any issues..

Hugs & Love to you all

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So funny, Janet...My guys worked until dark (9pm) so a late dinner. My dinner was a big bag of popcorn and a greek yogurt. Great minds think alike.

Thanks for wishing "normal" days ahead for me. I am going to MAKE it normal. Already have a good start on the house cleaning which has been ignored lately. I am picky and it drives me nuts to have things in disarray. So, my plan is to put a bunch of my favorite CD's in the Bose and sing while I put this house back in order. Also, have fun and games planned for me and Tanker (my dog). Bike rides, ball throwing, swimming in the pond (him, not me) and just get things back to normal around here.

Peach pie is cooling on the counter and have Southwest chipolte potatoes and seasoned chicken ready to go in the oven when the time comes. I do feel like this will be a normal day.

Youngest DS felt so good today (got home yesterday from hospital) that he is flying to the Masters today to watch a little golf with some friends. I think he is pushing it and a little too soon for that but I'm the mom and didn't say anything cuz I don't want to "mother". He's a grown up. Just happy he feels good enough to do it. Damn the kidney stones!

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Morning friends, I slept all night and caught up a bit.. Almost feel human again..... Apples, I work at my own speed and sit a lot... I do all the planning and organizing, not the lifting and toting...... Just being on damp concrete floors is probably the hardest thing.... Anyway, I didn't do anything to hurt myself, just made me so tired and the no sleep Sunday night really hurt.... Today I'm doing the getting everything in order, too, and Mimi will be here in a few minutes.. We will sit and watch Little Bear and play PlayDough..... I have leftovers for supper and DH is at work now, so a rather slow day planned here. Just keep Mimi out of trouble.... She is supposed to have surgery on Thursday, but has come down with a terrible sinus thing.. don't know if the doc will want to go ahead yet or not....

Janet I noticed your new avatar a few days ago, it is so lovely.........and the big picture of you and Andrew, too... No wonder some stranger noticed...... Pretty Woman......

Apples, so glad DS is better and you can relax....... sing loud, I'd love to listen......

Laura, sorry Dad is feeling so bad... Hope he snaps back real soon.... Chin up!!!!!!!

Eva, great cheese balls....... I'm not that artistic.... WTG on the walking... That's what I want to do now that the snow is disappearing again....

Oh, Mimi is here..........gotta run... I'll be back to visit more later.... Love to all........... Julie

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No, no, no...Julie...you don't want to listen to me sing. I have no shame that I really cannot sing. I just belt them out and try not to offend if someone sneaks in the house unnoticed.

Happy you watched it yesterday and did not lift. I was ready to come at you with both barrels!!!!! LOL

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Hi guys~

Today is a better day. Just a tad better. Dad really had a tough day with chemo yesterday. pp and poo accidents @ infusion center. Two chemo agents at the same time are tough. Blood sugar in the 500s doesn't make you feel to great either. Just a pissy mood. Can't blame him.

Nels came up with the idea yesterday to buy grandpa a betta fish. He was with auntie- who quickly obliged. He put a little gold catfish looking thing in too (so scientific of me). The betta is "grandpa fish" and the other, you guessed... "nelson fish". Now dad has something to look at when he doesn't want to watch the lake or tv.

Went with mom to have her mammogram today. She put it off for 6 months b/c dad has been so sick. Told her to stop taking herself off the list. (easier said than done). We had a nice talk the 30 min drive there and back. Everyone needs to vent.

We head back to FL tomorrow morning. Weather is supposed to be great. Nels is ready to see Daddy. I told DH I was going to the spa. Ha. Kidding, but was nice to hear him say, "of course honey, you've had a tough week". He's the best. He won't admit it, but I think he has had a good "break" from us. Sitting in boxers, watching tv, eating what he wants without clearing it with the bandster...etc. He slept until 930 yest (after night of call). He forgot garbage day TWICE though! ughhh. Men.

Apples~ happy cleaning. : ) Glad your DS is doing so well! He must be feeling better if he is flying.

Julie~ Wet concrete. yuck. Have fun with little bear and little mimi.

Eva~wtg on the walk!!!

Janet~hope ur day at work is ok. I know it has been tough lately. I hear ya on the heat over snow, me too.

Cheri~ Interesting thought on your DD. My SIL btw, whoever asked, is not overweight. She is retired army leut./nurse and plays tennis, jogs, whatever. She will cancel on anyone if she has workout planned. It's not just not noticing or commenting on our weight loss (she is against bariatric surgery and told us that before), but she also NEVER asks my Dad how he is feeling. She is from a cold cold family- old fashioned German heritage. (not that the German is cause- I know many kind, fuzzy German folk). Anyway, it is what it is.

Gotta go. Will CBL. sorry for those of you I forgot or didnt' comment on. peas

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Laura...PP and poo poo to your SIL for being so into her own world that she would not even be sympathetic to your poor dad and what he is going through.

DH has 6 siblings and NOT A ONE has EVER said a word regarding my weight loss. But, pretty easy to detect who his 5 "B" sisters are talking about when they are in a corning whispering. Oh, and the pointing just gives them away. No a word.

Extended family is just that. You don't have to like them. I am courteous and greet them, etc. but find some of DH's siblings to be egotists who cannot even come home to help mom and dad in a crisis. Now that's just plain selfishness. I figure there should be an 11th commandment. Thou shalt not be egotistical and selfish. Well, a 12th one could get thrown in for good measure...thou shalt not huddle, point, and whisper!

I think every family has them whether it be BIL, SIL, MIL, etc. They come in all forms and sometimes you really just don't have the time or patience to figure them out. The way I feel is that I just don't have the time to waste on figuring out why they are the way they are.

Boy, have I sailed through this house today. Squeaky clean (most of it). What a good feeling. Even had DS take the pressure air hose to the area rugs. It all smells so good. I sprayed the dog with his in between bath spray even.

Bit of a gloomy day here. Cold, windy and cloudy. Good day to get something baked and into the freezer and ready for drop-in company.

Might head up to the lake this weekend. Depends on the weather. (Breathing in a paper bag)...excited.

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I just had to come back here and post this. Was reading an email from a friend and came across this saying..."Family is like fudge...sweet but with a few nuts"....says it all!

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Thanks, Janet - now I'll try to attach my Gizmo's pix.

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Thanks, Janet - now I'll try to attach my Gizmo's pix.

Awwwwwwwwwwww.....what a nice baby, Joyce:wub:

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Joyce, love Gizmo - so sweet and cute - love, love all our pets (family members).

Janet, you go girl!! Good for you that that fireman gave you such a great compliment - wow, I bet that made you day (week) You better wear that outfit everywhere you go for awhile. LOL. We already told you you were gorgeous, but it's something else coming from a guy and a stranger at that!! Wow.

Laura, sorry to hear your Dad had such issues -- it's so tough. Like someone said, don't worry about Nelson crying. My 6'5" football playing son is a crier - just makes him even more special - a great big Teddy Bear with feelings - he cried like a baby when his bride was coming down the aisle -- I was proud of that!! I cry at the drop of a hat -- especially at goodbyes - I am finding though that I'm getting tougher these past few years - not crying as much -- which is kinda weird I think.

Julie, glad your busy weekend is over -- get some rest and hope the pain stays away for a few days.

We had over 80 degree weather today -- lots of storms in the area - none have hit here yet though - just cloudy and hot - didn't mind though -- air conditioner was on at work and I had my heater on at my feet.

Not much else to report - hope everyone has a great night. Thinking of Lori at the beach -- wishing I were there as well.



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So funny, Janet...My guys worked until dark (9pm) so a late dinner. My dinner was a big bag of popcorn and a greek yogurt. Great minds think alike.

Thanks for wishing "normal" days ahead for me. I am going to MAKE it normal. Already have a good start on the house cleaning which has been ignored lately. I am picky and it drives me nuts to have things in disarray. So, my plan is to put a bunch of my favorite CD's in the Bose and sing while I put this house back in order. Also, have fun and games planned for me and Tanker (my dog). Bike rides, ball throwing, swimming in the pond (him, not me) and just get things back to normal around here.

Peach pie is cooling on the counter and have Southwest chipolte potatoes and seasoned chicken ready to go in the oven when the time comes. I do feel like this will be a normal day.

Youngest DS felt so good today (got home yesterday from hospital) that he is flying to the Masters today to watch a little golf with some friends. I think he is pushing it and a little too soon for that but I'm the mom and didn't say anything cuz I don't want to "mother". He's a grown up. Just happy he feels good enough to do it. Damn the kidney stones!

Apples - Glad DS going to go do something fun - sounds like he needs it..

What is the chipolte/chicken dish sounds good - whats in it..- I have run out of ideas on food - I guess I just don't know what to eat lately - after 2.8 yr of fish - I am a little burned out on it and my one pot wonders

My dinner wasn't the most nutritious (no veggies but had salad for lunch) but w/pt shake it was about 25 grms pt and if I had - had a real meal - it would have been about the same -

Yep great minds - great taste buds :0)

Morning friends, I slept all night and caught up a bit.. Almost feel human again..... Apples, I work at my own speed and sit a lot... I do all the planning and organizing, not the lifting and toting...... Just being on damp concrete floors is probably the hardest thing.... Anyway, I didn't do anything to hurt myself, just made me so tired and the no sleep Sunday night really hurt.... Today I'm doing the getting everything in order, too, and Mimi will be here in a few minutes.. We will sit and watch Little Bear and play PlayDough..... I have leftovers for supper and DH is at work now, so a rather slow day planned here. Just keep Mimi out of trouble.... She is supposed to have surgery on Thursday, but has come down with a terrible sinus thing.. don't know if the doc will want to go ahead yet or not....

Janet I noticed your new avatar a few days ago, it is so lovely.........and the big picture of you and Andrew, too... No wonder some stranger noticed...... Pretty Woman......

Apples, so glad DS is better and you can relax....... sing loud, I'd love to listen......

Laura, sorry Dad is feeling so bad... Hope he snaps back real soon.... Chin up!!!!!!!

Eva, great cheese balls....... I'm not that artistic.... WTG on the walking... That's what I want to do now that the snow is disappearing again....

Oh, Mimi is here..........gotta run... I'll be back to visit more later.... Love to all........... Julie

Julie - Glad you got some rest - I'm with you not to artistic even though I want to paint - that's what I really want to do if I ever retire - I am good at copying things - but don't have alot of patience - so whatever it is has to be done fast

No, no, no...Julie...you don't want to listen to me sing. I have no shame that I really cannot sing. I just belt them out and try not to offend if someone sneaks in the house unnoticed.

Happy you watched it yesterday and did not lift. I was ready to come at you with both barrels!!!!! LOL

Well you and i would make a great pair singing - I can't either but love too

Hi guys~

Today is a better day. Just a tad better. Dad really had a tough day with chemo yesterday. pp and poo accidents @ infusion center. Two chemo agents at the same time are tough. Blood sugar in the 500s doesn't make you feel to great either. Just a pissy mood. Can't blame him.

Nels came up with the idea yesterday to buy grandpa a betta fish. He was with auntie- who quickly obliged. He put a little gold catfish looking thing in too (so scientific of me). The betta is "grandpa fish" and the other, you guessed... "nelson fish". Now dad has something to look at when he doesn't want to watch the lake or tv.

Went with mom to have her mammogram today. She put it off for 6 months b/c dad has been so sick. Told her to stop taking herself off the list. (easier said than done). We had a nice talk the 30 min drive there and back. Everyone needs to vent.

We head back to FL tomorrow morning. Weather is supposed to be great. Nels is ready to see Daddy. I told DH I was going to the spa. Ha. Kidding, but was nice to hear him say, "of course honey, you've had a tough week". He's the best. He won't admit it, but I think he has had a good "break" from us. Sitting in boxers, watching tv, eating what he wants without clearing it with the bandster...etc. He slept until 930 yest (after night of call). He forgot garbage day TWICE though! ughhh. Men.

Apples~ happy cleaning. : ) Glad your DS is doing so well! He must be feeling better if he is flying.

Julie~ Wet concrete. yuck. Have fun with little bear and little mimi.

Eva~wtg on the walk!!!

Janet~hope ur day at work is ok. I know it has been tough lately. I hear ya on the heat over snow, me too.

Cheri~ Interesting thought on your DD. My SIL btw, whoever asked, is not overweight. She is retired army leut./nurse and plays tennis, jogs, whatever. She will cancel on anyone if she has workout planned. It's not just not noticing or commenting on our weight loss (she is against bariatric surgery and told us that before), but she also NEVER asks my Dad how he is feeling. She is from a cold cold family- old fashioned German heritage. (not that the German is cause- I know many kind, fuzzy German folk). Anyway, it is what it is.

Gotta go. Will CBL. sorry for those of you I forgot or didnt' comment on. peas

Laura - Hugs on your Dad - This is just so tough on all of you - Hope the beta & goldfish aren't in the same tank.. You know a beta will eat the goldfish.. Glad you had a good time w/your Mom.. And Yes you have a GREAT DH...

I just had to come back here and post this. Was reading an email from a friend and came across this saying..."Family is like fudge...sweet but with a few nuts"....says it all!
Thanks, Janet - now I'll try to attach my Gizmo's pix.

Joyce what a cutie - Angel has a little apricot on her ears not much - she's totally white - she got a bath after that picture.

Joyce, love Gizmo - so sweet and cute - love, love all our pets (family members).

Janet, you go girl!! Good for you that that fireman gave you such a great compliment - wow, I bet that made you day (week) You better wear that outfit everywhere you go for awhile. LOL. We already told you you were gorgeous, but it's something else coming from a guy and a stranger at that!! Wow.

Laura, sorry to hear your Dad had such issues -- it's so tough. Like someone said, don't worry about Nelson crying. My 6'5" football playing son is a crier - just makes him even more special - a great big Teddy Bear with feelings - he cried like a baby when his bride was coming down the aisle -- I was proud of that!! I cry at the drop of a hat -- especially at goodbyes - I am finding though that I'm getting tougher these past few years - not crying as much -- which is kinda weird I think.

Julie, glad your busy weekend is over -- get some rest and hope the pain stays away for a few days.

We had over 80 degree weather today -- lots of storms in the area - none have hit here yet though - just cloudy and hot - didn't mind though -- air conditioner was on at work and I had my heater on at my feet.

Not much else to report - hope everyone has a great night. Thinking of Lori at the beach -- wishing I were there as well.



Linda - I was just shocked that a total stranger would make a comment - Ya it made me feel pretty good - but the pic doesn't show all the bags, wrinkles etc - but I am trying not to focus on that and just take the complement - I wanted to respond - well if you saw me in real life you would see the wrinkles :thumbdown: but I didn't - I do know how to take a complement - just said thank you ...

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Janet...you are NOT bags and wrinkles! I've seen you for real and you are as cute as a button, Little Girl. All of us need to know how to take a compliment. Let's all work on that!

The potatoes I made were chipolte flavored. The chicken was pretty easy to make. Just took about a cup of LF Italian dressing and mardinated the skinless chicken thighs and legs overnight. Put in baking dish (with the dressing) and sprinkled with grated parmesan cheese. I covered for the first 45 minutes and the last 10-15 without lid. I was soooooo good. I had made steamed brocolli and b/4 I served it, I drizzled some of the juice from the chicken over it.

DS called a bit ago b/4 flying back from Masters to Atlanta. He had a great time and is feeling pretty normal. He was gifted golf shoes and pants from buddy of his that is a vendor and was paid by some guys that he flew there. He was a happy camper.

He is thinking of making a move from the Atlanta area to CA. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...momma could visit and kill 2 birds with one stone and visit my LB friends?????

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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