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Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a great Easter. We had a good one. Enjoyed our GD's delight when she found out the Easter Bunny had left her some things here at our house too! Made a nice dinner -- fresh asparagus (yum) and ham balls. My GD loves noodles and found a nice recipe that was band friendly. It's noodles mixed with cottage cheese and light sour cream, onion, garlic salt and then sprinkled with parmesean cheese and baked -- it was quite good -- could only eat a tiny bit, but enjoyed it. It's the first Paula Deen recipe I've ever seen without butter! It was a nice change from the usual scalloped potatoes.

I'll post pics when I can -- colored eggs - had a great time with GD doing that.

I'm so thrilled - joining the gym was obviously a right decision for me -- I weighed in this morning -- down a pound -- so I'm happy with that.

Thinking of Apples and hoping all is okay with her DS.

Lori is on the plane right now heading to Hawaii -- bon voyage! Have a wonderful time.

JoJo -- as everyone has said, this discomfort will go away -- I was banded 14 months ago. I do remember how huge my belly was after surgery -- but trust me, it's quite flat now -- and I feel so wonderful -- I'll be 58 this month and getting the band has saved my life in my opinion. I am loving life and wouldn't change a thing. I only wish I'd heard of the band 20 years ago to save myself all the misery I had with my body. Follow your doctor's orders, think right (the band is around my stomach, NOT my head) and work the program. You'll be amazed at the results and how great you will feel.

Mommy, good luck to you. I think your doctor is recommending the band because he is worried about you yo-yoing all the time which we all know is very dangerous -- but before you have the surgery you need to understand that you will have restriction only for hard Proteins -- cake, Cookies, ice cream, candy all go right through the band. It is NOT an "easy" way to lose weight -- you still have to limit your food/calories and exercise. Sounds like you have an outstanding exercise program in place. Whatever you decide, I wish you the very best.

Janet, your pics are just gorgeous -- I love that outfit. Andrew could be a model - so handsome! Love the doggie's pics -- so cute. Phyll, loved your pics --looks like everyone had a great time.

Laura hope you had a great Easter with your Mom and Dad. When do you and Nelson fly back home? Sounds like you had a busy time with them -- it's nice that you take care of things when you visit -- I used to do that when I'd go to my Mom's -- always taking care of things that no one else could or wanted to do. LOL.

Julie, you had such a busy few days. Take some time to relax now. Congrats on DD engagement -- I'm sure it will be fine. It's so nice they have found each other, sounds like a good match up. I'm sure you'll be happy with the decision once you get to know fiance a little more. I'm so happy for her and Mimi too!

Well, gotta get ready for work, will CBL. Hope everyone has a great day and a great work week!!

Love, hugs and kisses to all!


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Popping in quick with an update. DS is much better and should be home today from hospital. Thanks for all the support.

All this scared me into next week. Was ready to drive to MPLS to hop a plane, but DH made me wait a few hours on Sat. until we could pin down exactly what was going on. Long story short, intern was in surgery and he was the one that talked to DS afterward and mentioned the kidney removal. Scared the crap out of us when we got the call and knew they were going to transfer him. DS did not even know the name of the hospital he was in when he called but he knew where he was being transferred to.

Anyway, intern jumped the gun (not ER doc) and should have never went so far as to say what he did. Got us pretty worked up. All is good now and did not fly out. Spent most of the day yesterday on the phone with DS and another couple of hours last night.

What is so nice is that his good friends jumped in and we felt good about not flying to Atlanta because they are taking good care of him.

Hope you all had a great Easter and all getting back on track after the mass consumption (our lingo for holiday meals). Thank you again for all the thought and prayers. I am hopeing this week is event free and it's just the normal farm life.

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I am writing a quick note from the oncologist's office. Drove mom and dad here early this morning. Dad having a rough day today- doesn't feel good.

we were supposed to go back tuesday but dad misunderstood and told pilot wed. Not a big deal, can stay another day.it makes him feel in control of one thing anyways. ; )

My sis took nelson to a ranch with petting zoo and tractor ride! Boy is he a happy camper!

I think we r eating eggsalad for a few days- we colored 2 dozen eggs! Yesterday we went to bro and sil house for easter. Nels wouldn't eat one thing she made! Lol. Sil pissed me off when she complained about him being picky! She made casseroles, veggies and ham. He doesn't like pork at all. He ate bread and an apple. She didn't even have cheese in the house! Ughhh. And sil refused to acknowlege weight loss - mine nor my sis. Bitch, imho. I joked and called her kate gosselin after she criticized bro's cooking..lol! Boy was she pissed, ha!

Hot weather here- mid 80s! Ok guys, will comment on posts tonight. Hard to read them on my phone! Hugs....laura

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I am writing a quick note from the oncologist's office. Drove mom and dad here early this morning. Dad having a rough day today- doesn't feel good.

we were supposed to go back tuesday but dad misunderstood and told pilot wed. Not a big deal, can stay another day.it makes him feel in control of one thing anyways. ; )

My sis took nelson to a ranch with petting zoo and tractor ride! Boy is he a happy camper!

I think we r eating eggsalad for a few days- we colored 2 dozen eggs! Yesterday we went to bro and sil house for easter. Nels wouldn't eat one thing she made! Lol. Sil pissed me off when she complained about him being picky! She made casseroles, veggies and ham. He doesn't like pork at all. He ate bread and an apple. She didn't even have cheese in the house! Ughhh. And sil refused to acknowlege weight loss - mine nor my sis. Bitch, imho. I joked and called her kate gosselin after she criticized bro's cooking..lol! Boy was she pissed, ha!

Hot weather here- mid 80s! Ok guys, will comment on posts tonight. Hard to read them on my phone! Hugs....laura

Sorry to hear your dad is having another rough day. Hope it's better as you read this. What's an extra day. Wow, your SIL is a piece of work. Why is she so mean to Nelson? I can't believe anyone could be mean to that sweet little face. Did she ever have kids? I just don't get why some people think kids should eat everything they are served -- even I'm picky when it comes to some people's cooking. LOL. But the biggest thing is NOT acknowleding you and your sister's hard work at the weight loss - what a b_____h! Sorry there's no other word for her.

Apples, so happy to hear everything is looking good for DS. Such a relief. Maybe he can come visit you during a little of his recovery period? That would be nice.

CBL having a rather quiet day here at work.


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Hi All,

Had an enjoyable day at my Mom's, crazy with everyone there, but had fun.

Apples, glad you DS is doing good. What a relief for you.

Laura, sorry about your Dad, prayers for him. Nels sounds like he is having a good time.

Eva, Loved your "cakes" how fun.

Janet, new pic is beautiful.

Julie, congrats for you DD.

Linda, sounds like you had a great time with your GD, they are so fun at that age.

Eva, wow you are looking so good. Keep up the good work.

Welcome aboard to the new peeps. These ladies are great at helping and answering all you questions. They have helped me so much. I have been banded since July.

If I missed you I'm sorry couldn't remember anything else.

Laura K

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Hi, I have been enjoying this site for few months now but just found your fantastic thread tonight. You really have a great community going here. I am just newly banded and not experiencing much,[if any] weight loss at the moment so have mixed emotions at the moment about the band. Hopefully all that will change after my fill. Looking forward to future posts.x

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Hi, I have been enjoying this site for few months now but just found your fantastic thread tonight. You really have a great community going here. I am just newly banded and not experiencing much,[if any] weight loss at the moment so have mixed emotions at the moment about the band. Hopefully all that will change after my fill. Looking forward to future posts.x

Welcome! Just jump on in and ask or share. We have a lot of experience on this thread.

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Eva - love your eggs and eye - very creative.

Phyll - your classmates and you look like a great time was had by all. Love the golf cart too.

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Hi everybody... I'm checking in to say I'm stll alive............but barely!!!! I feel like I've been run over by a truck.... Two days standing on concrete floors at church.... damp.........no electicty except from generators.... 150 people for dinner after the funeral today.. Servd ham, scalloped potatoes, creamed corn casserole, Buns, assorted salads, assorted cupcakes and bars..... all with no sleep last night because of damn shoulder...... I can home and crashed and no feel pretty tough... Hopeing to sleep tonight just so I can catch up a bit.... But we got everything done and things are all tied up, so all in all it was a good few days... Tomorrow back to something normal, like Apples said..... hopefully....

I'd love to comment, but will have to wait til tomorrow for that too.... just too tired.. Love to all...... Praise the Lord............. Julie

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Laura - sorry Dad was having a bad day. They are blessed to have a loving daughter (you) and handsome GS. Sorry your SIL is a B----. Probably jealous.

Apples - deep sigh of relief. So happy DS is improving and that dear friends were there to support you and him. We were all praying and holding our breath.

I had a very intereseting day - I was summoned for jury duty. 120 possible jurors were called to fill 12 places plus 4 alternates. Poor use of tax $$$ even at $10 a day per juror.

I spent 6 hours sitting in court and was NOT selected (draw lots). The trial will last approx. 10 days and was a young man charged with kidnapping, murder, & robbery. Would have been very interesting to watch our judicial system at work.

On topic - I was concerned what I would find for lunch. But - had a 4 oz chicken breast and cottage cheese. Each day as I find how to handle food in different situations, makes me stronger.

I'm making great choices, but the amounts are increasing. Fill on Wednesday is needed. However, the scale is remaining steady, and for that, I'm thankful.


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Hi guys~ I am sorta walking around in a daze....Not sure what to write either... what a day! We were at the infusion center from 815 to 345 today! OMW!!! That's a long time for doing ANYTHING! He was in a lot of discomfort and it obviously upset my mom that he was feeling so bad. I was doing my best to help them both- but there wasn't much one could do. Attaching a pic of them... it doesn't show much, just sharing my day. He's home now and sleepy. his blood sugar is wwwwaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy out of wack. The first one said HHH meaning too high to measure. Gave him his highest allowed doses and it came down to 514. Chemo + steroids SUCK! I cooked tonight. yum... garlic scallops and shrimp and Ratatouille ; nice simple protein/seafood and lovely veggies with a Tomato sauce. Everyone but dad enjoyed. He could only stomach a hot Cereal.

I am already dreading saying goodbye on Wed. I don't do goodbyes well. Apples and Janet know this about me. nope. not me. : ) But I try to be a good example to my son and don't want him to turn into a crying baby everytime he says bye to someone he loves.

I hope you all are ok. My brain feels like it is only at 50% power and is puttering along. I promise that when I return home and have my normal life---- I will be back to myself.

Welcome to the new faces~ momplus2 and anything else. Welcome. Pull up a chair and stay for a while. We are freiendly ...Sometimes.

hasta manana chicas.... peas out//// Laura

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eggs are great, Eva!

Eva - love your eggs and eye - very creative.

Phyll - your classmates and you look like a great time was had by all. Love the golf cart too.

Wish the golf cart was mine! Son called on the phone and we were being too noisy, so I sat on the golf cart to talk to him!

Hi everybody... I'm checking in to say I'm still alive............but barely!!!! I feel like I've been run over by a truck.... Two days standing on concrete floors at church.... damp.........no electricity except from generators.... 150 people for dinner after the funeral today.. Served ham, scalloped potatoes, creamed corn casserole, Buns, assorted salads, assorted cupcakes and bars..... all with no sleep last night because of damn shoulder...... I can home and crashed and no feel pretty tough... Hoping to sleep tonight just so I can catch up a bit.... But we got everything done and things are all tied up, so all in all it was a good few days... Tomorrow back to something normal, like Apples said..... hopefully....

I'd love to comment, but will have to wait til tomorrow for that too.... just too tired.. Love to all...... Praise the Lord............. Julie


Hope you get a good rest tonight and feel better tomorrow!!

I had a very interesting day - I was summoned for jury duty. 120 possible jurors were called to fill 12 places plus 4 alternates. Poor use of tax $$$ even at $10 a day per juror.

I spent 6 hours sitting in court and was NOT selected (draw lots). The trial will last approx. 10 days and was a young man charged with kidnapping, murder, & robbery. Would have been very interesting to watch our judicial system at work.

On topic - I was concerned what I would find for lunch. But - had a 4 oz chicken breast and cottage cheese. Each day as I find how to handle food in different situations, makes me stronger.

I'm making great choices, but the amounts are increasing. Fill on Wednesday is needed. However, the scale is remaining steady, and for that, I'm thankful. Joyce

I was summoned for jury duty last summer, but it was the week that I had my knee replacement surgery. So DH told them I could do it this spring!! So I'm hoping I don't have that waiting for me when I get home!

Hugs, Laura!

Glad you're there for your Mom & Dad for a few days.

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Hey Gang !!!

Apples glad to hear DS is on the mend... Yep you need a week or 2 without any issues :0) Hugs !!! Lets' make it a year :0)..

JoJodisco - how are you feeling today

Mommy - I know a few pple who have gone to Mx to get banded not an issue - the issue is finding a doc to give you fills if you can't travel back to Mexico to get them - they have Fill Centers USA - they do them for the pple who where banded in mex..

As to your bmi - it's 30 now - most of us where a lot higher - mine was 42.something 250 5'5 - I lost 112 lbs - so you need to lose 25 lbs -

If it takes 900 cal for you to maintain 140 - even with the band that's not going to change - I eat about 1200-1600 cal daily and exercise 3-4 days a week - cardio & weight training and I am able to maintain 138-143 weight..

We don't keep our bands so tight that we can't eat - we just eat smaller portions - and we can still consume 3000 cal if we choose too - we can eat around our bands w/no problems - the band doesn't restrict things like ice cream candy - gravy butter etc - it stops you from eating an 16 oz steak ..

2Plus4 - Welcome - come jump right on in !!!

Eva - Love your Cakes - Yep the flowers are in my back yard - thought I would send my girls - Easter Bouquets :0)

Great - Sorry I missed you - Enjoy and relax..

Julie - I bet you are just overtired from all that work you have done - hope you get some sleep..

Laura - I need to come and kick your sil butt.. Hell I have a family of picky eaters (Joseph Andrew & Kaitlin) Me & Melissa will eat any and every thing and Brooke is right behind us.. I always have cheese & refried Beans for my Kaitlin so that if she doesn't like what we are eating for dinner she can fix a burritto or baked potatoe..

pple just don't understand that kids have taste too - they don't like everything .. When Joseph was little we would go to mex restaurant - he would order pork chops - So if you every come to my house - Nelson will have something to eat

Is your sil big or small or just a b..

Ok I forgot who has a dog like angel - and doesn't know how to attach picture - she's suppose to be 5-7 lbs and she's 10 lbs - She's her mama's baby..

To attach a pic - hit reply - scroll down till you see manage attachments - click on that - then click on browse and go to where your pics are - click on the one you want then click on up load..

Joyce - I wouldn't want to be on that trial - but I don't mind a 3-4 day trial - I wouldn't want a murder one at all..

WTG on food choices - Yep as each day goes by and each new situation comes up you will learn how to deal w/them -

being prepared and planning is the key..

LauraK - thanks for the complement - I took the pic of the flowers for you all yesterday morning and when I down loaded them to computer - Andrew's bday pic where on there - forgot all about them - and it's from that pic - I will be posting at the bottom of this note - it's a really good pic of us even if I do say so my self..

Linda - Thanks too for the props about me and my Andrew - yep I think he's handsome - but again he's my grandson ;0)

He's not tall enough to be a model - he got his grandma & mom's short gene ;0)

Well gang - it's 8:10 and I still have groceries to put up - had to go after gym cuz Andrew didn't have anything to eat (junk but not to worry it's nothing I want or eat) and I don't know what I want - not really hungry..

Yesterday went to bed bath & beyond got new bedspread (quilt) and so cleaned my room - then had the little EQ - for me it wasn't about much - was a good roller one but nothing bad - but my DS MIL lives in El Centro (not far from the epicenter) she lost her tv and some crystal and drywall has some cracks at the seams - she lives in a 2 story house - but everyone is ok..

Work is work still not any better - and I didn't sleep well last night either - so I am signing off..

If I missed you wasn't on purpose - Love to you all

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Karen, so glad son is doing better. Hope news continues to be good.

Janet-great new pic-love doggies.

Funny thing about people not commenting on weight loss. I've been realizing lately that my daughter says absolutely nothing either complimentary or negative about my weight loss. If I talk about it at all she just says stuff like "uh huh." She never congratulates me or tells me I look good. Don't know what's going on with her. I know she's trying desperately to lose weight and goes out running all the time and tries to eat healthy, but her thyroid problems and PMS problems seem to really sabotage her. She does have hashimotos but still has just enough thyroid in her blood so that they won't medicate, she just has to drag her way through life. She's also seen me lose before and gain it all back with interest more than once. She's not really heavy, just a little thick in her lower body, but for the first time in her life I'm thinner than she is. Must frustrate her when she tries so hard to prepare and eat healthy food.

Hi there. I just joined this forum yesterday and have been looking for as much information as I can get.

I am 57 years old, and have been a yoyo dieter for about 50 of them. In the last 10 years I have lost and gained 50 to 70 pounds about five times. One of my problems is that to maintain my goal weight of 140 lbs, I can only consume about 900 calories, so I always gain the weight back. I am otherwise very healthy and do Crossfit (very intense exercise) three times a week. During my last diet failure, (600 calorie a day medically supervised diet) the doctor suggested that I consider a LAP-BAND®. I was rather surprised since my BMI is about 30, and thought that one needed to be bigger to consider that option.

She told me about a doctor in my area who is (or was) doing a study on the effect of banding on people with BMI' of 30 to 35. However, since I am not over a 35 BMI with no comorbities, I would not qualifiy for insurance rembursement. Since I cannot pay 20k to have this done, I am researching having it done in Mexico, but worry about the post-op care. After reading many comments, I wonder if it will work for me, due to my age and messed up metabolic rate. Do you have any thoughts on this? All advice is appreciated.


OK. If you can only eat 900 calories to maintain 140 lbs, then you're probably not meant to be 140lbs. BMI is only a guideline and everyone's body is different. If you are really muscular or have big tatas or thicker solid thighs and calves for example, you can weigh more than that but still look that thin and be very healthy. You have no co-morbidities but you will develop them if you keep yo-yo ing. Some of my yo-yo-ing was due to my not accepting the weight my body wanted to settle at and thinking I ought to be thinner. Disappointment over not reaching or being able to maintain that goal drove me back into the food. Maybe if you made a more reasonable goal that didn't involve starving yourself on a permanant basis, you'd find it easier to maintain. Frankly, I'm not sure the band will help you do that.

I'm on maintenance and its very easy for me to eat almost as much of my favorite pig-out foods as it was before. I use the scale as an indicator to keep me in line. If I gain a lb I cut back the next day or two to get back down. I have a very reasonable goal of 167 lbs for a 5 ft. 9 in woman of 58 yrs old. I'm hoping to use the glycemic index because you can eat more and feel more satisfied without gaining back the weight.

I am reading about the glycemic index so that I can safely add some carbs back into my diet without triggering carb cravings. I eat a lot of Protein. After that, veggies. For me that's the key to losing the weight and keeping it off. The band works well with Protein and won't let you eat too much. So it does the weighing and measuring of that for me. The rest is avoid, limit contact, take just a taste, make healthier choices, etc.

I had a low BMI but I had co-morbidities. I've lost 70-75 lbs. I've gotten rid of all my co-morbidities. So cool.

Nobody knows what's best for you. You know better even than your Dr. The band has helped me get the weight off but it was still a lot of work. And maintenance is plenty of work, too.

Many people here still keep a food journal or diary and weigh and measure and all that. My ADHD doesn't let me do that, in fact, trying to do that stuff drives me into the food. But I have other techniques that work for me. I have to weigh everyday. Many weigh only once a week. I know that if I don't weigh everyday I'll pretty soon forget to weight at all. Weighing everyday is my early warning system that I'm letting my food get out of wack. So I go back to a day or two of just protein. But it takes work whichever way you use to handle the food. The band is just a tool. But a very expensive tool if you have no insurance coverage for it.

If you can do it without the band, more power to you.

God bless,


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Laura...sorry about the rough day. Hang in there....you can do it. I used to cry every time I left my parents too.

Janet you and Andrew look lovely. That's a great color for spring.

Went for a walk after work...DH and dog went too. We went for the longest walk we've done so far and I kicked both the DH and the dog's butt. Felt good.

So on that note, I'm off to an early night. Hope you all have a good evening.


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