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Hey everyone. Hope you're having the same gorgeous weather we're having in the midwest. All the daffodils are out and my magnolia is just getting ready to pop out in bloom. I was SO ready for spring this year!

Lori, those wedding pics were great. Your daughter is beautiful and so are you!

Laura, happy to hear that you have gotten over your stomach problems. I felt so bad for you when I was reading those posts!

Jodi, you asked about crafty night...It's just a little get-together I have at my house every 2nd Wednesday of the month---a group of about 7 women come over and we work on our own craft projects (knitting, sewing, embroidery, whatever...) and sit around and talk and drink some wine and eat some goodies. We have a good time and actually get some work done on our little projects.

Eva, you are one busy lady! I'd love to see an example of your stamping on those cards. You are a very creative person.

Janet, I'm still having some problems staying away from the "bad" foods (ice cream, cake, etc.). It's all the head hunger issues. I'm also having some major pb'ing problems; yesterday I barfed up my lunch, then couldn't get anything else down, so I had a bottle of Muscle Milk for dinner. Brought another one for lunch today. I need to get back on the bandwagon and stop sabotaging myself.

Apples, I'm so happy that spring has arrived in your part of the world, too (although you could probably get a snowstorm at any time!). Sounds like fun riding your bike out there on the farm with your doggie.

Still doing zumba and loving it. I went to the grand opening of the new zumba studio in our town and won a basket of Aveda products. Yippee! I never win anything!

We're leaving Thursday for our trip to Penna. that got postponed in Feb. We'll see my husband's family in Pittsburgh, then to my mom's for a day visit, then to Cleveland to my SIL's for Easter dinner. Should be a nice time.

I'll write when I get back!

Happy Passover and Easter, everyone.

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Good Morning Gang

Drive by - can't get into system?? So what the hell am I suppose to do :0)

Linda - I have a medium & large in the flexi's - I am loving them... Need to get some more - I have 3 full body and 1 coresset one..

Laura - Yep girl - it's mainly our mental muscle that needs working on - Had a big heavy disscussion w/trainer last night about being a food addict - he doesn't get it - for him it's not the same as a druggie (we aren't phyiscally addicted to food) - but it is - he thinks its all about will power - yes to a large degree it is and we do have it - but it's more than that - I really do beleive the light blub has to go off - you have to have your ah ha moment for any program to work - you have to be sick and tired of letting food or what ever control your life.

I like to shop too much to spend too much on my clothes and Marshall's & Ross can get name brand for a lot cheaper

I will spend $$ if I love it - but have to love it an have a place to wear it.. Got my $15 dress on (zebra) look like a Million dollars if I do say so myself :)

Joyce - Hard Protein is very important - it really does keep you full longer - it's the food that the band works best with - it doesn't do a darn thing for those sliders.

I am still learning 2yrs 9 months out - there are times I want to eat - during those periods I will look for slider cuz I can eat then in larger quainties - we are looking to fill a void - could be something as simple as boredom or a fight w/dh etc.

99% of the time I always start w/my hard protien at meals - but there are times I may eat veggies 1st cuz I am craving them..

Eva - I'm lucky - flat land for me - but the whole window weather wise - sorta stops me too - I wish I could just go borrow someones bike and see how it goes.. Yep I have been farming a little ;0) - being on the computer helps me stay out of the kitchen.. But again being on the computer is sitting on my butt when I could be moving - who knows in a month or so I will move on to something else :0)

Charlene - Positive affirmations are so important - You can do this - You just have to beleive in you the way we do :0)

Well gang - I gotta reboot and see if I can get into our system (we are webbed based) I got work to do


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Good morning sunshines!

This is the first morning I woke up and wasn't immediately reminded that my stomach was hurting! yipeeeee, what a great feeling. And I am sure you guys are just about sick and tired of hearing me being sick and tired. ; ) I will tell you this, another thing that helps you not eat is when you have to take a medicine one hour before you eat. (Carafate Suspension. Has anyone else taken this??) You have to PLAN to eat, take the medicine and then WAIT. So if you aren't really hungry, the desire to take that nasty pink stuff isn't there. You also can't drink or eat right before taking it, so you end up waiting 1.5 hrs to eat!

DH is off today (was on call last night). You know, he never bitches about working all the time? He will say stuff like "I am getting too old to work all night". But never bitch and moan (like I probably would, when the beeper goes off). Eva, he's not really the low man on the pole, it's just that they put their vacation schedules in a year in advance. We aren't real big on taking vacations when every other person in America is. Places are crowded, hard to get flights, etc. We like to travel on down times. He also tends to take call on the Christian and Jewish holidays (being the only one who is Muslim; non-practicing, but not practicing the others either ). Not always, but with frequency. It usually works out to his favor, as those holidays are not very busy (none of the other specialists wants to work- so they don't schedule cases unless it is an emergency. It's funny too b/c not just the holiday but +/- a day or so!!!)

I need to get some work done- will CB in a little bit. Laura

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Hello!! Goodness about 5 pages to catch up on. I've been skimming so may have missed some stuff. I did see Julie got her MRI approved and may be getting a SIL?? CONGRATS!

And Laura, has been ill but feeling better. Reading about your fill and possibly being too tight makes me think I am going to cancel my fill for tomorrow and wait and talk to my doc later in April when I have an appt. Though at times I think i am too loose but will see how I do til then.

Apples is riding her bike, makes me think I am going to try mine this spring now with my new knees. I got it 2 summers ago thinking I could do that with my bad knees but they still hurt too bad.

Hard to believe the wedding is over and done with and DD is off on her cruise ship honeymooning already. Things went beautifully. Just the little blip of a late start due to the traffic jam, and, no, Jodi, it's not usual to have wild animals roaming our freeways. LOL She will have a story to tell that's for sure. We live in the west but it's no longer the wild wild west. LOL The brunch the next morning went well at the house too. I had so much left over food I've been giving it away. On Sunday we had prime rib dinner at my sister's house and then my folks came here to stay for a week. Only thing is yesterday morning they got up and announced they were going home last night. My mom has been in pain due to her hip, she needs a replacement and has put it off for 2 yrs already. And now has some heart blockage and may need a stint, she is geting a catherization or something done next week. I guess I am not the most sympathitic daughter or somethign but she is one who I think almost enjoys having something to complain about. She drove everyone nuts! My sisters couldn't wait til my turn to take them. They said I got lucky that they left early, but still I was sortta miffed. DH, DS and my dad were to go on this fishing trip this weekend that DH & DS have worked a lot to rearrange schedules etc. to go. My grandma was so upset that my mom was leaving as she hardly saw her, my mom is her only child. But maybe she feels worse than I think she does and I should be more sympathetic. Anyhow, I now have the rest of the week free!! Guess I will start organizing the house as it will be time to put it on the market for our move very soon, plus I am going to Hawaii next week!

Thanks for all the props on my wedding photos. It was a beautiful wedding if I do say so myself!

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Good Morning...Quick post this morning. Lots going on and will most likely be a little MIA this week.

Linda....good going on joining the gym. You are a workout queen and bet will enjoy it. Get your $$$$ worth! YOU live in the sticks? We'll have a discussion on that when I have more time. LOL 129 population in our closest town. Don't think I could find any Flexies there!

Jessica...hope you are having a wonderful time with your bro.

Laura....if I don't catch you b/4 tomorrow..have a great trip and enjoy your time with family. MN Easter Bunny sent a little pkg yesterday. Nels most likely won't get it till he gets home.

Julie...MN Easter Bunny sent a little pkg to Mimi. He is sooooo good about not included sugar.

Charlene...when I was wanting to lose and was hungry, I would litterally tell myself over and over. You are not hungry, you are not hungry and then find and activity. It actually worked sometimes. Good luck at your weigh-in.

Janet... you are like me. Love good quality clothes but if I can get a deal, I am twice as happy to put it in my closet.

Joyce. That Protein talk Janet had really is the clincher to this band life. I found that if I have it on hand for Snacks, my day was without hunger.

Eva...we had to start measuring Tanker's food also. DH would just scoop food out of the bucket and guesstimate. I talked to our vet on exact amount he should be eating for his size. DH was feeding him double that. We started last spring and he is doing well. I, too, worried that we were starving him. He's fine and he still has room for "planned" treats.

LauraK...I'm like you...not into colors so much on the walls. I have a stark white kitchen, cabinets and everything but have cranberry furniture in it. All my other walls are a soft/blue grey and have kept that color for 23 yrs. So soothing. I did take the step and did our bedroom a soft celery a couple of years ago.

Deb..you are so right on our weather. Can be 70 on day and 25 the next. Just a nice day once in awhile makes my life. Icecream and cake? My advice is to take yourself by the hand and throw them in the garbage or disposal. NOW. If you crave that type of thing, limit how much you bring into the house. Just a taste. Have a great trip and a nice time with family.

A big "HI" to everyone. Not omitted on purpose. Just in a hurry. Eveyrone have a good one. Later.

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Mornin' Great....I gotta tell you, I'm relieved your mom left early. I had visions of her ruining the peace and rest you need b/4 your trip. Sorry she is ailing but she knows best what she needs. We all feel better to just be home when we are not feeling well. Try not to take her departure personal.

So, hurry up and get your house done so you can get packed. We want to know what clothes you are taking, what you did each day of your trip and how good that sun felt. Pretty sad when we have to vicariously live through others!

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Thanks Eve, I know you are so right about upsetting the apple cart.

I think I made a typo somewhere. I am going to leave to visit my bro on Sat morning. I am so excited but at the same time feeling some school pressure. I have some things due in school the week I get back so I guess I will be taking school work with me. I am gonna work on it as much as possible before I go. Hopefully I will get some relaxing time in. Just wanna hold that new baby.

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Apples, my sisters told me to be relieved my parents left early, they stayed with them until Sunday and said it was a very challenging visit. Very negative about everything. It's almost too quiet around here today, it's the first peace and quiet I've had in a long time. It is supposed to be 80 degrees out (record high) today so might have to go sit out back and soak up some rays! DH will be home from Phoenix and Salt Lake tonight.

Speaking of feeding dogs, we have a measured scoop we keep right in the dogfood bucket that way they get the right amount everytime. They get so excited over the same old food every night. Last night they got a treat of some left over gravy over it, OMG that went fast!

Linda, just read or figured out you joined a gym, how good for you! I know you've been working out tons and this will really help you with some variety.

Janet and Apples, I think all 3 of us are shoppers extraordinaire, loving our good quality items but love those bargains even more! How fun would it be to get together and shop sometime???

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Great...been thinking of you since your wedding and what a wonderful feeling it must have been for you to see freinds and relatives that you have not seen since you have gotten to goal. All prettied up in your MOB dress, cute hair and spit shined (as my GM used to say). As others have said, you look like person that has always been thin. It must have felt very rewarding. All the hard work you have done is now being validated.

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Melissa, sorry you gained a couple pounds back.. You'll have them gone again soon... Just a stumble....no broken bones, right?????

You are to funny no broken bones just a stumble.

1 day...I put ground cinnamon in with my coffee grounds in the morning. I get big containers of it at costco and use that or sometimes I use a cinnamon stick, but the ground stuff works for me too. I also use vanilla extract...maybe 2-3 teaspoons...same deal...big bottle from Costco. I've also used cocoa, but it clogs up the filter...it's too fine.


I am glad some one was able to answer my question I will try it.

Eva, I am feeling better and sick of the shakes. I weigh in tomorrow. It is a little easier doing the shakes with band restriction, but most of it is mental. Saying I CAN DO THIS! fifty times a day helps. I placed little stickers on my tv remote, in the pantry, on the frig, and my MAC to remind me that I am on a program. Of course the support from all of you is very helpful. Thanks!

What does your stickers say?

Good morning sunshines!

This is the first morning I woke up and wasn't immediately reminded that my stomach was hurting! yipeeeee, what a great feeling. And I am sure you guys are just about sick and tired of hearing me being sick and tired. ; ) I will tell you this, another thing that helps you not eat is when you have to take a medicine one hour before you eat. (Carafate Suspension. Has anyone else taken this??) You have to PLAN to eat, take the medicine and then WAIT. So if you aren't really hungry, the desire to take that nasty pink stuff isn't there. You also can't drink or eat right before taking it, so you end up waiting 1.5 hrs to eat!


I am glad you are feeling better but waiting 1.5 hrs to eat stinks but I guess well worth it if you won't hurt.

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Okay for me I have been keeping a food log this week. I have to say it makes me think of food more. I am aming for 1000 cals or below yesterday I ate 1190 so not to bad I also drank 64 oz of Water yesterday. I went walking at the mall at lunch. Baby steps

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Okay for me I have been keeping a food log this week. I have to say it makes me think of food more. I am aming for 1000 cals or below yesterday I ate 1190 so not to bad I also drank 64 oz of Water yesterday. I went walking at the mall at lunch. Baby steps

WTG!!!!! Yep, baby steps.

My stickers say Davis Clinic. He had them made for his patients that need a reminder that they are on a program.

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Maybe I should have something like that.

It could say on program or some kind of positive 1 or 2 word sayings. I have a label maker.

Can I just say your Dr sounds awesome I loved his Show Big medicine

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Great...been thinking of you since your wedding and what a wonderful feeling it must have been for you to see freinds and relatives that you have not seen since you have gotten to goal. All prettied up in your MOB dress, cute hair and spit shined (as my GM used to say). As others have said, you look like person that has always been thin. It must have felt very rewarding. All the hard work you have done is now being validated.

Apples, I don't know how to say this without seeming conceited or prideful, but it felt wonderful! I got so so many comments on how I looked. At first it was really hard but then I just started saying thank you and leaving it at that, instead of thank you BUT..... DH kept telling me I was hotter than the bride LOL i told him I was supposed to be to him. But even men were commenting (not in that way) but it's unusual for men to notice things. I think I had the perfect dress for me and for once in my life I just beamed and loved being all dressed up. For the rehersal dinner the night before I even bought a pencil type skirt with a belt and a blouse tucked into it. folks were shocked to see me in a skirt. Even my pastor commented on how great I looked. The whole weekend was like my crowning glory, I felt so good and it sortta clicked something in my head that said, 'Lori, you aren't fat anymore'. I will always be, as Janet says, a fat chick inside, and have to watch my mindset a lot, but my body is telling a different story and I relish in living a 'normal weight' lifestyle. the things I have done in teh past year that I wouldn't have done before are so rewarding. I truly feel like I got my life back. Thanks for letting me gloat a little. In fact, DH went and found the photographer and asked her to take shots of me as he wants one for his desk in his new office. AHHHHH how sweet! Said he had to show me off. Even my sisters commented!

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Apples, I don't know how to say this without seeming conceited or prideful, but it felt wonderful! I got so so many comments on how I looked. At first it was really hard but then I just started saying thank you and leaving it at that, instead of thank you BUT..... DH kept telling me I was hotter than the bride LOL i told him I was supposed to be to him. But even men were commenting (not in that way) but it's unusual for men to notice things. I think I had the perfect dress for me and for once in my life I just beamed and loved being all dressed up. For the rehersal dinner the night before I even bought a pencil type skirt with a belt and a blouse tucked into it. folks were shocked to see me in a skirt. Even my pastor commented on how great I looked. The whole weekend was like my crowning glory, I felt so good and it sortta clicked something in my head that said, 'Lori, you aren't fat anymore'. I will always be, as Janet says, a fat chick inside, and have to watch my mindset a lot, but my body is telling a different story and I relish in living a 'normal weight' lifestyle. the things I have done in teh past year that I wouldn't have done before are so rewarding. I truly feel like I got my life back. Thanks for letting me gloat a little. In fact, DH went and found the photographer and asked her to take shots of me as he wants one for his desk in his new office. AHHHHH how sweet! Said he had to show me off. Even my sisters commented!

You looked AWESOME!!!!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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