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Well the celebrations are done and I am exhausted! The brunch went super well this morning as well. She got lots of nice things and over $1000 cash already and isn't done opening yet, they had to leave for the airport. My niece did bring over a few pics so I am attaching a couple. The first is of DD before the ceremony, note her veil she remade that from my veil of many years ago. The 2nd is me and DH. The 3rd is my DS toasting DD and her new DH and sortta cut off is her new DBIL. The last photo is DH toasting them, it's a horrible pic of me (I was a little teary eyed) but it better shows my MOB dress, there was no good photo of that in the pics she brought but it gives you an idea.


Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! How touching to remake and wear your veil.

Now, rest up! You have a big trip coming! Enjoy your time in Hawaii!

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Good evening, thanks everyone for the wonderful comments on my pics from the wedding. I am actually starting to see my weight loss and was able to look at these photos of myself with a less critical eye.

This evening DH & I went out to a movie and, yes, I had popcorn! It was a very low key rest of the day and going to bed very early tonight. One thing I've discovered now in my early 50's. It takes me longer to recover from a late night out or lack of sleep! LOL Now I just have my parents visit next week to get through (they are coming to my house to stay for a week until Easter) before Ileave for Hawaii the day after Easter. DH booked our room tonight! WOO HOO!!

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Fantastic pics. You and daughter are beautiful.

Had a great day with grandkids. Went to dud Easter Egg hunt so daughter and I put one together at her house. Lots of fun. Kids also colored Easter eggs. My 3 yr. old granddaughter cracks me up. I helped her get on the toilet and then she asked me if she could have her privacy please. My 5yr old grandson asked if it was OK to climb the tree. Then he said it was, just don't tell his mom and dad. So later, the three yr old said he could do something but not to tell his parents. Her vocabulary is incredible.


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Great - is it Lori? -- You looked gorgeous and so very happy. Such a lovely family and wonderful memories created this weekend. Deep sigh....now relax.

DH & I took daughter and son-in-law to dinner @ Houlihans - then back to our house for a visit. Lovely evening.

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apple 2, just wanted you to know I am alittle better. Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal. I will stay on liquids. I am not sure how to use this forum or site, hope you recieve this.

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Hi every one, I hope you are all having a great weekend. Its spring...even though it was supposed to snow yesturday....lol

This was a really quiet weekend....considering its a break from all the cleaning and getting ready for the big holiday.

My daughter had two friends sleepover...and being that I wasnt cooking..I got a big sushi platter for them and thats what they ate last night and lunch...hope they werent expecting anything special the weekend before the holiday. lol

Im glad she had company as that left me to close the door after returning from synaguage and feeding them lunch to turn over the clothes from winter to spring. That took all day but its done!! Yea, Usually I dont get to do this until after the spring! Im ahead of the game....could it be cause I didnt have to do all the cleaning this week myself??? lol


Julie, Im so sorry you are feeling bad. After all you go through now....and a cold on top of it??? Oy My thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery are with you!

I am so happy you are finially going to get something done now that you know what is going on..I am sure this is a relief for you!! Good luck and what ever you do...go to Neuro Surgeon for a second opinon and a third if possible before engaging in any treatment plan.

Mimi....oh sweet Mimi...I hope everything will be good.. There are so many great treatment plans for children who have blocked ear drums...Tubes are a godsend for some, Ive worked with many a babys that have had them and they began talking shortly thereafter. I have also had babies that did not go that route and went to the chiropractor for weekly adjustments for about 6 months with the same results. It really depends on the severity of the Fluid in the canal. Coccelar (spelling?) inplants have come a long way and for children who have had fluid and whos hearing is affected by it have done amazing and they also have started talking about 3 months after inplants.

More importantly is Mimi getting therapy now?? I know in NY she would be getting at least 3 times a week speech and language therapy and at least 3-5 times special instruction. This would be because...of difficulty with hearing and so on...she is at risk for delays in development later on. You really want to ensure that she is getting all the help she can get so this wont happen. I know you and your daughter from what you post are doing everything possible to help her now...but Early Intervention could mean so much....I know you said she does get some therapy...but getting as much as you can would be best. Due to the fact that you are allready working with doctors...will make it easy to get all the therapy she needs. I have to tell you....most parents wait till their children are way older to start getting treatments so...its great that you are interving so early!!! Good for you..and with all your pain..I dont know how you are doing it!!!!

Im so glad you are getting it taken care of...your pain and frustrations are so easy to read..and oh how that makes me so upset for you!!!

Good luck.......

As far as why I have to Kosher the kitchen for passover?? hmm well,, apparently we are to be made feel like we are leaving our homes just like the jews did in egypt. When they left they didnt have time to have the bread they made rise..so they grabbed it and ran so to say...this is how Matzah is made....and since then....the practice is to get rif of anything in your house made with wheat that has risen. Basically you need to get rid of any foods that might contain wheat or wheat products and therefore you must kosher your house to the best of your ability so there should not be a crumb of anything that may be considered...CHAMETZ...not allowed to eat on passover..that contains the above. (wheat, grains, rice, yeast, and certain foods with seeds) So, you have to kosher your kitchen as Janet has so thouroughly explained!!! That was really great..dont know where she got that information but there were a couple of things that Ive forgottent to do that Ive left for last minute and well...I would have probably forgotten them by tomorrow night and been all in a tiff if I remembered to late!! SO I must thank her for that list and tips....for passover you have to do whats on that list and then you have to cover everything because koshering is not enough......you have to cover everything you use normally like the counters, stove, table and refridgerator (i use tin foil) you need to change your dishes glasswear, cookwear and serving utensils etc etc. Basically you are turning over your whole house..and kitchen with everything that you use for the time of the eight days of passover then we can change everything back.

As Ive said its the holiday from hell. lol and Why I ask do I feel like a slave every year when its the holiday to Celebrate freedom?? Because Im not rich and I cant just pick up and go to one of those gorgeous resorts that people run for the week where you can go...close up your house and just go to a hotel for the whole week and everything is done for you. But, that would cost oh about 5,000 dollars easy for my daughter and me....so we are staying put because I have spent only about 1,000 dollars.....and thats cheaper lol

But the honest truth?? With the cleaning girls this week?? I dont really feel that worked!! lol

Of course tomorrow starts the cooking..and Ill be cooking for another two days...but I enjoy that so Im happy...problem is..come next year when I dont have the excuse of having had surgery.....having two cleaning girls for the whole week costing about 400 dollars! How the heck will I be able to justify that one?? Oh and heck if I wont have them again though.....Ive seen the light!! They are staying. Im never doing it by myself again. lol This was way too easy!! Ill start saving now..for that luxery!

Laura K - ahh "Tzimis" lol is a traditional dish usually served on holidays..depending on where you come from its served differently. It usually consists of meat...that is cooked a very long time along with sweet potatoes and prunes. It has a sweet sauce usually made from brown sugar, lemon juice, margerine and cinamin. I will not be eating this dish lol. In fact I wont be eating anything of what I am making this passover....nor will I be eating any Matzah..for sure...ill be starving. lol

Mornin' All,

Sun is shining but still only 21 degrees and windy once again. The high yesterday was a measly 27. Just the sun shining makes a person a little more chipper though.

Jodi....you make me want to convert. I sure wish I was Jewish and I could get someone to kosher up my kitchen. I would have no problem with the cooking for everyone. But, to get that kitchen totally spit shined must feel so good. And, good for you not feeling like you had to do it all yourself. Way to take care of yourself! So interesting listening to your traditions. Do you find that most kosher the kitchen the way you do? Good luck with all your preparations and enjoy your time with family.

I get you on the taste of Protein Drinks. I can pick up that smell no matter what. Next time I am out shopping, I'm going to look for the pre-made that Janet talked about. I have never been a Protein Drink person, but do like smoothies in the summer.

lol no..no no.....you wouldnt.

Its funny when people tell me Im converting or converted...I just look at them and stare and ask ..why???? why??? why??? if you werent born jewish and you dont have to adhere to all the stringent laws and observance why??? lol I just dont understand why someone would take all this upon them by choice? I have to as I was born this way..so therefore I do....im not sure if god would give us a choice would I have chosen this for myself??

Really though..I do believe that I did choose this. Somehow I feel this is the right thing for me. I do it because I love it....but there are times like this that I think....does it really make a difference as to how well I cleaned my house?? Or if I really keep kosher the way the orthodox say to?? Am I really sure alot of it is just what the rabbis say or the people who stamp this food kosher and deem something else not? In the end I question what really matters and what doesnt??

Isnt being a good person, someone who gives charity, helps people in need more important then worrying so much about what food is okay?? I also think...about all the time spent..on observance and practice....isnt visiting the sick and cooking for people who dont have enought food more important then cleaning my whole house for two weeks??

Im just not sure...so I try to do all of the above...but I just cannot do everything so I pick and choose from both...and hope that god is happy and if he/she isnt then..well send me back in the next life to have a do over with instructions this time. Until then.....ill be cleaning. lol A little rant here hope you dont mind!!


What exactly is a crafty group?? What sort of things do you make? Would love to hear some of these things!?


OMG. you are good!!

I hope you dont mind but Ive used your list here to help me make a checklist of all that needed to be done and make sure Ive done them!!!

Where ever did you get this..its great!!!

Turns out.....I forgot to kasher the Microwave as I was saving that for last, but totally forgot...this last task as I wanted to use the microwave till tomorrow but in the end decided to kasher the oven and stove and finish with everthing! SO thank you , thank you!!

and thanks for explaining all.....i could not have done it nearly half a good explanation.

SO, you have to take off without pay....well that really bites unless you are happy about it.

Id be so livid..to be forced to however after all if someone is working its more often then not someone is working because they need the money not just for enjoyment.

I myself would not be happy to take a pay cut...as teachers dont make enough as is..and I work one job and I see an extra child on the side for extra money 3-4 times weekly for half hour. Im sorry if this is an extra burden for you.

Do people find other work to do on that day with another company or independant something?? Or is this not acceptable when you are working full time..to make up the difference?

I wonder if that would ever go over well in NY.

Thanks again for the explanation and checklist for me!

Laura, Im glad you are feeling a little better.

its...horrid to be sick.....but you must of had one dosey of a flu or something. Hopefully by next week youl be feeling better. good thoughts are going out to you.

Cherri , Im sorry your neck hurts so much....I hope you find releaf soon. I hear you about not finding a new job. If you are getting the right support and your assistant is there to help and your principal is okay with how you run your classroom....heck that sounds good to me, Keep the day job lol. You cant get better then that. I know Im a teacher as well and like I said above ..I hear you!!!!

Jewel.....you are doing so amazing!!

I look at you and think god...how does she do all this???? She has a husband and child and she goes to school full time and shes moving......and she lives with in laws at the same time????? Youve got an anormous amount of stuff going on..give yourself a break..girl.

The food issues will calm down when you are settled in your apt... im sure now everything is up in the air and you dont know whats up or down. Being unsettled is so stressful give yourself hugs for keeping it all together. The important thing is to not get sick and keep your energery and strenght up so you can deal with everything together now..

Just try to relax and enjoy the thought that you will be soon in your own place with your family....meaning your husband and son and thats when you will be able to get it all under control including the food because you Jessica will be in charge!!! Yea!!

Well the celebrations are done and I am exhausted! The brunch went super well this morning as well. She got lots of nice things and over $1000 cash already and isn't done opening yet, they had to leave for the airport. My niece did bring over a few pics so I am attaching a couple. The first is of DD before the ceremony, note her veil she remade that from my veil of many years ago. The 2nd is me and DH. The 3rd is my DS toasting DD and her new DH and sortta cut off is her new DBIL. The last photo is DH toasting them, it's a horrible pic of me (I was a little teary eyed) but it better shows my MOB dress, there was no good photo of that in the pics she brought but it gives you an idea.


Great.....These are lovely pictures. Your daughter looks beutiful and so are you!!! Thanks for sharing...Weddings are so special especially when they are your own daughters!!

Im so glad you enjoyed the wedding and all went well....is it a normal occurance to have animals getting stuck in the road??? That really doesnt happen in NY too much...no matter where that will im sure be remembered as part of the wedding day....memories!!

well, must go to sleep as the cooking fest will be starting tomorrow AM....Mom is coming over and I just hope she remembers how to make the pot roast....lol

I hope you all have a great week.


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apple 2, just wanted you to know I am alittle better. Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal. I will stay on liquids. I am not sure how to use this forum or site, hope you recieve this.

You can get email notices alerting you to threads that you participate in. Just go to User CP up in the left hand corner of any screen. In fact they should just pop up. When you get a email notice, just hit the link and it will take you right to the thread. Hope that helps.

Hope today is better than yesterday for you. Be kind to your band today as you most likely will be swollen. Test the waters tomorrow to see how you are doing....maybe stick with the soft foods for a bit after today. I am just speaking from personal experience and how I feel after a stuck episode and how I usually feel.

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Wishing everyone a great Sunday. Hope it's a relaxing one for all (well, except Jodi...I know hers will be a busy one...she is stirring pots and bent of an oven). By the way, Jodi. Thanks for the explanation...I can see clear now and I recind my request to be converted.

Don't have a clue why I am was up b/4 5am on a Sunday morning. Went to sleep at 10pm and was just wide awake so shut the BR door so DH would not be bothered. Guess I just didn't need the sleep.

We are supposed to have highs of 65-70 this next week. Time to get the bike out and hook the dog to it. He's my pal. He doesn't pull the bike, just trots beside momma and looks up at me adoringly. Our road is wicked....lots of big grain trucks traveling 80mph. Suicide is not my thing so I ride around our gravel yard and not on the tar road. Our yard has three driveways and one trip around is 1/4 mile so I can get my bike fix without fearing for my life. Once we are at the lake again, I have a nice bike path that goes for miles. My sights are set on opening up the lake place A.S.A.P. Might even be able to spend some time up there this week. I have been doing some packing already.

Well, going to hit the shower and head to church today. You all have a good one.

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Wishing everyone a great Sunday. Hope it's a relaxing one for all (well, except Jodi...I know hers will be a busy one...she is stirring pots and bent of an oven). By the way, Jodi. Thanks for the explanation...I can see clear now and I recind my request to be converted.

Don't have a clue why I am was up b/4 5am on a Sunday morning. Went to sleep at 10pm and was just wide awake so shut the BR door so DH would not be bothered. Guess I just didn't need the sleep.

We are supposed to have highs of 65-70 this next week. Time to get the bike out and hook the dog to it. He's my pal. He doesn't pull the bike, just trots beside momma and looks up at me adoringly. Our road is wicked....lots of big grain trucks traveling 80mph. Suicide is not my thing so I ride around our gravel yard and not on the tar road. Our yard has three driveways and one trip around is 1/4 mile so I can get my bike fix without fearing for my life. Once we are at the lake again, I have a nice bike path that goes for miles. My sights are set on opening up the lake place A.S.A.P. Might even be able to spend some time up there this week. I have been doing some packing already.

Well, going to hit the shower and head to church today. You all have a good one.

I am so glad you are getting some good weather. It is going to be 76 today. It was beautiful yesterday, but for some reason I was battling IBS. I am fine today and heading for church. I guess i cheated because I weighed this morning and I have dropped 8lbs since Wednesday. I know most of it is probably Fluid, but it gave me the boost I needed to keep going. I will post it on my ticker when I weigh in on Wednesday. One thing I discovered, because of the band......if I eat about 3oz of chicken in the evening I am full all night long. I can replace one shake and will do so with chicken this evening.

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Morning.. I only have a minute to post before leaving for church, but I had to share....

My cold is better!!!!!!!!!!! thank goodness

The shoulder attack of pain from hell that lasted 9 hours last evening and night finally passed and let me sleep some........... Thank God!!!!!

I weighed 275 this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! one more pound to make it to where I haven't been in 26 years...

Love you all.............gotta go......... Will pray for us all.... Julie

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Good Morning~

Well, I had an eventful afternoon yesterday. I realized in the afternoon that I hadn't even had 16 oz. of Fluid to drink. Around noon I had lost my voice (laryngitis) and was having pain with swallowing Water. I tried to eat some yogurt, then cottage cheese- but had pain and they made me cough/heartburn/pain. DH saw how much misery I was in and said "You need an emergency unfill!" I had 2cc taken out. Believe it or not, even with a total of 2.4cc I am still semi tight! I can now drink water without pain. I had a yogurt. I am going to wait until later to try anything solid. Whatever bug I have, along with the vomiting, TOM not wanting to visit (PMS Central), post nasal drip, etc... has my stoma so swollen. I feel like a limp dishrag. The clincher is I am down to 213. I know it's not AT ALL a good way to get there, but a small part of me was so happy to see that number. Sick, I know. urrrgghhhh.

Now on to better things:

Great~ LOVE LOVE LOVE the wedding pics! Your DD's dress is amazing! You were both just gorgeous!

Julie~ Glad your cold is better. Let's get that neck better now!

Apples~Glad the weather is improving! I know you will be happy to be back at the lake. We miss you on those weekends, but understand your happiness is more important. : )

Janet~Where are you?

Arlene~Congrats on the weight loss. I completely understand the good feeling. You're doing a great job.

Jodi~ Hope your day is going well. : )

ok guys.. I will CBL, Nels has this stomach bug now. OMW...

peasout... Laura

PS. I updated my signature and didn't add that many characters (just the unfill) and took out the note about Janet and Apples, and it wouldn't let me save it! Too many characters. rrrrggghhhhhhhhh.

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Laura...your band drama the last couple of days is a good reminder to all of us to be mindful of our bands when we catch a bug and to watch for signs b/4 the irratation causes more swelling and problems. Hope this unfill does it for you and you are eating normal soon. The unfills and refills are a huge pain in the butt but just part of us maintaining our bands. Bet you are loving the lower number on the scale though. Take care and get some rest. Make sure you get plenty of fluids to regenerate your system.

Julie...good to hear you finally got rid of that pain for now and were able to get out and go to church. I am sure you prayed for some answers to your problems. I know I am on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what your doc has for a solution.

Arlene...WOOHOO on the weight loss. Doesn't seeing the numbers on the scale go down give you a new lease on sticking to the plan? Way to go and so happy for you.

And, Laura, I'm missing Janet too. Quick, someone just post that they ate a peice of cake, 4 Cookies, 1/2 jar of Peanut Butter with a spoon and 3 Snickers. Bet we would hear from her then! LOL

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And, Laura...sorry to hear our little Nels has the darned stomach bug. And, for your sake, hope he hits the bucket!

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I'm here.... Cake Cookies - lol...

Great - Your DD was a beautiful bride - but I think you may have almost outshined her - BEAUTIFUL MOB !!! Great Pic's I can't beleive you went to the show last night - I would have been so pooped I would have vegged on the couch..

Jodi - I just googled kosher kitchen - and copied and pasted what I found - I google stuff all the time - the internet is a great place for information.. Keeping Kosher is alot of work ;0) - As to my furlough days - I enjoy the time off - Ya miss the pay but since I dislike my job - I like not having to go in ;0) - I have been working insurance since I was 19 -(36 yrs) and most of my job is now pushing paper - and I hate pushing paper - And my producers (agents) don't give me all the info I need the 1st time - so have to redo crap and I hate redoing - I want it done right the 1st time - they know the info they are suppose to have - but they think they have the pen w/the insurance companies and can do what they like..

Converting - Well I think it's the Catholic in us (Apples is Catholic too) we like the rituals imho - I think I was jewish in my other life -

Laura - hugs hugs hugs - are you going in to get more taken out - chew ice chips... Hugs to Nels poor baby

Charlene - WTG 8 lbs...

Julie- Congrats too on your scales...

Apples - I may just have to get a bike too - since I can't run w/the puppy ryder - yesterday went I took him for the short walk/jog - he out ran me when I was jogging - bike is a good idea - he needs exercise to help burn off all his puppy energy.. Andrew maybe able to run with him but I can't (knees & hips ached yesterday) and since Andrew is inconstant about walking the dog and I end up babysitting while he's at work - it's to my benefit to wear the dog out ;0) sleeping is better than him bugging Bear to play ;0)

Didn't do much yesterday went to Stein Mart - some big sale the store was packed -$10 off coupon - come on pple you get $10 off but spend $50 - if you stayed home you would have saved $40 - but pple can't pass up $10 free money even if they have to spend to get it :0) - Came home with a pair of shoes, dress, black capri's and 2 blouse :0)..

After that - napped and watched tv - food was terrible yesterday - Won't even report it (sweets my heroin) - it was excellent Friday (most likely 800 cal max) yesterday I had way too many sweets (2000 -2500 averaged :o) love my justification...

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I'm here.... Cake Cookies - lol...

Great - Your DD was a beautiful bride - but I think you may have almost outshined her - BEAUTIFUL MOB !!! Great Pic's I can't beleive you went to the show last night - I would have been so pooped I would have vegged on the couch..

Jodi - I just googled kosher kitchen - and copied and pasted what I found - I google stuff all the time - the internet is a great place for information.. Keeping Kosher is alot of work ;0) - As to my furlough days - I enjoy the time off - Ya miss the pay but since I dislike my job - I like not having to go in ;0) - I have been working insurance since I was 19 -(36 yrs) and most of my job is now pushing paper - and I hate pushing paper - And my producers (agents) don't give me all the info I need the 1st time - so have to redo crap and I hate redoing - I want it done right the 1st time - they know the info they are suppose to have - but they think they have the pen w/the insurance companies and can do what they like..

Converting - Well I think it's the Catholic in us (Apples is Catholic too) we like the rituals imho - I think I was jewish in my other life -

Laura - hugs hugs hugs - are you going in to get more taken out - chew ice chips... Hugs to Nels poor baby

Charlene - WTG 8 lbs...

Julie- Congrats too on your scales...

Apples - I may just have to get a bike too - since I can't run w/the puppy ryder - yesterday went I took him for the short walk/jog - he out ran me when I was jogging - bike is a good idea - he needs exercise to help burn off all his puppy energy.. Andrew maybe able to run with him but I can't (knees & hips ached yesterday) and since Andrew is inconstant about walking the dog and I end up babysitting while he's at work - it's to my benefit to wear the dog out ;0) sleeping is better than him bugging Bear to play ;0)

Didn't do much yesterday went to Stein Mart - some big sale the store was packed -$10 off coupon - come on pple you get $10 off but spend $50 - if you stayed home you would have saved $40 - but pple can't pass up $10 free money even if they have to spend to get it :0) - Came home with a pair of shoes, dress, black capri's and 2 blouse :0)..

After that - napped and watched tv - food was terrible yesterday - Won't even report it (sweets my heroin) - it was excellent Friday (most likely 800 cal max) yesterday I had way too many sweets (2000 -2500 averaged :smilielol5:) love my justification...

Hope it wasn't a peice of cake, 4 cookies, 1/2 jar Peanut Butter with a spoon and 3 Snickers!!!!:o

My dog does not pull me when we ride (though he could with him weighing 100lbs). He just trots beside me and I wear him out. He is in pretty good shape for being 8 yrs old. We are fairly strict with what he eats and he has an entire 15 acres to romp on every day. Puppies have excess energy until they are about 2 and you get their "govenors" (as my DH calls them) taken. Sounds like Grandma is enjoying that new puppy!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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