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Good morning everyone,

I am busy busy and busy. Getting my packing done. But still things are tense around here. My inlaws have their own house and a house owned by the church. They actually live in the one owned by the church and in june will be allowing missionaries on furlow to use the house they actually own. Now that we are moving out MIL in panicking and telling us we need to move her furniture for the missionaries too. We have so much on our plate right now that I think it needs to wait. She wants it done sunday even though they won't be here for another 2-3 months. My husband won't tell her no but he wants to gripe about it to me. If hubby is off on sunday then we have things we need to do for ourselves. We still need some furniture so it will be a good time for us to peruse thrift stores and outlets trying to find what we need. I just tell myself it is almost over. Really I only have 1 week left here because I will be out of town after that then moving.

Also still having troubles with karate at my sons school. I have been going the past few weeks because he refuses to go without me. I have seen that the children are just going wild in there, knocking each other down and kicking each other. Tuesday a girl was kicking another child so I asked her to stop. Her Dad came in and got very upset and threatened me that I had better not get onto his child again. So we called the school and told them we are taking jake out of karate and just why and also explained that I was threatened by another parent. They are begging us not to take him out the director said she was going to start going to karate to see whats happening in there. We aren't sure what to do. Jake hates going now and it has become a safety issue. Should we be forcing him to go? Even seeing that we are uncomfortable with it. He has worked hard in there and is only 2 months away from getting his blue belt. I do want him to get the reward for his hard work but not getting hurt in the proccess. I also feel like the school is ignoring the fact that this man threatened me. What should I expect them to do though?

My weight is fluctuating like crazy. I lost 7 pounds last week, from sunday to sunday. I am going to the doc friday for a fill and am concerned that I have gained 5 since sunday. It is looking as though I haven't lost any weight since my last fill.

I bought a new love seat yesterday. I got it from a thrift store but it looks brand new. We decided to get a loveseat and recliner instead of a couch. We think it will fit the space better. I am so excited to be getting out on our own again. I also got some new dishes. The kmart closest to us is closing so everything was marked way down. We get our keys on the 10th. We will be moving all our boxes and the on the 15th someone has offered to help us move the furniture. So our official first day in the new place will be the 15th.

Well, I gotta get off to school. Thursdays are my long days at school. I don't get home till 9:30-10:00pm.

Jessica, I'm so happy for you to get back out on your own. You've already gotten great advice about the school. Wow, that sounds absolutely crazy to me. Hope you enjoy your triop next week, I'll be out of town this weekend and wanted to say hi before you left. Have a great time and enjoy yourself -- you deserve to really relax with everything you've been through this year.


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Jessica - MIL can wait ;0) how far are you moving from her?? Take Jake out of that class - you shouldn't have to make him go.. But I might take him to one more to see if the school is going to get involved and make it better...

If you are following the rules - I bet you will be down by the time you go to the docs..

Am glad you are moving out - I think that's fantastic..

Laura - Sorry you are still sick - How was the powder??? I don't do alot of the pure Protein bars just cuz of the calories 190 - 19 grms pt and they don't keep me full

Yep you are lucky to have a doc for a dh ;0)

Tell him I said HAPPY BDAY !!!!

I really like these pre-made ones - the vanilla cream can be doctored up to taste like anything - I put them in the blender w/ice... And as you all know I don't really do pt shakes - but last night didn't feel like eating food (well was craving veggies and ate them - but didn't feel like meat)

Great - enjoy - can't wait for the pictures. Glad the dog issue got taken care of.. Will be thinking about you tomorrow night at 5 ;0) don't cry too much ;0)

Apples - Glad you had a good time w/friend - Yep those pure pt - premade shakes are good - like I said you can take the vanilla and throw anything in it - Haven't tried the choc might have to try that next - but choc I like plain - well maybe with some walnuts ;0)

WTG on shopping -


Oh Well when we Lucky #7 are together in July we can go look for a dress and hat :0)

Bunker down - the wind is suppose to blow for the next 2 evening

Linda - I think I am still on one girls sh*t list - but so be it - I do have to quit being so opinionated and trying to save these pple from their selves - but again it comes from a place of love - and hell pple just don't need that much freaking sugar (well ya I use to but hell it was killing me - but if someone did what I did I would have been pissed in my preband days too - hell it's up to me - but again - pple should understand that we have alot of overweight pple in our office - so why make all that junk so available.. But again we can't save pple from their selves - I gotta learn that..... I did the same thing to poor Judy when we were out eating - she said she wasn't eating carbs - so after dinner she kept picking at the bread - and it just popped out of my mouth (no brain involved) Judy put the bread down :0) It wasn't my place - but she did and said - it's in front of me - I understand that - so we moved it :0)

Here the 2 shapers I got - don't know if the link is going to post - it's from JC Penny's - I got mine at Khols - but Flexee is the brand - I wore the Torsette today - it advertize to help back fat (it's the one like a correset) I felt good in it - wasn't uncomfortable - I wore the body one yesterday - loved the way it held in the skin - but give you panty lines if you have tight pants on - I wore a dress yesterday so no problem

I go up in size - I think I got a large and medium - but i do that with bathing suits too - I wear a 10 or 12 depending on the style.. By their measurements I should be in a small I think - my hips are 36 or 37

I suggest going to the store and trying them on..

What's up w/DSD?? Does she like being in the hospital every other day?? Does your dh beleive her.. I know you love DGD and she makes your day - but again we aren't spring chickens - I took on DGS when he was that age - but I was 40 not 55 - I would take my DGD if something happen to my DS & DIL but having a 6 yr old full time - would make me have to see a shrink..

Hugs on that whole issue - rant away...

Flexees® Ultimate Slimmer™ Torsette

JCPenney : Flexees® Ultimate Slimmer™ Torsette

Flexees® Torsette Body Briefer

JCPenney : Flexees® Torsette Body Briefer

Well gang - got a chicken in the oven roasting - Andrew is at work - tomorrow is my furlough friday - no great plans - gym in the a.m. - but that's normal - Taxes @ 2 - and that's it for the plans - feels kinda good - but don't know if I will be able to sit around the house - tax office is over by Stein Mart and Designer shoes for less - so better go ck bank to see how much $$$ is left to spend - but again - theres' always the Visa :0)

Thanks for the info on the flexies -- can't wait to go look for those -- maybe this weekend. I'm caught up just in time to leave for the weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to check in every day after this weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful few days -- cbl.


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Linda and Apples - thank you so much (once again) for suggestions and encouragement.

Went with my sister to favorite mexican restaurant tonight and enjoyed very small amounts of some of my favorites. Taco salad (brought lots home) had my first ground beef since banding. Also a few (too many) chips and cheese dip. Felt like a major splurge (planned) and was worth every bite.

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It's 5:50 the wedding should be over by now - Great now has a DSIL ;o)...

Hi to all, .

OK--here is a synopsis of the entire Jewish history:

1. They wanted to kill us.

2. We won.

3. Let's eat.

xoxox to all--Judy


Hugs for your Mom - glad she's ok...

I guess I was lucky with my doc - I got everything plus I was on lbt 24/7 learning so much before I was banded - my doc was impressed w/my knowledge..

I just finished watching Survivor from this week over my lunch hour -- ya gotta admit it's interesting, very interesting.


Ya but now the hidden immunity idol has been used - Russell better watch it - I didn't watch alot of the pre-voting drama - except I knew it would get exciting when Russell told Pravita (sp) that he would give her the idol - Plus they gotta keep Russell on there to give Rob a run for the $$$

Joyce, the first few months I was banded I pretty much stuck to eating mostly eggs and fish baked -- I also learned how to make some pretty tasty salmon patties that were low fat and stayed nice and moist when I baked them. If you like fish I recommend trying fish -- I rinse the fish and season it a little and roll it in a little seasoned fish fry (cornmeal) and put it on a sprayed baking dish -- bake it at 400 degrees until done - usually less than 10 mins if fish is thin. I also ate canned tuna and canned chicken -- mixed with a little light mayo -- I don't think I even tried a real piece of chicken until about month 3 or 4 -- my doctor had me on 2 weeks of liquids, 2 weeks of pureed, 2 weeks of mushies -- so all in all I was 8 weeks (2 weeks liquid diet before surgery and then 6 weeks after) of very little "real" food and I lived to tell the story. LOL. One thing that truly helped me for some reason was that the nutritionist at my surgeon's office wrote the following at the top of our nutritional information sheet "Carbs are NOT required for a balanced diet!!!!!!" And for some reason that helped me get it through my thick head that I could eat a meal that did not include potatoes, rice, etc. I very seldom eat carbs -- just very occasionally -- the only carbs I eat are fruit and whatever carbs I get in like the corn meal, Cereal, oatmeal, etc. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in to the discussion. I was extremely careful about what I ate after surgery as my surgeon and his office were pretty scary in discussing what problems it could cause, so I guess they scared me enough that I was afraid to eat anything that they didn't allow me to. Congrats on your weight loss, you're doing great.


Linda - it was so long ago (well it seems like it anyway) from when I was 1st banded but I too followed the rules and was super careful the 1st few month - Heck - I still am eating fish most nites and it will be 3 yrs for me in July... But I am having lamb chops tonite :0)

Cheri, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm 14 months out and I still have that gas (farting) problem -- some times it's a bit better than others but most of the time it's just as bad as it ever was -- I've heard other people say they never had the problem at all -- so I think we are just "blessed" with that problem. Hope it gets better for you.


I had gas before and still do :0)


I hope I'm not being too terribly blunt, but your sisters are two of the most selfish, spoiled brats I've ever heard of. How could they do that to you especially during this week of you and your DD preparing for the wedding. I'm just appalled at their inappropriate behavior! I'm appalled that your mother won't see this as bad behavior in them also. I don't remember, are you the middle child? Just curious. I know you're busy today with the wedding, but wanted to respond to the posts as I see them so I don't forget. Thinking of you today!


Linda - Love it - you hit the nail on the head !!!

Thanks everyone for letting me vent. All of you are such an encouragement. I miss yall when I get busy and don't check in.

My fill today went well. I only lost a total of 4 pounds the past 3 weeks. I really have lost alot more than that but I keep gaining back. Like I said last week totaled a 7 pound loss alone. It is just swinging right now. My doc handled it decently. He had 2 other surgeons come in with him who are considering learning to do the procedure. He explained alot to me for their benefit and mine. Basically we all slip but we gotta keep at it. I also got another 100 dollars from the LAP-BAND® study I joined. Really came at a good time.

Jessica - Sweetie you are doing fantastic girl !!!! Keep up the good work !!!

Girl, I won't lie........it's tough. I am not weighing till next Wednesday, but I am sure I am down a few. I am definitely a food addict. Through this I am learning alot about myself. I do have some restriction.....so that helps. I can have a cup of lettuce and 4oz of chicken once in awhile. Yesterday I was out shopping and I ate about a half a cup of lettuce and a few bites of chicken and I was full. So, if you want to tighten up just go on shakes for a couple of days.

Charlene - I hear you on not being able to do only liquids - even in my pre-op diet I called and ask can I have fish and salad for dinner- cuz the Soup they gave me was awful - I know I did liquids for 10 days - but that was after surgery and I followed the rules and I survived but barely :0) -

Yep what you are doing is like the 5 day pouch test ;0)

Salad & ck in ok you gotta chew - So proud of you !!!

I can see it now....15 MOB's!:tt1:

Love it Apples - Yep that would be to freaking funny :0)

We have to coordinate our outfits :0)

Linda and Apples - thank you so much (once again) for suggestions and encouragement.

Went with my sister to favorite mexican restaurant tonight and enjoyed very small amounts of some of my favorites. Taco salad (brought lots home) had my first ground beef since banding. Also a few (too many) chips and cheese dip. Felt like a major splurge (planned) and was worth every bite.

Joyce - I bet it was all delicious !!!


I feel 10 yrs younger today - want to know why.....

I don't have readers on the tip of my nose !!!!! I got contacts... The right eye is perfect - I think the left eye will have to be adjusted - but I am reading the computer screen without glasses - I have been using readers for 15 yrs...

I went and got toes & nails done - then taxes (well really just talked to my accountant about Bro's Estate - Leases on the Ranches and just dropped off my stuff)

Decided to go to costco to get dog treats and had an ad from Baushlam said that costco had the bifocal contact - well I stopped by the eye center - it was 3 - asked for an appointment she said I might be able to squeeze you in at 3:15 - well got in - loved the doc and eye test there better than at the last place i went.

I go back in a week to make sure they are ok - I guess w/bifocal contacts it can take a couple of adjustments to get them just right.. But I think they are pretty on...

Omg you just don't know how freeing this is - lets see if the pple at work notice when I don't always have readers on the tip of my nose - I doubt it :0)

Well, I got lamb chops for dinner and green Beans -Costco must no longer carry the frozen scallops - they didn't have any again...

So that's been my day...

Great - can't wait to hear how the wedding went...

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Julie so glad you've got some results. Everyone else, I've skimmed your posts. Was at work till 8 tonight. P/T conferences and I had my parent involvement session complete with special speaker and food. I am aching and tired. Scrubbed some tables. Now my neck is killing me. I really am not supposed to clean. My husband gave me a neck massage that helped. Going to bed now. I use heating pad on my neck because my muscles can get so sore.

Scrubbing puts pressure on the neck and can put me in pain for days. So I'm going to bed now with some meds and will hope that by morning I feel better.


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Cheri - Yes, hope you feel better in the morning.

Julie - so excited that you are on your way to better.

Janet - how wonderful - no more readers. I wasn't able to adjust to contacts, so it's glasses for me. Only need them to read - not for distance. But with cell phones, we constantly need to be able to read.


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Mornin' Chickies...

Cheri...sounds like you over-did it. Hope you are feeling better this morning. Take care and rest up.

Not much to add...just wanted to say Good Morning. Had a good day yesterday. Weeded through some closets and got switched over to spring clothes....now we just need spring. I'll be making trips to the basement just to get my daily clothes. Even have some to take to Salavation Army. They say if you do not wear them in a year's time...time to go. So, I parted with them. Some brand new...called trial and error.

Waiting for DH to get up so we can have our Breakfast together. Well, I already cheated cuz I've been up for a couple of hours. Had my oatmeal and will eat with him again. Also, was up at 3am and had a cup of greek yogurt. Next will be a Protein Bar.

I'm off and running again today. Want to drop things off at S.A. and then a little shopping (organizing shelves) and then to the bridal shower. Little bride to be has a 2 month old that I have not seen yet so this fake grandma is all excited.

Janet...good going on the contacts. I need my readers and have since 1988. Not for distance...just reading. They are a fixture on top of my head. I feel naked without them up there. Hope your eyes adjust to them and they are a breeze for you to wear. If someone asked me if I had a phobia...my answer would be putting something in my eyes. Couldn't do it.

You all have a good one! Later.

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Good Morning Gang


I didn't have any problems adjusting yesterday - I have a slight distant problem not much - mostly just the reading and my left eye is the worse - I wore them for 5 hrs yesterday suppose to wear them longer today - I think I might need a little stronger in the one eye as I can read in bright light w/them but not in normal - but the real test will be work. I go back on Thursday to retest them..

Karen - like you my readers are always on top of my head or stuck in the from of my blouse and I hear you of feeling naked without them - last night when I was preparing dinner - I kept thinking something was missing - but I hate having to always throw them on - I have my readers on now - cuz it's to early to put the contacts in - not awake enough - so I guess for times like these I still will have to have my readers.

I don't have a problem sticking them in and taking them out wasn't a biggie either.. I really think I am going to enjoy them and why didn't I do it sooner ;0) - Now just need the face lift ;0) and I will look 10 yrs younger..

Julie - we didn't think it was in your head (pain) am glad they confirmed what we knew - now we just gotta get it fixed..

Great - How was the wedding...

Charlene - I had my pt shake last night after dinner - I gotta say for me it really fills me up - that one can makes 1 LARGE shake after I add the ice - had it then went to bed and slept like a baby -

food yesterday - popcorn (left over) 2 lamb chops and shake..

Well need to get dressed in a few - you know it's Saturday morning and it's gym time...

Plans today - don't really have any - really need to go ck bro's house but dreading that - so we will see what I do - never made it to Stein Mart or Shoes for less so may do that..

CB after gym - Happy Saturday Peeps

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Good morning sunshines~

Finally, starting to feel a little better. Golly gee this was a tough week. Only regret, wish I had gotten a tiny bit more of an unfill. yep, I am still gurgling and I am still on liquids! I decided to give it one more day, since I am kind of on a roll. Last night I had a moment of weakness and ate 5 of those mini ritz crackers with cheese in them (whole packet is 140 cal, has 15 crackers in it)- and they gave me the WORST heartburn and cough. So, am feeling that my whole system is just irritated and messed up. As Apples said- it can take days to calm down. urrrgghhh! Still have the diarrhea, had 5 immodium yest. and the max is supposed to be 4! I am wondering if I have norovirus or something from the Thai food I had on Tuesday (which is when this whole thing started). Gross to think about fecal contamination.

I am supposed to take Nelson to a birthday party today. I think I will load up on the immodium and go. :)

Apples~WTG on the closets. I miss doing that. Here in FL it's usually just two seasons summer/a few warm things. Although this year it has been unseasonably cold. But changes day to day that there is no time to switch closets. Have a good day with your fake GD.

Janet~ hugs on the bros house. I can only imagine how tough that is. congrats on the contacts. I remember when I went from glasses (for distance) to contacts- it changed my life.

Linda~I am just so proud of you and your progress. You are such an inspiration. Glad to see you back and posting more.

Great~How you doing girl?! We are all thinking of you!

Julie~ Glad you got some answers. Now, plan B and we can at least feel in control again!

Arlene~ I hear ya girl! Liquids are tough! You are doing great! Hang in there!

Cheri~ sorry to hear about your neck pain. Feel better soon. Stop cleaning!

Whoever else I missed.. sorry. : ) Time to get on with my day!

Peasout... Laura

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Laura...did you have a fever at all this week? If not, you are probably right...something you ate. Give your stomach a few days here and really watch what you eat. Maybe stay on liquid/very soft for a period of time. You are maybe irritated and swollen from what you have been through. Even with having the kidney stone last weekend, I was tight all week and still am. I have more or less babied my band all week. Don't like to tax it when it is already swollen.

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Thanks for answering. Yesterday was much better. I tried the chicken again, but had to smother with barbeque sauce(not so great because it has sugar). I will try the hot liquid. I know if my drink is really cold it kills me, room temp goes down much better. And it is the first bite thats worse. I'm going to have fish tonight. That should be ok...I'll give it a few more days then call the doctor if it persists.


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Good morning! I only have a few minutes, I have 20+ family members coming for a wedding brunch and DD and her DH (seems funny to say that) are coming to open wedding gifts. Everything was PERFECT last night. It was the most beautiful wedding if I do say so myself. So many people said it was the most beautiful and fun wedding they've ever been to. DD said it was her dream wedding. And I got so many comments on my MOB dress and how I looked. I felt like a princess myself! Only thing that went wrong was it was 5pm and the DJ still wasn't there. And so many folks weren't there yet. Come to find out there was a huge traffic jam on the freeway, we ended up delaying the wedding til 6pm. Know what delayed everyone? A loose horse on the freeway! :) DBIL and some S Dakota relatives got there just as the vows were being said. I will post pics when I get some, but thanks for all the well wishes!!

Apples, I already have my MOB dress LOL 15 MOB's that is funny.

Linda, I am the oldest of 3 daughters. Both my sisters can do no wrong! After all they work hard! LOL

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Learned my lesson. God doesn't want me to clean. At least not scrub. Vacuuming does the same thing to my neck. So does heavy duty sweeping. Not that I ever liked doing those chores, but when you see something dirty...

I do the light dusting and the kitchen counters. My husband does most of the heavy duty cleaning for me at home but he just doesn't do it well or frequently enough. Now that he's working I don't care but when he was home? I've really trained myself not to look.

Yesterday, for my parent involvement seminars, the janitors hauled out two long "white" tables but they were stained and dirty. I had to use scrubbing gel with bleach and scrub hard to get them clean.

With my neck in a more than usual fragile condition ever since my fall, it was just too much. When you do that kind of scrubbing you put pressure into it that comes all the way from your neck.

I've been on the computer at work more than usual and I have to keep my arms lifted and can't pull the keyboard onto my lap. I also have to crane my neck to see the keyboard. That's been irritating my neck as well. Hopefully, next week that project will be finished.

Its really making exercise walking a struggle because its almost impossible to not do some arm swinging. So I'm limiting my exercise and hoping my neck flare-up dies down. Then I'll have to slowly rebuild.

Fortunately, I don't grade papers at night or have to record them or create worksheets or major lesson plans. If I did that I'd probably have to quit teaching. My assistant does all of my paperwork required by No Child Left Behind. The students move aroun me in a circle to get their wkbk pp checked as they finish them so I'm constantly looking up and reteaching right while they're next to me rather than looking down at one paper after the other.

I've really designed my job to accommodate my neck. I don't think I'd ever be able to teach in another type of classroom. That's why holding on to this job is so important. I'm not sure what other kind of job I could do either.

The only reason I can type right now is because I'm home with my feet propped up, my neck supported by pillows just so, and my laptop balanced at just the right angle to not hurt it. My arms aren't lifted at all, they're squeezed against my body and supported by the chair arms. Only my wrists and fingers are moving, and even my wrists are propped on the laptop.

Anyone know of a job that would allow me to do that? But I'd undoubtedly get bored if I had to do it all day long. Especially with my ADHD.

I was interviewed (video-taped) for a promotional video for a counseling organization I work with through my job, and I went to their big fund-raising dinner and saw myself give my two line statement. I looked thin! It's still hard to believe but I had the evidence right in front of my eyes. I only took up part of the chair!

I really need to have my husband take another picture of me so I'll have a current one to post.

Have a great weekend. I've got a 30% coupon for Kohls and might go there. I'm taking care of my grandaughter this afternoon and evening and looking forward to that!.

Easter egg hunt this afternoon!


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Morning all, this is just a quickie -- to say hi. Lori, so glad the wedding went so well, we all knew it would and that it would be beautiful. Glad you also got compliments and felt like a princess - you deserve it -- hope your sisters were nearby and hearing all the compliments!! Sorry about the horse, honestly, this world can be so crazy, can't it. Have fun in Hawaii (one of my most favorite places -- will be thinking of you on the beach next week).

Julie, so glad your MRI is over and you have some results at last -- now they can get busy on fixing the problem. Your insurance company should be so ashamed to make you suffer like you have.

Laura, hope you are feeling better, sorry you had to go through all of that. Just makes me even more determined to keep my willpower at maximum as I never want to get that tight. Sorry you had to suffer so much.

Cheri, hope you're doing better today.

Janet wtg on the contacts. I've worn glasses since 5th grade - so need more than readers -- had contacts when young but gave them up years ago. Sometimes think about getting them again, especially when I clean my glasses about 40 times a day. I hate dirty glasses!

to everyone else - have a great weekend -- I'll be back on Monday. gotta run.


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Lori - Glad everything went well even w/the time delay - I bet you looked wonderful !!!

Cheri - Ya have dh clean ;0)

Linda - where you off to - forgot..

Laura - Glad you are feeling a tad better - like you 2 season cool/cold & hot

Aleaha- Glad you are doing better - just make sure that first bite is tiny and chewed well and eat very very slowly..

Well back from the gym and then took the puppy for a short walk w/a little jogging (very little) - now gotta go throw a load of towels in the wash..


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