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Apples - you are the second bander who has mentioned 4 months as the "magic" - my mind gets it - time range.

I have not tried chicken yet - Protein sources for me have been mainly fish and eggs and string cheese.< /span>

LauraK - sending a hello and thanks for your input.

Julie - anxious to hear about the MRI results next Wednesday.

Sending hugs to all.


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Apples - you are the second bander who has mentioned 4 months as the "magic" - my mind gets it - time range.

I have not tried chicken yet - Protein sources for me have been mainly fish and eggs and string cheese.< /span>

LauraK - sending a hello and thanks for your input.

Julie - anxious to hear about the MRI results next Wednesday.

Sending hugs to all.


Joyce...there are sooooooooo many ways to get your protein in. And, it doesn't always have to be at meal time. Just test the waters with them the first time you try them. Go slow and wait a good amount of time b/4 another bite. Here are some that I have always relied on and enjoy:

Cottage Cheese (the LF or FF are actually really good)

Greek Yogurt

Beef Jerky

Roasted Soy Nuts

Dried Edemame

Steamed Edemame

Tuna or Chicken salad made with mayo (watch your mayo cals but you can use the real mayo or FF)

High Protein/High Fiber Cereal (Kashi 13 gr and Fiber One)

Deviled and hard boiled, scrambled eggs and omelettes

Turkey Breakfast sausage

Just a few things you might want to add to your grocery list

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Tweeter update :0)

Showered - face on - just have to get dressed and dry hair :0)

Charlene - How are you doing - thinking about you today and all your shakes - I am going to have one before I leave the house - need my pt to go shopping ;0)

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Hi to all,

First of all--the people that are dealing with MIL issues--detach with love. There ARE people that are toxic to us and no, we don't have to like everyone. I have found that these people are usually angry people, fearful people who grab control because they feel OUT of control with their lives.

Psychology 101. Send me my $135 fee, please.

Julie--good luck with that MRI--I hope they read it and say, "Ohhhh, THAT's what's wrong. We can fix that!" And prayers going out for Mimi, Baby Girl.

I went to a support group last night that I hadn't been to before. Just a good refresher class. The leader seemed very knowledgeable. I may make an appt to see her. I didn't get a lot of food info from my doc's practice.

Anyway, most of the people there were gastric bypass people. And the number 1 food that gives trouble is---chicken!

Laura, I hope your situation settles down real soon...pain is no fun.

I am going to the East Coast of FL to see my mom tomorrow for a few days. She fell last week--she's more scared than hurt--and I just want to see her.

OK--here is a synopsis of the entire Jewish history:

1. They wanted to kill us.

2. We won.

3. Let's eat.

xoxox to all--Judy

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Watch survivor from last nite - I love Boston Rob - always have and always will - Like/Hate Russell to - but Boston Rob my fave

Eva - Thanks GF - I guess it's cuz we have all the same struggles so we understand and need to have some help at time - that's one of the reasons we are all here isn't it..

You sure got your exercise - I hate unconnecting computers and rehooking them up - I am too impatience -

Well tribal is on - gotta go watch to see who gets booted tonite or should I say last night..

oh I just wasn't too hungry i think it was the exercise - did alot of crunches :tt1:)

I just finished watching Survivor from this week over my lunch hour -- ya gotta admit it's interesting, very interesting.


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Apples - you are the second bander who has mentioned 4 months as the "magic" - my mind gets it - time range.

I have not tried chicken yet - Protein sources for me have been mainly fish and eggs and string cheese.< /span>

LauraK - sending a hello and thanks for your input.

Julie - anxious to hear about the MRI results next Wednesday.

Sending hugs to all.


Joyce, the first few months I was banded I pretty much stuck to eating mostly eggs and fish baked -- I also learned how to make some pretty tasty salmon patties that were low fat and stayed nice and moist when I baked them. If you like fish I recommend trying fish -- I rinse the fish and season it a little and roll it in a little seasoned fish fry (cornmeal) and put it on a sprayed baking dish -- bake it at 400 degrees until done - usually less than 10 mins if fish is thin. I also ate canned tuna and canned chicken -- mixed with a little light mayo -- I don't think I even tried a real piece of chicken until about month 3 or 4 -- my doctor had me on 2 weeks of liquids, 2 weeks of pureed, 2 weeks of mushies -- so all in all I was 8 weeks (2 weeks liquid diet before surgery and then 6 weeks after) of very little "real" food and I lived to tell the story. LOL. One thing that truly helped me for some reason was that the nutritionist at my surgeon's office wrote the following at the top of our nutritional information sheet "Carbs are NOT required for a balanced diet!!!!!!" And for some reason that helped me get it through my thick head that I could eat a meal that did not include potatoes, rice, etc. I very seldom eat carbs -- just very occasionally -- the only carbs I eat are fruit and whatever carbs I get in like the corn meal, cereal, oatmeal, etc. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in to the discussion. I was extremely careful about what I ate after surgery as my surgeon and his office were pretty scary in discussing what problems it could cause, so I guess they scared me enough that I was afraid to eat anything that they didn't allow me to. Congrats on your weight loss, you're doing great.


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Stoma spasms, gas, and other gross stuff.

I have had it where I cautiously eat a meal and a half an hour or hour later I'm in pain and feel very full. But I think that's gas, which I'm so glad might go away soon per/Apples. I had my surgery in June and I'm constantly surprised by gas. I stand up with no clue and fart right in front of God and everybody.

Sometimes I laugh and sometimes I pretend I didn't hear it and go right on talking or teaching.

My motto has become Feel Free to Fart Frequently.

Corn and grapes. Interesting. If they haven't been well-chewed, those are two things that will come out intact in baby poop. Almost feel like boiling them and and reusing them. (Gross, I know.) But I can see them both plugging the stoma.

Great, My exMIL used to cut out newpaper articles and give them to me about various things or say things like, "Wouldn't you rather have..." Indirect and highly manipulative and just as instrusive. So I'm trying to be less and less like that myself, either directly interfering or indirectly.

Julie, so happy about the MRI. I remember when I first saw mine and the Dr. showed me the herniated discs and I finally could put a finger on the source of my pain. I cried from relief, anger at all the ineffective therapies I went through, fear over what my future would hold, how well would I function, how much pain did my future hold, could it be fixed or alleviated, etc.

I still struggle, but the neurosurgeon gave me good advice and performed effective surgery. He wouldn't fuse me, saying it would start a cascade of problems and limit my mobility because the two discs were separated by a good disc that would go bad if the others were fused.

Instead, he spent 6 hours cutting out bone that allowed the spinal column to widen, creating more room for the cord and allowing the discs to retract. I had spinal stenosis (narrowing of the column with points pressing into the cord), compressed, herniated discs, and spurs poking and compressing the nerve bundle leading to my right shoulder and down my arm.

My neck is a little weak, and falls can reaggravate the discs, but there is more and more evidence that fusions and partial discectomies only work for a small percent of people. I'd been in increasing pain for more than a year and had been through every therapy. They couldn't even get an epidural into my spinal column, which is a highly effective therapy, because my bones were so compressed they wouldn't let the needle through.

My advice is make sure you see a top neurosurgeon (big city, teaching hospital, top specialist) and not just an orthopedic. Orthos are quick to fuse and its often not the best answer.

Doing good with food. Hanging right around 166 #'s. One of my students told me I don't need to lose any more weight, I'm skinny enough.


Cheri, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm 14 months out and I still have that gas (farting) problem -- some times it's a bit better than others but most of the time it's just as bad as it ever was -- I've heard other people say they never had the problem at all -- so I think we are just "blessed" with that problem. Hope it gets better for you.


Edited by ljv52

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Meredith!! Welcome back, you have been so missed. I am glad you are resolving to check in more regularly. It helps so much with the journey.

Julie, I am so glad for you to get that MRI, I hope they find what it is causing the pain and that it's not too serious, something easily remedied.

Wow, are we getting a snowstorm. I am so ticked at my sisters. My folks finally got on a flight this afternoon, with the connection in Atlanta they are due in here at 11pm. They are staying at my sisters and they were to pick them up. Well they didn't want to drive in the storm and told my folks they had to spend the night in the airport after they land (there are no hotel rooms available). So DH offered to pick them up, when I told DD about it she said she and DF will be going by that way tonight anyway and they'd get them. They will bring them to my house and sleep in DD's bed she will sleep on the couch and then somehow they'll get to my sister's tomorrow. I knew all day long they were hinting to me to pick them up and bring them to their place. Why is it that I always get the hard stuff?? I get all the work, my sisters get all the praise and when it comes to holidays and special occassions they get all fun stuff too. Okay just venting. Guess I won't have family around in a month or two when I move and then I will maybe miss them??? that might take a few months though. LOL


I hope I'm not being too terribly blunt, but your sisters are two of the most selfish, spoiled brats I've ever heard of. How could they do that to you especially during this week of you and your DD preparing for the wedding. I'm just appalled at their inappropriate behavior! I'm appalled that your mother won't see this as bad behavior in them also. I don't remember, are you the middle child? Just curious. I know you're busy today with the wedding, but wanted to respond to the posts as I see them so I don't forget. Thinking of you today!


Edited by ljv52

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Thanks everyone for letting me vent. All of you are such an encouragement. I miss yall when I get busy and don't check in.

My fill today went well. I only lost a total of 4 pounds the past 3 weeks. I really have lost alot more than that but I keep gaining back. Like I said last week totaled a 7 pound loss alone. It is just swinging right now. My doc handled it decently. He had 2 other surgeons come in with him who are considering learning to do the procedure. He explained alot to me for their benefit and mine. Basically we all slip but we gotta keep at it. I also got another 100 dollars from the lapband study I joined. Really came at a good time.

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Julie, so happy for you that you are getting that MRI. It's about time they let you find out what's wrong.

Apples, have a great trip have for shopping.

Wow, I would love to go see Lady Gaga. I just put a song of hers on my ipod. Love the fun beat of her songs, makes you move when out walking.

A new girl at Zumba last night had this watch looking thing on her arm, but come to find out it measured her heart rate and even told her how many calories she burned. She said "wow didn't think zumba would be this good of a work out". said she burn over 600 cal in that hour.

Well need to get to work, have a great day all.

Laura K

LauraK, not sure if you're aware of this, but you burn different calories for the same exercise as you lose weight -- i.e, when I first started exercising, I'd burn almost 900 calories for a 5 miles walk and now I only burn about 450 for the same exercise. That's why we sometimes have to increase our exercise as we lose -- or at least increase the intensity if not the length. So unfortunately what your friend burned may or may not reflect what you are burning for the same exercise.


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Hi everybody, I'm sick..... I feel like crap from this cold.... DH went to work at 8:00 so I was alone with Mimi and I was so drousy... Of course she took full advantage of the situation to get into things.... But we made it til 9:45 when her mother came to get her and took her to work for the rest of the day.. I immediatley settled in for a nap... Haven't even dressed... I did watach Y & R for and hour and then took more pills... The pain is bad right now... BUT.

Doctor just called with results.... There is definitely a problem in my neck.... he mentioned multiple things... bulged discs and whatever... I see him on Wednesday so he said we could talk better then.... So, at least they found something.... Cheri, I'm not crying, but I am releived to know I'm not hallucinating this pain....

Sorry, no energy to write more, but do wish I was a mouse in the corner in Colorado right about now... I hope our Mother of the Bride is in her glory...... like Queen for the Day...... Can't wait to hear from her...

Bye you guys... love you all............ thanks for hanging in there with me...... I don't suppose I'm done yet, but at least I can get a plan now..... Hugs to all..... Julie

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Tweeter update :0)

Showered - face on - just have to get dressed and dry hair :0)

Charlene - How are you doing - thinking about you today and all your shakes - I am going to have one before I leave the house - need my pt to go shopping ;0)

Girl, I won't lie........it's tough. I am not weighing till next Wednesday, but I am sure I am down a few. I am definitely a food addict. Through this I am learning alot about myself. I do have some restriction.....so that helps. I can have a cup of lettuce and 4oz of chicken once in awhile. Yesterday I was out shopping and I ate about a half a cup of lettuce and a few bites of chicken and I was full. So, if you want to tighten up just go on shakes for a couple of days.

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Oh girls, how I really have missed you!

Lori~ Girl, tell them how it is! It sounds like they take advantage and walk all over you. Saying "no" is such a good thing. Sometimes it makes people step back a bit and realize.

Laura~ Hope you are doing better. There is nothing cute about the stomach flu. Hugs.

Apples~ I called the dr this morning after not being able to drink my boost for breakfast and almost passing out at aerobics from being malnourished for 2 days. Apparently the receptionist didn't think that it was the urgent and gave me an appointment for NEXT Wednesday! I would like her to feel like this for about 10 minutes! So I then called the gal that is in charge of bariatrics. Miraculously she was able to get me in at 11 today! Thank goodness because my throat was burning so badly from the acid (and everything else) coming up. SO, the doc took half out of what he put in, but now I'm still not restricted enough again. Hmmmm. I'm playing that .1 cc at a time game apparently.

Janet~ I have missed all of you so much! Sorry.

Melissa~ Hang in there with the work stuff. I'm glad to be back.

Julie~ Good new about the MRI business! You've been waiting on this for awhile! So happy to be with you girls again.

Ok, I need some rest, but first I have to make Andrews lunch for work. He got a JOB!!!!! Yipee!!! I think that this is his 3rd or 4th week. Not making as much as he used to, but its a job, and its better than unemployment. Plus, health benefits! We're talking about getting engaged soon. We'll see, I'm in NO rush! Everything is great just the way it is.

Good night all.

Love you.


Meredith, so great to see you back on here again. Congrats on the house, weight loss, soon to be engagement. Maybe one of our get togethers some year could be your wedding?? I can see us now taking you out for your bridal "bachelor's" party. Glad you aren't in any hurry -- you and Andrew have the rest of your lives. Glad you're doing so well.

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Meredith, so great to see you back on here again. Congrats on the house, weight loss, soon to be engagement. Maybe one of our get togethers some year could be your wedding?? I can see us now taking you out for your bridal "bachelor's" party. Glad you aren't in any hurry -- you and Andrew have the rest of your lives. Glad you're doing so well.

I can see it now....15 MOB's!:tt1:

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Girl, I won't lie........it's tough. I am not weighing till next Wednesday, but I am sure I am down a few. I am definitely a food addict. Through this I am learning alot about myself. I do have some restriction.....so that helps. I can have a cup of lettuce and 4oz of chicken once in awhile. Yesterday I was out shopping and I ate about a half a cup of lettuce and a few bites of chicken and I was full. So, if you want to tighten up just go on shakes for a couple of days.

Sounds like your plan is working for you, Arlene. And, I see nothing wrong with a few days of shakes/liquids to get a person back on track. Good for you! I love to see when one of us has happy news like this.:tt1:

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