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Hi all...hope everyone is having a great week. I wanted to wish you a great day tomorrow and

A wonderful wedding celebration!!! Its a wonderful time for a wedding.....just turning spring!! Enjoy it all the wedding the wedding brunch and all the celebrations..it should go without a hitch!!

Ive had an enormously buisy week but.....the real fun starts tomorrow. I need to Kosher the kitchen.....god I hate this part....I have to turn the gas stove on the highest....for two hours!! The stove top needs to be turned on each one for 15 minutes with a pot of Water on it...hmmm why i dont know!!

but that is what the rabbi says so that is what I shall do. Every surface is cleaned and covered...all the appliances have been put away. The apt has been cleaned top to bottom...that only took three days and two cleaning people at about 12 hours a day. Yes three days and two people! Glad I wasnt the one doing it! lol

This being banded at the most inoppertune (spelling?) time March 9th...really worked out to my benefit...no one looked at me crossly when I said Im having two cleaning people come for a week to clean and prepare the house...because after all Ive just had surgery and I cant lift anything over 8llbs and that included a spray bottle and paper towel role. lol. Not really but it is hard work...and getting ready the way it should...does take a long time and its heavy work...moving the furniture....and cabinets, fridge..changing dishes and pots and pans etc etc its hard work. Its costing me a fortune...but oh so worth it!!!

There is a joke about passover that really has truth to it.....

"If this is truly the holiday for freedom and we are celebrating that freedom how is it tht we work like slaves again to get ready right before it"?

Well as I said, tomorrow I am going to do kashering, shopping and starting to cook. We are going out for the first night seder across the street....and the second night...my sister and brother and all their families are coming over....and a boyfriend of someone and my sisters husbands sister...oh and well...who knows the dogs might come again as well!!! So there will be 12 in all....and to tell the truth...I dont have space for 12 but 12 is coming so we will figure it out!!! lol

Im going to make...the traditional seder....chicken Soup, kefilta fish, pot roast, roast chicken, sweet and sour meetballs, juliene vegetables, sweet potato and prune tzimis and fruit compote and kiwi ices for desert. Way too much but after cooking all this I figure...ill have food for the full eight days.

Julie, I hope that all goes well tomorrow. Fingers crossed...and sending prayers and good thoughts.

Janet, Ive got to try these premaid pt drimks cause well....I just hate these powder pts that you make your own shakes. I hate them hate them!!

I tried Muscle milk....I saw it at gas station while getting gas and said...oh someone said they like this..not sure who.....I wasnt too happy about all the artificial stuff and the total carbs adding to 10g however....Im willing to try anything else that has Protein.< /em>

YUCH. Took one sip and just couldnt....Must go tomorrow to try your idea. Thanks will let you know how that works....lol

By the way.....what is a furlough day?? Im sory to be so illiterate about these things.....but was wondering...and I know you mentioned that you have this coming to you several times...and im not sure to congratulate you or to say Im sorry I feel for you!

Let me know! lol

Jessica, you are right to be concerned about the Karate school. If your son is not happy and refuses to go without you and is scared that he is going to get hurt...hell who is more important him or the damn director???

I removed my daughter from a school when she was in the first grade because the teacher was making demands that were too big for my daughter and when it came to a head one day...and the teacher embarrassed her and sent her out the room to stand in the hallway..which was unsafe...I was up at that school and demanding a meeting...and gave this teacher what she never heard before for sure....and then proceeded to sign my daughter out of that school that day...no questions about it. I dont care what the situation is......three reasons to take a child out of a school or any program or environment. First is safety....if your child is not safe you remove him if you feel the situation is not appropriate, or he/she is being hurt. Second, your child is being abused WELL THIS should be first....and the third is your chid is being embarrased, bullied or teased.

If the above isnt remedied after youve seen or heard anything of the above and discussed it with the director/principal person in charge...not only would I remove my child but in certain instances where your child has sustained emotional or physical injury Id press charges!!!

Bottom line....trust your instincts and listen to your child. If he/she refuses to go somewhere without you and you see its because hes being hurt or even if you dont see it....its a sign that something isnt right....and you need to change that environment even if youve paid for time or the time put into the school or activity.

You had said you planned on moving anyway. Is is possible to change his karate school to another one? Im not sure where you said you live...there might not be another one.....here in NY there are a dime a dozen however...outside NY it might not be easy..but its not worth the emotional trauma that your child might endure if you keep them in an unsafe place...it sounds like you are right about this....you and your son arent being protected at all and its a free for all. That isnt what a good Karate school should be allowing. I only know this because my daughter goes to one...and if the instructors see anyone doing or saying anything to another child like you describe they would be thrown out of the school....loose a belt color no ifs and or buts.....there is also three instructors for every childrens class.

Karate should be fun and enjoyable besides teaching self defense. honor, respect and self control. If your childs school does not teach the above maybe you need find a school that does.

This is the teacher to parent speaking now....this is what I would recommend to a parent I was working with.

Hope it works out well.....

Sounds like you are on your way to your apt. yea!!! Isnt going to thrift shops and garage sales the best to find what you want?? Every Sunday comes spring/summer we go what I call "garage sailing" and I find the greatest things.....unfortunately I dont have room in this apt that I have now for anything else....I have to declutter and its not easy...cause when I see that garage sale sign....I go crazy and must stop. lol

I used to go to a bungallow colony every summer up till 2 yrs ago and everything I owned in that bungallow was either from thrift stores or garage sales...and oh I loved my bungallow..I miss it. It was a real cottage and I loved filling it with all the great items...most not needed...lol

good luck finding things you love to fill your new home!

I agree, you dont have unlimited time...your in school during the week. Your husband works. You have a son.

You have only weekends and only a few till you move...you are right you shouldnt have to move furniture for you inlaws esp if its not necessary at this time....but well...they are your inlaws and until you actually are in your apt...your still in theirs so...your in between a rock and a hard place. Wouldnt want to be you at this time....what a real pain, but there isnt anything you can do..if your husband isnt going to say anything so maybe you can go on your own or with a friend to look around while he moves the furniture without you?? Im sorry they are making things so difficult for you!!!

If it was me....id be like screw that..but thats why im divorced! lol so dont do what I would maybe!

Have fun doing what ever you end up doing!!

Laura, im so sorry..you still are feeling so bad. Yes, good that your husband is able to give you what you need!!! Hope you feel better soon.

Linda, thanks for thinking my posts are funny...im not really trying to be funny..but its nice to know that people at least like them enough to read them....after all it does take a long time to post! lol I aim to please sometimes I do and lots of times I might not! I enjoy reading all the posts as well. I really enjoy everyone and Ive learned so much from all of you and really appreciate you all listening and responding!

Joyce, I hear you about not ready to make mistakes..I keep waiting for that stuck feeling that everyone talks about ...and the sliming?? not looking forward to that feeling. PBing?? oh no....its bad enough I have gas now...that sometimes I have. My daughter is freaking out with all the gas that ive let out over the first 2 weeks for sure. lol

Youve been banded a month ahead so...Ive been watching your posts closely as im following alot of your experiences...and cheering for you!!

well must be going to sleep now...so nighters all...have a great weekend....and again

greattobethin you have a great time.....and enjoy that wedding!!!


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WOW that was some long post....I hope I didnt bore anyone to death...sorry about that...Ill try to make my posts shorter in the future....

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Hey gals, I had my MRI today.. was a snap, almost fell asleep... Won't get results til next Wednesday when I see the doc..... the pain is bad right now.. has been most of the day, which is out of the ordinary... Usually only at night...like now..... Just won't let up.. I've already done my second pain pill..... I just got out of the hot bath and put on more cream... it's tingling pretty well right now, so maybe it will let up again soon...

Mimi is sleeping over as DD had a date tonight.. this is not something that happens often.. She met someone on Match.com and they seem to like each other, but this is there first face to face... He has a 2 year old also, and this was his night to not be in charge of her.. Hope they had fun.... Would like to see her just be happy to be with someone again.... Says he is tall and skinny... I just want her to be happy..

Jessica, you stick to your guns... That MIL of yours is a case.... Pretty selfish... She needs a swift kick in the butt.... Don't worry about your weight right now... Just do what you have to do and then settle into your new life... Glad you were able to post, I was missing you..... Hope you get the TKD thing figured out so DS can be happy about things again...

Jodi, I still don't really understand why you have to kosher your house... what is that about????

Laura, sorry you are still sick.. I am, too.... bad cold... Which just makes this pain that much more untolerable... Tell Nael happy birthday... You all have birthdays so close together... the a long stretch without any.......

Mimi was to the doc today, too.... She has to have surgery on april 8th... ENT guy says she has solid walls of gunk in her ears.. They are not infected right now, but they are most likely the reason why her speach is a bit slow for her age.. He said she hears like she is under water.... She needs to have tubes and to remove her ahdnoids...(sp).... While they have her out another doc will remove a small fatty cyst from the corner of her eye.... Get it all done with one anesthetic.... So DD is spazing out about it... She is such a worry wart.... But it was good to get an answer...

Apples, glad you enjoyed your time away... You always find something on sale somewhere... I'm never that lucky....

Janet, enjoy your long weekend... I'm planning to veg out over mine... I'm so tired and worn out from all this... Just can't wait for Wednesday to find out what's what and start treating it properly....

I read all the posts, but can't remember much more to comment on.. Think my pills are kicking in finally cuz I'm about falling asleep at the wheel here... Better go sleep when I can.... Love to all.............. Julie

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Linda, Yes I'm still trying to quit smoking. I wear a patch all day long. I just can't make myself quit yet. I know it is out of bordom, I smoke at night and in the morning. It takes up time. Glad to see you post again.

Jodi, I too love your posts, they are funny as I have said before & I'm learning about being jewish.

What is tzmis?

Julie, I have noticed with my DD about the speech issues. She is hearing impaired & wears 2 hearing aids. I know quite a few hearing impaired/ deaf people and it is something you can pick up just hearing even when you don't see aid or cocular implant. It will improve as they get the issues corrected. Fingers crossed for you on next Wed & results of MRI.

Janet, have a good day off.

Apples, you must be in shock by not finding more bargins. You are the queen of shopping for deals.

Hey Joyce, Eva, Phyl, Laura

Laura K

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I dont think i have any prefill. I was told by the PA I should be on all solid by now, not Protein Shakes. Riccotto cheese is fine-scambled egg is fine (1) As soon as I eat chicken (thigh with stewed tomatoes for juice) I eat like one bite and it kind of hurts. I chew this till there is hardly any think to swallow. String cheese is fine. Unseasoned chili is ok. Liverwurst is ok. I would say if it was just from meats I'm only taking in 20-25 gms Protein. Last night the chicken had me vomiting for two hours...alot of mucous (sorry)

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Oh Indigo-also I am almost immediately full, but i know i have to eat


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Mornin' All,

Sun is shining but still only 21 degrees and windy once again. The high yesterday was a measly 27. Just the sun shining makes a person a little more chipper though.

Jodi....you make me want to convert. I sure wish I was Jewish and I could get someone to kosher up my kitchen. I would have no problem with the cooking for everyone. But, to get that kitchen totally spit shined must feel so good. And, good for you not feeling like you had to do it all yourself. Way to take care of yourself! So interesting listening to your traditions. Do you find that most kosher the kitchen the way you do? Good luck with all your preparations and enjoy your time with family.

I get you on the taste of Protein Drinks. I can pick up that smell no matter what. Next time I am out shopping, I'm going to look for the pre-made that Janet talked about. I have never been a Protein Drink person, but do like smoothies in the summer.

Julie...DD's being a mom. We all have our worries with our children...especially when we hear they need surgery. She's lucky she has you to calm her fears and help her out the way you do. Hope her date was fun and that this person is someone she wants to spend more time with. Sounds like they have something in common with both having little ones.

Anxious to hear your results from your MRI. We've been here holding your hand along the way....because we love you....and we want answers and relief for you.

Great...the big day is here. Enjoy!

Joyce...I think we all go through a period of time where we mourn the loss of our favorite foods. As time goes on, you will be able to reintroduce certain foods and test the waters. I cannot tell you for sure when it happened but at a certain point I just settled in and forgot about things I could not have. It's like I lost my love for certain things and picked up a new love for healthy foods that I can tolerate. It will come. I undestand the struggle to begin with though. The unknown of what you will be able to eat...it WILL get easier. If I had to put a time line on how long it took me to no longer greive for food, I would say it was about 4 months to settle in and accepting that this was now my life and to just put certain foods out of my mind.

Hi LauraK. Are you having two-faced weather too? Nice one day, crappy the next. Ours will come around. Our springs are really iffy.

Janet...made your shrimp cocktail recipe last night. Loved it and so did DH and DS. Thanks for sharing it. Enjoy your day off of work. Sounds like you will be running your share of errands though. I plan on finally getting back to getting my closets done. Today is the day. Have some drawers and amoir to organize also. I enjoy doing it but other things just get in the way.

Hey Eva...my DH always says that (price unseen) I walk to the most expensive item in the store when shopping for something special. Like it's calling my name. Not sure what that is cuz I'm not one that NEEDS the name brands. I guess I look for quality and that's what draws me to it. And, when you find something that you really like, the extra $$$$ are worth it. Go get that chair!

And, yes, as Janet said, you got your exercise just changing around your office yesterday. I, also, have no patience when it comes to moving/hooking up computers. I was the main person in my last job to do things like that and just drove me nuts.

Good going on the big shirts. I knew I needed to do something when my friends were making comments about me needing to go shopping.

Well, better get my butt in gear. Want to accomplish lots today. Not much planned for the weekend. A wedding shower for my friend's future DIL. Pampered Chef book party. I am sure there will be a few things I will pick up for myself. DH asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner tonight. Turned him down. Too cold. Tired of the cold and much colder in the evening. Would rather cook than deal with it.

You all have a great day!

Edited by Apples2

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Apples, Yep two-faced weather going on here. We have been any where from high 60's down to 20's. This tests my patience.... I want spring. My flowers are coming up so it is suppossed to be spring.

Laura K

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Linda, Hi! And thanks for the encouragement...I'm still doing zumba. Going to a class this afternoon, as a matter of fact. Haven't lost a pound though, cause I'm still in my eating frenzy. I can't seem to stop snacking at night! I have noticed that I'm losing some inches though, probably from the zumba.

I took off the day to do our taxes (I use TurboTax) and it's nice that it's so sunny, but cold, out. I'll probably want to procrastinate on the taxes and get out there and work in the garden. Here in Indiana the daffodils are already out and my magnolia is getting ready to burst into bloom. You never know if it's going to get nipped by frost though. The damnable deer (and I live right in town) have already been through the garden eating the daylily foliage and some other things. I'm going to invest in some deer repellent this year and spray it everywhere!

Great, have a wonderful time at the wedding! When I read the thing about the puppy, I couldn't help rolling my eyes! Seems like your family is just TRYING to get your goat on purpose...how clueless they are!

Apples, for as far out in the country that you are, you have a pretty active social life! Your "not so busy" weekend sounds full to me! But then again, I'm a stay at home, not too much socializing person. I did have my little crafty group over this week and we had lots of fun. They brought some projects for "show 'n tell"---It's amazing how creative people are!

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Julie - Here' a little bit of knowledge on Kosher has to do with how Jewish pple eat - you can't eat some foods (pig) you have to have diff dishes silverware for diff kinds of food

Although the details of kashrut are extensive, the laws all derive from a few fairly simple, straightforward rules:

  1. Certain animals may not be eaten at all. This restriction includes the flesh, organs, eggs and milk of the forbidden animals.
  2. Of the animals that may be eaten, the birds and mammals must be killed in accordance with Jewish law.
  3. All blood must be drained from meat and poultry or broiled out of it before it is eaten.
  4. Certain parts of permitted animals may not be eaten.
  5. Fruits and vegetables are permitted, but must be inspected for bugs (which cannot be eaten)
  6. Meat (the flesh of birds and mammals) cannot be eaten with dairy. Fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains can be eaten with either meat or dairy. (According to some views, fish may not be eaten with meat).
  7. Utensils (including pots and pans and other cooking surfaces) that have come into contact with meat may not be used with dairy, and vice versa. Utensils that have come into contact with non-kosher food may not be used with kosher food. This applies only where the contact occurred while the food was hot.
  8. Grape products made by non-Jews may not be eaten.
  9. There are a few other rules that are not universal.

How To Make Your Kitchen Kosher


© 2000 Giora Shimoni

In Judaism, eating is a religious ritual. Blessings are recited. Certain foods are forbidden. Different kinds of food must be separated.

By keeping kosher, you are following the Torah, leading a Jewish lifestyle, identifying yourself with the Jewish People, and carrying the Jewish legacy to another generation.

Difficulty Level: hard

Time Required: 1-3 days

Here's How:

  1. Oven: Put oven through full self-cleaning cycle. Consult rabbi if oven is not self-cleaning.
  2. Stove Top: Dissemble parts. Thoroughly clean surface and parts with steel wool, soap and Water. Reassemble. Ignite fire to high for a few minutes.
  3. Microwave: Clean thoroughly. Put glass with a few ounces of water inside. Turn microwave on high to boil water. Let water vaporize into steam.
  4. Metal Sink: Boil water, and immediately pour onto every inch of the sink. Porcelain sinks can not be made kosher.
  5. Nonporous Counter: Boil water, and immediately pour onto every inch of the counter. Consult rabbi if counter is made of porous material.
  6. Refrigerator: Thoroughly clean with soap and water.
  7. Metal pots and pans: Clean thoroughly. Wait 24 hours. Immerse each piece into a vat of boiling water. Each part being immersed must be completely surrounded by water. Remove with tongs, and rinse in tap water.
  8. Frying and baking pots and pans: Glow with blow torch or in a self-cleaning oven (on full cycle). Given the difficulty of kashering these pieces, replacement with new pieces is recommended.
  9. Silverware (made of one piece of metal): Clean thoroughly. Wait 24 hours. Drop each piece, one at a time, into a vat of boiling water. Remove with tongs, and rinse in tap water. Plastic and wood utensils can not be made kosher.
  10. Dishes:

    • To kasher china, earthenware, porcelain, corningware, corrella, pyrex, duralex enamel, and glazed stoneware, put in a self-cleaning oven for a full cycle. Replacing with new dishes might be the best solution as intense heat may damage dishes.
    • Valuable porcelain dishes which have not been used for one year may be kashered, with a rabbi's permission, by dipping in boiling water 3 times.
    • Glassware used for cold, or for tea and coffee, may be kashered by soaking in room temperature water for 72 hours, changing the water every 24 hours.


  1. Consult a rabbi. Rabbis will be supportive and helpful.
  2. Be organized, methodical, and patient. Trying to do everything at once and quickly will be overwhelming.
  3. Remember the meaning behind the work so that the experience will be spiritually uplifting rather than physically exhausting.

Do you read - if you do look for books by Faye Kellerman - they are fiction books - RITUAL BATH is a novel (her 1st) that introduction of my series characters, Peter Decker and Rina Lazarus. The rape of a young, religious woman brings Peter Decker into a religious, but foreign world and introduces him to the comely Rina Lazarus.

Even though they are fiction - the rules and talk about Judaism is real - I had a gf who was Jewish - so I know a little not a lot they weren't kosher -

I love the Peter & Rita Decker series - if I weren't a Catholic I would be jewish - I indentify with the riturals I guess - Plus imho Judaism is the Mother of all religions - we all are spin offs of it..


Aleha - Don't know what to tell you - you need to tell your doc about how tight you are - you shouldn't be pbing for 2 hrs - It could be you can't eat chicken - some pple can't - but you can't live on mushies either and it sounds like that's all you can eat - Try some other kind of hard Protein - eraser size bites chewed very well - most of us have first bite syndrome (1st bite gets stuck) but it passes and we don't pb for hours - have you tried drinking something hot before you eat - it helps open the band for most..

You asked how to get your protein in - since you can't eat it - then you have to supplement it w/shakes or clear pt drinks..

I would call your doc


Jodi - Furlough - day off work without pay.... I work in private industry (insurance) due to the economy - instead of laying more pple off (which they have already done) We work less hrs - get paid less - it helps their bottom line 20 employees who's salaries were cut saves them $$$ - Originally I was to have 26 days off w/o pay - on my salary that saved them $6000 - well now with one girl quiting and them seeing that we can't get our work done - they have changed it to 12 days off w/o pay - so now I am losing only $3000 not $6000

The State of California is doing this to their employees due to budget deficits too - Dept Motor Vehicle closed on Fridays - pple don't work so they don't get paid..

Passover is Wed right?? Keeping Kosher is alot of hard work !!! I don't know if I could do it ;0) - I've never had gelted fish or maztio balls ;0) - Lox is about the only food I have had that most pple consider Jewish ..

On the siz of your post - they can be as long as you like - don't worry about that... We have alot to share - so share all you want


Apples - I enjoy organizing too - but have to be in the mood :0) - but sometime I just start so that I have to finish - may do that too this weekend..

Glad you liked the shrimp cocktail ;0) - for me those pre-made shakes from pure protein don't have the pt taste - but again I doctor them a bit - like the banana one added a little real banana - haven't tried the choc - but I think I will


LauraK (and the rest of you) sorry for the cold weather - I guess I am glad I live where I do - and see why we have our snow birds (pple from cold placed) it's nice here but windy - but still in the high 70's


Well I need to hit the gym but doesn't look like I am - it's almost 8 and I am just not motivated and I went Tuesday and will go tomorrow - think I will start some wash - make sure I got all the stuff for taxes (I do but will double ck)


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Janet...after reading all that about Jewish traditions and prep work, makes me rethink my feeling about how "tough" it was growing up and giving up meat on Fridays! Thanks for the info. Interesting.

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Janet & Eva - thank you for your input and experience. 67 yrs. of eating to "fatten up" will take several months to change (behavior).

Nice to hear that "fun" foods can be enjoyed in moderation - without vomiting or consequences.

What would I do without all of you ladies?? I don't have to answer, you will always be here.

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Morning everyone. It would be a stretch for me to say good morning. SIGH, I just plain don't feel good. Watery diarrhea continues. Vomited stopped but I feel like there is a lump in my stomach. Every time I sip Water even, it takes so much effort to swallow it. When I take a bite of anything, I was feeling nauseous immediately.

My doc is in surgery all day on Fridays. I usually have him do all my fills, but beggars can't be choosey. The nurse recommended removing all the last two fills. She said since I was tight after the last fill, before I even got sick, that I am swollen way past .2cc being what I will be ok with. The gave me a lecture on putting up with the reflux symptoms and told me all the bad things that can occur. (all of which I knew but was ignoring). So..... take home message... IF YOU ARE TOO TIGHT...... if you have pain when swallowing first few bites of hard food, if you have reflux ANYTIME, but especially when you lie down, if you get retractable hiccups after eating, or cough a lot.... GET IT CHECKED or HAVE AN UN-FILL.

I have now an esophogitis and likely gastritis especially around the stoma. They are having me bump my prilosec to twice a day for 5 days and sticking to liquids x 2 days... and then for 5 days only mild foods. Crossing fingers and hope this helps.

I weighed 216 on their scales and I had drank a 16 oz water this morning. My scale showed 218. Theirs is always 2 under mine. So, we'll see what tomorrow shows. I hope I start feeling better. For two days I had maybe 500 cal each day. Feeling weak a little.

Hi to everyone. Lori, hope the wedding is fabulous!!! HUGS to everyone else... Peasout.. Laura

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Laura....hope the unfill and soft/mild foods will take care of your problem. Continuallly irritating the area will not make it better. Flares from being stuck, etc. can last for a long time. Glad you got into your doc's office to take care of it. Hope this works for you. Sending the love

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Linda, Hi! And thanks for the encouragement...I'm still doing zumba. Going to a class this afternoon, as a matter of fact. Haven't lost a pound though, cause I'm still in my eating frenzy. I can't seem to stop snacking at night! I have noticed that I'm losing some inches though, probably from the zumba.

I took off the day to do our taxes (I use TurboTax) and it's nice that it's so sunny, but cold, out. I'll probably want to procrastinate on the taxes and get out there and work in the garden. Here in Indiana the daffodils are already out and my magnolia is getting ready to burst into bloom. You never know if it's going to get nipped by frost though. The damnable deer (and I live right in town) have already been through the garden eating the daylily foliage and some other things. I'm going to invest in some deer repellent this year and spray it everywhere!

Great, have a wonderful time at the wedding! When I read the thing about the puppy, I couldn't help rolling my eyes! Seems like your family is just TRYING to get your goat on purpose...how clueless they are!

Apples, for as far out in the country that you are, you have a pretty active social life! Your "not so busy" weekend sounds full to me! But then again, I'm a stay at home, not too much socializing person. I did have my little crafty group over this week and we had lots of fun. They brought some projects for "show 'n tell"---It's amazing how creative people are!

Deb - I just budget my calories to compensate for evening snacking - Do you do that - I have always eaten lite during the day - I would say I consume most of my calories in the evenings - bf around 200 cal max - lunch 200-300 and then the rest for dinner/snacks - it worked for me..

Janet...after reading all that about Jewish traditions and prep work, makes me rethink my feeling about how "tough" it was growing up and giving up meat on Fridays! Thanks for the info. Interesting.

Apples Ya giving up meat - not eating past midnite for communion the next day (remember that one) - I still say Holy Ghost not Spirit ;0) - Lent (which I never gave up anything) and covering your head when you went to church and dresses only... Times have changed - we don't have any of that anymore..

You are a reader I know - get some faye kellerman books the Peter Decker series - his now wife - lives kosher - he converted so he could marry her - There is a lot of jewish info in those books

Janet & Eva - thank you for your input and experience. 67 yrs. of eating to "fatten up" will take several months to change (behavior).

Nice to hear that "fun" foods can be enjoyed in moderation - without vomiting or consequences.

What would I do without all of you ladies?? I don't have to answer, you will always be here.

Joyce - I will be 3 yrs out in July and GF I still miss eating - once an addict always and addict.. The diff is now a days I understand that my old eating habits are what made me fat along w/lack of exercise - Today I still indulge but it's planned 98% of the time ;o) but not like I use to and it's not super often - like I said - I don't go to the show alot but when I do I eat their popcorn w/a little butter - what's a show w/o popcorn ;0) - but again I am alot further out and I know in the beginning I was super careful and didn't indulge very much..

Morning everyone. It would be a stretch for me to say good morning. SIGH, I just plain don't feel good. Watery diarrhea continues. Vomited stopped but I feel like there is a lump in my stomach. Every time I sip Water even, it takes so much effort to swallow it. When I take a bite of anything, I was feeling nauseous immediately.

My doc is in surgery all day on Fridays. I usually have him do all my fills, but beggars can't be choosey. The nurse recommended removing all the last two fills. She said since I was tight after the last fill, before I even got sick, that I am swollen way past .2cc being what I will be ok with. The gave me a lecture on putting up with the reflux symptoms and told me all the bad things that can occur. (all of which I knew but was ignoring). So..... take home message... IF YOU ARE TOO TIGHT...... if you have pain when swallowing first few bites of hard food, if you have reflux ANYTIME, but especially when you lie down, if you get retractable hiccups after eating, or cough a lot.... GET IT CHECKED or HAVE AN UN-FILL.

I have now an esophogitis and likely gastritis especially around the stoma. They are having me bump my prilosec to twice a day for 5 days and sticking to liquids x 2 days... and then for 5 days only mild foods. Crossing fingers and hope this helps.

I weighed 216 on their scales and I had drank a 16 oz water this morning. My scale showed 218. Theirs is always 2 under mine. So, we'll see what tomorrow shows. I hope I start feeling better. For two days I had maybe 500 cal each day. Feeling weak a little.

Hi to everyone. Lori, hope the wedding is fabulous!!! HUGS to everyone else... Peasout.. Laura

Laura - Hugs - Ya being too tight is the pits and not safe.. You are lucky your doc scale is under your's mines' 5-6 lbs heavier than mine - but I go by mine ;0) -

Sure hope this unfill helps calm things down and you feel better have you taken imodiom (sp) to stop the runs...

When do you leave to go to see Mom & Dad


Well didn't make it to the gym (will go tomorrow) but got desk cleaned (it was a major mess) bills that are due 4/1 inputted into the spread sheet - Bro's bills paid and ck book balanced - 2 loads of wash - kitchen cleaned - dog toys picked up -

Think I'm going to hit the shower in a few - get dress - nails - stein mart - bed bath & beyond - designer shoes for less - then taxes at 2


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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