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Hey Gang...

Julie - Congrats on the MRI !!!!

Charlene - WTG on your shakes !!!

Apples - Wasa use to have stomach spasms - I don't have them

Joyce - I eat mostly SF & lower fat than before.

Great - Hope the weather improves - Enjoy your nuggets - who cares what's in them - you have done the job - this isn't a fad for you but a lifestyle change..

Eva - I'm right there with you - I'm just too pooped after work to post - my brain is dead ;0)

Judy - I'm bad - I'm that food cop - sorry - I guess I just have to quit - but this has been such a journey for me - I am a bit obsessive about it- that I just want everyone else to feel as good as I do - It's always with love and not to be mean ;0)..

Melissa - How's work..

Jodi - How are you doing

Linda - Where are you

Deb & LauraK how you girls doing

Laura - got a baby sitter yet for date nite :0)

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Julie - I'm so happy for you that the MRI will be performed. May this be the beginning of the solution for you and relief from your pain.

Met with a KC gal for lunch. She is 67 lbs. down and was kind to share her success with me. Also gave me an inside tip for presale of Lady Gaga tickets in August. I"l take DD with me.

A extra bonus of the lap band is meeting some very nice people and making new friends.

Sending good vibes to Great for 60 degree wedding weather.


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Stoma spasms, gas, and other gross stuff.

I have had it where I cautiously eat a meal and a half an hour or hour later I'm in pain and feel very full. But I think that's gas, which I'm so glad might go away soon per/Apples. I had my surgery in June and I'm constantly surprised by gas. I stand up with no clue and fart right in front of God and everybody.

Sometimes I laugh and sometimes I pretend I didn't hear it and go right on talking or teaching.

My motto has become Feel Free to Fart Frequently.

Corn and grapes. Interesting. If they haven't been well-chewed, those are two things that will come out intact in baby poop. Almost feel like boiling them and and reusing them. (Gross, I know.) But I can see them both plugging the stoma.

Great, My exMIL used to cut out newpaper articles and give them to me about various things or say things like, "Wouldn't you rather have..." Indirect and highly manipulative and just as instrusive. So I'm trying to be less and less like that myself, either directly interfering or indirectly.

Julie, so happy about the MRI. I remember when I first saw mine and the Dr. showed me the herniated discs and I finally could put a finger on the source of my pain. I cried from relief, anger at all the ineffective therapies I went through, fear over what my future would hold, how well would I function, how much pain did my future hold, could it be fixed or alleviated, etc.

I still struggle, but the neurosurgeon gave me good advice and performed effective surgery. He wouldn't fuse me, saying it would start a cascade of problems and limit my mobility because the two discs were separated by a good disc that would go bad if the others were fused.

Instead, he spent 6 hours cutting out bone that allowed the spinal column to widen, creating more room for the cord and allowing the discs to retract. I had spinal stenosis (narrowing of the column with points pressing into the cord), compressed, herniated discs, and spurs poking and compressing the nerve bundle leading to my right shoulder and down my arm.

My neck is a little weak, and falls can reaggravate the discs, but there is more and more evidence that fusions and partial discectomies only work for a small percent of people. I'd been in increasing pain for more than a year and had been through every therapy. They couldn't even get an epidural into my spinal column, which is a highly effective therapy, because my bones were so compressed they wouldn't let the needle through.

My advice is make sure you see a top neurosurgeon (big city, teaching hospital, top specialist) and not just an orthopedic. Orthos are quick to fuse and its often not the best answer.

Doing good with food. Hanging right around 166 #'s. One of my students told me I don't need to lose any more weight, I'm skinny enough.


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Hi everybody.................. I have good news......... The Pain Clinic where I go called this afternoon and they had just received word that my appeal for the MRI was APPROVED!!!!! My appointment is for 4:30 on Thursday..... Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally I can have the test I've been needing for many months now.... I've had this pain since August..... Now I just have to cross my fingers that they find what the problem is and can fix it..... You can all cross your fingers with me, too...... Thanks...

Yes, Apples, I was up late doing just what you thought... Maybe this will be over soon.....

No idea what a stoma spasm is either.... I've had enough things go wrong, but don't think I've had them.. I believe in that "watch your own bobber" idea, too.... What works for one doesn't work for everyone. My mother is great for telling me what I can and cannot eat.... Or maybe it is not believing me when I say I can't eat something... Why not....... or, yes you can... is more like what she says.... She just called and wanted us to come up for pizza.... Now she knows I don't do pizza.... but then acts hurt because I said no thanks..

Good thoughts to Eva.... She is such a busy lady... And Lori, you take it easy now.. Glad you get a bit of a reprieve from parents.... Enjoy as many minutes as possible.....

Arlene, hope this plan works out well for you.... I've never been able to handle those Protein shakes... Thought the 2 week pre-op diet was going to get me.. Best of luck to you.....

Well, Mimi is still here as DD had a meeting with the parents of little tantrum girl at 6:00.. DH just got home, too, so better go see how he is.... Talk to you all later...... Julie

Julie, so glad you have finially got your approval. Youl be on your way to feeling better again I hope!!!

Great to be thin.......I hope the wedding is beutiful for you! Sending good thoughts to you and the whole family!

So, Ive had a busy week....getting ready for Passover. Today we started really cleaning...well not me...but the cleaning girl was here from 7-7 and the place looks great! Thr kitchen is totally cleaned and ready to be koshered. Of course Im not ready for that yet. lol

My fridge is still filled with food. Poor Dassi for the next three days will be eating every kind of food left over. Its the week I call......eat what you must.....to get rid of the food that you cant eat on passover...no matter what the combination!

Glad im not eating at all any of it!! No need for both of us to eat the leftovers...thats so mean. lol I did invite some others to help!!! They made a dent so im happy.

I got my living room furniture. Yea. Im a happy camper. The apt now looks and feels like a real place now and mom has a place to sleep...good thing too...the auro bed...seems to have a puncture in it. I found this out last night when the babysitter decided to stay as it was to late to go home. Ummm Starlight?? probably....it looked like it could have been a nail puncture..but cant be sure. The Sofa bed could not have come at a better time!! Im laying on the couch and it feels so good to stretch out!!!

Ive been feeling really good...been settling in on a routine eating plan. In the AM I have my protein shake...with 8 oz of skim milk. Im not hungry till about 1 or so...where I will have some cottage cheese about 4oz or ground chicken about 2oz. Im not hungry till about 7 where I will have some type if "white" fish...(tonight we had sea bass with rosemary and herbs. I had about three tablespoons and Dassi had the rest. It was good). Then at around 10 ill have my Protein Drink with my meds and Vitamins.< /em>

Throughout the day ive been carrying a water bottle however I seem to have a problem getting the 64oz. The shakes are 8 oz each. Eack takes about and hour. Then I sip Water bottle all day. How does this come to 64oz?? Im not getting close im afraid. I seem to not be able to drink when Im not hungry or thirsty or...its too close to a meal and have to wait the hour at least after to drink a liquid.< /em>

Can anyone shed light on this?? Any suggestions?? Would love to hear any experiences with this?? I will be on mushies till April 14th.

well.....must go clean out my clothes....closet so tomorrow the cleaning girl can clean the floors and shelving. oy....by Friday I hope I will be done!!! OF course Ill have to start cooking. lol Never ending.....holiday from..um um. This is deffinetly the holiday that you want a husband around.

Maybe Ill hire a handyman for the hard stuff thats coming Thursday instead. lol

Well hope you all are having a great week!!!


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Well girls!!!! Long time since I've been on! I'm so sorry! Everything is so hectic lately with work, school, moving, friends having babies, etc. I just wanted to stop in and let all of you know how much I miss all of you and this site.

Today, after my band was filled too tight yesterday, I realized just how much I have missed all of you and your opinions and input. They are really crucial to this journey. I remember once reading (i forget who posted it) that you are more successful if you keep up on this site and post. Well, I logged on today and saw that I haven't been on since mid February! Besides feeling terrible that I have not been here for all of you, I realized how much I've needed all of you. Usually in a month, I have been losing about 10 lbs a month. Well, this last month and a half, I have only lost 5 pounds! I am doing better with my weight, as I have 31 pounds left, but I really really understand just how much all of you help me and one another when we are in a bind and just to chit-chat with lifes struggles.

I think that it is so important to come in and check in every day, or at least every other day to keep accountable to ourselves and to one another. This is my resolution.

Thank you to all of you!

Love you!


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Meredith!! Welcome back, you have been so missed. I am glad you are resolving to check in more regularly. It helps so much with the journey.

Julie, I am so glad for you to get that MRI, I hope they find what it is causing the pain and that it's not too serious, something easily remedied.

Wow, are we getting a snowstorm. I am so ticked at my sisters. My folks finally got on a flight this afternoon, with the connection in Atlanta they are due in here at 11pm. They are staying at my sisters and they were to pick them up. Well they didn't want to drive in the storm and told my folks they had to spend the night in the airport after they land (there are no hotel rooms available). So DH offered to pick them up, when I told DD about it she said she and DF will be going by that way tonight anyway and they'd get them. They will bring them to my house and sleep in DD's bed she will sleep on the couch and then somehow they'll get to my sister's tomorrow. I knew all day long they were hinting to me to pick them up and bring them to their place. Why is it that I always get the hard stuff?? I get all the work, my sisters get all the praise and when it comes to holidays and special occassions they get all fun stuff too. Okay just venting. Guess I won't have family around in a month or two when I move and then I will maybe miss them??? that might take a few months though. LOL

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quick fly by... i am soooo tired i have to get to bed. yawn...

Meredith~hi honey! You are doing fabulous! WTG

Julie~I am not sure who is more excited me or you! WOOOHOOOOOOOOO finally we can figure out what is the problem and then get a plan of action! Once you get the report and after you talk to your drs... if you want me/DH to review would be happy to. HUG: )

Apples~have a good trip- so nice of you to help your friend out. I remember going to those foo foo salons when I was 190ish and was like a 16/18 and boy they embarrassed this bride to be! I cried for HOURS after I left. I left that famous street of bridal shop and went to Macy's where I was treated like a princess. I ended up finding the most beautiful Tomasina. She is a Greek designer and she totally custom made my size 18 dress! I can't believe it's still on the web site!

TOMASINA Style #1246

Went out to Long Horn Steakhouse after TKD and bookstore school event with DH and Nels. I got stuck on a bite of lobster. ugghhhh. Now am having some killer reflux. Took extra prilosec, 4 doses of maalox, 8 xxtums. finally feeling better. No more antihistamines or sudafed for this one.. they make me tight! Might need to go get that slight unfill. ughhh.

More in the morning chickedees. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGS xoxo peas

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Julie - I'm so happy for you that the MRI will be performed. May this be the beginning of the solution for you and relief from your pain.

Met with a KC gal for lunch. She is 67 lbs. down and was kind to share her success with me. Also gave me an inside tip for presale of Lady Gaga tickets in August. I"l take DD with me.

A extra bonus of the LAP-BAND® is meeting some very nice people and making new friends.

Sending good vibes to Great for 60 degree wedding weather.


Lady Gaga? Wow, I would have never guessed anyone else had heard of her on this thread....see what happens when you assume. Good luck with finding local people to share your journey with. As large as Tucson is, I really haven't had any local connections. My friends are cool, but for LB issues, there's no place like this.

Jodi, sounds like the band is doing it's thing for you. It's kind of fun figuring out how to do your normal life and not eat everything in the world isn't it. Yes, hire the handy man for the hard stuff...it's worth it. Sounds like you are getting your spring cleaning done.

As for the water...it's pretty hard at first. I couldn't drink that much for the first few weeks. I just drank as much as I could...do the best you can. I do drink a lot more watered down tea and herbal tea now than I did before. When I was still on liquids, I drank watered down fruit juice (way watered down) just to get some flavor and liquids in me. It seemed easier to drink something flavored than to drink plain Water. I was a big water drinker before the band and I still try to get at least 64 oz...but some days are really hard

Well girls!!!! Long time since I've been on! I'm so sorry! Everything is so hectic lately with work, school, moving, friends having babies, etc. I just wanted to stop in and let all of you know how much I miss all of you and this site.

Today, after my band was filled too tight yesterday, I realized just how much I have missed all of you and your opinions and input. They are really crucial to this journey. I remember once reading (i forget who posted it) that you are more successful if you keep up on this site and post. Well, I logged on today and saw that I haven't been on since mid February! Besides feeling terrible that I have not been here for all of you, I realized how much I've needed all of you. Usually in a month, I have been losing about 10 lbs a month. Well, this last month and a half, I have only lost 5 pounds! I am doing better with my weight, as I have 31 pounds left, but I really really understand just how much all of you help me and one another when we are in a bind and just to chit-chat with lifes struggles.

I think that it is so important to come in and check in every day, or at least every other day to keep accountable to ourselves and to one another. This is my resolution.

Thank you to all of you!

Love you!


Wow Meredith...it's so good to hear from you. You are still doing great if you only have 31 pounds left. Life happens and you have to roll with it and I've been doing a little of that too, just too tired to read and type. It's so good to see you back!!

Apples....what did I miss? MOB....you? When and which one?

Julie, I'm so glad you finally got that approval....wooohooo!! I really hope they see something and can fix it. Nerve pain is horrible and nothing helps without really messing you up.

Janet, yep, we need to figure out how to make money and not work...this working is getting in the way of our personal lives. How's Andrew and his dog? Haven't heard much about that lately?

Charlene, thanks for sharing the diet with us...how's it going for you? Are you able to maintain and not be hungry between meals? If so, that's great! Besides the weather issues, how are you feeling on it? I know, it's just started...so hopefully after a couple of days, you'll be feeling wonderful.

Laura, I hit 218.5 today....still behind you, but catching up. I haven't been this weight in probably 10 years....How's your Dad? When are you leaving for NC?

Great....your family just stresses you out too much. Hopefully everyone will behave for the wedding. Don't let them take advantage of you either....you can just say NO if you really don't want to do something. I wish you luck!!

I was going to walk to pick my Jeep up from the car repair place (oil change) tonight...about 3 miles, but it was raining by the time my car was done, so I didn't get my walk in tonight. Went to TJ's after I got the car and DH met me there, we did walk to a new pizza place across the road...so I did get a little walk in. The pizza was delicious, but I couldn't finish my piece...had to bring it home.

I've been experimenting with protein/granola type bars. I'm on my 4th batch. These bars don't have any flour, but they are high calorie because of the Peanut Butter or almond butter with an additional stick of butter, plus nuts and chocolate chips (mini ones) and dried fruit. I really don't care for the peanut butter ones, but I needed to get rid of an open jar so that's what I used. I used applesauce instead of butter and added ground flax seeds. There's 2 or more cups of old fashioned oatmeal in these and I think they are really helping with the Fiber issues. I cut them up in 1 inch or 1.5 inch squares so the pieces are pretty small. They are sweetened with honey and a little brown sugar....I'm going to try and figure out the calorie count one of these day...especially if I can nail down a variation I really like.

Okay....I'm going to bed...take care everyone.


PS....thanks for the good vibes....I felt them all day!!

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Welcome back Meredith......so good to hear from you.. You are doing so well....only 31 pounds to go... WTG, girl.... We'll be glad to have you back whenever you can get here....

Eva, I have a recipe for granola bars that sounds alot like yours, except mine are made with Grapenuts.... Very good... I do like Peanut Butter, so that with honey and the rest makes for a good healthy bar, but still plenty of calories.... I should make some one of these days.... WTG on 218..... That's great for you....

Laura, sorry you go stuck... Isn't that happening a lot lately??? be careful..... thanks for the good wishes and the offer of help... I'll keep it in mind...

Great, another storm.... Must have come with your parents!!! Sorry you have to take the brunt of things yet again.... SLC is sounding better and better... Take care....

Jodi, how do you Kosher your apartment....?? I'm intrigued... Congrats on the new furniture.. Must feel good to have new things....

Cheri, thanks for all the tips... I'm going to do my best after we find out what's going on.... Still guessing yet, so maybe in a week I'll know something..

Well, my pills are kicking in so will try to sleep a bit... Night all............. Julie

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First off...a GREAT BIG HI to Meredith. And look at you..all grown up and only a mere 30lbs from goal. Looking forward to visiting with you again. Did you resolve your too-full problem????

Great...I agree with Eva. Put your foot down and don't let that family of yours rule you when they are around you. Do NOT let them ruin this week for you. Just say no and that you are too busy and you will see them at the wedding.

Eva...Moi? MOB??????????? There would be no one more surprised than me. Just heading out today and tomorrow for a girl overnight to help a friend pick out a MOB dress. If I ever need to find one, it ain't gonna be pleasent. Your bars sound good. I make doggie oat bars...does that count?

Laura...sorry about the stuck and reflux issues. My friend and I are going out for lobster this evening. Will be mindful.

Janet....hope your work load eases soon.

Jodi...only tip I have on the drinking fluids issue is to try doing warm or Hot Drinks if you can. After surgery I had such a tough time drinking anything cold. It took me months and months. I did a lot of teas and sow sodium broths. Just was so much easier for me to get all my fluids in that way.

OK...I'm about ready to blow out the door. Have about a 3 hour drive. Was second guessing the clothes, jackets, etc. that I am bringing in the middle of the night. What's up with that? It's just a shopping trip. I am just so excited to get out of this house for an extended period of time and off this farm. Told DH last night that I love him but so happy I am leaving him. He truly understands my need to get out and go.

Will touch base on Friday morning unless I get home earlier than I think on Thurs night. I'm outta here!

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Julie, so happy for you that you are getting that MRI. It's about time they let you find out what's wrong.

Apples, have a great trip have for shopping.

Wow, I would love to go see Lady Gaga. I just put a song of hers on my ipod. Love the fun beat of her songs, makes you move when out walking.

A new girl at Zumba last night had this watch looking thing on her arm, but come to find out it measured her heart rate and even told her how many calories she burned. She said "wow didn't think zumba would be this good of a work out". said she burn over 600 cal in that hour.

Well need to get to work, have a great day all.

Laura K

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Apples........havea a great trip!

Great........ Vent sister! Some things just don't ever change.

Eva......glad you caught the vibes.....more for you today. I won't lie....I had a rough night sleeping, but I am really not hungry, just anxious.....getting in touch with those feelings that trigger my eating.

Laura.....yep, Lobster and shrimp get stuck in me too....I guess it is the texture. Chew, Chew, Chew.

Welcome back Meredith!

Janet.....Hope you get some down time soon.

Hi Jodi and Laura K!

Cheri .....sorry to hear about your neck problems. I hope you don't have to have surgery.

Okay, gotta go do my exercise.

I hope all of you have a great day!

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Morning...... I'm so sleepy.... rough night and I've got Mimi now.... DH got her at 6:30 and kept her going for me until he had to go to work at 8:00.... I've been dozing in my chair while she watches tv.... She got into a little trouble in my office and pulled drawer with all my pens and markers out of the cabinet....(small one).. She came running to get me... "I broke it, I broke it,," she said.... No big deal, but I figured I better wake up good.... I get so groggy from being up late and taking those dang pills.... Anyway I got up and started moving around... Then she wanted to sit on my lap and watch Little Bear..... fell asleep about half hour ago.... She was up early, so I guess she was tired too... Now that I could sleep I'm awake..... go figure....

It's a week since my perm so I can color my hair today... Yeah!! I hate seeing all the grey.... Will wait till Mimi goes home at 3:00.. Get it done in time for Lenten services tonight.... Otherwise I need to get some paperwork done...

Apples, have fun on your little excursion...

talk to you all a bit later............ Julie

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I have a stomach flu (or other GI virus)! I was up ALL night last night with diarrhea (at least 25 times) The ONLY positive thing about this is the scale read 216 this morning! (just dehydration). I am on Clear Liquids only for the day- giving my gut a rest. uggghhhhh. misery. Must have picked up something Tuesday when I volunteered at the school... cuz last night everything I ate- DH ate and he's fine.

Gotta go! (geez)

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I have a stomach flu (or other GI virus)! I was up ALL night last night with diarrhea (at least 25 times) The ONLY positive thing about this is the scale read 216 this morning! (just dehydration). I am on clear liquids only for the day- giving my gut a rest. uggghhhhh. misery. Must have picked up something Tuesday when I volunteered at the school... cuz last night everything I ate- DH ate and he's fine.

Gotta go! (geez)

Oh dear, take it easy. Heck of a way to lose. I hope you are better soon!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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