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Great photos, Laura. You are so good to share photos. Makes me feel like Nels is our own little guy! And, that photo of him and his little Alexia is adorable. One for a photo frame.

Yep, I feel like I gave birth. Not much to show for it except "wet noodle syndrome". Tomorrow will be much better. And, this afternoon I have some energy. Baked two different kinds of Cookies, walked out to the shop to see DH and even sat outside in the sun for a bit. I think those stones are about the only thing in my life that sucks. I go see the specialist in April but will hear the same song and dance that I hear each time. Blah...blah..blah. Just been "gifted" with them and the will pass.

Sorry you miss your mom and dad visiting. And, yes, you need to find a new babysitter. All parents need their date nights.

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!

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It sounds like we enjoyed our Sunday--lounging around, reading, etc. Karen, glad you are better--those babies can hurt! I did the prep for my taxes. AARP does them for free at the clubhouse! I'll go tomorrow and have them done. I should get back a bit--paying for all that cosmetic surgery will help.

SO--this guy has been calling me everyday since Thurs night. Sorry, but I am really not interested. Girls just wanna have fun! and he isn't. NEXT! (there are other reasons too...)

Tomorrow I am meeting someone with an 11 year old poodle that needs a new home. (no fault of the poodle) The new home will NOT be mine, but I may foster. Let's see if Bitsy (the bitch) will be nice to her.


I want to go to the beach! Let's see if the weather cooperates with my desires. Everyone is invited.


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Okay All,

Yes I have been MIA for a whole week. Was starting my reboot per say and had a rough week at work. Alot of worked passed off to me as I learn my knew job and I was drowing in Paperwork and stuff.

Anyways I go see my Dr tomorrow and I think I will askhim to take some fill out. Too much Pbing and acid reflux I will check in with you guys tomorrow with any dr details.

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Hey Chickie's !!!

It's 6:00 and I am just sitting down.... Went to Kohl s at 9 - the Gift card saved me $50 - but I spent $300... Found these shapers by flexie they have straps - but go under your bra - advertise to take the love handles away - they did - I had on my size 2 capri's and they are low on the waist - the excess skin hangs a bit - well with the shaper - it doesn't - they aren't cheap $48 each - but sale buy one get one 1/2 price - then they had one that advertised to take care of the back fat - again straps but buttons in the front like a corsets - so those 4 items alone where $140 but if it makes me feel better when I am dressed then it's worth it.. Got some capri leggings - cute tunic length top (black/white) - sky blue capris - white eyelet skirt - top that goes with the capris - cute sundress pinks/blue/yellow/orange pasily - then to Marshalls gold sandle - these darling white ones with jeweled flowers - another tunic phesant blouse w/jean capri leggings.

Then came home and started moving winter clothes to other closet and pulling out summer clothes - it's in the 80's I don't think we will have any more cold weather. Not all the way done - still got summer clothes in the other closet - but will do that next friday (it's my furlough day)

Apples - Sorry for the pain of passing it - but glad it is gone forever. Great plan to focus on rest today.

Well - tomorrow I advance from mushies to all foods. I'm a sissy, so I'll go very, very slowly keeping in mind all I have learned here. I understand that it will be my responsibility to get to know MY band and that each one/person it different.

I'm very comfortable here - so I'll go slowly.

Now for confessions - my b'day week - total 3 glasses of wine (one at each dinner/celebration) I enjoy wine and have missed it since Feb. 8th when pre diet began. Also had a 4 oz. Hagen Daaz choc. Peanut Butter ice cream for my b'day dessert.

Started to mentally punish myself and experience guilt --- then called it to a Halt. I'm human and occasional, moderate treats are OK.

Any suggestions/advice as I move forward??


Phyl - way to go girl - so few want to volunteer and good for you to train for emergencies. Love the pictures.

Joyce - My doc say a glass of wine is good for you - and it was your bday - calories don't count on your bday..

Yes sweetie eat healthy 98% of the time - allow for treats 2% of the time and if you do over do it on treats (and there will come a time that you most likely will) just add a couple of extra days of exercise and eat lighter for a few days..

My trainer told me if you go out of town for a weekend and over do it - just come home and eat healthy and those couple of lbs will be gone in a few days - it's true..

Also if you bump your calories up a bit every now and then - it helps with the weight loss

No guilt !!!

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Sunny, 45 degrees here. Will take it. Going to find a chair out in the sun and my book and soak it up for a bit.

(Going to be blunt...plug your tender ears if you cannot take it). I passed the "f____ing" stone. I should be back to my energetic self tomorrow. Today I am going to baby myself. Not moving too fast anyway so going to plant my butt somewhere and just catch up with reading. Have a good one!

Apples - Thank God they/it passed... Enjoy the rest of your day

Good afternoon guys~

Apples~ Congrats on the baby stone! : ) Should have called me, DH could have popped in an epidural before you popped it out! Hope you are feeling back to normal soon.

Janet~ WTG on the calories. Glad you had fun with your uncle.

Jodi~ I have not personally used the Purity supplement. Are you talking about the purity organic juice? Our nutritionist was talking about them- have to be careful as some of them have up to 120 cal for 8 oz serving and the bottle is 2 servings. One gal was having two "bottles" a day and didn't realize she was having almost 500 cal a day with this juice. They do have a powder, is that the one you are talking about? Only 60 cal/serving. I drink the little V8 juices (low sodium)- usually one a day.

Julie~ I hope you feel better soon. At my last support group meeting we talked about scales. They said if you are getting diff weights within seconds of each other- then change your batteries- they might be low. If it always does that, then take weight 3 times and take the average.

ALEAH~ yeah- normal to be sore after PB. Agree with all the advice. Do liquids for a day or so and if pain continues or PB continues then go see your doc. Sometimes after vomiting, you will get really swollen and it takes a few days to go down. I cannot do any Pasta unless it's just a little in a Soup or something.

Judy~ ROFLMAO at the seeing eye dog. Glad you had fun at the sunfest. I wish we had a golf cart. Just feel silly buying one when we don't golf. ; )

I am exhausted. DH and I took Nels to a birthday party today. Was strange they had it on a Sunday at 11am. Surprised but there were tons of people there. He had a good time. I didn't eat b/c they had pizza, sandwiches and salad. I just wasn't in the mood to PB in public. I was a little surprised that NO ONE noticed that I wasn't eating anything. I will attach a couple pics of my exciting life! We need to find a baby sitter! We fired ours in Dec. (b/c she double booked for our Christmas party- and took the other job over us!) and haven't had a date night since. Not good. My folks used to come visit every 3 weekends or so (before dad got sick) and they always made us go out one night. I miss it and them.

Yest Nels swam in the jacuzzi yesterday. It was heated but pool was still too cold to get in. After the party we went to the local go kart place. Fun stuff! woohoooooo.

OK girls... will talk to you guys tomorrow. Peasout.. Laura

Laura - yes girl you need a date nite !!! Love the pic's - you can't do salad ?? or was it cuz of the dressing??

Laura - So interesting to hear that no one noticed that you didn't eat. You know that has been a concern of mine. With b'day last week, I had several chances to see that no one notices, or cares, when I stop eating and take most of the food home.

Also that you refrain from eating in front of others when it might cause Pbing. How many months have you had the band?

I learn so much here with all these ladies.

Joyce - do your friends know you are banded - when I stop eating cuz I am stuck - mine ask me if I am ok - I guess they can tell by the look on my face ;0) - I have a gf who's over weight - she will say how little I eat - I eat normal - they over eat ;0)

If I am going to pb I know it ahead of time - I have always had time to get to the rest room .

It sounds like we enjoyed our Sunday--lounging around, reading, etc. Karen, glad you are better--those babies can hurt! I did the prep for my taxes. AARP does them for free at the clubhouse! I'll go tomorrow and have them done. I should get back a bit--paying for all that cosmetic surgery will help.

SO--this guy has been calling me everyday since Thurs night. Sorry, but I am really not interested. Girls just wanna have fun! and he isn't. NEXT! (there are other reasons too...)

Tomorrow I am meeting someone with an 11 year old poodle that needs a new home. (no fault of the poodle) The new home will NOT be mine, but I may foster. Let's see if Bitsy (the bitch) will be nice to her.


I want to go to the beach! Let's see if the weather cooperates with my desires. Everyone is invited.

Judy - lol - ya my theme song use to be - what's love got to do with it" lol Would love the beach - it's my most fav place in the whole wide world !!!

Okay All,

Yes I have been MIA for a whole week. Was starting my reboot per say and had a rough week at work. Alot of worked passed off to me as I learn my knew job and I was drowing in Paperwork and stuff.

Anyways I go see my Dr tomorrow and I think I will askhim to take some fill out. Too much Pbing and acid reflux I will check in with you guys tomorrow with any dr details.

Melissa - I am glad you are going to the doc - keep us posted

Hear ya on the work...

Well gang the washer stopped need to go put the towels in the dryer - and go see what I am cooking for dinner - all I have had today was 1/2 ice tea...


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Janet - I decided NOT to tell friends about the band - so I will try foods alone before I try eating in front of others.

I'm 6 weeks out now since the pre-op diet began. Still in the learning phase for my healthy new life.

Congrats on all the wonderful new clothes. Can hardly wait until I can enjoy shopping again. My day will come.

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Hi all.

Im watching changing americas school eating?? Or something like this. It takes place in Huntington VA I think. Its about a chef who comes from England and is going to try to change the school lunch prgram one school at a time.

It is the premier of a reality series changing the way we eat and prepare foods. I think it is a goody....and he is just tearing apart the food we feed our kids...at lunch...home etc,

I took Dassi off the lunch program at school about two months ago after there were several days where the lunch consisted of......fried chicken..mashed potatoes, rice as a substitute, Jello and juice to drink. No salad or vegetable....when approached...the persons in charge...said it was a mistake but after several days like this over two months..I had it. so...took her off and now I have to make her own lunches...since taking her off...she has slimmed down...and feels better and she is actually eating all her lunch instead of throwing half it out.

well.....hope everyone had a great weekend.

Mrs. Bubba; hope you are feeling better or will be feeling better soon. No fun not feeling well!!!

Apples..Im glad you are feeling better!! I dont know what stones feel like however...from your description it hurts like a bitch so im glad they have passed!!!!

Apples - Sorry for the pain of passing it - but glad it is gone forever. Great plan to focus on rest today.

Well - tomorrow I advance from mushies to all foods. I'm a sissy, so I'll go very, very slowly keeping in mind all I have learned here. I understand that it will be my responsibility to get to know MY band and that each one/person it different.

I'm very comfortable here - so I'll go slowly.

Now for confessions - my b'day week - total 3 glasses of wine (one at each dinner/celebration) I enjoy wine and have missed it since Feb. 8th when pre diet began. Also had a 4 oz. Hagen Daaz choc. Peanut Butter ice cream for my b'day dessert.

Started to mentally punish myself and experience guilt --- then called it to a Halt. I'm human and occasional, moderate treats are OK.

Any suggestions/advice as I move forward??


Phyl - way to go girl - so few want to volunteer and good for you to train for emergencies. Love the pictures.

We are all human....and bday celebrations are celebrations!

however....I just heard a story today....

my aunt told me about her friend who was banded...so you should be aware....a glass of wine maybe fine however....she landed up in the hospital after drinking sips of wine all night...not knowing that she was becoming dehydrated. She started throwing up and went to the hospital where they told her that "Wine" is very dehydrating and that with a band its very important to drink 64oz of liquid and wine will dehydrate you to the point that it can be very dangerous. so please be careful.

Good afternoon guys~

Jodi~ I have not personally used the Purity supplement. Are you talking about the purity organic juice? Our nutritionist was talking about them- have to be careful as some of them have up to 120 cal for 8 oz serving and the bottle is 2 servings. One gal was having two "bottles" a day and didn't realize she was having almost 500 cal a day with this juice. They do have a powder, is that the one you are talking about? Only 60 cal/serving. I drink the little V8 juices (low sodium)- usually one a day.

Yes, the organic juice, but the powder one that has 60 cal. and no sugar per serving. They have a "reds" and a "greens". The taste is pretty good. So, the question is....is it important to supplement with something to get the vegetables that we arent getting or at least Im not getting now or going to get for a long time to come yet?

It also is a liquid so...I figure kill two birds with one stone....8 oz of liquid at a time..and gettting the veggies and fruits at the same time, perhaps it doesnt matter?? Im not sure. what do you think about this? If your drinking a V8 a day then I guess it matters some??

It sounds like we enjoyed our Sunday--lounging around, reading, etc. Karen, glad you are better--those babies can hurt! I did the prep for my taxes. AARP does them for free at the clubhouse! I'll go tomorrow and have them done. I should get back a bit--paying for all that cosmetic surgery will help.

SO--this guy has been calling me everyday since Thurs night. Sorry, but I am really not interested. Girls just wanna have fun! and he isn't. NEXT! (there are other reasons too...)

Tomorrow I am meeting someone with an 11 year old poodle that needs a new home. (no fault of the poodle) The new home will NOT be mine, but I may foster. Let's see if Bitsy (the bitch) will be nice to her.


I want to go to the beach! Let's see if the weather cooperates with my desires. Everyone is invited.

OMG..dont you hate when the guy doesnt really get the hint and you really have to tell them this isnt going to happen?? It sad sort of...but we cant like everyone...and we should have a choice as to whom we spend time with! lol

We have a saying...it should happen at a good time..oh and of course we add....with gods speed....lol

but I applaud you for going out at all!!!! Its tough out there! and because for the prince to come you have to kiss alot of frogs....but sometimes....we find a little socialization is good too and he doesnt have to be the "prince" for you...but for someone else....and in the meantime he might be at least decent company for dinner or something similar.

sorry this one was a dud!

Have a great night every night and a great week!!!!



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Hey, I'm not doing so good it seems..... pain is bad right now... about an 8 I'd say...... They always ask me to rate the pain from 0 to 10...... sometimes I've said 12!!!! It's actually hard to type..... Just got out of a hot bath and then put on the cream that makes it tingle... Took my pain pill and now I just have to wait... The computer sometimes helps me distract from the pain.. but not right now... Better go..... sorry I'm such a downer.... I hurt and I just yelled at my DH.... Hope he understands.... bye........ Julie

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Good morning girls.

Zippety doo dah! I was singing that song yesterday and couldn't remember the lyrics (and Nels was trying to sing along with me)~ So I had to look at up the lyrics and now have Louis Armstrong version CARVED in my head!

I slept sooo good last night! That is the first in a long time! No vertigo, no neck cricks, no getting up to pee (THE WHOLE NIGHT)... just sleep sleep sleep. woohoo!

I am up 3 lbs and I have been sooooo good this weekend. So I know it's not FAT at least. But goodness gracious where does one hide 3 lbs of Water? Wiki fact: 1 gallon = 8 lbs I think uncle TOM should be visiting soon. Perhaps that explains the water conservation. ; )

Little bit of a fly by.......... will CBL. peas

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Good morning girls.

Zippety doo dah! I was singing that song yesterday and couldn't remember the lyrics (and Nels was trying to sing along with me)~ So I had to look at up the lyrics and now have Louis Armstrong version CARVED in my head!

I slept sooo good last night! That is the first in a long time! No vertigo, no neck cricks, no getting up to pee (THE WHOLE NIGHT)... just sleep sleep sleep. woohoo!

I am up 3 lbs and I have been sooooo good this weekend. So I know it's not FAT at least. But goodness gracious where does one hide 3 lbs of Water? Wiki fact: 1 gallon = 8 lbs I think uncle TOM should be visiting soon. Perhaps that explains the water conservation. ; )

Little bit of a fly by.......... will CBL. peas

And...soon to be TOM would explain the Zippety Doo Dah all day yesterday!!!! There were times when I knew I was getting a visit. Just had to get on the scale. I would flucuate up to 6lbs during that time. Ugh! Just keep your foods good and healthy and try not to let it upset your way of eating...and, drink plenty of fluids.

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Monday!

Back to my "normal" self. Just a little bump in the road with the stones. I hate the word hate so I will just say I REALLY dislike when my life gets interrupted by them.

Julie...hope you were able to sleep. You really do need to get to the bottom of this. From the sounds of it, your DH is missing one of his butt cheeks and I know you don't like being that way. I would be a b__ch on wheels and insist on some answers. You need some action on this pain you are having.

We have a busy week around here. DH and DS have a few pre-spring meetings to go to and I was signed up to go also but an overnight with a friend looked a little more apealing. Heading out early Wed morning with a friend to help her find a MOB dress. Her DS's wedding is May 1. Time to get on it. She is about a size 14 (has put on about 60lbs in the last few years) and just is having a tough time making herself look for a dress. She feels "fat" in everything she has tried on this far. She knows I will be honest with her on how things fit, so she invited me to be her guide. Should be fun. She's a beautiful woman that always had mega self-esteem but she has now lost that with the weight gain. I feel her pain. The trouble with living in the sticks is that we always have to drive 3-4 hours for any quality shopping. We'll get er done!

My stone incident made me tight over the weekend and notice it's not much better this morning. Got my cals in though with Soups, etc. Always have a stash of homemade soups in the freezer for times like that. Was able to get in a Protein Bar and a bowl of oatmeal with dates this morning already.

Well, need to get to the books. Been putting them off for a week and they just won't do themself. You all have a great day.

Eva..miss ya. Come out, come out, where ever you are!:o

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Good ole' Jiminy Cricket (isn't he the one that sang "Zippedy Doo Dah")? Haven't watched Disney movies in a long long time, so I'm probably confused on that one.

I'm glad to hear that the stone episode is over, Karen, and that you're back feeling chipper. Sounds like a fun time shopping for an MOB dress with your friend, but I know what she feels like about shopping when you feel fat.

I had a good productive weekend---cleaned my closet and got rid of all clothes that didn't fit (many I've grown out of). Tried on every pair of pants I have and then ironed everything and put back in closet. It looks so nice and organized now. Ended up with two huge garbage bags of clothes for Goodwill.

Then I got rid of old shoes that were plain worn out. I've been able to start wearing some shoes now without my orthotics, so I can fit into some more stylish ones. Yippee! No more clunky granny shoes.

On Sunday I went to zumba class---more fun and sweating, then cooked a huge dinner and had my son and his GF over. We had a nice time and DS fixed some problems on our computers. It's nice to have your own tech support person in the family!

I think the zumba has really helped to change my frame of mind. Last week, I called my daughter right after the class and left a msg. When I talked to her yesterday, she said how much better my voice sounded in that msg. Like I was really coming out of the depression. And I do feel that way. I've always heard that physical exercise can make a difference, and now I really believe it. That coupled with spring coming is making me feel so much better.

I did hear on the news about the terrible storm and all the flooding in the upper midwest. Hope our people out there on LBT are doing ok.

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Morning ladies....fly by.

Sorry I was MIA...but Stephen King sucked my brain out during one of his sci/fi book orgies. Really, I was reading Under the Dome and couldn't stop....it's a 30 disc book and I'm on 30 today.

Did get some stuff done, but just piddly stuff like gardening and laundry. I will make an effort tonight to read posts and respond....got to go to work right now.

Hope everyone is having a great day!!


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Good ole' Jiminy Cricket (isn't he the one that sang "Zippedy Doo Dah")? Haven't watched Disney movies in a long long time, so I'm probably confused on that one.

I'm glad to hear that the stone episode is over, Karen, and that you're back feeling chipper. Sounds like a fun time shopping for an MOB dress with your friend, but I know what she feels like about shopping when you feel fat.

I had a good productive weekend---cleaned my closet and got rid of all clothes that didn't fit (many I've grown out of). Tried on every pair of pants I have and then ironed everything and put back in closet. It looks so nice and organized now. Ended up with two huge garbage bags of clothes for Goodwill.

Then I got rid of old shoes that were plain worn out. I've been able to start wearing some shoes now without my orthotics, so I can fit into some more stylish ones. Yippee! No more clunky granny shoes.

On Sunday I went to zumba class---more fun and sweating, then cooked a huge dinner and had my son and his GF over. We had a nice time and DS fixed some problems on our computers. It's nice to have your own tech support person in the family!

I think the zumba has really helped to change my frame of mind. Last week, I called my daughter right after the class and left a msg. When I talked to her yesterday, she said how much better my voice sounded in that msg. Like I was really coming out of the depression. And I do feel that way. I've always heard that physical exercise can make a difference, and now I really believe it. That coupled with spring coming is making me feel so much better.

I did hear on the news about the terrible storm and all the flooding in the upper midwest. Hope our people out there on LBT are doing ok.

Our Water is now receding. After a week of a little warmer weather and the rain melting the snow, it is all starting to flow. As I stated last week, we had overflowing ditches and wildlife pond. All looks good now.

Yep, Deb, exercise can make a person feel so much better. Not always easy to get up and get it done but that feeling of accomplishment is a good one. Also, I always had better eating days when I exercised. I wasn't going to ruin the hard work of burning calories with replacing them with additonal calories. I think I was more vigilant with what I ate cuz I was in no way going to undo what I had done.

I am still in the middle of getting my spring things put in the main closet. I just know I will be going back and forth to closets because of our iffy spring weather. Need to get it done though. I have things ripped apart in the 2 guestrooms and it's driving me nuts. Plan on working on it this afternoon.

Congrats on all the exercise you have been getting in. Sounds like you are turning a new page in your life. Go get 'em, Deb!

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Deb - You make those Zumba classes sound very interesting. Think I'll look into them at my gym.

Julie (Mrs. Bubba) - so very sorry for your intense pain. Certainly hope a physician can find the source and offer some options - this has gone on so long.

We had 8" of snow over the weekend and now will return to 60 degree days. Where is spring? I want to walk outside and change clothes in closets, like Apples.

Had 2 hb eggs for Breakfast. Day one of return to eating.


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Deb - You make those Zumba classes sound very interesting. Think I'll look into them at my gym.

Julie (Mrs. Bubba) - so very sorry for your intense pain. Certainly hope a physician can find the source and offer some options - this has gone on so long.

We had 8" of snow over the weekend and now will return to 60 degree days. Where is spring? I want to walk outside and change clothes in closets, like Apples.

Had 2 hb eggs for breakfast. Day one of return to eating.


Joyce...so difficult to wrap my head around the fact that Kansas and TX have had worse weather than we have had in MN this past week. We have sun today and supposed to be in the 50's. We get so much wind here on the prairie and it is blowing thru here today at a good clip. But, not complaining...we have sun.

Good going on getting back on your plan. I love having hard boiled eggs on hand. I just spread a little mayo on them for a snack. To think, I NEVER ate an egg prior to banding. My DH is still in shock over the fact that I now crave them. My cravings have changed sooooo much. So many things I would never eat that I now love. Weird, huh? Do you find that also?

How many of you on this thread are in love with things that you never would have eaten pre-band? Let's share!

Things I didn't touch prior to band and thought were gross:



High Fiber Cereal

Yogurt of any kind...now eat Greek

Honey Dew Melon

Malt Vinegar (don't know why...I want it on everything)

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Apples, my new favorites since banding are

Navy Beans


Cream of Wheat


egg white pancake( sounds gross, but it is delish)

sweet potato

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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