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Good Morning Gang...

Drinking coffee trying to wake up so I can hit the gym early ...

Gotta be at my Uncle's around 9... Looking forward to it..

Julie, Hugs on your shoulder - any news from the insurance company yet..

I see you all were quite last night - seems like you all are posting alot after I have signed off for the night - but last night just Julie :0)

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Janet, it must just be you and me right now.... I finally went to sleep about 3:00...... DH got me up a while ago so we can go shopping... The only shopping he likes to do is for building supplies, but oh well.. Part of it is for the house and he needs my input....

I'm eating a bit of egg before we leave.... I just weighed myself and it said 377, but don't trust it... That would mean I actually lost down to a weight I haven't been for 5 years.... Just don't trust it... I'll see what tomorrow brings....

Well, now he's ready to go so I'd better sign off.... He stands over me and drives me crazy..... Hope you all have a beautiful Saturday.... Love to all........ Julie

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I just weighed myself and it said 377, but don't trust it... That would mean I actually lost down to a weight I haven't been for 5 years.... Just don't trust it... I'll see what tomorrow brings....


I think that was a typo kiddo.... not 377!!! : ) And trust it!!! CONGRATS! scales usually don't lie, unless they are over.

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Good morning chickies~

It has been relatively quiet on here for the last day or so. When I can catch up in a few minutes, you know people are busy! Nels slept until 7:50, that is the latest I have slept in a long time! Time change and cool weather I guess. In the 50s in the morning and supposed to be 75 today.

Last night we saw The Blind Side. It was good, parts were a tear jerker, but.... I didn't really see the Oscar performance. Maybe all the hype made it that way? Yesterday @ Nels' school was a Father's Tea. The kids prepared little finger foods (gross- who wants to eat food that 4-6 year olds have made with their snotty fingers?!lol) and sang songs for the Dads. They also painted some pencil holder pottery as gifts. DH was SUPPOSED to go from 9-11 and then leave. Ahem, but guess who left with their child?! He knew better then to come home and ruin my morning off (first morning in forever I didn't take him to school). Then he took him to Chuckie cheese for lunch and to play! DH turned on the pool heater yesterday. With the 50s last night, probably only the jacuzzi is hot.

Judy~WTG on going out, sorry he was a dud. I remember those kind of dates <yawn>. If there is no chemistry in the first 15 min, then you kind of know. But at least a free meal with no PB included! : )

Janet~ I am with you on RR. Everything is greasy and gross IMHO. makes you feel like not even wasting your calories b/c it's not even that good.l WTG on making a healthy choice. So proud of you for going to the gym. SIGH. Wish I could say the same.

Julie~ Have fun shopping with DH. : ) Your DD is so lucky to have you! Have you told her lately? Are you anywhere near the river? That flooding is so scary.

LadyCousa~ WTG on 3 movies without popcorn! Did you bring healthy snack with you? Last couple times I went I had popcorn. So we watched illegal movie on the computer last night. : )

Great~ I have a Toyota Sequoia and LOVE IT. Ask the girls (and Eva's husband) how nicely 7 of us fit in Orlando! The year on mine was without any problems. Since we have had my car 2005, I have had zero problems with it. Would buy it again in a heart beat. Prob. great deal right now..LOL. Esp. one that has been recalled. : )

Apples~ How's the deck coming along? What else on tap for the weekend?

Eva~ Where art thou?

I ordered a Lego set on Amazon the other day. Supposed to have 200 pieces- it arrived with duct tape closing it. They sent a USED one! Had only 20 pieces! gross. Yesterday afternoon DH called and told them. FEDEX just delivered a new one 5 min ago! Gotta hand it to them, that's good customer service.

I had a couple HUNGRY days this week and had gone back up to 222. Then last two days was really good. Back down and actually at 218 today. I think I will change my ticker before I give myself permission to pop up again.

Hope everyone has a beautiful Saturday. I will be around and will CBL. HUGS to everyone. peasout.. Laura

Edited by peascorps

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Ok, I'll give myself that lashing as I was just hassling you ladies about taxes. I completely understand not paying uncle sam until the end.

Julie, sorry about that pain.

Laura, way to go on changing that ticker.

Janet, have fun 4-wheeling with your uncle.

Have a great day!

Laura K

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I have to kiss a lot of frogs before I get the prince????

I have kissed so many frogs, you would think I'd have a permanent case of wart-lips.

When I was younger, I had so many blind dates that I earned a seeing eye dog.

He called this AM. I let the answering machine get it. That tells me something.

Today, our town had something called Fun Fest. It was a beautiful FL day! Drove over in the golf cart, had lunch (no roll with the hot dog), visited all the vendors, [/url] arts and crafts, etc. Fun! Tonight is a pool party at the South Club.

28_1_7v.gif I am a happenin' chick.


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Oops, I meant 277............ actually it said 276 and then I moved it and stepped on again and it said 277.... That's why I don't trust it......

Home from Bismarck.... I was crabby.... Poor DH.... I don't feel the greatest, not a lot of sleep, and not my favorite thing.... shopping in Lowes and Menards....(Home Improvement stores)... But I did get the stand-alone "pantry" type cupboard I wanted for my kitchen....also got DD a small freezer so she can take advantage of some specials and save money.... and DH got all his stuff....

So, I'm hurting, going to go sit in the hot-tub and then have a well earned nap before I start re-organizing my kitchen for my new pantry.... No need to hurry...

Laura, I jump around like that so much.... that's what I meant about not trusting,,,,,it just is lower than it has been before... Probably back up a couple pounds again tomorrow... I hate the see/saw thing..... glad you got the legos......

Judy, I kissed my share of toads, too..... But my prince was worth waiting for... even if I was crabby today... I like him alot......

Laura K........no problem.... we all do things different.. I like mine done early too..... But if I have to pay in I wait to pay until the due date.... they don't cut me any slack, so why should I......

talk to you guys later... must rest.... Julie

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Two words to describe my weekend: KIDNEY STONE

Terrible spasms that started about 2am. Just got out of bed for the first time at 5pm. Heading back there. Miserable day. I always need a couple days to recover after I pass. Wet noodle syndrome.

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Two words to describe my weekend: KIDNEY STONE

Terrible spasms that started about 2am. Just got out of bed for the first time at 5pm. Heading back there. Miserable day. I always need a couple days to recover after I pass. Wet noodle syndrome.

You poor baby. My DIL and DS suffer with them. It has got to be the worst pain. Please take care of yourself

Well, the cold front blew in and so did my IBS. Thank goodness, I didn't have to go anywhere today. I must say though.....no aching with this weather change. It went from 70 to the 30's......and damp.

Nothing new to report on my weight. It has stayed the same since January. I am hoping things will change in a week.

Julie, I hope you get some pain relief soon.....and congrats on the loss!

JB....forget the prince......go for the King!

Okay, peeps, got the teenage GDS coming for a visit. Talk later!

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Hi everyone!!

Hope everyone is having a beutiful weekend!!

It is simply gorgeous in NY. Upper Seventies?? whod have thunk after last weeks storm that we would have such amazing weather??

We walked in the park for an hour or so with the dog...boy was she a happy camper!

Shabbat was quiet....... Been scouting out my recipes..for the Seders we are having here next week. I actually made some menus and got the shopping list ready. My daughter was away for shabbat and mom was with...so it gave me some time to work this through.....otherwise... next week will be here and id be running around like a chicken without a head.

Monday we start cleaning....and cleaning and cleaning...till I can Kosher the kitchen....probably this will be done by Wednesday and then ill start shopping and such....its gonna be a busy week!!!

Im feeling really good. I have been drinking my Protein drinks.....and I had a soft boiled egg the outside only for Breakfast a Protein Shake for snack and ground chicken..an oz. for lunch....starting to get a little hungry I think....so might have a two tablespoons of cottage cheese for dinner.

I also found...this product from Purity....called "REDS" and "GREENS" that are a powder that you mix with Water that give you all the fruits and vegetables that you would need for daily recquirements. It tastes good. I fugure since im not eating all those fruits and veggies...that I would try this twice daily. No sugars, no total carbs.......2.

Has anyone else tried these products and do they think they are helpful as from what I hear...the Proteins are the most important...and if such where do fruits and veggies come in..esp those that will not agree with the band??

Have found...choc chewy cal nuggets...that are citrate?? is that right? they are yummy and are not chalky at all...but three out the bag.

I will call the surgeon and find out the name of this product...I know someone was asking if anyone knew any products that were good....I like them...! lol maybe they will help.

Tomorrow we go to acting sessions all day...with Dassi. She is excited as she has an audition with an agency that will be on site and well....who knows?

Hope you are all having a great weekend.....


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Julie - so sorry you are experiencing so much pain. Hope you find some relief soon.

Apples - so sorry the kidney stone monster has ruined your weekend.

Here in KC - temp went from gorgeous 70 degrees on Friday to snow. Still snowing and about 7" on the ground. DH was stranded in Hayes, Kansas and won't be back until tomorrow.

Oh well, I'll watch My TV tonight. lolo

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Thanks for the info on the SUV's. We were going to start shopping this weekend til DH got called to Phoenix but am sure the cars will wait. I just hate car shopping and dealing with salesman, I always feel like I am being taken advantage of.

Our oldest son always does his preliminary research online. Probably does some test driving first. But... doesn't go and do his serious shopping until he has settled on exactly what vehicle and what options he wants. And, he finds out what the invoice price is. Some credit unions will do the negotiating for you. But, our son has been known to do the negotiating via email, too. Eliminates a lot of frustration.

Oh guess what the food cop did today that pissed alot of pple off - especially our controller !!! We have a guy who was in the hospital for 2 days for testing - he has diabites - well I threw out the donut in his desk - then I went and threw away the left over Cookies in the lunch room!!! Told one person to quit bringing their costco left overs to work - it's always cakes candy etc..

Well the controller came and asked where the cookies were - I said I threw them away (there was like 8 cookies left) she was PISSED - she has diabetes too and said she needed to bring her blood sugar up - well she has ton's of candy in her office - and it's better to eat Jerky than sweets (per my x bf doc)..

Well I am her shit list - on my bosses shit list too - he wanted one too and there were none to be had..

Yes I got carried away - pple do have to make their own decisions - but hell - 98% of the pple in the office are overweight... I get sick of seeing pple eating cookies cake and candy like there is no tomorrow - pple are killing themselves... So next time I will just do what I did before - just throw a few away every time I go in the lunch room and not tell anyone !!!!

Guess I will have to take some cookies to work on Monday to make them happy...

Like I said we are going out to dinner again tonite - but Andrew didn't want another fancy restaurant - but something like Red Robin - I hate those places - I am not a salad person at restaurant cuz hell they have just as many calories as a hamburger most of the time - I still have a lamb chop left from last night (took one for lunch today) I rather go to a steak house where I can get good Protein - Red Robin is one step above fast food imho..

OH, MY!! Throwing their goodies away!!! Too Funny! You are one gutsy chick!! HAHAHA!

Funny you mentioned Red Robin because that's where we had lunch today on our break from training! But... I always order the same thing... have studied the menu extensively. Our oldest GD lives in CA but goes to U of WA.. in fact, just emailed DIL to tell her we'd take her to lunch on her birthday again this year... her favorite restaurant.... RED ROBIN!! So... they have this "Ensenada Plate".. it comes with either 1 or 2 chicken breasts. With one, it's 629 calories. You get salad, chicken breast, salsa and another white, spicy sauce. It's very good, and not too bad calorie wise. So that's what I had for lunch.

Ok you ladies all need a lash with a wet noodle waiting so long. My taxes were done in Feb (heck I think I spent the return well part of it) and I have done 8 other peoples since that time with only 1 more to do when they get me their stuff. I told you ladies I was warped. I took a H & R Block class to learn how, just for fun. Get on it, the relief when it's behind you will be wonderful. lol

Janet is the food cop so I'll be the tax cop. Laura K

I just hate to do it so I procrastinate. But, yes, it is a big relief now that it's all done. Here is a BIG frustration, though. Nothing changed.... our income, deductions almost exactly what they were last year. But last year we got back over $1500, this year.... $289!! Don't spend it all in one place! I will restrain myself from making a political statement here, but I sure am ticked! HAHA

3_12_20.gif 3_2_4v.gif

Oops, I meant 277............ actually it said 276 and then I moved it and stepped on again and it said 277.... That's why I don't trust it......

So, I'm hurting, going to go sit in the hot-tub and then have a well earned nap before I start re-organizing my kitchen for my new pantry.... No need to hurry...

Laura K........no problem.... we all do things different.. I like mine done early too..... But if I have to pay in I wait to pay until the due date.... they don't cut me any slack, so why should I......talk to you guys later... must rest.... Julie

HAHA... Scary typo!!

Sorry you are hurting again. My back is much better today even though I spent 4 hours sitting in class last night and 8 hours today!! Community Emergency Response Training. I will upload a couple of pictures. We practiced with fire extinguishers. I was embarrassed.. I didn't have the strength to pull the trigger!! But when I switched hands... held it in my left hand and aimed the hose with my right... then I could squeeze it hard enough! We also put slings on each other, and head wraps for head wounds. Tomorrow... I think he said we're going to practice splinting. It's very interesting and informative. Besides being a retired RN, I also have a HAM radio license, so once a few folks here in the RV park got wind of that... I got recruited for the park C.E.R.T. team!! And I recruited DH!!

16_4_39.gif 3_12_26v.gif

Two words to describe my weekend: KIDNEY STONE

Terrible spasms that started about 2am. Just got out of bed for the first time at 5pm. Heading back there. Miserable day. I always need a couple days to recover after I pass. Wet noodle syndrome.

So sorry you're having that trouble AGAIN!! Hope you are feeling much better soon!!

Edited by phyllser

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Good Morning Gang

You all were quite yesterday - figured I'd have 5 pages to catch up on

Had a great day with Uncle - got home around 6 - feed the dogs and me (lamb chop from thrusday) squash and Ice Cream cake - other food for the day was only 1 bad pt chips 140 cal and a skinny frappichino - so I was good calorie wise :0)..

Apples hugs on the pain - I am so sorry that you have to suffer w/them..

Julie - Heck we all have our crabby days - It ok..

Laura - You are right go for the king :0)

Judy - Yep girl you are a happening chick

Phyl - I was bad about doing that (throwing away other pples stuff) I was carried away in the moment - I am a bit obsessive as you all know - this is my life and I know how hard it is to say No when it's in your face - I know it's up to the individual - but sometimes I just can't stop the food cop in me - I guess I am so use to it here on lbt that I let it into my other life - I am going to buy some Cookies today and take them to work w/an apology - I really want to put on the apology (but won't) - go ahead eat all you want kill yourself and keep gaining weight... I am just like a reformed smoker who hates smoking - for me I am an all or none girl

Great Pic's !!!

Red Robin - will I must just be the lone ranger here - not my cup of tea - I guess I don't know the calories at mex or chineese - but figure I can't eat too much and since I don't do it often - I don't sweat it..

Well stupid dogs had me up at 5:30 - it's sunday for crying out loud....

Well - paper should be here shortly if it's not already here - but haven't heard any cars and yesterday I know it wasn't here when I left for the gym at 6:30 - so maybe he's running late w/the time change..

Jodi The diff between the 2 Calcium - we absorb the citrate better but again we haven't had bypass - most of our docs started doing bypass and they have us on the same diet as their bypass pple (I know mine does) - I think a girl on my #7 doc' said that we can do the other - I do both - I get my lapband vit from either my doc's office bariatic advantage is the brand or from Bariatic Choice website - I take lapband chewable multi vit(mixed berry at the moment - when I remember and they have a great cinnamon cal chew and I know they have the choc chews to that are like candy - my problem is I eat too many of those ;0) - but again I am very bad about taking my Vitamins - when I start bruising I will take them :laugh:

I haven't heard of the red/green stuff - but I know there is something like it at the health food stores - I eat veggies every day - spinach - yellow squash - zucchini - tops of asparagus - cauliflower - butternut squash - some broc - and I go thru spurts where I eat a lot of salads - My doc suggest that you get your Protein in during the 1st part of the day (60 grms) so that at night you can have room for the veggies -

Joyce - Weather here in the desert is 80's - next it will 90's then 100's - our cold is gone - but it's still cool at nite 57 ;0) yep that's cold for us ;0)

Charlene - Hope it warms up soon for you.. Hugs on the ibs

and dear - once you get your head wrapped around this thing (healthy eating) you will do fine - too bad I dont live closer or I could come to your house and throw away all the crap in your house lol:wink: - I bet you would just love me coming and cleaning out your pantry - and so would your dh - he would say who does she think she is :0)

Eva what did you do this weekend..

Oh gang did I tell you - my furlough days have been cut in half - instead of every other friday - just 1 friday a month.

Guess they finally realized that we had too much work with all the extra that they have been giving us with all the firing they have been doing - that stuff wasn't getting done.

So starting next month only 1 friday off - going to miss them - going to like the additional $$ in my bank (more shopping ;0) - For the rest of they year - I have the 1st friday of the month off (well april is good friday and we have it off - so april it's the 2nd friday)

Well going to see if paper is here yet - another cup of coffee

will cbl

Hugs to all

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Hello I need help

I am 5 weeks post lap ban. I have been doing well except this week. Thurs, I regurgitated. Yesterday I tried Lasagna noodle(probably should not have had it) I quess i didnt chew it well enough so it got stuck I kept throwing up 3-4 time, not violent just everything kept coming up. I am still very sore this morning and am sore when I even swallow juice...Any advice

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Hi, Aleah. Welcome to this thread! Well, I think you've had an experience that most of us lap-banders have---finding out what you just CAN'T eat. I know there are others who CAN eat Pasta, but I can't seem to be able to eat any kind of it. Things like pasta and bread sort of glom together in the pouch and block the opening into the rest of the stomach. Then the pouch reacts by tossing everything up.

You're just in the beginning stages, and you'll be learning what you can eat and what you can't. Mostly what you want to be eating is Protein, not carbs...eat your Proteins first, then your veggies, and then maybe a bit of carbs. I find that I can eat potatoes (slowly) and rice, but no pasta for this one.

Hope that helps. Keep coming back here if you want to join in or if you have any other questions!

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