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Happy St. Patrick's Day ladies. What a busy group you are.

Went to lunch with DD and Grandson (17 yrs. old). He was first one to notice that I've lost some weight. Yippee

Apples - forgot to thank you for suggestions re: Constipation. I'm drinking V-8 with Benefiber each afternoon @ 4 pm. Also pushing in more Water. Hope it will help.

DH will be out of town for two days taking pix for Kansas Special Olympics. I have dinner plans both nights and a movie with dinner too. Should be fun.

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Oh Apples, would love to share her with you!! We'll have to arrange a "date" soon and I'll bring her with us. So sorry to hear about your Dad's passing and sorry I wasn't reading for so long and wasn't here to send my sympathies. I'm just this far in catching up and just coudn't stand to wait to say something. Step daughter was out of hospital 1 day (sat.) and went back in Sunday -- she MUST do something - she's down to 105 -- I don't know what more anyone can do -- there's not such a facility here, but oh I wish there was. If there was one somewhere, I wish her doctors (who are all also fed up and frustrated with her) would send her. My DH had to pick up some things from her apt. yesterday and turned on her glucometer and guess what? She hasn't taken a reading since the first of Feb. In many ways she deserves to be so sick -- I have little sympathy left for her -- sorry if I sound harsh. I love my GD with all my heart but I want to be her GM NOT her everyday mom -- I'm too old and tired. Thank goodness I have a wonderful DH who is very good with her. He's such a great husband/father/papa. That was truly one of the things that attracted me to him was that he was such a great dad.

Lori, loved all the pics -- you look so beautiful -- what a gorgeous Mother of the bride you will be -- can't wait for those pics either. Your lunch at McD's sounds like some that I've had with my GFs -- just yakkity yakkity yakkity.

Eva, those cards are gorgeous -- you are so talented. I bought a bunch of stamps/papers, etc. years ago to make cards and I've never made one -- some day I will find the time to be creative again. Need to finish my book too, just no time.

Janet, wtg on the weight!!! Proud of you. I also lost a pound this week -- it's been exactly 1 month since I lost the last one, but I'm so happy -- maybe it's the extra Protein from the greek yogurt? I bought another week's worth -- I have to add sweetner to it and mix it with my fruit -- I don't like the taste of it either. We truly are TWINS. LOL.

One of the young kids I work with was reading some article that said that you can increase your metabolism if you eat 18 grams of protein before a work out.

Jody, hope you are doing okay, haven't seen you post yet since your surgery.

Julie, wishing that MRI would get approved -- once you start feeling better you'll probably want to move more too. I know I do since my hip replacement.

Cheri, hope you're on the mend, sorry about your pain too. Yes that hip is a large joint and when it hurts it really hurts.

Laura, good going on the weight, the shorts and working out! Proud of you.

Melissa, hope your car problems cease soon -- sorry to hear that - glad the new job is going well -- give yourself time for the adjustment - then you'll get back on track with eating and exercise -- life happens -- we can't always be perfect.

LauraK so proud of you for trying to quit smoking -- don't get upset if you can't quit right away - I think I quit at least 10 or more times - sometimes it just isn't the right time - but if you've cut back that's great -- it's an extremely tough addiction - I thought it was worse than the food addiction, although obviously that one was tough for us all too.

Gotta run, but will try to do more later. Missing you all, but still getting my exercise in -- but it takes away my only free time of my day/night. Hopefully will catch up on the more than 10 pages of posting I'm still behind. Sending love and hugs to you all. Linda

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Happy ST Patrick's Day to all!

Well, I fell off the wagon. We have a dinner tonight at bible study. I bought a new potato dish and a fruit salad so I wouldn't have to cook. Then I did a bad thing. I made lemon bars.......and ate a few of them! Yep.....a few......made myself sick. Okay, got that confession over with......it is the Catholic in me.

I took my friend to the plastic surgeon. YIKES! It is expensive....9,500 for Tummy Tuck, 5,100 for boobs, I forgot what the Lipo and arms cost. I just know it was 26,000. They said that insurance will pay for the tummy tuck and boobs (rashes). We have the same insurance so I know what I can expect when and if I do the PS........and I DO have rashes. She has lost so much her tummy and boobs hang way down. She still hasn't received results from the cancer test......all the ps depends on the other results. I think she is pretending the other isn't happening.

Okay peeps, Have a great evening!!! Don't drink too much green beer.

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Yep, Julie, Jodi is one busy, busy girl. Love your license plate story and trying fill with gas. A few years ago my youngest DS was home from Alaska. Wanted to go out and party with his friends. Told him I would deliver them all to the bar and they were to call when they wanted to come home. Gas station is right out the front window of the bar. After I had dropped them, I decided to fill with fuel. Well, was thinking of which feild and what I needed to drop off for DH and put in diesel instead of gas. Not good. Started up the truck and it moved about 2 feet. Of course, all these young 22 yr olds caught what I did and thought it was pretty funny. It takes ALOT to make me cry. I stood there and cried. When DH showed up and saw that I was crying and so worried about my truck, he just hugged me and took me home. Next day he had to spend some time ciphening the tank. No harm done except to my pride.

Joyce...you are welcome on the consipation info. Everyone is so different and what it takes for them. But, I'm a big believer in lots of Fluid and Fiber.

Have fun on all your dates. Love to see that you are out and eating socially already. That was a big one for me in the beginning. I'm fine with it now but quite the hurdle for me.

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Good afternoon. I am feeling so exhausted today for some reason and a light headache, hope I am not coming down with something, that's sort of what it feels like. I took some Emergen-C, Vitamin C stuff this morning hoping it helps. I did go do my volunteer duties at the hospital today since I really don't have any symptoms of anything. I am getting a little frustrated with my volunteering and am thinking of giving it up sooner rather than later since we are moving anyway. I just get this stuff to do with no direction and they are so unorganized I redo the same stuff each week.

No more responses from DD's future MIL, not sure what was up with her, I just pray she doesn't do something stupid at the wedding. Guess her fiance is going to have a chat with his mom tomorrow.

Jessica - I know how overwhelming moving can be. I am faced with it right now myself. But remember, it will happen no matter if you stress out about it or not. So try and remain calm and just do what you can, the rest will wait. Get help and since it's an in town move what you can't get one weekend, get the next. One step at a time and you'll get there.

Your story about the note in the lunch reminds me of when we were first married. I packed DH a lunch but inside the sandwich I put a note that said I love you. Well he bit into in the lunchroom with about a hundred other guys and then had this paper in his mouth and trying to discreetly pull it out and see what it was. LOL

Phyl, hope your friend is better.

Okay, nurses, anyone get a chance to read my question as to whether Calcium is constipating???

I'm going to go backwards...... yes, calcium can cause constipation... like cheese, milk, too. Apples did the research. She might not be a nurse, but she knows how to get the "straight skinny" on stuff. Good work, Karen!

I love the note in the sandwich story. Think that's so cute that Laura puts a note in Nels lunch everyday... and so sweet that he saves them all! Reminds me of a ladies' retreat we had once about 20 years or so ago. We were at a couple of condos on the beach on the OR coast... which is totally irrelevant to the story... but it was such a nice place, special weekend. I was doing piano for some worship sessions we had and we carried an electric piano up two flights of steps... but to get back to my story, what turned out to be the highlight of the weekend for me... One of the gals who was hosting.. brought paper bags and note paper, index cards or something like that. We each were to put our names on a bag.... paper lunch bags... and we hung them on a clothes line that was strung across the living room of one of the condos. Then we each were to write a note to each lady who was there relating some special memory or thought that you had about that person and then put it in their paper bag. At the end of the weekend, we each got our bag of notes. I don't remember if we took any time to share any of them out loud, but... each one was so special to me and all these years later... I still have them... somewhere!!?? But over the years, I have gotten them out every now and then and reread them all.

Writing little uplifting notes to others is something that can have a lasting impact on someone's life. I hope Nels keeps those notes FOREVER!! Can you imagine what those will mean to him as an adult... the thought his Mom put in to writing those every day??? Priceless!

Hope you are feeling better, Lori! And hope the MIL issue turns out to be nothing!

We went back to the hospital to see our friend today. She was awake and alert and looking better than I expected. She is so tiny and frail.. probably not 100 lb soaking wet. She had O2 on and I.V., but no more NG tube. She is very stressed...worried.. I'm sure what is on her mind is that she has to recover enough to get back in the RV and head home to Okalahoma. I think they were supposed to head home next Tuesday. Obviously, that's not going to happen. He's going to have to persuade the Thousand Trails folks to let him stay past Tuesday, or find another RV park to move to as his reservation is up on Tuesday.

Earl prayed for her and I told her I have put her on our park prayer chain as well as asked for prayer on FB. They were both touched by his prayer and her husband stepped in to the corner to dry his eyes afterward!

And I have to give a little testimony as to the power of prayer. As I said, many, many people praying for these people! Chet told us his daughter (RN) was flying in last night at 7pm. So Earl said we'd go pick her up at Palm Springs airport and bring her to the hospital. At first he said okay, then he said... she is probably going to need a rental car anyway, so I'll just tell her to get a rental car. Earl argued a little.. but finally agreed. Well, today he tells us that his daughter met this Navy Lt./Dr. on the plane who was going to the same hospital because his mother was in ICU. So he suggests they share a cab to the hospital. She thought that was a good idea. He told her to go get her luggage and he'd go find a cab. So he was waiting at the curb with a cab when she came out with her bags. Very little conversation on the way as he was texting on his cell phone. They get to the hospital, he jumps out throwing $40 at the cab driver and disappears before she can give him any money! A big blessing from God in my book! His provision.. taking care of her! God is GOOD, ALL THE TIME! Watching out for his kids!

Okay you guys... we are going to pray Lori and Jessica through these traumatic moves!!!

Ok...you all know I am not a nurse but will share what I know about calcium and Constipation. Have heard from my doc that there is a correlation between too much calcium and it causing constipation. My friend said that her doc said that too low of calcium can be tied to constipation also.

All I know is that I was having troubles when I was taking the chalky chewables. Doc had me switch to the Viativ chews and have not had troubles since. He also stated to up fluids (I was getting more than enough) and up fruit intake (which I did not do). Just switching to the chews (not sure why), problem was solved.

One more note on calcium citrate vs. Calcium Carbonate... it's very hard, if not impossible, to find Calcium Citrate chewables any more. RiteAid and Albertson's used to sell a brand that looks like what costco sells, but they were citrate and not carbonate. Both stores discontinued those and I haven't found them anywhere since and now I've forgotten the brand name anyway!! If Lori is not having trouble swallowing the small ones, I will try them again. But when they started to make smaller ones, WHY did they make them SQUARE!!!! What is up with that????

Thanks Apples, I have tried the chews before but they only came in the calcium carbonate and not citrate at the time or something like that. They want me to take the citrate so have been doing the Citracal petites and just swallow them. I don't do much fruit, so maybe that will help.

I guess I'll try them again! But, as I said, WHY are they SQUARE!!??????


Again...here's proof I am not a nurse. Don't have a clue what the diff is with the citrate. Anyone know?
OK...went and looked at the diff between calcium citrate and carbonate. Supposedly the citrate form digests better and does not need as much stomach acid for digestion. There was a warning that if there were someone that suffers from an acidic stomach, that citrate would not be the preferred choice.

Yeah.. it's the absorption. I even read somewhere that if you're taking Calcium Carbonate, you may as well not bother!! But that's what I"m taking now... 4 a day of the Costco Kirkland brand. I think I'll try the stupid square ones again since I am taking this discussion to heart!

Hi there, just back from my full body massage.... It was very relaxing, but she said my back and shoulder were really tight...... I knew that!!!! but it was good....

I got this new perm yesterday and it took most of my color away, so hate my hair right now... It stinks, it's still quite tight, and I look old.... can't wait to color it... She likes to wait 2 weeks but I'll be lucky if I make it for one.... Don't care for me in gray......

Gosh, Jodi, I got worn out just reading about your day yesterday... Hope this one was a bit calmer....

Phyll, you'll get that earring done soon.. Then we can see them.. The pin or necklace, (can't remember which) was very pretty.... How is your friend today..?? God's blessings to you all.... Julie

Julie, Julie, Julie... enjoy all your posts!

Hair... I'm "saving" mine for my GS's girlfriend to give me a good hair cut and highlights when I get home next month. This is going to be a big challenge for me because I like my hair short and get it cut about every 6 weeks. It's probably been almost that now and I won't be home for a little over a month and I AM going to wait so she can give me a new "DO"! Her sister just opened a new salon last fall in a touristy area of Snohomish WA... where all the antique stores, etc. are, and they serve WINE while you get your hair done! I'm looking forward to being pampered! I want some subtle blond highlights. I really don't mind the gray/salt and pepper stuff, but I'd like to mix it with a little blond!! I was very blond as a toddler and I want to be there again!! LOL

I don't know if I"d enjoy a massage or not! I don't like anyone to see my naked body!! LOL!

I WILL finish the earring SOON!! I promise!! I have so many unfinished projects that it's overwhelming.. sort of like the taxes! I do my best work under pressure!! LOL The necklace/pendant has to be fixed because it doesn't hang very straight. I know how to fix it and it will only take a minute. But right now the taxes are a priority!!! Yuck! But, they are almost done. I should have them finished and transferred electronically by tonight!

Jodi... very funny story!! Forgetting where your car was!! LOL!! My granddaughter did that once, but she'd been drinking!! LOL!! So did you hit the sauce anywhere while you were out and about???? HAHAHAHA!!

Went to lunch with DD and Grandson (17 yrs. old). He was first one to notice that I've lost some weight. Yippee

I think that is really sweet that your GS noticed your weight loss! What a sweetie!! Our youngest son has typically been our "problem child", even though he's now almost 38 yrs old, that's still the case. But... .he is always the one to notice things like that! And last week when I was having all that back pain.. he kept texting me, calling me, etc. And he was the one who expressed the most concern. He has a very tender heart, as does you grandson apparently. That's very special.

This is my favorite time of the day... a little wine, few tiny cubes of cheese, a few pretzels, a few "Judge Judy"s!! Quiet time with DH. Ooops... he left!! LOL

We actually had to put the air conditioning on today.. HOT! But, now it's off and the windows and door open again! I love it! It's a beautiful day!! DH went out to the desert to fly his RC airplane! And I just finished having a video call with one of my LBT buddies. Life is GOOD!!

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phyl, what a beautiful story about the notes. A great idea to remember. I did the car thing last time my DD was home. She met me at work and we went to town, was just jabbering away and left her car there & was all the way home before we remembered. Duh

I take the cal. petites (square) with no problem. Have right from the start.

Once again Apples is the queen of info, just like posting. lol

All this talk about hair made me get my behind in there and colored mine. Few more minutes and I can rinse it out.

I made a corn beef for dinner. Had saurkraut, swiss cheese and a bit of thousand island dressing. Rueben on a plate, no bread. DS and GF had sandwiches and fried potatos. He wouldn't let me make them green. I used to make them meat loafs, clover shaped and green mashed potatos every year for St Pats. Told them they were special kind of potatos. They believed it for a lot of years. Every holiday and a different color.

Julie I love a massage, have been thinking about scheduling one. And Phyl they don't see your whole body only a bit at a time. At least that has been my experience. You'd love it. ahhhh

Laura K

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LauraK - I love massage too. Have one scheduled for next week and will go back twice a month for 90 minutes. Love them.

Phyl - your wine, cheese and breeze blowing in the windows sounds sooooo relaxing. Enjoy.

Loved the story about the ride with the doctor to the hospital - for your friends daughter. Prayer really works. What a miracle and blessing.

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Phyll, I liked my massage.... Was always afraid of breaking the table before.... then there was the whole getting naked thing, but I was never naked... Kept my underwear on and she only took the sheet off one body part at a time... I do know this gal, but I was comfortable and I enjoyed it... You should try it..... I, too, am a firm believer in the power of prayer.... I'm living proof..... How nice for your friend's daughter... There are angels among us............

Laura K........green mashed potates.... I have to think about that....... You color your own hair? ?? Me, too!!! I'm just too cheap to pay the salon.... It washes out at the same rate no matter how much you pay... That's my theory.... I've never tried the highlights think like Phyll is getting.. I'd have to have someone do that for me I think....

Apples, I would have cried, too.... bless your DH for just taking care of you and not making fun of you... He is a gentleman......truely..... Brothers aren't that kind.....

Arlene, sorry you fell off the wagon, but you are in good company... We had supper at church tonight... They made that 3 bean/hamburger hotdish... Beans and meat....good protein... and then fresh carrots, homemade Buns of which I had NONE..... and bars..... I ate 2 small banana bars... They were so good... they had a nice cooked carmel frosting.... I never should have had the first one as then I had to have the second... Only saving grace was that they were small.... I think we will both live......

well, all you other girls, hope you doing well and will be in touch soon.... I need my pills and my ice pack right now.. I think I may have a little response to my massage going on... I'm ready to relax... and hopefully sleep better tonight... PT tomorrow again....

Hugs and prayers to all...... Julie

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Girls Girls Girls - I have been reading for 30 minutes and that was alot of skimming... How am I suppose to catch up here :0)

Laura - love the pics -and oh my Nelson is such a thoughtful little boy to keep all those picutres.. Hugs on the neck - I woke up with the tightest shoulders this a.m - I need a good massage.

Karen - you are a doll - but we already know that (cooking for the lady w/cancer) Glads DS flooding isn't too too bad

Jessice - don't worry about tomorrow - just deal w/today - it will all work out

Great - Fmil sounds like a real "b" - She must be classless if she makes a ruckess at the wedding.

Charlene - Ok you slipped - right this second in a new one :0) just move forward..

Julie - is it that you don't like (or have a taste) for pt - or is it cuz it's harder to eat..

Phyl - Well forgot what I was going to say - just got a skypes call from Karla ;0) - Great story on friends daugther there are great ppl in the world.. Prayer for your friend

Well gang after that call it's 8:10 i gotta go eat...

I promise to get on the computer in the morning

Cuz tomorrow GS bday we going out to dinner w/his mom family -

Hugs and love to all !!!!

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Okay, now I'm ticked...... My pain flared up bad about an hour ago.... I'm back to my old routine of getting in a hot bath, then rubbing down with bio-freeze type ointment (it's tingling now as I write)... took my pain pills and now just have to wait it out.... Damn it anyway... do you think just having an hour massage instead of the half hour I had the last two times stirred things all up again???? I don't want it all stirred up again.. I was just starting to think I could handle things even if I don't get permission for that dang MRI.... Now here I am almost back to square one.... I want to ring someone's neck, but don't know who to go after..... Maybe just myself... for letting my guard down..... I do have PT in the morning so maybe she can do something if it doesn't calm down during the night......

Janet, I am just not a big meat eater..... don't like fish...or seafood.... Except for chicken breast, I can usually handle the meat unless I eat too fast or don't chew well.... I just don't like meat that much... Could go a long time without any and not miss it... Now DH could eat all meat with no problem.... When we were first married he liked to take me out for prime rib suppers... He would eat the meat and if he was still hungry he'd eat the baked potato... I started on the potato and then ate a few bites of the meat and gave the rest to him.... I do eggs, Beans, split pea soup... soft Proteins I guess is what they are... I like Peanut Butter, but with bread or toast of course.... today I had a glass of milk for Breakfast, 2 eggs made into salad with lettuce, a sprinkle of shredded cheddar, a teaspoon of sunflower seeds and about a 1/4 cup of cottage cheese for lunch...... Supper was the bean and beef hotdish (about half a cup) and those 2 dang banana bars.... Just had a SF fudgesicle for a snack........ I didn't drink enough Water or other liquids either... Just don't drink alot.... I guess I'm hopeless..... I feel crappy so now I sound goofy... Better stop before I get myself depressed...... I need a head makeover....mostly, anyway.....

Sorry to turn into that Debbie Downer that Apples always refers to..... I'm just hurting and don't know what to do to stop it... I'm hoping to be better soon... DH gets so worried when I get this bad pain... I haven't cried yet, so it could be worse..... That's a plus anyway....

Oh, forgot to tell you about this man who came up to me after church tonight.. I've known him casually for many years and his wife, too.. Just saw them Saturday night at a Christian event.... Tonight he comes up beside me and sort of whispers that he sure has noticed the change in my body and way to go.... I was a bit stunned as it is usually the women who comment.. His wife did on Sat night... It was nice that he thought enough to compliment me.....

Anyway, I better quit while I'm ahead.... Sorry to rag on you all............... I'll try to be better tomorrow...

Love you all............ Julie...(or DD for short!!)

Edited by Mrs. Bubba

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Julie, I thought you were done with therapy? Are you sure it's not that or the massages that are flaring things up? How about if you let things rest a bit, have someone else take care of Mimi for a few days and rest your shoulder?? Hope you get to the bottom of this. Do you get hungry more often by eating the soft Proteins? I'm like your DH give me the meat and forget the potato etc. So this Protein diet stuff is right up my ally.

Janet, missed ya! Glad you are back.

Melissa, have you posted today?

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No, I've been going to therapy for quite a while now... I've had about 14 treatments.... 2 per week.... then they started telling me to have a massage in between the PT.... It seems whenever they try something beyond gentle I get a flare up... But I'm having this therapy as a tool to get to the permission for the MRI..... It's like a 3 ring circus... I'm so tired of it all......

I think I stay satisfied longer when I have the hard Protein, but it's so hard to make myself eat it.... Wish I just loved a good steak.... It would make it so much easier....

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Fly by post this morning. This time change still has us all discombobulated. Usually Nels springs out of bed in the morning and today had to remind him to get up 3 times! yawnnnnn!

Busy day today. Appt with DH @10. My Amazon beauty crew is coming to clean today! yeah!!! Now, to me... that is better than ANY massage in the world!!! (and same price as a massage.) Just to come home to a clean house. Priceless.

Gotta go get the prince ready for school. ttyl..peasout...


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Fly by post this morning. This time change still has us all discombobulated. Usually Nels springs out of bed in the morning and today had to remind him to get up 3 times! yawnnnnn!

Busy day today. Appt with DH @10. My Amazon beauty crew is coming to clean today! yeah!!! Now, to me... that is better than ANY massage in the world!!! (and same price as a massage.) Just to come home to a clean house. Priceless.

Gotta go get the prince ready for school. ttyl..peasout...


Peas, I'm with you on coming home to a clean house. It's like food tasting so much better if your not the cook. Not to mention I am a smell freak. I love to come home and smell Lavender. I sure hope I don't ever have to give up that treat.

Janet, I am moving on after the sweet attack. I don't want to go backwards.

Sorry, I haven't read posts. Julie I did see that you are in pain again. Do you take muscle relaxers? They help me more than pain medicine. I know about that therapy.......my back has been hurting since PT last week. They start moving parts that we don't use.

Peeps, I am off to babysit this morning. Geez, I need a day off!!!!!

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Mornin' All!

Lovely day here on the prairie. Sun is shining, dog is happy...laying on a hard pile of snow with a new 5lb braised joint bone...I guestimate that it will be gone withing 2 hours. My guys are prepping my new deck for painting. And, the garbage truck showed up for it's bi-weekly pick-up.

Have not been out of this house since Sat evening and pretty sad when the highlight of a person's week is watching the garbage truck grab onto that dumpster and spill it's contents. I was feeling like Nels this morning looking out the window at it.

Well.....I can hardly contain myself....I will be putting my cute jeans on and heading out of here some time after 12pm. Afternoon of shopping and a 5:30 LB group meeting. Stopping to visit friends with DH and DS after my meeting for a farm shop get together with neighbors.

After my last meeting (2 months ago) I told DH I would not go back. Got a nasty-A$$ed comment from someone that should have known better. I just gotta learn to have a come back and not stand there with my mouth open in shock. Not that I cannot stick up for myself. I am just always in shock that ppl can be sooooooooooooo rude and I dropped my jaw in disbelief. I know, I know...I should handle all this better and snap the crap right back but I was taught that you never stoop to that level.

Anyway, I am so much better and do not get hurt by the words and do not walk away hurt. I walk away ticked off. My strategy has been to answer a question with a question and it seems to be working. Example:

What happened after our last meeting was that someone came up to me and said "You do NOT eat the amount of calories you say you do, do you?". I stood there for a bit and stared at the person. Then I said "Why do you ask?". They could not answer and just walked away.

OK...that is MY support group too and I should be able to say what I need to say and not get scoffed at. I am able to pour it out to you guys and all I get is love and support. Is it because they can see the non-fat girl and they doubt? (There is not one person in my group that has gotten even close to goal in a period of 3-4 yrs...I'm considered a newbie after 2 yrs).

Frustrating, but I'm heading back and I WILL talk about me and my concerns. And, any comments I will be strong and not have to find the need to defend myself! OK...that's my rant for today.

Phyll...I have never found a chewable with citrate. I do three caramel/chocolate a day and will probably stick with them until I find one with citrate. Should do some looking on the internet again and see. I am a worry wart after living with reflux for so many years. I worry the citrate would bother. I have not had reflux or anything close to it since LB surgery so guess I should not worry.

And, goosebump/heartwarming story about your friend's daughter and the taxi. We DO have good ppl in this world.

Laura...one thing I would do for myself if I ever went back to work....a cleaning crew. I have been cleaning for so many years, it's getting really old.

Julie...I have found that when not eating hard Proteins, food stays in my pouch not more than about 20 minutes. As I have stated b/4, in order to get in my required cals per day, I have to be careful to not pack my pouch with hard proteins every day. My hard proteins are usually mixed with mayo and they slip right through. It does make such a difference with the hunger issues. Try to force yourself to get into the habit of eating hard Protein twice a day. I know you would see a difference. Try scrambled eggs instead of making eggs into a salad and making a slider out of them. Not being critical just trying to be helpful. It's difficult to make the change, especially if you are not crazy about eating meat. But, it only takes about 4oz to make that pouch stay full for 3-4 hours. Make sense?

LauraK...those ruebens sounded good. I love corned beef and pastromi. One of my favorite lunches is to take 2 or three pieces and make coleslaw, roll it up and eat. So good.

Well, Chickies...better get my butt in gear so I will be ready to run after lunch. Making mushroom burgers on the grill today. Taking advantage of this nice weather. You all have a good one!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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