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Awwww, Julie, I am about ready to erase my message to Jessica. You sound much more motherly and loving towards her than I do. Nice pep talk. Oh well, I guess my post will maybe help her organize. Yours will make her feel loved!

Yeah Phyll! Freedom from the dreaded taxes hanging over you like a storm cloud! Enjoy your freedom.

Mornin' all...Hope your shoulder flare calms down, Julie.

Up early. Had a great night sleep. Would be really happy to see some sun. Having some sunlight really does make a difference in how a person feels. I do not mind a few days but this is beginning to affect my mood. Guess I should just go ahead and warn DH ahead of time!

Not too much going on around here today. Those men of mine are finishing up the deck for the lake. They will wait for a nice sunny day to take it outside for a sandblasting and then will paint it. It's pretty cool.

Going to send DH to town this morning for a visit with one of his landladys. She is going through a few rounds of chemo. Made her a variety of food that she can just throw into her freezer and not have to fuss. Did small individual dishes. Tough to cook for someone getting treatments because their taste is "off". I was very happy that she emailed me a list of what she would like and can tolerate. NO chicken. Tastes nasty to her. Anyway, spend most of the day in the kitchen yesterday cooking and baking and had a nice time doing it. Made these big/soft pumpkin Cookies with cream cheese frosting. I have not been making things like that cuz DH is trying to get rid of his vacation beer belly. Well, pretty sure he finish off at least 8-9 of those cookies that are about the size of a saucer. Woops.

Bought a new bike this weekend and cannot wait to get out and use it. Love to take my dog on the leash. Gonna have to be careful though. He is so big.

That's about it for my somewhat borning life. Anyone else have any boring news?

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Mornin' Arlene....glad your test is behind you. Hoping for good results for your friend. Yep, clean up in son's basement took 3 men all day. Could have been worse. He'll survive it.

Laura...sorry about the neck issues. Vertigo gone? Mine is soooooooooooooo much better than over the weekend and Monday. At least do not feel like loosing lunch when I move.

Looks like a fun lunch yesterday. I miss those days with the boys. Enjoy. Such a good idea throwing things in Nels' lunch. I still do that (not every day) sometimes when I pack a lunch for the guys when they are tiling. I just love to imagine the look on DS's face when he finds "I love you, Mommy" in his lunch and the guys he works with are with him.

Great photos!

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How could I forget?

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

St. Patty has sent us down some sun. Much appreciated. Now I can stop the whining.

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Apples, sorry about your DS's basement. A pipe broken in my Mom's house (the rental in Colorado)...that was a hassle especially trying to get someone in there to do the work with the flaky renters. The renters did pull all the wall paper off the walls and retextured them however...and the bathroom got tiled instead of carpet, so there were improvements after that little episode. There were at least 2-3 inches of Water covering the entire basement. No fun to try and fix from a distance.

Glad you are getting some sun. I know I need it to stay somewhat level. Yesterday was a really nice day...today is windy. I have field work to do again today and trying to hold down my paperwork is fun when it's blowing all over.



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Apples, sorry about your DS's basement. A pipe broken in my Mom's house (the rental in Colorado)...that was a hassle especially trying to get someone in there to do the work with the flaky renters. The renters did pull all the wall paper off the walls and retextured them however...and the bathroom got tiled instead of carpet, so there were improvements after that little episode. There were at least 2-3 inches of Water covering the entire basement. No fun to try and fix from a distance.

Glad you are getting some sun. I know I need it to stay somewhat level. Yesterday was a really nice day...today is windy. I have field work to do again today and trying to hold down my paperwork is fun when it's blowing all over.



DS's basement will come out of it just fine. Loss of carpet but he can deal with that. Just replace when things dry out. They have stripped everything down to the cement and block walls. One good thing is that the city now lets them run their sumps out to the city gutter system. Just one of the joys of homeownership. DS is lucky he has a dad that is so willing to jump right in and help no matter what it takes. Friends also showed up to help him. He's such a mother hen when it comes to his house. He takes great pride in it. You know your kids are grown up when that happens. His new red Ford pickup is also his baby and is spit shined on a daily basis. So cute. To think...during their teen years the interior of their trucks looked like the inside of a McDonald's garbage can.

Know exactly what you are talking about with the wind. We live on the prairie and have our share of it. Can just plain tire a person out.

You have a good one. Don't work too hard. :scared2:

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Woke up sick again this morning, uggh. Woke up at 4 and couldn't get back to sleep. I just have so much on my mind (plate). We are moving when I get back from my brothers so I have 2 weeks to get everything ready to go. The past 2 moves I was in tears the whole time because I was stressed out. Hopefully things will be better this time. I have been feeling better lately, though, I do still feel over stressed by the move. I just feel flooded by all the new "to do's". My husband keeps reminding me though that it will so be worth it. It is just a few weeks and then we will be sitting in the jacuzzi relaxing. I need to remember all that I have accomplished lately and that I can do this.

Hang in there, Kiddo! Good advice from the gals...! You can do this! It will be worth it to be in your own place again!

I'm up early, too... My shoulder pain just woke me up and I took half a vicodin and have heat on it... Maybe it won't get crazy.. It's been doing better lately.... dang it!!!

Phyll, good you could be there for you friends... And you'll get your taxes done.. It's just so nice to have them over and done with.. We had ours done 2-2 and filed 2-4....

I'm going to try to get back to sleep... It's about time for DH to get up so I might just shut the door and crawl back in and see if I can get back to sleep for a bit.. Mimi comes at 10:00 today.... My canceled massage from yesterday is now today at 3:30.... That should help some, too... Talk to you all later.... Julie

Ugh! I sometimes have shoulder pain at night, and of course, now I'm dealing with this side/back/hip pain! Keeps me turning from side to side frequently some nights trying to get comfortable. I find that sleeping on the side that hurts keeps the pain to a minimum. Thankfully... shoulder and back... both left side pain, so I sleep mostly on my left side.

Yes... up until midnight and worked on the taxes about 6 hours, but now they're just about done. After I review those American Express statements, which should be posted today, I should be ready to roll.

Hope to get that done today, but also planning a trip back to the hospital to see how our friend is doing. She/they are the same age as my mother, so I keep thinking about that. They are troopers to be still RVing at their age. They are out here for about 3 months each winter, but I wonder if they'll continue now that she's had this major health issue so far from home and family. Plus she was having lung problems last week and had to go to the urgent care center, and I think enroute here in January she had some health problems in AZ. And he had surgery for an abdominal aneurysm before they left home!! Maybe it's time to quit! If they WERE my parents, I'd probably insist that they stay home for the winter or at least not go so far! Like south Texas is a whole lot closer to OK than Palm Springs CA!!!

Phyl, I prayed for your friends. I saw it on face book. It is not good when older folks have surgery....recovery is so hard. Abdominal surgery is hard at any age. Keep us posted.

Thanks for all the concerns. I am thinking positive about this issue. I finally got all that contrast out of me....I think. I am going to take my friend to the doctor. I hope she hears something about her BRAC test and CA125.

OKay gang, I will check in tonight.

Hugs, GF! Hope things are better for you now!

Thanks for the prayers for our friend, Irene. I think they are too old to continue being SNOWBIRDS!!

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Phyll...omitted my thoughts and prayers for your dear friend in my last post. So difficult when they get to that age and things keep them from being mobile.

DH's parents had to give up their AZ home a few years ago after being snowbirds for 15 or more years. His mother had kidney failure during surgery for an aortic aneurysm and has been on dialisys for the last 7 yrs. Hate to say this but not going took a lot of joy out of their lives. We all pushed for her to do her treatments in AZ but no go. DH gets upset that it seems they just don't try to even socialize any more. Sad.

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HI....hope everyone had a great day yesturday....Im feeling really good today....overdid it yesturday for sure..but today not bad!!! I go back for post op check up at 2:30 when I pray I can go to stage 2 or I just might have to just kill myself...as last night I think I actually felt something like hunger for the first time..and had some broth didnt really do it!!

heres was my day yesturday...as I couldnt post late last night!

It was Dassis bday yesturday so....after dropping her with donuts for evryone for her Birthday at 9:00 AM since that time I was running around all day!!!

Since then it was all about...well running. I ran to Oceanside which is about a half hour away....to pick up the liquid protein....that I was telling you all about that I found through a health care agency but couldn't do that till 11 AM...so had about an hour and half...so did what every mother does before a major holiday for her kids.......

Shopping for pesach clothes,..

which was pretty convenient as "KOHLS" was right around the corner from the place I needed to pick up the bottles!

Spent way way too much money....just my luck a "3 day sale" Not good!!!! 300 bucks that I dont have. Half needed to go back as they apparently werent her thing??? Does this mean no more shopping for her?? Is that what 11 years is about?

After bottles of the Liquid Protein being picked up I decided to check out that great Health store that everyone keeps telling me has great Kosher stuff which conveinently was on the way home in Oceanside.

Wish Id have been there before the surgery....would have saved time money,,,and probably my taste buds. However....I didnt. spent about an hour there...and had an amazing kosher Protein Drink to taste while waiting so I was able to get my proteins....while shopping woo hoo. I didnt mind this whey powder so bought a jar...so now I have both. Enough!!! Someone had posted...not sure who but said....."you have to try alot of diff types to find one that you like and then stick with that one" I dont remember but if you do....you were so right!

I needed to meet my mom back at my place to go with her to an apt at 2:00 at a lawyers office....she at 73 is filling for divorce from my step father...which should have been done long ago but she was afraid to loose the MONEY. Now she could care less...she just wants to be alone. SO...we are all supporting her emotionally and go with her to the apts and all......Funny how she is using my divorce lawyer.....Whom I love.....and is now a really good contact, apparently. lol

so decided it was time for a change in hair color. I know I had cut and color before ...but I think it was too light. so added a few low lights and feeling more like me. didnt need a change that much and after a week figured if its this long ...then well I dont love it so ran to my salon...where thankfully you dont need an apt. If I did....I tried to squeeze the dog in for a groom as well...but alas there you do need an apt.;...go figure.

So....having my hair looking all spiffed...I can say...Yes. now. I love it! So....ive spent a pretty penny...I best be getting back to work soon!!!

(still vain)

I met my mom at the designated...spot...the hair salon..which frazeled her as she expected to meet at my house so she wasn't so happy....but it was on the way.....she wasn't planning on going there as her GPS was set for JODI. lol We left my car there took hers...and drove the hour to the Lawyers..by this time I was in need of some something..something....but decided a "Starbucks" Decaf tea was all I was allowed. boo hooo

AFTER returning to the five towns...we picked up Dassi for her Bday..dinner "SUSHI"....I had three tablespoons of wonton Soup which kosher style means chicken broth. lol......she had her usual and mom had lo mein that smelt so good I wanted to lick it!!....couldn't eat it...but thought maybe if i just lick it it would be okay??Gross....so, I didnt...tomorrow to the surgeon...and hell let me know when I can eat....again....oh please let it be tomorrow.....I think Im beginning to know what hunger is feeling like!!!

SO....we had a nice dinner and well..went home....when I realized...sheeeezzz THE CAR IS AT THE HAIR PLACE!!!!! OH NOOOO, not good. not good at all.

Mom had left by now...and well what could I do??? I had to call my brother who couldn't believe neither of us remembered that little detail....he had to come pick me up and drive me their to pick up my car..lol

MY BAD! I told him about my day...and he just stared...blankely and said.....after I told him...I think I might have pushed it today...."Jo, ya think?" hmmm

did get back home in time to watch one of my fav TV shows..."THE GOOD WIFE" and NCIS....I fell asleep in the first five minuets and woke up to the news....bleh so went to sleep!!!

Hope you all have a great day....Im actually going to go to Raymour and Flanigans....just to check out something for the kitchen...this apt doesnt have enough storage space and since mom will be here for a full two weeks......pesach I better start thinking what the heck to do!!!

tomorrow going back to work or ill be checking out something else that ive been needing to do..and spend even more money!!!! NOT GOOD> But enjoying my vacation.....whats left that I feel good for! lol

Next vacation.......HAWAII

Have a great day all

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Good afternoon. I am feeling so exhausted today for some reason and a light headache, hope I am not coming down with something, that's sort of what it feels like. I took some Emergen-C, Vitamin C stuff this mroning hoping it helps. I did go do my volunteer duties at the hospital today since I really don't have any symptoms of anything. I am getting a little frustrated with my volunteering and am thinking of giving it up sooner rather than later since we are moving anyway. I just get this stuff to do with no direction and they are so unorganized I redo the same stuff each week.

No more responses from DD's future MIL, not sure what was up with her, I just pray she doesn't do something stupid at the wedding. Guess her fiance is going to have a chat with his mom tomorrow.

Jessica - I know how overwhelming moving can be. Iam faced with it right now myself. But remember, it will happen no matter if you stress out about it or not. So try and remain calm and just do what you can, the rest will wait. Get help and since it's an in town move what you can't get one weekend, get the next. One step at a time and you'll get there.

Laura, hope the neck is better.

Apples, glad DS's basement is going to be okay. Your story about the note in the lunch reminds me of when we were first married. I packed DH a lunch but inside teh sandwich I put a note that said I love you. Well he bit into in the lunchroom with about a hundred other guys and then had this paper in his mouth and trying to discreetly pull it out and see what it was. LOL

Phyl, hope your friend is better.

Okay, nurses, anyone get a chance to read my question as to whether Calcium is constipating???

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Ok...you all know I am not a nurse but will share what I know about Calcium and Constipation. Have heard from my doc that there is a corelation between too much calcium and it causing constipation. My friend said that her doc said that too low of calcium can be tied to consipation also.

All I know is that I was having troubles when I was taking the chaulky chewables. Doc had me switch to the Viativ chews and have not had troubles since. He also stated to up fluids (I was getting more than enough) and up fruit intake (which I did not do). Just switching to the chews (not sure why), problem was solved.

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Thanks Apples, I have tried the chews before but they only came in the Calcium carbonate and not citrate at the time or something like that. They want me to take the citrate so have been doing the Citracal petites and jsut swallow them. I don't do much fruit, so maybe that will help.

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Great...after hitting maintanence, I have at least 2-3 high fiber/high Protein Cereal portions per day. I find it to be a snack that I look forward to instead of something less healthy and binding. I also get a fair amount of fruit and veggies daily.

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Again...here's proof I am not a nurse. Don't have a clue what the diff is with the citrate. Anyone know?

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OK...went and looked at the diff between calcium citrate and carbonate. Supossedly the citrate form digests better and does not need as much stomach acid for digestion. There was a warning that if there were someone that suffers from an acidic stomach, that citrate would not be the preferred choice.

Hey, I learned something AGAIN today. Two days in a row. Wow. That felt good.

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Hi there, just back from my full body massage.... It was very relaxing, but she said my back and shoulder were really tight...... I knew that!!!! but it was good.... We leave for Lenten Services in about 45 minutes, so need to get myself ready I suppose... It's very casual with a light supper beforehand, so no need to do too much... I got this new perm yesterday and it took most of my color away, so hate my hair right now... It stinks, it's still quite tight, and I look old.... can't wait to color it... She likes to wait 2 weeks but I'll be lucky if I make it for one.... Don't care for me in gray...... My mother has pretty gray hair and has for many years... but she never colored hers.... Once you start you really can't quit without having that "skunk" look for a while... So I guess I'm stuck....

Apples, if you learn much more too fast you'll be way out of our league.... Take it easy now... Nice of you to make the food for the landlady... Of course it sounds just like you..... I have always loved to cook and bake, but these days I'm not as into it as I have been... It makes me very happy not to cook supper tonight... Once before you commented on the fact that the planning meals was the hardest part... I agree... You can get stuck in a rut making the same old things all the time... I like to have a variety, but sometimes it's hard to come up with ideas.... Our beef went to the butcher on Monday, so we'll be getting a call soon to come get it.. Can't wait for a good beef roast...

Lori, glad to hear that the fiancee is going to talk to his mother... Don't let her spoil this time for you now... You just let your light shine for everyone to see and it will all work out... You'll be the belle of the ball (except for the bride, of course!!) Did the shoes work with your outfit??

Gosh, Jodi, I got worn out just reading about your day yesterday... Hope this one was a bit calmer.... I have brothers, 3 of them.... and they've had to bail me out of more that one situation with a car or an apartment.. And they have such good memories.. Never forget anything... I remember a long time back after I got my first car, I couldn't figure out where to put the gas... It was under the licence plate... What a stupid place for filling gas.... but they never forgot that......ever......

Laura, how's your neck doing?? Hope you are feeling better....

Judy, where are you girl??? Did you finish that gig???? Been to anymore singles dances???

Phyll, you'll get that earring done soon.. Then we can see them.. The pin or necklase, (can't remember which) was very pretty.... How is your friend today..??

Arlene, glad you made it through drinking that contrast... It sure could taste better, too.... Hope the tests come out okay..

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you... Isn't much of a holiday at our house... I'm not sure I even have any green to wear tonight.... socks maybe... oh, I do have a dark green shirt I could wear..... St. Patty must have smiled on us, too, Apples, as we are having a very nice day and not much fog at all... It's almost 50.. I went to my massage with just a sweatshirt... no jacket.... Was comfortable....

Well, time to get Mimi up from her nap so we can get going... You all take care.... I'll pray for us again as I always do....... God's blessings to you all.... Julie

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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