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Arlene, OMG........ how can you drink all that stuff??? I had to have a bunch of those CT scans on my stomach during my whole medical mess about a year ago.... I told them I had a band and they brought me some red stuff and I only had to drink one medium sized glass.... I could never have done 2 big bottles.... maybe you should ask....... Good luck, anyway... I hope you get some answers.....

Great, that wedding is coming up real fast... and soon it will be over.... It's like our trip to FL.... we waited and waited and now it's been over a month since we were together.... Time sure flies when you aren't looking... I hope the shoes are just right...

Jodi, I don't know of any traditions around here about moving into a new place, but I'm with the others that TP is a good thing to start with.....

Hope all you girls with bad mornings are doing better now..... My day has been fine... Mimi has been napping since 3:00 and it's time for her mom to come... Better try to wake her...

Laura K and Apples, I'm glad you have such green thumbs.... Eva must, too... Me, I can't keep a poinsetta alive at Christmas.... I have not plants in my house except a bamboo thing in a glass with just rocks in it that a friend game me and it hasn't died yet, but the leaves are getting kind of yellow... I sometimes do some potted plants in the summer.... petunias or the like, but I hate taking care of them... Just not a plant person... I have fake flower arraingments in my house...

Well, better go get Mimi ready... Talk to you guys later. Julie

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I finally remembered to take some pictures of my Mimi with the hat I bought her in Florida.... So, here she is... The red eyes are because she had just hit grandpa in the face and knocked his glasses off and he swatted her on the butt...... Little stinker..... But we love her so much.... She gets spoiled her with us all the time..... Grandpa and Mimi love to go for wagon rides... It was nice enough today for a little one... Grandpa was taking her to the car to go home, but she didn't want to leave.. I added this one because you can see some of the snow banks we still have..... bye now..... Julie

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Thanks for sharing photos of Mimi, Julie. I feel like she is part of our family since we here about her most days. She's pretty sweet-looking.

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Hey Gang - Read some earlier today - I am in a PISSY MOOD HATE MY FING JOB - gotta leave for the gym in a few - this is what I remember reading

Jodi glad you are on the mend -love your stories !!!! Yep some pt can't be put in hot Water (well anything above 130 degrees)

I know Unjury can't be in hot water 130 max heat

Apples - I wasn't camera shy even obese - but like you hypercritical of myself - Oh I look fat - well you were ;0) I even do that today - but today I remind myself I'm not

Charlene - Hugs gf - keep us posted.

well that's all for now - hopefully I will feel better after the gym

did i tell you all i HATE MY JOB... I may just be sick tomorrow f them and the work on my desk..

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Morning to you........... I was a sleepy head this morning... DH got up early, but I just shut the door and crawled back in and slept a while longer... It felt good...

Jessica, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you've made the decision to move.... We will see an even bigger change in you when you have you independence back....

Jodi, sure not good about being without electricity... Oh, and yes, you had an unusual thing happen to you after surgery, but not everyone has had a snap of a time.. I had a long one.... 4 days in the hospital because I had to have a full blown incision... 11 inches.... Long story..... but I'm one of those people to.. If it can happen, it usually happens to me.....But I'm still here and doing okay....

Wow, Joyce, a model...... cool.... You'll get back there.. or close anyway.....

Lori, I'm glad you are working on that image you see in the mirror... On the pictures I only see a lovely lady... I hope you start seeing her all the time....

Well, paperwork to be done and Mimi will be here at 11:45 so I'd better get started.. I'm a bit behind because of sleeping in... Have a great day....... Julie

Well, my "multi-quote" didn't work this time so I'm going to have to rely on my memory!!! HAHAHA!!

Seems you aren't the only one having wake up problems today Julie!! Laura, that was a close one!! LOL! I have felt like a slug for two days now. I wish we could just stay on DST!! I like to get up about 7 a.m. but have dragged myself out of bed 15-30 minutes later than that the past two days. I didn't think it'd take this long to get back on schedule!

Jodi... glad your storm is over! Saw some of the aftermath on the Today show this morning.

Janet... I do love the new avatar, and you look "SMASHING" in that new outfit!

Forgot to tell you gals I almost lost her that day!! She was in the fitting room at Karen Kane and I thought she must have slipped by me and went outside! Thought I'd find her on a bench having a ciggie. But she wasn't out there... and I looked in a couple more stores and walked a ways down the sidewalk and didn't find her. So I sat down on a bench and started reading email or texting on my Blackberry. Still no Janet, so I went back in Karen Kane to find her at the cash register buying that lovely outfit and another top. Crossed my mind that she might be in the fitting room, but then I dismissed that idea and went outside.

Okay... I give up! I can't remember anymore!! OH.. loved the freezer story and I can relate because we live in an RV for 6 mos. a year... with a very small fridge/freezer! Next door neighbors have a chest type freezer out on their patio which they've told us we can put things in, but for some silly reason, DH doesn't like to do that. But.. funny thing.. he can always find room for steaks, but when I want to buy some fish of some kind... there's no room in the freezer!! :smile2::thumbup::thumbup:

Here is today's beading project! I am going to make matching earrings. Four hours in the chair making this pendant was enough.. OH... the last hour or so I was working on the 2nd earring from last week's project. No photos of that yet because it's STILL not done! Almost, though! How do you like my tan??? :blink::biggrin::w00t: We leave here in 4 weeks and I can tell you that it won't last long in the PNW!! Might change to rust when we get home!


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I forgot to go to a meeting after work today, does that count? Fortunately, my boss knows I'm ADHD. This happens about once every other year that I miss my monthly meeting. I have a half hour drive from one school to the other that actually employs me. I was working, but it was on the computer getting ready for the compliance analyst who's coming to make sure all my paperwork and room is in compliance with all the NCLB rules. Blech!

Busy week. Going to go from work to my daughter's tomorrow to babysit. I'll be going to her house almost every Tuesday till the end of the school year.

Wednesday I have to get my temporary crown replaced by a new one.

Thursday I'm going to a fancy dinner with some good Christian speakers downtown Chicago. I could go to choir practice at church and I could go help supervise a skating party for work. What to do, what to do.......Night out in Chicago wins.

Friday through Sunday nothing planned.

Husband has been working midnights every night since 12:01 early Friday. Home tonight. Working after midnight tomorrow. Very confusing because we think of it as tomorrow night but its actually Weds. morning.

I'm going to watch Chuck at 7. One of my favorite shows.

I absolutely hate the short seasons all the shows have and the superlong hiatus's. I actually stop watching some because I don't even know they're back on. Ha! No great loss, I'm sure.

Food is going well. Was 165 Sunday morning. 2 lbs below goal.

Went for short walk yesterday. I haven't hardly been exercising at school. I think it caused nerve compression in my neck that got worse as the day went by. My hip seems to be healing, too, so I think avoiding the stairs this week yet while I continue hanging upside down on my inversion table to keep stretching out my neck will help my neck stabilize. At home I can take a half hour walk outside, come home, and hang upside down right away and adjust my neck.

So I'll probably start walking more in the evening now that Daylight Savings Time is here. As far as I'm concerned, they can keep it Daylight Savings time all year round. I don't mind getting up in the dark but I absolutely hate getting up in the dark and driving home in it too. Makes me feel like hibernating.


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I know what I forgot... moving "traditions".... I've probably moved more than most of you, if not all... almost 22 years in the AF, several moves with Boeing and a couple others thrown in for good measure... I think I counted close to 15 last time I counted... in 45 years of marriage. I don't know if this would be considered a "tradition", but it is my ONE BIG RULE!!! Setting up the bed is a PRIORITY!! And knowing exactly where the bedding is! And don't let movers, husbands, or anyone helping you move put ANYTHING on the bed! The bed gets set up and linens put on!! Because you might stay up until all hours unpacking, arranging furniture, etc., but you DON'T want to be scrounging around for the linens, taking a bunch of crap off the bed, and making the bed at midnight!


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Phyl, I think I might beat you, this will be my 16th move, however, 3 of those were with my parents as a child, if we are counting during marriage then it's my 13th in almost 31 yrs of marriage. I do very much agree with you about the bed, that and some towels as I always want to take a shower after all that unpacking.

Forgot to mention got on the scale this morning and those pesky 3 lbs I gained are gone!!!!! WoohOo!! Maybe my fill is working!

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Great..good going on the 3lbs. And, forgot to congrats Janet on making it back to her comfy weight. Cheri too on her loss.

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LOL Phyl losing me - I had the outfit on went to show her and she was gone :0)...

Avatar is from a pic that Karen took in FL - I thought it was a good pic (no modesty here ;0)

Tradtions - remember what I did for gf who got new how - bread/salt/broom/wine - right now have crs - bread so you never go hungry - salt ?? Something about flavor ?? Broom to sweep away troubles/wine ???

Cute Pic's Julie

Well gang - I will be back in a bit

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hi. Just checking in....

Julie, Mimi is just so cute!! I know teachers arent supposed to say a child is "so cute" but she is soooo cute!

Jodi... glad your storm is over! Saw some of the aftermath on the Today show this morning.

I know what I forgot... moving "traditions".... I've probably moved more than most of you, if not all... almost 22 years in the AF, several moves with Boeing and a couple others thrown in for good measure... I think I counted close to 15 last time I counted... in 45 years of marriage. I don't know if this would be considered a "tradition", but it is my ONE BIG RULE!!! Setting up the bed is a PRIORITY!! And knowing exactly where the bedding is! And don't let movers, husbands, or anyone helping you move put ANYTHING on the bed! The bed gets set up and linens put on!! Because you might stay up until all hours unpacking, arranging furniture, etc., but you DON'T want to be scrounging around for the linens, taking a bunch of crap off the bed, and making the bed at midnight!


Yes, setting up the beds first is the first thing!! I agree!!!

Nothing like having clean sheets and a pillow in all the mess.!!!!!!

Phyl, I think I might beat you, this will be my 16th move, however, 3 of those were with my parents as a child, if we are counting during marriage then it's my 13th in almost 31 yrs of marriage. I do very much agree with you about the bed, that and some towels as I always want to take a shower after all that unpacking.

Forgot to mention got on the scale this morning and those pesky 3 lbs I gained are gone!!!!! WoohOo!! Maybe my fill is working!

OMG....dont think so..Im 44 and moved just in the last 10 yrs....8 times...before that....well...about another 8. I have never been in the same apt or house for more then 3 yrs at a time...since I moved out of my family house when I was 17. Its been a long haul. I just cant seem to stay put. I think its a NY thing...there is just so many apts in so many neighborhoods that are nice but unless its your own house....its always..either the raising the rent...or not enough heat...noisy neighbors are a big reason to move...and when you move jobs....

its easier and cheaper to move then to travel with the traffic and take longer then 1/2 hour to get to work. We are just spoiled I think. Im not sure if outside NY has one year leases...to sign....only recently you can opt for a two to three yr lease...and no one really wants that anyways....in a building. So far....however weve been a year and half in this neighborhood and my daughter is going to keep us put....she has said..we arent moving ever again....unless its to a big house with lots of kids and animals.....so I hope we are staying put. lol

I would like a small house.3 bedrooms would be nice. A real dining room and den. Dont need a basement for flooding.... condo or coop of my own someday that I wont be rent bound to anyone...however....for now till Dassi is out of high school......well we are staying put. Please !!!! lol

Tradtions - remember what I did for gf who got new how - bread/salt/broom/wine - right now have crs - bread so you never go hungry - salt ?? Something about flavor ?? Broom to sweep away troubles/wine ???

This is a great one!!! oh I like this one!!

What really pissed me off this morning was all the emails I had - no one does our work when we are out one day - I have a stack of files - a new account to imput bill etc and don't know who what when where.. 80 more file $6000 less $$ - our insurance is screwed up - well at least they are still paying for it - my stop loss is $6000 - well how in the hell am I suppose to pay $6000 when I make $6000 less (well I guess that means don't get sick) How am I suppose to take care of 80 more accounts and work less days - Then on top of it - I have been asking for an updated renewal list - can't get it - well how can I make sure things got renenewd - Supervisor scared of controller - has been asking for it - hell I would go to my boss and tell him - he loves her - cuz she kisses his ass - one of the young ones gave her 2 week notice - she handles 1/2 of one of the owners book of business (mostly contractors) he treats her like shit - We all told her congrats on leaving - that's sad. But now what's going to happen - how much more work are they going to give us - cuz the other girl can't handle it all by herself.. And finding an experienced insurance person in the desert isn't easy and who's going to come to work for us - we furlough you - the other insurance agencies in the desert aren't furloughing.. My bosses are a bunch of dumb asses - they can't even get along - oh he has 3 account managers and I only have one - well hell ya his book is bigger than your... Then on top of that they are afaird to tell on lady she got more account...

I am really tempted to call in sick tomorrow - but if I do then I will have to pay for it and I am already swamped - don't need to be more swamped - may do it friday - I am leaving this post for a few - then going to edit it.. I am not parinoid but they can find me it they want to..

Cute Pic's Julie

Well gang - I will be back in a bit

I have no familiararity of any of what you were explaining about accounts and numbers...but am familiar with someone who is fed up.....and oh your there!.....Im sorry you are having such a bitch of a time. I hope for you they hire someone soon who is competent and is able to handle a decent amount of accounts in their own and leave you the heck alone!!!!

Good luck..hope things get better!!!

Phyll I love the necklace.. I really do...in fact...my daughter would be beserk about it....its gorgeous!!!

OMG I just spilled 6 ounces of that sweet tasting..smelling isotopes....omg...on my couch..I was wondering why im smelling that sweet stuff....yuch and then all of a sudden im feeling wet!!! I left it in the bottle and was carrying it around with me and put it down next to me to post....mistake!


must go clean up...sweet sticky stuff.....on my couch!!!

a thought just occured as to the last time that happened and im laughing but good, yuch gross....ouch....yuch must go gross....

have a good night.

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Hi. Just checking in....

Julie, Mimi is just so cute!! I know teachers arent supposed to say a child is "so cute" but she is soooo cute!

Jodi... glad your storm is over! Saw some of the aftermath on the Today show this morning.


Yes, setting up the beds first is the first thing!! I agree!!!

Nothing like having clean sheets and a pillow in all the mess.!!!!!!

OMG....dont think so..Im 44 and moved just in the last 10 yrs....8 times...before that....well...about another 8. I have never been in the same apt or house for more then 3 yrs at a time...since I moved out of my family house when I was 17. Its been a long haul. I just cant seem to stay put. I think its a NY thing...there is just so many apts in so many neighborhoods that are nice but unless its your own house....its always..either the raising the rent...or not enough heat...noisy neighbors are a big reason to move...and when you move jobs....

its easier and cheaper to move then to travel with the traffic and take longer then 1/2 hour to get to work. We are just spoiled I think. Im not sure if outside NY has one year leases...to sign....only recently you can opt for a two to three yr lease...and no one really wants that anyways....in a building. So far....however weve been a year and half in this neighborhood and my daughter is going to keep us put....she has said..we arent moving ever again....unless its to a big house with lots of kids and animals.....so I hope we are staying put. lol

I would like a small house.3 bedrooms would be nice. A real dining room and den. Dont need a basement for flooding.... condo or coop of my own someday that I wont be rent bound to anyone...however....for now till Dassi is out of high school......well we are staying put. Please !!!! lol

Tradtions - remember what I did for gf who got new how - bread/salt/broom/wine - right now have crs - bread so you never go hungry - salt ?? Something about flavor ?? Broom to sweep away troubles/wine ???

This is a great one!!! oh I like this one!!

Cute Pic's Julie

Well gang - I will be back in a bit

I have no familiararity of any of what you were explaining about accounts and numbers...but am familiar with someone who is fed up.....and oh your there!.....Im sorry you are having such a bitch of a time. I hope for you they hire someone soon who is competent and is able to handle a decent amount of accounts in their own and leave you the heck alone!!!!

Good luck..hope things get better!!!

Phyll I love the necklace.. I really do...in fact...my daughter would be beserk about it....its gorgeous!!!

OMG I just spilled 6 ounces of that sweet tasting..smelling isotopes....omg...on my couch..I was wondering why im smelling that sweet stuff....yuch and then all of a sudden im feeling wet!!! I left it in the bottle and was carrying it around with me and put it down next to me to post....mistake!


must go clean up...sweet sticky stuff.....on my couch!!!

a thought just occured as to the last time that happened and im laughing but good, yuch gross....ouch....yuch must go gross....

have a good night.

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Thanks !!! Please delete from your post - I have deleted the rant since this is a public site and others can spy :0)

Ya - I am a pit fed up - but doubt they hire more than 1 person to take the place of the one leaving hell they have been firing pple left and right - that's why I have 80 new files..

I have live in 11 places since I was born 55 yrs ago - as a grown up on my own since 16 - I have live 6 diff places - but never left the Coachella Valley...

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Janet, I hope the job situation settles down soon. Are there other places you can look for employment? Or I suppose you've been there so long the vacation etc. is pretty good now and hard to start all over??

Sometimes I wish all my moves were in the same city but mine have been coast to coast. But I have also enjoyed living in various parts of the country and learning the different 'cultures'. Sure they've all been US cities but it's very different living in say Utah and Las Vegas or California vs east coast. Though I thought this time we were going to plant roots, guess not. I'm trying to be upbeat about this move but am struggling some.

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Janet....I also deleted my post from last night. Sorry for you troubles. Hope things can calm down soon.

You guys talking about your moves...deep down I have the "Happy Wanderer" in me but have been tied to one place for 30 yrs. I moved quite a few times during my college years and the years b/4 getting married. We lived on a farm site for the first 8 yrs of marraige and moved to our present farm site 22 yrs ago. I guess the grass if always greener. We actually would never have the option to move until we retire or my DS decides to move here. I look at your move, Great, and think "How exciting". But, I do understand with all your moves and just feeling settled into your home for just three years, how that would affect you. You are leaving family and friends and church family. I guess when you don't have the option, you wish for it at times. Being farmers, we are tied to our land till the day we die. But, it's what makes DH so happy and never would push for anything else.

Our plan has always been to have DS somewhat take over (DH will never fully retire...we know this) and buy a big A$$ motorhome and leave the winter months behind us and live at our summer place the other months. DH could handle still helping out with the farm as our summer place is only 45 minutes away. As all of you have most likely picked up in my posts, I am not exactly happy with being married to this farm. But, I am happy watching DH be so happy with what he is doing. I guess no different than you, Great, moving because this is what DH needs to do.

Another grey and gloomy day. Weatherman is promising some sun by tomorrow and I am going to hold him to it.

We are having some near flooding issues. We dug a wildlife pond just North of our yard when we moved here. It is about 1/4 mile long and 1/8 mile wide. All the ditches around our place are full and pond is now beyond it's boundries and backing up into the yard. Got a call from DS at 12:45 this a.m. needing a submersible pump. His quit in his basement and his basement flooded. He came out and got it and DH is in town now helping him remove his carpet from basement and cleaning up the Water and assessing the damage. Poor kid. He takes such pride in his home (bought it 2 yrs ago) and this will set him back some $$$. I do know that his insurance will cover for pump not working but do not know what his deductible is.

Had a crappy feeling day yesterday but much better today. Had a bad case of vertigo and was close to losing stomach contents most of the day. It's always been this way for me. Others get a head cold virus and my sinus' block up and cause vertigo. Just the way I am built. Today I am appreciating the fact that it is better. Still not great but do not feel like hurling every time I move my head.

Have a number of projects I am working on today. (Too numerous to mention). Gotta get so many things done b/4 lake time comes and I completely blow off duties in the house.

Hope you all have a great day. Hope everyone's work day is pleasant. Hope Phyll gets that damned earring done so we can finally see the final product. LOL. Now I'd better hit the shower and at least get dressed and finish the projects I started this morning. Later.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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