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Jessica...happy to hear that you and your DH and DS will be making a move to a place of your own. I am not surprised that you have made this decision. With your new-found independence, you will see many changes in yourself and much more self-confidence (already seeing that in you).

You've mentioned having control over the food that you and your family are exposed to. That's a biggie in itself....no unhealthy choices. Sounds as if you have chosen a place that will allow you to stay active and also a place where your son can get out and play.

Don't let the "lost" keys ruin your day. Email your prof and let him/her know of what happened and make a plea to take the test at another time. And, swing by your local harware store and get another key made (or two) and keep it in your purse so you always have one....keep the other hanging by the door so it is available at all times.

You are making great strides towards your independence and you should be so proud of your progress. I also watch your weekly blog and saw your t-ball video. So cute and your blog is a great way to help yourself and others. You rock!

Im not sure I would tell the instructor/profressor this story.....yes it is true and it does happen...however as an instructor myself........I would have some concerns if we are being honest.

I would just say Im really sorry....something came up with my family (which is true) and you know.....our kids give us so much hard ache sometimes...cant we just use them just a bit to our advantage sometimes??? My son...needed me. (doesnt he always anyway it would be a white lie?)

whatever....but not having the key to the car.....is um...not being prepared. It would say to me.....that this wasnt important enough to someoone to make sure you were or werent here for this class/ test/ apt/ interview/ Job.

This is an an instructor talking......not me personally....me personally....understands totally because ive been in this situation and its no fun to make up excuses....for me or my husband or mother or father....having embarrassed me or done something.,..so i couldnt be where I needed to be.

yes, I agree.....Jessica has come such a long way...shes done what I can never do.....in what shes done with .....took me about 10 yrs to start getting my life organized. so....I cant speak anything .....but words of praise..but I will say...we are woman.....and we need to take control over our whole lifes always.....and make it work for everyone in the family, we should not rely on anyone else to make things happen for us.....or to control the things or the way things happen. We are the only ones who can do that ourselves. Our husbands, children, families, friends, employers, instructors will not only respect us more but....will in turn look to us for inspiration and what they all need to succeed in life and careers.

oops. maybe said to much....but you are right.

you opened that sentence...with "you have been so good about taking back control.....so dont stop here.....

I just thought id throw in the instructors view...and how maybe it wouldnt be great to use this exp as a reason to why you missed a test.

Forgive me for butting in and being motherly.....you can curse me if youd like......it would be okay....after all....today.....id only burp whey Protein at you in response.....lol not funny...for sure but thats what ive got today....help! (a joke)!!

On a lighter note....here is a question to post.

"What does your family do or have you heard of families doing involving placing something of significance when moving into a new house or home before unpacking and settling in"???

"Lets Help Jesica move!!!!

"My family puts a sandwich bag together of a packet of sugar, salt a candle and match"


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Jessica - congrats on new apartment. Pool, workout area, independence -- all will support your journey to health.

Apples - My husband and I own two companies and the TV commercials were for one of the companies. I even had a makeup artist on the set. Learned lots of tricks using products. So very long ago.....

Lets make it a great week, ladies.

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oh my gosh Jodi you are so funny lol, I'm at work trying not to snicker out loud. I just love reading your posts. I want to meet you in person I can just imagine my cheeks hurting from laughing so hard.

Glad the power is back on I seen all the trees and lines down on the news. Mom's will always want to feed us. Mine hardly cooks any more (doestn't want to) so I ended up making tons of stuff for the holidays. I told them all I wasn't going to make so much anymore. They all survived the holidays without it.

Jessica, glad you guys are moving into your own place. It will be good for all of you.

Eva, I will try to find a pic of the Heleboras/Lenten Rose I was talking about.

Apples, glad you had a great date night with your DH

Better get to work.

Laura K

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Jodi...to answer your question on something of significance put in a new home...TOILET PAPER is the first thing to place in a new home!

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Jessica - congrats on new apartment. Pool, workout area, independence -- all will support your journey to health.

Apples - My husband and I own two companies and the TV commercials were for one of the companies. I even had a makeup artist on the set. Learned lots of tricks using products. So very long ago.....

Lets make it a great week, ladies.

Sounds like an interesting career, Joyce. And, yes, let's all make this a great week!

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oh my gosh Jodi you are so funny lol, I'm at work trying not to snicker out loud. I just love reading your posts. I want to meet you in person I can just imagine my cheeks hurting from laughing so hard.

Glad the power is back on I seen all the trees and lines down on the news. Mom's will always want to feed us. Mine hardly cooks any more (doestn't want to) so I ended up making tons of stuff for the holidays. I told them all I wasn't going to make so much anymore. They all survived the holidays without it.

Jessica, glad you guys are moving into your own place. It will be good for all of you.

Eva, I will try to find a pic of the Heleboras/Lenten Rose I was talking about.

Apples, glad you had a great date night with your DH

Better get to work.

Laura K

LauraK...been thinking of you lately while I have been planning my flower gardens for the season. The last two years, my flowers were root bound. Have never had the trouble b/4 and it was so disappointing. I have always been known to have somewhat of a green thumb but have been left to feel a little inadequate the last couple of years. Being the Master Gardener that you are, do you have any ideas of why they would have been root bound? I would appreciate any advice. Thanks:tt1:

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Most important thing you can do is when you take them out of the plastic pot is to loosen up the roots. Just give them a good pull and squeeze. Some of the soil will fall off but that is ok. Make sure your hole is big enough to spread the roots a bit, Water first then plant and water some more. The greenhouses start the plants so early that when we get them the roots are already starting to tangle.

Happy growing, I know to early yet for us to put anything in.

Laura K

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Most important thing you can do is when you take them out of the plastic pot is to loosen up the roots. Just give them a good pull and squeeze. Some of the soil will fall off but that is ok. Make sure your hole is big enough to spread the roots a bit, Water first then plant and water some more. The greenhouses start the plants so early that when we get them the roots are already starting to tangle.

Happy growing, I know to early yet for us to put anything in.

Laura K

LauraK...thanks for the info...I'm at fault. I'm always to careful not to disturb the roots and basically put them in the ground as they come out of the plastic container. Hmmm....I learned something today. That doesn't happen every day! Appreciate the advice. So nice to have resident experts on this thread. R.N.s, N.P.s, Master Gardeners, travel experts, instructors, etc.

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Good afternoon girls,

I had a bad night last night. I could not sleep to save my life! Tossed and turned all night. The last time I looked at the clock it said 5 a.m. and then I awoke at 7:45 by Nelson whispering in my ear. "Mommy, is it not a school day today?" SHIT! We usually leave the house by 8! I told him he "saved the day" as we rushed around getting him Breakfast, clothes and lunch packed! We made it. The whole day I have felt "hungover"- though didn't drink... and basically all discombobulated. I love that word. : ) DH went to pick him up this afternoon for me. So, didn't make it to the gym... didn't make it to the car place for DH to look for a new car... didn't make it to the grocery store or vegetable stand... didn't do the rest of my house stuff.

Jessica~ Sorry to hear about your morning. BTW, I agree with Jodi about the excuse. Not advocating "lying" but some excuses SOUND better than others. Let us know what you did say and how it turned out. Loved the video of your son's t ball! How cute! I might look into that for Nels. after seeing that. Didn't know if he was ready or not. Can't remember if I told you (CRS) I played softball all through school and was even team captain 10, 11 and 12th grade.

Apples~ LOL about Tanker getting jealous of you two in the recliner! Animals are so intuitive! And agree with the TP! : )

Julie~ The sleepy head thing must be contagious. : ) Hope you are having a better day too.

Janet~Forgot to tell you.. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new photo! you look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I had this unbearable hunger. I had been SOOOO good the last 12 days or so since my fill. It really pisses me off when I give into that hunger. I tried eating some healthier choices (1/2 banana, 100 cal yogurt, piece of cheese).... (I had 4 regular Popsicles, 45 cal each- thinking the sugar might knock it out) but nothing seemed to be killing the cravings. Ate these things over a 2 hr period. But the munchies continued... finally a 160 cal bag of chips o hoy Cookies did it. Maybe I should have just had those first instead of resisting the sugar craving?! I still didn't do that bad yesterday... had 1500. Considering the bad days in the last few months were 2-3000, that was ok.

I am having a hard time remembering the postings before the ones I can see and too lazy to open another browser window. Hi to everyone else. I will CBL tonight....


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Good afternoon girls,

I had a bad night last night. I could not sleep to save my life! Tossed and turned all night. The last time I looked at the clock it said 5 a.m. and then I awoke at 7:45 by Nelson whispering in my ear. "Mommy, is it not a school day today?" SHIT! We usually leave the house by 8! I told him he "saved the day" as we rushed around getting him breakfast, clothes and lunch packed! We made it. The whole day I have felt "hungover"- though didn't drink... and basically all discombobulated. I love that word. : ) DH went to pick him up this afternoon for me. So, didn't make it to the gym... didn't make it to the car place for DH to look for a new car... didn't make it to the grocery store or vegetable stand... didn't do the rest of my house stuff.

Jessica~ Sorry to hear about your morning. BTW, I agree with Jodi about the excuse. Not advocating "lying" but some excuses SOUND better than others. Let us know what you did say and how it turned out. Loved the video of your son's t ball! How cute! I might look into that for Nels. after seeing that. Didn't know if he was ready or not. Can't remember if I told you (CRS) I played softball all through school and was even team captain 10, 11 and 12th grade.

Apples~ LOL about Tanker getting jealous of you two in the recliner! Animals are so intuitive! And agree with the TP! : )

Julie~ The sleepy head thing must be contagious. : ) Hope you are having a better day too.

Janet~Forgot to tell you.. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new photo! you look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I had this unbearable hunger. I had been SOOOO good the last 12 days or so since my fill. It really pisses me off when I give into that hunger. I tried eating some healthier choices (1/2 banana, 100 cal yogurt, piece of cheese).... (I had 4 regular Popsicles, 45 cal each- thinking the sugar might knock it out) but nothing seemed to be killing the cravings. Ate these things over a 2 hr period. But the munchies continued... finally a 160 cal bag of chips o hoy Cookies did it. Maybe I should have just had those first instead of resisting the sugar craving?! I still didn't do that bad yesterday... had 1500. Considering the bad days in the last few months were 2-3000, that was ok.

I am having a hard time remembering the postings before the ones I can see and too lazy to open another browser window. Hi to everyone else. I will CBL tonight....


OK...so I vote Laura and Jessica to having the funkiest Monday so far. Julie's didn't start out much better. Anyone else???????????????

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Not having too bad of a Monday here. I did get awoken by the phone this morning and it was 8am! EGADS I haven't slept that late in a long time. I was so glad though as I've been having such trouble last week with the jet lag and then the time change. I think I'm rested up now! Today was Grandma day, took her shopping and to lunch. Just got home and DS iscoming over in a bit to hear about our trip and see the pics. Also, he and DH are having a cigar out back since it's so nice. Every once in while they like to bond over a good cigar.

Can't believe in a week and a half is the wedding. So much to do and so little time left!

I agree, TP first thing in a new house! LOL And the last, unpacking the kitchen that way I can convince DH to go out to eat as long as possible!

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Not having too bad of a Monday here. I did get awoken by the phone this morning and it was 8am! EGADS I haven't slept that late in a long time. I was so glad though as I've been having such trouble last week with the jet lag and then the time change. I think I'm rested up now! Today was Grandma day, took her shopping and to lunch. Just got home and DS iscoming over in a bit to hear about our trip and see the pics. Also, he and DH are having a cigar out back since it's so nice. Every once in while they like to bond over a good cigar.

Can't believe in a week and a half is the wedding. So much to do and so little time left!

I agree, TP first thing in a new house! LOL And the last, unpacking the kitchen that way I can convince DH to go out to eat as long as possible!

Sounds like from what you have shared in the past that your daughter has a handle on the planning and what she want for her wedding. It will all fall into place and you will enjoy a lovely wedding. Take a deep breath. Did you find shoes?

Smart girl in unpacking the kitchen last and eating out!:thumbup:

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Yes I did find some shoes. I still need to try them on with my skirt and make sure I like them, am waiting to do that when my daughter is home to get her opinion, she's my fashion advisor! LOL

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Just checking in......I haven't read the posts. I went to the GP today. I am having a ct scan tomorrow on my gut. I think it is just adhesions, but gonna get one just to rule out diverticulitis. Yum! I get to drink two big bottles of orange contrast in the morning. Contrast runs through me big time. Thank goodness this imaging place is five minutes away. Sorry, TMI.

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Just checking in......I haven't read the posts. I went to the GP today. I am having a ct scan tomorrow on my gut. I think it is just adhesions, but gonna get one just to rule out diverticulitis. Yum! I get to drink two big bottles of orange contrast in the morning. Contrast runs through me big time. Thank goodness this imaging place is five minutes away. Sorry, TMI.

Good luck tomorrow, Arlene. Just squeeze tight on the way!

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