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Speaking of photos...I've been going to ask this question of you all...Does ANYONE like to have photos taken of themselves? I just am such a poop about it. I scutinize every one of them. DH gets so ticked at me and thinks I am too tough on myself. I spent time on Friday to just delete the ones I did not like and say "bye-bye" to them forever. I am such a pill!

Well, I am usually the one taking all the pictures! But I've never minded anyone taking photos of me, even when I was well over 300 lb! Just never minded. I might try to hide halfway behind someone, though! But, I just figure I am what I am!


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Well, I am usually the one taking all the pictures! But I've never minded anyone taking photos of me, even when I was well over 300 lb! Just never minded. I might try to hide halfway behind someone, though! But, I just figure I am what I am!


Refreshing attitude, Phyll! Something I am going to work on.:thumbup:

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Hi everyone..... I'm like Apples, and just chillin' today... Finally got through all the posts since I was on last night... busy girls..... Had guests for Breakfast after churh, had a nap, did dishes and cleaned the kitchen, did DD's taxes, and now here.... Soon will watch TV with DH, but I'm staying off his lap...... I love him and it wouldn't be a good thing, YET!!!!!! Apples can do that now......

Janet, I noticed your new avatar right away.... good cropping job.... It's a great picture.... I'm so glad I got to see you in person looking like that!!!

Love everyone's pictures, too..... but I'm terrible at taking pictures... I never think of it.... Dang camera sits in a drawer getting old..... I am usually the one taking, too, so don't get pictures of myself often.... I've never really enjoyed having them taken, but didn't hide exactly..... Pillow in the lap maybe.......

All you gals with your nice weather....... ahhhhhhhhhhh, I'm like Apples......tired of this fog and rain... Yes, the snow is melting, but it is so dreary.... One of these days we are going to have beautiful North Dakota weather and everything will be green and plush.... Just not in the next couple weeks for sure!!!

Well, you all have a great rest of the weekend... Hugs to all............ Julie

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Apples - When I was young, I loved having my picture taken. Made TV commercials for 7 years and had my picture on billboards on the freeway. BUT - that was 30 years ago and 65 lbs ago. lolol

I also tear up photos of me now (or delete). That will change.

If I sat on DH's lap, I'd crush him. Just asked him what he weighs - 170. I need to lose 37 lbs just to match him.

NOW - lets talk Fiber. Three weeks tomorrow from surgery date and I'm beginning to really have difficulties. Still on mushies on no raw vegetables. Started adding benefiber to fruit.< /p>

Happy B'day to Mr. Eva.

Love all the pictures. We are so diverse and love the idea of fish ponds.

KC has been cold and gloomy. So ready for spring.

Joyce in KC

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Just got home from the inlaws they had us for dinner and wanted to see the Isreal pictures. I have them all printed and in an album now just gotta finish labelling them.

Melissa, glad to read you will be posting daily, missed ya.

Apples, I hate my photo taken too. I let Dh take some of me on vacation and that was a first in a long time but already I am super critical of them and didn't want to include them in the album. It is helping me alittle though to see them and gradually sstop seeing the 305lbs me looking back at me. It's taking me a long time to see the weight loss in myself. I've been at goal for almost a year but still see me pre-surgery in the mirror most of the time. The pics help me see the weight loss and gradually my mental image is catching up to my body.

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Hi all! Haven't had time to catch up on all of the posts so I hope everybody had a great weekend! Step son's 16th birthday party went well last night and he had a good time! Boot camp tomorrow and I am ready!

I will hopefully be able to catch up later tonight! But if not I will just start over tomorrow!

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Hi all.

Im gathering from all your responses that what happened to me was not the norm? lol

(Okay, but we are talking about me? I wasnt expecting anything less then the abnormal. lol There is always something with something for something when something is being done. No suprise here).

In all seriousness I wasnt really sure why what happened happened. There wasnt any real clear explanation...was it because I was congested? or was it the Anesthesia? I was thinking that maybe it was my underlying asthma? Who knows....perhaps it was just the naseusness that made me start throwing up then wretching...and then the swelling and irritation began...and therefore the liqiud going down became obstructed.

I wasnt aware that sometimes the bands are filled and sometimes not until later. I was so upset when he had to take out the fill thinking....oh no. Then how am I going to loose weight or not be hungry until they fill it again..will they ever be able to fill it and of course what does that mean for me now that Ive got a band thats empty...however from your posts I see that there are several ways to do this...and this sometimes can happen at any time...so all is not for nought. (is that right)

I have the band. Its.....in...im okay and doing well.....what more can I want?? NADA. Ill get a fill when the doctor says its time. Until then..Ill just do what needs to need to be done....how it should be done and thats what I shall do! lol

So, its been a few days....and I have to say...its been okay. I feel okay. Been up and active. I hate these Protein powders, isolates, drinks etc!! Ive tried several and found only one that I can tolerate and whod have thunk it "STRAWBERRY Protein Powder DRINK". I am really a chocoloate gal. Anything that has chocolate im usually okay with but I gotta say......yuch. Chocolate, vanilla, peach, banana, etc etc you name it....i cant do it.

I never would have suspected strawberry. lol suprise suprise.

So. Im able to get my 30 grams right now from those two drinks. but it is still not enough and am struggling as I am only on clear liqiiuds this week now. Ive been getting to 50 ounces of liqiud. but I guess with during the night Im getting to maybe 60? This is hard. Cant wait to eat not "clear" liqiud.

Had quite an adventurous weekend here.....at the house. We had my daughters....bday party last night. That. was fun!!! In the dark half the night. What fun..ghost stories, candles, with five, ten year olds. Loads of fun.

Thank god the oven is gas and not electric and we were able to make the pizzas!!! Im also glad I ran on Friday to get the edible fruits from the Edible fruit store.....instead of after shabbat on sat....as they would not have opened due to the storm here! The girls had a fabulous time dipping their fruit into the choc fondue. Again, sure glad the oven was working to melt that choc. Dassi decided to have this as an activitiy as opposed to having a cake which was not a healthy choice for....no sodas and no candy or junk.

What a party???? It was perfect. The kids made mini pizzas and tasty edible friuts dipped in choc, and they were able to make their own creations with about 8 skeweres of floweres shaped all different fruits. This was the healthiest and cheapest party ever!! The kids didnt even ask about the cake.

OF course when it came to 3 AM and the noise level hadnt gone down....well the party had to come to an end....with big momma comming in and turning down the noise to sleep.......

The electricity due to the lovely storm that apparently isnt over....has still not returned. It had been 24 hours now without power on one side of the apt. Thank god...I was able to run a line from the bedroom side of the apt to the kitchen so the fridge is working. Had that not happened....lord have mercy.....I dont know what I would have done with all the fridge and freezer after 24 hours and they have said that they still will not have service for another day or so....well. Glad I took a shower sat morning, and washed all the dishes from shabbat on shabbat. Otherwise id have one bigggg disaster plus a bday sleepver in the dark, at least in the major area of apt. BUT tomorrow I will be in need of a SHOWER!!!! A HOT SHOWER!!!

Funny thing...I never knew about my dog. She is a scaredy cat. I took her out this evening..where it was alot dark as the light in the hallway in the building is out totally. It is pitch black. I took my flashlight out and walked her....she was not walking...

she wouldnt move. Im like come on Starlight Im here with you.....its only dark see....im here and im guiding her...Im guiding her??? wth?? she wasnt budging...she starts cowaring etc etc....I had to call Dassi to come out to the hallway and get on the other side of her to go forward. ME GUIDING A DOG???? What is wrong with that picture! Poor thing was scared of the dark. never knew that about the little thing we rescued 5 years ago. I wonder what happened to her before to have her so scared Ill never know....but know now...not sure what im going to do tomorrow with her.

Feeling okay tonight....it was a big weekend but had my friend Renee help with the party and the cooking and all with the girls. She also helped make shabbos for Dassi as I was really not up to sitting at the table for an hour with them. SO, I sat on the couch and watched them together and felt so lucky to have such a good friend. Between my mother and her this week...went as smoooth as can be..and I cant be blessed enough to have them.

I also have to thank all my other friends who have dropped off containers of leftover chicken Soup, broth and chicken from the chicken Soups to grind up into baby food. Thought this was nice...dont have to cook at all another batch for at least two weeks...thats if the electric stays on ....on the other side of the apt and I get to eat blended any time soon! lol

Well......must go now and see if I can wash some dishes even in the cold water.....will have to rewash all when the electric comes on.

come to think of heat....its starting to feel cold in here.....uh oh. didnt think of that....NO HEAT? NO HEAT?? grrrr, now im getting ticked.

Have a nice night all........have a great week.

Thanks for all the best wishes again!!!!

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Apples - When I was young, I loved having my picture taken. Made TV commercials for 7 years and had my picture on billboards on the freeway. BUT - that was 30 years ago and 65 lbs ago. lolol

I also tear up photos of me now (or delete). That will change.

If I sat on DH's lap, I'd crush him. Just asked him what he weighs - 170. I need to lose 37 lbs just to match him.

NOW - lets talk fiber. Three weeks tomorrow from surgery date and I'm beginning to really have difficulties. Still on mushies on no raw vegetables. Started adding benefiber to fruit.< /p>

Happy B'day to Mr. Eva.

Love all the pictures. We are so diverse and love the idea of fish ponds.

KC has been cold and gloomy. So ready for spring.

Joyce in KC

How interesting about the commercials, Joyce. What were some of them that you were in? How fun.

Tough stage you are in...mushies. Can you tolerate a V-8 once a day along with your benefiber? Eva(Octillo) had brought some Benefiber tablets to FL and I tried them. Not bad...something to think about.

You will be at a lower weight than your DH in no time the way you are going. :thumbup:

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Jodi...sucks about being without electricity. We've had that happen here on the farm a number of times and for days!

Dessi's party sounded like fun. What a good momma!

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Good morning ladies, Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I tried posting yesterday but then lost it and had to run. Life has been crazy. My son had his first teeball game saturday. I loved watching every minute of it. I made a little video about it. You can click on the link in my signature if you wanna see it.

My Mil went on vacation last weekend and has been a huge...grouch... since she got back. She is being a pain about giving Jacob a ride to and from school now. At the begining of th school year she was so insistant that she do it. She kept saying that I was "to sick" (crazy) to take Jacob to school. So we enrolled him somewhere close to where she works. Now she is flaking out about it and we are having to make a 2 hour round trip to pick him up. So anyway, with all the trouble we are going through with the situation we decided to go ahead and move. We are not waiting till June. We need to be close to his school so we don't depend on her for transportation anymore. We looked at places all week within our budget. Until we finally found an apartment yesterday that was not run down. It is beautiful. It also has a pool, fitness center, and jogging trails. We will be moving out as soon as I get back from visiting my brother over spring break.

I really believe this move is going to be a huge leap in my lapband journey. I will be in charge of what groceries are coming in the house and how things are cooked. Plus, I will have more flexability with getting my workout in. Not to mention all the other pluses that come with living on your own. I am so excited to finally be moving on.

I had school and an exam this morning but my husband took my car keys to work with him. So my day is all messed up now. I hope I can retake this test.

So that's all my craziness right now.

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Morning to you........... I was a sleepy head this morning... DH got up early, but I just shut the door and crawled back in and slept a while longer... It felt good... Then got woke up by my mother wanting me to take her for appointments tomorrow... Whe waited this long.... and I can't unless I cancel all of mine... I hate when she makes appointments without consulting to see if I'm free...... But, she did call a brother who said he would maybe!!! We'll see what happens...

Jessica, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you've made the decision to move.... We will see an even bigger change in you when you have you independence back.... Sorry about DH taking your keys... That is a problem.... You don't have a spare set hid somewhere???

Jodi, sure not good about being without electicity... Your party sounds like just the thing for a bunch of giggling girls... What fun..... You take care... You're doing great.... Oh, and yes, you had an unusual thing happen to you after surgery, but not everyone has had a snap of a time.. I had a long one.... 4 days in the hospital because I had to have a full blown incision... 11 inches.... Long story..... but I'm one of those people to.. If it can happen, it usually happens to me.....But I'm still here and doing okay....

Wow, Joyce, a model...... cool.... You'll get back there.. or close anyway.....

Lori, I'm glad you are working on that image you see in the mirror... On the pictures I only see a lovely lady... I hope you start seeing her all the time....

Well, paperwork to be done and Mimi will be here at 11:45 so I'd better get started.. I'm a bit behind because of sleeping in... Have a great day....... Julie

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Jessica I did go watch your you-tube site... Great pictures of your son's T-ball game.... Good memories....

I also watched your weekly video. You look great and sound so good.... WTG.......... Hugs........ Julie

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Good morning ladies, Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I tried posting yesterday but then lost it and had to run. Life has been crazy. My son had his first teeball game saturday. I loved watching every minute of it. I made a little video about it. You can click on the link in my signature if you wanna see it.

My Mil went on vacation last weekend and has been a huge...grouch... since she got back. She is being a pain about giving Jacob a ride to and from school now. At the begining of th school year she was so insistant that she do it. She kept saying that I was "to sick" (crazy) to take Jacob to school. So we enrolled him somewhere close to where she works. Now she is flaking out about it and we are having to make a 2 hour round trip to pick him up. So anyway, with all the trouble we are going through with the situation we decided to go ahead and move. We are not waiting till June. We need to be close to his school so we don't depend on her for transportation anymore. We looked at places all week within our budget. Until we finally found an apartment yesterday that was not run down. It is beautiful. It also has a pool, fitness center, and jogging trails. We will be moving out as soon as I get back from visiting my brother over spring break.

I really believe this move is going to be a huge leap in my LAP-BAND® journey. I will be in charge of what groceries are coming in the house and how things are cooked. Plus, I will have more flexability with getting my workout in. Not to mention all the other pluses that come with living on your own. I am so excited to finally be moving on.

I had school and an exam this morning but my husband took my car keys to work with him. So my day is all messed up now. I hope I can retake this test.

So that's all my craziness right now.

Jessica, you will feel so much better when you are on your own. Sometimes youve got to do it....even when we arent really sure if its the right thing...however....two hours to drive to and from school for a child seems like such a long trip....for that alone I applaud your decision...this will give so much more quality time for everyone as well. Sounds like a great place that you looked at. I wish I could have that!! In NY your lucky to get the garbage disposal as an ammenity outside the apt. lol closet not to far away from the apt.

I used to have the key problem thing with my husband we shared one car for a long time.

The key..was in preparation the night before. We sat for 5 min to go over each of our sched. and what was needed for each of us to succeed for the day.....and write it down. Then pin it up on the door in case someone should forget.

But....the keys to the car...should be with the one who needs it first the night before to start out...this way no accidents happen.

Of course this was when we were in counseling and things were good for a while....to tell you the truth this plan worked great for when we were seperated as well.....on out....it kept us both abreast of any plans at any time.

I was so glad for that advice ....it saved my sanity and from being fired from a job I really loved and would have loved not to have lost...due to miscommunication.

With all your work load and happeninings....I dont know how you guys do it!!!! You have so much going on at the same time.....its great but....not if you cant be lessed stressed.

Maybe this can work. Hey ya never know.

Sorry...you missed your test. I hope you can retake it.

Good Luck on the move....

get a bag of sugar, salt and candle and put it in a bag...and put it in a kitchen drawer when you get into the new apt....supposed to bring good luck!!!


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Jessica...happy to hear that you and your DH and DS will be making a move to a place of your own. I am not surprised that you have made this decision. With your new-found independence, you will see many changes in yourself and much more self-confidence (already seeing that in you).

You've mentioned having control over the food that you and your family are exposed to. That's a biggie in itself....no unhealthy choices. Sounds as if you have chosen a place that will allow you to stay active and also a place where your son can get out and play.

Don't let the "lost" keys ruin your day. Email your prof and let him/her know of what happened and make a plea to take the test at another time. And, swing by your local harware store and get another key made (or two) and keep it in your purse so you always have one....keep the other hanging by the door so it is available at all times.

You are making great strides towards your independence and you should be so proud of your progress. I also watch your weekly blog and saw your t-ball video. So cute and your blog is a great way to help yourself and others. You rock!

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Good morning all.....

Feeling better....but uh no....those Protein powders are doing me in!

I cant drink them anymore.

I called the doctor...to see if I can go to at least liquids not just "clear" I now understand the children song......

Little Miss Muffet.....I feel like her.....and her curds and whey......I smell like whey.....I smell like protein.....

is it possible that the protein whey is curdling in my stomach? I dont know why im feeling this..but somehow I just taste this protein...

OH and it gets even better.....yesturday...I figure okay...so Ill have the strawberry powder but instead of making it with cold water....I thought well maybe in a tea....boy was that a mistake!!! lol My daughter was ROTF! As soon as the Water hit the powder.....OMG like one big explosion of whey glob. lol It was like yeast when you wet it. It got all bunched together and OMG it smelled the house up so....I had to open the windows!!!

It was the funniest site. I guess that when a powder is not meant to be with hot water but just as a drink.....cold and thats what the directions said.....FOLLOW THEM. Im a teacher....why cant I get that??

It was so nasty...i couldnt even wash the cup out..I just threw the whole mug and spoon out.

This...is probably why im fixating on "Little Miss Muffet" and her curds and whey and tasting them etc etc

lol. oy. Maybe I should go back to work tomorrow....just to much time on my hands!

But seriously....maybe the liquid isnt going down fast enough and is curdling before going through the band?

Am I being totally rediculous here?

So, this morning we missed the bus....dang it. I had to drive Dassi to

school. It wasn't that far away however...in PJs..theres always that chance of

meeting all the other parents driving their kids to school who are

late.....and I really really hate...chatting with other parents in PJs...in front

of school. lol (blushing)

The storm has passed and the electricity is back on....thank g-d. One day

without a shower is enough thanks. Two days??? Id have lost my mind.

Dassi was freaking out. What?? Go to school without a shower? What will my

friends think??? and all im thinking is....theyl be thinking the same thing

as all the girls pretty much except a few live in the five towns??? Did

they have hot water??? NOOO theyl be just as stinky. hmmm, she wasn't buying.

But barush hashem everything was restored by morning and we both had nice

hot showers...hence the missing the bus.

Actually it really wasn't that at all. Im assuming that because there was

so much outage that most people went out of the five towns and were driving

to school from whereever.....apparently NJ and here LI on the coast got hit

the worst and had the most outages in 20 yrs...It was pretty scary out.

Surprised it wasn't considered a hurricane..... with what was called

hurricaine winds and all. What would that be called then??? lol lots of trees and

lines down all over. Glad we had power in half the apt. I just ran a line

from refrigerator to the living room. No biggie in to what could have been.

My mom....she is the funniest. Picture this.....I have this nice sized apt

for one person...we are two so its a little tight. The Kitchen....well its

nice. Big enough to cook in and eat in. The fridge however is a standart

apt sized fridge so the freezer is not so big. I could buy food for shabbat

for a family of four and be at max capacity...and usually we have guests

over for shabbat or Dassis friends. so, its a week before Purim. Now...get

this. Purim is coming so we are baking and freezing etc etc. I didn't need to

prepare for the seudah as the Chabbad of the five towns has a great program

that I a lot of friends go to together. So, My freezer is full still

....as their are at least 6 weeks left to Pesach. Well..right before Purim my

mom phones and says....and g-d bless her when I say this....she says....the

meats and everything went on sale today for pre-pesach shopping and I bought

some stuff for you guys to put in the freezer!....uhohohhhhuhhhnoooooooo.

Well....needless to say. I thanked her profusely for thinking of us etc etc

etc. and thought...how is this going to happen??? But....we managed. 4

chickens, 2 roasts, lamb shanks, steaks, and chops. Who the heck is eating

this?????? NOT I the bander for sure. Dassi?? the Babysitter??? Ash....I live

across the street from Gourmet Glatt Emporium. I can walk there in 3 min.

They will have the best sales the day week before Pesach after all the woman

have bought all the cows in NYS. What ever would be left would be to much

for just Dassi and the Babysitter. lol but I digress....the point of all

this....I was thinking...and what if all the power was down?? not like I can

cook for pesach in the non pesachdik kitchen...and im on liquid protein fro

two weeks. I was just laughing....away with that thought through the whole

storm......praying please please..anything else but the fridge lol

Have a great day..all.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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