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Well, HE!!, My colon is hurting. I guess the Dr. was right. I just hope it is not diverticulitis. I will go to the GP on Monday.

Janet, yes, I went to nutrition classes for four months. I was just saying that maybe I should have done the liquid diet before I got the band. I only did the pre-op shakes.

Julie, the weather is awesome here. High 70's.

Apples, have fun!

Eva, thanks for the encouraging words.

Cheri, sorry, girl, I can't read your post that are apple green.......old eyes.

So sorry for your problems! Hoping you get this diagnosed and treated soon!

Yes, Cheri.... green neon is not very readable! Sorry! If you want to get us in the St. Patty's mood... try to dark green. It's much easier on our old eyes! LOL

Phyl, you are so funny with the guitar glasses...I can just imagine you out partying in them. So what did you get on your shopping trip? Aren't you heading to NY this summer? It would be really cool if you could meet Julie.

Great...loved the pictures...I'm really envious. Yeah, that jet lag really gets to me too. Ooohhh....I just checked out Zappos.com and there are some really cute shoes there. If you already knew what fit you, it looks like a great shoe connection.

Jodi...so glad you are back from surgery. Glad the trouble with the surgery was resolved. My doctor doesn't fill the band at all to start with...he waits 6 to 8 weeks before the first fill. I had great restrict for the first 3 weeks, then not so much, but it was the area healing after surgery and as it healed, the restriction diminished.

Laura, glad you are going to your parents for Easter..sounds like that is just the ticket for both you and your Mom. What Apples said about it giving your Mom something else to focus on is so true. Wow, what a deal on pants. I can't wait until I can fit in an 18 pant...maybe I'll be able to find good deals too. Okay, you are ahead of me with the WL...I'm still at 220. Don't want to know what I am today after my party. I wasn't exactly watching everything I put in my mouth.

Okay, I think I got everyone. I'll check back later...it's a beautiful day today!! Eva

Eva.... Yes, I LOVE the guitar glasses and will be waiting anxiously for appropriate times to wear them, like the jazz festival next month!! And any "happy hour" parties we may be going to before we leave!!

I didn't buy too much at the mall... got a little billfold at Coach... perfect to hold credit cards, driver's license, etc. And we like the kitchen store... spent some time in there, tried their mustard and dip samples. I bought two packages of dipping pretzels/Raspberry Wasabi Mustard.

Hoping it will work out for us to stop and meet Julie. Have to check my "Streets & Trips" to check out possible routes.

Ditto on the pictures, Lori! And glad to hear you had no knee problems on your trip. I would like to tackle a trip that ambitious, with that much walking, now that I've had the knee replacement.. Other knee does not give me much trouble even though the surgeon is watching it closely. And I'm trusting these new back problems are not going to impact my mobility too much.

Jodi, hope your post-op recovery is going smoothly after all those complications. That is fairly unusual.

Pants... very hard for me to find pants that fit properly. My current project... finding a pair of white pants for summer... pants or capris or cropped. I tried on everything from 16W to 1X the other day.. okay, it was K-Mart... and nothing fit right. And the ones that fit best.. were probably the 16W. The others were all too tight in the thighs... my PROBLEM area, to say the least! Plus, I'm so short! Last summer I went through this trying to find black pants for the winter!

Okay.. sorry for those I forgot!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


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Melissa - WTG - Beck has a lot of in site !!! You can do this girl - you just have to make the time for you,....

Joyce - It's one of the reasons I do go to support - plus it's on a tuesday nite and I don't get home til like 9 -- the one I went to with Phyl 2 yrs ago - well - my emotions show on my face and pple like that piss me off - one girl said Oh I have been researching lapband for a year - then asked what pbing was - Being the person I am - this popped out of my mouth "I thought you said you have been researching lapband for a yr) and my tone was such that it most likely came over as like are you stupid or what - hell - bping was the 1st thing I learned about..

LauraK - No guys - did see 2 that were cute and maybe in my age bracket - but the gf I was with is married and all we did was go to the show and come home - the show is in a theater so not like at the casino's where it's more like a party atmosphere

WTG on your exercise...

Great I was wondering where you were this a.m. ;0) I was like so excited about being able to tuck in my blouse.. Ya I can't read it either too light (cheri's post) something about new car - dh working and she's glad he's out of her hair..

Eva - Isn't if funny that we are sitting in front of a computer screen - rotfloao - I bet andrew thinks I am crazy - I will be reading the post and cracking up out loud.. My problem is I need to get rid of my maginfying mirror - but then hell I couldn't put my makeup on ... And really at the McCallum I was a youngster - alot or 80 yr olds have season tickets..

Charlene - Hugs on the pain - I only had 1 week preop diet and that included a meal for dinner..

Phyl Glad you got your bag !!! I don't look bad made up I guess it's when I look in the mirror after a shower and I have the body of an 80 yr old lady :0) - but I'll take it - wish I didn't have to - but it is what it is - I am just hyper critical of myself - I feel young and guess I want the body to be the same age as what I am in my head :0)

You know those lotions we got at Crabtree - omw - I have a summer something - it smells so good I just may go back up there tomorrow and get a big bottle of it... and I love the texture..

Not doing much tonite Going to veg in front of the t.v.

Went and got a frap w/2 xtra shots :0), bank - Stater Bros - Winco - home - put all the food up, straighten the pantry ate a quesidilla and watch 1/2 movie - took a little nap (maybe 1 hr) Andrew left for work - watch the other half of the movie and fed the dogs.. Drinking a cup of tea

Headed by to the couch... Springing forward - changing the clocks tonite is going to suck - I hate springing forward - I like the light in the evening - but losing an hour is hard on a working girl.. My body says it 8:30 when the clock says it's 9:30 - it's not ready for bed ..


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So how's this? I'm Dutch not Irish and this is fairly close to Delft.


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Well I thought the band was not working. Lostt 50 pounds then had some problems wiith acid reluxs so they had to take out all the Fluid. Then had to fills fellt restriction from the 2 fill 4 about 2 wks the it was gone. I gain back 10 pounds and was getting really depressed. Well I went wen for a 3rd fill to find out I have a leak and had no fluid in the band that's why I felt know restriction.. I feel so releved because I really that this is not working for me but now I know why. So I go april 12 to get it fixed can't wait to get back on track. Dawn

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Hi gals......had a nice evening out with DH to a Christian Women's Guest night with my mother... Nice speakers and a good meal... I ate roast pork.. not much else...

Phyll, I-90 goes all the way from you to NY, but if when you get to Billings, MT (or thereabouts) it meets I-94 which goes a little north and through North Dakota.... I'm 36 miles from Bismarck where I-94 is.... then it just travels on to past Minneapolis and picks back up to I-90...... 94 goes through ND and 90 goes through SD..... It would be fun and we do have an RV park, but don't now about the sizes.... We have a large property so it wouldn't be a big deal no matter what.... I could certainly meet you in Bismarck.... Or maybe Fago and Apples could come, too...... Just an idea....

Arlene, I'm starting to think you and I don't have much luck in the health department..... Sorry about your colon problems.... Hope you are better soon....

Melissa, good luck with your new plan...

Cheri, yes, the blue is so much easier on the eyes.... Glad your DH is enjoyng his job and that it gives you a little needed space... Hope you are feeling better soon, too..

aqtpie......... glad you found out what was wrong and they can help you... best of luck...

janet, glad you are enjoying your evening off.... I don't like losing an hour either... lately I have been staying up so late that it will hurt me.. I invited guests for Breakfast after church and need to be up early to prepare my food to go in the oven... Oh, well, an afternoon nap could be in order.....

Eva, you did a great job of catching up on 5 pages.... glad you had such a nice day.....

Apples, should be out on her date with DH.... Hope she is de-stressing even more...

Lori, I'm sure those wedding payments are plenty high... Everything costs so much these days... But it's a good way to spend money..... Enjoy the time change...

Well, all you other gals, I'll have to catch you later... Hope everyone has a nice evening and a restful sleep... Take care and God Bless............... Julie

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Cheri - Love the blue font. Like Phyl, I struggled to read the green. Oh well, Phyl & I are the same age - until next Tuesday - then I'm 67. Does that make me the winner on the thread for the oldest???

Joyce in KC

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So how's this? I'm Dutch not Irish and this is fairly close to Delft.


Much better ;0)

Well I thought the band was not working. Lostt 50 pounds then had some problems wiith acid reluxs so they had to take out all the Fluid. Then had to fills fellt restriction from the 2 fill 4 about 2 wks the it was gone. I gain back 10 pounds and was getting really depressed. Well I went wen for a 3rd fill to find out I have a leak and had no fluid in the band that's why I felt know restriction.. I feel so releved because I really that this is not working for me but now I know why. So I go april 12 to get it fixed can't wait to get back on track. Dawn

Dawn - Sorry for the leak - but glad you are getting it fixed

Hi gals......had a nice evening out with DH to a Christian Women's Guest night with my mother... Nice speakers and a good meal... I ate roast pork.. not much else...

Phyll, I-90 goes all the way from you to NY, but if when you get to Billings, MT (or thereabouts) it meets I-94 which goes a little north and through North Dakota.... I'm 36 miles from Bismarck where I-94 is.... then it just travels on to past Minneapolis and picks back up to I-90...... 94 goes through ND and 90 goes through SD..... It would be fun and we do have an RV park, but don't now about the sizes.... We have a large property so it wouldn't be a big deal no matter what.... I could certainly meet you in Bismarck.... Or maybe Fago and Apples could come, too...... Just an idea....

Arlene, I'm starting to think you and I don't have much luck in the health department..... Sorry about your colon problems.... Hope you are better soon....

Melissa, good luck with your new plan...

Cheri, yes, the blue is so much easier on the eyes.... Glad your DH is enjoyng his job and that it gives you a little needed space... Hope you are feeling better soon, too..

aqtpie......... glad you found out what was wrong and they can help you... best of luck...

janet, glad you are enjoying your evening off.... I don't like losing an hour either... lately I have been staying up so late that it will hurt me.. I invited guests for breakfast after church and need to be up early to prepare my food to go in the oven... Oh, well, an afternoon nap could be in order.....

Eva, you did a great job of catching up on 5 pages.... glad you had such a nice day.....

Apples, should be out on her date with DH.... Hope she is de-stressing even more...

Lori, I'm sure those wedding payments are plenty high... Everything costs so much these days... But it's a good way to spend money..... Enjoy the time change...

Well, all you other gals, I'll have to catch you later... Hope everyone has a nice evening and a restful sleep... Take care and God Bless............... Julie

Julie - I don't know if I will nap tomorrow - cuz then I really won't be able to get to sleep - I just gave myself an acid peel by Friday my old skin should be pealing !!! Watch QVC dangerous ;0)

Cheri - Love the blue font. Like Phyl, I struggled to read the green. Oh well, Phyl & I are the same age - until next Tuesday - then I'm 67. Does that make me the winner on the thread for the oldest???

Joyce in KC

Joyce you and Phyl are really the same age ;0) but you are older by 7 months :0) Age is just a number anyway - We aren't our parent's age - I think pple now adays are so much younger thinking and in their activity levels..

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Arlene, I'm starting to think you and I don't have much luck in the health department..... Sorry about your colon problems.... Hope you are better soon....

Julie, I do feel better this morning. Diverticulitis is a inherited disease in my family. My aunt died of it. Of Course, my WL Dr. thinks it is diet. True, but if you are genetically prediposed to the diesease eating wrong foods could kick it in. How do you know you have it until......you get it. DUH!

I will go get some antibiotics tomorrow.

I think drinking shakes and resting my gut may be a good thing.

Well, I did it again. I got up at 6am....took a shower and got ready for church because I thought it was really 7am. Wrong, my clock automatically changed. So, now it is 6:20 and church is at 9. This is my second year to do that.

I hope y'all all have a great day!

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Good Morning Gang

Well the cat woke me up this a.m. 6:22 (really 5:22) figured I better get up so that I can go to sleep at a decent hour tonite :0)

Charlene - My aunt had tummy problems too - it caused her alot of pain- but takin vicoden and barely drinking any Water didn't help - so this shake thing may be good for the tummy

The only clock that automatically changes in my house is the dvr/cable box - so I have to go around changing all of mine - got 3 done - have 4 more to do.. (I like clocks ;0)

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Good morning girls~

Busy weekend for me with DH on call. When the beeper went off at 4am for ectopic pregnancy, I was in a really deep sleep and never could fall back. I was feeling yucky and I was still in bed- just thinking of DH up and at work and I stop bitching.

I JUST LOST A POST THAT TOOK ME 45 MINUTES TO WRITE! Had a nice note to everyone............. and I accidently hit something with the mouse and it said UNAUTHORIZED post from adminstration. Dang it dang it dang it. Next time. Hi to everyone.... LOVE YOU MAN!

Some photos from our day yesterday... bike ride... outside time...

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a few more. peasout... Laura

I LOVE looking at everyone's pictures! And helps us get to know each other to see the photos of your life!

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a few more. peasout... Laura

PEAS - love the pics

Okay ladies day 1 in my back in action plan I weighed and updated my tickers

I was 211 now 214. So I am going to do a modified liquids meaning shakes and Soups I have trouble just doing shakes

this morning I have had a serving of v8 and a serving of v8 fusion to get my vegs and fruit I woke up and my sugar was 58 which is way to low. I am having 1 cup coffee right now with splenda. I need my coffee or I am in trouble. I have some Unjury shakes and adkins advantage shakes and a bunch of different soups low cal to get me through this week. I have a awful headache right now but I am trying to do this right get my Water and exercise. I am taking it slow. Last night I realized I will be at my 2 yr aniversary in July and I don't want to be stuck here.

I plan on posting everyday so watch out girls. LOL

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Laura, I'm so jealous, your kitties get to go outside. Mine just tries to escape now and then....she ran out a couple of weeks ago when it was raining....she got about 30' stopped and decided rain wasn't her thing. I opened the door and she ran back in. We have too many predators in the neighborhood so I can't let her out. Cat is one of the coyotes favorite foods. Looks like you two had fun...see any manatees? DH and I saw a bunch when we were down there....it was at the out flow from a power plant outside of Ft. Meyers.

Oh my...now I have to get used to everyone being a different time again. Now we are the same time as California and Washington. The east coast is 3 hours different.

Yesterday was nice....took my time and cleaned up after the party (used mostly paper plates) so it wasn't too bad. Worked in the yard...I potted a couple of house plants that had been sitting in Water for probably a year. Cleaned out the fish pond worked on laundry, talked to my girlfriend, took the dog for a walk and generally had a great day.

Today is DH's birthday so I took him out for breakfast...I did make him a card and gave him an Amazon gift certificate (he like music and books) and will cook dinner for him. We'll have roast beast, roasted potatoes, and asparagus. I have a new remote sensor meat thermometer that I haven't used before, so that will be fun to try.

I'm looking forward to to nice relaxing day. I'll post pictures in the next post. Hope you all have a nice Sunday.


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PEAS - love the pics

Okay ladies day 1 in my back in action plan I weighed and updated my tickers

I was 211 now 214. So I am going to do a modified liquids meaning shakes and Soups I have trouble just doing shakes

this morning I have had a serving of v8 and a serving of v8 fusion to get my vegs and fruit I woke up and my sugar was 58 which is way to low. I am having 1 cup coffee right now with splenda. I need my coffee or I am in trouble. I have some Unjury shakes and adkins advantage shakes and a bunch of different soups low cal to get me through this week. I have a awful headache right now but I am trying to do this right get my Water and exercise. I am taking it slow. Last night I realized I will be at my 2 yr aniversary in July and I don't want to be stuck here.

I plan on posting everyday so watch out girls. LOL

Good for you....I'll do the same. I probably won't start being really careful today (birthday and all) but I'll be there tomorrow.:thumbup:

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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