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Good morning! (for another 8 minutes....)

Welcome to Mishay! This site was more helpful and informational than anything! Of course, you have to listen to your doc, but we KNOW because we've been there and we are still working it. It's been almost for me and I am still learning. We're glad to have you.

Today is a beautiful sunny day! I am about to get my dog and get in the golf cart. We're going to putter around my community and deliver Mary Kay to my customers. (No, I do not play golf--but the cart is so much fun and Bitsy loves it--anything for the dog.....)

I did not hear any news reports of mischief in Southern California, so I guess Janet and Phyl didn't do too much damage on their day out.

[/url] I can "hear" Apples's smile and I am glad.

Julie, I hear the economy is improving and I think you are the one to thank.

Grab the day!


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Good Morning Gang

Sorry been MIA - Spent the day w/Phyl - Went to the outlets - got another coach pruse :crying: $298 for 66. The Loft store is gone :) but when Phyl & I went for our Starbucks fix - there was a cute store - Karen Kane - I got a cute skirt/top outfit that I wore to Smokie Robinson concert last night and another top & tank... Didn't do too much damage to the cc as everything was on sale - here's a pic of my outfit last night - thought I was looking pretty damn good for an old broad :wink2:

Had a great time w/Phyl yesterday - After shopping got back to her place - Earl fixed us corn beef & cabbage - it was to die for... Sat out side and enjoyed our food and a little wine.

I so enjoy my time w/them - they are great pple to hang with..

Then came home got dressed and left again - Concert was great - He's 70 yrs old is still sings as well as he did in his prime his voice is fantastic...

And guess who was in the audience - Barry Gordy !!! The head of Motown... It was a GREAT CONCERT..

Got up at 5:45 a.m. hit the gym !!! Yea me !!! cuz I didn't want to go - told myself oh you can go tomorrow - but I can't do that !!! I am finally back down to 138 (yea me:tongue:) and I am loving it and I want to keep it - so exercise is a must !!!

Mishay - Welcome - I was 52 when banded - like you sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time -- Wanted my life back - wanted a better quality of life - wanted to extend the years I have left.. Now almost 3 yrs later - I am finally the person who I was inside my heat - I feel 10 yrs younger have 100% more energy - Loving life as a size 4 - ;0) I eat healthy - I exercise - and like I said - I feel so much better than I did 2.8 yrs ago...

Jodi - Hugs on the issues you had - I don't think my band had a pre-fill - I know some do - I too had gas issues but once I got home they pretty much went away - Hugs hope you are feeling better today..

Karen - love the pic's.. How are you today..

Julie - I know how you feel when it's a deal - heck yesterday one of the tops i go was originally priced $98 - I got it for $23 couldn't pass it up :0)

Shan - I don't mind the treadmill - I put on my ipod and groove to the music - That and weight training is what I do for exercise - But the gf I went to the concert with yesterday and I are going to a core class on my next furlough friday - it's at 10:30 a.m and I am afaird it's going to kick my butt - But gotta add some variety

Laura - hugs on the weather - I heard yesterday it was pretty bad down your way - Heck we are suppose to be 89 tomorrow - that's the desert we don't have 4 season - just 2 cool/hot... Love your new pic

Apples - I seen you are posting more pic's as I am posting - I love them - going to take that one and make it my avatar

Deb - How was your dh band last night - why can you only eat chili - are you too tight..

Charlene - You didn't have to visit a dietiant pre surgery?? I did and my doc has one on staff that you see everytime you go in - plus I had homework presurgery - I had to plan a menu and count pt grms..

Well it may be backwards - but you are doing it and that's what counts..

Hugs on the tummy issues - you better get it ck out..

Ok - since I didn't quote - don't remember what else I want to talk about or respond too... Love to all !!!

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Apples love the pic's !!! Your DS is a cutie (hot) !!! Oh you actually played hocky - I though you watched the games on t.v. between Canada & USA :0) guess that's what I get for thinking ;0)

Judy - we posted the same time - it's beautiful here too - 76 and sunny...

Well gang I need to shower and do something - Andrew needs food - I need some veggies - so shopping here I come...


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Janet...LOVE Karen Kane and your smoking hot (can hear you sizzle) in that outfit. Holy Hell...keep me away from a Karen Kane outlet store!

I'm doing good. Found those bootstraps you are always talking about. Got 'em all pulled up and DH and I are heading out after lunch at home. Heading to a city about 70 miles from here. Need some supplies for building my new deck table and bar. Yep, the wheels were turning in DH and DS yesterday and they decided to utilize some space on the new deck. Actually building a bar and bar stools with tractor seats. We are going to take puppa to his "other mother" and make a day and night of it. Renting a room at the Holiday Inn and going out for dinner and to see a good band. Still need to hit the shower and get all prettied up for my DH. I got new DKNY black city jeans. They are so cool. Kind of a silky/stretchy fabric. And a new minty auqa colored thin sweather and a new black leather coat. (I always go far out on getting pretty when I go out with DH...whether it be a day of shopping or whatever...even did that when I was heavy). Will snap a pick if I think of it. You guys like "old lady" photos, don't you?

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Apples love the pic's !!! Your DS is a cutie (hot) !!! Oh you actually played hocky - I though you watched the games on t.v. between Canada & USA :0) guess that's what I get for thinking ;0)

Judy - we posted the same time - it's beautiful here too - 76 and sunny...

Well gang I need to shower and do something - Andrew needs food - I need some veggies - so shopping here I come...


Yeah...we did watch the game at the same time as playing hocky...see the tv in the background? DH was shooting puck towards where my truck was sitting. Told him...a ding in my truck means a brand new one. Give a guy a couple of beers and all common sense goes!

Actually...both DS's were in photos.

Yep, Judy, I have a smile on my face...:wink2:

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1st is me in my USA garb

2nd is the day youngest DS flew in to Daytona for lunch. Went to the Ocean Deck restaurant. One of the only nice days we had with weather.

3rd is bday lunch we had for oldest DS's bday this last Monday and the cake momma made for him:wub:

Love the pics.......handsome men......and the cake.....Awesome! Oh, I love your patriotic garb. I am all about Red, White, and Blue!

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Hi everyone.... hope you are all having a fine Saturday...

Apples, I'm overjoyed to hear you sounding like yourself again.. Your day/night out with DH sounds like just the ticket... Have fun... We did that yesterday sort of and had a nice time... Actually did it this morning, too, to take the old car down to auction, but DH is in a mood I can't figure out... You'd think he was just forced to give up his first born.... Moping and sulking............ and it was his idea, not mine!!! Asked him why he is in such a funk and he says he doesn't know... Men!!! go figure!!! Anyway, have fun with yours... Love all the pictures.... Except me and my cold sore.....

Janet, your new outfit is very nice... you look great... Glad you had such a good time last evening... Sounds like you and Phyll had a blast....

Arlene, you are on your way now with this new program... Hope all goes as you want it to .. How's the weather??? Letting you have some peace for a while I hope.....

Well, DD and Mimi are coming to get the groceries I bought for them so better get moving off the computer before my little one wants to help me... Sorry to not hit everyone this time, but wish you all a very nice almost spring day.....

Hugs.......... Julie

Phyll, if you will be close enough to go to MAFB, then you will be close enough to visit me!!!!!! We'd love to have you stop by..... At least try to work us in..... ad yes, things have changed a lot... Actually, they have changed since the last time we were there... Moved the BX.........built a new big gas station.....that sort of thing... We only get there once every 6-8 months.....

Laura, no, I didn't get anything dangerous for me... Just stocked up my pantry a bit... got some band friendly things on sale, too.... Special K crackers that I like were way cheaper than at Wal-mart.... that sort of thing.... I'm usually the one who says, "if you don't need it, it isn't a good deal", so no, I didn't buy unnecessary things... That would be DH who does that.... And he always wants to buy multiples of the same thing... Like knick-knacks or whatever... What good is two of the same.... I never understood that... I want 1 he buys 3 or 4......... We always spend more at the grocery store when he is along, too.....

Judy, you and Bitsy have fun out there on your cart... No accidents from driving too fast, though......

Jodi, hope you are feeling okay today.. Are you sticking to the liquids.?? It's best to do that for a few days... You need to let things calm down... Take care..

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Gotta take my grandson, David, to his soccer game this afternoon. Might pick up grand-daughter, Skylar, and take her with.

Looks like my DH went back to work just in time. He bought an 09 PT Cruiser yesterday. Only 24,000 mi. Factory warrantied to 80,000. His 12 year old Escort totally bit the dust. He's going to take my 10 year old ZX2. The Cruiser has more room for car seats in the back, so I'm probably going to drive it, especially since I work in and drive through a very bad area, I need the most reliable transportation. It's very cute. I've always driven Fords so this may take a little getting used to.

DH loves his job. On the midnight shift he feels like he's getting paid to do nothing. But it looks like he might go full-time on the afternoon shift, so I won't see him in the evenings. That actually appeals to me for now. I felt so tied down by him always being home watching TV when I got home.

I'm going to be going to my daughter's every Tues. after school. She's bringing David to Indianapolis (2 hr. trip) for a special program for autistic childrenat Riley's (hospital?). He's going to be part of a study using a combination of medication and intensive therapy sessions. Her husband will drop her youngest, Joshua,off at my mom's in the early afternoon on his way to work. She lives 10 minutes from me. I'll pick him up when I 'm done with school and take him home (45 minutes) and wait for my DD to get back around 7:30 p.m. Should be an opportunity to visit with my mom and dad a while before I leave with Joshua. They'll probably have supper ready.

David has had so many problems, I've probably spent more time with him than with any other grandchildren because my DD needed so much help. So it'll be nice to spend more time with the Joshua.

I have choir on Thursday nights and on two Mondays a month I have meetings, so I'm starting to fill in some of those evenings since my DH will probably be working then.

With him working, we should also start being able to get this house fixed up. I need the roof repaired and the basement totally rnovated as we had to tear everything out, including the bathroom, because of the flooding and mold problem. Still paying off Permaseal for our basement waterproofing.

It's just an unbelievable relief to have him working. He is already so much more pleasant to be around.

Lost all the weight I gained and am under goal again.

I'm going to go for 5 more lbs in order to compensate for having to cut back my exercise.

I did go for a walk this morning in the misty drizzle. I hung from my inversion table, walked 30 minutes, hung again from my inversion table, and walked 30 more. Each time my neck had compressed and needed decompressing. Hopefully, I'll eventually get it to stabilize again. I carried a 20 oz container of coffee with me while I walked to keep me from swinging my arms so much. It did keep the pain down in my neck and slowed me down so I wouldn't aggravate my hip.


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Happy Saturday all

I am going to get a hold of myself. I got the beck book and going to read it and do the five day. ready start back again and do some exercise

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Happy Saturday, ladies. Loved pix of Janet and Apples. Also love to hear Apples is returning to happy self.

Went to support meeting this morning (monthly). Several complainers who want the band to do all the work, but overall I ignore them and enjoy all the positive info from the successful banders.

Gloomy day in K.C. and 38 degrees last night. Went to the mall for a short walk and realize how I need to build strength.

Spring - where are you hiding?????

Joyce in KC

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Apples, love the pics of you and your family, Boys are cuties. Looks like DH likes to have as much fun as you do.

Loved all the FL pics, it's good to put a face with all the names.

Janet, so did you find yourself a cutie at the concert in that hot outfit?

Way to go for all the exercisers. I did get in 5 ams, 2 lunch hr walks and 2 pms of Zumba this week.

Yahoo all my snow is gone, crossing my fingers that it stays that way. But back to reality this is MI.

A lot of my bulbs are popping up, just love to see that means spring is on the way. This year I am going to put in Heleboras (Lenten Roses) so next spring I'll have more coming up and flowers very early.

Volunteered this am for Master Gardners at a home show. Got to talk to a lot of people, it was fun. I must be warped or really need to get out and about when I think about that being fun. lol

Take care I'll check back in later need to get a tax return completed and mailed out.

Laura K

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Good afternoon. Late check in for me today been a busy day. Started out with Breakfast with DD and then to the venue for her wedding to pay the final payment. YIKES there goes a few thousand dollars quickly! then on to pedicures, lunch and my MIL's where she and my SIL and DD worked on making a new modern veil out of my old dated wedding veil. It is turning out pretty nice too. The weather was in the 60's again today but supposed to turn yuck tomorrow before hitting almost 70 later next week YAHOO!! 70's, daylight savings time kicking in, I'm loving it! I love Daylight savings time.

Apples, I love 'old lady' pics can't wait to see the outfit you are wearing tonight. And enjoyed 'meeting' your family in the photos you posted today. Thanks for sharing. I'll wait til I have wedding photos and post some of mine.

Janet, that blue top you have in is your color for sure. It's fantastic on you!

Cheri, sorry not sure if it's my computer settings or color of your post but I couldn't read it at all. Maybe by brightness on the computer needs to be adjusted or my eyes??? But I see all the others okay.

Welcome to the new folks!

Jody, bummer you had a little set back in the hospital but congrats on being banded. I had a prefill in my band as well. Luckily I didn't have the issues you did. HOpefully you saw my post after Isreal but I did put you and all of us LBTr's here on a prayer in the wall.

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I've had to go back to page 606 to catch up and now you guys have me crying....."I love you man"........then I'm ROLFMA...the guy with the green teeth did that.

Oh my...sh*t on a shingle....haven't heard that in a while. My parents used to cook that periodically. Some of you are going to read this and wonder WTH?

Phyl, you are so funny with the guitar glasses...I can just imagine you out partying in them. So what did you get on your shopping trip? Aren't you heading to NY this summer? It would be really cool if you could meet Julie.

Judy, what a wonderful story about the fostered pet. I'm so glad you do that. I have a friend here that fosters dogs too. She ends up keeping one or two, but she's let a few others go...someone needs to love them. Hope you had fun on your outing....sound like fun. I want a golf cart too!!

Charlene, I'm so sorry about your friend, even if she did treat you badly. You don't wish bad things even on your enemies...it's bad karma. Good thing you had this checkup. Hopefully they won't find anything really wrong. Sounds like the doctor will keep an eye on you too while you do this new diet..it's a good thing. You know where to go for emotional support too.

Great...loved the pictures...I'm really envious. Yeah, that jet lag really gets to me too. Ooohhh....I just checked out Zappos.com and there are some really cute shoes there. If you already knew what fit you, it looks like a great shoe connection.

Apples, yes, post pictures of the deck....those sound fabulous. You are lucky to have welders in the family. Wood stuff goes away here pretty quickly, either termites of dry rot, so metal stuff works well. We don't have too many rust issues. Wonderful pictures, looks like you had so much fun with the hockey games. Those black labs are always so shiny. My Glimmer is really shiny too although she needs to go on a diet. DH feeds her and he's going to have to give her less food...she's too big and it's affecting her joints now. Your sons look good too!

Janet, good for you on the 138 and the gym. The outfit is really cute...nice color. You have to stop referring to yourself as an old broad....you are not OLD, you are beautiful and in the prime of your life. Heck you are in better shape than half the people younger than you. At our age, we are just wiser - it's the privilege of our age.

LauraK, Great on the exercise Laura!! No you are not weird about the volunteering and it being fun. If I wasn't so busy with the rest of my life, I'd love to do that especially with gardening. Do you have a picture of the flower you mentioned? I don't think I've ever heard of it. I have Chinese ground orchids that are beginning to put out flower stalks. They are very pretty. When they bloom, I'll take a picture and post it.

Jodi...so glad you are back from surgery. Glad the trouble with the surgery was resolved. My doctor doesn't fill the band at all to start with...he waits 6 to 8 weeks before the first fill. I had great restrict for the first 3 weeks, then not so much, but it was the area healing after surgery and as it healed, the restriction diminished.

Laura, glad you are going to your parents for Easter..sounds like that is just the ticket for both you and your Mom. What Apples said about it giving your Mom something else to focus on is so true. Wow, what a deal on pants. I can't wait until I can fit in an 18 pant...maybe I'll be able to find good deals too. Okay, you are ahead of me with the WL...I'm still at 220. Don't want to know what I am today after my party. I wasn't exactly watching everything I put in my mouth.

Hey Deb, sounds like maybe you are feeling a little better? Hope so. Keep posting a letting us know how you are. That's cool about your DH's band...what fun! My DH plays bass but hasn't in quite a while. He still loves music though.

Joyce, those dogs are such a wonderful addition to our lives aren't they? Glad your GD appreciates your help. It could be the other way around. My Godmother lives in KC. We are going to try and see her this year...don't know when yet.

1day...how are you doing today? Have you been able to get back to "the program" yet? It's really tough and I sure have up and down days with it.

Cheri...it's always going to be struggle...you really need to find what works for you. Walking is my way to relieve stress too...sometimes, at work, I have to walk quite a bit before I can calm down. Hope your pain eases soon. You have got to change that color...it's killing my eyes to read your posts.

Shrinkin Shan, congrats on the new mattress...that can sure make a day better-after a good nights sleep. You've been doing great with the exercise (much better than me) good going for you...keep it up, it makes a world of difference.

Julie, good shopping trip. My mom used to have commissary privileges and I would go with her. Sometimes they have better deals than the stores but other times if you watch the sales, the regular stores would beat them. Glad you found stuff for DD...it's nice you help her.

Okay, I think I got everyone. I'll check back later...it's a beautiful day today!!


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Well, HE!!, My colon is hurting. I guess the Dr. was right. I just hope it is not diverticulitis. I will go to the GP on Monday.

Janet, yes, I went to nutrition classes for four months. I was just saying that maybe I should have done the liquid diet before I got the band. I only did the pre-op shakes.

Julie, the weather is awesome here. High 70's.

Apples, have fun!

Eva, thanks for the encouraging words.

Cheri, sorry, girl, I can't read your post that are apple green.......old eyes.

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Sorry been MIA - Spent the day w/Phyl - Went to the outlets - got another coach purse :crying: $298 for 66. The Loft store is gone :) but when Phyl & I went for our Starbucks fix - there was a cute store - Karen Kane - I got a cute skirt/top outfit that I wore to Smokie Robinson concert last night and another top & tank... Didn't do too much damage to the cc as everything was on sale - here's a pic of my outfit last night - thought I was looking pretty damn good for an old broad :wink2:

Had a great time w/Phyl yesterday - After shopping got back to her place - Earl fixed us corn beef & cabbage - it was to die for... Sat out side and enjoyed our food and a little wine.

I so enjoy my time w/them - they are great pple to hang with..

Then came home got dressed and left again - Concert was great - He's 70 yrs old is still sings as well as he did in his prime his voice is fantastic... And guess who was in the audience - Barry Gordy !!! The head of Motown... It was a GREAT CONCERT..... Love to all !!!

You look great in your new outfit! And, yes, stop calling yourself an "old broad" because that makes me ANCIENT!! LOL! You're the same age as my "baby sister", Shirley!

I had a great time yesterday and so glad we got to spend some time together before our retreat back to the great NW~!! Had I looked a little closer at those purse prices, I might have gotten one! But then "someone" wouldn't have given his blessing to go back to COD today and get the Bagellini bag I liked! They had more colors today than they did last week. Plus, I checked them out online before we left to make sure I was getting a good price and so see what colors it came in. I picked one that is kind of cafe au lait with powder blue stitching and lining. I LOVE it! Earl asked me this morning "what is so special about his purse you HAVE to have??" And I smiled sweetly and demurely and said, "lots of zippers and pockets!" So he let me get it! He dropped me off at COD street fair while he went to Trader Joe's for a case of wine. Then he dropped me off at Starbucks while he went to Home Depot and costco. I met him at Costco where we then had "lunch" on samples. Then I went o a Red Hat meeting. Busy day! Now it's Happy Hour time before we have some of that left over corned beef/cabbage.

Janet...LOVE Karen Kane and your smoking hot (can hear you sizzle) in that outfit. Holy Hell...keep me away from a Karen Kane outlet store!

I'm doing good. Found those bootstraps you are always talking about. Got 'em all pulled up and DH and I are heading out after lunch at home. You guys like "old lady" photos, don't you?

So glad to hear you cheery again. Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned. And you better stop those "old lady" comments, too!! LOL! Loved your photos, BTW!!

Phyll, if you will be close enough to go to MAFB, then you will be close enough to visit me!!!!!! We'd love to have you stop by..... At least try to work us in..... ad yes, things have changed a lot... Actually, they have changed since the last time we were there... Moved the BX.........built a new big gas station.....that sort of thing... We only get there once every 6-8 months......

Julie, We'll probably be traveling I-90 at least in to Minnesota. Then I think we have to cut south to go through Madison WI where we're stopping to visit a friend... our SIL's sister, actually. She promised to make me some white chicken chili!

Anyway, I doubt we'll actually go up as far as Minot, but how close are you to I-90?? And if we stop to see you, is there a place to park our RV?? It's 32 ft long plus we tow our CR-V. We have a family wedding in Buffalo on the 28th or 29th of Aug., so we will probably leave WA about 10 days or so before that.

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