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Thanks for that recipe, Karen. Sounds good. I've been using my crock pot a lot more lately. Makes meat tender enough for me to eat. Just got a new book called Not Your Mother's Crock Pot recipes, and it looks like they're some pretty good recipes.

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Phyll...trippin'? I'm on a sugar high

HAHAHAHA!! That explains a LOT!!

Well, my pain is somewhat lessened thanks to a vicodin and a little "bubbly"!!

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HAHAHAHA!! That explains a LOT!!

Well, my pain is somewhat lessened thanks to a vicodin and a little "bubbly"!!

You're not known to have a history of back problems, are you?

I'm one of those that does not tolerate any narcotics by mouth. Makes me projectile puke. I hear the "bubbly" can pretty much ease any troubles :blushing:

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That sounds really good!!

We made something delicious last week that we sort of made up as we went along. We had some pork loin chops in the freezer. I told DH they'd be good cooked in th crock pot with a jar of spaghetti sauce. Well.... as he has done MANY times lately... he accidentally opened the wrong thing and it was a jar of lime/? salsa... Walmart brand. So he decided to dump it in anyway. Then he said, how about a jar of tomatoes... so he put that in. Then we decided to put in a couple of cans of beans... chili Beans and black beans. Then some chili powder, dried cilantro, and some fresh cilantro. When it was done, he cut the chops in to bite size pieces and threw them back in. It was SOOOO good! Kind of like chili, but made with salsa. I want to do it again using chicken legs or thighs next time.

My youngest sister sent me a pair of guitar sunglasses today!! They have flashing lights! Can't wait til he next "happy hour" party here in our park neighborhood!! HEEHEE!!

Tell Earl that he could most likely win the chili cook-off at Cactus Jack's establishment in Salt Springs, FL. I love lime in so many different dishes.

I have a homemade mango salsa that I throw in my chicken stew sometimes.

Do your guitar glasses have flashing Elvis images on the lenses?

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You're not known to have a history of back problems, are you?

I'm one of those that does not tolerate any narcotics by mouth. Makes me projectile puke. I hear the "bubbly" can pretty much ease any troubles :blushing:

No... I was completely flabbergasted when the doctor said I had severe arthritis in my spine! Never had any back problems. I have been avoiding the vicodin... I suspect it was keeping me awake nights after my knee replacement surgery last summer. But, felt I needed one this afternoon.

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Tell Earl that he could most likely win the chili cook-off at Cactus Jack's establishment in Salt Springs, FL. I love lime in so many different dishes.

I have a homemade mango salsa that I throw in my chicken stew sometimes.

Do your guitar glasses have flashing Elvis images on the lenses?

Mmmmm... mango salsa and chicken stew sound great!

He's going to put corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and onion in the crock pot in the morning for us to have when Janet and I get back from our shopping, etc. Her furlough day.. she is picking me up at 10 a.m.

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Mmmmm... mango salsa and chicken stew sound great!

He's going to put corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and onion in the crock pot in the morning for us to have when Janet and I get back from our shopping, etc. Her furlough day.. she is picking me up at 10 a.m.

You girls have a great time together....:blushing:...wish I was joining you all for shopping, visiting and corned beef and cabbage. A dish that I had to make at least once a week during harvest. Had a lot of retired farmers that would work for us during that time. I would ask them to give me ideas of what to cook (cooking is the easy part...coming up with new ideas, tough). They would give me great ideas like bread pudding, homemade banana pudding, custard pie, Sh_t on a shingle made with dried beef and creamed peas....just a lot of dishes that I grew up with and were some of their favorites.

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The way I see all of us and this journey we are on together is:

We are all in our separate boats just floating out to sea. But, we are all teathered together with one rope. When one of us floats out too far, one (or all of us) yanks on that rope and pulls your boat back in closer to us. And, when one of us eats so much that the boat begins to sink, we throw out the lifesaver. That's call LOVE

I love it!

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Husband is doing 3 midnights in a row at a gated community where the guard shack is 3x the size of my house.

Going to be wierd with him working. Hopefully a good wierd.

Tethered together. Like it.

Busy, busy.

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Ok sugar high Apples - junking up the thread 2.5 pages to read.. and it's 7:30 !!!! I'm jealous :0) I wish I could eat like that :0) yep like someone said - you most likely will loose and not gain - just your freaking luck lol...

Green Teeth !!! OMG can't I at least get a cute one :0) or did Judy steal him already lol lol.... Yep Phyl I would tell him to jump in a lake - teeth are very important - they don't have to be perfect - but at least not green..

Thank God the glasses won't be here tomorrow :0).... I can just see you wearing them with your elvis tshirt lol

Well gang - I went and got my nails done tonite after work - I have had them off for about 3 weeks - just had to get them back on... Didn't take anything out for dinner - that's the bad part (or good depending on how you look at it) I can't just go to the drive thru and order anything... I was never a FF eater - but times like tonite - I'm hungry and have nothting to cook - and Drive thru food is not band freindly for me plus it's not appealing at all.. Well a club sandwhich would be or a good hamburger - but again - I am not buy a hamburger or sandwich to throw away the bread... I don't my bringing home a doggie bag for other meals - but plain ass waste isn't for me..

Like Apples my food is now mostly heatlhy choices - I was thinking white gravy & rice (got bacon & milk) - but I won't do it - pple today kept asking are you losing more weight - nope (well ya I lost about 5 lbs) but pple cant tell 5 lbs - it was the outfit..

Phly- Am glad to hear we are having corn beef ;0) - I guess I will eat healthy tonite (eggs most likely quick and band freindly) - going to hit the gym in the a.m. then shower and head to Phlys.

Obtw - we might have to ck out coach - i got a coupon ;0)

Apples - I just love you - you & Phyl just had me cracking up ...

I will teather you all back in just like you do me - you all are my lifesavers :0)

xoxoxo Indiogirl55 aka Janet (for you Joyce ;0)

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Ok sugar high Apples - junking up the thread 2.5 pages to read.. and it's 7:30 !!!! I'm jealous :0) I wish I could eat like that :0) yep like someone said - you most likely will loose and not gain - just your freaking luck lol...

Green Teeth !!! OMG can't I at least get a cute one :0) or did Judy steal him already lol lol.... Yep Phyl I would tell him to jump in a lake - teeth are very important - they don't have to be perfect - but at least not green..

Thank God the glasses won't be here tomorrow :0).... I can just see you wearing them with your elvis tshirt lol

Well gang - I went and got my nails done tonite after work - I have had them off for about 3 weeks - just had to get them back on... Didn't take anything out for dinner - that's the bad part (or good depending on how you look at it) I can't just go to the drive thru and order anything... I was never a FF eater - but times like tonite - I'm hungry and have nothting to cook - and Drive thru food is not band freindly for me plus it's not appealing at all.. Well a club sandwhich would be or a good hamburger - but again - I am not buy a hamburger or sandwich to throw away the bread... I don't my bringing home a doggie bag for other meals - but plain ass waste isn't for me..

Like Apples my food is now mostly heatlhy choices - I was thinking white gravy & rice (got bacon & milk) - but I won't do it - pple today kept asking are you losing more weight - nope (well ya I lost about 5 lbs) but pple cant tell 5 lbs - it was the outfit..

Phly- Am glad to hear we are having corn beef ;0) - I guess I will eat healthy tonite (eggs most likely quick and band freindly) - going to hit the gym in the a.m. then shower and head to Phlys.

Obtw - we might have to ck out coach - i got a coupon ;0)

Apples - I just love you - you & Phyl just had me cracking up ...

I will teather you all back in just like you do me - you all are my lifesavers :0)

xoxoxo Indiogirl55 aka Janet (for you Joyce ;0)

So.... you don't want me to wear the guitar glasses tomorrow???? Bummer!! Earl fixed the flashing lights for me. The switch was broken! LOL! I'll model them for you though!

28_1_19.gif 5_5_137.gif

They sort of look like this but mine are blue with flashing lights.

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Ummm....does the guy with green teeth have money?

Kidding! Right now, I can NOT be bothered! I have my GF's, my puppy dog and I am happy. (check me in two weeks...)

The show went well tonight--I have 2 more performances and then--done! Cast party is Sat. after the show. I love to be in a show; I love when it is over. What I'd really like to do is--direct. (Boss people around, you know....again, kidding. I just love it when I make a show come together and the cast feels so good about themselves and their performances..blah,blah,blah)

Concerning the dog/cat rescue--yes, it is a NO kill shelter (could NOT do the other kind). I know that these furbabies are not in an ideal situation, but I know that they are safe, fed, clean, medically cared for and loved on by the volunteers AND there is a thorough process to find loving, forever homes. When I volunteered with the group in ATL, I did a lot of fostering. I've had about 40 fosters--not at once! The first time my foster got adopted, I wondered if I should adopt him (a little poodle boy named Joey). But the elderly, lonely man who adopted him just LIT up when he saw him. I knew at that moment that I was in this to rescue.As soon as Joey went to his forever home, I could turn and say, Who needs to be fostered now? And--save another life.

The man rescued Joey, but Joey rescued the man. They even went to assisted living together a few years later. They lived there for a few years.Then, Joey died at an old age and the old man died a few months later. I stayed in touch with his daughter.

Don't get me started about my furbabies! Oops, too late!

Enjoy your Friday and don't forget to "spring" your clock ahead this Sunday!


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can't sleep...

Judy - If he had $$ he wouldnt have green teeth :l)

Glad you are having a great time w/your show - I know you are in your element when on stage :0)

Well back to bed - woke up an hr ago - just can't go back to sleep..

Phyl - lol - ya you can model them for me :0)

dinner ended up being popcorn and 1 cup steel cut oats and a fudgsicle.

So looking forward to corn beef tomorrow - well today I guess

Can't beleive it's time to spring forward - i hate springing forward - losing 1 hr of sleep - we were talking about it on Wed at the gym

My legs are still sore from Monday's workout - if you want a good leg exercise = walking lunges !!!! back knee touching the ground... and if you want to work the triceps - over head extenstions with a 15 lbs weight (my arms are a little sore from wed work out)

do you know it's really quite at 2 a.m. all the fur babies a sleep - no t.v.'s on or phones ringing... Love it...

Well I need to get my beauty sleep - got a coach coupon going to ck it out tomorrow - like I really need anything from coach but you never know..

Great - I thought you looked Great in your pic's too..

Julie - I guess you are still on your meds - heck you are the one posting in the middle of the night ;0)

Apples - aren't you up eating ;0)

Well till tomorrow

xoxoxo J

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I wrote on Meredith's wall on Facebook: "Hello?! <echo echo echo? Hellooooooooooooo?! <echo echo echo> Dang, where is Meredith?! I miss her smile. : )"

From Meredith on:

"Oh Laura! I am so sorry! We moved, the Internet took a few days to get set up and then the computer crashed! Im using Andrews now! Ugh! I miss you guys! Tell everyone hello for me. I should be back on tomorrow"

Just a little FYI for those who had been wondering lately. : )

It's raining like crazy here! Our pool is just about to overflow. Had tornado warnings yesterday and last night. Miserable.

I've decided to go visit my Dad for Easter. Nels' has a long weekend (Fri- Tues) actually. Most schools have a full spring break, but we don't. : ( Anyway, both mom and dad were really excited. I know mom will have fun getting ready for the "Easter Bunny". I can't believe it will be a month since they were here- when we go! Time is flying. After we told them we were coming (DH is on call that weekend)- Mom sent me the saddest email, how stressed out she is and how hard it's been. Just broke my heart. But also sealed the deal on how glad I am we are going.

I need to get the morning going. I will CBL. peas.

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Peas.......I love your profile pic. You look like a teenager. So cute!

Apples, I will be thinking of you today.

Okay, peeps, I am off to PT and Dr. Davis. This begins a new phase of my journey.

You know my friend that dissed me.....the one that had bypass and lost 120........she has a mass in her pelvis. I am sure I will be taking her to a specialist because she does not drive in Houston. I really feel sorry for her. She is so scared. They did a BRAC analysis and a CA-125. No results yet. I am gonna ask Dr. Davis today if he would direct her to the right specialist.

Later! will give y'all the scoop when I get back.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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