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Thanks Lori...actually, not in the middle of anything. I will not allow that or set myself up for that. I have totally distanced myself from them. What I am in the middle of is grieving (yes, even though he was a tyrant) and also grieving for what could have been. As I stated...I will work through everything and allow things to settle down.

Anyway, just appreciate you and all of the girls here. Can't get much better support and concern than you guys have provided the last few days. And, I thank you for that.:blushing:

Oh, no Apples, I didn't mean you were in the middle of anything like that, I meant just as you said the middle of the grieving, emotional stuff. Sorry for not being more clear, I did not mean at all to insinuate you were in the middle of a situation or anything like that at all. I'm so sorry if that's how I came across.

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Can anyone say "stress eating"? Good thing I have some room to grow. Cereal, ice cream, Snickers, Rollos, sesame sticks, Cheetos, etc., etc., etc.,

I know that one too well, been doing too much of that myself stressing over this moving, the wedding, mom/grandma situation, etc. And i have no room to grow if I want to fit in my dress for the wedding.

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Oh, no Apples, I didn't mean you were in the middle of anything like that, I meant just as you said the middle of the grieving, emotional stuff. Sorry for not being more clear, I did not mean at all to insinuate you were in the middle of a situation or anything like that at all. I'm so sorry if that's how I came across.

Certainly not upset...I took it one way..you said it another. You are always kind and considerate, Lori:biggrin:

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Apples and Great, I for one, am encouraged to know that this sort of thing happens to you once in a while and I'm not the only one..... We all need to know that being at goal doesn't mean that you do everything perfect all the time... We are all human and human reactions are expected.... BUT, it's the not letting it get out of control that is the wonderful thing about this band... We can have a bad day or a bad week and still not be a bad person and still get right back at it when we are feeling better and have worked through our difficulties.. You are both beautiful women and will always be.... Apples, you are more apt to make your stomach sick than gain weight and yes, you do have a little wiggle room... Great, your pictures were wonderful and I never saw anything unattractive about you in capris..... You looked "great".... Thanks for sharing yourselves with us.... I need to know I'm not unique..... I've got as good a chance as anyone to conquer this body and the jail it has kept me in so many years.... I appreciate you and the others like Janet and Linda and Cheri, who share their struggles even though you are at goal.... Okay, I'm off my soapbox now....

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I know that one too well, been doing too much of that myself stressing over this moving, the wedding, mom/grandma situation, etc. And i have no room to grow if I want to fit in my dress for the wedding.

You have a full plate to deal with right now, Lori. Just make sure you don't have the crappy snacking stuff at your fingertips and too easy to grab. Make your cupboards and frig things you have to actually prepare in order to eat them.

The only thing that bothers me with the eating I am doing is that it is mostly crap the last couple of days. I have had a menu the last two years of strictly healthy because I FEEL so much better. Even though I get a high number of calories a day, I usually choose healthy. This too shall pass. Sure has been fun though. I don't think a diet of Cheetos and trail mix over the last couple of days is going to kill me. I usually get my chocolate and Peanut Butter fix from Protein Bars.

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Apples and Great, I for one, am encouraged to know that this sort of thing happens to you once in a while and I'm not the only one..... We all need to know that being at goal doesn't mean that you do everything perfect all the time... We are all human and human reactions are expected.... BUT, it's the not letting it get out of control that is the wonderful thing about this band... We can have a bad day or a bad week and still not be a bad person and still get right back at it when we are feeling better and have worked through our difficulties.. You are both beautiful women and will always be.... Apples, you are more apt to make your stomach sick than gain weight and yes, you do have a little wiggle room... Great, your pictures were wonderful and I never saw anything unattractive about you in capris..... You looked "great".... Thanks for sharing yourselves with us.... I need to know I'm not unique..... I've got as good a chance as anyone to conquer this body and the jail it has kept me in so many years.... I appreciate you and the others like Janet and Linda and Cheri, who share their struggles even though you are at goal.... Okay, I'm off my soapbox now....

The way I see all of us and this journey we are on together is:

We are all in our separate boats just floating out to sea. But, we are all teathered together with one rope. When one of us floats out too far, one (or all of us) yanks on that rope and pulls your boat back in closer to us. And, when one of us eats so much that the boat begins to sink, we throw out the lifesaver. That's call LOVE

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Another scenerio...

We are all out at a bar and I'm going to sing kareoke. We are all teathered together by one rope. I am all excited by the fact I'm next and have am going to get up and sing "Crazy" by Patsy Cline. You yank the rope and I come back to my group. I will thank you for saving me from a very embarassing moment.

Then, Janet gets aproached by a guy with green teeth...5 green teeth. We throw her the lifesaver.

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Hi everyone, I have no time to read, I'm days behind. Step daughter has been back in hospital so have had GD all week. Also super busy at work so no time during day. Just wanted to say Hi and I'm alive and well, thinking of you all. I'll catch up over the weekend.

Hope you are all doing great.

Hugs to you all,


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Hi everyone, I have no time to read, I'm days behind. Step daughter has been back in hospital so have had GD all week. Also super busy at work so no time during day. Just wanted to say Hi and I'm alive and well, thinking of you all. I'll catch up over the weekend.

Hope you are all doing great.

Hugs to you all,


Hey Linda...sorry to hear your DSS is once again back in the hospital. I have a friend that would never take care of herself and pay attention to what she needed to do with her diabetes. She ended up going into an in-patient facility(kind of like a rehab for diabetics). It seemed to hit home with her. We really thought she would never get it. Do you guys have anything like that in your area?

Thinking of you and the struggles. I'll take GD for a few days....or weeks. Meet you in Spirit Lake?

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Apples, you amaze me. You're feeling bad and you still keep us laughing. I love your idea of all of us tethered together by a rope at the kareoke!

I did OK on the food yesterday and today. PB'ed again tonight, yuck. chicken again. I guess I'd better rethink what I can eat. Also took a good walk yesterday after I got home from work. It's been so beautiful out the past few days. It was in the 70s yesterday!

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Apples, you amaze me. You're feeling bad and you still keep us laughing. I love your idea of all of us tethered together by a rope at the kareoke!

I did OK on the food yesterday and today. PB'ed again tonight, yuck. chicken again. I guess I'd better rethink what I can eat. Also took a good walk yesterday after I got home from work. It's been so beautiful out the past few days. It was in the 70s yesterday!

Deb...have you tried the marinated turkey tenders from Walmart? They come in shrink wrap packages almost makes them look like those little Hormel pork loins. They are so nice and tender and do well in the crockpot. Just a suggestion. Also, if you are having trouble with breast meat, maybe try the following recipe.

6 boneless/skinless chix thighs or leg (legs...use 12)

1 tsp powdered garlic

1 tsp powdered onion

1 TBLS lime juice

1 tsp ground black pepper

1 tsp sea salt

1 can of diet Sprite

Works great in crockpot or oven

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Another scenario...

We are all out at a bar and I'm going to sing karaoke. We are all tethered together by one rope. I am all excited by the fact I'm next and have am going to get up and sing "Crazy" by Patsy Cline. You yank the rope and I come back to my group. I will thank you for saving me from a very embarrassing moment. Then, Janet gets approached by a guy with green teeth...5 green teeth. We throw her the lifesaver.

You are TRIPPIN', Girl!! Can I have some of what you're havin'?? LOL

The karaoke sounds FUN!!

Glad we fought off the guy with the green teeth for Janet!

Although, she would've decked him anyway!

Seriously... I've read every word of every one of your posts and my heart goes out to you! The emotions you're dealing with are painful, but you will be OKAY when you come out the other side of this! We LOVE you VERY MUCH!! HUGS!!

Hey Linda...sorry to hear your DSS is once again back in the hospital. I have a friend that would never take care of herself and pay attention to what she needed to do with her diabetes. She ended up going into an in-patient facility(kind of like a rehab for diabetics). It seemed to hit home with her. We really thought she would never get it. Do you guys have anything like that in your area?

Thinking of you and the struggles. I'll take GD for a few days....or weeks. Meet you in Spirit Lake?

I guess I shouldn't tell horror stories, but I just don't understand why people with diabetes don't take better care of themselves! Our current health care system goes out of its way to provide everything a diabetic needs for education as well as care.... special shoes, testing equipment, etc.

Anyway, I had a cousin, same age as me.. and also an RN. She was diagnosed with diabetic as a fairly young adult. And even though she was an RN, she never would follow the diet or anything else. She was a completely non-compliant diabetic and she paid with her life. She had to quit working and go on disability way sooner than she should have because she lost much of her sight and was mobility impaired. She died several years ago... barely 60 years old, of an apparent heart attack brought on by the diabetes, just a few weeks before her only daughter's wedding.

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Deb...have you tried the marinated turkey tenders from Walmart? They come in shrink wrap packages almost makes them look like those little Hormel pork loins. They are so nice and tender and do well in the crockpot. Just a suggestion. Also, if you are having trouble with breast meat, maybe try the following recipe.

6 boneless/skinless chix thighs or leg (legs...use 12)

1 tsp powdered garlic

1 tsp powdered onion

1 TBLS lime juice

1 tsp ground black pepper

1 tsp sea salt

1 can of diet Sprite

Works great in crockpot or oven

That sounds really good!!

We made something delicious last week that we sort of made up as we went along. We had some pork loin chops in the freezer. I told DH they'd be good cooked in th crock pot with a jar of spaghetti sauce. Well.... as he has done MANY times lately... he accidentally opened the wrong thing and it was a jar of lime/? salsa... Walmart brand. So he decided to dump it in anyway. Then he said, how about a jar of tomatoes... so he put that in. Then we decided to put in a couple of cans of beans... chili Beans and black beans. Then some chili powder, dried cilantro, and some fresh cilantro. When it was done, he cut the chops in to bite size pieces and threw them back in. It was SOOOO good! Kind of like chili, but made with salsa. I want to do it again using chicken legs or thighs next time.

My youngest sister sent me a pair of guitar sunglasses today!! They have flashing lights! Can't wait til he next "happy hour" party here in our park neighborhood!! HEEHEE!!

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You are TRIPPIN', Girl!! Can I have some of what you're havin'?? LOL

The karaoke sounds FUN!!

Glad we fought off the guy with the green teeth for Janet!

Although, she would've decked him anyway!

Seriously... I've read every word of every one of your posts and my heart goes out to you! The emotions you're dealing with are painful, but you will be OKAY when you come out the other side of this! We LOVE you VERY MUCH!! HUGS!!

I guess I shouldn't tell horror stories, but I just don't understand why people with diabetes don't take better care of themselves! Our current health care system goes out of its way to provide everything a diabetic needs for education as well as care.... special shoes, testing equipment, etc.

Anyway, I had a cousin, same age as me.. and also an RN. She was diagnosed with diabetic as a fairly young adult. And even though she was an RN, she never would follow the diet or anything else. She was a completely non-compliant diabetic and she paid with her life. She had to quit working and go on disability way sooner than she should have because she lost much of her sight and was mobility impaired. She died several years ago... barely 60 years old, of an apparent heart attack brought on by the diabetes, just a few weeks before her only daughter's wedding.

Awww, Phyl...so kind. I'll make it and come out smiling. I am already. I'm a survivor.

My friend that I was talking about that needed the intervention with her diabetes....she was on her way out. Ended up in Rochester mayo for many months. They were at the point of doing feeding tube because of neuropathy (sp?) in stomach, legs, feet. She has it turned around but still struggles. She does not feel her feet/calves and has no hungry feelings in her stomach. But, she does relapse and will make fudge and eat 1/2 a pan then will clean her act up.

We all have our struggles and have made decisions to change to a healthy lifestyle to be around for awhile. The trouble with diabetes is that you need to take care of yourself EVERY day and stay on top of it. I believe denial that the disease can actually take your life is a huge factor. Getting ticked because they have the disease. A lot of factors play into it. My friend LOVED the honeymoon stages of the disease because she got deathly thin. Then, she ballooned and does not lose even when she starved herself. A vicious disease when you are not taking care of yourself.

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