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BTW - my picture was last year on my 66th b'day trip to Florida (Destin). Next Tuesday, I'll be 67. Can't believe it. I feel much younger than that.

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Eva - it sorta is - Mex Shrimp Cocktail is nothing like our shrimp cocktail - it's soupy ;0)..

Cheri - Gas X Strips !!!!

Apples - Hope you got out of the house today and tomorrow - I wish there was more I could do, know my heart is w/you..

Laura - WTG on your bikini - you crack me up lol - I could do a two piece in my back yard but I have just to much saggy skin..

WTG on Exercise

Melissa - I hate car issues - Hugs - and girl - come on now - don't you hear the band wagon calling you - ;0)

Girl I just got 83 new files to handle and $6000 less a year - I am not a happy camper and hear that we are going to have a LARGER deductible this yr for our health insurance..

Today my new producer was out sick and his other Acct Mgr who only works part time was out - had to rush around to get any umbrella bound - then I email the cert to the insured - they call - complain about how long it took to get this done (this isn't even my account and it's the 1st time I picked up the file) and that they want me to email the cert to the cert holder - he was sorta rude - I told him I didn't have anyone's email but his - so I ended up not leaving work till 4:15 (I get off at 4) I worked my butt off for that guy - and just got crap - he can go jump in a freaking lake - see I if I go out of my way for him again..

Deb - Hugs I know how hard this is - but girl you can do it..

Joyce - you might not be released to lift weights - but girl you can walk :0) I need to get my eyes tested - Was going to do it when I was on vacation end of Nov but never got around to it.. Maybe on one of my Furlough Fridays :0)..

Phyl - I have already given you hugs on the back - now the eyes - girl get them taken care of when you go back home next month - you need your eyes...


Let me know if you want to call off our date on Friday if you aren't feeling well - or if you just want to hang around the r.v. - keep me posted on how you are feeling

My boss asked if I wanted to work on Friday - 1st question was - would I get paid - told him I had plans - but Penny's out - Kim only works to 2 - he's going to be gone along with 1/2 the office that has furlough fridays - also told him the last time this happen they didn't want pple coming in - so he said forget it..

Lori - Well I am glad it was safe - cuz what I see on t.v. scares me about going to the middle east.. Phyl's the computer expert - It's really time consuming to separate your pic label and date them - I got a new camera for bday but all I know how to do is down load them and sometimes then have a hard time finding them..

Glad your fill is working..

Charlene - Hope you don't get sick from GS - Hugs..

Well it's 7:30 - I've been to the gym - had a good arm workout- feed the dogs - cooked for Andrew and my dinners done - so I think I am headed to the couch - cbl

Hugs to all

oh Jodi you should be home -hope you are doing fine - Welcome to Band Land ;0)

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Apples, I think I probably can beat any of you at the CRS league. I put the canister of Splenda in the frige the other day......my DH questioned why it was in there.....hell, I don't know.....I meant to put the cream in there.

Okay gang, I am gonna go do my PT exercises and go to bed. This waking up at 3am every morning is starting to take a toll. Again, I think it is this medicine. Goodnight!

Ok Charlene, if the Splenda was in the fridge, where was the cream? I do that too sometimes. I've actually put the kitchen washcloth in the fridge....so figure. Glad your weather is nice...it's freaking cold here.

Jody, your prayer request is in the Western wall in Jerusalem along with a prayer for all us LBTers!

I had a fantastic time. What a beautiful country. We saw so much my head was spinning trying to take it all in. I sailed in a fishing boat on the Sea of Galilee, saw Bethlehem where Jesus was born (that was a little freaky going crossing the border into Palestininan territory our guide couldn't go with us as he was Jewish and they aren't allowed to cross), saw the Garden tomb, walked some ancient roads in the old city, saw the beaches of the Medditteranean, etc. Our group was 17 people and everyone got along so well. I had a little trouble with the food, breakfasts and lunches were included but I didn' care much for a lot of the food and really missed my ham or bacon for breakfast! Found out I do not like falalfel (sp) but I do like humus (sp). The flight home was torture. We got up at 6am had a full day of sightseeing, then took a flight at 11pm from Tel Aviv for 13 1/2 hours to Atlanta and then another 3 hours to Denver. All in all I was up for 48 hours straight (did not sleep well on flight) with the 9 hour time change. We walked so much I was so thrilled with my new knees. They held up great. I have a knee doc appt this morning, am going to have to give him thanks for those knees! also am getting a small fill. I am very disappointed I didn't lose a thing, I ate so little and walked so much. AFter reading posts for 2 hours, I have little time to post, but will try and post some photos later. Thanks so much for the posts that I read missing me, that meant so much!

Welcome back!!! Thanks for the prayer....that is really special. Sounds like a fabulous trip. I like falafel, but I make my own so I know what's in it.....beans. Looking forward to those pictures.

Well, Apples, I'm going to do like you said and post every day. Actually, today is a MUCH better day than I've had for a while. I didn't snack myself into oblivion last night (!) and today I've been on target with food. (Except I ate too fast at lunch and pb'ed---chicken breast, which I often have trouble with.)

Did exercise at noon, and tonight at home I'll do some time on the elliptical. I have gained 2 lbs or so from my few days of bingeing. Hope to get those off soon.

I've become aware that my "bad" food days are very much connected to my emotions. I've been worrying way too much about my son and I think that has made me reach for the food. Not that I'm blaming him or anything else...just trying to see the connections.

Thanks, everyone, for all the encouragement!

Deb, I've had some very bad food days too, but part of this journey is learning how to deal with those and continue on...not give up, but jump back on the band wagon....as you mentioned you are doing. Yep, I eat emotionally too...and when I hurt, and for several other reasons. I'm learning, sort of. It's good that you are making those connections, it helps when you recognize the behavior then maybe we can stop the reaction before we shove those 20000 calories in our mouth.

Okay my turn to update you all with me'

Work is doing well I am so happy in my new position. They keep me running. I wore the wrong shoes today and my feet hurt so bad. I get to work off site the next two days for a big training event I planned I am so thrilled with myself.

Weight loss is staying still mostly because I am just not doing exercise or watching my food like a hawk. I am at a stall have been there for a while. It is just my mind I am so scared to get to the 200 mark (not sure why but it is what I think) I am hanging out at 211 sometime 214 depends.

I need a jumpstart but feeling blah. But I felt this way before my pet loss so I don't know.

Also keep having car issues I swear since I traded My grand am for the dodge interpid 5 years ago everything went down hill. All I can say is 3 cars since the grand am and it seems like I always need a new transmission except with the last one when someone totaled my last car. I swear I am not hard on my cars just bad luck or something. It ia a running family joke that is not really funny.

I am so glad you are liking your job and it's keeping you on your toes (pun intended). Keep those spare shoes in your car so you can change them when you need to. I understand about not being able to break out of the 3 pound weight cycle. It really takes shaking things up for a week or two to get everything going again. You'll find it in you to do that, just get Apples or Janet after you...they're great with the encouragement. Sorry about the car too.....some people just have a way about them....my mom couldn't keep a watch running either.

I just "moved in" to my size 16 bathing suit that I"ve been saving for a while. I was waiting for my size 18 to stretch out. When the skirt gets about 12 inches longer than it was when new I figure it's time to retire it. So I tried on he 16 I had in the cupboard and it's fits fine!

Well, GF, the pain in my side came back last night. Did I already post that?? By the time I finished Water aerobics and hot tub this morning I couldn't move wihtout excruciating pain to the point that I was in tears when I got back to the RV. So we went to urgent care. Seems my spine is in quite a bit of "disarray"! Bad arthritis that I didn't realize was there. L-5 protruding and probably pressing on a nerve, which is causing the pain. So... shot of Toradal, Rx for Hydrocodone and recommendation to see a back specialist! Haven't taken any pain pills yet, but a little wine, on top of the Toradal, and I'm feeling pretty okay right now! Will probably take a pill before bed. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get dressed without crying!! LOL

You were dead on right about the arthritis causing my pain! I honestly thought it was a kidney problem... kidney stones would not have surprised me. But this did! Was shocked to see the x-rays because I have NOT had back pain at all and my spine is a mess!

That's another thing I need to do!! I'm falling apart!! LOL

Blurry spot in the middle of my right eye. Don't want them to tell me I have a cataract!

Wish I was there to help you with those photos! What program do you use to upload them to your computer? Whatever it is, there should be a place to click on "options". If you select that, you can make a new folder to put them in and give them a name... in most programs. Then you're well on your way to organizing them the way yo want t. I also have an option on my camera to put photos I take in folders according to date. So... like on the Mexico cruise.. I can go in to the dated folder and rename it... Mazatlan, or wherever it was we were on that date. Makes it easier if you want to upload them to Facebook, etc.

Phyl, congrats on the size 16....way cool and on the 2 mile walk too. That is amazing!! You go girl!!

Sorry about the L-5...mine is between the L-4 and L-5, herniated disc and yes, it has been so bad I cried. The arthritis can do the same thing in different spots. Hopefully the pills work and you find out what's going on with your eye...don't mess around with that, go have it checked out.

Okay Laura, my game face is on...not sure about my brain however. Good job for you going to the gym.

Julie, great run down on everything. So are you liking those massages? Hope you get the government to rent you spaces....hey, get some of that tax money back.

I'm sorry to not hit all of you but the brain is tired and I didn't want to quote everyone. I am thinking of you and say HI!!

I can't seem to get up in the mornings....I'm tired...like I'm sleeping really well and just don't want to get going. During the day, I'm fine and I've been really busy as Julie has stated. After Friday night...things should start to slow down and I'll crash big time.

I'll post some of my cards...I have them scanned so I can remember what I did.

Okay ladies, have a good night!!!


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Ok I am so glad you are liking your job and it's keeping you on your toes (pun intended). Keep those spare shoes in your car so you can change them when you need to. I understand about not being able to break out of the 3 pound weight cycle. It really takes shaking things up for a week or two to get everything going again. You'll find it in you to do that, just get Apples or Janet after you...they're great with the encouragement. Sorry about the car too.....some people just have a way about them....my mom couldn't keep a watch running either.


You are to funny i read the watch thing at then end and I just lmao I really needed that

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card scans...they are a little hard to see at this size..and a couple of them are on their sides, but you can get the idea at least.

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Good evening all! It sounds like all had a busy day! I hope everyone is doing well!

As for me, I completed one hour of bootcamp tonight and then had two tournamet volleyball games in which we won the league championships! Whoo hoo!! I am new to the sport by my husband and his family all play competitively so I learned a lot and got a lot of exercise in!

Any tips on good food/drink for pre-workout? I had a moment at bootcamp. Didn't even think about the fact that I had no Water today and only about 1/2 a cup of food! I need something that I can have in a rush on the way to the gym! Can't be passing out/throwing up!!

So excited to be moving my body again! It has been a long time! I hope all get good rest and I look forward to reading about your days tomorrow!

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Good Morning Gang! Eva, don't tell me it is cold in AZ.....that means it is coming here. BOO! Yep, I have put odd things in the frig too......I mean really odd. TMI

I started cutting that Fibro med in half yesterday and I did not have an anxiety attack at 3am. Yep, I think it is the medicine. My pulse had been over 100 when I wake up. So, I am cutting it back......besides the weather is warmer and I am not hurting. I don't want to develop a heart problem from it.

Yesterday, I drank two shakes in preparation for the shake diet. Today, I will try for three. Tomorrow is the day I see Dr. Davis.

My GS is okay. I haven't gotten sick yet. Stomach virus is the one thing I avoid like the plague. When he left I did a "clorox cleenup".

Now, gotta go babysit GD so my daughter can get bloodwork done. My DD's back has started hurting. It is so early in her pregnancy. I just hope there isn't back surgery after this baby. Sounds selfish, but I don't think my back could handle it.

Okay, peeps, check back later! HUGS for your journey today!

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Good morning, I am up awfully early today, seems my body still thinks it's in Isreal or something. DH finally gave up trying to sleep and went in to work. He had over 500 emails while he was gone and has about 400 to go.

Sounds like lots of back troubles around here lately, hope it's not contagious like the dead battery virus was. And hope everyone finds some relief. My hip was hurting somewhat, it was real bad about 6 weeks post op on my knee. My ortho. doc xrayed it and yep I got some minor arthritis there, but not bad and he said I shouldn't have to do anything with it for 15 yrs or so as long as I keep my weight down so there's more incentive. I don't want any more new joints.

Okay I am going to try and add some photos to this post the first is on our boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, the 2nd is my 'Peters fish lunch', the 3rd is by the Jordan River, the 4th is in an ancient ampitheater in Bet She'an, and the last is on the Mt of olives overlooking the temple mount






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Good morning all! Just thought I would pop in and say hi! Have a busy day ahead today but my hubby is off so he will help out around the house!

Hope everybody has a wonderful day!

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Good morning, typing from my phone- so sorry for typos in advance. 219 this morning! Feeling good. Had a pair of lands end shorts, size 18 (I have been wearing 16 and 18W Womens) and they finally fit! I remember not getting it past my knees.

Yucky weather here- rain and wind. Yuck. Probably a result of bragging about the sun yesterday.

Phyllis- hugs on the back/side pain. I have had back pain in the past and know how bad that can be. Toradol is a lifesaver. Had that after my band surgery. Let us know how u feel. Take it easy.

Eva- love the cards! Really nice. Looks like something u could buy in upscale stationary store.

Janet- wish u were here to drag me to the gym. Nels has appt and then will take him to school and TRY to go. ; O hugs on the extra work and mean people. Some people act like they were raised in a barn.

Melissa- sorry bout the car and feet issues! Both suck.

Apples- sleeping any better?

Ok guys will cbl when I am home. Hugs. Peasout, laura

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Good Morning Peeps.....

Drive by post - tons to do today - it's my friday - tomorrow's my furlough day...

Eva - Great pics of your card - you are very talented ...

Lori - Love your pic's too - your dh is very tall :0) I hear you on the back issues - I know the last time I when to the chiropractor (4 or 5 yrs ago) he said I had artheritist in my back - It' in my famiy - but thankfully no problems...

Shan - WTG on the exercise - How about clear pt drinks - proti has some good ones 70 cal 15 grms pt - ck out bariatic choice - or does your doc sell stuff - you need to make sure you eat good clean complex carbs / Protein pre-workout (45 min) and make sure you are hydrated... I think they make some new zero cal sports drinks - I never liked gadorade but you might want to look into it..

Charlene - LOL bleach - I do the same thing - my ds had mrsa right before my surgery - I bleached the crap out of the house after he left - I sure in the hell didn't want it with surgery coming up... Bleach is great !!!

Glad you are feeling better - good luck on the shakes - I had one for bf on Tues added banana & strawberries - but gotta say I was starving by lunch - but again it's normal to be hungry by lunch.. But it should help get you back on track and focus on eating healthy foods..

Laura :0) Try - gf I was thinking about you this a.m. when I was getting ready for work - You do have more things that come up in your life that will interfer w/exercise - but you gotta dedicate some time for you :0).. WTG on the scales - you are doing so very good... :thumbup: on the pants..

Apples - Are you out shopping your head off - Hugs Hugs Hugs - I just don't know what to say to help... Just know I am thinking of you and sending postitive thoughts your way..

Jodi - How are you feeling..

Joyce - Just wait - as the weight comes off you are going to feel like the clock is moving backwards - !!!! I feel 10 yrs younger ...

Julie - How are you doing this morning???

Judy - How are you girl - how long is your play - keeping you busy

Laurak how you doing on giving up the cigs... I am proud of you - I wish I was ready - but just not there yet

Deb - How did you do last night - I ate my fish and was full - gotta say I was sorta pissed I wanted to eat more - did get my 1/4 c rice in and then 2 fudgesicles..

Ok gang - pple are coming in - i gotta get my butt in gear

Hugs to all that I missed will try and cbl late

Oh ya - 139 this a.m was 139.5 last week :0)... It's a good day :0)

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Janet...no shopping. Actually just at home today muddling through life. Don't mean to be a "Debbie Downer" but really struggling. Too many emotions to deal with and just plain pissed off about too many things, sad and just plain depressed. And, the fact that I have not slept in two nights does not help with keeping my emotional balance in tact.

Again...to everyone of you. Thanks for the comfort and support.

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Indio - congrats on weigh in today. You rock.

Eva - cards are gorgeous.

Laura - great weight in and congrats on smaller shorts

Great (is it Lori?) - you look beautiful and hubby adores you (easy to see). Hate when they serve the tail (and sometimes head) when fish is served abroad. Yuk. Our Japanese DIL eats the eyes - Yuk again.

The pix really make me want to travel again - but not until I begin to master the band.

My brain can't remember how to respond to each comment. Just can't hold it that long.

But sending hugs to all.

Shan - hour workout then 2 hrs. volleyball - what an animal - your exercise will rocket you to goal. You go girlfriend.

Joyce in KC

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