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Julie, Mahvaleous job darling.

Melissa, Sorry about your baby. I thought I was going to have to do the same. Still not sure yet as he is on his steriods.

Laura K

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Good morning gang. I guess this is a follow up to Grandparents Day. I have GS......he has the dreaded virus( throwing up). I keep doing the Germ X on my hands.

Lori, Yay! You are home! Sounds like you had an awesome trip. Get some rest cuz now there is a wedding.

Apples, sorry you are going through so much emotional pain. It will take awhile. Give yourself plenty of time to grieve.

Phyl, Yay! on the walk! and being scooter FREE!

Janet, keep a check on your BP. If that headache persists ......go to the doctor.

Deb, I have been there. One day at a time. You can do this.

Julie, thanks for the updates........enjoy your massage!

Shan.....good luck on the bootcamp

Jodi......I hope everything is okay.....I hope we hear from you soon.

Okay, back to nursing GS. I will check in later.

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Apples - so sorry you had a very difficult night. Hope you have a chance for a nap today. Meditation helps me to center and regain balance in my heart. I believe prayer = talking to God and meditation = God talking to me.

Lori - welcome home. My sister left for Israel a week ago with a tour group and will be gone for 3 weeks. OAT is the group she enjoys. What group did you travel with?

Another lb. has left my body. Still on mushies and went to bed very hungry. I realize this will be a challenging retraining of the nutritional input to my body. So wonderful to have all here to share their experiences.

Congrats to ladies who are exercising. I'm not yet released (great excuse for now). lolol

Joyce in KC

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Well, Apples, I'm going to do like you said and post every day. Actually, today is a MUCH better day than I've had for a while. I didn't snack myself into oblivion last night (!) and today I've been on target with food. (Except I ate too fast at lunch and pb'ed---chicken breast, which I often have trouble with.)

Did exercise at noon, and tonight at home I'll do some time on the elliptical. I have gained 2 lbs or so from my few days of bingeing. Hope to get those off soon.

I've become aware that my "bad" food days are very much connected to my emotions. I've been worrying way too much about my son and I think that has made me reach for the food. Not that I'm blaming him or anything else...just trying to see the connections.

Thanks, everyone, for all the encouragement!

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No I didn't feel unsafe in ISreal at all, it's nothing like what is portrayed on TV. And downtown modern Jerusalem was like any major metropolitain city here, lots of cafes etc. The tour was booked through Diesenhous or something like that. I'd rank this trip up there with one of my best all time vacations. I am really frustrated trying to work with my pictures though. For some reason I have a major mental block when it comes to digital photos and the computer. I have them downloaded then don't know what to do withthem. I want to label them all and put a description on them that will stay with them if I print them or put them on a disk. Any ideas on how to do that or an easy photo program?? My kids try to help but they either act like I am stupid or they go so fast I feel stupid. LOL

I forgot to tell about one of the highlights of the trip. Coming home we had to get to the airport 3 hours early for the security etc. Security in Isreal is way more than here in the US, the first step is to be interviewed and the 1st passport check. I almost failed! Seems I look nothing like my passport photo taken 8 yrs ago and 126 lbs ago. No one has ever questioned it before though, I went to and from Barcelona last year and to Isreal this year and nothing til the way home. They asked for another photo idea, thank God I threw in my drivers license, I wasn't going to thinking my passport was photo ID enough. Since that photo pretty much matched and all the info was the same they let me go. WHEW!! Time for some new photos! It doesn't expire til 2012 though.

I had a small fill this morning of .50cc, that takes me back to within .5cc of where I was pre knee surgery and my emergency unfill. I am hoping this is the spot. I can feel good restriction already, I went to lunch with Grandma and mushed up a piece of fish and couldn't finish it. Also knee doc says my knees are doing great! Don't go back for one year for xrays. YIPPEE!!!

Someone asked about my move, I hope to not move til summer at least. DH started the job already but is doing it from Denver for now, I won't even attempt to list the house til April after the wedding. DS inquired about possibly renting it and that is an option as well. But not sure I trust him to keep it up well. And I don't want to get into a nagging type relationship with him either. So we'll see.

Well I got a group from church coming tonight to hear about the trip and my house is a disaster. I will try and post some pics tomorrow when I have a little more time, hopefully.

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Great 2B Thin - I love Webshots. Easy to use and a FREE program.

Would love to see your pix and I'm hanging on every word you write.

International travel is my passion.

Wish I could join your group to see the pix tonight, I would even help clean house to be included.


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Had annual appt with opthamologist today. Pressure is 24 in my eyes. She would like it under 20.

At this point, she wants me to increase my exercise and come see her again in 6 months. Another good reason to get out there and walk.


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Tried sauerkraut tonight with my turkey kielbasa. Takes awhile, but the gas eventually causes a lot of pain in the band area. Gas in the intestines and lower stomach pushes up on the band. Might still be some in the pouch. Ouch.

Also went for a short walk with my husband and instant neck flare up. My hip is also still hurting unless I walk slowly. Can't fast walk at all.I do a few slow rounds of the stairs at work to keep my muscles from losing their training.

Bit of a crisis at work. Chicago public schools is sending a compliance analyst to make sure we're dotting all our i's and crossing all our t's and there's a lot of i's and t's. The principal has not really gotten involved with my job and all the paperwork involved, he's been too busy putting out fires. My job was on the important but not urgent list and now suddenly its urgent. So I'm getting everything ready and I'll show it all to him so when he meets with the analyst he'll look and sound like he knows what I'm doing. LOL.

My husband thinks he might be able to handle actually working full time with this security guard gig. All of a sudden he's full of life and getting things done and appears to once again like people. Lot better than the grim reaper look he's been wearing for the last 2 years. But almost as scary.

Well, gotta walk off this gas. The motto of every lapbander, "Feel free to fart frequently."

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Janet.... has been working hard and has a new big client that is givine her lots of work and no extra pay.. She had some good family time recently and tonight has a headache... But she is still our wonderful fealess leader...

Apples..... her father passed away recently from a massive heart attack.... she is handling this in her own way as best she can.. We are all supporting her and have been praying for her all the time... She has been busy on the board here trying to win the game of who will be the last to post on page 600 and the first to post on 601.... She won......... But she worked hard at it, too..... They are home in MN again and busy getting ready for the new season.. She has quit her job as full-time food preparer for all the men and will just cook for DH and DS this year.... We are happy for her.....

Great....... has been gone forever on her trip to Israel... Should be home tomorrow we think......

Eva.... is busy as usual, but always finds time for family, friends, fun and her crafts.. She is making cards right now... She and DH went to an Irish food cook-off recently.....

Judy...... is almost finished with the production she has been in... I think she has just a few performances left....

Laura K.... is trying very hard to give up smoking... We wish her all the best....

Joyce...... had her surgery and is doing well.... Is just getting on regular food.... And lost like 17 pounds...

Jessica.... is just amazing.. She started on a C25K program and just smoked up the road on her first day.. She is back on all her med and doing well... School is going well.. Her little one has been sick, but better now..

Laura.... her parents were to visit and it was a great time for them all... sad to have them leave, but it was good... Dad starts this 3rd round of chemo soon... Nelson has been sick, too, but is better, too.. He had a great birthday party a short time ago... DH took his life in his own hands and brought Cookies into the house yesterday I think it was... The cookies are now gone and he won't be doing that again anytime soon.... Laura has made it to 220 and she and Eva who is at 220 also are going to have a challenge.....

Deb.... has been having a bad few days but is back on the band wagon and going to be doing great real soon...

Jodi.... had her surgery today so we are waiting to hear how things went for her... She took time before to get everything ready and even pampered herself some...

Phyll... walked in an event recently and really did herself proud... can't remember what it was for.... But she is doing wonderfully.... Now making jewelry and doing Water aerobics....

Arlene.... had a worry about DD and her 2 teenagers needing to move into her house for a while, but everything seems to be working out and they will not be coming.. She is just getting started on a new medically monitored plan to try to jump start her weight loss... So far so good...

Cheri.....took a nasty fall at work and has had to be in the background for a little while... She has big bruises and was very sore, but is mending and will soon be good as new... She is at goal now and trying to get a good handle on maintenance...

Meredith..... she got her house and was moving, but we don't hear from her much at all anymore.. She is so busy.. We are hoping to get her back sometime soon...

Linda.... is doing so well, too.... She is our exercise queen.. She just goes and goes.. She is working on a bedroom for her little granddaughter and it sounds so precious...

Shrinking Shan..... she is new to me, but I think she was here before... Anyway she had a great day with her little one in the backyard making rock sandwiches and enjoying the nice weather in Colorado today...

I think that just leaves you and me... I'm okay.. still doing me PT and taking all the medication so I can seem normal... I'm waiting on an appeal to my insurance company so I can get the MRI that I need..... Otherwise, things are the same.. I take care of my Mimi everyday.. She was here until 9:30 tonight as DD had to go to a home decor party at a friends.... I put up Easter decorations while she was napping today and she had a great time playing with plastic eggs this evening.....

everyone.. Julie

Julie - thanks so much for the update I can't believe I missed so much. And if you have the CRS syndrome then I do to. LOL I can't believe you had to appeal the insurance company for an MRI that is so stupid why do insurance companies get to tell us what we can and cannot have?

Apples - I am so sorry for your loss. I can't believe you did it again hit ended the 599 post and started the 600. I am glad you have quit being the food cook for everyone take it easy and enjoy life

Janet - So working hard and no additional pay that sucks but like you told me before at least we are working. Sorry your head hurts feel better

Joyce - I am glad surgery went well and you are feeling good

Phyll - I am so proud of you and doing so well after the knee surgery. Keep it up.

Arlene - keep us posted on your progress on the jumpstart

Meredith - I am glad you got your house come back and chat with us we miss you.

Cheri - Sorry about the fall you took but I am happy you made goal WTG!!

I'M BACK!!! Whew just read 20+ pages of posts only to find on the last page Julies recap, Thanks! I read that we hit 500 posts in Jan and are at 600+ now well let me tell you almost 25 of those are since Feb 27th. LOL No way can I comment on them all.

Great - Welcome back we missed you.

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Okay my turn to update you all with me'

Work is doing well I am so happy in my new position. They keep me running. I wore the wrong shoes today and my feet hurt so bad. I get to work off site the next two days for a big training event I planned I am so thrilled with myself.

Weight loss is staying still mostly because I am just not doing exercise or watching my food like a hawk. I am at a stall have been there for a while. It is just my mind I am so scared to get to the 200 mark (not sure why but it is what I think) I am hanging out at 211 sometime 214 depends.

I need a jumpstart but feeling blah. But I felt this way before my pet loss so I don't know.

Also keep having car issues I swear since I traded My grand am for the dodge interpid 5 years ago everything went down hill. All I can say is 3 cars since the grand am and it seems like I always need a new transmission except with the last one when someone totaled my last car. I swear I am not hard on my cars just bad luck or something. It ia a running family joke that is not really funny.

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Not to depress those in bad weather, but it is sunny and 74. That's not my point. I have a NSV. I bought a size 16 bikini at Sears (to sun my tummy at home) and I don't look great- but hey, coming along. Remember, I have no modesty..LOL. Even without modesty I wouldn't go to the beach or public pool wearing this. Don't want to hear, Look at the chubby chic in the bikini..LOL. Just got back from the gym. I walked 30 min at 3.5. I am really sore from yesterday and will wait until tomorrow for weights. I did sit ups and stretched.

CBL, gotta catch some rays. peasout... Laura

Glad you got your nice weather back! Wind is supposed to die down tomorrow down here in Palm Springs, and the temp is going to start rising. I think they're promising 80 degrees by this weekend.

I just "moved in" to my size 16 bathing suit that I"ve been saving for a while. I was waiting for my size 18 to stretch out. When the skirt gets about 12 inches longer than it was when new I figure it's time to retire it. So I tried on he 16 I had in the cupboard and it's fits fine!

Well, GF, the pain in my side came back last night. Did I already post that?? By the time I finished Water aerobics and hot tub this morning I couldn't move wihtout excruciating pain to the point that I was in tears when I got back to the RV. So we went to urgent care. Seems my spine is in quite a bit of "disarray"! Bad arthritis that I didn't realize was there. L-5 protruding and probably pressing on a nerve, which is causing the pain. So... shot of Toradal, Rx for Hydrocodone and recommendation to see a back specialist! Haven't taken any pain pills yet, but a little wine, on top of the Toradal, and I'm feeling pretty okay right now! Will probably take a pill before bed. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get dressed without crying!! LOL

Tried sauerkraut tonight with my turkey kielbasa. Takes awhile, but the gas eventually causes a lot of pain in the band area. Gas in the intestines and lower stomach pushes up on the band. Might still be some in the pouch. Ouch.

Also went for a short walk with my husband and instant neck flare up. My hip is also still hurting unless I walk slowly. Can't fast walk at all.I do a few slow rounds of the stairs at work to keep my muscles from losing their training.

Well, gotta walk off this gas. The motto of every lapbander, "Feel free to fart frequently."

You were dead on right about the arthritis causing my pain! I honestly thought it was a kidney problem... kidney stones would not have surprised me. But this did! Was shocked to see the x-rays because I have NOT had back pain at all and my spine is a mess!

Had annual appt with opthamologist today. Pressure is 24 in my eyes. She would like it under 20.

At this point, she wants me to increase my exercise and come see her again in 6 months. Another good reason to get out there and walk. Joyce

That's another thing I need to do!! I'm falling apart!! LOL

Blurry spot in the middle of my right eye. Don't want them to tell me I have a cataract!

No I didn't feel unsafe in Israel at all, it's nothing like what is portrayed on TV. And downtown modern Jerusalem was like any major metropolitan city here, lots of cafes etc. The tour was booked through Diesenhous or something like that. I'd rank this trip up there with one of my best all time vacations. I am really frustrated trying to work with my pictures though. For some reason I have a major mental block when it comes to digital photos and the computer. I have them downloaded then don't know what to do with them. I want to label them all and put a description on them that will stay with them if I print them or put them on a disk. Any ideas on how to do that or an easy photo program?? My kids try to help but they either act like I am stupid or they go so fast I feel stupid. LOL

I forgot to tell about one of the highlights of the trip. Coming home we had to get to the airport 3 hours early for the security etc. Security in Isreal is way more than here in the US, the first step is to be interviewed and the 1st passport check. I almost failed! Seems I look nothing like my passport photo taken 8 yrs ago and 126 lbs ago. No one has ever questioned it before though, I went to and from Barcelona last year and to Isreal this year and nothing til the way home. They asked for another photo idea, thank God I threw in my drivers license, I wasn't going to thinking my passport was photo ID enough. Since that photo pretty much matched and all the info was the same they let me go. WHEW!! Time for some new photos! It doesn't expire til 2012 though.

I had a small fill this morning of .50cc, that takes me back to within .5cc of where I was pre knee surgery and my emergency unfill. I am hoping this is the spot. I can feel good restriction already, I went to lunch with Grandma and mushed up a piece of fish and couldn't finish it. Also knee doc says my knees are doing great! Don't go back for one year for xrays. YIPPEE!!!

Someone asked about my move, I hope to not move til summer at least. DH started the job already but is doing it from Denver for now, I won't even attempt to list the house til April after the wedding. DS inquired about possibly renting it and that is an option as well. But not sure I trust him to keep it up well. And I don't want to get into a nagging type relationship with him either. So we'll see.

Well I got a group from church coming tonight to hear about the trip and my house is a disaster. I will try and post some pics tomorrow when I have a little more time, hopefully.

Wish I was there to help you with those photos! What program do you use to upload them to your computer? Whatever it is, there should be a place to click on "options". If you select that, you can make a new folder to put them in and give them a name... in most programs. Then you're well on your way to organizing them the way yo want t. I also have an option on my camera to put photos I take in folders according to date. So... like on the Mexico cruise.. I can go in to the dated folder and rename it... Mazatlan, or wherever it was we were on that date. Makes it easier if you want to upload them to Facebook, etc.

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I will never eat sauerkraut again. I will never eat sauerkraut again. I will never eat sauerkraut again.

Did I say I will never eat sauerkraut again?

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Good Morning Gang

It's windy here ... I dislike the wind immensely

Mex shrimp cocktail

V-8 juice (I like the spicey one) cooked shrimp - avocado - green onion - red onion - cilantro - cucumber - catsup (sp)

I don't measure - so here's what you do

Take a bowl about 3 or 4 cans of the small v8 you can use the regular or spicy or both and put in bowl - add shrimp - add avocado (cubed) diced red onion and cucumbers and sliced green onion and sliced cliantro and a little catsup to taste - I like mine with the spicy/sweet taste - then let sit for a while so the flavors mix and whala you have mex shrimp cocktail - You can use clammatoe instead of v8 - but I don't I like the v8

Jodie Thinking of you this a.m - Hugs & prayers again..

Julie safe trip...

it's 5:53 I should have been in the shower 10 minutes ago..

Work ugh...

This sounds like gazpacho with shrimp....yum.

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I will never eat sauerkraut again. I will never eat sauerkraut again. I will never eat sauerkraut again.

Did I say I will never eat sauerkraut again?


I LOVE sauerkraut, cole slaw, just about anything with cabbage in it. Don't have a problem with it. Sorry it's causing you so much grief!!


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Julie - Thank you so much for the recap. As a newbie, it is difficult to get to know all these great ladies. Now if I can learn their sign in names and match to real names.......

Phyll -- So very sorry that you pain is so severe. Hope you can find relief from pain. Congrats on smaller size swim suit.

I'm hoping onderland will happen by the end of April. Would be nice to hit it before first fill. Effort on my part will be needed to make it happen.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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