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Janet, thanks for sharing the receipe. I'm going to try it, I love anything spicy.

Laura, Love the new pic. You are so pretty.

Jodi, Thinking of you.

Julie, hope your trip and pt is good.

Eva, your cards are so cool.

Apples, bow down to the posting queen, you won the contest again.

Take care all.

Laura K

Yeah...Queen for a day!!!:)

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Boy I am sore this morning. My abs and thighs certainly got a workout yesterday. One thing I like about the C25k is you workout one day and rest the next. Then you rest all weekend. I was so sleepy last night I went to bed @ 8:30. As soon as Jake was in bed. I told my husband I found a track at school and used it yesterday. He said "you ran in front of people?". He knows me all too well. I was hoping there was no one there but there were 2 women and a man using the track. I didn't pass the women much but the man was shuffling along. Barely walking at all so I passed him several times. I was anxious about it the first time around but after that I was so sweaty and heated it didn't matter much to me. I was just trying to get to the next step.

Thanks NYSparkle for the proverb. I am hoping for a change in luck this go round.

Well off to micro. Have a great day.

Jessica...you will be blowing by those women on the track in no time. Being stiff and sore the next day is a good thing...no pain, no gain. Way to go!

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I thinking of Jodi and hoping she is doing well today.

Well, like a good little Catholic girl, I have to make my "confession" to you all. Went on a little binge for the past 2 days...ice cream, other slider foods. I feel so bad mentally about it that it's just not worth it to me to do it again. So I'm getting back on the wagon. Also I've been laying off the exercise...just all around being a little "bad." I think the exercise is what really makes me feel better, so I need to get back into it again. Really it's been only a few days, so I'm not beating myself up TOO awful bad, but I'm trying to get my head right about it.

By the way, I absolutely love Greek yogurt, but if you're not a yogurt fan to begin with, I doubt it you'd like it. It's a major treat for me. I buy Fage 0%, so there's no fat, and add Polaner sugar-free raspberry jam to flavor it. I usually have some for an afternoon snack.

Right now it's the time that the sandhill cranes fly over on their way back north, so on sunday my DH and I drove over to some wetlands to see if we could see any. No luck, but it was a nice outing. It's just getting to be spring here in Indiana, and for us, the 50 degree weather has been wonderful. All the students here at the Univ where I work were out in shorts and playing Frisbee.

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Drive by post - it's almost lunch :0)

Laura - WTG on the gym - and take try out of your vocabulaty - REPLACE WITH I WILL GO TO THE GYM...

with the word try - you are giving yourself permission to skip it..

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It is an absolutely beautiful day here! My little one and I are outside and loving it. I have an outdoor office set up so she can play on her swings, slides and other stuff and I can still be productive and keep an eye on her. She has made me rock sandwiches and I love them. But we are also sharing some fruit and a salad just to balance it out! I hope you are enjoying your day where ever you are!

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Well, all you girls with nice spring weather enjoy it... As I look out the window it is snowing like a son-of-a-gun!!!!!! Se are to have snow and rain until we hit 4 inches now for a few days.. Haven't seen the sun it almost 2 weeks.... Lots of fog..... Temps in the low 30's... Just right for ice.......... I hate ice.................

I made it to Bismarck and back without any problem.. PT was mostly just a massage again.... don't go again til next week.... Stopped at Wal-Mart to get eggs and $150 later, I made it home.... They had great cleanance items. And had to buy Easter candy for my grandkids so I can get a package in the mail before long... It doesn't tempt me... I bought some SF hard candies for me so I can have something sweet when I need a hit.... I do like jelly Beans, though, so have to be careful of them....

Had DH get all my Easter decorations out so will try to do some of that now that Mimi is napping... I'm having a rough day today with food.... I just have a hunger that I can't satisfy with anything I have ..... And I did have hard protein... Just a weird day I think....

Hope Jodi is doing well..... Deb, don't be too hard on yourself... We've all done that... Like you said, just get back at it.... You'll be fine... We're only human afterall.....

Shan, what state are you in???? Love the rock sandwiches... How old is your little one.??

Well, better get a move on....things to do.... TTYL..Julie

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I am in Colorado! Gorgeous here today but that doesn't last too long this time of year! Even right now we have to stay out of the shade!! My little one is three and has a wonderful imagination! She is hilarious! And I will take a rock sandwich over a mud pie any day of the week! Hope it warms up for you soon or that you at least get a glimpse of the sun! And as for your Walmart trip...I swear that is the curse of that store! I went the other day for milk and salad and $99 later was loading up bags in the car!

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Hi All,

Sorry I have been MIA I had a really sick family dog that unfortunately had to put to sleep. She was 13 yrs old and we just found out she had cancer in her paw 2 weeks ago and then this weekend it spread to her lungs. I miss her so much. I am attaching Baby's photo below.

I have not read the posts so if anyone (Apples) wants to give me the recap of what is going on with everyone that would be great so I can catch up.

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Dear Melissa,

I am so sorry about Baby's passing. Making that decision is the hardest decision, but it is also the most loving. I know Baby is thanking you that the suffering for her was minimal. Of course, the suffering we feel missing them is great. (My baby--Tinka--"went home" 2 months ago.)

Sending hugs--Judy

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Dear Melissa,

I am so sorry about Baby's passing. Making that decision is the hardest decision, but it is also the most loving. I know Baby is thanking you that the suffering for her was minimal. Of course, the suffering we feel missing them is great. (My baby--Tinka--"went home" 2 months ago.)

Sending hugs--Judy

Thanks Judy.

I remembered someone had loss their furry baby too recently but could not remember who it was.

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Melissa...so sorry for what you have been through with your baby dog. He is soooooooo pretty. I bet he gave you 13 yrs of joy. I feel for you as you deal with the loss of your family pet. Take care

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Melissa...sorry but not up to doing a recap. Have a bad case of CRS lately and am afraid I would screw it all up. Lots of posts since you have been here. We hit page 600 yesterday.

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Ask and you shall receive:

Chicken Divan Ala Apples2

In 8x13 baking dish...layer 2, 10 oz bags brocolli spears or can use the same amount of fresh. Add 3 cups cubed or chopped chicken, top with 1/2 cup shredded cheddar.

In a sauce pan: 1 cup skim milk, 1 10 oz low sodium cream Soup (mushroom, chicken or celery). At 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp curry powder, 1/4 tsp pepper and 8 oz of 1/3 fat cream cheese. Heat on low, stirring often until well blended. Pour over chicken/broccoli/cheese layers.

Bake covered in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for another 10 minutes. Let sit for 10 minutes b/4 serving.

The way I have it figured, there's about 300 calories per serving. 12 servings per pan.:)

That sounds REALLY good!

]Julie...DH loves to see your body in the chair???? Is that necked TV watching?????????

Now Apples, you know better than that!!!! I told you about this, remember......??? I'm shy!!!!!! Laura is the one who would do that!! She's not shy!!!!!! Night girls.................... Julie

You guys are SO bad!! LOL

Mex shrimp cocktail

V-8 juice (I like the spicy one) cooked shrimp - avocado - green onion - red onion - cilantro - cucumber - catsup (sp)

I don't measure - so here's what you do

Take a bowl about 3 or 4 cans of the small v8 you can use the regular or spicy or both and put in bowl - add shrimp - add avocado (cubed) diced red onion and cucumbers and sliced green onion and sliced cliantro and a little catsup to taste - I like mine with the spicy/sweet taste - then let sit for a while so the flavors mix and whala you have mex shrimp cocktail - You can use clammatoe instead of v8 - but I don't I like the v8

That sounds good, too!!

Jodi, thinking about you......I hope all goes well for you.

Great, check in when you get in. We have missed you.

Okay, peeps, I am leaving for Grandparent's Day at my GS school. I'll check in later.

Yes, Jodi... thinking of you and hoping to see you back online soon. We're waiting to hear how it went for you!

Grandparents' Day...I LOVE that! Our grandkids preschool have it in the fall. In fact we planned our departure from the NW with that last fall.. left the next day! Boo Hoo.. I think we just have one more year of that left as our youngest grandchild turns 5 next Oct.!

Waiting for Lori to return!


I went to the gym!

Holy cow, they almost didn't recognize me. Both b/c of the weight loss and I haven't been in a while...LOL. Was a nice pick me up. I did 30 min on threadmill @ 3.3. Then did 50 situps and stretched. Then did 2 arm machines and 2 leg. Didn't want to overdo it. I know with just those weights I will be sore. Lost so much strength in the 2 months I haven't been there. If you don't use it, you lose it. Was back to 220 this morning. We were supposed to go out tonight to eat but I canceled. I don't want to eat out for a while. I always overdo the calories. dh understands.

I am sweaty and need to hop in the shower, just wanted to share my news. I am going to try to go every day for the rest of the week.

Eva~ I guess we'll just post weights each week and watch. : ) <game face on>

Love and hugs to everyone~~~ peasout, Laura

HAHA!! Good for you! I MUST find a good place to exercise when we get back home next month!

It is an absolutely beautiful day here! My little one and I are outside and loving it. I have an outdoor office set up so she can play on her swings, slides and other stuff and I can still be productive and keep an eye on her. She has made me rock sandwiches and I love them. But we are also sharing some fruit and a salad just to balance it out! I hope you are enjoying your day where ever you are!

Make sure you chew those rocks REALLY good!! LOL

I made it to Bismarck and back without any problem.. PT was mostly just a massage again.... don't go again til next week.... Stopped at Wal-Mart to get eggs and $150 later, I made it home.... They had great clearance items.

Too funny! I've had some shopping trips like that, too!

Good day today! Water aerobics this morning in a very nasty, cold wind!! But I prevailed, with about 15 others, but no one showed up for the 10 a.m. class. Those chickens!!

Then we had our last Christian Women's Luncheon for this season. Good speaker, pot luck salads. Someone at my table brought salmon loaf... salmon that her son caught in Alaska and she canned it herself. She mixed it with a little lemon juice, lite cream cheese, and I forget what else, but it sure was good! I LOVE any kind of seafood, but esp. salmon!

After the luncheon, I went to beading... 2nd time this week, because I only made ONE of a pr of earrings we did yesterday and I KNEW I'd need help getting the 2nd one started! Before I knew it another 90 minutes had passed! I was afraid (NOT) that I was going to be in trouble again for staying away too long!! Got in big trouble for coming home from a luncheon at 4 p.m. a week ago!! But... all's quiet on the home front!

You'd be amazed if you saw the pitiful little bit of work I got done on that 2nd earring in 90 minutes. This was a tough project, and teacher says next week will be as bad. She's doing a heart necklace at another RV park tomorrow, but I'd best not be out another afternoon! It's one that I really want to learn, but I think she's going to do it with us later this month.

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Good Evening Gang

Well I didn't walk the talk today- I came home w/major headache - I just ck'd my blood pressure it was high - so I took my pill a little early - I didn't drink any Water today... I have been super busy with my workmate being out and getting all her calls, plus mine.. So I just took my meds and am drinking my water..

Deb - GF I agree exercise does make you feel better - what's done is done - can't un-do it - now just move forward..

I hear you all about going to the store and coming out broke - hell I went to Fresh and Easy to get some lite cream cheese - well $30 later - Went to costco to get dog treats - $167


Melissa - Hugs on losing your Baby !!!!!

Well gang I am going to go hang on the couch and hope this headach goes away soon..



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Melissa, sorry about the dog. Tough when your dog has to be put down.

Still waiting for this hip to heal so I can exercise again. Tried it too early and not ready yet. Makes it hard for me to get rid of the heebie jeebies. That makes me want to eat. Getting hurt tends to really sabotage my food.< /p>

Also waiting for a permanant crown. Jaw was aching last night. Took my vicodin two nights in a row to see if it helped with pain. It did but I barely slept, which is why I avoid vicodin. I have the opposite reaction from most people, but very typical of people with ADHD.

I'm trying to fall asleep earlier to prepare for daylight savings. Ha! Not actually falling asleep till 1 a.m.

No vicodin tonight. I really want to sleep.< /p>

Apples, thanks for the recipe.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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