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Karen, May you be comforted with prayers and friends at this time. Im so sorry for your loss. Hugs and kisses to you and your whole family.

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Thank you all for your wishes!!!! Yes. Tomorrow is the day....

Today...I need to still do a few things. Like....

buy some SF ice pops lol (far as food goes)

Drop off all owed paperwork...there was so much!

Buy the bullet at Bed Bath Beyond..that everyone has given me their 20% coupons for....(20 at least)

Get a small bag together with everything I need for the hospital.

Must put my clothes away that are sitting on a chair in my room....Cant leave that for Mom or she will start organizing drawers and closets while im in the hospital overnight. lol

Shop for the week for Dassi...poor thing thinks shes going to be drinking those Protein Shakes as their is nothing in the fridge or cupboards.

oh and to top everything off.....I might have a slight cold or allergies?? not sure what it is but hoping its gone by tomorrow.

I hope everyone is well.....

again Karen....Im so sorry for your loss.

Talk to you guys after surgery!!! Wednesday or Thursday!!!!

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Good Morning....

Again, thanks to everyone of you for your thoughts and prayers. Struggling.

Laura...so nice to see old friends, isn't it? Happy to hear you had a lovely time. Cookie solution? I would send a strong message by taking them right to the garbage disposal and giving them a good grind and then let DH know that anything that is a trigger food for you that ends up within your sights will end up in the same place.





Have a wonderful birthday. May this new plan be a new start for you and an easing of your struggles over the last few months. We all understand and are pulling for you. Hoping this is something that will "click" for you and keep you accountable with your food and exercise plan. Hugs.

You all have a good day. Jodi...will be thinking of you today as you prepare for your "hairless" surgery tomorrow. Take care and check in when you can to let us know how you are doing. You certainly have done your research and are on the path to a new and healthy you.

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Good Morning.................. It's wet outside and I don't see any sun yet..... We're so waiting for the sun.... It's been many days without it and this is getting so old.... Anyway, DH is off to work and I've got till noon to myself today.... Paperwork on my agenda, oh, and washing the comfortor from my bed..... Dang cat came in from outside and then went to see DH while he was napping yesterday and left nasty tracks all over my ivory colored comfortor..... Dang cat!! But it needed to be done anyway I guess..... Just gives me a push to get it done...

Happy Birthday, Arlene..... Hope you have a great day and good luck with that new plan..... Here's hoping it kick starts your loss again... I need a plan, too, but don't know what that is yet....

Jodi, you must be getting so excited.... Have a good day and OMG get some food for your daughter...LOL!!! Wouldn't want her to think she has to drink those dang Protein Shakes, either... I never did like them... Had to hold my nose to drink them for my 2 week pre-op diet... How old is she again.?? I forget.......

Laura, Nael needs to learn how to sneak food!!!!!! Doesn't he realize if he lets you see it then there will be less for him... I do like Apples idea.... He would learn quick to either not bring them into the house or find a really good hiding place....... Be gentle, though, he is such a nice guy......

Laura K, I've got everything crossed that I can cross.... My DH struggles with smoking.. He really wants to quit but has tried so many times.. I do not nag him about it..... I only hate if he tries to hide it from me... I understand not being able to control your "need" for something you know you shouldn't have... He doesn't smoke near as much as he used to and never in the house or car.... But at work and sometimes when he is in his shop..... I can't say a word, but I know he is mad at himself for not conquering it..... I wish you lots of luck....... Soon you won't have any vices at all!!!!!

Apples, hope you will have something to do today to occupy your mind. I'm sure you are struggling as you say... Did you get all your paperwork caught up the other day?? Trouble with paperwork is you get it done and it just comes back!!! At least mine does....

Well after my lazy day yesterday I had better get a few things done today.... For some reason my shoulder is hurting this morning.... I don't like that... My pain is almost always at night so this is different.... Hopefully some Tylenol will save the day..... You all have a good one.. Be back later...... Julie

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Julie...sorry the pain is back. The weather maybe? It's dreary, cold and foggy here. Sounds like we are having the same weather. We did have sun for a couple of days and that really helps. DH and I had a few "old people" aches yesterday and figured the weather was going to make a change. Right on with our guess.

Keeping busy? Really don't know what to do with myself today. Find myself jumping from one thing to another. Have a couple of friends stopping by for a visit today. Truly love my friends but one tends to just dump about her problems with her boyfriend. She started yesterday when I called her to let her know about my dad. Wanting me to come to her house so she could let me know of her struggles while I have been gone. Time to dump his cheating ass. Might be selfish and call and cancel. Have enough of my own to deal with. Nasty? Nope. Just plain can't deal today.

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Just checking in this morning. Rain, rain, go away, especially on my birthday! I am going to the doctor for the EKG to start the medically supervised eating plan. Why, I don't know. I think I will start weaning off of food and on to the shakes. I am starting with Breakfast.< p>Apples, praying for you today.



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My DH struggles with smoking.. He really wants to quit but has tried so many times.. I do not nag him about it..... I only hate if he tries to hide it from me... I understand not being able to control your "need" for something you know you shouldn't have... He doesn't smoke near as much as he used to and never in the house or car.... But at work and sometimes when he is in his shop..... I can't say a word, but I know he is mad at himself for not conquering it.....

Well after my lazy day yesterday I had better get a few things done today.... For some reason my shoulder is hurting this morning.... I don't like that... My pain is almost always at night so this is different.... Hopefully some Tylenol will save the day..... You all have a good one.. Be back later...... Julie

I sure can relate to that.... my DH has been "pretending" that he doesn't smoke for most of our marriage... 45 years!! LOL

He hides his cigarettes. If I ask him if he's smoking he always says the same thing, "I don't have any", which means I'm not holding any in my hand right now. I guess he thinks I can't smell! But, yeah, what I really hate is the deception.

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Just checking in this morning. Rain, rain, go away, especially on my birthday! I am going to the doctor for the EKG to start the medically supervised eating plan. Why, I don't know. I think I will start weaning off of food and on to the shakes. I am starting with breakfast.

Apples, praying for you today.

Happy Birthday to you!!!

<doing the birthday dance>:biggrin:

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Laura K - Congratulations - you are doing beautifully - size 10 wow

And sending positive thoughts with smoking cessation too. You will be a brand new, healthy lady.

Joyce in KC

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Good Morning Gang.....




Are you doing anything special today - like a bday lunch or dinner..

Heck present was DD not moving in right now !!!

Linda - I apoligize for being a know it all on the yoplait greek yogurt - I found it at target yesterday --- I didn't know they made it - I got the vanila - can't say I loved it - not very vanillay (sp) I mixed it w/granola for dessert - it's thicker than reg yogurt - I also got some other brand too - brough it for bf this a.m. - will see how it taste..

Apples - Some pple just don't get it do they - I think I would cancel on that gf - I know you have all your own stuff to deal w/today - and her stupid shit just doesn't fit into your life right now - you know somedays you can listen and nod your head and then there are days you just want to scream at them..

Julie - Yesterday was sorta lazy - got up at 6 read paper - colored hair went target shopping - finished washing and putting clothes up (thats the part I hate) made some ck Soup - it rained yesterday - and watch the Oscar's last night -

LauraK good luck on the quiting smoking - I still smoke have chantex in the cupboard - but just not there mentally to quit..

Laura - 2 cookie - girl it was your treat for the week - that's all - no more treats and hit the gym today... No more excuses - Nels in school - go to the gym as soon as you drop him off..

Jodie - Hugs & prayer for tomorrow -

Eva - Irish Cookoff - Interesting - I was looking at cornbeef over the weekend - can't beleive how expensive it's gotten - I thought it use to be a cheap piece of meat - I love corn beef and cabbage - but won't be making it - cuz I am the only one who likes it - I am pretty sure Andrew doesn't - plus the last one I got was way too salty...

Joyce - We had fog this morning - we rarely have fog in the desert - like I said we had rain yesterday - suppose to be sunny and 75-80 by this weekend.

Well gang - sorry about the drive by - but I gotta get to work


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I am throwing the Cookies down the drain. They are just calling my name. Damn cookies. The thing is- he didn't buy them will ill intent- and he didn't even buy them for himself. Nelson went to the store with him and he wanted him. DH has a problem saying no with just about anything, so cookies is an easy one. He feels we can't deny the child sweets always, just we can't eat them. BUT... It's been 48 hrs and the kid only ate ONE. Then said "no thanks".

Oh Phyl, I hear you on the smoking thing. My DH smoked 1-2 packs a day since he was 16. EVERYONE smokes in Syria where he grew up. He quit in 2002 while we were going through infertility. Just in the last year he started smoking cigars. He was having one a weekend and when my Dad was here he started having them every day (b/c Dad was smoking cigars). Then he didn't have any a for a few days. He doesn't sneak. Neither of us are good liars, and tell all. I don't mind the cigars per se. He has it outside by the pool and he cleans up his own ashtray and doesn't leave it there. My concern is that he will start smoking cigarettes again. When he quit it was REALLY REALLY REALLY hard for him. We tried everything and it took several attempts and he was a bear to live with (and the nurses say to work with!) Several times they would BUY him cigs just to see if he would get nicer! Now, keep in mind- he went from being the really mildly mannered guy some of you met to being an ASS. He didn't handle the sudden nicotine loss well. I think any of us that have had addictions- whether it be food, smoking, or other substances (alcohol/drugs)- it is the same personality that allows you to be addicted to something. So usually, we understand each other. That's also why I don't give him a really hard time, just let him know I am concerned. He doesn't ever smoke in front of Nelson.

Julie~ sorry about the comforter. It must be a messy cat day. My poor Coco has been PBing all morning (she must have a stuck hairball). She PBed on a handmade off white wool blanket from Paraguay. SIGH. Her food is red/brown specked- what a mess. I ended up throwing it in my washer which has a wool setting. It just smells like a wet dog when it comes out. It's made from untreated wool that they just twist into yarn. I don't even know if they ever wash it there. In two years I never saw anyone wash their blanket, and they all use them in the winter. But they always put it in a middle layer of blankets. I must say since getting the band I am much more sympathetic of her when she gets a hairball "stuck". : ) And I hope your pain subsides.

My first free day in FOREVER! (well, it just started at noon when DH left for work). He is on call tonight, and was able to go in "late" since will be on call until 7am tomorrow. At 2, I leave to pick up Nels in car line. LOL... so I guess my first free day is only 2 hrs long! LMAO, and here I am typing this. I think I am going to go get my feet up or something. I just roasted two eggplants to make Baba Ganoush. I just love that stuff. Tahini is high in calories, so I don't add too much. Just eggplant, garlic, lemon juice and tahini. Other than liquids (coffee, crystal light, and two waters) I haven't' eaten today. I have found myself not really hungry until noon. Now I am just having a Carnation Instant breakfast drink (SF one). 150 cal/ 13 gm Protein. I can definitely tell since this fill that I am less hungry and that things hold me longer. BUT... b/c I had a few salty things yesterday, I am back up to 222. (see why i didn't change my ticker!) I know it wasn't calories b/c I didn't go over 1200. We'll see how it is tomorrow. This girl whose blog I follow just hit onderland. She was 327 and had surgery on Jan 27, 2009. It's these little things that motivate me to get BACK ON TRACK! To the gym tomorrow. I did walk several miles at the fair on Saturday- parking was far, stayed for 3 hrs, etc... But not the same as the gym. ok, I am wasting time.. ta ta for now... peasout.. Laura

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Jody, I got a bullet because my nurse said they were good. It is good for mixing up prot drinks or shakes but I don't think it is good for much else. Plus it was $50.Tried to mix up blk Beans into mush and it took for ever had to keep shaking/pulsing. I just bought a new one a Ninja. So far I love it, chops realy fast, pitcher unit makes wonderful margarita's ( my DS made them). I did taco chicken and made pico so far. It was only $38 at Walmart & bed bath and beyond had it for $49. So I guess I'm saying check them out before you by a bullet.

I'll be thinking about you, you'll do great.

Laura K

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Hi everyone,

I had an extremely busy weekend - went out of town for dinner Friday, had couple of appts. and shopping out of town on Saturday, then had GD overnight and yesterday had birthday dinner for youngest step son - turning 21 today!!

Janet, now Yoplait has a "Greek Yogurt" which has 12 grams Protein, that's the one I was talking about, not the regular Yoplait yogurt. It must be quite new. The other brands in my store of individual serving sizes of greek yogurt are 2.29 for 6 oz. serving -- I'm not going to spend that much for something I eat everyday. But it's worth it, as I ate the Yoplait Greek again this a.m. and I have no hunger and it's my lunch time already. Really amazes me.

I'll write more later. Have a great day everyone. CBL.


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LauraK...I'm with you on the bullet. I have one and just used a few times. My son bought me a Oster food processor for Christmas one year and that works the best for most things...especially when WANTING some chunks like salsa, etc.

Laura...I hear you on the salt. I was always a big table salt user b/4 I started eating healthy. Well..........for some reason over the weekend I felt the need to salt EVERYTHING that went into my mouth. I usually reserve a sprinkle for my melon but went haywire on it in the last couple of days. I feel bloated and just plain yucky. My belly sticks out and my rings are super tight. The scale was up 4lbs (not worried about the gain) and just know that my use of salt the last few days can be pinpointed for an overall crappy feeling. Tons of fluids today to flush my system.

Since March is National Nutrition month, let's all share something that works for us that keeps us on track...it can be working your butt off exercising, things you do to keep your mind off of food, tricks to reading food labels, things you cook, share a healthy recipe, something you tell your inner self that keeps you focused, etc. Just another crazy lady idea and in hopes that by sharing, we can help some of our friends here that are just starting out, struggling or who just plain are open to new ideas. I will start:

I knew that when I was in the weightloss stage and still had to do a tremendous amount of cooking every day and having a husband that was just diagnosed with extremely high cholesteral, that I would need to make an extreme effort to change the way I cooked. I went online and looked up every lowfat/low sugar/fat free recipe that I could find. I spend hours experimenting to apply what I learned to my own kitchen. I also spent hours in the grocery aisle and online looking up nutritional values. I now cringe when I think about the fact I used to put a stick of butter in anything.

Don't get me wrong...I do believe in certain things if a person just HAS to have them....only once in awhile and in limited amounts.

OK...your turn!

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Junking up the thread...just-a junking up the thread....that's a song in my head today.....don't want you girls to get sick of me today but need to just stay busy and visit....so I'm junking up the thread!

Forgot to tell you guys and Linda reminded me with her post of DSS bday. My oldest is 29 today. His GF took him out to a nice restaurant on Sat night and today I made him his bday dinner (lunch). Last night I made scratch buttermilk devils food cake with a cream cheese glaze. When I was in FL, I bought small bundt cake pans (soooooo cute). The batter made 10 cakes. I arranged them on a cake plate with 29 candles split into each. Looked so cute. Made him smile. Made applewood grilled turkey tenderloins, homegrown sweet corn from freezer and deviled eggs. No taters cuz both DH and DS watch their weight closely. Packaged up the leftover cake (9 of them) and sent with DH to take for GF's two children and to put in her freezer for later. Was a fun little dinner. Would share photos but have troubles with card reader and repair person has still not come out to repair. (It's the one in the tower). Will have to drag it to town.

Anyway...so thankful for the day my son was born (other DS too) and he adds joy to every day of our life....teenage years...not so much...but still a joy to have around. I LUB him (other DS just as much). Just had to share and talk about the good things in life. I LUB you guys too!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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