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Hi guys~Started Nels on antibiotics this morning b/c of his complaint of ear pain- though it doesn't look that bad. He never got completely better from when he was sick last time and darn it, just feel like a round of antibiotics might knock it out. (even though it is probably a virus) He was feeling completely FINE this morning and we kept our plans with his best friend and mother to go to the fair. We spent 3+ hours there! The boys encourage each other to do things that they wouldn't do alone. Nels was scared of the swing ride but went... and Nels talked Nick into riding the helicopter! I was going to go with them but there were only two seats. They both said "that's ok, we'll just go". OMG... two 6 year olds in a helicopter! Growing up sooo fast!

Tomorrow I am having Breakfast with a nurse I worked with in 1990 when I first graduated as an RN. They had a mentor program and I shadowed her the first 3 months. I haven't seen her in a while (10+ years). Her DD/SIL are moving here and house hunting. DS and DH will have their day together tomorrow. : )

I read the posts- wow.

Janet~ WTG on the gym. I hear you with the salon thing. I am the same way, like to see others too.

LauraK~ Hugs. I am right there behind the others to get some justice!

Apples~ Ice, what's that? ; ) Glad you are home and settled back in.

JeweI~ WTG on the couch to 5k!!! I did the training for it in the fall (b/c of my dad's illness I didn't get to race)- but it is so much fun. Check with the Y, most also have scholarships depending on your income. When I was in grad school they gave me a free membership my first year. Sorry to hear about deaths in your family. Hugs. I know it hurts even more when you can't go to the funeral. But you can remember them in your own way.

Judy~ sorry to hear about your neighbor. Did you see my post about the ASPCA commercial on the Nick channel? I think that is great that you volunteer there. I would end up bringing them all home with me.

Julie B~ I think that is great that your mom drove regardless! Love that spunk. I love the food network too. I was watching Man vs. Food (i think it's on bravo actually) and it makes my jaw drop to see the amounts that guy eats. I think it is normal for us to observe others eating- we have all been there.

I was down to 220 this morning!!! But will wait until tomorrow to change ticker.

I am going to go get my feet up. Have a good night everyone. Peasout.... Laura

PS Here are some pics from the fair. This is the kid I always talk about that eats a LOT. After every play date with them, I go days without "pushing" food with Nelson. Nick can eat 4 slices of pizza at a time and his weight just breaks my heart. At least today they were active.

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Hey Laura...thanks for sharing the photos. Looks like a good ole' fashioned county fair with tractors, etc. DH has a tractor just like the one in the photo. Looks like the boys had fun.

Congrats on 220! Wasn't it Meredith that you were challenging????? I miss her. Would love to see her post to catch us up on her life.

Have a nice time tomorrow with your friend. Meets like that are so special.

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Forgot to mention, Laura....Nelson is a very healthy looking young boy and you are so smart to not push food. I did notice when we were together in FL that you had healthy food options for him. Way to go, Mamma!

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Lady Crism, I too have the same problem and I know for me it is when I eat to fast and it seems to happen most of the time when I am at work. I just stop eating throw away or put away what I was eating and walk. These ladies here know what they are talking about. When I joined them I started reading from their very first thread. It took me months to get up to speed with them. I have learned so much from them, ask them anything some one will answer you.

Laura, cool pics of the fair, looks like the boys had fun.

Apples, my DD is in MN I think she is around St Michael or will be there tomorrow seeing my step sister and family. How is the ice problem?

Laura K

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Lady Crism, I too have the same problem and I know for me it is when I eat to fast and it seems to happen most of the time when I am at work. I just stop eating throw away or put away what I was eating and walk. These ladies here know what they are talking about. When I joined them I started reading from their very first thread. It took me months to get up to speed with them. I have learned so much from them, ask them anything some one will answer you.

Laura, cool pics of the fair, looks like the boys had fun.

Apples, my DD is in MN I think she is around St Michael or will be there tomorrow seeing my step sister and family. How is the ice problem?

Laura K

Not to worry, Momma LauraK...ice melted late morning. Weather is fine and was about 40 degrees all day. St. Michael is about 3 hours from here...went through there on Thursday. Huge outlet mall there. A little bit of everything. Maybe she will get some shopping in.

Is DD back here for the job interview or going to school? Can't remember if she goes to school here.

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Apples, she flew in and out of Minne.when she went to Phoenix. Had her interview there. Her BF dropped her off and picked her up. His family is about an hour north of St Michael but my step sis is in St M. Received at text from her that said she was checking out the city today. She will visit SS for a few days then head back to Houghton to school. Will have about 8 weeks til she grads.

Silly girl told me when she was in phoenix that she couldn't wait to see snow again. lol

Laura K

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Hi gang, just home from a movie and supper with friends... We saw "It's Complicated"!!! Too funny, but the guys weren't near as impressed as us girls.... Maybe it was a bit of a chick flick???!!! I enjoyed it anyway.... DH's first wife was a cheater so he doesn't get into that topic very well... Didn't really think of that when we decided to go... But he was a good sport... We let him pick the restaurant for supper.... A steak buffet, of course... I did fine.... No overdoing for me.... I am ready for my jammies and bed, though.... I cleaned too much kitchen today I think... Nearly killed my stove.... took the handle off to clean it good and it came all the way apart... Thank goodness DH came home to help.... So, I can cook again....

Laura, great pictures... Nelson must have been in little boy heaven...... congrats on the loss.... WTG....

Jessica, you just keep surprising me every day.. You go girl........ You're doing so well..... Running is a big undertaking so be careful......

Lady, welcome... hope we hear from you again.. Lots of great people on this site.. Your doc was right to steer you to us.....

Hope all of you ladies are enjoying your Saturday evening... Rest, relax, regroup..............enjoy...... tomorrow is Sunday and my day to be lazy..... TTYL................. Julie

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Hey Gang ... I'm pooped so this may be a drive by...


What makes you say you don't have restriction - How much hard Protein can you eat at one meal - You could be too tight and may need some taken out

#1 rule with band tiny bites (size of eraser) Eat slowly and chew chew chew.

Follow rule #1 and tell us how much you can eat at one time.

How is it when you drink Water - I was too tight once and I could barely drink water - I had to have some removed..

Your doc is a butthead imho lol - Tell him I paid you for this surgery not lbt and we aren't license doctors either :0)

As Apples said - if you have bp'd - it's good to go back to liquids (my support group leader said chew ice chips too to help reduce the swelling) them move slowly back to regular food..

Laura - Love the pics !!! - Well I haven't been the greatest getting my cardio in lately - but I am back on track - I need the cardio - so I can have treats ;0)

Apples - got the cabinets washed and polished - furniture polished - house vacumed - floors mopped 1 load of clothes done - went to Marshalls (got pj's & candels) then Target and got stuff for shrimp cocktail (mex style) as my gf debbie suppose to come over to watch a movie

My legs are tired - I am pooped -

LauraK - I am glad you started at page one - I did too when I first joined lbt and the 50's thread - that way you get to know what what w/who ;0)

Jessica - WTG on getting motivated to exercise - as you already know I am a big proponent of exercise - we need it to maintain a healthy lifestyle..

Ok gang - Hugs to all - I need to go put my feet up - my knees are tired- not the back but the front - I have been up and down ladder - squating etc - besides my 3.5 miles this morning..


Hugs !!!!

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Hi gang. Managed to read 3 pp, now I gotta get some laundry done. Gotta get up early to put some chicken divan together before I go sing in two services. Will put it in over after church. My husband and his son each had a B-day on the 3rd and we are celebrating tomorrow. For some reason my husband thought I used to make chicken divan for them. Now he thinks maybe it was his first wife who died of breast cancer who used to make it for their birthdays. Looked online for some recipes, none looked too good till I thought about the flavor of the chicken divan I've been served and realized it tasted like Hollandaise sauce so I added that to the search and wallah, I was right. There are recipes with that sauce and curry powder. Should be a whole lot better than all the just cream of mushroom Soup ones out there.

Neck is still sore and whole pelvic region is stiff. The hip is a huge joint. I walked yesterday and today despite the stiffness. The sun has been shining and it actually got up to 45 today.

Husband had 2nd day of work today. Hasn't quit yet. He'd better not. I just might send him to go live with his kids if he does. I absolutely can't stand one more day of watching him watch TV.


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Hi all...just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello. Ive been spending all week getting ready for my surgery on Tuesday! yea, thanks for all the posts remembering and having me in their thoughts much appreciated.

Im pretty well prepared I guess...have everything I need...I guess. Have all the nec. arrangements..I guess. and by this time....well if I dont .....too bad...I guess....lol

As my daughter was at my moms this shabbos....it gave me some time to get me ready for surgery...after all Ive spent last two weeks making sure the daughter, the house and the bills paid..and the will reviewed, the pre/post diet ready and what is left was.....

time for "me" to get ready....

meaning who wants to operate on a hairy woman?? sooo I had the works done. lol

Waxing, Waxing and Waxing! Legs, bikini, underarms, eyebrows, lip and chin. lol

Hair....highlited and cut and mani/pedi

I spent a fortune!!!! and god is going strike me soon as I did all this on shabbat. but.,,,I really couldnt see doing it any other time...I think hel understand. I rested while it was all being done?? (jewish guilt 101)

Preop testing was complete and med clearance....done!

And guess what??? NOO BLOOD GAS!!!!

They were like wha??? Blood GAS...no not here!

The lab work and that was all good...and then the patient education class was really helpful

This class. was a three hour class explaining every step of the hospital process..from the pre-op to when you leave.....without leaving a detail out.

From what would happen, how we would feel etc etc etc.

VERY HELPFUL...not scared any longer. (well a little less)

Good to know that ill have a morphine drip..self innitiated for 28 hours if needed. lol

In any case....just wanted to give an update...its been a while..but been sooo busy.

Hope everyone is well and doing good....

Have a good night and good weekend!

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Great Idea - I will do it right now !!

Hello all! I have not posted in a long time. I just decided to log on because I got my second fill a couple of weeks ago and have been having some issues. I remember when I first signed up I was asking what PBing was. I am now able to tell you all with great certainty that I now know exactly what it is!! lol I did not have any restriction from my surgery date through my first fill (3 cc) until my second fill (2cc) so I am now having to go back to basics and remember all of the rules that I learned in my class. When I don't remember to eat slow or chew well I pay for it!! But it has been very satisfying to actually feel the effects of the surgery. I was a wee bit frustrated before my fill. I am glad that all are doing well. I have enrolled in an exercise boot camp and we start on Monday. 1 hr a session three times a week. I am very excited and a little bit nervous! We leave for vacation to San Antonio at the end of May so I must get this butt into shape if I am going to go on a roller coaster with my son without having a panic attack about fitting on the rides!! lol I hope all is well with everyone and I am so happy to get back on here. Love to read your posts and reflect on the fact that I am definately not alone!! :smile2:

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Hi all...just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello. Ive been spending all week getting ready for my surgery on Tuesday! yea, thanks for all the posts remembering and having me in their thoughts much appreciated.

Im pretty well prepared I guess...have everything I need...I guess. Have all the nec. arrangements..I guess. and by this time....well if I dont .....too bad...I guess....lol

As my daughter was at my moms this shabbos....it gave me some time to get me ready for surgery...after all Ive spent last two weeks making sure the daughter, the house and the bills paid..and the will reviewed, the pre/post diet ready and what is left was.....

time for "me" to get ready....

meaning who wants to operate on a hairy woman?? sooo I had the works done. lol

Waxing, Waxing and Waxing! Legs, bikini, underarms, eyebrows, lip and chin. lol

Hair....highlited and cut and mani/pedi

I spent a fortune!!!! and god is going strike me soon as I did all this on shabbat. but.,,,I really couldnt see doing it any other time...I think hel understand. I rested while it was all being done?? (jewish guilt 101)

Preop testing was complete and med clearance....done!

And guess what??? NOO BLOOD GAS!!!!

They were like wha??? Blood GAS...no not here!

The lab work and that was all good...and then the patient education class was really helpful

This class. was a three hour class explaining every step of the hospital process..from the pre-op to when you leave.....without leaving a detail out.

From what would happen, how we would feel etc etc etc.

VERY HELPFUL...not scared any longer. (well a little less)

Good to know that ill have a morphine drip..self innitiated for 28 hours if needed. lol

In any case....just wanted to give an update...its been a while..but been sooo busy.

Hope everyone is well and doing good....

Have a good night and good weekend!

Best wishes on a successful surgery and a speedy recovery!

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A person can try to prepare for times like this but can still feel like hitting a brick wall. Just posting to let you guys know my dad passed away this morning. A massive heart attack.

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Oh Apples/Karen, I am so sorry for your loss my thoughts, love and prayers go out to you and your family.

Laura K

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Morning ladies,

I can sure tell Apples is back....yeah!! Lots of posts.

Cheri, glad to hear you are recovering and that your DH has started working. It's nice to have the extra income but it's also nice to have that added dimension to your life. A little outside stimulus can be invigorating. Yes, hips are big joints and when then aren't working right it is amazing how much they affect.

Apples, it will be interesting to hear how you two (your DH) cut back on work this year. I bet it's going to be just not to do all that work at first. After being gone, I like to be home too. I've bought a 1/4 beef before from a friend that would fatten and butcher their roping calves. It was good, but I'd love to find a source of grass fed organic beef...I would definitely buy a quantity of that. My DH is a beef eater and I believe the organic grass fed stuff is much better for you than the commercial stuff. Thanks for the oatmeal reminder, I need to cook some.

Hi Deb, hope your son figures out what not to do in the future. Stop by more often, sometimes having a on-line life can stimulate the real-time life. These guys inspire me to get out there and do more stuff.

Charlene, breath....count to 10....breath. No, you don't have to let it interfere with your band journey. You get to choose, not them. Lay out the rules before them move it and make sure they understand this is a temporary situation and they have to live my your rules, it's your house. (Much easier said than done isn't it). We'll been rooting for you.

LauraK...it's really hard to separate yourself from an unhealthy relationship. Wow as I read further, you really don't need her in your life, what a scumbag. I wish you peace and love through the process. I think we have to "hibernate" every once in a while and regather ourselves, but you'll be out there again soon. I really like Apples solution.

Julie, I have to agree with you about home being our haven. I was much more likely to stay home than go out to visit with people the last couple of years with the most recent weight gain. I recognize the behavior, but sure didn't do anything about it. Now I am more willing to go out (obviously) and do stuff. I'm not forcing it either. Now, I've never been an all day pj wearer. For some reason, I need my comfy clothes to be comfortable all day. But I'm ready for those pj's at night.

Laura, yep, we could tell your DH was a gem. Sorry Nels is feeling rough again. Boy those little kids sure pick up a lot of stuff don't they? I remember when I was little 4 or 5, I would get really bad sore throats and colds, but they had my tonsils out at 5 or 6 and that was the end of that. I was in a assembly line of kids having the tonsils out at Hardin Simmons in Denver. I was really sick once after that and ended up in the emergency room and ice-packed. That wasn't fun. Guess we have to build up those immunities somehow.

Janet, you are so funny. You can come here and get your hair done. My guy is very good with color and a really nice guy too. He's really into making sure your hair suits you. His wife works at the same salon (they just moved back to their old salon) and she is just as good. I did my aero pilates yesterday and my stomach muscles are sore today. Need that stomach support to help my back.

Judy, what fun to be able to play with the dogs and cats. It just breaks my heart to see all those animals and I want to take all of them home, but of course you can't. Glad the show is going well even with sound problems. What are you going to do after it closes? Have another play in the works?

Just read about the "diet" word....but remember everything we eat is our diet...so concentrate on nutrition. I really think that hit a cord with me and makes sense, so now it's eating nutritiously not dieting for me.

I have to go feed my sister's pets. Hopefully, I'll be back and continue posting.


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