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OMG LauraK that's breaking the cardnal girls rule - you don't mess with another girls man even if you are broke up..

I would kick her to the curb too..

We all need some quite time from time to time - nothing wrong with that..

Hugs !!!

They were meeting for drinks even before we broke up. I dated him for 8 yrs and she is my neighbor.

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Oh Janet...you are being way too nice to LauraK's GF.....I would drag her out of my life behind my truck

LOL - Well aren't I right - that's the cardnal rule between girls - I don't care how much I hate my X you better not try to date him..

That's not a friend !!! That's a freaking real bad name that starts w/a c and I don't use that word much - but sometime if the shoe fits..

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I should have trusted my insticts but I waited for proof. We live with on the same street, our kids grad together. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Was easy to ignore when we always were drinking but now that I'm not & she still is she slips with what she says & I catch it. Dont' care about him, told her so, she made the choice and now she will live with the consequences.

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Arlene...sounds like you have a start on organizing to accomodate your "new" residents. One thing I did when our exchange students were here was to provide a cleaning tote with the handle on it. That way they could carry it to and from the bathroom without leaving it in the bathroom 24/7. They just carried it back to their room and it really freed up space in the bathroom. You know what I am talking about, right? Rubbermaid makes them and they hold household cleaners, etc. Actually, they hold quite a few bathroom "condiments" and accesories.

This may sound really strict but I had a rule in my house about common living space. If I found a coat laying on the floor or boots sprawled in the entry or in a common place shared with family, a 15 minute job was given. The boys just hated this rule but they eventually learned to keep things where they belonged.

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LauraK...what a rotten, crappy thing to have to deal with. Ditto what Janet said. Trust in someone is something that just does not come back automatically. She does not deserve to have you as her friend. Let her sit in her own pew.

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LauraK...what a rotten, crappy thing to have to deal with. Ditto what Janet said. Trust in someone is something that just does not come back automatically. She does not deserve to have you as her friend. Let her sit in her own pew.

Thanks for all the support.:smile2:

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Hey, just checking in before shutting down for the night... Mimi is still here sleeping on the couch... Her mother will be here in a little while.... Helped her boss pull up a carpet and paint a roon tonight then headed to have a drink after.... DD isn't a drinker so I don't worry... She'll be here in an hour or so.....

Apples, I did pray for us all tonight... The women of Cameroon, Africa wrote the program and it was very nice.. I learned that one of the most horrible problems there is their girl children... They are considered useless except for marraige and child bearing.. There is lots of selling them into slavery and such... Terrible... Anyway, it was nice and we did pray for world peace.... Next year my church is in charge, so guess who will be doing it??? Yup, I'm going to learn about Chile......

Jessica, I'm so sorry for the losses you have suffered.. Were you close to your Grandma??? You will have to find your own way to grieve since you can't be there at the funerals.... Be sure to let us help if we can.... You are doing so well.... I'm proud of you....

Laura K and Deb, sometimes one has to be down to recognize when things are really good.... I'm hoping you will both have better days very soon.... Count your blessings... It usually helps me....

Arlene, what kind of accomodations do you have for these people??? All females, so they can share space?? I'm not sure I have any real ideas.. We had our son and his family move in for 5 months back in 2002... the boys were 10 & 3 then... We were able to give them the whole basement more or less... Shared the laundry room.... It was still very hard having 2 women in one house... She tried to help but didn't respect my ways... She did things her way in my house.. We were so glad to have them leave..... Loved them dearly but they about drove us crazy... They fought all the time... And she cussed in German and thought I wouldn't know!!! I'm smarter than that.. I can tell when I'm being cussed at in any language!!!! Just set down some rules and pray it will only be a short time... We'll be praying for you too.......

Cheri, glad you are on the mend... It takes a while to come back from a trauma like that.. Our muscles are slower to heal at this age.... dang it!!!!

I'm rather a home-body, too... I'd rather be home than most places... I like to go for a little and then go home where I'm comfortable... I think that is a character trait I learned from being very overweight most all of my life.... Home is safer and I didn't have to try to hide myself from anyone... I used to always come home from work and immediately put on pajamas ..... never stayed dressed until bed time.. Mostly because the clothes were often to tight and constricting... Now that I have clothes that are less binding I can stay dressed all night if I fall asleep in my chair!!!!!! lol............ Defense mechanisms we learn to take care of ourselves...

In the past I have done many weight loss books.. Christian based and other... I've been in counseling more than once for more than one thing... One thing that usually gets pointed out is that we need to give ourselves credit for getting to where we are and still being productive people... We didn't let the fat or hatever else win and completely steal our lives.. We didn't give up because we were still trying to get better... We are only failures if we quit trying... I have come to believe it, although I didn't always..... It's tough not being perfect..... Struggling to reach a dream or a goal............wondering if this will be the time we make it.... I'm so happy to have this wonderful group of supporters with me in this journey towards my idea of perfection for myself... Thanks for being here for me. And you can always count on me to be there for you, too.... Goodnight dear friends.... Hugs and prayers to all................ Julie (sorry for the sermon... I've been to church 3 times in 5 days, so I've got an excuse!!!) God Bless................

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OMG LauraK - she's worst - omg I may have had to kick her ass and I am not a fighter - but I sure and the hell would have given her a piece of my mine - You don't need pple like that - she's not worth being in the same space as you...

Julie - Preach on Girl - Africa - Darfur - Yes there are major tragities in our world - we still have genocide in the year 2010 and pple need to stand together to stop it now - Darfur is a big big thing to me - and it's all about the $$$ (oil) just like the congo was.. But pple don't know about it..

Well, I'm a home body for the most part - like to go out everynow and then but I enjoy being home.... I have done my share of partying - plus I don't think it's attractive for a 55 yr old to be stilling on the same bar stool week after week..

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Evening again...another quick post.

We went out to dinner at our favorite sushi bar with some friends (they've never been there) and they really seemed to enjoy it. I was sort of amazed at how fast they ate....I certainly am slowing down with the band. I am really full but not stuffed.

Got a hair appointment in the morning so I won't be on line until afternoon. Just wanted to check in and say hi.

Hope everyone has a great evening.


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good morning girls, hell I know it's not morning- but i went to bed twice and was awoken by a little man with an ear ache. Got some motrin and claritin in him. Will hunt down my otoscope from my bag and see if the ear drum is cooking. sooooooooooooo much URI stuff is going around here. He looks so pitiful. He doesnt cry much but something about coming to mama when you don't feel good.

Waking up from an ambien induced sleep always makes me HUNGRY. I am not sleep walking or anything of that...LOL. Just feel like eating something, but i won't : )

I am going to give DH the day off. He was so good to me this past month. Sacrificed his whole vacation to help with party stuff. then parents came and we cranked the heat to 80 for them. DH was an angel during all this time. tmi warning: tom did NOT want to leave and i felt miserable. I know that's what the team work is about. My DH ROCKS this world. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I might take Nels to the fair @ psL.

ok you asked for fonts that you can see from a satellite, let me know if it needs bigger or brighter.

My neuropathways are asleep, I will have to write comments in the morning with a LARGE coffee in my hands> i am useless this tired.

love you guys! peasout...Laura

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Well, can't sleep.< /p>

Apples, yes, excellent.......I will get the cleaning totes.

Julie, we down sized five years ago and now we have three large bedrooms, but one is a study. They will have to make do in the one bedroom. Hey, I moved in this house so my kids would not move in with me. At least they will have their own bathroom. Our family room and kitchen are large. At least my son, wife and his three daughters didn't ask to move in. He lost his job two weeks ago. This house is not big enough for five more.

Laura, that is pretty low what your friend has done. Want us to fly there and B-slap her? My thirty five year old son said it is Manrule not to date any woman that has dated his friends. Isn't there a woman rule? Well, just give us her email address. We will tell her how the cow ate the cabbage. Oh no, my country is showing!

Okay, Goodnight, again!

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Well, can't sleep.< p>Apples, yes, excellent.......I will get the cleaning totes.

Julie, we down sized five years ago and now we have three large bedrooms, but one is a study. They will have to make do in the one bedroom. Hey, I moved in this house so my kids would not move in with me. At least they will have their own bathroom. Our family room and kitchen are large. At least my son, wife and his three daughters didn't ask to move in. He lost his job two weeks ago. This house is not big enough for five more.

Laura, that is pretty low what your friend has done. Want us to fly there and B-slap her? My thirty five year old son said it is Manrule not to date any woman that has dated his friends. Isn't there a woman rule? Well, just give us her email address. We will tell her how the cow ate the cabbage. Oh no, my country is showing!

Okay, Goodnight, again!

I just might take you up on the offer. This could be our next get together. lol Not a thing wrong with your country showing. love it.

thanks, Laura K

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I agree with LauraK...nothin' wrong with letting our "country" show once in awhile. Yee---Haaaaaaaw!

Arlene...for some reason, I have always loved that "b-slap" saying.

Up eating oatmeal and raisins (Newbies...not the norm). Woke up 1/2 hour ago hungry.

Julie...thanks for saving our soles with that prayer.

Laura...sorry Nels in feeling funky again.

Good night, again

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I agree with LauraK...nothin' wrong with letting our "country" show once in awhile. Yee---Haaaaaaaw!

Arlene...for some reason, I have always loved that "b-slap" saying.

Up eating oatmeal and raisins (Newbies...not the norm). Woke up 1/2 hour ago hungry.

Julie...thanks for saving our soles with that prayer.

Laura...sorry Nels in feeling funky again.

Good night, again

Good morning gang. My new thing is waking up at 3:30am no matter what time I go to bed. I guess I have so much on my mind.

Apples, my language is getting salty in my old age or it is just acceptable. Heck, our preacher has said "sucks" and "crap" from the pulpit. He was just keeping it real in the sermon. He is a Life Application preacher. He takes the scriptures and makes them applicable for today. I just love him. We have all contemporary music ( a little too rocky for me) and most of our congregation is under forty. We are the wise old farts in the crowd.

We are going out this evening. There is a swanky steak house in our city. The chef worked at the White House. Anyway, I am going to have my last steak before the liquid diet starts. (the 17th).

It is going to be 70 today! Another Happy Dance!

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Eva - It's funny these are the things you are going to start noticing and also the amount of food pple eat - The you will think - omg I use to eat like that...

I need a new hairdresser - I fired my last one cuz she was never getting my hair to blend right and the one I got to now does it on the side - and I miss the whole beauty shop experience - I love the beauty shop.. but again I am a girly girl - I love watching pple getting their hair done..

Laura - I think your DH is great from the time spent with him - you are lucky girl - Hugs to Nels ..

Charlene - Wed I said the same quote "how the cow ate the cabbage" to my trainer & workout partner - they had never heard the saying - Idrise is 43 from ny and vickie 30 from here - I just shook my head -

Yes there is a woman rule to the same effect - I didn't know men had them (rules lol)

Yep the more uncomfortable you make it the faster they will leave. I love Apples cleaning rules too..

Yep LauraK we are your country and will are going to stick up for you - won't that be too funny all of us going up to her door - she wouldn't know what hit her..

But gf I tell you what - I beleive in Karma and she will get hers..

I was suprised to see you farming and posting already ;0)

I got up at 5;30 as I have to hit the gym this morning.

I love who is it omg I can't remember his name but he has a big church in Tx in a statium - young guy oh I remember (just takes me awhile)-Joel Osteen - I watch him on t.v. - I would love to go to his church - He is so positive..

Yep 3:30 is a little early - I am just getting my best sleep at that time ;0) - I would say that it is cuz of all that you have on your mind

Hugs about ds losing his job - My gf debbie got laid off yesterday ... She's coming over tonite..

Well gang - I got off the computer around 8:20 last night my time and you all were up posting away... (heck most of you are 3 hr time diff - except for eva 1 and charlene 2)

When is Great due back???

Well it's 6 now - time to get dressed and finish my coffee so I can be at the gym by 6:30..


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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