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Charlene –Oh I thought you had injured something :0) and that’s why you were going to pt ;0) glad it’s just to learn to do exercises :0) WTG on lunch – what kind of soup/salad did you have – I don’t go to olive garden much – I think I have been once since banded – I think I had grilled shrimp and after watching my gf daughter scarf down the appertizer and then the 3 tons of Pasta she ate – I wasn’t that hungry – just thought omg you use to eat like that..

I ate the Soup that has Beans in it. Probably ate about 4-6oz. The salad was about a cup.

I am using leftover baked chicken breast to make chicken enchilada. I just make it with chicken breast, cream of celery, rotel, corn tortillas, and yes, 2% cheddar cheese. That is the quick version, but it is good.

I still haven't heard from DD today.......no news is good news, and ignorance is bliss!

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What's with the teeny, tiny fonts????

I'm OLD!!

I can't see it!!




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Charlene –Oh I thought you had injured something :0) and that’s why you were going to pt ;0) glad it’s just to learn to do exercises :0) WTG on lunch – what kind of soup/salad did you have – I don’t go to olive garden much – I think I have been once since banded – I think I had grilled shrimp and after watching my gf daughter scarf down the appertizer and then the 3 tons of Pasta she ate – I wasn’t that hungry – just thought omg you use to eat like that..

I ate the Soup that has Beans in it. Probably ate about 4-6oz. The salad was about a cup.

I am using leftover baked chicken breast to make chicken enchilada. I just make it with chicken breast, cream of celery, rotel, corn tortillas, and yes, 2% cheddar cheese. That is the quick version, but it is good.

I still haven't heard from DD today.......no news is good news, and ignorance is bliss!

I am a firm believer that no news is good news and ignorance is bliss

I use the 2% cheese too when I do cheese - but gotta say I don't do 1/8 of what I use to eat. I use to eat tons of cheese it's just something I have cut at home - will use some when I make an omelet but I eat them every couple of months ..

What's with the teeny, tiny fonts????

I'm OLD!!

I can't see it!!




It's that copy paste out of my work email and the font I was using - I increased to 14 but on here it comes out little - sorry :0) How's this lol

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Thanks for enlarging the print. THought a new trend to save space had been started. Made a decision to read only the last 2 or 3 pp of posts each time I check in, and to be less tied down to this and FB. Fewer posts. I want to start getting out more at night. Spend more time on the phone with relatives, too.

Have a wierd come-and-go headache today. Might be coming from my neck or from my fall but when I hang my neck seems to be doing well.

My husband started his job today as a security guard at a gated community with some really unbelievable shacks.

So glad to have him working. Been doing IOWA testing with kids who needed accommodations all week. I hate giving the IOWAs (or any other standardized test). Next week back to normal.

Weight's stable. Have been slowly getting back into the walking and stairclimbing. It's amazing what a huge joint the hip is. All my ligaments and tendons were affected. The bruise is as big as my rather large hand. Took a long walk outdoors today. The sun is back in residence, the snow is fading away, and temps are rising. Should be a great weekend.

Love and hugs for all of you, Arlene, Laura especially. Apples, did you and your husband have a talk about how much you cook? Is he cutting back too? Will you be able to stop yourself when DH invites everyone over for food?


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Cheri...I really don't mind when DH invites friends, salesmen, every dog in the neighborhood for lunch. We discussed it and feel that since we are now doing custom harvest (yes, DH is cutting back on work...we'll see how that goes), and we will not employ them, they can provide their own meals. We will only employ our son and whoever our son hires in the business he manages. And, not feeding any of those employees either. Just son and DH on a regular basis and anyone else DH drags in. LOL. I truly enjoy DH's friends that stop by for a meal. As I stated earlier in a post, most ppl have to pack their own lunches. All the workers from here on out will be employed by our custom harvest company.

Cheri...hope you are totally healed soon.

Jessica...you sound like you are doing so well. Good to hear. Good going on getting back into your therapy. Always nice to have a sounding board.

I LOVE museums. Wish we lived in an area where we had more of them. Pretty limited on what we do for fun around here. Hope this fill goes good for you.

Linda...think we were fairly close going down to FL but not on the way back. Would love to plan a day trip and meet you half way. Just say what works for you and I will try and make it.

Janet..partying????? Nope...just coffee and lunch with friends today. Even turned DH down tonight when he offered to take me out. Just enjoying being home.

We always do a half of beef. We have friends that raise it and it is the best. Only way he sells it. I share with DS and it will last us awhile. I also give to DH's parents and a couple of friends that live in the cities. I am not a big beef eater...never have been. Will eat hamburger and that's about it. For some reason beef is too rich for my stomach. Hope you have a restful weekend...you have really been on the go this last month.

Laura...both DH and I get teary from that commercial. So sad and the song just makes it sadder. Happy to hear you are feeling better about things today.

Joyce..sounds like things are going great for you. Always fun when you can move to another stage. Hang in there..this will all become routine someday. It takes a bit but it really does all fit together and become just a way of life.

Hey Julie...when you are praying with and for the world tonight...slip a little prayer in there for me. Never hurts to have an extra one said. Thanks!

Hey Phyll...my print large enough for you?????? I can change it to accomodate. LOL...

Hi to all that I missed...have a great evening. popcorn time for me, DH and dog. Later.

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Hi ladies! Thought it was about time for me to check in. Thanks for thinking of me, Janet. I'm sitting at home alone tonight. DH has been playing guitar with a couple of different bands and seems to be gone a lot lately. I'm not complaining, but I think I need to GET A LIFE! For the past couple of years, I've gotten so used to staying home all the time. And I go to bed at 9 or so every night. So I end up staying at home and feeling pretty lonely a lot of the time. I do have several groups of friends that I get together with at times, but not enough, I think. I've never been a party girl, but I'm turning into a recluse!

Jewel, sounds like you're doing great.Congrats on the weight loss.

I need to get back on the bandwagon and stop snacking after dinner. I am scheduled for another fill next week, so maybe that will help. I hope so.

sorry for this disjointed post, but it's past my bedtime! Have to get up early tomorrow and drive to Indianapolis with my son, so he can get his drivers license reinstated. He lost it for a few months for a DUI. Bad story, but I'm glad he's getting it back now.

Adios, muchachas...I'm going to try to post more often.:smile2:

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Jessica...so sorry...I was going to tell you how sorry I am to hear about your GM and cousin's son. How sad that you cannot make it to the funerals. Take care and post if you need someone to talk to.

Hey Deb...nice to see your post. What are you snacking on in the evenings? Maybe if you feel the need to snack you could have fruit on hand or fresh veggies??? I think most of us are hungrier in the evening. Have a safe trip tomorrow. Darned kids anyway!!!!! Take care...I miss your posts!

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Joyce - Glad your appointment went well and yea mushies - I know alot of pple have refried Beans as their 1st mushies - real food...

Deb - Heck my GS just got his license back 2/2 after being suspended for 3 speeding tickets and 1 accident - I don't think the accident was his fault - hit a piece of tire in the road way and lost control of his car 2 yrs ago August and cracked a vertibate - well anyway - he's only 18 and with the speeding - they (dmv) said sorry bud but you are going to kill someone if not yourself - so you gotta lay low for 6 months - I am the one who suffered :0) -

Even with good restriction I am a nite time eater too - I have always just budgeted my calories to compensate for it - I snack on popcorn (those 100 cal snack packs) and either a sf fudgesicle or sf pudding...

I am an introvert - pple wouldn't guess it but I am - heck I have been go go go since the end of January - company etc - I am taking this weekend to recharge my batteries..

I enjoy the quiteness of the house right now - I can be a bit reclusive too especially if I am depressed - How your mood...

Karen - glad to hear that you are just kicking back tonite - that's what I'm doing too - got dinner done - but I was starving around 5:30 - as I wasn't that hungry at lunch only ate 1/4 of my fish - so had a popcorn and then had a power nap for about 20 minutes - so even though dinner is done - I'm not hungry right now - but at least it's done for when I am ;0) - but dogs are fed and quite - Andrew should be getting home from work shortly . Well he just called said he won't be home for 1.5 hrs - going some where after work - how responsible for him to call - oh I just realized why he callled the dog (ryder) stupid me - Here I thought he was being thoughtful towards me - well he was but it wasn't about me -it was that he wanted to make sure that I would not be pissed about taking care of the dog..

I have a gf who doesn't eat too much red meat either for the same reason - just to rich for her tummy - I love it - don't eat it as much as I use to but I am a total canibal ;o0 the rarer the better imho ;0)

Where's Jodi - Her surgery is tomorrow the 6th isn't it ??? but it's saturday oh my I am going to have to go back and see when it is ....

Jodie hugs & prayer...

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Well, I just got a call from DD.......probably moving in a couple of weeks. Okay, I am buying small totes....putting their names on them for their makeup, hair products and flat irons. They can keep them in the linen closet. Give me some ideas to keep the chaos down. I WILL NOT LET THIS SIDETRACK MY BAND JOURNEY! Okay, breathe.

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Ok I ck'd Jodi's surgery 3/9 - Tuesday ... Ok we didn't miss it..

Jodi - Prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery - are you all ready !!!

Well everyone must be busy - guess I will go watch some t.v.


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Hi All,

I find myself staying home a lot more, maybe not staying home but being alone more often. Trying to separate myself from one of my gf's. That whole thing about not making someone a priority in your life when you are an option in theirs. And the fact that she was sneaking around with my former BF and lying about it. I told her if she was going to continue with him I would not be in her life. I don't trust her any more. I love to be around people and doing things but then need some quiet time. I guess I'm feeling down just like Deb.

Sorry for going on but I guess I just needed to let that out to some one. Thanks.

Laura K

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Hi All,

I find myself staying home a lot more, maybe not staying home but being alone more often. Trying to separate myself from one of my gf's. That whole thing about not making someone a priority in your life when you are an option in theirs. And the fact that she was sneaking around with my former BF and lying about it. I told her if she was going to continue with him I would not be in her life. I don't trust her any more. I love to be around people and doing things but then need some quiet time. I guess I'm feeling down just like Deb.

Sorry for going on but I guess I just needed to let that out to some one. Thanks.

Laura K

OMG LauraK that's breaking the cardnal girls rule - you don't mess with another girls man even if you are broke up..

I would kick her to the curb too..

We all need some quite time from time to time - nothing wrong with that..

Hugs !!!

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Hi All,

I find myself staying home a lot more, maybe not staying home but being alone more often. Trying to separate myself from one of my gf's. That whole thing about not making someone a priority in your life when you are an option in theirs. And the fact that she was sneaking around with my former BF and lying about it. I told her if she was going to continue with him I would not be in her life. I don't trust her any more. I love to be around people and doing things but then need some quiet time. I guess I'm feeling down just like Deb.

Sorry for going on but I guess I just needed to let that out to some one. Thanks.

Laura K

Let's turn these frowns upside down! Just kidding...go ahead, Deb and LauraK...we all need to talk about feelings like you both are having. I, too, find that I am wanting to stay home more in the evenings. I was always one to be ready for anything but the last couple of years I have really changed. It used to be that we were out at least one night of the weekend but now I would rather have popcorn time with DH and the dog than go out.

I will have to admit that I quit wanting to go out as much when I started getting criticized for my low weight while I was out in public. Just didn't want to deal with the comments or the "looks". :w00t:

LauraK...nothing wrong with cleaning house a little when it comes to so-called friends that serve no purpose in your life or cause you heartache. I had to "dump" a very toxic friend about 3 yrs ago. I still miss the time we had together but I do not miss the negative side of her. Just had to neaten up things in my life and she was messing things up more than anything. Sorry you are feeling low....you, too, Deb!

Get off that couch and do a happy dance and try to think of 2 things you will do next weekend that you have never done b/4. You have 7 days to come up with it! Get busy and let us know what you are going to do. :smile2:

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Hi All,

I find myself staying home a lot more, maybe not staying home but being alone more often. Trying to separate myself from one of my gf's. That whole thing about not making someone a priority in your life when you are an option in theirs. And the fact that she was sneaking around with my former BF and lying about it. I told her if she was going to continue with him I would not be in her life. I don't trust her any more. I love to be around people and doing things but then need some quiet time. I guess I'm feeling down just like Deb.

Sorry for going on but I guess I just needed to let that out to some one. Thanks.

Laura K

I know just how you feel. I was in that funk last month. I started focusing on people that cared about me. I am feeling better. Just start hanging with those who make you a priority. We love ya! and we are here when you want to vent.

Deb, I didn't see your post, but we are here for you too.

Cheri, glad you are doing better.

Okay, peeps, Goodnight!


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Oh Janet...you are being way too nice to LauraK's GF.....I would drag her out of my life behind my truck

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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