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Joyce – we assumed SIL fixing eggs would be sis in law – that shows you what assuming does ;0) – Congrats on your 15 lbs – yes it’s fast at first and then it slows – but every ¼ - ½ - 1 lbs loss is a loss and it all adds up at the end of the year – I would average mine so it works out to 9.46 a month – but some months I lost only 3 lbs..

Lucky you work 5 hrs a month – I wish that was me – I am a partner in land that was inherited – Date Trees – Lease to other to farm..

I like Modern Family – Don’t watch 2 ½ men..

Linda – I didn’t notice her teeth – a gf here at work said something about them this morning – I will have to pay attention tonite.. The one with the gray/blond hair – (cindy lauper looking girl) She’s not my fav – but I think her and dread lock girl have the most stage presents. I think the girl who sang mily cirus song and the spiky red head should be going home tonite.

Your GD is going to remember you and your DH with tons of love and appreciation in the years to come – when she thinks back on what you have done for her and how much love you have shown her – I know that I just loved my GM – I was going to be a teacher and she and I would live on a little farm – she would have a garden and I would have a horse…

Well back to work – ugh – but have to :0)

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Drama, Drama, Drama.....you would think I would not flinch. DD's fiance left her. She can't afford the house they bought.....her and my two DGDs might move in for awhile........I want my two story house back! This is really going to be a band problem if they move in. Oh well, hopefully she finds a new place to dwell by the end of the day.lol

I have an appointment with Dr. Davis on the 12th to start this plan. I should start it on the 17th. So far, I am up for it. I told DH he will have to cook for himself, and that is good for him. If the "gang" moves in they can buy and cook their own food.

I will keep y'all posted on my walk through this new phase of my journey. I haven't looked at the Beck book since I started Battlefield of the Mind. The two books compliment each other. Both of them are about retraining the mind. Battlefield is a spiritual book. I will getting back into Beck in a couple of weeks.

Oh Linda, we are having spring like weather. My body is doing a "happy dance."

I hope all of you experience great weather this week!!!!

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Good Afternoon Ladies,

We have been having the gloomiest weather the past few days.... Just fog and mist....no sun at all.... in the 20's... Makes for risky driving, but I made it to Bismarck and back this morning... got another errand done, too, for church.... Then home by 11:00 to take over for DH so he could go haul grain.... Today is the 34th anniversary of his sobriety and I'm planning a special supper for him... Our good friends are coming for supper... He, too, is a recovering alcholic so he and DH really understand each other quite well.. DH said they actually talked about their drinking days while on their road trip yesterday... Anyway, I'm cooking a nice supper and suppose we will play cards... Mimi is sleeping and her mother comes for her at 3:00.... I'm making beef stroganoff with noodles, cooked veggies of some sort, raw veggies with ranch dressing and angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream.... Band friendly if I don't overdo it and leave the Pasta alone...

Now about the bread thing... I think I was feeling very guilty because I can eat bread when they say we can't.. I'm thinking the reason I haven't lost any weight is that I really wasn't overdoing it with the bread in the first place... Now I only gave up bread, Buns, buscuits and that sort of thing... Not flour all together... So anyway, this tells me that the bread I was eating occassionally wasn't as harmful as I was imagining... I love bread so I was feeling guilty every time I ate it, especially when they said it should not go down well.... No, I'm not really replacing it with anything else,and overeating.... It may have been wiser of me to give up all snacking for lent... Then I might see the scale move faster....

Arlene, so sorry for all your "drama".... kids and their problems just grow with them it seems..... You'll do fine.. Just remember to take care of yourself.

Janet, those happy memories of GM just can't be snatched away and you just used it to brighten a rough day at work..... Good for you.... When is your next furlough day.. tomorrow or a week from now??

Laura, go ahead and cry.... it's okay... but you'll see him again soon... and he'll always be in your heart.. You made some wonderful memories this past few days and they will never leave you...... Now on with you and your life.. You're doing great and should be so proud...

Linda, I'm glad you have spring..... we don't.... snow and freezing rain in our forecast... Yuck...... Great progress on your GD's room... She is going to love it so much.... You are a great grandmother.....

Joyce, you sound like you are doing well... enjoy that nice weather.... I'm jealous..., but ours will come, too... What a nice son-in-law... and I think different ones use the same letters for son or sister... DS can be either, too.... No matter, but it was kind of comical....

Eva, sorry you lost sleep last night... Are you on the mend??? You seem to go about 100 miles an hour with work and all your projects.... I won't let DH give me much of a massage.. His hands are so strong and he doesn't realize just how much pressure he puts on and it ends up hurting... glad yours does such a good job... I didn't think I would like having a massage either, but I was surprised... I have another scheduled for next Wednesday... just a half hour on my back and neck.... We'll see if I ever do the full body thing...

Jessica, you're doing fine.. don't worry about that little slip... Like Janet said, we have to live... can't do everything just perfect everyday.. It's getting right back to it that is the trick and not just letting go like we used to do when we slipped...... Hope you make it through your busy day in good humor and feeling fine... Take time to take care of youself, too....

Well, my cake is done and I should pick up a bit before Mimi wakes up.... She and DH kind of destroy the place when I'm not here.. It's not too bad today... Just a few toys... Already did the dishes....

I wish you all a wonderful evening..... Wonder what Apples and Great are doing about now??? Hope it's something fun and relaxing... Take care and I'll talk to you all later.... Julie

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Laura – Hugs GF – it’s ok to cry - WTG on your 1 lbs lost :0) – You aren’t a downer – We are here for you….

Charlene – Hugs on the DD issues – Can’t she stay in the house until it’s sold or goes back to the bank? I know that I wouldn’t want my kids to move in with me – They eat diff than me – but since I am use to cooking 2 meals – it’s not that hard for me – but again what I make for Andrew usually isn’t stuff I care for anyway.. ‘

The more info (reading both books) you have the more tools you will have to fight your addiction..

Julie – I think you need to switch from bread to snack mid term w/lent ;0) – Then the scales would move :0) – Cake is bread :0) – You should have given up sugar – that’s what most pple here at work do.. I don’t do anything :0)

Next Friday (3/12) is my next FF(furlough Friday) – Going to go hang out w/Phyl that Friday morning –she will be going home in April – and I won’t see her again till July for our lucky #7 get together. Then going to go see Smokie Robinson that evening w/another GF…

This week is a full work week for me …

Well gotta get back to work myself – cbl

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Laura...you go ahead and tell us all about how you are feeling. We don't want to hear just the fluffy parts of your life. We want to hear the good, the sad and the ugly! That's what we are all about.

So sorry you are sad. I cannot compare my situation to yours, but, I choke and cry every time I leave DS. He has lived all over USA and never know when or where I will see him next. Had to have DH drive when we left his house on Tuesday...I needed windshield wipers on my face.

Well, we are home. Just walked in the door 1/2 hour ago. Was a wonderful trip and would do the whole thing all over again. Tanker (DD) was the best traveler. Just laid and slept and looked at us adoringly during the trip. Only 2 negatives...sore boney A$$ and way saw way too many accidents way too close. Upsetting.

Going to go unpack (a couple of hours) and start the laundry and try to get a good meal on the table for DS and DH. Really missed DS. Did not call him much while we were gone (on purpose). See him every day and wanted to give him his space. Nice to see him and catch up.

Arlene....sorry for DD having trouble. Hope she can resolve them soon and you do not have to disrupt your life.


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Janet.....the Realtor suggested that she move out . She can't pay for it anyway, so if she could sell it quick she might spare ruining her credit. She got it at a low price and it does sit on an acre which she can't keep up.

Well, one thing for sure......that bunch will keep my band tight. It is never a dull moment with them around. The girls are 16 and 17.

Yep, those books really shine a light on the food addiction problem. I WILL succeed!

Julie, I am sorry your weather is so bad. Hopefully, you will have a great weekend. Your dinner sounds Yummy!

Have fun!

Yea! Apples is home! Welcome home!

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Apples, welcome home!!!!!! We are happy to have you back safe and sound... I'm sure the snow was waiting for you just about like you left it!! What happened to taking the scenic route home?? Thought your DH had lots of stops planned?? Sometimes after being away home just sounds so good.... Now don't try to do everything at once.... At least you have less to unload that you loaded when you left.... (Unless you did mega shopping or got that little pup from Jessica!!)

Arlene, 2 teenagers, know wonder you are worried about the stress.... You will be in my prayers!!!!

Janet, I have never been in Weight Watchers, so to me cake is not bread..... I can live without cake.... but not bread...... Sweets isn't my problem... Nibbling on things out of boredom is more a problem.... I'll have to see if I can talk myself into upgrading my lenten sacrifice...... I'll let you know if I feel strong enough to do that....

Time to start supper pretty soon, I suppose... It won't take long as the meat is already cooked and in the fridge..... I do have some more laundry to fold.... Mimi went home now so I can straighten up for real this time.. See ya later gang............. Julie

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Welcome home Apples, glad you made it safely. How's the weather up there? Hope the sun is shining. I'm sure DS missed his mamma big time -- especially her cooking!

Arlene, sorry about the DD drama -- I know what that is like. Hope it will not come to them moving in with you. I know what that is like as well as I never seem to be able to get my adult step kids out on their own either.

Janet, what you said about your GM made me cry - I still miss my grandmas and both have been gone for nearly 30 years. I was very close to both mine too. They were both special - of course, I was the oldest granddaughter too. I was probably spoiled the most. :smile2: With my own GD she is just so precious to me - I would do anything for her. I want her to have every opportunity in her life to grow up happy and healthy. Her mom just isn't too equipped to deal with life for herself much less for her so I will always be there to do what I can to make sure she has everything she needs. I never had a little girl (my step daughters were much older when they started to live with me), so I'm really enjoying myself.

Getting busy at work. TTYAL. Linda

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Julie – Am I going to have to come to ND and kick your butt… You are strong enough !!!! To quit the snacking !!!!

Come on you want to get the other 79 lbs off right – well – GF it ain’t coming off with out some changes in you diet..

You know this is being said w/tons of love – you are a strong freaking woman – look at all you have done and all that you do.. I know food is what we do for us for all we give – but now it has to be about not giving ourselves food as our rewards… So what ever is your snack of choice – give it up for the rest of lent and then lets see what happens to the scales !!!!

Karen – WELCOME BACK – YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED !!! I was lucky didn’t see any bad accident on my little trip up north last weekend – but it’s always something I worry about – I guess it’s the working in insurance – makes you more aware of accidents… Hell I cry too when I leave the family – my bil makes fun of me but gotta say my sis and dil cry too when we say bye after a visit.

Linda – I had my Mom’s Mom here in the Desert and I was her fav - I loved my Gm I could do no wrong – my mom always had me on a diet – but at my gm house I could eat – sew – crochet – drink coffee – cook – My other grandma lived in NY so I only saw her a couple time in my life and she was old (she was 38 when she had my dad and my dad was 35 when I was born)

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Thanks to all for the welcome back. Gosh, I missed my girls. Really sucks to have the iffy internet connection at our cabin and no phone service. I LOVE the resort we stay in and the down-to-earth atmosphere of the forest but wish for better service. The entire area does without cellphones. We get pretty attached to our electronics. Reconsidering staying there next year and DH and I are wanting to see what Arizona has to offer. We spent a couple of weeks there a few years ago and liked the Tuscan area. Just happy to be home on my own computer and not plugging away on the laptop just to communicate.

Just really difficult to read everyone's posts and know I could not respond. Anyway...home now and able to get back to "normal"...whatever that is!

Lori...hope you are having a great trip. Looking forward to hearing about it.

Julie...we had originally planned on taking another week to do business but DH got some of it done from Atlanta at DS's place and we made a few stops in Iowa yesterday and today to finish up some things. Some of the stops we had planned were canceled because the equipment was already sold. Did not break my heart any to skip some of those stops. Now we are ready to hop right into getting ready for the planting season. Will be an adjustment this year since I am pulling back on providing meals. To each his own....that's the way it would be with a job in town. Will see a huge difference in the food bill this year.

Arlene...I would be stressed living with a 16-17 yrs old again. But, admire you for helping them out if you need to. I am so used to my space after being an empty-nester for the last 9 yrs. I see oldest DS on work days and feed him two meals on those days, but, he goes back to his own house at night. He's a joy to have around but do not miss laying awake at night listening for him to come home. Out of sight..out of mind.

Also, Arlene...good luck with your new program. Hope this is something that "clicks" with you and will help you along your way. Also, congrats on thinking of you and letting your DH do his own cooking. You gotta do what works for you.

Janet...yep...saw enough accidents for a lifetime. Came upon one in Iowa yesterday that was quite a bad one and we were stalled for awhile. Also this morning. Cattle truck tipped on it's side and cows on the road and some that were hit by cars. Anyway...we made it safe and sound. Always a worry when traveling that far and back. I am thankful.

Everything is unpacked and in it's place. Two loads of laundry done and two more to go. Needed to wash a few jackets of ours....campfire every night and the smell saturated everything.

And, yes Julie...we were just as loaded on the way home as we were going down to FL. Not from my shopping but with DH. Tools, BBQ grill, etc. that he bought. I didn't do too much damage to the $$$$$ account but did have fun shopping at different places.

Better get through the pile on my desk tonight. Have our crop insurance agent stopping by in the morning (9am) and want to be ready for the appt. We had our mail transferred but you'd never know it by the pile waiting for us just from the last few days. Better hit it!

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Apples, welcome back.

Laura cry your heart out. You are such a good DD to both your parents. You have a lot on your mind.

My DD did not hear anything on the job. She don't think she got it. Good experience interviewing any way. She is finally on her plane heading back to MN, flight delayed 45 mins. She is staying the weekend at her BF's family then going to my DSS house for a few days before heading back to MI.

Went to my Zumba class got my butt kicked good tonight.

Take care all

Laura K

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Thanks, LauraK for the welcome back. Hopefully, DD will hear about the interview in the near future. And if not, as you stated, the interview experience is always good.

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Charlene - Having 3 more under foot - will be hard - plus 2 teenage girls.. I will keep fingers crossed that she finds a place she can afford soon -Prayer and Hugs - but at least she has you and this must be tough on her too - for bf to leave her and the girls...

I know I love seeing my DS & Family - but after a few days of a house full - I am more than ready to have my piece and quite back..

LauraK - Well the next job for DD will be a better one - I don't know what it would be like to have to interview... I have been here 31 yrs this July - heck when I got my job - all I did was talk to my boss - I had insurance experience and that right there guaranteed me a job - WTG on the Zumba - I bet it would kick my butt too..

Karen - I bet it will feel good to sleep in your own bed tonite - I haven't been gone more than a week at a time -even after that short of a time - I love sleeping in my bed and getting back into my routine - But now that you are a retired farmer - what are you going to do :0)

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Good evening~

Thanks girls for your support and love. I am feeling better. Mom and Dad made it home safe and sound. They are really tired, but were also glad they came. Nels was really sad when he came home and realized they were gone. He went to his room and got a bear that Grandpa got him a year or so ago and just hugged it and watched TV. Took him to taekwondo- which took his mind off things for a bit.

I am feeling a lot of restriction. The good news is I haven't been very hungry all day. A few sips of coffee and it holds me for an hour or so. I was able to eat a chick fil a nugget tonight (chewed well)- that Nels didn't eat. I ordered the Soup (14 gm protein), but didn't eat the noodles. This fill may be just what the dr ordered. : )

Apples~ SOOOOoooo glad you are home!!! we missed you immensely! hugs on the DS goodbye. tugs at the heartstrings. Glad Tanker did so well. I can give you some of my ass if you need an ass transplant. : O

Arlene~ hugs on the DD situation. omw, sounds like you need to fasten your seat belt.

Janet~ I love how you say it like it is. Wish you lived close so you could drag my ass to the gym. ; )

Julie~ hope your evening went well. hugs on everything, including the weather! It's getting down to 33 here tonight!!! goodness gracious!!! so glad I live in FL!

LauraK~ thanks for the thoughts. WTG on the exercise!

Linda~ so proud of all the great work you have been doing! Maybe I will catch your exercise bug.

Lori~ love your pics on FB, looks like you are having a great trip! We miss you!

time for bed.... until morning.. peasout.. Laura

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Good evening~

Thanks girls for your support and love. I am feeling better. Mom and Dad made it home safe and sound. They are really tired, but were also glad they came. Nels was really sad when he came home and realized they were gone. He went to his room and got a bear that Grandpa got him a year or so ago and just hugged it and watched TV. Took him to taekwondo- which took his mind off things for a bit.

I am feeling a lot of restriction. The good news is I haven't been very hungry all day. A few sips of coffee and it holds me for an hour or so. I was able to eat a chick fil a nugget tonight (chewed well)- that Nels didn't eat. I ordered the Soup (14 gm protein), but didn't eat the noodles. This fill may be just what the dr ordered. : )

Apples~ SOOOOoooo glad you are home!!! we missed you immensely! hugs on the DS goodbye. tugs at the heartstrings. Glad Tanker did so well. I can give you some of my ass if you need an ass transplant. : O

Arlene~ hugs on the DD situation. omw, sounds like you need to fasten your seat belt.

Janet~ I love how you say it like it is. Wish you lived close so you could drag my ass to the gym. ; )

Julie~ hope your evening went well. hugs on everything, including the weather! It's getting down to 33 here tonight!!! goodness gracious!!! so glad I live in FL!

LauraK~ thanks for the thoughts. WTG on the exercise!

Linda~ so proud of all the great work you have been doing! Maybe I will catch your exercise bug.

Lori~ love your pics on FB, looks like you are having a great trip! We miss you!

time for bed.... until morning.. peasout.. Laura

Laura - Glad you are feeling a little better - Glad the fill is working - and GF I would be coming to your house and dragging your butt to the gym :0)...

Oh I will have to go look on FB - haven't been on it much

Sweet Dreams - My dinner is done - think I am going to go eat - cbl

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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