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Things are very quiet here today.. We sure miss Apples and Great when they are away..... Hope they are both having a great time.....

I'm hoping my Mimi will be going down for a nap soon.. I have some laundry in the works, but otherwise a nice quiet day here too.... I had my massage and I liked it fine.. didn't break the table as I was afraid of!!!!!!!! she was a sweet girl..... I know her and she used to rent one of our offices, but moved out 7 months ago..... She is sorry she left she said... I was glad to hear it, but don't suppose she'll come back.... Just got notice a couple days ago that another business is leaving... That's the one thing I hate about rental property... The comings and goings..... I like it if they just move in and stay............. But oh, well.....

better go fold some clothes and put another load in... Have to leave for church at 6:00...... Hugs to all.... Julie

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Hi guys~

So much going on here with my parents visiting. They leave tomorrow around noon : ( I can't even explain how sad it will be to say goodbye to them. It has meant so much that Dad traveled all this way.

I had my one year appt with my surgeon today. OMW they were so proud of my weight loss. 90 lbs since surgery scheduled and 80 since surgery. He said I have lost 48 % of excess weight and that our clinic average is 50% at one year. I have 50 more to go, or around there. So, I feel good. He asked me to come to his information sessions as an "example". Wow. Never thought that would be ME up there. They drew labs (major battery of tests like they do for gastric bypass- ONLY because I asked for it! Otherwise they don't do labs for bands) and did the metabolic test. He also did a fill- tiny one, only 0.2cc. It was "free" with this visit, (included in my surgery price and follow up for one year) and then $100 starting next one. I am on liquids today and feeling ok so far.

Julie julie julie, I got the package yesterday and OMW... Nelson LOVED LOVED LOVED it!!! Thank you so much! The JD coat/hat rack (not sure what you call it) will look amazing in his play room, the t shirt fits GREAT, he loves the 4wheeler, pencil- everything!!! He even noticed that you took the time to alternate yellow and green in your letter! You did TOO much! Please tell Mimi that Nelson loved everything and we will have a thank you card out soon. : ) HUGS.

OK guys, flyby- gotta make some dinner for everyone. (as I eat soup!) I am feeling motivated, proud, loved, blessed, healthy and surrounded by FRIENDS!!! (you guys rock!) Thanks for all the well wishes and happy bandiversary! I will respond to posts when the dust settles tomorrow- I promise. HUGS to you all!

peasout... Laura

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Hi everyone, Just checking in -- Laura, congrats on the 90 lbs. and on the being waaaaayyy above average! I swear it's this group that makes it happen -- it seems we all do well if we join this group -- thanks Janet, Apples, Lori, Phyll and all those who have been my mentors here over the past year.

Julie, glad you enjoyed your massage, I LOVE massages -- haven't had a full body massage for a while, hmmm, think I'll schedule one soon -- sounds like a good reward for myself (there's no Coach purse store anywhere near me LOL).

Really quiet here today -- hope everyone has a great day and evening. Janet did you watch Idol last night? I was very disappointed in some of the boys. Hope the girls do well tonight.

CBL Linda

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Hi everyone, Just checking in -- Laura, congrats on the 90 lbs. and on the being waaaaayyy above average! I swear it's this group that makes it happen -- it seems we all do well if we join this group -- thanks Janet, Apples, Lori, Phyll and all those who have been my mentors here over the past year.

Julie, glad you enjoyed your massage, I LOVE massages -- haven't had a full body massage for a while, hmmm, think I'll schedule one soon -- sounds like a good reward for myself (there's no Coach purse store anywhere near me LOL).

Really quiet here today -- hope everyone has a great day and evening. Janet did you watch Idol last night? I was very disappointed in some of the boys. Hope the girls do well tonight. CBL Linda

Let me add my CONGRATS to yours.... way to go, Laura!!

I agree... this website is a lifeline for me, too!

Rewards..... massage is nice.... don't think I'd like it, but I know many who love it. My 100 lb reward... earrings... diamond studs! Then Coach purse for hitting "Onederland".

I am going to see "Menopause the Musical" toight with a bunch of ladies from our RV park. Really looking forward to it. It's a musical spoof on menopause using reworded songs from the 50's, 60's and 70's. I heard it's hilarious.

Later, Chicks!!

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Oh Phyll, I've seen that, it's a great musical -- have a great time!! You'll enjoy it! Linda

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Hi friends,

I just came home from our mid-week Lenten Service and I said a prayer for all of us...... I'm now 2 weeks into my no bread fast....... So far so good..... Haven't lost any weight, but I've stuck to my committment and that's a good thing......

Phyll, the musical sounds hilarious.... We'll expect a report!!!

DH should be home for his day trip soon, so will have to be ready to listen to all they did......

Hope you all have a great night.... Hugs and prayers..... Julie

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Things are very quiet here today.. We sure miss Apples and Great when they are away..... Hope they are both having a great time.....

I'm hoping my Mimi will be going down for a nap soon.. I have some laundry in the works, but otherwise a nice quiet day here too.... I had my massage and I liked it fine.. didn't break the table as I was afraid of!!!!!!!! she was a sweet girl..... I know her and she used to rent one of our offices, but moved out 7 months ago..... She is sorry she left she said... I was glad to hear it, but don't suppose she'll come back.... Just got notice a couple days ago that another business is leaving... That's the one thing I hate about rental property... The comings and goings..... I like it if they just move in and stay............. But oh, well.....

better go fold some clothes and put another load in... Have to leave for church at 6:00...... Hugs to all.... Julie

Julie - You aren't going to break the table silly girl ;0) - Ya I don't like being a landlord either - pain in the butt - but luckily they (renters) are still leasing the dates - so I am happy..

I can't beleive you haven't lost any weight from the bread fast - have you been compensating with something else :0) well I guess not cuz cake/cookies are bread..

I'm doing a load of laundry right now - so I will have one less this weekend..

Hi guys~

So much going on here with my parents visiting. They leave tomorrow around noon : ( I can't even explain how sad it will be to say goodbye to them. It has meant so much that Dad traveled all this way.

I had my one year appt with my surgeon today. OMW they were so proud of my weight loss. 90 lbs since surgery scheduled and 80 since surgery. He said I have lost 48 % of excess weight and that our clinic average is 50% at one year. I have 50 more to go, or around there. So, I feel good. He asked me to come to his information sessions as an "example". Wow. Never thought that would be ME up there. They drew labs (major battery of tests like they do for gastric bypass- ONLY because I asked for it! Otherwise they don't do labs for bands) and did the metabolic test. He also did a fill- tiny one, only 0.2cc. It was "free" with this visit, (included in my surgery price and follow up for one year) and then $100 starting next one. I am on liquids today and feeling ok so far.

Julie julie julie, I got the package yesterday and OMW... Nelson LOVED LOVED LOVED it!!! Thank you so much! The JD coat/hat rack (not sure what you call it) will look amazing in his play room, the t shirt fits GREAT, he loves the 4wheeler, pencil- everything!!! He even noticed that you took the time to alternate yellow and green in your letter! You did TOO much! Please tell Mimi that Nelson loved everything and we will have a thank you card out soon. : ) HUGS.

OK guys, flyby- gotta make some dinner for everyone. (as I eat soup!) I am feeling motivated, proud, loved, blessed, healthy and surrounded by FRIENDS!!! (you guys rock!) Thanks for all the well wishes and happy bandiversary! I will respond to posts when the dust settles tomorrow- I promise. HUGS to you all!

peasout... Laura

Laura - Don't think about them leaving just enjoy the time that you have right now :0)

You have done great 90 lbs in a year - hell and look at all that you have gone threw in the last yr w/your Dad's illness..

Next week - Gym - you hear me - no EXCUSES ;0)

My doc does labs 1 yr out - but again he treats his lb pple just like his bypass pple - same diet etc..

Those .2 could be the trick on your restriction - I hope so..

Hi everyone, Just checking in -- Laura, congrats on the 90 lbs. and on the being waaaaayyy above average! I swear it's this group that makes it happen -- it seems we all do well if we join this group -- thanks Janet, Apples, Lori, Phyll and all those who have been my mentors here over the past year.

Julie, glad you enjoyed your massage, I LOVE massages -- haven't had a full body massage for a while, hmmm, think I'll schedule one soon -- sounds like a good reward for myself (there's no Coach purse store anywhere near me LOL).

Really quiet here today -- hope everyone has a great day and evening. Janet did you watch Idol last night? I was very disappointed in some of the boys. Hope the girls do well tonight.

CBL Linda

Linda - Ya I even stayed up till 10 and watch the whole thing - but I had no sound for most of Big Mike's song - the sound came on the very end - Ya none of them stood out - can't wait for the girls tonite - hope - dreadlock girl is feeling better - she's the reason that they switched.. I think John Parks & Tim Urban should go for the guys..

Gf friend you are doing the work - we are just here to support each other and keep each other honest - You all are my support system period (well my lucky #7 too)

Let me add my CONGRATS to yours.... way to go, Laura!!

I agree... this website is a lifeline for me, too!

Rewards..... massage is nice.... don't think I'd like it, but I know many who love it. My 100 lb reward... earrings... diamond studs! Then Coach purse for hitting "Onederland".

I am going to see "Menopause the Musical" toight with a bunch of ladies from our RV park. Really looking forward to it. It's a musical spoof on menopause using reworded songs from the 50's, 60's and 70's. I heard it's hilarious.

Later, Chicks!!

Have fun tonite - I may just have to go see it after I hear your reviews ;0)

Well back from the gym - got Andrew's hamburgers bbq'd and my chicken in bbqing as we speak (hope it doesn't burn) cauliflower is cooking...

Ya without Great & Apples - it's a little quite..

Well Jessica is studying - where's Snyd - Joyce - Deb - Eva - LauraK - Melissia - Meredith - Charlene

Well timer just went off - gotta ck the chicken - cbl

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Hi guys,

Sorry this is going to be another fly by...can't believe how busy it is right now.

I actually sat and talked to my DH this evening. I'm usually on the computer, but it was nice just to chit chat.

Laura, congrats on the weight loss. It's amazing. Glad your visit is going so well.

Julie, glad you liked the massage. I'm still not sure if I like them...only when DH does them...his hands are really warm.

LauraK...keeping my fingers crossed for DD.

Hi to everyone else.....got to go to sleep. I'll be up extra early 'cause I'm taking my sister to the airport in the morning.

Have a great night and I'll catch up later.


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Hi everyone~

It's a little after 2am, I can't sleep, my nose is stuffy (hope I am not getting the cough/cold that Nelson has this week), I'm hungry (forgot how much I hated the liquids by the end of the day!LOL) I feel like I have a lot of the necessary things for a country song here.

Eva: I am catching up on posts back wards (recent to old), your sis was visiting? How did that go? How's everything else? DH? work?

Janet: I hear ya on the gym. I need to get my ass back in. But when my resting energy expenditure was 2059 (how many calories I use just breathing, sleeping, lying on couch, digesting) and then add movement, wow. Dr. said this was proof that I have been exercising and have a good muscle base. I was good for 9 months out of 12, just last three have been hit or miss. Last weekend cleaned out entire garage. Lifted heavy crap in and out,etc. sweated and hr up for 2 hrs. My butt and legs are still sore. Just watched some of both idols. I like the girls better. I liked the first (dreads) and last (nose hoop- sang tina turner).

Julie~ how was service? Giving up bread should reflect something soon (unless like Janet said you replaced with something else.) How's Mimi? Dh?

Everyone else- Linda, JB, Phyl, Jewel, LauraK, LadyKcusa~ hi and hugs. That's all the posts I just got caught up on. Time to get back to bed if I can't remember what I just read. ; )

I take them to the airport 1030ish, the pilot should be here around 11. So need to get Nelson to school and then back to pack car. Just found out that today is last day of week at his school! Another frikkin "inservice" day. Hell, I need an inservice day for me and my life! I was FINALLY looking forward to a day of getting my head above Water and having 5 min of me time!!! But no go. Also, I have a tiny thing I am putting together for the florida people (little photo album) and want to get those finished. EMAIL me your photos girls! I got Janet's web link.

Off to bed I go.....sleep well.......... TTYT, peas

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I have a busy day ahead of me. Therapy and two classes. I am leaving the house at 8:30 and probably won't be back til 9:00. I hate jam packed days. Even more ,though, I hate sitting alone in the house for days. I got my lunch and dinner packed. No fast food for me. I have a fill in the morning. Hoping for a couple more pounds off this week. If not I know I am gonna hear it from my Doc. I really blew it this weekend. With the monster Jam and Jakes ER visit I ended up eatting fast food several times. They don't serve salads at the Monster Jam and BK for Breakfast. I know I should have taken a Protein Shake or something. I didn't think it would hurt anything but I gained 3 pounds after losing 5 last week. Learned my lesson though.

I am definately ready for a fill. I can only eat 1 egg for breakfast but at dinner I can eat and eat. Should I really expect any restriction from my second fill? Hard to tell. But, I am hoping the 3 days post fill liquids will revamp my weightloss.

You guys are really a huge encouragment for me to stay on track. 90 lbs is awesome Peace. What a great example you are for me.

Julie, I can tell you are feeling better now that you are back on your meds. It is like a mirror in front of me. I see myself in you. Helps me to see that these things are doing something for us and I need to stick with them. It is great to get help with more than just my weightloss. All you ladies are wonderful to me.

Well, I am off for the day. I may be able to check in later on the school library computers. Hope you all have a great day.

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Laura....I was up at 2am MST too...back/foot issue though. You would have been asleep again by then. It's the sister that lives here that I'm taking to the airport. I bought her a ticket to visit a friend/sort of sister in Texas for her birthday and she leaves today and comes back on Tuesday.

Charlene, I have another webinar tonight...it's about the diet or lack thereof. I'm pretty interested in hearing what they say. When I've gone in for fills, it's mostly eat 1/3 of what you did before banding and eat solid (chewable) food. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

Apples, hope your trip is going well. My dog loves to run around in the grass so we would stop at parks and stuff and take her for walks...it's not quite the right season for that, so do you let Tanker out to run every now and then?

1day....brrrr....snow no. It's nice to stay home in bad weather, but do you get paid? That's always an issue.

Linda, I bet your GD's room is really cute. She is going to appreciate the fact you've done something special for her...maybe not right this minute, but she will. I'm not too much into kids, but I think all the stuff you can do to decorate and make things cute is really fun. I worked on making DH's son's living quarters as cool as I could when he stayed with us.

Joyce, that's so nice of your sister. I tell you my first egg after banding was wonderful. I really didn't mind the liquids except most stuff was sweet and I got tired of that. I never went on mushies...1 week of Clear Liquids, 2 weeks of full liquids...then right on to chewables.

LauraK, everyday life does get a little hectic somedays. CRS is definitely catchy....I got it too.

Janet...yep laundry...the never ending chore.

Jessica...great news about the school funding. It's so hard to pay for an education out of pocket. U of A is trying to up their tuition $1400/semester. I don't know what it is now, so I can't even begin to think how much it would cost to go to school now.

Judy, congrats on the 11lbs...great job.

Julie, I really get you on the rent thing. I'm going to have to deal with my renters again too...not looking forward to it. I'm just going to have to kick them out for non-payment. Ug.

Phyl, I want to go with you to the musical....too bad a 6 hour drive is kind of too long for that. Hope you had a good time.

Okay gotta take the sister to the airport....talk to you all tonight.


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Laura – Yep cleaning the garage was good exercise!!!! I know that when I do deep cleaning – I get sore muscles too – WTG !!!! I hear you on the inservice days – it seems that Teachers gets tons of them now a days… Yes – you do need a day for you… Lucky girl burns almost 3000 calories just being – I haven’t had mine tested – but I would say that if I keep my calories between 1500 – 1800 – I maintain the weight I am.

I agree – I like dreaded girl and the other blond (reminds me of cindy lauper) and the last girl who sang Aretha – that last note was awesome !! – But I did like the blond curly hair girl who sang cold play -

Did anyone watch Parenthood – On Tuesday nite – it’s Excellent !!!

Jessica – Most of that weight gain was just Water from the carbs in the FF – and sometimes life happens – the best thing you can do is carry some Jerky in your purse – but again – that’s not really a meal but it will give you something to snack on

Well you know I thought you were Julies DD – you do resemble her – I would love to have a mom like Julie !!!

As to restriction 2nd fill – it depends on how aggressive your doc is – mine is very aggressive w/his fills – he figures you have a band and for it to work you need restriction (makes sense to me) – I got to my 1st sweet spot on my 2nd fill.. Good luck.

Eva – Sorry you can’t sleep – I hit the hay at 10 – was asleep by 10:30 – and slept til 5:30… I really like you webinar – I suggested it to our support system thur my doc – I don’t go – but I am on their mailing list – What a nice sister you are... That was a great gift to get your sis..

Well gang – drive by post – gotta get butt in gear - CBL

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Morning ladies,

Time for me to learn the abbreviations better. It is my son-in-law who will cook my first egg - not sister in law. lolol He is 45 and had gastric bypass last June and has lost over 70 lbs. He is a darling and a great husband to my daughter. He spoke at a support group last night for WLS patients.

I love "Modern Family" - does anyone else watch it. Also Two and a Half Men.

Have lost 15 lbs. since first weight in a doctors office and am amazed eating this little that weight doesn't continue to drop off. But I am patient and realize that I'm eating too few calories right now (& not exercising yet)

Also, I have being a landlord in common with some of you ladies. Ours is commercial - not sure what type you both have. We have about 100 tenants. With the economy in it's current condition, our tenants are also having difficulties.

I'm semi-retired and only work about 5 hours a MONTH. But, I'm older than most of you lolol.

Feeling so good and the sun is out in Kansas City today, can spring be far behind??

Hugs to all.


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Good Morning! Joyce SPRING is HERE! I truly believe it -- snow is melting and the sun has been shining all week. Trees are budding and I'm having terrible allergies -- sure signs of SPRING! It must be close. Congrats on the 15 lbs. -- remember, they are gone FOREVER this time -- this is your NEW life, NOT a diet. We'll definitely have to plan a get together this summer - my best friend from H.S. lives in Shawnee and I promised her we'd try for a girl's weekend this summer.

Not much happening here except for the snow melting -- the huge ice cycle that was hanging from the corner of my house is even melting - it looked like a religious statue. I should have taken a picture of it.

I got the Uppercase stencil for GD's room. Once I get that applied, I'll take pics to share with you - I had such a great time decorating her room.

Laura, I know what you mean about the in service days. Here they had so many snow days and they were complaining about how late they have to extend the school year, but yet they still have their in service days and spring break - I think if i was a teacher I 'd rather give up some of those than to have to work until the middle of June.

Jessica, good luck on your fill -- I hope your doctor does do the more aggressive fills cause it took me forever to get anywhere close to my sweet spot (about 9 months). Don't be afraid to ask your doctor to be a little more aggressive -- or if you are close by to the office and don't have restriction after two weeks, call and see if they'll give you another one. I live 1-1/2 hours away and had a hard time missing work to get my fills, so I never got extra ones but other people I know did. Remember, you are the patient and have rights too. I get the impression from your posts that you are a little bit intimidated by your doctor and his staff -- you need to give yourself more credit and tell them how they can help you.

Yes, Idol was good last night - the ones I like are basically the ones all of you liked as well. That one girl is from West Des Moines (the curly blond). That last girl (the glass blower) is wild -- so likeable -- she can belt it out -- I really like her personality. The girl with the gray/blonde hair is my least favorite out of the ones you guys mentioned. I love the girl that was sick - i think she is fabulous. I told DH I bet her teeth will be fixed and whitened in the next few weeks (she is missing some and hers are very very yellow). LOL. I think she could win the whole thing -- very talented - she has a young child as well.

But no, I don't watch any of the other shows except 2-1/2 men. DH likes that one so we watch it. I wasn't surprised they took Charlie's fiance off the show - it would ruin the show to leave her on it (if they got married). I love the kid on that show -- his real name is Angus -- he reminds me of my own DS when he was a teenager.

Oh and Jessica looks very much like my Daughter in law -- I'll have to post a pic -- she's always reminded me of her.

Laura, hope your folks got home by now and your dad wasn't too tired from the trip. So happy they were there visiting for Nelson's b-day.

Got up a little late but got a good 50 mins. walk in and then my weight lifting with walking for another 30. Oh, I forgot to tell you guys -- that exercise challenge at work, I ended up doing a total of 2328 mins. for the month of Feb. -- so I'll get the "gold medal" prize -- can't wait to see what they will be giving out.

Gotta work early tomorrow and Monday (but get off an hour early too) as one of the others here is taking a few days off. I'm happy to work 8 to 5 instead of 9 to 6 - wish I could switch to those hours permanently. Maybe someday.

Eva, hope your back/foot problems get better soon - you are a fabulous sister - what a nice gift you gave your sister.

Phyl, hope you liked the show -- I thought it was really funny - enjoyed it very much -- saw it last summer.

LauraK, any word on your dd interview? HOpe it went well.

Apples, stay safe and have a fun trip back home. Miss your posts.

Lori, if you are reading this, hope you're having the time of your life!! I miss you too!

Julie, hope you're having a wonderful day!!! Great going on not eating bread -- I'm sure you'll see results from it -- it might take awhile to show up though, so hang in there.

Charlene, hope the weather is better down your way now. Have you been to any more seminars? Read anything interstesting in the Beck diet book lately? I haven't had much time to read it but really love everything I've read so far. It's definitely a book I can go back to read for support and encouragement and help. I'm so glad you shared that book with all of us. Thank you.

Well, gotta run. CBL. Have a great day everyone!!!


Edited by ljv52

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Hey guys~

I am a basket case this afternoon. Said goodbye to my parents and just cried and cried as the plane took off. Always so afraid it will be the last hug, last kiss, last "I love you". <drying eyes> I am so thankful they were here. I LOVED spending time with them. Glad they were here for Nels' birthday- meant the world. Cherished every second of every day. Truly.

I am down another pound today- but I know it is from no salt/doing liquids. I am tempted to try to do liquids for a few days, although my doc only requires for that day. Today all i had was coffee with cream and sugar and a 100 cal Muscle Milk. I am hungry, but ok. Gonna have a yogurt and then wait till dinner to eat solids (maybe like lentil soup). I did drink 26 oz of Water so far today too. Now am cleaning up, doing laundry, straightening up, etc. Will write more later- just don't want to be too much of a downer.

peasout.. Laura

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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