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Laura and everyone else posts these really cool pictures of family and events, etc....I show you dirt.

Cheri, I hope you are feeling better after your fall. It sounded really bad. Hope you didn't damage anything permanently.

Phyl, I missed you too. How are you doing?

Edited by ocotillo

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Hi, everyone! It's been a while since I posted anything, but I have been reading along and keeping up with you all. Man, are you guys busy!!

I've been doing fine. Well, maybe not so fine. Have fallen down on the food a bit and also the exercise. But I'm back on the wagon today and so far, so good. Still losing some weight, but probably not as fast if I had been sticking to the program. I had some problems with getting stuck a lot...still eating too fast, I think. It is SO hard to break that habit, even with all the negative reinforcement.

Have gotten back into doing some sewing and almost finished a really cool handbag. I'll have to post some photos when I'm done. I also need my hubby to take some pics of the new me, in my new pants, and wearing some tops I haven't been able to get into in quite a while. HurraY!

Jodi, I know you'll do great with the surgery. Sounds like you're getting your pantry ready!

Since I have CRS, I can't comment on everyone's posts---I can't keep up with you all!

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Happy Sunday afternoon............. I slept farily well last night and just finished a nice nap in my recliner... My neck feels a little stiff, but it'll come out of it soon... It's just a lazy afternoon around here... No cooking or company.... I can handle that...

Eva, thanks for the pictures... I always take construction pictures around here, too... DH loves to look back on projects... It looks as though this is a pretty big one for you... good luck... Sushi......OMG, I don't do cooked seafood, so raw about scares me to death... I've never tasted it and probably never will.. I am in awe of people who love it like you do..... It is pretty healthy I presume???? I'm so glad you had a nice time with this new family.... You and DH seem like the kind who always keep an open mind and are game for trying new things... good for you.... I think you are the busiest lady.... Always doing something...

Deb, glad you chimed in... Don't stay away, especially if you are feeling bad or down.. That's really what we are here for... To help keep you going... Let us do our job... We're here for you, girl.... Good going on the losing even when it's hard.... Do take those pictures and show us how great you look.....

Jodi, sorry for getting you confused with Joyce.... Too many J's I guess...... Judy, Jodi, Joyce, Julie, Jessica,......who'd I miss??? anyway, yes, you'll soon be there, too.... Tomorrow is March and it's your month... the 9th, right???? Are you on a strict pre-op plan?? Some are, some aren't .... I just had a 2 week restricted thing to shrink my liver.... good luck....

Joyce, how goes the baby food? ??? Tastes pretty good after liquids, huh???? Are you still feeling good?

Lori is on her way and I wish her safe travels and a wonderful trip.... She'll have a great time....

Cheri, how are you, girl..???? did that fall really get you bad??? We're waiting to hear from you...

Jessica, are you studying hard?? You have more tests this week I think....

Apples, I'm sure you are all packed and ready... Have a great time with DS and a safe trip home... It's still white and cold here, so probably the same at your house... But come home anyway..... We miss you.....

Laura, are you in recovery mode??? Oh, I bet your parents are there..... Hope you are having a great time.. If it's appropriate, tell your parents how much we all care and hope things will be much better soon....

Judy, how's the production going??? How many performances are left? Are you taking a break after this one or jumping right back into another???

Janet, hope you are having a good weekend...

Linda, what are you up to these days.?

Arlene, how are you feeling??? Okay I hope....

Phyll, what's up with you???

Laura K, how about you, whatcha up to...?

Meredith, how's the move coming? and the new house and school...... and you....how are you???

Sndy and Crzytchr.......... how are you doing????

Gee, I hope I didn't miss anyone.... I'm taking my time writing this as I'm alone and have no interruptions.. DH is outside doing something.. He hates just sitting.. The sermon at church today was about the Sabboth and that it is meant as a day to worship and rest.... but it's hard for him to do nothing... I can do it much better than him....

Thanks for all the nice comments on my new picture.. I did actually thing it looked pretty good, too, or I never would have cropped it to use as an avatar... The other gal who was in the picture is 13 years younger than me and I thought I looked just as good as she did... I wasn't feeling too bad either, when they were taking pictures.... But, Apples, I don't think I've lost any more weight... Still just going back and forth on those 3 pounds.....

So, I better go find some food for DH... He'll be hungry soon as we had Breakfast after church (10:30) so he'll want an early supper... I'm going to make some chili I think... I've been hungry for it.... You all have a great evening... Talk you you all later... Hugs and prayers................. Julie

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Good Evening, I've just sat down in my computer chair with a heating pad on my back and I'm ready to report on my day... Today was the family baby shower... Lots of people.... Wall to wall, so to speak.... Just a very nice crowd... Had a good time and everything went well, except there is too much cake left...... but I'll figure it out.... It has been a long day as Mimi had to be here because DD had to travel with her boss and co-workers to a seminar they had to have for the certified daycare thing..... She got back by 4, but didn't leave here until way after 6:00.... So about 11 hours of Mimi is a long day for me.... She was good, but always into something.. I'm tired and ready to veg out some... I don't think I have to host or entertain for anything for awhile again and I'm glad of that!!!!

Laura K, glad you gave the recipe for Texas caviar... I figured it was something unique...

Janet, not everyone is tidy as some of us are... I have a brother like that.... We wouldn't think of not putting fresh sheets on a bed when we knew someone was coming... It's a different generation, I think... Hope you enjoy the rest of your time....

Lori, I always take too many clothes with me on vacation.. don't know why, but just don't want to get caught without something I need.... Your GM sounds so neat... I had a 91 year old lady (my nephew's girlfriend's grandma, so I had never met here before) here today and when I was visiting with her she told me she just never expected to live this long... Still alone on the farm, but it is close to her son and his family.... She still does all her own cooking and cleaning... I noticed her hands were all deformed from arthiritus.... But those old folks can be so neat.....

Jessica, I'm so glad you get to go to see your brother and new baby.... You'll be fine.. I was scared to travel alone to FL and if this old lady can do it, then you sure can.......

Laura, I mailed off a package to Nelson today so you can look for it sometime next week.... It will be late for his birthday, but I just couldn't get it done any faster..... Hope you all had a great day and that your party was as successful as mine was.... Nelson, congrats on the new belt... You'll be a black belt before you know it... My grandson just got a new belt to... I think it was green....

Jodi, wtg on the baby food, you'll be on regular foods before you know it.....

Well, time to go, but will try to add one or two pictures... One of my and the baby, Noah, and his other great auntie Julie.... Yup, he has two of us..... poor kid.... the other is a 4 generation with my mother, brother, nephew and Noah..... Night all.... Hugs.. Julie

Julie, I think your new picture looks awesome. I love it and no I haven't gotten a lick of studying in this weekend. I have an exam tues. and weds. but life happens right. Yesterday we went to the monster jam. I felt a little sick but not too bad. We had an awesome time. Rode in a monster truck and saw history made. The first time a monster truck ever landed a backflip and it was awesome. My son fell asleep half way through and despite wearing 4 layers of clothes he started to shiver. So we began walking to the car and I thought if he walked it would warm him up. Get his blood flowing and stuff. Plus he is too big to carry. We finally got home about 1 am. Then at 5 this morning we heard that cry that all moms know. He was sick. We thought he was having an asthma attack and rushed him to the ER. Longest hour drive of my life. He started doing better on the way there. When we got there they told us he had a virus causing croupe. They gave him steroids and a breathing treatment and he seems fine now. I just have to keep him home from school tommorrow and use a humidifier. He had croupe as a baby, I guess I just forgot the sound of it. We got back home about 9 slept till 4 had dinner and finally a shower. I was feeling so gross. I am still tired and can't decided if I should study or sleep. I also feel dehydrated and sunkissed. I am questioning myself too. Should I have done this or that? Would he still have gotten sick? I thought he would be good with all the layers and his ears covered. I don't know just crazy thoughts. Can't change a thing and he is fine now. I just hate to tell him we are gonna do something then tell him we can't because of the weather. Apparently, I wasn't the only one because there were thousands of children there. I just happened to be the one in the ER this morning.

I ate horrible yesterday too but got plenty of walking in. I know I am ready for a fill cause I am hungry all the time. My next fill is friday.

Overall I just feel crummy. Being sick and tired and crazy and hungry. I'll bounce back though. Think I will just get some fluids, meds and rest in then study tommorrow.

I am glad you got some rest.

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Hi Ladies.

I've been bumming around shopping today. Besides that not much, laundry night.

Eva, yes my DD is in Phoenix as of yeasterday. She said is was raining today and overcast. She had to go meet her mentor today and then I'm not sure what else. I think the high light for the kids last night was that they found the brewery. Oh to be young again.

If Jody, Jewel, Judy or anyone is interested I have a full unopened can of Beneprotein powder that you can have. I bought two back in my first days and did not even finish the first one. Any takers pm me and I'll send it to you.

Oh well it's back to work tomorrow.

Take care, Laura K

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Jessica, oh what a time you had... I'm glad J..... is doing better... those little ones can scare you half to death when they are sick... You get some rest... You'll both be better soon...

Laura K, did you get any good deals or some new clothes???


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Julie - your new pix is great. Nice to put a face with the posts.

Jewell - so sorry to hear your son was ill. You had a very stressful weekend.

DD went with me to the movie to see Celine World Tour movie. Only one show per day for two days - so glad I was able to see it.

First time to a movie and NO popcorn. Didn't think I could do it, but I'm too afraid to try. Fear is a great mentor. lolol

Still have only tried baby food and yogurt. Taking it very slow.

Still enjoying watching the Olympics.

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I was wondering if anyone else is having trouble with the site here??? For the last few days when I click on the ???(whatever it's called) in the e-mail I get telling me someone has posted I always get sent to page 583..... and I have to log on everytime even if I haven't logged out or shut my computer off... Did I screw something up when I did the new avatar..... but it was doing it before that, too..... Any suggestions???? It always used to take me back to where I last left off.. Julie

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Julie, no clothes unless you count a bra, but I did buy a new pair of shoes. I think I touched everything in the store though and talked myself out of it. I think I have been shopping just to fill up time. Oh well at least I'm not eating. Next thing to go is I am stopping smoking again. I had quit for 4 yrs then started again for the last year.

Yes I have been having to sign in again even when there was not time gone by.

Oh & I forgot to tell you I love your new pic. Way to go girl.

Laura K

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Laura and everyone else posts these really cool pictures of family and events, etc....I show you dirt.

Cheri, I hope you are feeling better after your fall. It sounded really bad. Hope you didn't damage anything permanently.

Phyl, I missed you too. How are you doing?

LOL! We love your pictures...dirt included!

I'm doing great. Finally got over the crud!

Since I have CRS, I can't comment on everyone's posts---I can't keep up with you all!

LOL!! I'm glad I'm not the only one with CRS!!!

Julie, I think your new picture looks awesome. We finally got home about 1 am. Then at 5 this morning we heard that cry that all moms know. He was sick. We thought he was having an asthma attack and rushed him to the ER. Longest hour drive of my life. He started doing better on the way there. When we got there they told us he had a virus causing croup. They gave him steroids and a breathing treatment and he seems fine now. I just have to keep him home from school tomorrow and use a humidifier. He had croup as a baby, I guess I just forgot the sound of it. We got back home about 9 slept till 4 had dinner and finally a shower. I was feeling so gross. I am still tired and can't decided if I should study or sleep. I also feel dehydrated and sun-kissed. I am questioning myself too. Should I have done this or that? Would he still have gotten sick?

Hope the little guy is okay now!! Sure its not anything you did or didn't do!!

I love the new photo too, Julie!

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Julie--nice avatar

I'm Ok. Thanks everyone for your concern. I have an enormous egg on my hip and a technicolor bruise. I'm not in much pain at all. But I have a very high threshold for pain and am used to dealing with it because of all my arthritis. I hung upside down on my inversion table several times this weekend which kept straightening out and decompressing the discs in my neck and lower back that got jerked when I fell. I can't take long strides yet because the hip socket and all around the joint is a little stiff and sore. I mostly feel that when I swing my legs to put them up or to get out of bed. Other than that its not noticeable. My biggest feel was actually my spine but the inversion table seems to be taking care of decompressing and straightening out the discs before the pain gets serious.

Since I can't stand being still I'm working on other school projects while my assistant does the teaching. I was able to resolve a major issue and am thrilled about that. I had my assistant come in Friday and she'll be there tomorrow since the Dr. has not OK'd me to work till I see him Monday at 4:30. Seems so silly to me since I'm not in much pain and have worked through way more pain than this, but its workman's comp so I have to go along with it or any complications that show up later won't be covered.

food is up and down. Disruptions to my schedule and life tend to do that. Pain and trauma do that, even when not severe. Hopefully, as my week gets back to normal I'll get back on track.

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Hi Ladies.

I've been bumming around shopping today. Besides that not much, laundry night.

Eva, yes my DD is in Phoenix as of yeasterday. She said is was raining today and overcast. She had to go meet her mentor today and then I'm not sure what else. I think the high light for the kids last night was that they found the brewery. Oh to be young again.

If Jody, Jewel, Judy or anyone is interested I have a full unopened can of Beneprotein powder that you can have. I bought two back in my first days and did not even finish the first one. Any takers pm me and I'll send it to you.

Oh well it's back to work tomorrow.

Take care, Laura K

well...that would be great however...I need to have an OU on it. Im looking at all the different ones now..and gosh..hardly anyone has...lol what a pain..worse comes to worse...Ill have my own blender. Havent heard of Benprotein as of yet. Let me know if it does...have that symbol. Thanks....

Hey gang....trying to catch up on posts here.

Jodi, as for sushi (you posted this 2-25)...I eat sushi at least once a week....I eat everything including the squid and ocotopus which is very chewy. I just chew a lot. If you ever get to Tucson, I'll take you to a fabulous little sushi bar. The chef is very picky about his food and I think you'll love it. I've also had the quail egg and salmon roe sushi. I love the quail egg, but not so much the salmon roe...but I'll eat it to. Have to keep your options and horizons open. Now do you think a 10 year old will ever be happy with everything? At least she has friends and family to share her holidays with and a loving mother that takes really good care of her. I just strained my chicken and beef broth through a strainer and it was clear enough. I made both ahead of time and froze in portion sized zip locks so I could heat up just what I needed. I really like my own broth better than any I've ever bought.

Eva.....yes, I have been tasting the broths from the containers....and yuch. Even the Organic ones really are nasty. Making the own is best. Im glad you told me about the straining ....as I just cannnot fathom clearing Soup with egg whites and shells. lol but have been really obsessing over this for the past two days....just ended up doing as you had and the end of it. lol

As far as the Sushi goes....oh yes...You and I would get along fabulously. Lol If ever I make it out your way....we are going....im salivating allready!! NY had a dime or dozen sushi places but only a few really places to talk about...NOBU being one...and if you can get a reservation....youd be lucky. If you come to NY or anyone else..let me know...Ill make those reservations real early!!

As far as the ten year old being happy....all I have to say..is please g-d. lol

Julie, nice pictures!!

Jessica, sorry about your son after such a great day....cant ya just count on the times that end like that....just is so unfair!

I hope he feels better...I never heard of croup in older kids until my daughter got it as well....and was like wahh?? but, they do as well. Dont feel bad or guilty...you could not have possibly known he was going to get sick...he probably was allready with it...and you wouldnt have known...and even if you suspected something...as you thought it was asthma well you know that can happen at a pins notice anywheres.

It must have been scary however so....you both can probably use a good rest up now.....

Okay.....so the weekend is over....for me anyways...tomorrow there is a carnival all day at school but I dont have to be there yea!!

Today..was actually alot of fun. We ran around giving and receiving but I have to say....the choc covered friut...the bestest idea...lol. Everyone loved it. Im glad...

The partys and dinner was really nice....and it just so happened that at dinner.....at our table...which was a family and Dassi and myself.....sat down this man.....who was single and good looking and well...I guess my age range...and he was very nice!!! Unfortunately he left before the end of the dinner....but it was nice to meet someone new for a change...Im just wondering why that happened is this a sign...to say...you know...your on your way to a new you....maybe its time to start socializing and meeting some new people. Who knows.

In any case..I have a new question. Shooting it out hoping someone can tell me the diff and if there is any or not!!! lol

Ive been researching the Protein Shakes, drinks, shots and powders oh and isolates.

There are several different types of protein...however on most of the sites that Ive veiwed they offer "WHEY" Protein.

I remembered that when my daughter was a baby..the sensory O.T recommended that we give her "RICE" protein.

so....when looking at the differences...I find that there are several different sources. "WHEY" from Dairy...."SOY" vegetarian, "EGG", and "RICE". "Whey being the most popular and should not be in concentrate.


Question one....is the recommended popular...being "WHEY" because its the most easily digested?

Question two....does it matter whether its "WHEY" or "RICE" as "RICE" seems to me the best second choice as to quality and nutritionally and most available....Ive never seen "egg" and "SOY" seems problamatic these days as far as genetically engeneered seeds and the Increase on hormones causing poss cancer in woman.

So was wondering what the difference is and does it make a difference and why??

Do I really need this....does everyone supplement with all the above...and what about the Vitamins? ? Ive been looking at the differences between the vitamins that I have...which are high quality so I think...and the vitamins from all these sites...do they really make a difference and if I dont use the brands for bariatric patients...will I really loose my hair? ? etc etc?

oy......Im stuck on the "Stuff" I see....but want to be as prepared as possible for after surgery. I dont want to go out and start looking and researching after the fact...not a good thing...Also as I wont be able to send someone out to go and do this for me...except me...so might as well do it this week.

Its funny....my freinds..are concerned with my preperation of me....before surgery as I might never again be able to go out.;....lol like making sure to get a hair cut, manicure/pedicure, haircut, waxing done....highlights//etc etc and im like whattt?????? do you think I care about all the above?? who is going to see me???? I cant just shave??? whats wrong with my hair? I cant have nail polish. I have enough PJs and they will be clean.

Im thinking...of foods for me....and food prep for Dassi and setting up the cleaning girl, the dog walker, who is going to take Dassi to the bus off the bus and to all her activities and help her do homework? all the above?? Did I ever have time for those luxuries ever???? lol

Im allready thinking I best start going shopping for passover. I dont even have time to shower for more then 10 min. at a time...I think..maybe Ill allow myself a few more min for a quick shave....the night before and Ill be READY!

well....okay enough....its late and tomorrow is another day for preperation.

Thanks so much for all of your input and responses....I truly believe its because of you all....that I will be prepared...and not worried and...in the end successful.

Of course you all might need prozac at the end of the next two weeks but....I thank you in advance...(silly me)

Have a great night all.. and a wonderful week!!!


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Hi guys~

I should be in bed but I just HAD to know what you girls have been up to!!! My brain is only half working, so will say a few responses (Read quickly).

Jewel~hope your son is feeling better. No way the night before caused his croup. It must have been "cooking" for a good 48-72 hours. Viruses are going around. Usually cool air helps those kinds of respiratory things. Did they put him on antibiotics too? I tend to like kids on them if they are on steroids. (even though chances are it is a virus and they don't work on that.) But if he is getting better without- prob ok.

Cheri~ Glad you are ok after fall. What a doozy of a fall!

Julie~ Love your pic too. You do look young and pretty in it. : ) Hope the pain is getting better.

Apples~ My busy beaver! Have a GREAT trip back! Have fun seeing son and then have a safe drive! We will also look forward to hearing from you more often. : )

Eva~ Glad your trip to see cousins went well. I hope you are surviving the construction stuff. That makes me all nervous when dust is up and kicking around. : )

Janet~ How are you? I know you have been busy with family. HUGS

LauraK, LadyK and Femme~ howdy, nice to hear from you. : )

My parents arrived from NC today. They flew down in their little plane. Dad was in the co pilot seat and Nelson ran up to him and said "Grandpa, I am so glad you are feeling better and flying again!" He hadn't flown really, but sat up front. But he smiled just hearing the excitement in Nelson's voice. As soon as we got home Nels gave a demo with his new bike that they gave him. Dad was really weak and tired and plopped on the lazy boy in DH's office. Dad has been smoking cigars since chemo (makes him feel better) and I gave him an ashtray and said he could smoke in the house. No one ever is allowed to smoke in my house... but would do anything for him right now. My mom looks exhausted. Dad stopped using his CPAP- says he feels worse with it on, but now is snoring and mom cant' sleep. B/c of the low turnout at the party, everyone at the cupcakes and I had the cake still intact. His school has an BAN against chocolate and icing for birthday celebrations. (It's a Montessori thing) I made pumpkin muffin tops (which have sugar, just no icing). Same difference in my opinion. But it was good to do the cake with my parents. I even let Nelson just DIG IN with a fork and eat whatever parts he wanted! I cut a couple big pieces and then threw the rest. I just can't have it in the house.

OK girls, I will check back some time tomorrow. HUGS to all.

peasout... Laura

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Julie, I come in at least twice a day to catch up but I am so stressed right now, I don't post. Last week was really rough at school. My partner teacher and I received a new student. He has been kicked out of the alternative school. He has also been taken out of school by three cops, all the while, trying to take their guns and screaming that he is going to kill them. He has threatened teachers and has an extremely violent side. He should not have been placed in the block with my partner teacher and myself, since we are the inclusion classes and this child is not sped but received 504 services. We already have 3 autistic children and 2 other sped kids in our regular ed classroom. Change is difficult on our autistic kids and yet they have given us 9 new kids since November. All of that being said, we are the best team for him. I am patient and always give a child a chance. Since they know that I will teach him and keep him in class if possible, he is put in my class. The child is so angry. Anger radiates off of his body. This is my tenth year of teaching and I have never experienced a child like this. The first day, if I correct him for anything his fists balled up and he swung them; not really at anyone, but he was swinging his fists. I have to try to convince him that we want him here and we aren't like his other schools. I told them(admins) at a meeting Friday that I feel like I have been beaten. My body hurts from tensing up and being on my guard each day. Then I proceeded to say that it isn't really his fault or problem; it is just me trying so hard to make sure he is ok, that my body has a TON of tension. Y'all I can do this for maybe another week, but after that, I can't keep it up. Physically and emotionally, I just can't do it. Hopefully, he will realize we are different and will let us give him a chance to succeed.

Oh, and Joyce, popcorn when you have to chew it so much, isn't very tasty. Later, if you aren't tight and don't chew it as much, THEN eat it again.:biggrin:

Cheri, isn't it amazing how we get bruised up at school? It happened to me last year. A child and I both went to catch something that was falling and he knocked me down. My head hit the wall as I went down and I was sore for a week. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Edited by crzytchr

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Crzytchr, sounds to me like you have a God-given gift to work with these children that others give up on.. Bless you............ No wonder you are stressed... As you work so hard for them it is my hope that you find ways to do nice things for yourself to help bring your stress levels down... How old are your kids??? all ages or just a certain age bracket??? Yes, it seems you and Cheri have a lot in common with your work.. You both do what lots of us could never do... So, you take care of yourself...... It's okay to share your stress with us, too.. I know you said you come on twice a day... We'l love to be a de-stressor for you anytime... And I know I can speak for many of the gals here............ We'll be praying for you this next week that you manage to get through to this child.... Best of luck and God be with you... Hugs............ Julie

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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