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Morning girls,

Jody, congrats on the new date... It won't be long now... You'll be just fine and all that info will seem like old hat soon.... Thanks for all the lessons on Jewish foods and such.. It's very interesting to a lifelong member of a little country Lutheran church in rural North Dakota.. I haven't had much opportunity to broaden my knowledge about other types of religions. We do have some friends who are Muslim, but they don't share much.. She is from Indonesia... And I know a few Mormons, but not their traditions... So, I like hearing about your traditions...

Judy, I have had all the things you mentioned... Just had accupuncture on Tuesday... the cortizone didn't help... The PT I'm getting now is not much more than a glorified massage... My appeal on the last denial by insurance was sent yesterday or today.... So, now we wait to see what happens... I did sleep a bit better last night... Woke up at 6:00 with pain, but it has subsided now and I'm doing my thing to get ready for tomorrow and also have Mimi... She is being fairly good today, but the day is young!!! She is naked except for her diaper right now... And now she is on my lap so that is the end of typing....

Lori, I remember having to do that with my Grandma, too, befor she could go to the nursing home.... But my parents did it, not me...... Bless your heart.....

Well, Mimi needs to be away from my desk... She makes me crazy, I have too much stuff in here.... Talk to you all after she goes home at 3:00, oh and my buzzer is going off, too, so my pistachio cake should be done... See ya.............. Julie

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Good morning, Lovelies!

DH just called and received a job offer for that promotion/move I mentioned awhile back. Looks like we will be moving to Utah, they are negotiating salary now so if that goes well......

I was supposed to have all day today to myself but told Grandma I'd take her shopping. We have to find something for her to spend $800 on herself. She is going on this long term care which is also part medicaid and she has $800 too much to qualify. She can't give it away but she can buy stuff for herself. Seems silly but after supporting herself for 100 yrs she is about to run out of money and needs some help, this is killing her to to this but it's a really good program. The medicaid lady gave her some ideas on what to spend it on, so hopefully she finds something, she is very very very shall I say thrifty or just say tight?? LOL I think it comes from living through the depression. Heck one day we were shopping and she needed lotion, she wouldn't buy the big economy size bottle as at 100 yrs old she might not live long enough to use it all and then will have wasted some money. LOL She loves Alfred Dunner clothes so we are going to penneys as they carry that brand.

Jody, I am going to Tiberias, I am spending 2 nights there. One night in Tel Aviv and the rest in Jerusalem. some of the things I will be seeing are Caesarea, Cana, Galilee, Hifa, Muchhaka where Elijah hid from King Ahab and later fought the Baal prophets, Megiddo, Nazareth, Beit-Shean, Gilgal, Jericho, Bethlehem, we will walk the Via Dolorsa, Massada, Ein Gedi, and much more.

Your talk about Purim is so interesting, last year at this time I was in a Bible study of Esther and one of the gals made those Cookies we called them Haman hats.

Some of your banding questions,

clear liquids means you can see through it

full liquids you can add more creamy stuff

soft/mushies is things like refried Beans, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, s/f puddings

For Protein Drinks, I'd suggest getting some now and taste testing so you have some on hand after surgery that you like. I didn't like many of them and it's such a personal preference. I preferred the Isopures (available at GNC) but others called them Iso'pukes'. Also GNC had these Protein Shots they called them. They came in what looks like an oversized test tube, they are 3 oz and made from whey Protein, they had the consistency of cough Syrup. However, a few of the varieties had 43 grams I believe of protein in them, so one oz had a lot of protein. Those first few days after surgery I had such a hard time getting in my protein which was supposed to be 40 grams minimum but preferrable 60 to 70. I could only drink an oz at a time, these 'shots' of 1 oz of those gave me about 13 grams at a time. They weren't the best tasting but helped me a lot.

Janet, have a fun visit with DS. I bet you look cute all the time!

Oh you are going to have a fabulous time!! You are going to some of my favorite places. I once spent a week camping in a tent off off the Kineret in Tiberias. Overlooking the galilee. I loved to go there..and just chill...whenever I needed to rethink. The Northern part of Israel has so much beuty and history.

I have a request actually. Since you are going to be in Jerusalem next week and my pre.surgery is on Thursday and Tuesday is the surgery....can I ask if you can say a prayer or put a note in the Western Wall for me and all of us who are being or have been banded?? That we should all be safe, successful and healthy?

If you have time...and are there but please dont go out of your way or disrupt the routine and trip if you cant....

Thanks for all the tips...for liquid Im going to check out GNC today....when I get the courage to face the after storm! lol

Have a safe trip.....a great weekend.

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Great 2BThin - will take me awhile to learn all your "real" names. Thanks for the hint about Protein Shots @ GNC - I'll be going there today too.

My sister leaves on Monday for Telaviv too. She is traveling with a tour group.

Have a wonderful trip.

Joyce in KC

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Clear Liquids - just that - chick broth (home made is the best - so make a batch pre-surgery - freeze it) sf popsicles - juice low sugar - preferably sf - flavor sf Jello - and I am not sure what else - I didn't have to to clear liquids one I got home from the hospital

Full liquids include clear liquids and - cream Soups (again homemade the best - I would make a pot of Beans - scoop the beans out - pureed them added them back to the bean broth - cream of bean soup)- sf/low fat yogurt (dannon lite in fit or yoplia sf - or some greek yogurt flagu or something like that - i have never found it) - sf fudgesicles - Protein shakes- sf jello flavored not plain ;0) - sf puddings

Mushie/Pureed - Refried bean - oatmeal (weight control as it has more pt and less sugar) - cream of wheat - scrambled eggs - anything pureed - baby food ;0) - well baby food fruit is ok plum & peaches

Soft - anythng you can cut with a fork


There is a food thread on the home page which will give you ideas

My doc said 60 grms pt - 1 oz of meat = 7 grms of pt (rule of thumb 64 oz of liquid

Banders don't dump - that's bypass

Slime - when food gets stuck your body produces thick saliva to try and get food to go down - and it will bubble back up and come out your mouth..

PB - productive burp - when you get stuck - food doesn't go down - you will bring it back up - it's not like throwing up - no stomach acid - like a burp with food - but really it's a little more but not as bad as throwing up

Stuck feels like a golf ball in your chest/stomach - its uncomfortable - no it's not like a stomach virus at all for me once it comes up I am find

Protein - Bariatric Choice is a site where I get my protein supplements & Vitamins (LAP-BAND®) they sell Proti which is what my doc office sells - it's really a matter of personal taste and I don't know the diff between whey & soya or egg white (jay robb makes a good one like i said) to me it's all the same - but i'm not super technical on things like that..

They also have the clear Liquid Protein crystal lite drinks - I love the grape & peach mango - and tropical fruit..

When you go to your pre op visit your doc should cover all these things with you- I got a 3 ring binder with my diet for each stage and list of foods.

The rule is low fat - sugar free - high protein - limited carbs

eat slowly - chew very well and tiny bite (eraser size)

I basically follow a WW type eating plan - I can't do Atkins - I have to have some starches - and veggies and fruit - I consider all those things (veggie & fruit) as healthy.. when I say carbs - I really am refering to starches (white)

Ok that's a quick version - you other banders - please put your 2 cents in cuz it's be 2 yr 7months since I was banded - I forget things that I did in the beginning.

Oh ya - what I think is the most important - logging your food - counting calories & pt grams - ..

Well it's 10 - I gotta hit the hay - will chat w/you all in the a.m. before I leave

Hugs J

This has been so helpful. I really appreciate the in depth details and the time that you spent to rehash all the above even when you are wayyyy past this stage!!!

One thing however what is SF??? lol Some flavoring? NF im assuming is no flavoring? hmm. trying to figure this out.

Im reading Becks diet solution now as well. I can do Proteins and im a happy camper..and weve all but cut out the "whites" in what we make at home by this time anyways..

SF?? some flavoring? whats could be the diff with some or flavored. lol This is gonna have me wondering all darn day! (obsessive can you tell? lol)

I hope your right about the 3 ring binder and all the food stages listed. I think I might be in liquids straight away as well....not clear...at the second consult they did say liquids and then to blended and on when feel ready...no prescribed time table for anything just...clear liquid the day before.

so we shall see this Thursday.

Thank you thank you, thank you....

Morning girls,

Jody, congrats on the new date... It won't be long now... You'll be just fine and all that info will seem like old hat soon.... Thanks for all the lessons on Jewish foods and such.. It's very interesting to a lifelong member of a little country Lutheran church in rural North Dakota.. I haven't had much opportunity to broaden my knowledge about other types of religions. We do have some friends who are Muslim, but they don't share much.. She is from Indonesia... And I know a few Mormons, but not their traditions... So, I like hearing about your traditions...

Thank you, I guess. I like to hear about other religions, customs and traditions. My best time away from NY (or here) are visiting places of importance to everyone....and eating the food and experiences daily life as the people, country, cities I visit.

When we do go places...I never eat in the hotels or go on reg..planned tours...I like to eat where the people who live there eat...and go where they say to go....and when I get sick....from the unknown foods...well too bad for me...it was alwats worth it..I try to encorporate my cooking with lots of different styles and culture however...keeping Kosher at home hinders this all the time! I hate it. but....this is what I have subrscribed for myself and daughter at home....but outside I want to hear about everyone elses!!!

For instance...I love hearing about Mimi and how you are such a great grandmother and all that you do for your daughter and her. I love you for that!!!! I want to be Mimis home therapist. Or classroom teacher..i have this really strong feeling that she is a special girl!!! Im allready thinking about what we can do for Mimi...to make sure that she gets everything she needs!. Always the special educator I am...but not always, somehow the way you describe Mimi she reminds me so much of my Dassi when she was her age. So...between Mimi updates and hearing about your dellicous cooking....

I thank you!!!

I just would love you to fell better soon....!!!!


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Jodi, SF=sugar free -- I wanted to respond quickly so you wouldn't have to worry about it all day! LOL. The only thing I'd like to add is that I use Papaya enzyme tablets for whenever I get the "stuck" feeling -- it seems to help dissolve the stucked food and get it to process through more quickly. I'm surprised your surgeon hasn't already given you all the food information (3 ring binder) -- Before my surgery, I had to attend a mandatory meeting with a dietician and also had to go to two classes with a trainer so we could learn about the importance of exercise. After surgery, I had to attend several more mandatory nutrition classes. I used Unjury - it's okay -- I liked the vanilla and/or unflavored so I could blend it with strawberries -- otherwise I didn't like the taste. I had to have two blood gas tests -- because it was required to be done a certain time period before surgery -- they did one and then I had a long illness so my surgery had to be postponed for over 6 months and I ended up having to have another one. It was tolerable, but to be honest, it's not the most pleasant experience. I would ask how many the technician has done and make sure you have someone experienced. This had something to do with the pulmonologist requiring it - I had sleep apnea at the time of surgery --- so that's probably what you need it for as well.

Apples, so glad you are enjoying yourself. Yes, if you can stay longer I would -- everyone here is saying we're supposed to get at least 30 inches of snow during the month of March -- so if I were you, I'd stay down south. Supposedly that's been what the local weatherman is saying. I hope he's wrong!! I'm ready for spring.

Lori, have a wonderful time -- I think it would be hard to visit Israel without constantly crying -- the beauty, the history, just the thought of walking on the ground where Jesus walked I think would do me in. Have a great time and enjoy yourself. Congrats to your DH on the promotion. How long until you have to relocate? I hope you'll have quite awhile. I wish I were like your grandma - I spend way more freely than I think I should. But then again, I've always worked so I tell myself I deserve it. LOL. But some times I truly feel like a spendthrift.

Janet, have a safe and fun trip with the family this weekend. We'll miss you. I remember Becky -- she doesn't know me probably, but I was around reading back at the time when she had her surgery -- I've often wondered how she was doing. I wonder if she's still doing caregiver work. I remember that cause my mom used to do that kind of work.

Julie, hugs on the pain and good luck with your appeal -- I hope the ins. company will let you get an MRI -- I just can't understand why they would put you through such he!! and spend all the money on pt and pain meds when they don't even have a clue what is causing you the pain -- or if pt might be hurting you or causing you further injury -- this definitely falls under the definition of "insanity."

Jodi, forgot to mention that you made a really smart decision with your edible fruit choice -- I would love to get that as a gift from anyone -- what a great choice.

LauraK, I'm impressesd with your gardening credentials. I wish I had more time to do things like that.

CBL gotta run right now.

Cheri, sorry about the fall, feel better soon.

Hugs and love to all of you. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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I did watch Idol results last night and was disappointed on who went home. I just can't figure out why the votes ended up the way they did. But I can't really complain cause I didn't vote - I never vote except I do sometimes toward the end of the competition. But I have to really love someone to vote.

Also watched the ice skating -- what a wonderful competition it was this year -- the Korean and Japenese girls blew me away with their skills and confidence. Then the Canadian girl just did a beautiful performance dedicated to her mom - I was so happy she got a medal. Very emotional for me.

Laura, hope the party is great (I know it will be) tomorrow - have fun -- hope the weather is good. One of my young coworkers is on his way to Orlando today for his honeymoon -- so I hope he and his wife have good weather too.

Have a great Friday everyone I'll CBL. Linda

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Afternoon sisters,

I ran a few errends today but as always they take forever because I live so far away from town. I am taking my 5 year old to the Monster truck show tommorrow. We got free passes. Then if you wanna ride a monster truck you have to go to a local auto repair place and get tickets for it, it's free too. AND, if you wanna meet the drivers you have to get tickets for that from a ford dealership, that is also free. So I have been all over driving for about 3 hours trying to get all this "free" stuff. I know it is worth it though. He is going to be in heaven. We went last year and he still talks about it. Gotta check the weather and see if we need our rain gear.

Hubby got paid today which means I can buy my plane tickets to visit my brother. I can't wait to see him again. So much has changed since our last visit. I found a great deal at AAA.com. I am a little nervous because I have to catch a connecting flight in Atlanta. That airport is huge compared to ours and busy too. I am planning a 3 hour layover there. That will give me plenty of time I hope. I haven't flown in 14 years so I am not real sure how much time I will need. I know they want me there 2 hours before the plane leaves. I certainly don't want to get bumped by an overbooked plane. That happend when I was 14. They had changed the boarding time and we were late. Now I know to call the day before.


I am drinking the Protein drinks after my fills and for Breakfast. I was skipping breakfast alot and thought I would try this. That's why I was asking about Unjury. After linda's comment though about not liking them I think I will stick to adkins.

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Good morning, Lovelies!

DH just called and received a job offer for that promotion/move I mentioned awhile back. Looks like we will be moving to Utah, they are negotiating salary now so if that goes well......

I was supposed to have all day today to myself but told Grandma I'd take her shopping. We have to find something for her to spend $800 on herself. She is going on this long term care which is also part medicaid and she has $800 too much to qualify. She can't give it away but she can buy stuff for herself. Seems silly but after supporting herself for 100 yrs she is about to run out of money and needs some help, this is killing her to to this but it's a really good program. The medicaid lady gave her some ideas on what to spend it on, so hopefully she finds something, she is very very very shall I say thrifty or just say tight?? LOL I think it comes from living through the depression. Heck one day we were shopping and she needed lotion, she wouldn't buy the big economy size bottle as at 100 yrs old she might not live long enough to use it all and then will have wasted some money. LOL She loves Alfred Dunner clothes so we are going to penneys as they carry that brand.

Jody, I am going to Tiberias, I am spending 2 nights there. One night in Tel Aviv and the rest in Jerusalem. some of the things I will be seeing are Caesarea, Cana, Galilee, Hifa, Muchhaka where Elijah hid from King Ahab and later fought the Baal prophets, Megiddo, Nazareth, Beit-Shean, Gilgal, Jericho, Bethlehem, we will walk the Via Dolorsa, Massada, Ein Gedi, and much more.

Your talk about Purim is so interesting, last year at this time I was in a Bible study of Esther and one of the gals made those Cookies we called them Haman hats.

Some of your banding questions,

clear liquids means you can see through it

full liquids you can add more creamy stuff

soft/mushies is things like refried Beans, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, s/f puddings

For Protein drinks, I'd suggest getting some now and taste testing so you have some on hand after surgery that you like. I didn't like many of them and it's such a personal preference. I preferred the Isopures (available at GNC) but others called them Iso'pukes'. Also GNC had these Protein Shots they called them. They came in what looks like an oversized test tube, they are 3 oz and made from whey protein, they had the consistency of cough Syrup. However, a few of the varieties had 43 grams I believe of protein in them, so one oz had a lot of protein. Those first few days after surgery I had such a hard time getting in my protein which was supposed to be 40 grams minimum but preferrable 60 to 70. I could only drink an oz at a time, these 'shots' of 1 oz of those gave me about 13 grams at a time. They weren't the best tasting but helped me a lot.

Janet, have a fun visit with DS. I bet you look cute all the time!

Lori, Congrats on your DH's promotion. I hope you have a great time.

My mother's favorite brand is Alfred Dunner. I usually can find them at Penney's or Palais Royal( may be a different name in your town). I know your GM is so grateful for you taking such good care of her.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!:cursing:

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Jodi, SF=sugar free -- I wanted to respond quickly so you wouldn't have to worry about it all day! LOL. The only thing I'd like to add is that I use Papaya enzyme tablets for whenever I get the "stuck" feeling -- it seems to help dissolve the stucked food and get it to process through more quickly. I'm surprised your surgeon hasn't already given you all the food information (3 ring binder) -- Before my surgery, I had to attend a mandatory meeting with a dietician and also had to go to two classes with a trainer so we could learn about the importance of exercise. After surgery, I had to attend several more mandatory nutrition classes. I used Unjury - it's okay -- I liked the vanilla and/or unflavored so I could blend it with strawberries -- otherwise I didn't like the taste. I had to have two blood gas tests -- because it was required to be done a certain time period before surgery -- they did one and then I had a long illness so my surgery had to be postponed for over 6 months and I ended up having to have another one. It was tolerable, but to be honest, it's not the most pleasant experience. I would ask how many the technician has done and make sure you have someone experienced. This had something to do with the pulmonologist requiring it - I had sleep apnea at the time of surgery --- so that's probably what you need it for as well.

Jodi, forgot to mention that you made a really smart decision with your edible fruit choice -- I would love to get that as a gift from anyone -- what a great choice.

Too funny...I went shopping just before and as Im looking for things for next week...I see a whole section of food....that says....SUGAR FREE! I was otfl.

I wanted to post this as soon as returning so everyone wouldnt be running to post if they werent ready to post today just for that!! Thanks anyways for the fast response I saw it and just was like...was right!!!

as for the pulmonologist? he didnt say anything about a blood gas needing to be done...however perhaps on Thursday when I will have the pre-surgery and the patient education..I suppose this is where I will find this all out.

Ill let you all know...

Have a great weekend!


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Jewell - I enjoyed your vblog. Sending good luck on continued weight loss and journey to health.

I'm starting baby food today - very gently. Full fluids now until next Saturday. Want to try the greek yogurt everyone talks about.

Have a nice weekend ladies.


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My Nelson got his yellow belt in taekwondo. So proud of the little stinker. Just in time for his birthday party tomorrow too! 25 little 5-6 year olds!

I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Didn't even get to read posts. I was sending some pics to my Dad and thought I would share while I was on real quick.

Hugs to everyone. Tomorrow night I should have time to get caught up with the posts.

peasout... Laura

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Congratulations, Nelson (and Mommy & Daddy). Great pictures and a wonderful training sport for children.


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Laura, great pics, congrats to Nels. Have fun at your party.

Joyce, I think you were the one asking about Protein. I use Super Whey Protein Shots. This is how I make sure I get all my protein. They have 26 grams in them. Not bad tasting, a fruit punch.

Lori, congrats on you DH's promotion. Have a wonderful time in Isreal. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Apples, My daughter is in MN tonight said it was a sunny drive all the way over. She is flying out of Min. airport tomorrow for Phoenix.

Jodi, great pick on the fruit baskets. I would love to get one as I'm sure your fam/friends will be. Some times we have to start new traditions, since you are about to start your new life.

Linda, I'm not sure how smart or good I am but I love my plants and flowers so this is a good way to learn. Almost all of the mbrs are much older than me and they have so much more experience and such a great resource.

Julie, hope you are getting some relief and can sleep tonight.

You ladies got me thinking about Jerky so I have 2.5 lbs of chicken in a dry brine ready to smoke tomorrow. Also made a big batch of texas cavair. My step dad loves it and he is smoking my jerky so I will take him a big bowl.

If I missed someone I'm thinking of all of you. Take care.

Laura K

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Thank you Joyce, I thought I recognized your name as a subscriber. I have made so many friends on you tube doing that.

Well just in time for the Monster Jam I get sick again. I am still gonna go but it probably won't help things. I do have an extra day off on monday so I will have time to rest up. I don't know if it is the weather or if it was my tooth brush so I am gonna switch that out. It is going to be freezing tonite so we are all bundled up.

Heave a great day everyone.

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Judy - you are too sweet about me looking cute; I bet you were fab in you play !!! I would love to see it - I bet you had them cracking up !!

Lori- Congrats on your DH promo - I know that you don't really want to move - Your GM cracks me up my aunt was the same way - not wanting to spend $$ - Give me $800 and I could have it spend in 15 minutes lol

Looking cute - well when I'm made up not bad for an old broad - but I still see myself in my old body sometimes

You are going to have a wonderful time in Isreal !!

Julie glad you got some rest.. Hopefully this appeal will go thru - i too think it's your neck - I think you do quite well with you pain - alot better than I would

I love learning about diff pple and their customs and beleifs it's very interesting - imho I think we all beleive in the same god - just in diff ways.. I have a good friend who's a jehova witness - grew up with my bff who was jewish - another freind was moran and my trainer was raised muslim and have another gf who's a buhdist (sp)..

Jodi I bet they will go over your after surgery diet when you go for you pre op - and learning all the lingo takes a while

sf = sugar free nf= non fat lf=low fat pt = Protein - when I talk about carb - for me it's really starches not veggies or fruit = those are healthy things (well potatos are a veggie but really a starch ;0)

Pt supplements are really individual taste - find out if your doc has samples - thats the best way to go befor you buy a big container of pt.

No biggie on the explainations - that's what we are here for = heck I forgot about cottage cheese - cuz I don't eat it that's why its good for everyone to put their 2 cents in :00

I got an eatible fruit boquet last year for my bday - they are great gift !!! WTG you got a banders brain already :0)

Joyce - it does take a while - some like to use their real names - others like to be annoymuos cuz they haven't told pple about their surgery - I know a few didn't want their real names on the internet - cuz if you google indiogirl you will find out about me - lapband isn't private.

Linda - I'm a big cry baby booby too - I would cry while touring Isreal too :0)

I haven't ck'd my email yet - am on DS laptop - so everyone please excuse spelling and typing - laptops are a diff beast since I don't use them ..

Hopefully becky does come back -

Ya on idol - I think the girl who sang i want to hold your had should have gone home - but like you I didn't vote - heck I am not up to watch the whole thing - I usually watch the 2nd half the next day -

I will vote at the end..

I saw part of the skating - tivo'd it will watch it when I go home

Jessica - I know alot of pple who drink shakes for bf - I don't very often - except for those pure Protein Shake (banana cream) that I found at GNC - I love it - it's like a treat but it doesn't keep me full long enough - but somedays I need the pt - and it's only 150 cal and 35 grms pt..

3 hrs in ALT will be enough time - you don't have to be at the airport 2 hr ahead of time when changing planes - that's only when you have to go thru security - it just depends on what gate you land at and what gate you have to go to (distance) I have only been to ALT once- and it was being remodel - they had a bare mineral store - that's all I remember about it..

At 14 you got bumped - I can't beleive it - you were still a kid ..

Hope you are feeling better today - yep after you have been sick you are suppose to change or steralize your toothbursh

I love monster truck shows and destruction derbies -

Charlene - I think Alfred Dunner is the fav line of clothing for older ladies - it was my Aunt's fave too,

Hope you have a good weekend !!!

My Nelson got his yellow belt in taekwondo. So proud of the little stinker. Just in time for his birthday party tomorrow too! 25 little 5-6 year olds!

I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Didn't even get to read posts. I was sending some pics to my Dad and thought I would share while I was on real quick.

Hugs to everyone. Tomorrow night I should have time to get caught up with the posts.

easout... Laura

Laura Love the pic's tell nelson congrats !! Got to tell you my dil & ds sure don't worry about the house when I got here - it's a mess - but they are messy - I slept in baby gd room - no clean sheet -- lol my dil has been sick - but still I had to cook dinner and son wasn't her when I got here - he was at friends = so my visit was no biggie..

Laura - What's tx caviar?? chexmix stuff - I want to make Jerky - eva has told me how she does it - my ds makes it too well maybe one of these days :0)

omg the battery went dead on the lap top brooke went and got me the plugin - thankfully i didn't lose my post !!!! If I had - I would have just said HI

Well gang just wanted to say hi - and see what's up

Think I am going to hit the shower - heck brooke is the only one up and it's 8:45.... I guess I just get up to early for them - but enjoyed the quite time.

will cbl

Hugs !!!

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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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