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Apples.... Eva DOES make the BEST salsa!! She brought us some when she was here in Nov and DH and I fought over it!! :tt1:

And would love to have sampled Julie's salsa! Nothing better than homemade salsa!

Feeling a little better this morning. Still a few aches and pains, and juicy cough... sorry! But I am going to the pool and at least sit in the hot tub for a while. Don't know if I'll do Water aerobics or not. And I want to go to beading at 11 a.m.!! I went last week not feeling good and now I'm getting blamed for making some of them sick!!:biggrin::tongue::thumbup:

Family issues this morning... too much to go in to, but DGS.. 17 yrs old... arrested and in juvie for truancy. His mother is a hopeless drunk and our son is barely able to support himself and in OK. DGS is in WA. Big mess! Have phone calls to make.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Safe travels, Eva!

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Good morning guys~

Well, it FINALLY happened. After MONTHS of staying between 226-230, I finally broke the 225 barrier! Actually yesterday, and today it was 224!!! I haven't been under 225 in a long time (6 years or so). I haven't been exercising (to the gym- purposeful exercise/weights) in a while, but I have been walking a lot. This weekend I was pretty good. Not having snacks/food around really helped me. Maybe I should live in a hotel?! I so wanted the 100 off for my 1 year anniv. I don't think that will happen, but I will be closer.

I kept Nelson out of school today. I was all set thinking he would go back today and 10 min before bed last night he spiked another 102 fever. I am just feeling guilty b/c I pulled him out of school 2 days last week (to meet everyone in Orlando)... and then he will miss next Monday b/c we are going to NC to see my Mom and Dad. He still has no appetite. I even bought him a choc. iced donut and vanilla milkshake from DD. He licked the icing off and said "no thanks, can you save them for me". What kid doesn't want a milkshake?! In between fevers he is 100% fine- playing and energy.

Eva~ Wishing you safe travels. I hope your visit went well. Wow, you must have that Ft. Meyers to Orlando trip down pat! ; )

Karen~ Glad you got rid of all that food! You are the hostess with the mostess. You are amazing~ thought of every last detail for us this weekend! Thanks again for doing all that.

Janet~ How is your sis? Sorry to hear about your power. Guess what- my @*&^%$# DVR didn't record Survivor! I had to watch it on the computer. I was p.o.ed. I am seriously thinking about applying for that show. Hell, at 300 I couldn't have done it- but I am feeling more and more capable. I could use the million dollars!

JeweI~ Hope you feel better soon! I hate being sick. I hope your Dad does think about improving his life. You can't force him- just have to be supportive.

ok guys, time to go get some work done. The house looks like a hurricane went through. (toys everywhere). Oh, today I had to take DH's car to the mechanic (check engine light) ugghh. I had called ahead to make sure they had a loaner. Well, they gave me the run around- said I had to wait. I said, ok- just so you know this kid is sick with fever of 102 and I don't know what he has. The loaner car appeared in 2 minutes! LOL.

I will CBL... peasout.. Laura

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Janet...Laura's post reminded me that I did not comment on your sis. Hope she has a quick recovery. You have had soooooooo much going on the last couple of weeks. Hope you can find time to get some rest. Feeling better today?

Phyll...sorry to hear of your GS's trouble. I'd like to go smack his mother and tell her to get her head where it belongs. With her kid. I know you will do what you can to help but sometimes these things just need to run it's course and hope he learns from this experience. Hugs.

Funny...I brought home a jar of salsa from the weekend that Judy bought for Julie and I picked it up at the 7/11. That's what I threw in the bread. We did not have the priviledge of tasting Eva's salsa, but her tamales and beef Jerky were the best. Can't believe she travaled all the way with them in her suitcase and they stayed frozen. Oh wait.....they were in DFW and in MN type weather. LOL Hope you start to feel better soon. Seems everyone around here has the "Snotty Nose Syndrome". I am knocking on wood. So far, so good.

Laura...I am doing the happy dance in your honor. Congrats on breaking your plateau. Poor Nels. He's had his share of virus' lately. How's the rash? It sure was a strange looking one. My kids usually had the sandpaper looking one. I know if your DH was concerned, it must has been a bad one.

Would love to follow you on Survivor, Laura. You have strength and determination and could kick some butt. Sign up and let me know if you need a manager when you become famous.

Jewel...good morning. Sorry to hear you are also sick. Good job staying home. Not only to protect others but to get your rest. Take care.

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Hi everyone! I'm can join in with the others and report a 1 pound loss!! Yippee!! It's been since Dec. 22 since I lost ANYTHING so I am a happier girl today. Just keeping fingers crossed that it will continue each week -- I'll take 1 pound a week or heck I'll take 1 pound every other week for that matter as long as I have SOME loss. So congrats to all of us who are breaking through the plateau barriers! Truly been tough, but think how helpful we'll be when some of the newer bandsters get to their plateaus.

Eva, have a safe trip home -- my DH and I love homemade tamales. We used to have a contact in Long Beach and used to buy them from a nice lady -- sooooo yummy -- miss them a lot. I'm a wimp on spicy - I can't eat really hot peppers -- I break out in blisters - so unless it's rather mild salsa I can't eat it usually - I love the taste but my lips and tongue just can't take the heat. I already know I'm weird. LOL.

Janet, you've certainly had a lot of company. Hope your sister gets better -- I have a friend who's developed some breathing problems the past year - chronic bronchitis and her docs want her to quit smoking - so tough to do (as I struggled for years). My mom had emphazemia (sp?) and after watching her struggle I finally had the courage to give it up. I was a 2 pack a day for over 30 years -- so you know how tough that was.

JEssica, hope you get better soon -- sounds like everyone has what I had in January -- very miserable -- it took forever to go away, so I feel for all of you suffering. Laura, sure hope Nelson gets better soon -- gosh, I would eat a doughnut and milkshake any time, fever or no fever -- most likely he'll never develop a weight problem - I used to love to eat when I was sick - what's that old saying, starve a fever, feed a cold? Well, I used to feed both as I recall. LOL.

Janet, hope you get a chance to finish watching Survivor. I'm excited, I think this season will be great - I really enjoyed it last week. And Laura, YES YES YES, please apply to be on it -- that would be fabulous to have someone we care about to cheer on!! I myself would LOVE to try out for Amazing Race -- I love that show as well. This season there's a 72 year old woman (she says she's now a triathlete - said she was a former couch potato) on it. So if she could do it, so could I.

I watched some of the Olympics last night -- there's so much to watch -- I do enjoy it all though. I stayed up until almost Midnight watching what I tivo'd -- didn't get up this a.m. -- no time for exercise. That's okay I deserved a day off anyway.

Phyll sorry to hear you don't feel well and the GS issues. Hope that gets resolved soon.

Well, gotta run, this is my lunch hour and it's about over. CBL. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Hello dear ones,

I'm just back from Bismarck for PT.. DH had done some shopping while he was waiting for my flight on Sunday and wanted me to see, so we went early to go to Lowe's... Spent $500 on lawn and yard things!!!!! Big sale.... We are planning to bust out a door from our bedroom on the back side of our house and put a patio...not large, but enough so I can sit and watach Mimi play in our very large bag yard... We got a square table with 4 mesh type chairs so I don't have to haul cushions around, and a 10 x10 gazzebo type thing for shade... and then a few yard ornaments... Was fun.. I like just what he picked out... Stopped at Walmart for a few supplies and then home to pick up Mimi... she is now asleep while watching Little Bear, so I know she is tired... no nap yesterday... I may join her when I'm finished here... My brother from SD came last night unexpectedly.. He has business here and will camp out a few nights.. Stayed up rather late talking to him....

Phyll, I'm so sorry to hear of problems with your GS... Yes, one just wants to shake that mother..... Good luck and hope you are feeling better real soon.

Laura, that poor boy.... hope the fever breaks for good soon.... WTG with breaking 225......... Love to be where you are, but I guess I'm going to say, "I'll get there, too, eventually!" Mimi loved her turtle and takes him everywhere now... Squirt and Caillou.....

Jessica, feel better..... Wow, you are really speading your wings to help the boss and dad.... Good for you and them... Keep up the good work...

Arlene, yup, Janet gave me the pep talk, too.... We need to listen to her... She knows... and she cares!!!!

Eva, so glad you and DH are having a good time.. Safe journey now and we'll talk to you when you get home...

Apples, I'm not surprised to know you made good use of the supplies... I'm so glad... thanks again for having it there for us... it was wonderful.... no unhealthy temptations... Enjoy your 2 days of solitude, you and Tanker... I hear you about the farm equipment... DH and his buddy spent last night trying to figure out how to get his wife and I to want to go on an excursion just about like that... We're not to excited!!!! Rather stay home with that solitude like you are now...

Janet, are you back in the swing at work??? Hope your sis is better soon....

Laura K, so glad your dog is better....

Judy, whatcha doing?????? I'm gonna take nap.....

Hey girls, new subject............. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday for lots of us.... Do you do the giving up thing for Lent...??? I do sometimes and not others.. Depends on how much willpower I think I have at the time... I'm thinking with my newly encouraged attitude I'm going to try to give up bread until Easter... Not crackers, but just really white bread as that is my biggest problem... I made homemade white bread for supper last night and have one small loaf left.. Thank goodness DB is here so I can make sure he gets his fill of it... Less to tempt me.... I have till tomorrow night at 7:00 to decide for sure, but I'm leaning that way.. I can do that for 7 weeks, don't you think... and it should really promote a reasonable loss by Easter, too... Let's say 10 pounds.... What do you think, sisters????

Gotta go catch a nap when I can... Love to all.... Julie

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Linda, I was posting when you were.......Congrats on the loss..... Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll bet you are so glad that wait (weight, too) is over.... I hope to follow in your footsteps soon........ WTG....:biggrin:

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Oh my, between the sicknesses and family issues, I'd better start saying my night-time prayers now--at 3 in the afternoon! Seriously, EVERYONE feel better, know that your families are in our thoughts.

Congrats to the scale moving to those who saw a change! There is no where else on earth where you can find people who understand how even one pound can be motivating---and cheer you on. Plateaus are discouraging, but they end--and the scale moves again.

I finally unpacked from the weekend trip---yes, 2 days! Doing laundry--a favorite--NOT! Lost the lb. I gained over the weekend--those SOY nuts were addictive--will NOT have those in the house (but they were good).

I think one of the best gifts of the weekend was the level of TRUST we were willing to show. We were vulnerable, but knew we were in a safe place where no one formed a judgement--we just listened and loved. Thank you for that.

Rehearsal tonight--better brush up on my lines.

Hugs to all--Judy

PS I want to see a picture of Mimi in the cute hat that Julie bought!

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Whoohoo Linda...congrats on breaking that plateau! You have the right attitude in no expecting huge weekly weightloss. Lb per week or every couple of weeks is a good goal.

Judy..congrats also on the lb. lost from your weekend. Most likely not the nuts but the salt on them. They are actually a go-to snack that I have had on hand for a very long time. Quite healthy but on a limited basis. And, just half serving (1/4 cup and 110 cals) can stave off hunger for a long time. I sometimes use them as a meal supplement when I am on the road and no time to stop for meals.

Julie...giving up white bread is probably the best thing you could do for yourself. I know you have said many times that it is your weakness. You know I am not lecturing you on this....we all have our weakness'. And, giving it up might just be what you need to break the going up and down on those couple of lbs. you were talking about. It's worth a try. I think (for what that is worth) giving it up could just be the ticket for you. Really watch the carbs in the crackers also. Maybe you will have some takers to a 7 week challenge from others that want to give something up for lent.

You talking about giving something up for lent reminded me of my youngest DS. I think I have posted this story b/4 so bear with me if you have heard it b/4. We used to be Catholic and my kids were encouraged by their Sunday School teachers to give something up for lent. You have to know my youngest to really understand how he operates. Think of MN and winter and that certain fruits and veggies just are not available during that time of year. The little bugger came home so proud to let us know that he would be sacrificing and giving up corn on the cob and watermelon. LOL

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Is it bedtime yet??? :biggrin::sleep::thumbup: Gosh I am tired today, probably doesn't help I was up half the night last night. My dang knee was bothering me and it hasn't done that for some time now. What's up with that? I didn't even over do it or anything. Then was up at 6am this morning and did my errands with Grandma today since yesterday was a Monday holiday and DH was home. It was a challenge today with her too, sometimes they are, and the fact I was so tired didn't help my patience level. I went and got a pedicure after to just relax. I just love getting a pedicure, i feel so pampered.

Sounds like we got some good losers here today!! Congrats to Linda & Laura for breaking those plateaus!

Janet, hope your sister is okay, enjoy your visit with your son!

Eva, hope you are having an uneventful flight back home.

Jewel, awesome that you are such an inspiration to others already with your band!

Phyl, hope you are feeling better.

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Wow - I've been reading this thread for 45 minutes. So many ladies to get to know and such varied life issues.

Our computer was out from Sunday @ midnight until 3 pm today. Can't live without it.

Congratulations to those who had losses and broke plateaus. Interesting to see how the weight loss flows with the band.

On Day 9 of 14 of pre-op diet. No problems. Saw my primary care physician yesterday to request liquid Rx meds.

No luck - pharmacist recommends crushing & adding to juice or Water. Works for me.

This thread feels soooooo warm and comfortable.

Thanks for including me.

Joyce in Kansas City

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Hey Gang – Going by memory on this

Laura WTG girl !!! It’s the staying busy and being out of the house with all those little things we pop in our mouth and don’t even think of – it makes a big difference !!!

Andrew said he cancelled one recording on Thursday – I said I hoped it wasn’t survivor – it wasn’t he cancelled Grey’s Anatomy – but I only got to the 1st competion last night and went to bed..

I would love to be on the show too – but I don’t know if I could live through those weather conditions :0)

Hope Nelson is feeling better this afternoon – Omg you know how to get things done don’t you (car issue ;0)

Love your signature pic ;0)

Karen – Thanks !!! I talked to her yesterday she was starving so called DS and told him to go visit and take her 2 KFC chicken legs – the kids said she scarfed them down - I talked to her today – she sounded better – hopefully will go home tomorrow..

Jessica – Hugs on being sick – glad to hear DH boss getting band – I know a girl I use to work with got bypass after she saw me losing the weight – it’s nice that we encourage pple to get healthy – no matter what method..

Phyl – Hugs


GF yes I have had a lot of company – Sis & family weekend before last – Florida last weekend and now DS & family will be here til Friday… The biggest problem is that I have only 1 extra room and that means someone sleeps on the couch & air mattrest in the living room and I am up at 5 – I try to be quite – but it messes with my rountine..

In fact tonite – Is AI – Olymipic and Lost – I can’t record all 3 only two and have to watch one of the 2 so I canceled Olympics and will record the one that comes on at 2 a.m. which is the repeat of what shows at 8 - OMG Being a t.v. person can be hard sometimes :0)

2 packs a day – I am about just a little less than a pack of day.. I will quit one of these days

Julie – Don’t know if I am back in the swing – but I am here :0) – I bet you are ready for spring and how nice to have a place to sit and watch Mimi

Yes – I think it would be good to give it up (white bread/crackers etc) my gf gives up Cookies and she always loses weight during lent.. I think it would be a good jump start :0)

I’m like Karen’s DS – I use to give up homework for lent !!!!! Our family didn’t do that kind of stuff – so I have never given anything up.

Judy have fun tonite – I got unpacked and washed yesterday – but I still have clothes to put away

Well gang – don’t know if I will have a chance to get back on tonite – I will try –

Hugs to all

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Forgot to comment on the Lent tradition of giving something up. I am not Catholic and have never done that. However, Julie, I think it would be great for you to give up the white bread, especially if it is a weakness of your's. Might just jumpstart your losses as well. I had a tiny piece of a roll at lunch today and that is about all the bread I've had since banding. I just don't do bread well since my band. And even that one taste I knew it was a good thing i can't handle bread well as I would've loved more!

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You talking about giving something up for lent reminded me of my youngest DS. I think I have posted this story b/4 so bear with me if you have heard it b/4. We used to be Catholic and my kids were encouraged by their Sunday School teachers to give something up for lent. You have to know my youngest to really understand how he operates. Think of MN and winter and that certain fruits and veggies just are not available during that time of year. The little bugger came home so proud to let us know that he would be sacrificing and giving up corn on the cob and watermelon. LOL

That is pretty funny!! Smart kid!! LOL!

Wow - I've been reading this thread for 45 minutes. So many ladies to get to know and such varied life issues.

Our computer was out from Sunday @ midnight until 3 pm today. Can't live without it.

Congratulations to those who had losses and broke plateaus. Interesting to see how the weight loss flows with the band.

On Day 9 of 14 of pre-op diet. No problems. Saw my primary care physician yesterday to request liquid Rx meds.

No luck - pharmacist recommends crushing & adding to juice or Water. Works for me.

This thread feels soooooo warm and comfortable.

Thanks for including me.

Joyce in Kansas City

Glad to have you join us, Joyce! I see we are the same age. Meds can be a challenge. I find I am able to swallow all of those i have to take. I would like to be able to take a fish oil supplement, but can't find anything small enough to swallow. I used to buy these things that I think were called Cor-Omega and they were little packets of fish oil that you could squeeze out in to pudding or something. But I can no longer find them anywhere. They had them ONCE at costco, and Riteaid used to sell them, but now I can't find them anywhere.

Heard from DGS a few minutes ago. Court appearance is over.. they dismissed the warrant for his arrest and his mother agreed to let him go back and stay with his girlfriend and her parents! He will enroll in the school in their area tomorrow. And the prosecuting attorney is setting it up for him to go to a military school July 19 that will help him finish high school. He said he will be there for 5 months. Then he'll be 18 and he can enlist... which is what he really wants to do. So lets hope he follows through with all of this!

DH did get the Wii out this morning, so I got on it... lost 10 lb since last Monday! Some of the cruise weight must have been Fluid, but I haven't been eating much since I've been sick. So I'm at 196, which is a new low for me. Was nice to be able to finally change my ticker again!!

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Wow - I've been reading this thread for 45 minutes. So many ladies to get to know and such varied life issues.

Our computer was out from Sunday @ midnight until 3 pm today. Can't live without it.

Congratulations to those who had losses and broke plateaus. Interesting to see how the weight loss flows with the band.

On Day 9 of 14 of pre-op diet. No problems. Saw my primary care physician yesterday to request liquid Rx meds.

No luck - pharmacist recommends crushing & adding to juice or Water. Works for me.

This thread feels soooooo warm and comfortable.

Thanks for including me.

Joyce in Kansas City

Joyce...I don't appreciate computer issues either. We are vacationing for a month in a cabin in a forest and we have intermitent internet service. I just grab on when I can. It's weird...service is terrible when the sun is shining. No phone service in about a 15 mile radius so we hooked up our own phone this year. Need that security and want to talk to our sons when we need or want to.

Just wanted to wish you luck with your pre-op diet. Hang in there. It will be behind you b/4 you know it and you will be a banded person. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we look forward to following along with you on your band journey. Always nice to have someone to look to when you might have questions and this thread is a good place to find some advice. This is where I came when I was frustrated and never left. (They just cannot shake me:laugh:).

Just be prepared for some minor ups and downs during the process. Not everyone has plateaus but I think the majority of us did. It takes patience and stick-to=itness. You just need to take things day by day, have a plan and go from there. Keep focused on the final result that you are looking for. I think for most of us it was our health that we wanted to restore. You are going to feel so much better not too long from now. I guess the bit of advice that I give time after time is to follow all of your doc's rules and start MOVING as soon as you are cleared to do so. Just some kind of exercise 30 minutes a day makes such a difference in how a person feels and how the weight comes off. Find what is right for you...and remember to mix it up a bit so that you don't get bored. Same goes with your menu...plan, plan, plan but make sure to try new things once in awhile. Ask if you need some ideas for your food plan. You will always have someone willing to share their experience.

Well, ready to lock up the cabin for the night. Puppa is missing Pappa and had a restless day. Think he will be sleeping with Momma tonight. Take care and everyone have a good evening.:biggrin:

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Oh Phyll!!!! That is great news on the weight loss. You deserve it and an all time low is even better. Also, happy to hear about GS. Hope GF parent's take good care of him. Also hoping that he will follow through on what needs to be done. Thanks for filling us in on him. You must be breathing a sigh of relief. Take care.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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