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:heart:Happy Valentine's Day!!!:hurray:

I just got home after that wonderful trip to Orlando. Here are some of the pics from the weekend. I am already looking forward to the next one!!! Thanks to everyone for making it such a nice weekend. My DH and Nels enjoyed meeting everyone too!

peasout... Laura

#1 Group Pic

#2 Girls at the Outlet Mall

#3 All ready to go out to dinner

great pics. Wish I were in them.

I went through a spell where I thought I was crazy too. You are so right though I want an extraordinary life. I got so tired of hiding from the world. I have decided it is time for me to change so I can live a full life. My husband was actually a little jealous that the ladies here inspired me to make travel plans, plans to visit the country. Shoot maybe even do a trip outside the country. Hubby and I always talk about it but we never follow through. I am making major changes in my life right now and the LAP-BAND® is part of that. It feels like I hit my midlife crisis early. Hopefully he will love the new me even more and he will see that it's not just me that's gonna get out but him too. My whole family is gonna beenifit from the changes I am making.

Jewel, its so great that you've decided to get a life at such a young age. Good for you.

Hello friends,................ haven't read any posts, but just wanted to tell you I'm home safe and sound..... My DH was waiting at the door dressed in his best western suit with his red heart western tie he wore at our wedding, holding a dozen red roses..... What a valentine and welcome home... I was very happy as was he......

I have to check back now to make sure Janet made her flight home and the rest drove safely and all of the rest of you are doing well....... So, I'll be back tomorrow when I can.... and just in case you haven't heard, we had the most wonderful weekend.... wish you all could have been there..... Love and hugs to all......... Julie

AWW! Your husband sounds like a sweetie.

I just sat down to catch up on all of the posts. Wow, there were a lot of them since yesterday. I enjoyed hearing about the Florida trip and seeing the pictures. It looks like it was great fun. It seems the shopping was pretty good too!

I would like to thank everyone for all of the birthday wishes and for being so welcoming. I have had two great days of celebrating. Yesterday, my husband gave me a day at the spa and then took me and my Dad to China town for dinner. Today, our whole family got together at my sisters and celebrated some more. It was awesome. I think this was the best birthday I have had (and I have had 53 of them). It was great to Celebrate with family. Getting under 200 pounds was the icing on the cake. I am probably a little over right now, after all of the celebrating.:angry:

I am sure I celebrated a little too much however, tomorrow morning it is back to business as usual. Weather permitting, I live in the suburbs of Chicago and it can get cold here, I will go out and run. I have been doing the couch to 5 K program and I have done better that I thought I would. I can jog a ¼ mile now before I need to walk to catch my breath. I never would have thought that I would be a runner but here I am giving it my best. Believe it or not, I am even enjoying it and look forward to it. I still hate the treadmill. I feel like a gerbil when I run or walk on it. I love the outdoors and as long as I am out I enjoy the whole exercise thing more.

Happy Valentines Day everyone!:lol:

Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin' town! Hooray! Finally another Chicagoan. Maybe someday we can get people to come here for a meet. I love this town and it has so much to offer. I'd love to meet you. E-mail cherifl@comcast.net.

Review of the weekend:

1. Everyone was a cutie-patootie. Especially Nelson.

2.There was eating. Our surgeons would be proud.

3. A man at the food Court wanted to know how we knew each other. I told him we were former porn stars.

4. Julie can go from awake to dead asleep in 7 seconds.

5. Sharing scars and port placement has made us lapsisters.

6. Shopping was fun. The Florida economy improved this weekend.

7. Laura had to be restrained from running over the airport security guard.

8. How much Crystal Lite can 6 women drink?

9. I even showed Janet my scar from my breast lift. We are now going steady.

10. We missed you and want you to be there next time!!


Comedians are a great commodity. Glad you were able to go.

Indio - thanks for your comments. Reading all the pre-op warnings is unsettling. Had a total knee replacement in May 2009 that was a real challenge. LAP-BAND® surgeon said this procedure will be NOTHING after what I went thru with the knee.

Need to focus on the success.

So nice to see your 112 lb loss and hear all the gals successes.

The future awaits.

BTW - DH has hired nurses for me the first 2 days to make it all easier. My valentine gift.

I've had double knee replacements (simultaneous) as well as shoulder repair, major neck surgery--lamenectomy, and a hysterectomy. This surgery was nothing. Walk in the park. Just gas issues. Move around a lot to break up the gas and feel free to fart frequently. Burp after every sip and swallow. I was fortunate to only have one incision. Everybody's different but most do very well.

Thank you for the "Welcome". It has been fun reading about the trip. Snow here in K.C. and very cold.

On day 7 of pre-op diet and beginning to wonder, "Am I crazy to do this?"

Want an extraordinary life - not an ordinary one. LAP-BAND® will help me achieve the health and body to reach that goal.


An extraordinary life! Go girl!

Love you girls and miss being on here everyday!

I hope you had an awesome time in Florida! I cannot wait to hear all about it and see pics!

I closed on my house on Friday and we are redecorating and moving stuff today. Good thing we don't have to be out of the apartment until the 1st!


Love you!


We understand. Glad to hear from you. So glad about the new house!

Happy Valentines Day. I'm off tomorrow for President's day. Going out for Breakfast with co-workers. LOL. Busman's holiday. But it is fun to see each other in a setting other than school.

Also have my 10th wedding anniversary this week on the 20th.

We'll probably go out to eat. Maybe I can convince him to take me dancing instead.

Had my grandsons overnight and most of the day today. Totally forgot it was Valentine's Day. We don't really Celebrate it. I just never got into the habit and never expected much from my first husband which was a good thing because he never did much. My DH has done more but I hate when he spends a lot of money on me when we can't afford it, so he's stopped doing it. He would get me candy and now he can't do that. LOL.

My family never made much of Valentine's Day growing up either. I brought valentines to school for my whole class but that was it. Certainly, my parents didn't spend any money on each other and they were too busy raising 5 kids and putting them through Christian school to pay attention to extraneous holidays.

Don't know whether I'm missing anything or not. Julie's husband, now that was cute. A great homecoming.

I guess VDay is sort of like manicures and pedicures and getting your hair done. I just can't get into it. I always feel like those things tie me down--like gift shopping and shopping period. And I'm never happy with the results. A lot of money for something that doesn't last more than a day or two. I know I'm really wierd compared to most women.

Now if my husband were to take me out dancing, I could get into that. I really don't want flowers, I don't wear perfume, I can't eat chocolates, I don't want expensive jewelry, and I just throw away cards after a day or two. I really hate salons and beauty days and massages, etc. That's like putting me in prison for the day. If he got some projects done around the house, I'd be ecstatic. Maybe a play or concert or art exibit downtown Chicago. But that's expensive and that tends to ruin it for me. So, poor guy, he doesn't have a lot of choices.

So its a good thing I have no expectations and tend to forget about the day. Cause I have no clue what to get him either. We're both kind of boring.

Well--enough of that. Probably depressed half of you. But I had fun today with my grandkids. They didn't want to leave. They're my little valentines. I'll try to see some more of them tomorrow.


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great pics. Wish I were in them.

JTotally forgot it was Valentine's Day. We don't really Celebrate it. I just never got into the habit and never expected much from my first husband which was a good thing because he never did much. My DH has done more but I hate when he spends a lot of money on me when we can't afford it, so he's stopped doing it. He would get me candy and now he can't do that. LOL.

I guess VDay is sort of like manicures and pedicures and getting your hair done. I just can't get into it. I always feel like those things tie me down--like gift shopping and shopping period. And I'm never happy with the results. A lot of money for something that doesn't last more than a day or two. I know I'm really wierd compared to most women.

Now if my husband were to take me out dancing, I could get into that. I really don't want flowers, I don't wear perfume, I can't eat chocolates, I don't want expensive jewelry, and I just throw away cards after a day or two. I really hate salons and beauty days and massages, etc. That's like putting me in prison for the day. If he got some projects done around the house, I'd be ecstatic. Maybe a play or concert or art exibit downtown Chicago. But that's expensive and that tends to ruin it for me. So, poor guy, he doesn't have a lot of choices.


This is how I feel about Valentine's Day. Of course it doesn't help that I got in a wreck and totaled my car last year on VDay!

I have been married for almost 20 years and it took the first 15 to convince my husband that I didn't want gifts. Not for Christmas, my birthday, anniversary or VDay. It bothered me that he would spend a lot of money on stuff I really didn't want or need. If I want or need something, I go buy it. I guess in a way he is a lucky husband. No gift-giving pressure with me! It would be wonderful, however, if he would do the little projects that need to be done, but that isn't going to happen:blush:. He spent his Valentine's Day watching the Daytona 500 and I spent it in bed sick and doing some laundry.

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Up with a sick boy! He has a 101.8 fever- just gave him some Motrin. : ( He has 5-6 bites on his torso, they look like ant bites. He has a terrible reaction to all stings. Even mosquitoes leave a golf ball size welt. They are going down with cortisone cream. No other symptoms, just feeling punky and no appetite. Just hope I don't get this one. We usually pass them around like footballs around here.

I had a pretty darned good Valentine's myself. After we got home DH took some lamb out of the freezer and made the best Syrian Lamb Stew with spices, onion, Tomato sauce, peas & carrots. It was just what I needed on a cold day, and even better that I didn't have to cook. Then we went to bed early~:angry::hurray: since he has to get up at 5 or work. As far as gifts go- I got to go to Orlando to meet all my friends! PRICELESS. And my laptop died and he ordered a new one with a 10 hour battery life! Oh, and I got the coach bag (combine VD, birthday on the 20th, and bandiversary on March 2), and several shirts at Eddie Bauer. I scored. He got a Snoopy stuffed animal dressed in scrubs holding a heart box of chocolates from me and a box of Sponge Bob crabby patties from Nelson! Also got him a new coach wallet that he LOVES. He would get me flowers if I wanted them~ but lately they just make me sneeze more than I already am! No thanks : )

Judy~ Love the review! Hilarious. And that darn guard was asking for it!

JulieB~ So glad you got home safely. Was your coat waiting for you? : ) Your DH sounds like a love. Hug his neck and thank him for sharing you with us!

Janet~ So glad you had an uneventful return flight. Miss you already sister. HUGS.

Karen~ It's too darn cold for a campfire in FL! But will warm up 10 degrees with you in a heart teddy! oooh la la!

Eva~ <said in my best W-alle voice> How is it going in Ft. Meyers? Hope the drive went ok. Did you go main roads this time? ; )

I overheard DH talking to Julie and Eva (I think) thanking them ( & everyone) for being there for me at a time when no one else would understand. He really GETS IT how special this LBT thread is to me. I had never heard him say that, so that was really warming. And I will end on that note. Sweet dreams of love, health and happiness.


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This is how I feel about Valentine's Day. Of course it doesn't help that I got in a wreck and totaled my car last year on VDay!

I have been married for almost 20 years and it took the first 15 to convince my husband that I didn't want gifts. Not for Christmas, my birthday, anniversary or VDay. It bothered me that he would spend a lot of money on stuff I really didn't want or need. If I want or need something, I go buy it. I guess in a way he is a lucky husband. No gift-giving pressure with me! It would be wonderful, however, if he would do the little projects that need to be done, but that isn't going to happen:blush:. He spent his Valentine's Day watching the Daytona 500 and I spent it in bed sick and doing some laundry.

I know what you mean. We have been married 40 years and I do not want flowers or gifts from DH. Now, I did get flowers from one of my sons......that's okay.....he paid for them. My DH put together a corner computer desk I bought on line. It took all day. It looks great, but I will never buy one online again. For 600 bucks I could have gotten a nice desk at a furniture store. This desk must have had a hundred pieces. Anyway, it was a nice Valentine.

Florida travelers, I am glad you had a great time and made it home safely. Looking forward to seeing the pics.

Yuk, weigh in day at bible study. Once again, I don't think I lost....just maintained. Another front moved in last night ....it is 32 outside so exercise bike today with resistance bands. I think I am forming a habit. Yay!

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Crzytchr and Cheri– I feel the same way about gifts. Nothing feels worse than getting an expensive gift that you really didn’t want. However, we took a slightly different approach. We still buy gifts but both my husband and I keep a gift list. When there is something we want, we put it on the gift list. Our gift list is very specific, for instance, there is a camera lens I would like to have so I put all of the info, like brand, model number and approximate cost on the list. I have asked for the two of us to take dancing lessons- well, I guess I went a little too far with that one.:hurray: Dancing has been forever banned from the list.:lol: We have been married for 19 years and this system works well for us.

Peascorps – I hope your little one feels better soon. Your husband sounds a lot like mine; generous, kind hearted and a fabulous cook.

Charlene – I was never an exercise kind of person but I have pushed myself the last couple of months and I think mine is becoming a habit too.:angry: Now, if I could only lose all of my bad habits too.

Jewel – Your updated photo looks great. You must be so proud.

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Hi everyone. More snow here in Indiana...about 7 inches. I got to work this morning, but hardly anyone is here. It's nice, I hope to get a lot done today. I took a mental health day off Friday.

Yum, Laura...Syrian lamb stew...you've got my mouth watering. Sounds like you have such a nice and thoughtful husband.

My latest fill is really working. I've been eating less at meals and not getting hungry for about 4 or 5 hours. I love it when the band is working!

Oh, I had a non scale victory of sorts yesterday. Went shopping at TJ Maxx (looking for smartwool socks) and instead found a pair of size 14 pants that fit! Let me tell you, it's been a WHILE since I fit into 14s. Also got a great red sweater with a deep vee-neck (showing off that cleavage!) for $3.

It's good to have all of you back on the board!

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Okay Laura, Karen & Janet, how do I get to be a sister too? :angry:

Well I must be the oddball, I love when DH gets me something for Valentines! I love flowers!! I went year and years without ever getting that kind of stuff. Think as DD got older she cued him in that mom likes that stuff and lately I get flowers or something. This year beautiful pink roses. And he took me to lunch on Sat at a restaurant up in Loveland that we don't have here for Valentines yet still took me to dinner last night. I loved it all.

DH is off today, not sure what we will do, he's talking about wanting to work around the house. He loves to do little projects around the house so I am lucky that way. I think in the back of his mind he wants to get everything in tip top shape in case we have to put in on the market.

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Good Morning Gang

Went to bed at 8 - hell fell asleep at 7 just got up and went to bed at 8 - up at 6:30 - gym at 10 a.m. and I need it :0)

Lori - You are a sister - every one is !!! And you aren't an odd ball - I like getting presents too.. My xdh was good at that I would get flowers jewelry etc -

Julie - How sweet of DH what a catch you got there...

Laura - give Nels a hug from GM J ;0)... hope the motrin and cream helps - Your DH is great - wish we could have spent more time with him..

Jessica - Congrats on your 3 more lbs !!!

Apple too cold for a teddy but I bet you got warmed up fast ;0)

Deb - Glad your fill is working it's great when our tool works and congrats on the 14's it only gets better...

Sndy love the gift list idea ~~~

Well since I have this new camera - gotta figure out how to upload pics - will be back in a few with pics (i hope)

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My Florida Pic's - Heck in choosing them they are all the same as the other ones already posted ;0) we would all post and have someone take pics with all the camera's - we have to email them to each other ;0)

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Hi guys~

Janet~ WTG on the gym. I told myself tomorrow I am going to get back. (can't today with the little guy). But plan is to do it tomorrow!!! You have to tell everyone that the first two pics are from DFW! LOL.. it looks like they were Orlando! It felt cold enough to snow. All the crooked pics were NOT b/c the photographer was tipsy. (Nelson took most of the group pics before Eva's DH arrived!) I will email mine. J~ did you watch your Survivor episode yet?

Nothing exciting here. Was building a lego car. woohoo! The excitment..LOL. Am making Beef Bourguignon for dinner. We opened a bottle of wine last night and I got a Julia Child type inspiration! Will CBL...L

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Morning girls, I slept so well last night.....it was good to be home...But I slept very well in FL, too..... so this is all good for me.....

Now, settle in, get a cup of somthing good, because I've got lots to say and it might take me awhile (sorry). Hope you won't mind.... So here goes:

ARLENE sorry you are aching and that the pouch test didin't work for you... I have a hard time with it, too.

LAURA K, how is Isaac doing? It's so hard to watch an animal suffer.. Hope things turn for the better soon.

JOYCE, welcome to you... I'm so looking forward to getting to know you.. This is just a wonderful place,as you've probably already figured out.... glad you are here with us...

CHERI, congrats on leaving the Skittles and other sweets alone... Now that you are at goal, it is your new project to learn maintenance and after visiting with Karen and Janet this weekend we know it isn't an easy thing, so good luck to you as you find your way...

JODI, congrats on the clearance from your sleep study and on having a surgery date..... I've got my fingers crossed that someone cancels and you can get this over with early..

CINDY, I think I remember you from somewhter because of your avatar name..... welcome to our little group... Congrats to you on your loss. WTG

PHYLL, so glad you are enjoying your visit with your children and granddchildren.... They are such wonderful life blessings....

DEB, Hope that fill does great things for you.... and ^ pounds gone forever, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SANDY, Onederland and a birthday... How absolutely appropriate to have them on the same day... Congratulations... I'm so happy for you... Welcome to our band of sisters....

MEREDITH, Congrats on the new house.... Your fun is just beginning... Hope this means that once you are moved and a bit more settled you will be back posting with us regularly again.. We miss you...

MELLISSA, How are things going with the vehicle problems? Did you decide to repair or purchase a different one????

LINDA, just what are spring rolls?? are they those little white balls in a chinese restaurant???? I've never tried one... I'm not much for chinese food....... So agree about the counting your blessings idea... I try to do that often, as I have so many and sometimes tend to forget....

LORI, you already are a lapsister....... don't you know.... Just like Apples said..... already know and love you, meeting face to face was just the icing on the cake, so to speak!!!! We'll get there, too, one day soon. I totally understand your vent session... been in those moods myself with everything that seems to come down around my ears some days.. Glad to hear things about DD's wedding are coming together and the event will take place with the pastor's approval.....Now, about shopping.......... I bought a long-sleeped T at Eddie Bauer (never been in that store before cuz I thought it was just for skinning people....) I tried on a couple things at that New York something place that Apples likes, but no go for me... Looked at earrings at your Ann Taylor place... And although I was always the one bringing up the rear I managed to keep up with the girls through the shopping experiece... NO Coach purses for this girls.. Just not my thing... But you would have been proud of me.....

Now, on to the Florida girls:

Judy, I just loved your sense humor, thus my constant giggling.............. and, to defend myself about my ability to fall asleep fast......... I TAKE PAIN AND sleeping PILLS!!!!!!!!!! I stayed awake as long as I possibly could.. So, there!!! You keep up the good work and you'll be back to your goal very soon... And remember what you learned about men from us..... There's one out there...... Let him find you!!!!

Eva, girl, the tamales and Jerky you brought were so wonderful.. I especially loved the tamales and may see if I can have my cousins' wife teach me how to do them... Jeff was so nice, just as I expected... and such a good sport.. I'm going to try that good earth stuff today.. I'll let you know if it is something I can do... Thanks for suggesting it... and for just being you...

Jessica, I'm so proud of you.... Would love to claim you for my daughter like Janet thought...... Your new avatar and signature pictures are wonderful... And your last posts have been so great... I see so much of a change in you in such a little time that has nothing to do with weight.... You are going to be a delight to everyone around you with this new attitude... Good for you and your family....

Janet, You are all I expected and so much more.... honest and sincere just like your posts....it's no wonder you are our fearless leader.... I hope you aren't crying anymore and are just smiling at the remembering..... Thank you so much for not giving up on the trip.... (you, too, Eva!!) and yes I remember about my hope for next year..... and I know you will help me get there....

Laura, what a dear you are... and your little one is so special.... good parenting there!!!! Guys, this little boy has a heart of gold... When he and his daddy were leaving to go to Universal studios while we were off to shop I asked them to get me a gift for Mimi... They did, a stuffed turtle, Squirt, from the Nemo movie... Just perfect for her... But Nelson insisted on it being a gift from him and he got it rather than another gift for himselft... Was that not the most wonderful, thoughtful thing for an almost 6 year old boy to do????? Hug him for me again....... I will be searching for something for him and when I find it expect as package in the mail!! I love your smile..... it is the window to your heart... how special you are....

Karen, It's hard to know what to say to you... If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here and I'm so thankful to you.... This is the 2nd time in my life I have bonded with a group of women that have become friends for life.... the first was wives of soldiers who were in Iraq with DH..... now I have all if you because Apples gave me the courage to stay here when I was feelig so very out of place..... Thank you, dear friend.... Now let's talk a bit about this Valentine "treat" for your DH.... Did he like it???? I'm thinking it didn't take long to get the dog off your lap......WTG............

So, I have been put in charge of getting the personal information about all of us FL girls together so we can be in touch in all the ways other than here..... Some of us exchanged addresses before Christmas for a card exchange, so I'm beginning there... If any of you want in on this e-mail me your mailing address, home phone, cell phone,birthdate and any other info you want shared and then I'll get the completed work out to everyone... FL girls we didn't do birthdates, so you can send them to me, too..... Jessica, I got one phone # but can't remember if it is home or cell.... So, I'll wait to hear from you all about this for a few days and then do my compiling....

I had the most wonderful time... I handled the traveling alone very well... The seat belt fit without an extender, the tray laid down flat on my lap..... I got to all my connections and had no anxiety.. I sat next to people who did not look at me like I was a freak and I met the most amazing 6 women you can imagine.. We shared and shared and laughed and loved each other for exactly who we are.... it was heaven... Next time can only get better as the circle grows bigger and bigger..

So, there is my book..... Sorry to make you read it all at once, but I just needed to make sure you all know how special you are to me...... God, forbid, if I missed someone,,, I didn't mean to at all..... I tried to take notes as I was reading and all.... I hope I got everyone, and if I didn't please speak up so I can aplogize and tell you how important you are to me.....

My Mimi is so glad to have grandma home... We stopped to see her last night and she just screamed and jumped off her chair to me..... Does the heart good to be loved so much.... She is here now and watching Caillou, as ususal..... Today is DH's birthday and I have friends and DD and Mimi coming for supper so I'd better get moving.... I'm making beef stew, salad, and JOHN DEERE cake..... I caught him driving his newly restored John Deere tractor around so that means he got the wiring finished now... This is the 2nd tractor he has restored... the first was my red one.... He has one to go..... Anyway..... Laura, remind me to tell you about John Deere cake...... Hugs and prayers............ I love you all............ Julie

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Hey Gang...sooooooo happy to see all of you that have joined the thread. It is just so nice that you felt comfortable to jump on and share. Some of us have been here for quite some time and I can say I look forward to every post and I am looking forward to hearing more about you. After meet all the girls this weekend, it is clear in my mind why we go to each other for support, encouragement, and friendship. I will state one more time that the only thing that could have made it better is that all that wished to be there, could have made it. I felt the love and I feel it every day here on this thread.

And, yes Janet....I too shed some tears. I tried to be strong during the goodbyes but had to pull my truck off the road into a gas station and get it done with about 2 miles out.

Gotta tell you, Great...almost sent you (by mail) a Coach bag. Janet had left her bag (the bag the Coach store clerk put her purchase in ) by the door. I wanted to fold it up, put it in a manilla envelope and say we all got you a "Coach Bag". But, couldn't be that nasty to you and it was already loaded with some trash. I did not purchase one...no need for one more in my life and had just picked up an Eddie Bauer one I love not too long ago. My big purchase was 3 Eddie Bauer sweaters. I am thinking that we will meet again next fall and maybe I will rent a room out in your area (SD) so we can spend a little more time together this year. Sound good?

OK...apology needed on my part for that comment about my Valentine apparel. Surely did not want to plant horrible visions in all of your brains. Old lady/red teddie....Ewww. And for all of you that asked.....nope....not sharing...LOL.

Julie...what a nice post and thank you. You are one of a kind and so happy for the greeting DH had for you.. You talk often of how special he is. You lucked out with him.

Have to make this short. Have guests coming for dinner and need to run out for a couple of items. Hope you all are having a wonderful day. I have a bit of an upset stomach today. Think from overfilling the pouch a couple of times over the weekend. It will settle down. Eating bland items today (oatmeal, cream of wheat,etc.).

Talk later.

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Gosh now I am sitting here crying again because I didn't make it. Glad it was such a wonderful time. When's the next one??

Janet, the reason a flight could go to Ft Myers and not Orlando was just the luck of the draw and what American chose to cancel. When the weather gets bad airlines have to thin flights, the airports can't handle as many take offs and landings. They try to balance what they cancel and it all depends on what crews they have to fly them and where the airplane is needed next and what will affect ultimately the least (hopefully) number of people, also how much flying time the crews have left before they time out in a day. Hope that makes sense. DH gets calls all the time here at home when the weather is really bad from his operations people in ATL saying he has to thin flights and what would he like to do, etc. Also if they plane got delayed earlier in the day or stranded somewhere it may not have been available for your flight in DFW.

Yeah, I'm sad that I couldn't go, too! Sounds like they had a wonderful time!

Good explanation of how/why the cancel flights. Thanks!

Thank you for the "Welcome". It has been fun reading about the trip. Snow here in K.C. and very cold.

On day 7 of pre-op diet and beginning to wonder, "Am I crazy to do this?" Want an extraordinary life - not an ordinary one. LAP-BAND® will help me achieve the health and body to reach that goal. Joyce

Joyce, Welcome! You are not CRAZY!! You won't be sorry! I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

Review of the weekend:

1. Everyone was a cutie-patootie. Especially Nelson.

2.There was eating. Our surgeons would be proud.

3. A man at the food Court wanted to know how we knew each other. I told him we were former porn stars.

4. Julie can go from awake to dead asleep in 7 seconds.

5. Sharing scars and port placement has made us lapsisters.

6. Shopping was fun. The Florida economy improved this weekend.

7. Laura had to be restrained from running over the airport security guard.

8. How much Crystal Lite can 6 women drink?

9. I even showed Janet my scar from my breast lift. We are now going steady.

10. We missed you and want you to be there next time!!


TOO FUNNY!! Great synopsis in a few words!!

In case you missed it. Jbflorida is the comedian of the lapsisters. She had us laughing so hard.

Lady, that is so sweet of your hubby.

I have missed yall on here the past few days it has been a little slow but hopefully things will get hopping again.

I woke up this morning to a 3 pound loss. I was a bit surprised but enjoying it.

Congrats on the 3 lb! I think I've dropped all my "cruise" gain. Feeling cruddy for the last week has helped somewhat!!

Hello friends,................ haven't read any posts, but just wanted to tell you I'm home safe and sound..... My DH was waiting at the door dressed in his best western suit with his red heart western tie he wore at our wedding, holding a dozen red roses..... What a valentine and welcome home... I was very happy as was he......

I have to check back now to make sure Janet made her flight home and the rest drove safely and all of the rest of you are doing well....... So, I'll be back tomorrow when I can.... and just in case you haven't heard, we had the most wonderful weekend.... wish you all could have been there..... Love and hugs to all......... Julie

So sweet of your DH!! I came back last night to 3 beautiful roses! My daughter got 3 DOZEN yesterday morning! But I'm happy with 3! LOL! No room in the RV for 3 dozen anyway!

Damned cold around the campfire tonight. Had a tough time concentrating on the conversation. Was thinking about the past weekend and my lifetime friends. It went so quickly and thoroughly enjoyed our time together. Only thing better would be? You could all finish that sentence? Yep, to have ALL of you with us.

There was great anticipation on my part about meeting my friends. What I took away from it was...the friends you draw to online are no different to the friends you draw to in person. No surprises with my friends I have known for the last 18 months or so online.

Julie, I and Laura (and my nephew Nelson) were gifted with about 24 extra hours together due to the DFW weather. We had our fingers crossed in hopes that those hours could have been spent with Janet and Eva and Lori also....but it gave us some time to bond. We were lucky enough to visit with sweet Jessica and her VERY patient DH.

This weekend was a very special time and I will carry the memory for a lifetime. Thank you..But, I have to say...I met you all face to face. But, I KNEW you and loved you b/4 I met you. And, I also want to add....even though I did not have the opportunity to meet all of you....I KNEW you and loved you b/4 I met you. You make me smile...

I will catch up with all of you tomorrow. I am going to go put on my sleazy Valentine teddy (yes, Eva...stopped at Beulls Outlet on the way home. Who knew? $10.99. Underwire teddy with hearts). TMI...sorry. Now just gotta peal the dog off of me. He's been pasted to momma from the minute I drove in.

So glad you all had such a wonderful time and so sad I couldn't be with you!

Hi all....just wanted to say....you guys are great. Thanks for all the pics and posts. It was nice to hear and see you all having such a fabulous time together!!! Thanks for allowing those of us not there to be a part of your very special weekend! Have a great week all!

Amen, New York!!

Up with a sick boy! He has a 101.8 fever- just gave him some Motrin. : ( He has 5-6 bites on his torso, they look like ant bites. He has a terrible reaction to all stings. Even mosquitoes leave a golf ball size welt. They are going down with cortisone cream. No other symptoms, just feeling punky and no appetite. Just hope I don't get this one. We usually pass them around like footballs around here.

I had a pretty darned good Valentine's myself. After we got home DH took some lamb out of the freezer and made the best Syrian Lamb Stew with spices, onion, Tomato sauce, peas & carrots. It was just what I needed on a cold day, and even better that I didn't have to cook. Then we went to bed early~:biggrin::wink2: since he has to get up at 5 or work. As far as gifts go- I got to go to Orlando to meet all my friends! PRICELESS. And my laptop died and he ordered a new one with a 10 hour battery life! Oh, and I got the coach bag (combine VD, birthday on the 20th, and bandiversary on March 2), and several shirts at Eddie Bauer. I scored. He got a Snoopy stuffed animal dressed in scrubs holding a heart box of chocolates from me and a box of Sponge Bob crabby patties from Nelson! Also got him a new coach wallet that he LOVES. He would get me flowers if I wanted them~ but lately they just make me sneeze more than I already am! No thanks : )

I overheard DH talking to Julie and Eva (I think) thanking them ( & everyone) for being there for me at a time when no one else would understand. He really GETS IT how special this LBT thread is to me. I had never heard him say that, so that was really warming. And I will end on that note. Sweet dreams of love, health and happiness.


Really enjoying reading everyone's reflections on your weekend together in Florida. So wish I had been there. Hope Nels is feeling better this morning.

Crzytchr and Cheri– I feel the same way about gifts. Nothing feels worse than getting an expensive gift that you really didn’t want. However, we took a slightly different approach. We still buy gifts but both my husband and I keep a gift list. When there is something we want, we put it on the gift list. Our gift list is very specific, for instance, there is a camera lens I would like to have so I put all of the info, like brand, model number and approximate cost on the list. I have asked for the two of us to take dancing lessons- well, I guess I went a little too far with that one.:) Dancing has been forever banned from the list.:frown: We have been married for 19 years and this system works well for us.

That's a good system! I called DH on Saturday from Seattle and asked "permission" to buy a camera I've been wanting because I saw it on sale at Target. I told him I'd use my "mad money" account but didn't want to do it unless he concurred. He told me "fine" and that I should put a red ribbon on it and tell myself "happy Valentine's Day"! So I thanked him for giving me permission to buy my Valentine's gift with MY money!! LOL!

Hi everyone. More snow here in Indiana...about 7 inches. I got to work this morning, but hardly anyone is here. It's nice, I hope to get a lot done today. I took a mental health day off Friday.

Yum, Laura...Syrian lamb stew...you've got my mouth watering. Sounds like you have such a nice and thoughtful husband.

My latest fill is really working. I've been eating less at meals and not getting hungry for about 4 or 5 hours. I love it when the band is working!

Oh, I had a non scale victory of sorts yesterday. Went shopping at TJ Maxx (looking for smartwool socks) and instead found a pair of size 14 pants that fit! Let me tell you, it's been a WHILE since I fit into 14s. Also got a great red sweater with a deep vee-neck (showing off that cleavage!) for $3.

It's good to have all of you back on the board!

We've been in Indiana in heavy snow!! Not fun to drive in!

Congrats on the victories!

My Florida Pic's - Heck in choosing them they are all the same as the other ones already posted ;0) we would all post and have someone take pics with all the camera's - we have to email them to each other ;0)

I am loving ALL the pictures, even the dups!

PHYLL, so glad you are enjoying your visit with your children and granddchildren.... They are such wonderful life blessings....

MEREDITH, Congrats on the new house.... Your fun is just beginning... Hope this means that once you are moved and a bit more settled you will be back posting with us regularly again.. We miss you...

LINDA, just what are spring rolls?? are they those little white balls in a chinese restaurant???? I've never tried one... I'm not much for chinese food....... So agree about the counting your blessings idea... I try to do that often, as I have so many and sometimes tend to forget....

LORI, you already are a lapsister....... don't you know.... Just like Apples said..... already know and love you, meeting face to face was just the icing on the cake, so to speak!!!! We'll get there, too, one day soon. I totally understand your vent session... been in those moods myself with everything that seems to come down around my ears some days.. Glad to hear things about DD's wedding are coming together and the event will take place with the pastor's approval....

Eva, girl, the tamales and Jerky you brought were so wonderful.. I especially loved the tamales and may see if I can have my cousins' wife teach me how to do them...

So, I have been put in charge of getting the personal information about all of us FL girls together so we can be in touch in all the ways other than here..... Some of us exchanged addresses before Christmas for a card exchange, so I'm beginning there... If any of you want in on this e-mail me your mailing address, home phone, cell phone,birthdate and any other info you want shared and then I'll get the completed work out to everyone... So, I'll wait to hear from you all about this for a few days and then do my compiling....

I had the most wonderful time... I handled the traveling alone very well... The seat belt fit without an extender, the tray laid down flat on my lap..... I got to all my connections and had no anxiety.. I sat next to people who did not look at me like I was a freak and I met the most amazing 6 women you can imagine.. We shared and shared and laughed and loved each other for exactly who we are.... it was heaven... Next time can only get better as the circle grows bigger and bigger..

So, there is my book..... Sorry to make you read it all at once, but I just needed to make sure you all know how special you are to me...... God, forbid, if I missed someone,,, I didn't mean to at all..... I tried to take notes as I was reading and all.... I hope I got everyone, and if I didn't please speak up so I can aplogize and tell you how important you are to me...... Hugs and prayers............ I love you all............ Julie

Oh, goodness!! Trying to remember all the things I wanted to respond to!!

I'm back in the desert and NOW maybe I can concentrate on getting over this crud! Ears hurting a little after that flight yesterday! Still achy in my head and neck and still coughing and congested!! YUCK!

Anyway... loved your recap, Julie! Each one of you has almost made me feel like I was there, too.... ALMOST!!

Yes, I did enjoy the visit with my grandchildren.. but probably would have enjoyed it MUCH more if I'd felt better. They are adorable and fun. OH....and I fell in LOVE with DD#1's new puppy!! Oh, my! What a sweetheart! Every time I sat down in the recliner she wanted to be on my lap and snuggle! After washing my face!! She is a tiny little shitzu mix... less than 5 lb and about 5 mos old. Never barks.. unless you forget to say "Good Morning" to her and give her some love when you get up! DD & I took her in the car with us on Thurs.... FIVE hours!! I had Dr. appt, then we ran some errands, out to lunch, etc. She sat quietly in her carrier in the back seat the whole time. Tracy got her out for a potty break once. Every time I thought she was sleeping because she was so quiet, I'd look back and she'd be sitting up looking out the front window! She is just a sweetie and I want one JUST LIKE HER!! Pretty sad when you gush more about your "grandpuppy" than your grandchildren, huh??!! LOL!

Great job on the flying experience, Julie! Ain't it GREAT not to need a seat belt extender??!! I sat in a bulkhead seat yesterday, middle one, too! So I was a little worried that the table wouldn't fit, but NO PROBLEM!! I was delighted.

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This post is for the purpose of sending healing hugs to Phyll and Nelson. Hope the crud subsides soon. Also Pyll...hope I have the pleasure of meeting you someday in the future...happy to hear you had a nice trip and good going on losing your cruise baggage. Hugs and get some rest.

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This post is for the purpose of sending healing hugs to Phyll and Nelson. Hope the crud subsides soon. Also Pyll...hope I have the pleasure of meeting you someday in the future...happy to hear you had a nice trip and good going on losing your cruise baggage. Hugs and get some rest.

Thanks Apples~ All day he has only wanted fluids. Preferring choc milk to apple juice/sprite/gatorade/water. I asked him if his throat was hurting- said no. He was complaining of his teeth hurting- when I went to look with the light- the space between the cheek and gums is one big ulcer/canker sore! Poor thing. No wonder he doesn't want to eat. The good news is this is almost always viral- and short lived.

Phyll~ feel better soon!!!


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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